Watchdog lions on the Admiralty Embankment. Lions on the Admiralty embankment

Every Petersburger can say with a great deal of confidence that one of the most fascinating places in the city is Admiralteyskaya Embankment with mysterious lions. Royal animals add mysticism to romantic walks in these places. Enjoying great popularity in St. Petersburg, the brass guard lions are an exact replica of the guard lions in Florence. With the only difference: overseas lions are made of stone. Nevertheless, in the Northern capital, the kings of beasts are so popular with tourists that they have repeatedly suffered from those who want to climb the figures more carefully and higher in order to catch a good angle for shooting.

And the animals are not young - almost 200 years old. Serious number! The date of birth of the majestic statues made of thin sheet copper is 1832. Master Prang was engaged in the manufacture of graceful cats at the Alexander iron foundry. And for casting they used plaster casts from Florentine relatives. In the same year, figures and vases became the main decoration of the descent to the Neva. A little later, the vases were moved to the Petrovsky pier, and the lions were placed closer to the Admiralty. The pedestals cast at the same factory became the support for the "keepers". Having comfortably settled down on a cast-iron “rug”, the lions not only faithfully carried out their service all this time, but also became the brightest decoration of the granite descent to the Neva.

They haven't tried to jump from their place for so many years... well, except to take a secret walk through the city at night, when there is not a single outside observer around.

There would be no restorations, but the tourists helped

Excellent quality factory work justified itself and did not need constant repairs. Lions steadfastly survived the Great Patriotic War and required restoration only twice - in the post-war years and in 1991. But the third restoration was forced and extremely necessary.

Then, strong steel frames had to be “implanted” into the hollow bodies of the lions. There would be no need for them if numerous tourists, constantly climbing on the back of one of the lions, did not break through his body.

In addition to the ardent love of tourists, the regal statues on the Admiralteyskaya embankment have earned laudatory masterpieces in word and brush. Famous artists of the 19th century Vasily Sadovnikov and Alexander Beggrov depicted guard lions on their canvases. Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva and Sergei Khadzhibaronov, already creating in the 20th century, also devoted their works to popular sculptures.

Author on stage! Yes real!

The very history of the appearance of these beauties is securely hidden under a veil of secrets and mysteries, which is so interesting to open at least a little...

Initially, the descent to the Neva was planned to be decorated with female figures accompanied by a "lion" escort. But the idea was swept away, leaving only animals, and, moreover, with an indispensable condition: they must be watchdogs without fail! After all, the shipbuilding center of the Northern capital should be protected day and night! So the guard lions found themselves in the project of the architect Carl Rossi, and after the birth they began to carry out an important service.

It is with the definition of the "paternity" of lions that the mystery of this story begins. Many guides assure tourists that the figures were allegedly cast according to the project of Ivan Prokofiev. But as it turns out, this is not entirely true: it is unlikely that the master at that time could personally take part in the design of the pier. Ivan Prokofiev died in the winter of 1828, and the question of the appearance of the lion "guard" arose only in the fall. Not to mention the fact that only 4 years later it was decided to cast the figures. There is also an answer to the assumption that the sculptor could have conceived graceful cats even earlier. For health reasons (complete paralysis of the right side), the master has not been engaged in creativity for the last 6 years. Like it or not, it turns out that the attribution of authorship is erroneous. Ivan Prokofiev, indeed, owns a great many beautiful sculptures and bas-reliefs, but, alas, they have nothing to do with the Admiralty Lions.

Be that as it may, majestic animal sculptures still occupy their special place under the sky of St. Petersburg. Well viewed from many points of the Admiralteyskaya embankment, the clear profiles of the lions are displayed against the background of the smooth surface of the Neva, at the same time decorating the vault of heaven with proud outlines ...

Two lions on the Admiralteyskaya Embankment near the Palace Bridge are the most famous lions of St. Petersburg. They are installed to the right and left of the descent to the Neva. The Admiralty has played an important role in its life since the city was built. Here, ships descended on the Neva, raw materials and materials were supplied through these gates. Sculptures of a lion, made in 1832 in St. Petersburg at the Alexander Iron Foundry, empty inside, and made by chasing from sheet copper. According to the model of the sculpture by I.P. Prokofiev, they were made by the master I. Prang. Cast iron pedestals designed by architect L. Charlemagne were cast at the same factory. During the Great Patriotic War, the lions remained in their places. They were practically unharmed. According to one of the legends about St. Petersburg, the place around the Admiralty has an unusual aura, unusual energy, so walking here is good for health. Perhaps this unusual energy saved the lions from Nazi shells during the harsh war years of 1941-1945. However, in 2006 experts
found damage to the famous sculptures. The back of the sculpture of the lion closest to the Palace Bridge could not stand the numerous lovers to sit on its back and caved in. Experts suggested installing a solid frame inside the sculpture. IN
In 2007, the sculpture of the second lion was restored.
When restoring St. Petersburg sculptures, it is very important to carefully treat the surface, because the paintwork lasts 3-4 years in the conditions of the St. Petersburg climate. /
Sergey Skryabin, Russia, Kaliningrad/

On the Neva embankment, opposite the eastern wing of the Admiralty, crowned with a slender golden spire with a ship, there is a granite Palace Pier, decorated with two copper statues of guard lions with a front paw on a ball.

The lions stand with their heavy lobed heads turned towards each other on the upper ledges of a wide granite staircase descending to the very water. Their formidable muzzles with half-open bared mouths and terrible fangs are peculiar and expressive. Broad chest, powerful paws and a slender muscular body with a taut belly speak of the strength and dexterity of a predator. The lions rest on the ball with their front paw with extended curved claws.

These are perhaps the most popular guard lions in St. Petersburg. The royally majestic statues of formidable beasts finely embossed from sheet copper are clearly visible from everywhere, and their profiles are clearly drawn against the background of the dark gray surface of the Neva and the pale blue of the clear sky.

Lions on Kronverksky Prospekt

In St. Petersburg there are lions not only made of marble, copper and cast iron. These beauties were cast in 1915 from concrete with the addition of granite chips. They are located on the Petrograd side, in the courtyard of house 5 on Kronverksky Prospekt.

These lions hid in a quiet courtyard not far from the Kshesinskaya mansion. The courtyard is small and quiet, and even those who have lived all their lives on Petrogradskaya usually do not know about this pair of statues.

Music: Jean - Yves Thibaudet - Love Letters

Petersburg can be called a city of lions,
because these representatives of the cat family -
from cast iron, gypsum, marble and copper -
a great multitude scattered along the streets of St. Petersburg!

* * *

At Kushelev's dacha - Bezborodko.

right there...
From somewhere I heard that the building is guarded by 22 lions.
For some reason, I counted 24, namely:
on the one hand 12, and I mean that on the other - the same number ...))

How many are there really?

Here's what one official source says:
"29 cast-iron lions sat in one long row along the metal lattice that encloses the territory of the former
estates of A.G. Kushelev-Bezborodko.
The portcullis with lions was built in the late 1790s at the same time as the pier guarded by four sphinxes.
There are lions near the house number 40 on Polyustrovskaya embankment.
Previously, they held a cast-iron chain in their mouths." ...... Evona how!))

Bank bridge on the Griboyedov Canal

A bit of history:

The suspension bridge itself was built in 1825-1826 according to the design of Wilhelm von Tretter. And the bridge owes the appearance of griffins to P.P.Sokolov.
Now the question arises. Why were griffins planted on the Bank Bridge?
The fact is that the bridge is located in front of the building of the former Assignation Bank. And according to mythology, the duty of griffins is to protect treasures. So these lions with eagle wings guarded the gold reserves of the Russian State. By the way, there is a belief among the townspeople that if you rub the paw of a griffin, wealth will not pass you by.
I suggest checking it out just in case. ;) If this is true, then in the very near future you will be able to buy a tour to Dombay and spend an unforgettable vacation there.))

right there...

Right there...
Bank bridge -
one of the most beautiful places in St. Petersburg, isn't it?))
* * * * *

Palace pier.

The very first king of animals arrived in St. Petersburg in 1722
from Venice - Peter I ordered it for a sculpture symbolizing the victory of Russia over Sweden (this monument still flaunts in the Summer Garden).

But most of all lion statues were “brought up” in St. Petersburg in the 19th century - then it was fashionable for homeowners to decorate the gates or steps of mansions with a couple of respectable beasts. In addition to houses, predators guard the slopes to the Neva and numerous bridges,
however, the most famous St. Petersburg lions settled

In 1832 at the Palace Pier opposite the Admiralty.

These copper sculptures were made according to the drawings of Carlo Rossi, and since they are paired, they are not bored - especially since the creators provided them with balls that you can play with when no one is watching.
But in front of witnesses, the lions behave very seriously:
claws out and teeth bared.
* * *

Palace pier.
Admiralteyskaya Embankment, next to the Palace Bridge.

right there...

right there...

right there...
* * *

Lviny bridge in the alignment of Malaya Podyacheskaya street,
Griboyedov Canal


right there...

right there...

* * *

Shuvalovsky Park, 1

right there...

In Peterhof

Datsan. Primorsky prospect, 91.

Shi-Dza (Chinese lion from Manchuria).
Petrovskaya embankment, next to the museum "House of Peter the Great"

Manezhnaya Square, Karavannaya street, 1.

On Malaya Sadovaya at the entrance to the Vietnamese restaurant "Mekong"

University embankment.
* * *


Moika embankment, 59,
Eliseevsky Palace Hotel


Embankment Makarova, 4


* * *

Nevsky prospect, 72,
at the entrance to the hotel "Red Terem"
* * *

Pavlovsk is a suburb of St. Petersburg.
Large stone staircase.

right there...

* * *

Prospect Veteranov, 109.

G. Pushkin - a suburb of St. Petersburg.

Guard lion on St. Isaac's Square.
* * *

Russian Ethnographic Museum.
A gift from the state of Israel to St. Petersburg for the 300th anniversary of the city.
Sculpture: length - 3m, width - 2.5m, height - 2m

At Elagin Palace.

At the building of the Nikolaev Military Academy.
/ the author of the photo claims that this is the only LYING lion in St. Petersburg.
But along the way, I became convinced that this is not so!)) /

* * *

Russian Museum, aka Mikhailovsky Castle

right there...

right there...
* * *
And here are some lions, whose addresses I do not know,
or lions are simply unrecognized.
I'd be grateful if you could give me some advice! :)

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

№ 4

At the entrance of a cafe...
... pathetic parody! But this is a personal opinion...

* * * Lions on the facade of buildings. * * *
Unfortunately, I can't provide all addresses.
Let's just love it!

Coat of arms of Yusupov at the Yusupov Palace

Kamennoostorovsky prospect, 9\2

... however, the lattice of the bridge ... (but which one? - tell me!)

He was nicknamed "The Kissing Lion"))
I don't remember the address exactly. Looks like Petropavlovka...
(Who knows, tell me!)

But what about sphinxes and griffons?
Let's classify them as lions too!))

The king of beasts at the crossing

winged creatures

House with lions

Lions at Yelagin Palace

Chinese Shih Tza lions

lion pack

Lions on the Palace Pier

peterhof lion


Northern Palmyra is inhabited by various creatures: mysterious sphinxes look at passers-by from the embankments, assorted owls open their beaks from the walls of palaces, dragons beat their tails, bats, horses, baby Chizhik-Pyzhik froze in silence. Not without lions - there are many giant cats in the cultural capital: plaster, marble, carved from granite, bright, faded, filigree, simple, modern and numbering at least 200 years. But first things first.

According to mythology, the lion is a leader and a wise ruler, endowed with power, courage, courage and greatness. He personifies power, fire, daylight. It is not known exactly when the fashion for decorating roofs and streets with predators arose: according to one version, this passion manifested itself during the reign of Peter I, who met similar stone creations in Europe. Superstitious Europeans in the Middle Ages came to the conclusion that lions are excellent guards, as they sleep with their eyes wide open, and therefore they will not let demons under the roof. According to another theory, the sculptural images of these animals became widespread in the nineteenth century, when Russian architects drew attention to Italian art and the work of ancient geniuses, who often carved lush manes, tenacious claws and powerful lean bodies from stone. Let's remember where in our land you can meet amazing creatures.

The king of beasts at the crossing

"Bridge with lions in St. Petersburg?" - this is about the pedestrian Lion Bridge, thrown over the Griboyedov Canal in the Admiralteysky District. The river crossing was built in 1825. In the same period of time, Academician Pavel Petrovich Sokolov set about creating alabaster forms for future monuments. Each of the noble beauties serves not only as a decoration: the two-meter snow-white statues hide the mechanisms that hold the bridge span and people on it. The stability of the structure is given by weighty slabs, which serve as the basis for the levushki.

Not only local residents liked the suspension crossing: 10 years later, the German company Borsig erected a small copy of the bridge in the Tiergarten, one of the parks in Berlin. The city planner Ludwig Hesse was involved in the development of the project. You can see this wooden structure even today.

winged creatures

Loved by many lions with wings in St. Petersburg are located on the Bank Bridge. In fact, they are often called griffins, but there are those who disagree with this term, because according to legend, these fairy-tale characters had the head of a bird, and the sculptures on the Griboyedov Canal do not have such a feature.

The opening of the Bankovsky Bridge took place 25 days after the launch of the Lion Bridge, the same architects and sculptors were involved in the construction of an elegant structure. The principle of the device is the same as that of the older brother: exquisite spans are held by chain links, which are reinforced in sculptures. Here you can admire not only magical griffin lions, but also landscapes: from the flooring you can see a magnificent view of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, the Kazan Cathedral and the Singer House, emerald plantations around gray granite and calm, slightly greenish ripples of water, in which proud guardians of justice are reflected .

House with lions

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote about them in the poem "The Bronze Horseman": "With a raised paw, as if alive, the guard lions stood." Of course, we are talking about amazing guards that hold sloping stone balls with their paws near the Lobanov-Rostovsky House on St. Isaac's Square. Unique individuals, striking with their graceful and majestic appearance, were born in Italy: under the southern sun, master Paolo Triscorni worked on the creation of chiseled lines.

In the 21st century, in an elegant palace complex designed by the famous architect Auguste Montferrand, there is a deluxe hotel, whose guests are guarded every night by noble cats.

Lions at Yelagin Palace

At the delightful Yelagin Palace, on granite pedestals, there are two cast-iron sculptures of lions, whose paws rest on hemispheres. From a distance, they seem to be twins: a mop of shaggy hair, a mysterious half-grin, half-smile, but if you look closer at the figures, the differences will become obvious: they are both in position and in appearance. They were made in 1822 at the St. Petersburg State Foundry.

Chinese Shih Tza lions

These unusual sculptures were petrified on the Petrovskaya embankment not far from the house of Peter the Great. Massive figures weighing 2.5 tons come from Manchuria: they moved to their new place of residence in 1907, when they were presented to Petrograd as a gift.

In China, frog lions are required to guard the family hearth, and therefore are carved and installed at least in pairs. The lion father, as the head of the dynasty, holds the ball, symbolizing light, knowledge, wealth, and his companion, the lioness mother, supports the baby lion cub: the open mouth of the wife of the head of the animal kingdom drives away evil spirits from her child, who will continue the family.

Initially, it was assumed that freedom-loving predators would decorate the temple-chapel of General Chan in the Chinese Girin, but after the death of an official, the newly-minted governor decided to present the lions as a gift to the Amur Governor-General Nikolai Ivanovich Grodekov, who, in turn, transferred them to the capital of the Russian Empire.

Other favorite oriental animals that settled in St. Petersburg are Shanghai lions, presented to the city for the 300th anniversary. They live in the Garden of Friendship on Liteiny Prospekt.

lion pack

The largest population of these graceful representatives of the cat family can be found in front of the Bezborodko dacha on the Sverdlovskaya embankment. 29 lions are connected by a heavy cast iron chain. The mansion itself was erected in 1773-1777, but then it was rebuilt several times. Stone guards were installed in front of the manor at the beginning of the 19th century. Nikolai Alexandrovich Lvov is considered to be a possible author of the statues.

By the way, in the 70s of the 20th century, the shooting of the film “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia” took place near the luxurious dacha. The heroes of the movie tried to find the treasure under the lions! Remember this moment?

Lions on the Palace Pier

However, according to local historians, the most popular lions in the city are the brave creatures near the Admiralty pavilion. Cast-iron sculptures stand on high pedestals, turning their large shaggy heads towards each other. Their mouths are bared either in a terrible roar, or in a satisfied growl, sharp, frightening fangs stick out ... Powerful muscular bodies froze in a tense pose, one paw with extended claws rests on a ball.

By the way, about the balls - many of the royal animals are really depicted with a sphere under their paws, and there is an explanation for this. The fact is that lions are called upon to protect a person’s home from the encroachment of evil forces. But what happens if the guard falls asleep? The ball is needed for such a case: when the lion plunges into a longed-for slumber and relaxes the limb, the ball begins to roll. Feeling the movement, the King of all animals throws off the shackles of sleep in order to continue to observe his service.

The lions that can be seen on the Palace Pier were present in the very first projects of this location, which were developed in 1717 by the architect Luigi Rusca. However, the sculptures were sculpted only a hundred years later: in 1832, master Prang, based on the model of the sculptor I.P. Prokofiev, created the now famous images. In September of the same year, they decorated the pier, where they stand to this day.

These lions, it should be noted, have been repeatedly taken away for restoration: tourists and St. Petersburg residents themselves like to climb onto the backs of the statues. So, one of the latest unscheduled reconstructions took place in 2006, when multiple cracks went along the torso of one of the animals: probably, a clumsy rider broke a thin sheet of copper from which the lions are made. "Rescuers" promptly arrived at the scene of the incident: restorers, dressed in white medical coats, examined their non-trivial "patient", carefully bandaged the mutilated torso, and then, using a crane, loaded it onto a KAMAZ, which was disguised as an ambulance. While the monument was forced to undergo a health course in the workshop, its place was taken by a yellow plastic copy - the lion "Boniface". When the deputy was sold, a miracle of balloons was erected on the empty space.

The image of this pair of "court" lions can be found on the coins of 2003, which were minted for the 300th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg.

peterhof lion

Another famous lion is part of the central fountain of Peterhof - "Samson tearing the mouth of a lion." However, what we see is not the original of the monumental statue: it was lost during the devastating Great Patriotic War. The restored ensemble, on which the sculptors V. Simonov and N. Mikhailov worked, was opened in 1947.

Of course, these are not all the predatory inhabitants of our region: several silent exhibits can also be found in front of building number 12 on Admiralteisky Prospekt, near the Russian Museum, on the Western Spit of Yelagin Island and in other quarters.

It is worth adding that, as is the case with many other mystical creatures, many legends and superstitions are associated with lions. So, for example, in society there is a belief that if you kiss a lion, he will give you good luck in love and work! And some of them are able to grant wishes: just rub the lion's paw or nose, walk around the statue, and then whisper to her about her most cherished dream.

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