The most interesting thing in San Paulo. Sao Paulo - the largest city of Brazil

Most big city In South America, São Paulo sits on the Pirathenaging plateau and is surrounded by rivers that go through. Almost from the moment of its foundation in 1554, Sao Paulo became a gate to Certau (Beckkanta in Brazil), and researchers known as bandirans committed expeditions from the city to this region. Today's main highways for domestic cities are still on the routes of bandirans.

Immigrants from all over the world have always been part of Sao Paulo, and you will still see the influence of residents of Portugal, Spain, Germany, Africa, Jews, Arabs and Japanese on his life and culture. For example, there is a whole museum dedicated to Japanese immigration, and the other is the contribution of Africans in Brazil. Perhaps the most difficult thing that can be understood in the city is its size. A good way to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow far he spreads is the observation deck of the 46-storey building Italy on the Avenide of Jipiranga. Many tourist attractions of Sao Paulo are widespread, so you will find in the subway. good way Travel between them.

See also: Where to stay in Sao Paulo

1 Museu de Arte.

Museu De Arte Rodrigo Soldon / Photo Changed

The Museum of Arts São Paulo, known as Masp, was opened only in 1968, but has the most representative and comprehensive collection of Western art in Latin America. You will see the works of impressionists and modern masters - Renuara, Van Gogh, Matisse, Mana, Debre, Picasso, Miro, as well as 73 works of a bronze sculpture of Degas alone. Despite the fact that he returns to the artists of the Renaissance, this is one of the first artistic museums of the continent, which focuses on artists of the mid-20th century, as well as on modern artists in Brazil, including Portinari and Di Cavalkanti. His outstanding collections put it in the league with Tate Modern, Moma and Pompidou Center. The building itself, designed by the Brazilian-Italian architecture of Lina Bardi, is a classic of modernism. The plaza under its suspended structure holds the Sunday market of antiques and frequent concerts.

Address: Avenida Paulista 1578, Sao Paulo

Official website:

2 City Theater (City Theater)

Theater Municipal (City Theater) Alexander Gizrecht / Photo Changed

Architect Ramos de Azevedo modeled the São Paulo Municipal Theater after the Paris Opera, leaning on an eclectic mixture of those Modern and Italian revival. Almost immediately after its completion in 1911, he became the main attraction of the city. This status was strengthened in 1922, when he became a venue for a significant event, which made a revolution in art in Brazil. The artists who had to become icons of Brazilian modernist movement were presented in the week of contemporary art, among which were Emiliano Di Cavalkanti artists, Tarsila to Amaral, Anita Malfatti and Menotti del Picquiya; Composer Hitor Villa Lobos; playwright Mario de Andrad; And sculptor Victor Brescher.

In this theater, world-famous performers, dancers, musicians and performers, including Karl Fracecchi, Rudolph Nuriev, Titt Ruffo, Enrico Caruso, Maria Callas, Arturo Tuscanini, Heitor Villa Lobos and Mikhail Baryshnikov. The building was fully restored to the initial majesty and reopened in 1991. It is located in San Paulo Symphony Orchestra, Coral Lyriko (lyrical choir) and São Paulo city ballet.

Address: Praça Ramos de Azevedo, Sao Paulo


Parque Do Ibirapara (IbiPaera Park)

IbiraPuera Park was laid by Landscape Architect Roberto Burle Marx, with buildings developed by Oscar Niemeer. A huge green space with its monuments, museums, playgrounds, gardens, trails, lakes and office premises is a paradise for the rest of the residents of São Paulo, as well as a showcase of modern architecture and culture. In commemoration of pioneers from Sao Paulo, which opened the interior of Brazil, Monument to banner This is the magnificent work of the Brazilian sculptor Victor Breschatta with impressive heroic figures. Obelisk recalls those who died in 1932 in the struggle for the new constitution.

IBIRAPUERA audience, an ultra-modern music hall, designed by Oscar Nimeier, is considered one of the best concert sites of São Paulo. MUSEU DA AERONÁUTICA E DO FOLCLORE, Museum of Aeronautics and Folk Art, demonstrates aircraft model and flight equipment on the first floor, and almost 20,000 exhibits dedicated to folk art and traditions from all over Brazil fill the remaining floors. Big MUSEU AFRO-BRASIL Celebrates the contribution of Afro-Brazilians and their social and cultural history.

Address: Avenida Pedro Alvarez Cabral, Sao Paulo

Official website:

4 Museum of Contemporary Art (Museu De Arte Contemporânea)

Museu De Arte Contemporânea (Museum of Contemporary Art) Dennis Ramos / Photo Changed

Inside Parque Ibirapara, Pavilo-da Bienal de ArtesDesigned by Oscar Siemeer and completed in 1957, there is a magnificent museum of modern art, as well as special exhibitions and shows. More than 8,000 exhibits of the museum are a wide range of art schools: from Picasso, Modigliani and Leaway to the leading Brazilian artists Tarsila to Amarala, Anita Malfatti, Portori and Di Kawalkanti. The largest collections of the 20th century collections in Latin America are also presented in the Museum Works Mark Chagal, Vasily Kandinsky and Joan Miro. The garden of sculptures was designed by Roberto Burle Marx and displays 30 big work in the outdoor room.

Address: Gate 3, Park Ibibupur, Sao Paulo

Official website: /


Parque Da IndependàNcia and Museu Paulista

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ipiranga in São Paulo, the flow passed, next to which Brazilian Independence Prince Pedro is proclaimed, Independence Park celebrates this event of 1822. It overlooks the formal gardens of roses, the upper floors and fountains, inspired by those who are in Versaille, is the Powlist Museum, more famous for Museu Do Ipiranga. His Italian architect Tommaso Gaudenzio Betztsi created an eclectic design, made according to the model of Italian neoclassicism, resembling the Renaissance Age Palaces. Inside there are large collections of costumes, decorative art, paintings and furniture of the imperial period.

Address: Parque Da Independência, Jipiranga, Sao Paulo

6 Sé (Cathedral)

Sé (Cathedral)

The neo-eating cathedral was built on the site of an earlier Cathedral and from 1913 to 1967 was completed. His building was interrupted by the two world wars, which was difficult to get a mosaic and other decorative elements from Italy. He was consecrated in 1954, in the 400th anniversary of the founding of Sao Paulo. The facade is the statues of the Old Testament Prophets and the disciples of Christ. Although the rest of the church is neoadic, it is crowned with a dome in the style of the Renaissance. In the interior there are several interesting features, including the 10,000-pipe organ and stained glass windows depicting the history of Catholicism in Brazil. Be sure to pay attention to the capitals on the columns cut to represent the Brazilian flora (branches of coffee and pineapple) and fauna, including armor. You can view the crypt under the main church to see marble sculptures and tombs. Cathedral is B. historical center Sao Paulo and is good place to start pedestrian tour According to the old town.

Address: Praça Da Sé, Sao Paulo

7 Pátio do Colégio.

Pátio do Colégio.

Square, known as Pátio do Colégio, directly north of Praça Da Sé and Cathedral, is the original São Paulo core. Here Manuel de Nobrore and José de Anhute founded the college of the Jesus Society, the residence and the Center for the Study of Jesuits, and here, on January 25, 1554, the first Mass was noted in the settlement. Attractive area is now occupied by the historical museum, the museum of sacred art and the drone de Anchute. All that remained from the building of the 16th century is the doors and a wall of the clay wall. In the gardens of the museum there is a pleasant cafe.

8 De San Bento (Monastery Benedictine)

Mosteiro de San Bento (Benedictine Monastery) Diego Torres Silvestre / Photo Changed

The Benedictine monastery and his church were founded at the end of the 16th century, but the current church is dated only from 1910 to 22 years. Do not devalue it in its modern origin or its rather severe appearance, since the interior is richly painted and includes the statues of St. Benedict and St. Scholastics of the XVII century, carved agostino de Jesus. Many other famous Benedictine artists contributed to the decoration of the monastery. Some impressive stained glass windows are also noticeable, the image of the Virgin in a bathrobe with pearls and a crucifix, dated 1777. This is an active fraternity, and the monks accompany the Morning Mass Grigorian chants. Stay at the monastery store to buy cakes, bread and chocolate made by brothers.

Address: Largo de San Benta, Sao Paulo


Pinacoteca Do Estado (São Paulo Art Gallery)

This museum is the oldest in São Paulo, open in 1905 to demonstrate the works of Brazilian artists. His 10,000 works of art include drawings, paintings and sculpture from the 1800s to the present. Located in a renovated building of Lisew de Artes de Ocake, the architecture itself is a reason for visiting. The part of the collection is in second place of the museum in Pinea Estasho, where visitors will find the São Paulo resistance memorial, an extensive library of historical documents related to Brazil's political struggle, and many more examples of Brazilian art.

Address: Praça Da Luz, 2, São Paulo

10 Senior nosa yes Luz

Senior nosa yes Luz

On Avenide, Tiradatenes, which is south of the Park da Luza, are the monastery and the church of Noss-Senor-da-Luz, typical samples of traditional architecture São Paulo: despite their rather recent age - they were built in the 18th century - they are fully built from clay. The Museum of Spiritual Art, which contains a large collection of about 11,000 items, including statues, paintings, altars and furniture of the XVI-XIX centuries, is collected. Also on Praça Tiradentes is Pinacoteca Do Estado, the State Art Gallery, the most old Museum In Sao Paulo. It contains about 2500 paintings, drawings and prints, mostly Brazilian artists.

Address: Praça Da Luz, São Paulo

11 Largo de San Francisco

To the west of the Cathedral and Pátio do Colégio, Largo de San Francisco - Street in the city center, named after the monastery complex, which stands in front of him. Church of San Francisco de Assis, Church of St. Francis, was built in 1644 and is one of the oldest preserved churches of the city. Its interior is undoubtedly based on Portugal at that time, with cheerful, air feeling and abundant gold. He was restored after the fire in 1870 and most recently. Not so neighboring Church of the Teresaira de San Francisco, the third (simple) Franciscian Order, built from 1676 to 1791 and so seriously showing his age that it is closed for visitors. The third building in the complex, the Franciscan monastery, was employed since 1828 by the Law Faculty of the University of Sao Paulo. The surroundings are slightly escape and not a place to visit at night.

Address: Rua Borges Lagoa, Sao Paulo

12 Avenida Paulista

Gazeta Building on Paulist Avenue

Avenida Paulista is the São Paulo Center, full of entertainment and favorite place For both tourists and locals. This is an ideal place for people observing one of the numerous cafes-trolleybuses. This area is home to many shops, theaters, galleries and museums, including São Paulo Museum (MASP). There are also several adjacent parks, such as Parque Trianon, which provides a thick oasis with foliage right in the city center. In this main prospectus there are numerous festivals and celebrations throughout the year, often closing to move to become a pedestrian center.

Where to stay in Sao Paulo for sightseeing

In contrast to many large citiesWhere most of the main attractions are grouped near the historic Old Town, Sao Paulo are common throughout the city. Fortunately for tourists, a good metro system makes it easy to get to all attractions. It is best to choose a location in the Powlista area, near the Museum of Arts São Paulo or south of him, next to the Chief of Ibizaripaera, where several other attractions are located. Here are some high Rated Hotels In this area of \u200b\u200bSao Paulo:

  • Luxury hotels: Several popular hotels in Powlista are surrounded by São Paulo Museum, near restaurants and shops. Hotel Renaissance Sao Paulo has a swimming pool and beautiful views of the city from the upper floors. InterContinental Sao Paulo has a large fitness center and pool. Some rooms have balconies. On the outskirts of Paulista, a few blocks from the Ibi Park, Marriott Executive Apartments also has several good restaurants within walking distance.
  • Mid-Range Hotels inRoyal Jardins Hotel is located close to Triconon Metro Station and Museum of Arts, close to public gardens. Spacious rooms and a complimentary breakfast make popular popular Golden Tulip. Belas Artes. Mercure Sp Ginasio Ibirapara is just a few minutes' walk from IIBIPAER Park and His Museums.
  • Cheap hotels: Despite the fact that in the heart of the lively shopping and restaurant quarter Paulista, the rooms are located in quiet place On Ibis Paulista. Melia Paulista is located directly opposite the Tranon Metro Station, and the airport bus stop is in a quarter. In addition, next to the artistic museum, shopping center And the restaurant Tryp Paulista has a sauna, a gym and a small pool.

Tips and tours: how to make most of your visit to São Paulo

  • Excursions in attractions: Visitors can see many of the main tourist attractions of a three-hour city excursion for Sao Paulo, which begins with P Football stadium Akahambuand includes excursions to several significant areas. Highlights include Museu De Arte (MASP) in the village of Paulista and in City Theater. as well as Pátio do Colégio. In the center of Sao Paulo. Tour also visits Sé Square.and his historical cathedral, as well as several public areas and historical monuments, including stunning Park Ibibupaera.

Map São Paulo (city) - Attractions

Bright and noisy multimillion São Paulo, filled with exotic smells, grew up on a plateau among dense rainforest. Megapolis, who received the nickname "South American Chicago," admires both picturesque nature and architectural heritage. Important business I. cultural Center Latin America Even sophisticated travelers puts diversity of attractions in a deadlock.

São Paulo, which is the capital of the state of the same name, will open with resting completely different Brazil. A pronounced business reputation of a megapolis does not mean that tourists will be uninteresting here.

Some facts about the city

The largest settlement of South American mainland is a green oasis, in which life even boils the night. Coloring Sao Paulo in Brazil, located at 760 meters above sea level, impress modern CityAlthough it appeared more than 450 years ago. Lying on a high plateau in the Valley of the Tiete River, which is part of the Serral Du-Mar mining system, it crosses the Capricorn tropic - one of the main parallels, which is noted on the earth maps.

In the main industrial center of the country, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b1500 km 2, there are approximately 12 million people.

River, turning into a wastewater

There are no natural reservoirs, but in the city there are two reservoirs used to produce electricity and preserve fresh water. Now Tiet, clamped into concrete shores, turned into a lifeless ditch, where for many years industrial enterprises have merged. The townspeople even call it a black spot on the reputation of the beloved city. To this day, there is no problem of stormwater, which carry garbage directly into the water artery, bypassing the sewage facilities, is the so-called diffuse pollution of the river.

History of the cultural and industrial center

Coloring Sao Paulo (Brazil) was laid in 1554 by Jesuit Missionaries, who wanted to pay the local population in the Catholic faith. But only after a half century, he received the status of the city.

In the XIX century, the locality begins to grow rapidly. Local planters are engaged in cotton breeding, but only after the plantations were sown coffee, there is a noticeable economic growth. Immigrants from European countries attracted to the rapid earnings are drawn here. Megapolis is recognized as the largest coffee maker in the world. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, due to the economic crisis, income from the supply of grains of tropical plants decreases, and entrepreneurs, so-called coffee barons, invest their capital in the development of industrial industries of the region.

Currently, São Paulo in Brazil is considered the most important and rich city in the country of great interest in foreign entrepreneurs.

Climate and weather

On the territory of the Industrial Center of the country, the nunted "city of the frosting rain", the wet subtropical climate is owned, which provides a comfortable temperature.

Weather in São Paulo (Brazil) will not disappoint tourists. average temperature In the summer, which lasts from December to February, is 35 o C, and in winter (period from June to August) - 18 o S.

Mixing crops, style and customs

There are no kilometer beaches, but a wonderful place having an amazing atmosphere, pleases the unusual mixing of styles and cultures. The most multi-line city of the world in which representatives of more than 100 ethnic groups live, causes delight among travelers. It is distinguished by the colossal mixing of races and peoples, religions and customs. In the multinational city of São Paulo (Brazil), you can visit several quarters in which the immigrants from different countries: Italian, Arabic and Japanese.

Each peoples brought a part of its culture into a colorful appearance, and ethnic distround is a distinctive feature of São Paulo.

City of contrasts

This is indeed a city of contrasts: respectable quarters with modern skyscrapers look strangely against the background of begging slums, where crime flourishes. When immigrants began to come here to earn money, it turned out that there were not enough housing, and the Fales had grown around Sao Paulo (Brazil) - chaotic samostroy, enjoying bad glory. Despite this, slums are the same part of urban culture, as well as the main attractions of the metropolis.

However, the police are working to ensure that the mini-state living according to its laws and rules has become safe for tourists who want to see the opposite side of the life of the Brazilian pearl.

Megapolis with rich past

The characteristic landscape of the megapolis is a cluster of concrete and glass of height, endless car traffic jams and saturated paints of the city. At first glance, at first glance, it seems that the unofficial capital of Brazil Sao Paulo consists only of skyscrapers, which makes it similar to Chicago in the times of the Great Depression. However, this impression is very deceptive, and the lively megalopolis boasts unusual attractions that reflect his historical past. The neighborhood of modern and old buildings looks very colorful, and the similar combination of styles can not be called alaepy.

Avenida Paulista - City Business Card

There is everything you need for a memorable recreation. Walking According to the capital of the same name, it will be better to get acquainted with amazing monuments, which are a real decoration of the metropolis. It is worth considering that time in São Paulo (Brazil) runs unnoticed, and he is constantly lacking.

The most popular street is Paulist Avenue - a business card and an important highway of the city. Wide transport artery almost three kilometers long binds the most popular tourist areas. Street that appeared after expansion settlement at the end of the XIX century, local residents According to the significance, it is fairly compared with the Champs Elysees in Paris, although today it looks more like Wall Street New York.

The territory along the avenue quickly turned into the São Paulo business center. The street is incredibly popular not only among businessmen, but also tourists, enthusiastically looking at interesting sights.

Art Museum

Here is the art museum. The building literally hanging in the air causes surprise of visitors. The construction of 10 thousand m 2, made in the style of brutalism, relies on four purple columns. The unique monument of Brazilian architecture, open to a visit in 1967, is famous for the invaluable art gallery, where about eight thousand exhibits are collected.

Tropical forest in the heart of Sao Paulo

Along the prospectus, opposite the museum, there is a green oasis - the Park Tranon, which has arisen on the place of dense forest. The decorated in the style of European romanticism is attracted by holidaymakers, many of which are first seen tropical thickets. A quiet corner, where birds sing and murmur fountains, typing peaceful thoughts and gives positive emotions to adults and children.

Chief Catholic Cathedral

Religious attractions of São Paulo (Brazil) are of great interest among tourists. The main Catholic Cathedral appeared in 1616, when the city was still a small settlement. It was rebuilt several times, and at the beginning of the last century the building was completely destroyed. The famous German architect Hegeble engaged in the development of the project together with the head of the temple. The modern neo-style cathedral took parishioners in 1954.

There is also an underground church with Crypt, where the tombs of urban archbishops are located.

Cultural capital

Many tourists who visited São Paulo (Brazil), whose photo of which causes a desire to be as soon as possible, admit that this is the real open-air museum. Treasury, keeping dozens of amazing monuments, not in vain recognized cultural capital country. It is famous for the huge number of thematic museums that best visit weekdays to avoid long queues.

The oldest museum of the state, the exhibits of which will allow to trace the entire history of the development and development of the country, opened in the 70s of the last century. Sergipe (sergipe) is famous for the collections of invaluable works, giving the opportunity to learn more about Brazil.

The Powlista Museum (Jipiranga) serves as a reminder of an important event, when the country proclaimed himself an independent state.

It is impossible to bypass the unique football museum, whose building is the old Arena. Interactive screens, numerous photos, football attributes - There is everything that will postpone the fans from different countries. In addition, each visitor appears a unique opportunity to score a virtual goal.

Colorful february carnival

The main event in the city is the annual carnival - the same spectacular as in Rio de Janeiro. It takes place 40 days before Easter, in February, at the height of Brazilian summer, as an act of farewell to all earthly pleasures on the eve of the post. And most tourists hurry here at this time. Now in Sao Paulo (Brazil) there is a preparation for a large-scale event, which will begin on February 10 and will continue 4 days and nights. This is a great rehearse procession where the best students of dance schools of Samba take part. Each action is thought out to the smallest details, music and choreography are prepared, colorful suits are sewn, and the jury will evaluate numerous teams.

Every year, two million people take part in the merry carnival. The procession is completed by the champions parade, which, according to the results of the event, receive good cash prizes.

Favorite sport

A huge state in South America is the most football country in the world, and the sport is its important sphere of life. Only here they are sick for the favorite titled teams with whole families, and popular players share their skill, driving around the distant corners of Brazil.

Football in São Paulo is the most favorite sport, and the strongest clubs "Corintians" and Palmayras received fame far beyond the native city. In 1902, it was here that the first football competitions were held for the title of champion. Campeonato Paulista is a prestigious championship among all the states of the country. And now Paulista provides support for mass football and is responsible for the birth of new talents in Sao Paulo.

Brazil's Cup

In the annual official competition that appeared in 1959, professional football clubs of the country are involved. And after 30 years, it was decided to revive the tournament with a new format.

Brazilians give the championship in which dozens of teams are involved, great importance. This is a very important competition, and his winner receives a ticket in the drawing of Copa Libertadores - a football tournament among best clubs countries South America.

Stadium Pacaembu.

Sports fans are sure to visit the stadium "Pakaemba", in which a museum dedicated to the history of football in Brazil opened ten years ago. Until the end of the 60s, the national team was played in the arena, and later in the City Cup, matches were held between the most famous teams. In addition, there were musical concerts and festivals with the participation of famous rock bands.

Russian tourists Will be visited by charming Sao Paulo (Brazil), which are forced to quit everything and be sure to get acquainted with the colorful megapolis, without losing time on hiking to the consulate. Now the Russians are allowed to enter the country even without a visa for a period not exceeding 90 days.

The tourist sphere is one of the main income articles of the city whose authorities care about its development. Every year new hotels opened, scenic parks are broken, colorful festivals and carnival are held.

São Paulo - Brazilian metropolis with a multimylion population. It is considered the cultural capital of Brazil, so the question of what to see in Sao Paulo can put a variety of options in a deadlock.

As always, it is better to start with central Squarewhich can tell a lot about the past of the city. In Sao Paulo, it is Prasa daa, from where a pawlist prospectus can be moved to the overview of the rest of the attractions. And there are a lot of them in the city, and for every taste: the Park of Ibizaripaera, Libardadi district, the cathedral in the old center, a variety of museums, exhibition galleries, monuments of architecture and art.

The Art Museum of São Paulo begins to surprise at the approach to him: at first it is difficult to believe that the rectangular romance of the building area under 10,000 m2 hangs in almost the air, leaning only on four red columns in the corners. The outstanding monument of the Brazilian architecture of the last century is made in the style of brutalism, this is explained by his so unusual appearance and color solutions.

Avenida Paulista, or, as the inhabitants of São Paulo are often called, Paulista Avenue - a city business card and his main highway, surroundings along which are the focus of the Brazilian economic miracle. It is a wide 85-meter transport artery with a length of 2.8 km, connecting the most significant travel and business areas of the Secondary importance of the Brazilian metropolis.

Portuguese - the eighth in the world in terms of the number of carriers, and there are almost 200 million in all parts of the world, except for Australia and Antarctica. The only Museum of Portuguese, which is surprising, is not located in Portugal itself, but in Brazil - the largest portuguese country.

From a bird's eye view, he resembles a giant flag waving in the midst of the largest city of the Southern Hemisphere, which is among the top ten largest agglomerations of the world, - Sao Paulo. The flag of this is a residential building of EDIFício Copan, built by the famous architect, EDIFício Copan or just Copan.

The main attraction of the largest Brazilian city of Sao Paulo is the Powlista Museum (Paulista translates as "resident of São Paulo"). His uniqueness is that he became the first museum created to commemorate a major historical event - the acquisition of Brazil independence - and to preserve memory about this for future generations.

The Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Church in Brazilian Sao Paulo has a long history. It all started in the XVI century, when Sao Paulo was still a small village, and Brazil was a colony. The main church of the country began to be built in 1589, and construction was completed in 1616. Over time, the church became the center of the diocese, and the Department of Bishop was located in it.

In 1965, one of the highest skyscrapers in Brazil was built in honor of the Motiony Army of Italian Immigrants - "The Building of Italy". This grandiose building was erected according to the project of the German architect Franz Hip, its height is 168 meters, which is only 2 meters below the highest Brazilian building of Mirant-do Vali. The construction was carried out from 1960 to 1965, and as a result, the city received a 46-storey office skyscraper with a useful area of \u200b\u200bover 50,000 m2.

The Brazilian city of São Paulo is the largest in the southern hemisphere and is among the top ten largest agglomerations of the world. For almost half a senseless history, the style of its development changed many times, and he has no one architectural look. Therefore, when building a regular skyscraper, no one usually worries about whether he will fit or not in the architectural ensemble.

The Brazilian city of São Paulo rests on the plateau, which is part of the Serral Du-Mar mining system located in the south-east of Brazil. This mining system itself, in turn, is part of the extensive geological region "Brazilian Plateau", which occupies almost half the territory of the country. Seismic activity is extremely low, so no seismic problems are observed.

On the territory of the University of Sao Paulo there is a world-famous Institute of Buttant. It is a major biomedical research center and directly submits the San Paulo Health Secretariat. The foundator of the institute in 1901 became the Brazilian therapist and researcher Vitaly Brasil.

In Sao Paulo there is an abundance of attractions to get around them will need not one day. Get acquainted with the history and culture of megapolis, countries, South America, by visiting numerous museums. Historical, ethnographic, artistic, zoological exhibitions will surprise tourists with completeness and variety of exhibits. Park zones among skyscrapers - resting places of citizens and tourists from human water and automotive traffic jams.

Sao Paulo rose from a small village to the financial center of the country thanks to the geographical position. In the XVII-XVIII century, he became a central inner in the export-import links of Brazil. Coffee business brought more large dividends to planters.

The influx of the population and the growth of the city began at the end of the XIX century. For migrants from Europe and Asia San Paulo became the second homeland. The overwhelming part of the population is the people of white race, of which a quarter is the Italians. The most numerous diaspora of the Japanese settled here.

Cultural traditions, the historic heritage was awakened in one wonderful kaleidoscope, becoming the basis for creating unique attractions.

Main attractions

What to see first? Expositions will get acquainted with the artifacts of past centuries, originality of the animal and vegetable world, with cumiors of sanpaultsers. Churches and theaters with the spiritual basis of society.

The architectural and historical attraction is located around the perimeter of two squares, covers an area of \u200b\u200b84.5 thousand square meters. The memorial housed:

  • art exhibition;
  • library;
  • research Center;
  • concert;
  • conference halls.

Works of art and products of folk crafts are exhibited in the gallery and outdoor sites. The library foundation contains 30.0 thousand printed units, music audio recordings.

Zoological Museum of University

The museum complex takes 70 hectares. Thematic expositions introduce me to Flora and Fauna Brazil. The building has a specialized library with a foundation in 74 thousand media.

The natural zone is designed for reptiles and dangerous insects. The Biomedical Institute supports a collection of 54 thousand individuals, the bulk of which is brought from Amazonian jungle. Here are engaged in the study and manufacture of drugs, cosmetics based on the serpentine poison.

In addition to snakes, visitors can see:

  • scorpions;
  • turtles;
  • spiders;
  • lizards.

The reserve created conditions for family holiday Outdoors.

Museum of Paulista

Ipiring is the second name of the largest and most significant museum of Brazil. The historical landmark was opened in 1895, in honor of the acquisition of freedom from Spanish colonialists. At exhibition stands and in the stores there are 100 thousand ethnographic, historical, artistic instances. When exposed, there is a library where books are collected, brazil history magazines.

In the state near the town of Botas, there is a natural phenomenon - singing sand. Sand from the bottom of the lake after friction begins to make melodic sounds.

One of the attractions of São Paulo is a museum under Polo Marado Stadium. You can visit it on any day, except Monday, and when matches are held. Paid entrance.

The exposition consists of 3 parts:

  • attributes of fans;
  • information on famous footballers (Pele, Ronaldo and others);
  • brazilian football stories.

The presented video materials demonstrate episodes of matches, interviews of coaches and football players. At the end of the excursion, visitors can play virtual football in the entertainment hall.

Sightseeing São Paulo is the largest religious structure, one of the largest Catholic buildings in the world. The height of church domes is 111 meters, the capacity of the temple is 8000 people.

The entrance is paid, open daily. The location of the Cathedral is the city center.

Municipal Theater, the similarity of the Paris Grand Opera, the Cultural Center of the City, Brazil and South America. The construction of the architectural masterpiece took over 20 years. Luxury facade competes with the wealth of interior decoration.

The building is provided for vocal-choreographic art, dramatic performances, concerts of classical music. Tourists have the opportunity to visit theater with an excursion from 10 to 19 hours on weekdays, from 10 to 17.00 - on weekends. Paid entrance.

On the outskirts there is a parking area where thousands of colors and dozens of strawberry varieties are grown.

The best time to visit the Square is the beginning of October - a period of flowering and fragrance. Tourists are popular with strawberry and berry juice.

When it is better to visit for inspection

The most favorable months for excursions - Spring, which comes in Brazil in September-November.

Holidays worth a visit

Every year in February, Sambando dance carnival is held in the city. Every year it is becoming increasingly popular, attracting thousands of tourists with a large-scale, enchanting spectacle.

The attraction of the city became peculiar holidays, held only here: Pizza Day and Festival japanese culture.

What to look for 1 day

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe city in a short time, you need to see the main thing than the megapolis lives:

  • Central market;
  • icyPaeer Park.

In the remaining time you can visit museums, walk along the central street.

Where to go with children

There is no Disneyland, water parks in the polis. Interesting for children will be visited by zoos, Entertainment Park Cidade Da Crianca.

How to move around the city

Bus routes cover all areas of the city. The metro has 5 lines. In addition, a taxi, trolley buses, helicopters.

Rules of behavior of tourists

In the metropolis, a high level of crime, which must be remembered and not to take walks in Favelch.

How to get

Related to Europe direct flights and with a transfer to Rio de Janeiro.

The most logical and easy way to get to São Paulo is a plane.

With a very big desire, you can also get to cruise liner To the port of Santos, which is 2 hours from the city.

From Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguays walk buses, although the path will take a lot of time.


From Russia there are two main ways:

  • With a change in Europe Thanks to all, it is advantageous KLM., Airfrance. or Tap. If the transplantation is not very long, it is the fastest flight.
  • Second option to fly through the Middle East with Emirates. or Etihad.; The price is most often most of all a couple of thousand, but the level of comfort is much higher. To search for yourself the best offer can be, for example, here.


international Airport Guarulus / Aeroporto Internacional De São Paulo / Guarulho

Main Airport cities. Also is the transportation unit of Latin America. It is here that all transatlantic flights arrive. Located 25 km from San Paulo, in Guarululus.

How to get:

  • Urban bus
    Once every 15 minutes before Tatuapé station, ordinary city bus number 257 is sent. The trip may not be the most comfortable in your life, especially with the luggage. Ticket price: 1.6 USD or 5.5 Real (BRL). Time on the way: at least 30 minutes, heavily depends on traffic.
  • Shhatl
    Large comfortable buses will take you to both any major station and center. The schedule can be viewed on the website of Airport Bus Service providing these services. Ticket price: from 14 USD (45 BRL).
  • Free Shuttle to Cogonyas National Airport
    This is a small lifik for lovers save. Sit down to the free shuttle between the airports, and from Kogonyas is easily accessible to the subway.

Congonias Airport / Aeroporto De Congonhas

National Airport of the city. Basically takes internal flights. It is most likely to get from. Also, Most flights of the airline Latam, Gol and Azul, for example, to Argentina, and Bolivia.

Airport is located within the city of Campo Belo. A very impressive sight is landing the aircraft in the very center of the city, right above the roofs of a huge metropolis.

How to get

  • Bus
    São Judas metro station walks city buses, travel time is about 10 minutes.
  • Taxi / Uber.
    Because of the location of the airport, only 7 km from the city center, a taxi can do quite inexpensively.


São Paulo - time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 6.

Kazan 6.

Samara 7.

Ekaterinburg 8.

Novosibirsk 10.

Vladivostok 13.

When the season. When it is better to go

Powlistas (So the inhabitants of San Paulo) are a joke: leaving the street, take with you an umbrella, bikini and sweater. Weather here all year round is unpredictable and changing every hour! I have long ceased to believe the applications and learned how to dress a multi-layer (or underwent).

High season: November - March.

São Paulo in the summer

The season superstar stands from November to March. This is an opportunity to feel and understand the true Brazil. The temperature is rarely lowered below + 28-30 ° C, the sun burns mercilessly, and sometimes sometimes happens at night. Frequent strong thunderstorms help survive.

In such a huge city, this season is not for the faint of heart: hot asphalt, in transport it is hard to breathe (or on the contrary, air conditioning is mercilessly), only desperately walking in the afternoon. But the star warm nights are the time of the best parties and carnival!

Brazilians adore this weather and feel great. Whether it will be comfortable, depends on the health and love of the Sun, but the time for actimization is necessary to lay and do not forget the protective cream!

Sao Paulo in the fall

Autumn in this city is the time of unpredictable weather. Today is +28 ° C, tomorrow is +15 ° C, at night, shower, the day is a strong wind and suddenly again heat.

São Paulo Spring

Spring officially begins on October 1. A striking beauty trees blooming around the city: bright purple, gentle pink, yellow and red.

But the weather is still capricious. Temperature in the spring is slow, but correctly rises every day from winter +15 ° C to more familiar +26 ° C.

São Paulo in winter

In winter, Sao Paulo is tightened with gray clouds, and rains begin with a strong wind. The city focuses, immersed in work and study. And in summer homes without heating it becomes cold and uncomfortable.

The average temperature in winter: + 12-18 ° C.

São Paulo - weather by months


São Paulo - weather by months

Areas. Where better live

I am still surprised, discovering a new area: you get like in another city. São Paulo spirit in his contrast. Vintage villas, boring skyscrapers, favers, high-rise buildings or charming houses on the slopes of steep hills. Choosing in Sampa district, as if you choose the mood, the impression that the city will give you.

What are the prices for rest

Sampa is unpleasant dear city. To relax here, you will have to upset:

  • the average price of an apartment is about 30 USD / night (100 BRL);
  • hostels from 12 USD (40 BRL);
  • dinner for two in a good restaurant - 45 USD (150 BRL);
  • wafe in Padaria - 1.3 USD (4 BRL);
  • snack on the street - 6 USD (20 BRL);
  • taxi - 1.5 USD / km (5 BRL).

How to save?

  • Choose a predetermined restaurant via the Internet, if you just go from the street, most likely get in very expensive place.
  • Buy on the market fruits and vegetables and cook at home (or at least snack this yummy). Very cheap and tasty.
  • Always check the score, here you like to randomly add a couple of points.

In general, this is not Rio to you - it is not customary to save, it is customary to work more.


The cost of food, accommodation, transport and other things

Currency: Euro, € Dollar USA, $ Russian ruble, Rub Brazilian Real, R $

Main attractions. What to see

Sao Paulo is not rich in classic tourist entertainment. Having moved here from Europe, I was first notable to upset - the usual and understandable entertainment in the form of ancient castles, monuments, legendary places and crucible areas is not at all. My inner tourist was confused, looking at these endless gray high-rise buildings, corks, fussy white collar, homeless tents in the center and proceitable accounts in restaurants. But one day changed everything. On Friday morning, I went on an excursion for the best graffiti São Paulo, and in the evening across the bars and clubs. Suddenly everyone exploded with paints and impressions!

It was then that the true, insane beauty of this city began to open: With the best museums in the world, there are no similar Brazilian art, with office workers, dancing on Saturdays Samba, the best artists of graffiti, dark-skinned beauties, sunbathing topless on weekends right on the asphalt overlapped Paulista Avenida , unique designer showrooms and exciting architecture of amazing Oscar Nimeier.

Top 5.

But of course, Sampa is not so hopeless for tourism, as it seems at first glance. I will share my favorite sights with you.

Lovers of classics stands also to visit the elegant City Theater (Teatro Municipal de São Paulo), and architecture fans will definitely appreciate Memorial Latin America and skyscraper Architect Franz Hip.

Beaches. What better

Sao Paulo is located 2.5 hours away on a comfortable bus from the ocean. I often go to buy on the weekend on the coast.

The nearest beach is located in the city - Santos. (At the same time you can look into a great museum of coffee). Favorite personally, I am in the resort town of Guarujá, this is an amazing beach Tombo.Blue flag owner. And if you want a real Brazilian beach atmosphere and adventures, make contractions of familiar local surfers to take you to ITamambuca..

Churches and temples. What are you worth a visit

First of all, it is worth paying attention to:

Museums. What are you worth a visit


Parque Do Ibirapara.

Beautiful blooming in the lake in the lake, it loves to run and arrange picnics. This is the most important and most famous Park cities.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Amazing Building of the famous architect Oscar Nimiera + Skater Park under the roof + Dancing fountains + crafted beer \u003d guaranteed good day in the park.

Praça Do Por Sol

A wonderful place on the top of the hill, where it is customary to meet sunsets and dawns. Praça Do Por Sol is translated into Russian: "Square Square".

Very Tusovaya and romantic place where the city extends under your legs. I love to come here in the evening with friends, guitar, fruit basket and wine. By the way, in San Paulo sunsets of incredible beauty and paints! We often expect evenings as a new episode of the series, what will surprise me today.

Tourist streets


Graffit-Rua Gonçalo Afonso on Vila Madalena, more famous for Beco Do Batman (Batman Street), Surreal Place, completely changed my idea about gray, boring, business São Paulo. Yes, this is the brightest and steep place on the planet! Long winding street, fully scored by professional graffiti of amazing beauty. The great strength of street art charges no less than famous museums.

Typically there are a lot of people there, even a queue for selfie for the most famous drawings. And on weekends, musicians play all the time, dance or arrange flashworks.

How to get: R. Gonçalo Afonso - Vila Madalena, São Paulo - Sp. Metro Vila Madalena.

Avenida Paulista.

Street is not that very tourist, but the most famous in Sampa. Long, stubbornly straight, with rows of high-altitude business centers, shops, museums. Life boils here, everyone goes somewhere, hurry, sit on the steps, play street musicians, souvenirs are sold. All lovers of rhythm large cities are dedicated. This is the heart of São Paulo.

But sometimes I like to come here on the weekend, when Avenue is overlapped for motorists: children, bicycles, street food and complete relaxation.

How to get: AV. Paulista, São Paulo - Sp. Metro BRIGADEIRO, TRIANON-MASP or CONSOLAçÃO.

What to look for 1 day

One day in such a huge city is, of course, frivolous. But if you have just a day with San Paulo, you wake up early. Any day here begins with breakfast in the nearest Padaria: coffee, orange Fresh, satisfying sandwich and couple of Cairolinas cakes.

Then we arrive at the subway to the Sé station, do not be afraid of homeless people, but focus on the huge Cathedral of Sao Paulo. A small walk along the center itself, and climb on the grand annular skyscraper Atila Arantis, to appreciate the city from the height.

Art fans can drive one stop from São Bento to Luz, quickly inspect the famous station and for many hours of abyss in the amazing museum of Pinakotek.

If you have more walks in your soul, go through Praça Das Artes to explore the city theater. Immediately to the strange architectural work of Edifício Itália. The main thing here is to focus and do not dine in the central area, because it is expensive and hardly tasty.

Although my favorite route is spitting on all the sights and go to the metro station to Liberdade, around which the famous area of \u200b\u200bJapanese immigrants is located. Here we eat sushi, we turn a bunch of cheerful Japanese nonsense, just walk and surprise the Brazilian Japanese.

The second part of the day is exactly worth spending on Avenida Paulista, San Paulo symbol. We get again on the subway station to the Tranon-Masp station. After visiting the flying building of the Art Museum (actually Masp), you can relax in the shade of the Tenere Siqueira Campos Park or bypass the museum and, descending on the stairs, drink coffee in a great place with a gorgeous urban view.

Also on Avenida Paulista can be seen. I am very advised to look at the Livraria Cultura fantastic bookstore, which strikes with dimensions, quality and variety of books, a cozy atmosphere and, of course, the famous Dragon.

But in the evening, all the roads lead to the Bohemian District of Vila Madalena. I donate to the end on the green branch and on the vertical steep streets rose to Rua Harmonia (my favorite road lies through Rua Madalena past the charming private houses). Immediately look for the street from BECO DO Batman graffiti, it is exactly worth come here to sunset, in order to take pictures from the heart!

Here, nearby you can dine well, and then go to walk around the area in search of galleries, graffiti and excellent design clothes for sane money. And with the onset of darkness, your bar will find you yourself.

Food. What to try

What is the difference between Kitchen São Paulo? Now you will be surprised. Here you can try the breathtakingly delicious Japanese and Italian cuisine! This is the city of immigrants, a magical gastronomic boiler.

When I first tried in sampa sushiI suddenly realized that I had never a lot before this dish. Skilly tasty! Fish of this quality and freshness! And here are preparing real Japanese.

Another culinary adventure is, of course, the famous pitza Paulistano.which is rightfully proud of the city. And be sure to try pizza with palmito.marinated core palm tree.

And in Sao Paulo, you can find any most incredible food with all the fertile Brazil. The fruit market simply blows the roof with its diversity and flowers!

Prices for products and checks in restaurants are very dependent on the area. It is not shy here to take significantly more from the inhabitants of the rich regions. Morning market of organic vegetables in Bohemian Vila Madalena will raue you at least 12 USD (40 BRM), the same set of products in an ordinary supermarket will cost you in 5 USD.


There are several ways to eat fiscal in São Paulo:


All of the places listed below from the list of restaurants with Mishleni Stars, so prices are appropriate there.

  • D.M. By Alex Atalability Perhaps to try high Brazilian cuisine from the famous Neck Alex Atala. How about sauce from Amazonian ants?
  • Fogo de Chóstek-house, where the flow of meat has turned into a real show.
  • Vinheria PercussiProst Best Italian Restaurant in São Paulo.
  • Skye Bar & Restaurante and a restaurant on the roof of a skyscraper.



I used to think that the carnival is just Rio. And here is not! This madness is happening across the country, and in each state its own special traditions.

São Paulo is the second in Brazil Sambodrom - a stadium for the competition between samba schools. This is a week of parties, endless family shurasco (kebabs), heat, dancing ... as well incredible number Drunk, garbage on the street and so-so smell everywhere. Carnival is real madness, but the most grand party in my life!

New Year's and Christmas

I still confuse the tradition of dressing the Christmas tree in a 30-degree heat, but Brazilians love all holidays.

AT new Year's Eve Overlap Avenida Paulista and launch a grand salute there. In Sao Paulo, of course you are not paying for the desire, jumping over seven waves, but the parties on the roofs of old skyscrapers are superior to any expectations.


The world's largest Pride Parade takes place in San Paulo. It is even better than carnival. No restrictions!

Thousands of incredible, beautiful, crazy, free people. 2.5 million people are worth seeing.

Virada Cultural

Annual Music Festival in Sao Paulo.

Time of open museums, hundreds of concerts throughout the city, events, theatrical ideas and exhibitions. Whole weekends, usually in May, when Sampa is immersed in a saturated cultural life.

Security. What to beware is worth

Minimum car rental price - 30 USD per day.

São Paulo - Recreation with Children

Brazil's business capital is unlikely the best place For recreation with children. Rhythm from the city is crazy, transport stress and overloaded.

But it is worth noting that it is taken here to take children with them everywhere, and not only in restaurants, parks or festivals, but even at concerts and parties. Almost everywhere you can find changing tables, and the surrounding and staff will always help you with pleasure. Children love here.

With a child in São Paulo, you can go to the Botanical Garden, which will accurately surprise with barbed palm trees, orchids and other incredible exotic plants! You can also visit the zoo.

See also: