The capital of Bulgaria Sofia is a storehouse of history of all times. Capitals of bulgaria throughout the history of the country bulgaria capital head of state state language

Attractions in Sofia

Sofia, one of the oldest cities in Europe, has many wonderful examples of ecclesiastical and historical architecture. Most city tours start from the walls Alexander Nevsky Cathedral(Alexandronevskaya Lavra, 1882 - 1912), built in honor of 200 thousand Russian soldiers who fell in the struggle for the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish rule. This is the largest cathedral in Bulgaria (area - 2600 sq. m., height - 52 m., 12 gilded bells are installed on the bell tower of the cathedral, the largest of which weighs 11,758 kg.) And the largest Orthodox church in the Balkans. In the crypt of the cathedral is Museum of Icons, and the interior of the cathedral amazes with the richness of architectural forms, majestic paintings, icons and mosaics. Behind the cathedral is a building Foreign Art Galleries with an extensive collection of European, African and Oriental art.

Across the square from the cathedral is Church of St. Sophia(VI century), which gave the name to the whole city. During the Turkish rule, minarets were added to the temple and for a long time it functioned as a mosque, until two earthquakes of the 20th century destroyed the minarets, after which the mosque was closed. At the walls of the church is Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

One of the most interesting sights of the capital is built of red brick on the site of the Roman rotunda. Church of St. George- the oldest temple of Sofia. On the inside of the dome, frescoes have been preserved, the earliest of which date back to the 10th century, and on the outside, the remains of the streets of ancient Serdika (the Roman name of the city) have been preserved. Under the hotel "Rila" were found the ruins of a Roman residence with an excellently preserved mosaic.

On People's Assembly Square a majestic building National Assembly(1884) with an equestrian statue of the Russian Emperor Alexander II installed in front of it. By Boulevard Tsar Liberator you can pass by the Russian Church of St. Nicholas(1913) and Museum of Natural Sciences, To Batenberg Square, considered the center of Sofia. The building of the former Mausoleum of George Dimitrov, opposite which are located National Gallery of Art And National Ethnographic Museum in the building of the former Royal Palace(1887).

In the park east of the mausoleum is People's Theater Ivan Vazov(1907) in the Baroque style. On the western side of the square, behind the building of the Bulgarian National Bank, lies Mosque Buyuk-Jami(1496). In the Largo street area are located National Archaeological Museum, Church of St. Peter of Samothrace(XIV century), Bani Bashi Mosque(1576), Sophian synagogue(1909), underground mall and market (1911).

The most beautiful boulevard in the city - Vitosha boulevard coming from Cathedral of the Holy Week, past numerous underground shopping galleries, to square of the Palace of Culture With monument to the 1300th anniversary of Bulgaria. In the nearby building of the Palace of Justice (1936) is located National History Museum- one of the largest historical museums in the Balkans, famous for its collection of gold finds of the 4th century. BC e. from the excavations near Panagyurishte. The museum also holds the only copy of the Bulgarian medieval chronicle - "History" by John Skylitsa - the most important source of the history of the first Bulgarian Kingdom.

On the street Graf Ignatiev lies rebuilt from the "Black Mosque" Church of St. Sedmochisnitsa(1528). interesting Botanical Museum V National Botanical Garden, Zoo museum V zoo, National Museum of Natural History, Sofia History Museum, city ​​art gallery V Central park, building Sofia University. Clement of Ohrid And Sofia mineral baths built on the site of Roman baths.


Boyana- an outlying quarter in the south-west of the city, adjacent to the foot of Vitosha Mountain (2290 m). In its upper part there is a small Boyana Church with magnificent wall paintings of the XIII century. Mount Vitosha itself is a traditional place for winter recreation, there are many mountain hotels, ski lifts, viewing platforms and a well-developed recreation infrastructure.

Around Sofia

119 km south of the capital lies the famous Rila Monastery(X century) - one of the spiritual centers of the country. On its territory there are such unique structures as five-story tower(1335) with Church of the Transfiguration, church gates(XIV century, now stored in the historical museum of the monastery), with 16,000 volumes monastery library, Hrel's tower, five-dome Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, the original "magernitsa" - monastery refectory and etc.

Not far from Sofia, in the city Pernik, there are the ruins of a Byzantine fortress, and (17 km west of the capital) - the best of the Bulgarian thermal resorts with odes to the "universal" composition.

In the valley of the Struma River (76 km southeast of Sofia) is located Zemensky Monastery(XIII century) with a unique Church of St. John the Evangelist famous for its beautiful paintings.

Sofia(Bulgarian Sofia - "wisdom") - the capital of Bulgaria. It is located on the southern outskirts of the Sofia basin. Sofia has a population of 1,377,531. (2006). The population density for 2006 is 907 people per km². It is believed that the population of Sofia is much larger than officially declared.

About 1/6 of the all-Bulgarian industrial production is concentrated in Sofia (engineering, metallurgy, chemical, rubber, pulp and paper, food flavoring, light industry). Here are located: the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, universities, theaters. National and city art galleries, archaeological, historical, natural science and other museums.

In the VIII century BC. e. a Thracian city arose on the site of a Neolithic site that existed here earlier. The Romans who captured it in the 1st century AD gave it the name Serdika after the name of the Thracian tribe that inhabited this area. In the 1st-4th centuries Serdika was the center of the Roman province of Thrace. As a result of the religious reform of Emperor Constantine (306-337), the city becomes the seat of the bishop. In 357, the Roman historian Amian Marcellinus defined the city as "great and impregnable".

In the V-VI centuries during the so-called. "Great Migration of Peoples" the city is experiencing invasions of the Huns, Goths and other barbarian tribes. In the middle of the 6th century, during the reign of Emperor Justinian (527-565), Serdika was revived as an important administrative center of the Byzantine Empire under the name of Triaditsa. However, in religious terms, the city was subordinate to the archbishopric with the center in Ohrid.

By 809, the city was part of the Bulgarian state and received the Slavic name Sredets. With the restoration of the Bulgarian state in 1185, the bishop of Sredets was elevated to the rank of metropolitan. From the end of the 14th century to the 1870s, the city, like the whole country, was under Ottoman rule. Even in the XII-XIII centuries. the city in communication was called Sofia, after the name of the main temple - the cathedral "St. Sophia". (Founded in the first half of the 4th century, a modern building from the end of the same century, completed several times). However, in official documents under this name appears only at the end of the 14th century.

During the Ottoman rule, the city became an important center of the empire. The so-called. Rumelian beylerbey, ruling the European territory of the Ottoman Empire), and thus the city became the most important, after Constantinople, the city of the state in Europe. At the same time, the cultural activities of the Bulgarians developed in Sofia - the Sofia literary school of the 16th century; "Small Holy Mountain" - around the city there was a ring of more than 50 monasteries, of which over 20 still exist. An important center of the liberation movement.

In 1873, after a trial that took place here, in the vicinity of Sofia, the Bulgarian national hero Vasil Levski was executed.

After the liberation from the Turkish yoke and the revival of the Bulgarian state, Sofia became the capital (1879). As a result, the number of Sofia residents is growing very fast compared to other Bulgarian cities, mainly due to internal migration.

Cultural monuments and museums
Sofia, one of the oldest cities in Europe, has many wonderful examples of ecclesiastical and historical architecture. Most city tours start from the walls of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (Alexandronevskaya Lavra, 1882 - 1912), built in honor of 200,000 Russian soldiers who died fighting for the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish rule. This is the largest cathedral in Bulgaria (area - 2600 sq. m., height - 52 m., 12 gilded bells are installed on the bell tower of the cathedral, the largest of which weighs 11,758 kg.) And the largest Orthodox church in the Balkans. In the crypt of the cathedral there is the Museum of Icons, and the interior of the cathedral impresses with the richness of architectural forms, majestic paintings, icons and mosaics. Behind the cathedral is the building of the Gallery of Foreign Art with an extensive collection of European, African and Oriental art.

Across the square from the cathedral is the church of St. Sophia (VI century), which gave the name to the whole city. During the Turkish rule, minarets were added to the temple and for a long time it functioned as a mosque, until two earthquakes of the 20th century destroyed the minarets, after which the mosque was closed. Near the walls of the church is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

One of the most interesting sights of the capital is the church of St. George built of red brick on the site of the Roman rotunda - the oldest temple in Sofia. On the inside of the dome, frescoes have been preserved, the earliest of which date back to the 10th century, and on the outside, the remains of the streets of ancient Serdika (the Roman name of the city) have been preserved. Under the hotel "Rila" were found the ruins of a Roman residence with an excellently preserved mosaic.

The majestic building of the National Assembly (1884) with an equestrian statue of the Russian Emperor Alexander II installed in front of it is located on the People's Assembly Square. Along Tsar Osvoboditel Boulevard, you can walk past the Russian Church of St. Nicholas (1913) and the Museum of Natural Sciences, to Batenberg Square, considered the center of Sofia. The building of the former mausoleum of Georgy Dimitrov is located on the square, opposite which are the National Gallery of Art and the National Ethnographic Museum in the building of the former Royal Palace (1887). In the park to the east of the mausoleum is the People's Theater. Ivan Vazov (1907) in the Baroque style. On the western side of the square, behind the building of the Bulgarian National Bank, lies the Buyuk-Jami Mosque (1496). The National Archaeological Museum, the Church of St. Peter of Samothrace (XIV century), the Bani Bashi Mosque (1576), the Sofia Synagogue (1909), an underground shopping center and a market (1911) are located in the Largo Street area.

The most beautiful boulevard of the city is Vitosha Boulevard, going from the Easter Church, past numerous underground shopping galleries, to the Palace of Culture Square with a monument to the 1300th anniversary of Bulgaria. The nearby building of the Palace of Justice (1936) houses the National Museum of History - one of the largest historical museums in the Balkans, famous for its collection of gold finds from the 4th century. BC e. from the excavations near Panagyurishte. The museum also holds the only copy of the Bulgarian medieval chronicle - "History" by John Skylitsa - the most important source of the history of the first Bulgarian Kingdom.

On Graf Ignatiev Street lies the church of St. Sedmochisnitsa (1528) rebuilt from the Black Mosque. Also of interest are the Botanical Museum in the National Botanical Garden, the Zoological Museum in the zoo, the National Museum of Natural History, the Museum of the History of Sofia, the city art gallery in the Central Park, the buildings of Sofia University. Clement of Ohrid and the Sofia Mineral Baths, built on the site of Roman baths.

Boyana is a suburban quarter in the south-west of the city, adjacent to the foot of Vitosha (2290 m.). In its upper part, there is a small Boyana Church, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, with magnificent wall paintings of the 13th century. Mount Vitosha itself is a traditional place for winter recreation, there are many mountain hotels, ski lifts, viewing platforms and a well-developed recreation infrastructure.

119 km. to the south of the capital lies the famous Rila Monastery (X century) - one of the spiritual centers of the country. On its territory there are such unique structures as a five-story tower (1335) with the Church of the Transfiguration, church gates (XIV century, now stored in the historical museum of the monastery), a monastery library with 16,000 volumes, Khrelyova Tower, a five-domed Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin , the original "magernitsa" - the monastery refectory, etc. Not far from Sofia, in the city of Pernik, there are the ruins of a Byzantine fortress, and in Bankya (17 km west of the capital) - the best of the Bulgarian thermal resorts with odes to the "universal" composition. In the valley of the Struma River (76 km southeast of Sofia) is the Zemensky Monastery (XIII century) with the unique church of St. John the Theologian, famous for its beautiful paintings.

See also:

- 110994 km2.

Population of Bulgaria. 7.171 million people (

Bulgaria GDP. $55.73 billion (

Administrative divisions of Bulgaria. Consists of 8 areas which include communities. The city of Sofia also has the status of a region.

Form of government in Bulgaria. Parliamentary republic.

Head of State of Bulgaria. President elected for a term of 5 years.

Bulgaria's highest legislative body. Unicameral People's Assembly.

Bulgaria's highest executive body. Council of Ministers.

Major cities in Bulgaria. Plovdiv, Varna, Rousse, Burgas.

State language of Bulgaria. Bulgarian.

Religion in Bulgaria. 85% are Orthodox, 13% are Muslims.

Ethnic composition of Bulgaria. 87% - Bulgarians, 9% - Turks, 2.5% -, 2.5% - Macedonians.

Currency of Bulgaria. Lev = 100 stotinka.

The climate of Bulgaria. Continental, transitional. The average annual temperature is + 13°C. reaches zero in January. The average temperature of the warmest month - July - is from + 23 °С to + 25 °С. in the lowlands fall out in the amount of 500-600 mm per year, in the mountains - 1000-1200 mm per year. The entire country from west to east is crossed by the Balkan Mountains, where the vertical line is clearly visible. The highest point is Mount Musala (2925 m). Flora. Forests occupy up to 30% of the territory of Bulgaria. Here there are oak, hornbeam, beech, elm, ash, pine, spruce, fir.

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About Bulgaria

Basic information


Lev (1$=2 leva).
1 lev = 100 stotinki, banknotes with denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 lev, as well as coins from 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 stotinki are in use. A constant exchange rate to the German mark has been introduced - 1 DM = 1 lev.


Entry to the Republic of Bulgaria: Required documents for obtaining a visa for a short stay through organized tourism:

Travel voucher issued by a Russian tourist organization (sending company) licensed in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation and its photocopy.
Required documents for obtaining a visa for individual tourism:
Valid international passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a photocopy of the photo page;
Application form for a visa;
Actual color photograph - 1 piece, size 3.5x4.5 cm;
Round-trip ticket and/or proof of financial means to provide transport;

Photos of Bulgaria

Time in Bulgaria is one hour behind Moscow.
The capital is Sofia.
Bulgaria is located on the Balkan Peninsula. In the north it borders with Romania, in the west - with Yugoslavia and Macedonia, in the south - with Turkey and Greece, in the east it is washed by the waves of the Black Sea.
The area of ​​Bulgaria is 110,912 sq. km. The length from north to south is 330 km., from east to west - 500 km.
The capital of Bulgaria, its scientific, cultural and industrial center is Sofia, founded over 7000 years ago. This unique city has absorbed all the variety of Greek, Byzantine, Oriental and typical Bulgarian architecture. In the city today there are more than 250 archaeological, historical, cultural and architectural monuments of antiquity. Among them are the rotunda of St. George, the church of St. Sophia, and the church of Bojana with its many paintings and frescoes of the 13th century, recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site. But the real symbol of Sofia is considered to be the Alexander Nevsky Memorial Cathedral, built in the Byzantine style and turned into a museum of revived Bulgarian art, represented by magnificent gold, marble, crystal, paintings, mosaics, and icons.
Varna is considered to be the sea capital of Bulgaria. This city was founded by Greek colonists in the 6th century BC under the name of Odessos. Here you can see monuments of the era of the Roman and Byzantine empires, samples of the oldest gold in the world, archaeological and ethnographic museums and many other attractions. The city's international airport is a convenient transport center where most coastal resorts meet their guests.
On the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria there are resorts known to most Russians: Albena, Golden Sands, Sunny Beach. In 1997, nine resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast received the prestigious `BLUE FLAG` title. This difference - the pride of any European resort, is evidence that the sea, beach and air are clean. So tourists can not worry about their health - it is guaranteed. Large modern resorts attract with their comfort, a variety of services offered in the field of sports, entertainment and travel.
How to get there
The Moscow-Sofia train runs twice a week. A train departs daily from St. Petersburg to Sofia.
The easiest way to fly to Sofia is by regular Aeroflot flights from Moscow (departures 4-6 times a week, flight time - 2.5 hours) and St. Petersburg (departure once a week, flight time - 3 hours 15 minutes). The Bulgarian airline "Bulgaria Air" operates regular flights Moscow-Sofia 2-3 times a week, and flies from St. Petersburg once a week. In winter, charters are raised from Moscow to Plovdiv, their flight time is about 3 hours.
Bulgaria has a continental climate. In general, it is cooler than in other places in Europe at the same geographical latitude. For example, unlike the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, there are no subtropics in Bulgaria.
Average temperature in January in Sofia: 4 - 2 degrees C, in July: 16 - 27 degrees C.
In Varna, the average temperature in January: 1 - 6 degrees C, July: 19 - 30 degrees C
Credit cards
Any kind of services in Bulgaria can be paid for with VISA, Master Card.
The early Bulgarian society developed under the influence of two main cultures - Byzantine and Turkish. Both of them had a serious impact on the formation of the population of Bulgaria.
Bulgaria has contributed to the treasury of world culture, literature and art. The works and skill of many Bulgarian writers and poets (A. Konstantinov, E. Pelin, X. Smirnensky, El. Bagryany), artists (An. Mitov, Iv. Myrkvichka, V. Dimitrov-Maistor, D. Uzunov), composers (Iem Manolova, P. Vladigerova and others) have gained worldwide fame and recognition.
For many centuries Bulgaria has been under the influence of various civilizations: Thracian, Roman, Greco-Byzantine, Slavic and Muslim. This largely determined the features of the development of the country's culture. Despite the centuries-old foreign yoke, the Bulgarian people have retained their identity and culture. Bulgarian belongs to the South Slavic group of the Indo-European family and is the oldest of the Slavic written languages. In 862 or 863, the brothers Cyril and Methodius from the Greek city of Thessaloniki created the Old Bulgarian alphabet (Glagolitic). The Russian version of the Old Bulgarian alphabet (Church Slavonic) contributed to the spread of literacy in Eastern Europe. The Cyrillic alphabet is now used, named after the Slavic enlightener Cyril. The cultural heyday of medieval Bulgaria is celebrated in the XIII-XIV centuries. By this time, in particular, the construction of the Boyana Church on the outskirts of Sofia with frescoes, anticipating the best examples of fine art of the early Italian Renaissance, dates back to this time. The Tarnovo literary school had a strong influence on the literature of other peoples who used writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet (Serbs, Russians, Vlachs). In the X-XIII centuries. in Bulgaria, an anti-feudal peasant movement unfolded, which took the form of a religious heresy - Bogomilism. The teachings of the Bogomils had a certain impact on the ideology of some socio-religious movements in Europe.
Summer time
In Bulgaria the mains voltage is 240 V, 50 Hz. There are no problems with adapters and sockets. However, it is still better to grab an adapter, since Bulgarian hotels are undergoing intensive reconstruction and it is possible that Western-style sockets will appear in the rooms.
The population in this country is about 8.2 million people, mainly Bulgarians 85%, Turks 9%, others 6%.
about country
The appearance of Bulgaria is surprisingly diverse: endless beaches on the Black Sea coast, green mysterious mountains, generous land, ancient cities and monasteries, healing mineral springs. It is adorned with rose fields, abundant orchards and fabulous vineyards. The unique charm of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is given by deep bays and mountain spurs, wooded hills and gardens.
This is a cordial and hospitable country, where there are both modern comfortable resorts and secluded corners of untouched nature. The Black Sea washing its shores is clean and calm, without ebbs and flows, without dangerous predators. The sandy beach is very gentle, so even the smallest children can swim safely. The water of the Black Sea contains two times less salts than the Mediterranean. The Bulgarian coastline, facing east, stretches for 378 km and is dotted with spacious beaches, up to 200 m wide, with fine and golden sand.
food and water
Most often, you are offered to choose from the traditional Shopska, mixed (tomatoes with cucumbers and, if desired, cheese), Russian (Olivier), Italian and three or four more types of salads. Usually the portions are not very large, so you can add a cold “presentation” - a roll, or a ham cocktail, a mushroom cocktail. dry sausage "lukanka", tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms or cheese. The cold Bulgarian soup “tarator” is also very unusual (finely chopped cucumbers, dill, garlic and walnuts are filled with diluted Bulgarian “sour milk”). Bulgaria is famous for its pirzholi (a piece of fried meat on a grill) and kebabchet (fried oblong meatballs). You will be offered pirzhola from pork, veal or chicken.
111 thousand sq. km
In Bulgaria, they buy embroidered clothes, linen fabrics, rugs, perfumes from the Rose Valley, leather goods, copper, handmade silver, copper and iron products as souvenirs. In Sofia, the best shops are located along Vitosha Boulevard and in the gallery in front of the NDK Culture Palace. In the TSUM store on Largo Street you can buy leather goods, knives, CDs, and souvenirs. Before you make a large purchase, ask about customs regulations.
The Russian Embassy
Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bulgaria:
Sofia, bul. Dragan Tsankov, 28
Tel. (8-10-359-2) 963-16-63, 963-09-14, 963-09-12
Fax: (8-10-359-2) 963-41-03, 963-41-16
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ruse:
Ruse, st. Nis, 1
Tel. (8-10-359-82) 82-22-51, 82-22-49. Fax: (8-10-359-82) 45-07-57
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Varna:
Varna, st. Macedonia, 53
Tel. (8-10-359-52) 66-2718, 66-2719
Fax: (8-10-359-52) 60-2722
Email: [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

* February 14 - Trifon Zarezan (holiday of winegrowers)
* March 1 - Martenitsy (coming of spring)
* March 3 - Day of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke, a national holiday
* May 6 - Day of Courage, the day of the Bulgarian army
* May 24 - Holiday of Bulgarian culture and Slavic writing (Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius)
* June 2 - Day of Botev and those who died for the freedom of Bulgaria
* September 6 - Day of the Unification of Bulgaria
* September 22 - Independence Day of Bulgaria
* December 6 - Constitution Day in Bulgaria
* December 8 - Student's Day

Nature and animals
The appearance of Bulgaria is surprisingly diverse: endless beaches on the Black Sea coast, green mysterious mountains, generous land, ancient cities and monasteries, healing mineral springs. It is adorned with rose fields, abundant orchards and fabulous vineyards. The unique charm of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is given by deep bays and mountain spurs, wooded hills and gardens.

The most developed are mechanical engineering (production of electric hoists and electric cars, tractors, agricultural machines, computers, machine tools) and the food and flavor industry (tobacco, fruit canning). Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Chemical and petrochemical, woodworking industry.

The Orthodox religion is predominant in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Church is headed by the Patriarch, who, together with the Synod of Metropolitans, exercises supreme power.
Sanitary standards
First aid and emergency consultations are free.
In the event of a traffic accident or an accident, you will receive free medical care. Long-term treatment is paid, but inexpensive. Medicines, despite the fact that many of them are Western firms, are inexpensive.

The code for Bulgaria is 359.
Sofia's code is 02.
Codes of some other cities and resort centers in Bulgaria:
Varna - 052; Golden Sands - 052; Riviera - 052; Albena - 05772; Burgas - 056; Plovdiv - 032; Ruse - 082; Balchik - 0579; Nessebar - 0554; Sozopol - 05514.
0123 international call order

Agriculture is dominated by crop production. Production of grain and legumes (6.7 million tons in 1992, mainly wheat, corn), tobacco, vegetables, fruits, grapes, essential oil crops (1st place in the world in the production and export of rose oil). Meat and wool animal husbandry (cattle, sheep, pigs). Fishing


Traditional Bulgarian souvenirs are embroidered clothes and blouses, linen, rugs, perfumes from the Rose Valley, pottery, leather, handmade silver, copper and iron products. In Sofia, the best shops are located along Vitosha Boulevard and in the gallery in front of the NDK Culture Palace. In the TSUM store on Largo Street you can buy leather goods, knives, CDs, and souvenirs.
Before you make a large purchase, ask about customs regulations.
Customs regulations
The import of non-canned foodstuffs is prohibited. It is forbidden to export: without special permission - objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, when carrying jewelry, a photo, film and video camera, a portable typewriter or laptop, indicate them in the declaration when entering the country.
Foreigners are allowed to bring into Bulgaria duty-free 250 cigarettes or 50 cigars, 1 liter of spirits or 2 liters of wine, gifts in a reasonable amount and an unlimited amount of foreign currency. If the total amount of imported currency (local or foreign) exceeds 5000 levs, it must be entered in the customs declaration. Jewelry, video cameras, computers and other expensive items are subject to declaration. When leaving the country, valuables must be included in the declaration. Local currency (or its equivalent in foreign currency) in the amount of less than 5000 levs. can be exported without documents, the amount is from 5000 to 20000 levs. must be included in the declaration. If the amount of currency exported from Bulgaria exceeds 20,000 levs, the permission of the Bulgarian People's Bank is required.

Telephone code

Both foreign and Bulgarian public and private airlines connect the country with the whole world. Charter flights are organized in summer and winter to deliver tourists to resorts.
International railway lines connect Bulgaria with most European countries. The network of internal railways covers almost all Bulgarian cities.
PUBLIC TRANSPORT In the center of Sofia, it is better to travel by tram, bus or trolleybus than by car, as it will be difficult for you to find a parking place. Trolleybuses and buses operate from 5 am to midnight, and trams - until 1 am. Tickets are sold at bus stops, newsstands and in the driver's cab. The ticket must be validated in the cabin of the bus, trolleybus or tram. In case of a transfer, you should buy another ticket. Controllers from time to time check the availability of tickets from passengers.
TAXI You can order a taxi by phone at the companies I TAXI, tel. 1282, TAXI S EXPRESS, tel. 1280, OKAY, tel. 2121.

Resort complexes in Bulgaria with beautiful romantic names - Golden Sands, Sunny Beach, Albena, Dyuni - meet all the requirements of modern tourism. Bulgarian resorts are isolated from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in large cities, but they are all located close to interesting tourist sites, which provides opportunities for excursions and educational tourism.

The national flag of the Republic of Bulgaria consists of white, green and red horizontal stripes with the coat of arms at the top left. White is a symbol of peace and freedom. The green stripe represents the natural wealth of the country. The red stripe is a symbol of the courage and blood of patriots shed in the struggle for the independence of the country.

It is customary to leave them when paying a bill in a restaurant, cafe, bar, taxi, if customers are satisfied. The size depends on your generosity.


The official language is Bulgarian, which is so close to Russian that Russian-speaking tourists have practically no language problems.
Service personnel at resorts, hotels and restaurants usually speak Russian, English, German and French.

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Country Description

An attractive tourist country, with beautiful nature and hospitable people. Bright sun, azure sea, beautiful beaches, a wide choice of hotels, an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Bulgaria is a small (compared to Russia, of course), but popular with tourists southern country, with beautiful nature, inhabited by hospitable people. People of all ages and with different income levels can afford to spend holidays in this wonderful corner of the globe. It will appeal to both young people who prefer places where they can relax and lead a mostly nocturnal lifestyle, and those who prefer a calm, but at the same time not boring rest.


Bulgaria is a relatively small state (111 thousand km2), located in the south of Europe, in the northeast of the Balkan Peninsula. It is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. A country in southeastern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula (from 1946 to 1990 it was called the People's Republic of Bulgaria). Bulgaria shares a common border with five countries. In the north, along the Danube, there is a border with Romania, in the south - with Turkey and Greece, in the west - with Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. The area of ​​Bulgaria is 110912 sq. km. More than half of the country's territory is mountainous or hilly: the Balkan Mountains cross the country from the northwest to the Black Sea and form the watershed between the Danube River and the Aegean Sea. In the south lie the Rhodope Mountains, along which the border with Greece runs. In the south-west of Bulgaria lie the Rila Mountains, where the highest point of the country is located - Mount Musala (2925 m). Toward the east there are several valleys, including Thracian. The main river in Bulgaria is the Danube, whose tributaries are Is-kyr and Yantra.


Time in Bulgaria is 1 hour behind Moscow time.


Most of the territory of Bulgaria is dominated by a temperate continental climate with distinct four seasons. On the Black Sea coast and in the southern regions, the climate is close to the Mediterranean. In the country, the average temperature of the coldest month - January - ranges from -2 to + 2oC. In the mountains, the thermometer can drop to -10 ... - 15 degrees. The average temperature of the warmest month - July - ranges from +18oC to +24oC in the northern regions to +28 in the south and on the Black Sea coast, while it rarely exceeds 30 degrees. The annual rainfall is 670 mm, and in the mountains - 800 - 1000 mm. In northern Bulgaria and the Black Sea region, the wettest months are May - June, the driest - February. In southern Bulgaria, the maximum precipitation occurs in November - December, the minimum - in August. The water in the Black Sea warms up to +25oC. The climate of Bulgaria is favorable for recreation, especially for residents of the middle zone.


The official language is Bulgarian, which is so close to Russian that Russian-speaking tourists have practically no language problems. Service personnel at resorts, hotels and restaurants usually speak Russian, English, German and French.


The state guarantees freedom of religion. Religious institutions are separated from the state. The traditional religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity (85% of the population). Orthodox Christianity since the 9th century. is the main religion of the country. Today it is practiced by 82.6% of the population. Throughout the history of Bulgaria, it has played an important role in the formation of the nation. During the times of foreign domination, thanks to the Orthodox Church, the Bulgarians managed to preserve their native language, and in many respects their culture. The church is autocephalous (administratively independent). It is ruled by the Bulgarian Patriarch. Services are conducted in Bulgarian.


The population of Bulgaria is about 9 million people, of which 85% are Bulgarians, 9.7% are Turks and 5% are gypsies. The population of Bulgaria over the past 20 years has decreased by almost a million people - and now the country is home to about 7.7 million citizens. Bulgarian experts cite several reasons for such an unpleasant trend: a drop in the birth rate, as well as a high level of emigration. According to some forecasts, if the current demographic situation does not change, then in a few decades the population of Bulgaria may be reduced by one third. Population decline is noted in many European countries, but in Bulgaria this process is exacerbated by an extremely low standard of living.


The mains voltage is 220 volts throughout the country.

Emergency telephones

Emergency phone number in Bulgaria - 150
The telephone number of the fire service in Bulgaria is 160
Police phone in Bulgaria - 166
The telephone number of the traffic police in Bulgaria is 165
Road service in Bulgaria - 146


Telephone communication: you can call another country or city from any pay phone using the phone cards of Mobika (blue cards and devices) and BulFon (orange cards and devices), which are sold at post offices, newsstands , small shops and hotels. The consumption of conventional units on the card is indicated on the phone display. A call from the post office will cost a little less than from a hotel. Bulgaria code - 359. To call Bulgaria you need to dial - 8 - 10 - 359 - city code - number of the called subscriber. To access international calls from Bulgaria: 00 (beep) - country and city code - number of the called subscriber. When calling from Russia to Bulgaria on cell phones, you should dial the country code (359) - the subscriber's cell phone number. In this case, the area code does not matter.

Currency exchange

In use are coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 stotinki and banknotes of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 leva (lev.). On July 1, 1999, the country made a denomination of the local currency similar to the Russian one, when each denomination was reduced by three zeros. The old money was in circulation until the end of 1999. But even now a tourist can slip money out of circulation. The exchange rate of the Bulgarian lev is strictly pegged to the German mark: 1lv. = DM1. In turn, $1 is approximately equal to DM2. (As of June 2000). In general, in big cities the course is better than in resorts. Banks work with clients from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00. Banks are closed on Sundays and public holidays.


Citizens of Russia and the CIS to visit Bulgaria require a visa, which must be applied for at the Visa Application Centers of Bulgaria or at the visa departments of the Embassy or Consulates General of Bulgaria in the territory of the Russian Federation. Types of visas: 1) short stay visa (entry visa) - issued to persons whose purpose of travel is tourism, visiting relatives or friends; 2) group visa - issued to persons who are citizens of one state and formed a group before applying for a visa. Group tourist visas give the right to a single entry and stay for a period not exceeding 30 days. Group single or double entry transit visas give the right to a single or double passage through the territory of Bulgaria. The composition and size of the group during the stay and departure from Bulgaria should not change; 3) transit visa - issued to persons whose purpose of visit is transit through the territory of Bulgaria to third countries within 24 hours. This visa gives the right to leave the airport and stay in the country within the specified period. Citizens of Russia do not need a transit visa if they arrive in Bulgaria for the purpose of an intermediate landing or transfer to another flight and do not leave the airport airside; 4) long-term residence visa (immigrant visa) - issued to persons wishing to obtain a long-term (1 year) or permanent residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Customs regulations

It is necessary to declare: jewelry, professional photo, cinema and video equipment, which then must be taken out of the country. There is a limit on the import of some items, above which you need to pay a duty: cigarettes - 200 pcs. (or other tobacco products - 250 g), wine - 2 l, spirits - 1 l, coffee - 500 g, tea - 100 g, perfume - 50 ml, cologne or other perfume products - 250 ml .; items for personal use, photo and video equipment, sports and hunting equipment (it is necessary to fill out a declaration with the obligation to re-export them). Duty-free export of antiques and works of art is allowed with a permit. It is forbidden to import: automobile gas-cylinder installations; meat and meat products, beans, sugar; children's clothing and footwear, cotton fabrics, household electrical appliances.

Holidays and non-working days

January 1 - New Year
March 3 - Day of the Liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke
April - Good Friday
April - Easter Monday
April - May - Easter (the dates of these holidays change according to the church calendar)
May 1 - Labor Day
May 6 - Day of St. George the Victorious, official holiday of the armed forces of Bulgaria
May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture
August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin
September 6 - Day of the Unification of Bulgaria
September 22 - Independence Day
November 1 - All Saints Day
December 6 - Constitution Day
December 8 - Immaculate Conception
December 25, 26 - Christmas


Buses, trolleybuses and trams operate in cities. The cost of a single travel ticket varies between 0.25 BGL in different cities (0.4 BGL in the Sofia metro). A double ticket (valid for an hour) costs 0.4 BGL, a ticket for five days - 4.4 BGL, for a month - 21 BGL. At some resorts, there are also intercity single tickets of different frequencies. In many localities and resorts, affordable fixed-route taxis are common.

The capital has a subway. The cost of a single ticket is 0.4 BGL .. Yellow taxis with traditional checkers, a price list with prices should be fixed on the side window, in most taxis you can even get a receipt. There are day and night (22.00-06.00) tariffs. Base prices (day\night rate) - landing - 0.29\0.39 BGL, 1 km. mileage - 0.48\0.58 BGL, one minute of waiting - 0.16\0.19 BGL, additional piece of luggage - 5 BGL. In resorts, taxi drivers often offer "negotiated prices", in which case you can and should bargain.

Rail transport in Bulgaria is relatively inexpensive and convenient. Trains are divided into "express" (express) and "friday" (passenger). When traveling to resort areas, tickets are recommended to be booked in advance.


Tipping is usually 5-8% in a restaurant (in high-end restaurants - 10%), cafes and bars, if the guest was satisfied. In a taxi "for tea" they usually leave 5% of the amount on the meter or rounded to the nearest whole number (the main payment is strictly on the meter).

The shops

The largest and busiest market in Sofia, the so-called women's market, Women's Pazar. In addition to fruits and vegetables, you can buy meat, cheeses, seasonings and spices, dishes, clothes, shoes, metal products, etc. at the market. The covered market (HALI) is located opposite the mosque, on Blvd. Book. Marie Louise. The Great Sofia Market is an example of the architecture of the early 20th century. It was built in 1910-1911. Today this market is the main selling place for fresh products in Sofia.

Slyvekov Square in the city center is the most visited place in the city. Here you can find a varied number of shops, as well as a book market that sells works in all possible languages ​​at very attractive prices.

Fashion stores are located in the central part of Sofia. Here you can find all the most famous brands (Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Marlboro Classics). You will find them if you go up Vitosha boulevard. Fashion shops are also on the street. Tsar Shishman and Count Ignatiev.

Typical Bulgarian souvenirs are rose oil, wines and brandy, carpets and ceramics, silverware. Souvenir shop next to the Alexander Nevsky Church. Dealers in antiques (musical instruments, cameras, paintings, icons, etc.) can be found in the park opposite the Alexander Nevsky Church. The icons are copies of the most beautiful icons kept in Bulgarian monasteries.

National cuisine

The dishes are really tasty - spicy spices, plenty of vegetables, spicy taste. One of its main features is the simultaneous heat treatment of products over low heat. This allows you to preserve the nutritional properties, to achieve a pleasant aroma of dishes, original flavor combinations. This is also facilitated by the use of a variety of products, seasonings, vegetable and animal fats.

It all starts with salads: traditional Shopska, mixed (tomatoes with cucumbers and cheese), Russian "Olivier", "Snezhanka" (fresh cucumbers, walnuts, pressed Bulgarian "sour milk"). You can not ignore the cold "presentation": roll or ham cocktail, mushroom cocktail, dry sausage "Lukanka", tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms or cheese.

The cold Bulgarian soup "tarator" is very unusual (finely chopped cucumbers, dill, garlic and walnuts are filled with diluted Bulgarian "sour milk"). Lamb soup (lamb kurban chorba) and lentil soup (bream chorba) have a peculiar taste. Bulgaria is famous for its pyrzhols (a piece of meat fried on a grill) and kebapchetas (oblong minced meat patties fried on a grill).

Popular dishes are: kavarma (meat or vegetable roll), drob sarma (chopped lamb liver with rice and egg), sarmi (stuffed grape leaves), kebab (meat on a spit), Rhodope banitsa, lamb (baked right in front of you on the coals) , trout, Melnik-style kebap, Bansky starets, sujuk, chomlek (beef stew), kebab in pumpkin (cooked over low heat, which preserves all the taste qualities of the products used).

Bulgaria is among the top five wine producers, both red (Cabernet, Mavrud, Merlot, Otel, Trakia, etc.) and white (Chardonnay, Galatea, Misket, Riesling, Tamyanka).


Rila Monastery- Holy place of Bulgaria. The monastery is recognized as a shrine not only for the Orthodox, but for the entire Christian Church. The Rila Monastery (officially the Monastery of St. John of Rilski) is the largest and most famous Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria, in the northwest of the Rila Mountains, 117 km south of Sofia in the Rilska River valley, at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level. Through the centuries, he has preserved the pride, national consciousness, honor and hope of the Bulgarian people. The monastery was founded in the 10th century by the followers of the hermit St. Ivan Rilski, whose relics are still kept here.

Rozhen monastery located in the south of the country, 6 km from the town-museum Melnik at the foot of the Pirin Mountain and almost 100 years older than the Rila Monastery. In its current form, the monastery (built by the mill ruler Slav at the turn of the 12th - 13th centuries) has been preserved as it was in the 16th century. The heyday of the monastery reached its peak in the 19th century, when it became a regional spiritual center and had numerous estates in the surrounding areas. This is the only one of the monasteries restored in the first centuries of the Ottoman yoke, which was lucky to survive later. At the beginning of the 17th century it was destroyed by fire, and in the 18th century it was restored with donations from Bulgarian patrons.

One of the most interesting sights of the capital is built of red brick on the site of the Roman rotunda. Church of St. George- the oldest temple of Sofia. On the inside of the dome, frescoes have been preserved, the earliest of which date back to the 10th century, and on the outside, the remains of the streets of ancient Serdika (the Roman name of the city) have been preserved. The most beautiful boulevard in the city - Vitosha boulevard, going from the Cathedral of St. Nedelya, past numerous underground shopping galleries, to the square of the Palace of Culture with a monument to the 1300th anniversary of Bulgaria. The nearby building of the Palace of Justice (1936) houses the National Museum of History - one of the largest historical museums in the Balkans.

The city-reserve of Veliko Tarnovo, the ancient capital of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom (1185 - 1393), is definitely worth a visit to see the Tsar's Palace, the picturesque towers of the Patriarch and Balduin in fortress Tsarevets on the hill of the same name, near which the show "Sound and Light" is regularly held, which tells about the history of the city. Of interest are the picturesque Varusha quarter, the monastery of St. Peter and Paul (XIII century) and Kapinovsky, as well as the churches of St. Dimitar of Thessalonica (XI century, the oldest in the city) and St. Forty Great Martyrs (1230).

In Plovdiv, the second largest city in Bulgaria, a must see Trimontium("three hills", the old city) - the Roman forum, a theater for 3 thousand seats and the gates of Hisar Kapi (II century AD), as well as Jumaya mosques(XV century) and Imaret (1445), Cathedral of Constantine and Helena(1832) with a beautiful gallery of icons, the ruins of the Thracian city of Evmolpias (II century BC), Amphitheater of Philip II of Macedon, as well as unique churches - St. Nedelya, St. Dimitar and St. Marina(1854). Plovdiv Archaeological Museum considered one of the best in the country, the Ethnographic Museum in the Koyumcoglu house with an excellent collection of national costumes, the art gallery in the Baklanov House and the Museum of National Revival are also good.

The center of Varna is considered Cathedral of the Holy Assumption of the Virgin("Cathedral", 1880 - 1910), famous for its frescoes and unique wood carvings in the design of the patriarchal throne and iconostases. Museum of History and Art (Archaeological) is located on an area of ​​2000 square meters. m. in the beautiful building of the former Maiden's Gymnasium, and is considered the largest museum in the city. Its unique exposition contains more than 55 thousand exhibits, from the early Paleolithic to the late Middle Ages, including a unique gold collection of the 5th - 6th millennium BC. e.

The city of Nessebar is famous for its many small churches, among which the most attractive Church of St. Stephen(XI century) and famous for its miraculous icon Church of the Holy Virgin, as well as a charming old mill, narrow cobbled streets, gentle sea, quaint white cliffs and wide sandy beaches fringed by sand dunes.


Beach resorts: Rusalka, Albena, Kranevo, Zlatni Piasytsi, Riviera, Slynchev Den, Sveti Konstantin and Elena, Obzor, Slynchev Bryag, Dyuni. The fourth largest Bulgarian city Burgas is located in the southeastern part of the country, on the shores of the deep Foros Bay. The climate here is temperate continental with a strong influence of the sea. Burgas is a large industrial center. This is, rather, not a beach area, but a key point on the way to large seaside resorts like Slynchev Bryaga - it is at Burgas Airport that many international flights land.

Stunning ancient city Nessebar located 20 km north of Burgas, on a narrow peninsula, far out into the sea. South of the modern quarters, in the southern part of the bay, there are two good beach areas.

small town Pomorie is located on a narrow rocky peninsula jutting out into the sea for 3.5 km, 20 km northeast of Burgas. Pomorie was founded by Greek colonists in the 4th century BC. e., and already in those days was famous for its salt lakes, many of which had the status of sacred. Now the city is famous for the production of excellent cognacs and wines, the extraction of sea salt and healing mud. Here is one of the largest and most modern wine cellars in Bulgaria, as well as a domed Thracian tomb (3rd century) and the monastery of St. George (1856). Vacationers come here for the amazing beauty of the views and the unique microclimate. The beaches are gentle, sandy, stretching along the sea for 4.2 km.

City Varna located on the northern shore of the Varna Bay and is a popular seaside resort. This is the third most populated city in Bulgaria (after Sofia and Plovdiv), considered the sea capital of the country and famous for its extensive sandy beaches. In July-August, the number of sunny hours per day here reaches 10-11. The sea is surprisingly calm and safe at any time of the year.

Ski resorts: Vitosha-Aleko; Pirin, Kulinoto, Dobrinishte, Bansko; Rila, Semkovo, Panichishte, Malyovitsa, Borovets; Rhodopi, Chepelare, Pamporovo; Uzana. Complex Vitosha-Aleko is located on the southern outskirts of Sofia and is one of the highest ski resorts in the country. More than 29 km of slopes at altitudes of 1650-2290 m are served by 12 ski lifts. For cross-country skiing, 11 km of flat skiing has been prepared. The disadvantages include quite often and dramatically changing weather.

To the mountain complex Pirin(Pirin), declared by UNESCO a natural and cultural heritage reserve, includes 87 steep peaks and 150 lakes, as well as an ancient town Bansko, lying about 160 km from Sofia, at an altitude of 930 meters above sea level.

The largest and oldest ski resort in Bulgaria Borovets located at an altitude of 1350 m above sea level on the northern slopes of the Rila Mountain, at the foot of the highest peak on the Balkan Peninsula, Musala (Moussala, 2925 m). The duration of the ski season here is from December to April. The average temperature of the coldest month (January) is +4°C.

The most famous is the southernmost ski center in Bulgaria - the resort Pamporovo(260 km from Sofia, 80 km from Plovdiv), on the lands of which, according to myths, the legendary singer Orpheus lived. Pamporovo is located in the Rhodope Mountains. Height above sea level - 1650 m. The most famous peaks: Snezhanka (Snejanka, 1925 m) and Murgavets (Mourgavets, 1858 m). Hot springs gushing out of the ground gave rise to the opening of several balneological centers in Pamporovo. The temperature in winter does not fall below -7 C. The number of "snowy" days per year is 150-200, the thickness of the snow cover is 140-150 cm.

Uzana- this is a real discovery, a beautiful gem in the mountain crown of the Balkans. Located among centuries-old oak forests at an altitude of 1300 m, the resort is part of the natural park "Bulgarka". The season here runs from mid-December to early April. The total length of the tracks is 3 km. The professional (and longest) run here is 1300 m. Beginners ski on eight shorter runs. You can also go kite surfing and ride a motorized sled. The famous town of Gabrovo is located 22 km from the resort.

Balneological resorts: Hisarya, Sandanski, Devin, Velingrad, Byanka, Troyan, Kyustendil.

Resort Hisarya located at an altitude of 360 meters in the Sredna Gora mountain range, 42 km north of Plovdiv and 140 km east of Sofia. There are 22 mineral springs with water temperatures ranging from 37°C to 52°C. Winters are warm, mild and almost snowless. The sun shines 280 days a year. Industrial production in these places is not developed, so the environment is close to ideal.

Resort Devin located in the Rhodope Mountains, at an altitude of 684 meters, 220 km from Sofia, 100 km from Plovdiv and 45 km from Smolyan. There are about 285 sunny days a year in the mountains. In winter, the temperature drops to zero and snow falls, but the environment is usually comfortable. It is almost never hot in summer. There are many natural attractions in these parts: various waterfalls, caves, rocks and nature reserves. The Pamporovo ski resort is very close by.

Resort sandanski located in the Pirin Mountains, 160 km from Sofia and 80 km from Blagoevgrad. Sandanski is surrounded by the Pirin National Park and the ruins of ancient settlements. The resort is famous for its mineral springs (their temperature is from 33°C to 83°C) combined with wonderful healing mountain air. Bronchial and asthmatic diseases are cured in Sandanski in the majority of patients. You can relax here at any time of the year, as winters are mild and summers are not hot.

In the region Trojan, located 160 km from Sofia and 300 km from the Black Sea, there are two centers of balneology - Shipkovo and Chiflik. These places are famous for centuries-old forests, crystal clear air and mineral springs. Especially popular here are outdoor pools with mineral water, the temperature of which is about 34°C. The spa centers offer Jacuzzis, saunas, massages, aromatherapy and thalassotherapy to clients.

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