Has the Alexandria lighthouse survived to this day? Alexandria (Faros) lighthouse – interesting historical facts

The Faros lighthouse got its name because of the island on which it was located - Faros. And later the city of Alexandria was located on this site. Hence his middle name. The lighthouse is included in the list of the well-known “seven wonders of the world”. And like most of them, the Pharos building did not survive to our times.

The lighthouse was built in the 3rd century BC. The name of its creator remained unknown for a long time. As it turned out later, the architect was a certain Sostratus of Cnidus. He himself signed his creation, carving on one of the sides of the lighthouse a mention that he dedicated his work to “the savior gods for the sake of seafarers.” But for some reason Sostratus later covered the inscription with plaster. And only when, several centuries later, a layer of the mixture fell off, the world learned the truth.

The Faros lighthouse took almost 20 years to build. The result was a truly magnificent structure. Its height was 117 meters. And at that time it was the tallest building in the world. In its architecture, the lighthouse consisted of three towers stacked on top of each other and on a single massive base. The smallest and most spacious tower housed a military garrison. The workers who maintained the building also lived there. The second level is the technical room. And finally, the top of the structure is the lighthouse itself. It was a cylinder in which a fire burned at night, helping sailors to land safely at the bay.

And all this splendor was crowned by an impressive statue of the god Poseidon - the ruler of the seas. The height of the sculpture, according to documentary evidence, was at least 7 meters.

How the Faros lighthouse worked

In working on the lighthouse, Sostratus used the most advanced technologies of that time. At the top of the tower he installed bronze mirrors that reflected the light from the fire and amplified it many times over. The light was so bright that sailors saw it 50 kilometers from the island. The lighthouse served as a landmark during the day. Firstly, it was clearly visible due to the height of the building. And secondly, the same mirrors perfectly reflected sunlight.

In addition, there were three more statues at the lighthouse, which served not only as decoration. So, one of them constantly pointed to the sun, and at night lowered her hand. Another sculpture recorded the direction of the wind. And the third told travelers the time, beating every hour. Unfortunately, today it is impossible to say how these statues were constructed. Only the external description has been preserved.

As paradoxical as it may sound, the lighthouse itself is to blame for the destruction of the lighthouse. The fact is that its operation required a lot of firewood, which was delivered to the top of the structure along a special spiral ramp. And then the workers threw the ash into the sea. And after almost 15 centuries, the bottom of the island became so clogged that mooring to it was dangerous. Accordingly, sailors began to look for other routes, and the lighthouse, left idle, began to collapse. The bronze mirrors were melted down, and the stones from which the structure was built were stolen for other needs. The “miracle of the world” was finally finished off by a powerful earthquake that wiped it off the face of the earth.

Modern Faros lighthouse

Today, only the basement floor of the Faros Lighthouse has been preserved. And it is completely integrated into the modern Egyptian naval base Qite Bay. Tourists who visit Alexandria can also be shown several fragments that were recently raised from the bottom of the sea. It is possible that there are other fragments at depth, but the operation to find and recover them is too difficult and expensive, so at the moment almost no one is doing this.

But there is also good news. The Egyptian government recently decided to rebuild the Faros lighthouse and create an exact copy of it. And given the current pace of construction, a gigantic structure may appear in just a few years. And then it will become one of the main attractions not only of Alexandria and Egypt, but of the whole world.

Island and lighthouse

The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Alexandria. This busy port was founded by Alexander the Great during his visit to Egypt in 332 BC. e. The building was named after the island. It must have taken 20 years to build and was completed around 280 BC. e. , during the reign of Ptolemy II, king of Egypt.

Three towers

The Faros lighthouse consisted of three marble towers standing on a base of massive stone blocks. The first tower was rectangular and contained rooms in which workers and soldiers lived. Above this tower was a smaller, octagonal tower with a spiral ramp leading to the upper tower.

Guide light

The upper tower was shaped like a cylinder, in which a fire burned, which helped the ships reach the bay safely.

Polished bronze mirrors

Large amounts of fuel were required to maintain the flame. The wood was transported along a spiral ramp on carts drawn by horses or mules. Behind the flame were bronze plates that directed the light into the sea.

Death of the lighthouse

By the 12th century AD. e. Alexandria Bay became so filled with silt that ships could no longer use it. The lighthouse fell into disrepair. The bronze plates that served as mirrors were probably melted down into coins. In the 14th century, the lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake. A few years later, the Muslims used its remains to build the military fortress of Qait Bay. The fortress was subsequently rebuilt several times and still stands on the site of the world's first lighthouse.

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Unfortunately, the earthquake almost completely destroyed the building, but despite this, there were no fewer people wanting to see the lighthouse.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The lighthouse is also called Faros lighthouse, due to its location on the island of Faros on the coast of Alexandria in Egypt. The city received its name from Emperor Alexander the Great. He approached the location of the city very thoughtfully. At first it will seem unusual that Macedonsky did not choose the Nile Delta, where two important strategic routes pass. However, if Alexandria were built on the Nile River, harmful sands and silt would clog its harbor. Thus, the best option was chosen, because high hopes were placed on the city.

Macedonian planned to create the largest trading city here, where goods from all over the world would be delivered. Well, of course, such an important center required a harbor. Many famous designers of that time created a project according to which a dam was built connecting the island and the mainland. Thus, two harbors were obtained, receiving ships from both the Nile and the sea.

The emperor’s dream came true only after his death, when Ptolemy I ascended the throne. It was he who made Alexandria the largest trading port city in all of Greece. With the growth and development of navigation, the island increasingly needed a lighthouse. Its construction would secure the navigation of ships at sea, and also attract more sellers and buyers.

Among the sparse landscape, the lighthouse would stand out with its lights, creating a powerful landmark for the lost. According to historians, Alexander the Great also planned to turn the lighthouse into a defensive structure in case of attacks from the sea. Therefore, the plans were to build a huge patrol point.

Construction of the Alexandria Lighthouse

Of course, the construction of such a large-scale facility required large financial and labor resources. Finding them in such a difficult time was not easy. But Ptolemy solved this problem by bringing from conquered Syria a huge number of Jews who became slaves at construction sites. At this time, several other important events for the state take place. Ptolemy signs a peace agreement with Demetrius Poliorcetes and celebrates the death of his blood enemy Antigonus.

In 285 BC. Led by the architect Sostratus of Knidos, the construction of the Pharos begins. To perpetuate his name, the architect creates an inscription saying that he is building this building for sailors. At the top, the inscription was covered with tiles with the name of Ptolemy. However, the secret has now been revealed.

Lighthouse structure

The Alexandria lighthouse had three tiers of a rectangular shape with a side of 30.5 meters. The edges of the lower tier were clearly turned to certain cardinal directions. Its height was 60 meters. The lower tier was decorated with tritons on the sides and was used by workers for personal purposes. Supplies of fuel and food were also stored here.

The middle tier was built in the shape of a polygon, the edges of which were directed towards the winds.

The third tier resembled a cylinder and directly served as a luminary. At the top there was a seven-meter sculpture of Isis-Faria, which sailors revered as their guardian. According to some sources, there was a statue of Poseidon at the top, but this fact has not been proven. Here a complex design of mirrors was created, which significantly increased the range of light. Fuel was supplied to the lighthouse via special ramps carried by mules. It was for ease of movement that the dam was built. The Alexandria lighthouse, in addition to its direct responsibility, served as the defense of the city. There was a military garrison here. For complete safety, thick walls and small towers were erected around the lighthouse.

In general, the entire structure was 120 meters high, becoming the tallest in the world.

The fate of the lighthouse

After a millennium, the structure began to collapse. This happened in 796 during a powerful earthquake. All that remains of the majestic structure are 30-meter-high ruins.

The Kite Bay military fort was later built from the wreckage, which now houses several museums inside? Museum of Marine Biology and History Museum.

The Pharos Lighthouse is located on the ancient island of Pharos (today it is a cape within the city of Alexandria in Egypt). In 332 - 331 BC. Alexander the Great founded the capital of Hellenistic Egypt, Alexandria. Here is the famous Alexandria Musseion - one of the main scientific and cultural centers of the ancient world, and with it the no less famous Library of Alexandria, which contained almost 700 thousand volumes of Greek and oriental books. Alexandria was the richest city of its time. Many remarkable structures were erected in Alexandria. These include the Alexandria Lighthouse on the rocky island of Foros near the Nile Delta. The use of lighthouses began in ancient times and is associated with the development of navigation. At first these were fires located on high banks, and then artificial structures. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world - the Alexandria, or Foros, luminous lighthouse was built in 283 BC. The construction of this gigantic structure took only 5 years, which in itself is remarkable. The main building materials for it were limestone, marble, and granite.

The lighthouse consisted of three gradually decreasing towers placed one on top of the other. The height of the lighthouse is enormous: according to some sources, 120 meters, according to the descriptions of Ibn al-Saikh (11th century) - 130-140 meters, according to some modern publications, even 180 meters.

The base of the lower tower is square - the side size is 30.5 meters. The lower tower, 60 meters high, was made of stone slabs decorated with exquisite sculptural work. The middle, octagonal, tower is 40 meters high, lined with white marble slabs. The upper tower - the lantern - is round, with a dome mounted on granite columns, and was crowned with a huge bronze statue of the patron of the seas, Poseidon, 8 meters high.

At the top of the third tower, in a voluminous bronze bowl, charcoal smoldered, the reflection of which, using a complex system of mirrors, indicated the location of the harbor 100 miles away. A shaft ran through the entire lighthouse, around which a ramp and stairs rose in a spiral. Carts pulled by donkeys drove along a wide and sloping ramp to the top of the lighthouse. Fuel for the lighthouse fire was delivered through the mine.

The tall lighthouse served as an excellent observation post. A system of metal mirrors was also used to view the sea, making it possible to detect enemy ships long before they appeared off the coast. A weather vane, a clock and astronomical instruments were installed here.

The lighthouse, erected on the island of Foros, was a one-of-a-kind structure due to its enormous size and complex system of light reflectors. This is how Achilles Tatius described it in his novel “Leucippe and Clitophon”: “... the structure is bizarre and amazing, the Mountain, lying in the middle of the sea, reached the very clouds, and water flowed under this structure, and it rose, hanging above the sea.”

The lighthouse of Alexandria stood for about 1,500 years, serving as a beacon, helping the Mediterranean “cybernetos” navigate, as the ancient Greeks called helmsmen. The lighthouse suffered from earthquakes twice, but was restored until it finally collapsed due to weathering of the stone. Then a medieval fortress was erected on the ruins of the lighthouse.

From one of the seven "wonders of the ancient world", it seemed that nothing remained except the ruins built into Qayt Bay, where they still exist today, and the name. The name of the island turned into a symbol: “foros” began to mean “lighthouse”. Hence the modern "headlight".

In 1961, while exploring coastal waters, scuba divers found statues, sarcophagi, and marble boxes on the seabed. In 1980, an international group of archaeologists discovered the remains of the Foros lighthouse on the seabed. At the same time, at a depth of 8 meters, the ruins of the legendary palace of Queen Cleopatra were discovered. This is one of the largest discoveries in archaeology.

The Seven Wonders of the World is a list of the most famous attractions of the ancient world. The Lighthouse of Alexandria is rightly called one of them - it is the last of the classical wonders of antiquity. Basic information and interesting facts about this structure, its creation, functions and sad fate can be found on the Internet (as well as photos of the recreated lighthouse), but the impressions of the historical place seen with your own eyes cannot be compared with anything.

The history of the lighthouse on the island of Pharos is firmly connected with the founding in 332 AD of one of the most beautiful cities of the ancient world - Alexandria, named after the great conqueror Alexander the Great. Over the course of his campaigns, he managed to found about 17 cities with the same name, but only Alexandria in Egypt managed to survive to this day.

Founding of Alexandria

Alexander the Great took an extremely responsible approach to choosing the location for the future city. He did not want to locate it in the Nile Delta, so he decided to start construction a little further south, near Lake Mareotis. It was planned that Alexandria would have two ports - one for merchant ships coming from the Mediterranean Sea, the other for ships sailing from the Nile River.

After the death of the great Alexander, the city came under the rule of Ptolemy I Soter, the pharaoh of Egypt who ruled at that time. This was a time of prosperity for Alexandria - it became the largest shipping port. In 290 BC, Ptolemy ordered the construction of a huge lighthouse on the island of Pharos, which would make it easier for sailors at night and in bad weather.

Construction of the Faros lighthouse

Construction of the Alexandria Lighthouse began in the 4th century BC. It is believed that this masterpiece of architectural thought was built by Sostratos, a native of Cnidia. Construction work continued for more than 20 years. The Lighthouse of Alexandria is the first building of its type in the world and the tallest structure of the ancient world. This is the answer to the question why the Faros Lighthouse is one of the seven wonders of the world. This magnificent skyscraper was a symbol of power and might, prosperity and greatness, like a light in the darkness.

The height of the Alexandria Lighthouse is about 600 feet, or 135 meters. At the same time, it looked somewhat different than most architectural monuments of that time. It was a three-tiered building with a square base, the walls of which were built from slabs of marble connected to each other by mortar with the addition of lead.

We bring to your attention interesting facts about the Alexandria Lighthouse, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

  • At the top of the lighthouse there was a fire, the reflections of which were directed into the sea using specially polished metal plates.
  • The light from the lights of the Alexandria Lighthouse was visible at a distance of more than 60 km.
  • The Faros lighthouse also served as an outpost and observation tower - its height made it possible to see enemy ships long before they approached the city.
  • At the top of the structure, in addition to metal reflective plates, there were also interesting technical devices of that time - clock mechanisms, weather vanes and much more.
  • After the construction was completed, Sostratus of Knidos carved his name into one of the walls, and then covered it with plaster and wrote the name of Ptolemy I Soter on it. The architect understood perfectly well that the plaster would wear off over time, but the stone would preserve the name of the real creator of the lighthouse for centuries.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was most fully described many years later - already in 1161 AD - by the Arab traveler Abu el-Andalussi. He noted the most significant facts and mentioned that in addition to its main function, the lighthouse also served as a very visible and popular attraction.

The fate of the Alexandria lighthouse

The lighthouse on the island of Faros illuminated the path of sailors for one and a half millennia. But, unfortunately, he was powerless against the forces of nature. Quite strong tremors in 356, 956 and 1303 AD caused severe damage to it, and the earthquake of 1326 finally destroyed the seventh wonder of the world - the Lighthouse of Alexandria. His remains were dismantled by the Muslims to build their fortress. They were discovered many centuries later - in 1994, and later the image of the structure was restored using computer modeling. But such photos are still not able to convey the greatness and power that the Faros lighthouse possessed.

A hundred years after the destruction, a powerful fort was erected on the site of the Alexandria lighthouse, protecting Alexandria from the sea. It has been preserved and exists in our time - now the Alexandria Historical Museum is located inside it.

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