Mari Chodra National Park. Mari Chodra National Park Mari Chodra National Park — Photo

The park was established in 1985 to preserve the reference natural complexes of the Republic of Mari El. Translated from the Mari language "Mari Chodra" means "Mari forest". The entire territory of the park is covered with beautiful pine forests and coniferous-deciduous forests. The decoration of the park is clean and beautiful karst lakes, many of which are declared natural monuments. The attractiveness of the park and the abundance of mineral springs. The largest of them is the Green Key, the water of which is used in the treatment.

The territory of the park is formed by the southern spurs of the Mariysko-Vyatsky Uval. The southwestern part of the park adjoins the river. Volga. Most of the territory belongs to the Ilet high-plain southern taiga region with the development of modern karst, the smaller part belongs to the Polessky valley-terraced lake region of mixed forests. The area of ​​the park is a slightly undulating plain with island heights (Kerebelakskaya, Klenogorskaya), with absolute heights of 75–125 m above sea level. m. The highest absolute mark of the territory is the peak of the Maple Mountain - 196.0 m above sea level. The active manifestation of the karst process led to the development of karst landforms - numerous funnels, up to 50–60 m in diameter, and sinkhole lakes, up to 35–40 m deep.

Lakes. On the territory of the park there are a significant number of picturesque lakes of karst origin. Most of them are declared natural monuments, Glukhoe, Kichier, Yalchik, Ergezh-Er, Shut-Er, Kuzh-Er, Shungaldan. They are round or oblong in shape, up to 40 m deep, with a silty bottom. The lakes are fed by springs or small rivers and streams. Some of them have an underground connection with neighboring rivers.

Lake Glukhoe is located 4 km east of the village. Yalchinsky. The shores of the lake are relatively high, steep, overgrown with forests. The area of ​​the lake is 22.0 ha, the maximum depth is 23 m, the length is 2140 m, the width is 100 m. The water is dark, brownish in color. The bottom of the lake is dense, partly sandy or limestone.

Lake Kichier is located in the Yalchinsky forestry. The shores are gently sloping, sandy, in some places slightly swampy. The area of ​​the lake is 46.0 ha, the maximum depth is 16 m, and the total length is 3 km. Consists of three interconnected pools. The water is dark. The bottom is muddy. The silt is dark, black, with the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

Lake Yalchik is located in the Yalchinsky forestry. It consists of a central large basin and three adjoining ones connected to it by narrow and shallow straits. The shores of the lake are mostly sandy and only silty in places. The highest and steepest are the eastern and northern shores. Almost from all sides the lake is surrounded by a mixed forest with a predominance of pine. The area of ​​the lake is about 150 hectares, the maximum depth is 35 m. The water is clear. The bottom is sandy.

Lake Ergezh-Er (translated from Mari as Round). Located in the Kerebelak forestry. It is part of the system of karst lakes located at the foot of the ledge of the Kerebelak Upland. The area of ​​the lake is 4.5 hectares, the maximum depth is 13 m, the length is 350 m, the width is 150 m. The water is clear. Bottom sediments are insignificant.

Lake Shut-Er (translated from the Mari, Black). Located in the Kerebelak forestry. It is included in the system of karst lakes located at the foot of the ledge of the Kerebelak Upland along its eastern steep slope. The area of ​​the lake is 28.9 ha, the maximum depth is 17.5 m, the length is 1550 m, the width is 300 m. The water is dark in color. Bottom sediments are insignificant. Food is mixed (underground water, springs, swamps). The banks are high but not steep.

Lake Kuzh-Er (translated from Mari as Long). Located in the Kerebelak forestry. It is included in the system of karst lakes located at the foot of the ledge of the Kerebelak Upland along its eastern steep slope. The area of ​​the lake is 25.0 ha, the maximum depth is 26.5 m, the length is 1300 m, the width is 200 m. The transparency of the water is 4 m. Bottom sediments are insignificant. The northern and southern shores are swampy. The western coast is high (about 40 m). From the northern corner of the lake flows a channel that flows into the lake. Yergezh Er.

Lake Shungaldan is located 1.5 km from the mineral spring Green Key, on the left bank of the river. Ilet. An oval-shaped lake of failed origin, with swampy shores. In water, the content of hydrogen sulfide reaches 50–75 mg per 1 liter, which gives the water valuable medicinal properties for external use in the form of baths.

The mineral spring Green Key is located at the foot of the Klenovaya Gora, 1.8 km from the mouth of the river. Yushut. The water of the source rises from the bottom of the funnel, the diameter of which is about 2 m, and partially flows out from under the base of Klenovaya Gora, joining into one stream, up to 6 m wide and 0.7–0.8 m deep. It flows into the river. Ilet. Water consumption from 1000 to 1540 l/s. The water temperature is constant throughout the year and is 6.5°C. The chemical composition of the water is sulphate-calcium.

Rivers. The main river of the park, the Ilet, crosses it from the northeast to the southwest and flows into the Volga. Its left-bank tributaries - r. Yushut, Arbayka, Uba. On the right, the river flows into it. Petyalka. The Ilet flows through a plain with a slightly undulating relief, covered with mixed forests, its speed is 0.2–0.8 m/s. The river does not freeze in winter. The riverbed is winding, composed of limestones and sands, subject to deformation, the banks are gentle, swampy in places. The width of the channel reaches 20–40 m.

The floodplain of the Ilet River is two-sided, up to 500 m wide, overgrown with shrubs and mixed forests. In its floodplain and tributaries, there are about 200 oxbow lakes, where beavers, minks, muskrats, otters live, waterfowl nest, fish are found. Many of the old women are rich in therapeutic mud. During the warm period of the year, the water content of the river allows tourist boats to pass through.

The soil cover is diverse due to differences in relief and underlying rocks. Podzolic and sod-podzolic soils are among the most common soils (81% of the park area).

The climate of the park is temperate continental. It is characterized by relatively hot summers and frosty winters with stable snow cover. The average temperature of the warmest month of July is 18.6°C. The absolute minimum air temperature in winter reaches -52 C. The average duration of the warm period of the year with temperatures above 0°C is about 200 days.

The territory of the park belongs to the zone of unstable moisture: there are years with sufficient, sometimes excessive moisture, but there are also dry years. During the year, precipitation falls unevenly: the largest amount is observed in summer, the smallest - in winter. An average of 500 mm of precipitation falls annually. The largest monthly amount of precipitation is observed in July - 60–70 mm. The invasion of cold air masses from the polar basin with north, northwest and northeast winds causes a sharp drop in temperature in winter, and frosts in spring and autumn. Often, continental air masses invade the park from the southeast. In spring or summer, they cause arid conditions, in winter - clear, frosty weather.

Mariy Chodra is a state natural national park in the Republic of Mari El.

Description of the national park

In 1985, the Mari Chodra Reserve was established on the territory of the Republic of Mari El. Its name can be translated as "Mari forest". A reserve has been created to protect mineral springs and karst lakes.

The territory of the park is crossed by a railway and a motorway. Therefore, getting to the reserve is quite easy. On the territory of the park itself there is a recreation center, a sanatorium and a tourist town. In addition, on the shores of the lakes there are equipped parking lots where you can pitch tents.

On the territory of Mari Chodra there are a lot of lakes, which are surrounded by a dense forest. Moreover, all lakes are of karst origin. The depth of local lakes reaches 40 m. The Ilet River, which is a tributary of the Volga, also flows through the park. The banks of the river are covered with mixed forest.

As for the plant world, most of the Mari Chodra is covered with pine trees. And oak groves can be found in the floodplain of the river and on the hills. In addition, here you can see a number of plants that are listed in the Red Book. And in the forests you can meet brown bear, elk, capercaillie and mink. Beavers and muskrats are found in reservoirs. There are 56 species of mammals in the park.

But the main attraction of the park are the lakes. So near the village of Yalchiksky there is Lake Glukhoe, which amazes tourists with its brownish water. Although the bottom of the lake is sandy, its banks are too steep for swimming.

But at Lake Kichier, the shores are more gentle and sandy. But the bottom is very muddy, and the water is dark. In addition, the smell of hydrogen sulfide is sometimes felt. The lake is located in the Yalchen forestry. In addition to it, this forestry also has Lake Yalchik with sandy shores. The bottom is sandy and the water is clear. But this lake is surrounded by a mixed, not a pine forest.

All other lakes are located in the Kerebelyak forestry. In this forestry there is both the Round Lake with clear and clean water, and the Black Lake with dark water and high banks. But the greatest interest among tourists is Lake Shungaldan, the water of which can be used for taking healing baths.

Near this lake at the base of Maple Mountain is the Green Spring with calcium sulfate water. As you understand, the water from this source can be used for medicinal purposes. It is worth noting here that there is an oak tree on the Maple Mountain itself, from the top of which Pugachev watched the burning Kazan. The tsarist troops forced him to leave Kazan. It is believed that it was on Klenovaya Gora that Pugachev's detachment made a halt. In total, there are about 30 historical monuments on the territory of Mari Chodra, among which one can single out religious places of the Neolithic era.

Please note that fishing and hunting are prohibited on the territory of the reserve. For tourists, there are several routes of various lengths. Mostly it's hiking trails. But there are also cycling, horse and car routes. In addition, those who wish can go down in kayaks along fairly fast rivers.


The following functional zoning is currently accepted:

  • Reserve regime zone - 7.6 thousand hectares (20.7% of the total area).
  • The zone of extensive recreational use is 14.1 thousand hectares (38.6%).
  • Zone of intensive recreational use - 13.9 thousand hectares (38.1%).
  • Other territories - 1.0 thousand hectares (2.6%).
  • The protected zone of the national park is 93.4 thousand hectares.

How to get there?

The park is located in the southeastern part of the Republic of Mari El, in the basin of the Ilet River, the left tributary of the Volga, and is included in the mixed forest belt of the forest zone.

The A295 Yoshkar-Ola - Zelenodolsk - the M-7 Volga highway and the Zeleny Dol - Yaransk railway pass through the park.

At the junction of three zones - forest-steppe, mixed and coniferous forests - the Mari Chodra National Park is located. Its very name translates as "Mari forest".

Pearls of Mari Chodry

The main treasure of the complex are the most beautiful lakes, many of which are declared natural monuments: Sea Eye, Yalchik, Glukhoe, Shungaldan. Not only residents of Mari El come to admire them, but also guests from more remote regions.

Sea Eye, the most famous of all bodies of water, is so named because of the amazing turquoise hue of the water. From the high bank, you can see a huge bowl filled with clear cold water, to which a narrow path descends. Tall fir trees grow around, the scent of pine needles flows in the air.

The crescent-shaped Lake Deaf Lake is very popular with divers. Having reached a depth where the light of the sun almost does not penetrate, you can see the “growing” pines that have fallen there many centuries ago.

Yalchik captivates at first sight with its grandeur and beauty. Underwater sources are constantly expanding the area of ​​​​the reservoir.

Shungaldan Lake is a little apart. It seems that the forest surrounding it seems to come out of the water. Shungaldan is located near Maple Mountain.

The lakes are of karst origin, which explains the bizarre forms.

Magic Land Maple Hills

Maple Mountain is the highest point of Mari Chodra Park. From its top, there is a beautiful view of the forests stretching around. A wonderful land, Maple Hills, is located in the center of the complex. The ecological route passing along the mountain amazes with the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Pugachevsky oak

A little less than a thousand species of plants grow on the territory of the national complex, but its most famous inhabitant remains a huge oak. Proudly towering on the top of the mountain, the thick-set tall hero, according to legend, protected Emelyan Pugachev himself from the sun. To this day, the tree is a decoration of the park.

Trail Horseshoe

On the route you can see rare plants listed in the Red Book. Ferns that grow only in the park will be a real find for naturalists. The educational and educational trail Horseshoe will lead you through the most interesting corners of Mari Chodry.

Many birds and mammals live here all year round. Moose often visit here, a frequent guest is a lynx. There are also taiga species in Mariy Chodra, such as brown bear, ermine. However, the most numerous inhabitants are representatives of the order of rodents. Otters and muskrats live in the rivers. The park is home to over 150 species of birds. Among them are capercaillie, and hazel grouse, and birds of prey: tawny owl, snowy owl, osprey, buzzard, white-tailed eagle. Numerous families of waterfowl have become the old-timers of the complex.

Ilet River

Sung in songs, Mari tales and legends, the beautiful river proudly carries its clear cold waters. On the territory of the park, Ilet is the largest. Thanks to the underground springs that feed it, the largest of which is the Green Key, the river does not freeze even in severe frosts. The spring water is considered to be healing. The shores of Ileti either soar upwards with steep slopes, or descend down with wonderful beaches with clean sand. There are almost no settlements, but many paths and trails approach the river. A kayak trip will be an unforgettable experience for the guests of the park.

Pure water, aromas of blooming lilies of the valley, fresh air - all this allows you to forget about the city bustle and monotony. That is why the inhabitants of the republic call the Mariy Chodra complex the most favorite vacation spot.

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Presentation on the topic: Mariy Chodra

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NATIONAL PARK - PART OF THE SYSTEM OF PROTECTED TERRITORIES OF THE COUNTRY The national park "Mariy Chodra" was established in 1985 and became a link in the system of protected areas of Russia. This system includes nature reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, differing in their goals and objectives. In "Mariy Chodra" the reserve regime is established in the north-eastern part of the park.

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The most important tasks of the Mariy Chodra park are: protection and restoration of landscapes of water bodies, characteristic flora and fauna, objects of inanimate nature, historical monuments; Protection of natural complexes and their use for recreational, educational and scientific purposes; creation of conditions for long-term recreation, tourism , acquaintance with nature and historical sights; wide promotion of environmental protection tasks among the population.

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National parks are distinguished among them by the fact that they are created not only for the protection of natural complexes, but also for the organization of tourism and educational recreation. The combination of these opposite functions within the boundaries of one park is achieved by allocating sites with different modes of use. Shulgaldan lake, Klenogorsk oak forest (Pugachev's oak), Green Key spring, Klenovaya Gora.

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The Mari Chodra Park is located in the southeast of the Republic of Mari El and covers an area of ​​36.6 thousand hectares. Due to the position at the junction of geological structures and natural zones, a significant variety of landscapes is created here. The relief is dominated by plains, although their surface is different in the west and east of the park. In its western part, the plains are composed of a thick layer of sandy deposits deposited by rivers and melt waters of the glacier.

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The basins of almost all lakes are of sinkhole-karst origin. Large lakes are occupied by baths formed by merged failures, such as Mushan-er and Glukhoe Lake. Karst sinkholes can be seen in the area of ​​Lake Yalchik. Hiking hunters and lovers of quiet walks, avid fishermen and those in need of treatment, everyone can find something suitable for themselves in the Mari Chodra National Park. And what Could it be better than a vacation in the woods?! It is easier to breathe here: it is better to think.

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THE PARK TERRITORY IS A HISTORICAL OBJECT The territory where the park is located has long been inhabited by the Mari people. The formation of the ancient Mari into the Mari people, or Cheremis, took place in the 1st millennium of our era. Their ancestors were representatives of tribal groups that inhabited the space between the Volga and Oka on the one hand and Kama on the other. The unhurried course of life was disturbed by wars and the intervention of powerful neighbors. The legends depict such events in history as the Peasant War. It is said that Emelyan Pugachev himself stopped on Klenovaya Gora after the defeat near Kazan in 1774 and, having climbed a tall oak, watched the fire blaze over the abandoned city. It is believed that the oak, which currently stands on Klenovaya Gora, is the same one, Pugachevsky.

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TOURISM AND RECREATION IN "MARI CHODRA" The lakes are very attractive for tourists, the largest of them and the most famous are Yalchik and Kichier. On the banks of Yalchik there are rest houses, camp sites, sports and recreational and pioneer camps. Pine and spruce-pine forests surrounding the lake create a favorable microclimate for recreation. Forests and sandy beaches, the water surface of the lake make the landscapes look like the Baltic ones. Lake Kichier with its surrounding dry cobblestone forests is also a popular recreation area. There is a sanatorium "Kichier", a sanatorium-dispensary "Builder", rest houses.

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The growing needs of the population for a good rest require the improvement of tourist services in the park. Therefore, the development of new routes for hiking and ski tourism, eco-educational trails is underway. To improve the recreational and aesthetic qualities of the territory, tourist towns and parking lots are being equipped. Yalchik. And in the Klenogorsk and Yalchinsky forest areas you will find rental points where you can rent a boat, a tent, and various tourist equipment.

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Employees of the Mariy Chodra Park annually conduct animal and bird counts, take snow samples to study the acidity of the snow cover. The survey data make it possible to detect the places of accumulation of animals, their numbers, to ensure the targeted implementation of biotechnical measures. Forestry and rangers services are organized in the park, which conduct raids to protect forest resources, hunting fauna, reservoirs and their inhabitants.

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In the flora of the national park, 85% of all plant species found on the territory of the Republic of Mari El are represented. Of the 1155 species and subspecies that grow in the park, 980 are representatives of the natural flora, the rest are cultivated and alluvial plants. (sleep-grass). An amazing ancient plant, the white water lily, grows in oxbow lakes and lakes.

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The largest waterway in the national park is the Ilet River. This is a left tributary of the Volga. Ilet flows in a wide valley. In the valley there are many old women rich in fish; ducks nest in them and hatch chicks. About fifty old women of Ileti contain mud with healing properties. Where the Ilet approaches the Klenogorsk Upland, its valley narrows, the slopes become steep, and in some places even steep, bedrock is exposed in them, water sources are knocked out to the surface, among which there are mineral ones. There are about two dozen mineral springs in the Maple Mountain area; their waters have a predominantly sulfate-calcium composition

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On the basis of the Green Key spring, the Klenovaya Gora sanatorium was built, which operates all year round and is designed for 540 people. Vacationers are located in 1-2 local chambers. Treatment of diseases of the digestive organs and the nervous system is carried out, hydrogen sulfide mud and mineral water are used. The sanatorium is provided with all the necessary modern medical equipment, there is also a club, a cinema hall, a library, sports grounds, a swimming pool, excursions to Yoshkar-Ola and Kazan are organized.

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