Tunisia: thalassotherapy, pink flamingos and the Sahara desert. Tunisia: Thalassotherapy, Pink Flamingos and the Sahara Desert Pink Flamingo Island Tunisia

The state of Tunisia with the capital of the same name is far from being a leader in the tourism market. This direction has been publicized for more than a decade ago, but there is still no surge in demand. All this is due to a rather modest hotel base of all the main resorts of Tunisia. But, despite the imperfection of this direction, tourists from the CIS countries visit Tunisia every year. Thanks to the excellent white sandy beaches and first-class thalassotherapy, this holiday is still gaining popularity.

Considered a former French colony, according to some indicators, Tunisia looks very good. Firstly, modern methods of thalassotherapy were borrowed from the French colonialists. Thalassotherapy is a treatment with sea water and air, seafood, algae, mud. All this excellent range of services can be obtained in Tunisia at fairly reasonable prices. Secondly, the locals speak English, French and even Russian quite well, which automatically lowers the language barrier in an unfamiliar land. Thirdly, 3*, 4*, 5* hotel complexes very often belong to the same hotel chain. Therefore, vacationers of a three-star hotel can safely use the infrastructure of a five-star hotel. It is worth noting that basic hotels are very often located on the first line. We conclude: if our goal is to relax for little money on the Mediterranean coast, then Tunisia will be an ideal option for us to spend our holidays. It is also important that there are no visa obligations - at the airport you must present a foreign passport and voucher.

Tunisia offers several resorts to choose from: Sousse, Hammamet, Monastir, Tunisia and even an island vacation on the island of Djerba. A standard beach holiday should still be diluted with sightseeing walks that will help tourists get to know the culture of Tunisia better. To do this, it is best to take a historical tour of its main cities. Each locality has prepared surprises and entertainment for its guests. The main historical heart of Tunisia can be called Carthage. According to several historical sources, it was created in the 9th century. Carthage has already been destroyed, rebuilt and restored several times. The dawn of this city fell on the reign of the Roman Empire. Therefore, tourists will be able to see a large number of outstanding monuments of the Roman era. Among them: the Amphitheater, the Capitol and a number of temple buildings. The most interesting thing is that these buildings are very valuable outdoor exhibits on non-European soil. Also, guests of the city will be able to get acquainted with the collection of art objects in the Lavigerie Museum.

Tunisia, like any country, is very difficult to imagine without visiting the capital. In the city of Tunisia, travelers will be able to get acquainted with the excellent architectural monuments of the 16th-18th centuries. These values ​​include: the Mausoleum of the Hassanids, the Grand Mosque, the palaces of Dar ben Abdallah and Dar al-Bey. It is impossible to imagine the Arab world without markets, the life of which is harmoniously complemented by musicians and dancers. In the capital, you can also see the echoes of the Roman Empire. In the Bardo Museums, tourists can get acquainted with the collection of Roman mosaics. If it seems to you that Tunisia has provided too little evidence of the manifestation of Roman emperors, then go to the city of Dougga. Here, the theater is considered the largest ancient Roman building, which could simultaneously accommodate about three thousand spectators. In the immediate vicinity of it there are two more Roman objects: the Mausoleum of Ateban and the Capitol. Both of these buildings date back to the 2nd - 3rd century.

But let's return, nevertheless, to the original mission of our stay in Tunisia - rest on the shores of the Mediterranean waters. The most southern point of Tunisia is the mysterious island of Djerba. Of course, its location has earned it the status of the hottest seaside resort in Tunisia. On the island, the season lasts almost until November. Djerba attracts hundreds of tourists with its first-class hotels, which are so few on the mainland, fabulously beautiful beaches, and quality thalassotherapy centers.

This whole list can be backed up by a number of interesting sights. Most importantly, guests of the island can absolutely limitlessly combine active recreation with relaxation. The heart and capital of the island of Djerba is the ancient city of Houmt Souk, which is personified by three objects: the Jamaa el-Gorba mosque, the Eh Sheikh mosque and the Turkish mosque Jamaa Etruk. Most of the buildings are made in the national style, which looks very colorful and exotic. Neat cream-colored houses are topped with balconies and shutters that are painted blue. When you can, feel free to say to yourself that you got to know the historical part of the island very closely, it's time to take up more active procedures.

Don't miss the opportunity to admire flocks of pink flamingos and picturesque coastal cliffs at sunset. There is a legend that to this day, the treasures of the legendary pirate Dragut Reis are kept in the rocks. Resting on the island of Djerba, a kind of tradition for girls is the Melhafa outfit. Traditional bedspread, decorated with orange fringe. Putting it on, the tourists feel like a real native. But among the traditional dishes of Djerba, it is worth highlighting rice, which is seasoned with a number of spices collected on local plantations.

Young people will be bored on the island, so they choose to relax in the bustling resort of Sousse. This region has long gained fame as the most popular, noisy and youthful resort in Tunisia. The hotel complexes here are designed for every budget: from low-budget 2 * hotels to sophisticated hotels with stunning thalassotherapy salons. In Sousse, life does not subside for 24 hours a day. Active tourists spend their holidays in local nightclubs, stroll along the coast on boats, and also play golf. The most popular and largest open-air disco in all of Africa is located in Sousse. We are talking about the famous institution Bora Bora. Sousse is also not deprived of historical sights.

Perhaps it is impossible to imagine excursion programs in Tunisia, where the general list is headed by a visit to the Sahara desert. Usually this trip is designed for two days, but this does not stop tourists of advanced age. You can understand their zeal, because they have a chance to see the endless sandy expanses on their own, feel the ardent breath of the African sands and feel the power of the dunes, ready to easily swallow entire cities. During the tour, tourists will be offered to try on a Bedouin outfit, become part of the primitive world and climb a two-humped camel. But the most important alluring factor is that it was here that the shooting of the legendary film "Star Wars" took place.

In Tunisia, it is worth adhering to generally accepted security measures. Keep money and valuables in hotel safes, check money without leaving the cash desk. It is worth remembering that it is forbidden to walk with bare shoulders and in short shorts around the capital of the state and the ancient Muslim quarters of cities. It is also forbidden to photograph the presidential palace, military installations and citizens in uniform. Otherwise, "modest" and friendly Tunisia has removed all restrictions for a comfortable stay for its guests.

Djerba Lagoon (Djerba, Tunisia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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The Djerba Lagoon is one of the few places in Tunisia where pink flamingos like to visit. These spectacular birds have become addicted to the salty, shallow waters of the island's northeast coast, which are literally teeming with a variety of necessary (and, apparently, tasty) marine life. Arriving at Djerba by plane in winter, the Lagoon opens up in all its glory: a long bay, where sea waves are almost always absent, covered with a soft pink constantly swaying carpet - these flamingos slowly move from place to place in search of nutrient microorganisms. Other attractions of the Laguna include an old lighthouse at Cape Ras Tagermes and a considerable number of kiters and windsurfers catching a wave at the exit from the Laguna to the open sea. The Djerba Explore amusement park is also nearby.

A bit of geography and zoology

The salt marshes of North Africa are one of the main places where flamingos nest. These birds need the salt water of shallow seas, salt marshes and estuaries - it is saturated with salts necessary for the existence of small marine life that flamingos feed on - crustaceans, insect larvae, worms, molluscs, and algae. By the way, the famous pink color of flamingo feathers is the result of swallowing tiny red crustaceans, the pigment of which then turns into the appearance of birds - from feathers to legs. In cases where there are no crustaceans in the diet of flamingos (for example, in captivity), the birds turn white.

The Djerba Lagoon is a natural bay of the sea at the northeastern tip of the island. It is formed by the protruding Ras Tagermes cape in the sea, and the swampy and saline areas between the western coast of the cape and the coastline of Djerba have turned into a lagoon.

In addition to the Djerba Lagoon, flamingos in Tunisia nest in the salt fields surrounding the Monastir airport - and heavy air traffic does not seem to bother them at all.

What to see

In this or that number of flamingos in the Laguna can be observed all year round, but most of them are here in winter - then their European "comrades" join the local inhabitants, flying to North Africa for the winter from southern France and southern Spain.

Birdwatching is not an easy task: flamingos are extremely distrustful of Homo sapiens and, when a person approaches, they immediately retreat deep into the lagoon, and in especially “dangerous” cases they take off, demonstrating a spectacular black edging of the wings and long legs, which they do not tighten during flight, but extend along the line of the body.

The lagoon of Djerba is a great place to enjoy the diversity of the island's nature: olive trees and date palms grow here literally side by side - a fact that is not found anywhere else in Tunisia.

The lagoon is a popular spot for surfers, albeit not globally, but rather locally. The northeastern tip of the island is constantly blown by fairly strong winds - a real bait for adepts of the board and water splashes.

The lighthouse of Ras Tagermes once illuminated the way for Turkish, French and, finally, Tunisian ships to the harbor of Djerba. Today it is still in operation, but it serves mainly for yachts and romantic decoration of the island landscape. Note to the photographer: excellent pictures are obtained against the backdrop of a lonely striped lighthouse.

The island of Djerba cannot boast of a large number of large-scale architectural and historical objects. Those located in the resort can be explored during a sightseeing tour of the island, or if you do it yourself, it will take 1-2 days to get to know interesting places.

Houmt Souk is the capital of Djerba, and there are quite a lot of sights and interesting places to visit here. The city itself, although it is a tourist destination, has retained its originality and national flavor, which you can feel when walking among the low white-and-blue houses along the winding narrow streets.

In the city center there is an extensive market of authentic souvenirs and jewelry, where, after a hot bargain with shopkeepers, tourists buy unusual and memorable things.

Turkish mosque Jamaa Etruk;
the main mosque of the Ibadis Eh Sheikh;
the mosque of the followers of malekism Jamaa-el-Gorba.

Near the capital of the island on the coast is the fort of Bordzhel-Kebir, built in 1284 to protect against Spanish and Norman invaders. You can visit it every day, except Friday, from 9.00 to 18.00, the ticket price is 4 dinars.

On the beach, opposite the fort, there is an obelisk erected in memory of the destroyed tower of Borj el-Rus. Access to it is 24/7 and free.

An interesting place to visit is the local history museum, which is located in the mausoleum of Sidi Zitouni on the outskirts of the city. Among the exhibits are traditional clothes, handicrafts, wonderful examples of jewelry made of silver and precious stones.

You can relax after exploring the city in numerous cafes and restaurants, drink delicious mint tea with pine nuts, and enjoy oriental sweets.

Seven kilometers southwest of Houmt Souk is a small village - the Jewish settlement of Er Riadh. There is the oldest Jewish shrine and a place of pilgrimage - the El Ghriba synagogue. It is the oldest in Africa - built in the VI century BC, the last reconstruction was made in 1920.
The construction of the synagogue is shrouded in secrets and legends. One of the legends says that two and a half thousand years ago there was a big fire in this place, in which a young girl Griba died. Despite the raging flames, the body of the deceased remained untouched, the locals recognized her as a saint, and a synagogue was built in her honor.
Another version says that El Ghriba appeared on the site of a paradise stone that fell from heaven. And as soon as the last Jew disappears from the island, the key to the shrine will return to heaven.

Every year, Jews of all countries make a mass pilgrimage here, because one of the main artifacts of the Jewish faith, the Torah scroll, is kept in the synagogue. True, you cannot see it - it is hidden from the eyes of visitors in a silver casket. Also in El-Ghriba are the relics of Shimon Bar Yashai - one of the authors of the Torah.
Built in the Moorish style, El Ghriba impresses with its architectural sophistication and the richness of its interior decoration. Travelers are greeted by forged gates decorated with rivets, behind which stands a white-stone building with blue architraves and bars. Inside the synagogue there are walls covered with patterned tiles, arches, bright colored stained-glass windows, and columns. Pilgrims can stay in guest rooms on its territory, the employees of the synagogue live in the same building.

It should be remembered that you cannot enter El Ghriba in open clothes and with an uncovered head. At the entrance you can take a scarf or a kippah, shoes should be removed here. It is also strictly forbidden to take pictures of praying people.
Tourists can visit the shrine every day except Saturday. Entrance is free, but it is recommended to buy at least one postcard near the exit, and these funds will go to the needs of El Ghriba.

On the eastern part of the island, not far from the city of Midoun, there is a unique educational and entertainment complex "Djerba Explore". On its territory of 12 hectares, you can spend the whole day, and it will be interesting for both children and adults.

The complex consists of five parts:
themed traditional Tunisian village with cafes and restaurants of national cuisine and an open-air Arabic souvenir market;
crocodile farm;
village "Heritage";
residential complex, which includes a five-star hotel, residence and apart-hotel.
The crocodile farm is the largest on the Mediterranean coast, with over 400 crocodiles, mostly imported from Madagascar. Around the pool with animals are tables with chairs where visitors can sit and watch the life of reptiles. Every day after 16.00 there is feeding of animals, in which tourists can also participate for an additional fee.
"Lella Hadria" is a museum of Tunisian folk traditions. The 15 exhibition halls feature more than a thousand unique pieces showing 14 centuries of Islamic and Tunisian art.

The most notable ones are:

Original jewelry;

Manuscripts and calligraphy;

Ottoman and Persian coats;
a curtain fragment from the Kaaba stone from Mecca;
Berber pottery;
carpets of the finest workmanship.

The Heritage Village shows the history and architecture of the Tunisian people in everyday life and production. Here you can see the traditional dwelling "menzel" (or "khush"), which contains various household utensils, as well as visit a weaving factory and a pottery workshop. Few people are left indifferent by a camel pumping water from a deep well, besides, it is allowed to take a picture with it (for an additional fee).
Djerba Explore is open all year round, during the season from 9.00 to 20.00, and in winter from 9.00 to 18.00. A single ticket to visit the farm, village and museum will cost 15 dinars, for children under 12 years old - 8 dinars.

What else you can visit on the island of Djerba:
the ethnographic museum of Guellala in the village of the same name, famous for its pottery;
the lagoon of Djerba, where you can watch the life of pink flamingos in their natural environment;
the village of Azhim, where the islanders catch sponges and octopuses, and it is also here that the preserved scenery for the Star Wars movie is located.

Djerba Restaurants

Djerba Island prefer lovers of a quiet and quality holiday, so catering establishments are quite consistent with this level. And this does not always mean that dinner at a restaurant in the resort will cost a tidy sum.

La Laguna

The upscale restaurant La Lagune attracts customers with stunning lagoon views and an extensive seafood menu. English-speaking staff welcomes and promptly serves travelers, and a warm atmosphere and pleasant background music help relieve fatigue after a long day. The average bill for two is $50-80.

One of the best restaurants on the island is located in the capital Houmt Souk. It serves fresh seafood dishes, a good wine list. There is a separate room for non-smokers, which allows all visitors to enjoy dinner without exception. In beachwear, entry here is not desirable, because this institution has a dress code. Dinner with seafood and alcohol will cost $60-100 for two.

La couple

Located in the city of Midoun, the La Couple diner will allow you to spend time among the locals for little money. The menu here is not very diverse - pizzas, sandwiches, salads and snacks, alcohol is not offered. However, many islanders and tourists prefer to sit here in the evening with a cup of mint tea, while ordering a hookah, because the relaxed atmosphere of this place cannot but attract visitors. The average bill is $20-40 for two.

Chez Fatroucha

Not far from Midoun is Chez Fatroucha, a creative restaurant. It offers original Mediterranean cuisine, which makes the place very popular among travelers of all nationalities. Lunch or dinner here will cost $70-90 for two people.

Il Papagallo

The best Italian restaurant is located in Houmt Souk. Professional chef Il Papagallo prepares delicious pizzas, ravioli, pastas, spaghetti and salads. Visitors only need to choose toppings and sauces prepared according to traditional recipes. Average bill - $30-50 for two, working hours - from 11.00 to 23.00.

Djerba Hotels

Most of the hotels in Djerba are concentrated off the northeast coast of the island, where the tourist infrastructure is well developed. Most often they are located on the first line from the beach, have their own territory with swimming pools, restaurants and discos, which allows the whole vacation not to go beyond the hotel.

Premium hotels

Hotels of the same network Hasdrubal Prestige Djerba 5 * ($ 300 for two per day) and Hasdrubal Thalassa Djerba 5 * ($ 200 per day) offer first-class relaxation in the luxurious interior of hotel rooms, and hotel restaurants will delight guests with delicious food and an upscale center. A quiet beach pastime can be diversified with thalasso treatments in the SPA centers of hotels.

This island in the African Gulf of Gabes attracts numerous tourists from all over the world. Direct flights to Djerba have become available in the last ten years for Russians not only from Moscow, but also from many other cities of our country. There is an amazing sea, clean beaches with the finest sand, excellent service, interesting sights and hospitable local people. The cost of tours to the island of Djerba (Tunisia) is a pleasant surprise, and hotels are offered in a variety of categories. In the article, we will dwell in detail on the features of recreation in this corner of Africa, consider accommodations based on the reviews of tourists over the past two years.

The beautiful island of Djerba (Tunisia): location and climate

The island is famous for its magnificent beaches and comfortable hotels with vast areas where you can play golf. Even on Djerba, the best thalassotherapy in the world, and the oriental flavor here is in perfect harmony with French sophistication. This place is called "Mediterranean Tahiti". Why? Just look at the photos of the island of Djerba in Tunisia below and you will understand everything yourself.

The island is very conveniently located: it is connected to the mainland by a ferry, which travelers describe in the most enthusiastic terms. Judging by the reviews of tourists about the island of Djerba (Tunisia), it offers both a rather luxurious vacation and very economical accommodation.

This is the largest piece of land on the North African coast with an area of ​​more than 500 km2. Its shores are gently washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and the sun fills Djerba with life every day of the year. The climate here is very mild, on a tropical island it is good even in winter. Temperature fluctuations are insignificant, there is little precipitation and they fall most often in autumn and spring. The beach season lasts from May to early October, after which the water temperature in the Mediterranean drops to +17+19 ºС.

The official language in Djerba, as well as throughout the country, is Arabic, but most of the population also speaks French. In hotels, guests are also greeted in English, and in some even in Russian.

Types of tourism on the island of Djerba (Tunisia)

What kind of vacation can be popular in the country's southernmost resort? Of course, the beach. It is always several degrees warmer here than in the continental part of the country. Tourists come here a little earlier and leave a little later.

On the territory of many hotels (from 4 stars) on the island of Djerba in Tunisia there are excellent thalassotherapy centers. Wellness and rejuvenation procedures are chosen not only by the fair sex, but also by many men.

Rest here is very calm and measured. Everything is very light and calming. Even the sea on the island with a light blue color gently frames the snow-white beaches. The houses are neatly laid out, square with white domed roofs.

Active entertainment is still there - horseback riding, golf, water sports, hiking and cycling. Club life on the island is almost not developed, but there are several places where you can dance well.

Resort areas of the island

The capital of Djerba - Houmt Souk. The city is a fishing port. No wonder that the best seafood dishes are served in its restaurants.

The Zarsis region is called a paradise. Here grow the most beautiful gardens on the island, olive and date groves, among lotuses and other exotic flowers, small multi-colored birds sing. Nearby are very secluded islands that love to visit couples. Cote d'Azur, clean, fine sand are torn away from reality and carried away into the world of dreams.

The main tourist area is called Medun, it is located near the international airport in the northwest of the island. The city is the second largest in Djerba. The area here is very fertile, and therefore picturesque. Many tourists ride bicycles or just walk. In the center of the city there is a beautiful mosque and a large cafe, popular with visitors. Nearby you can find markets where tourists usually buy fruits, souvenirs and other local goods, not forgetting about bargaining. In addition, guests of the city have the opportunity to look at the process of making olive oil.

How are the beaches different?

Let's start with free municipal beaches. These are long and sparsely populated shores with fine white sand, along which numerous date palms and olive trees grow. On some calm and quiet beaches, you can see the most beautiful sight - flocks of unusual pink flamingos flying gracefully above the turquoise waves.

The best beaches are located in the northeast of the island. The Djerba lagoon is located in this place, it is reliably protected from the northern winds and is perfectly warmed up by the bright sun. The beach strip is very long and wide. In this place are also the most popular, judging by the reviews, hotels of the island of Djerba (Tunisia).

The western shores are mostly uninhabited, only occasionally you can meet couples in love or groups of tourists on them. There are completely different, indescribable feelings of unity and harmony with this beautiful world. Accordingly, there is practically no infrastructure around. Travelers come here in rented cars, and take provisions with them.

Accommodation options and price range

It should be noted right away that comfortable accommodation is the main thing that is offered to tourists in hotels. However, you can feel quite good even in the most unpretentious and inexpensive hotels on the island of Djerba in Tunisia. "All inclusive", a concept so beloved by Russian tourists, is valid almost everywhere.

The island has guest houses and villas, as well as hotels of 1*, 3*, 4* and 5* categories. The location can be in the city center or not far from it, on the first or second coastline. The level of comfort and service in them, of course, differ, as well as the cost of a room per night.

The minimum price for accommodation is a little more than 1300 rubles in a rather nice Djerba Erriadh 1 * hotel. The cost of a room per day in 3 * categories with the best rating will be from 2000 to 5000 rubles. In prestigious and respectable categories (for example, Park Inn Ulysse Resort & Thalasso 5 *), prices can reach up to 20,000-30,000 rubles per day in the most expensive room.

Rating of the best hotels on the island of Djerba (Tunisia) according to tourist reviews

Resa Dar Sema Djerba 3 * - is rated by tourists at 9.8 points out of 10. The apart-hotel is located in the capital of the island. Here you can find the perfect value for money. This is a small complex with only four rooms. If you want the staff to pay a lot of attention to you, literally "blow the dust off you", come to this hotel. An individual approach to each client, excellent service and delicious breakfasts are guaranteed here.

Hotel Palm Asur 4 * is very popular among vacationers, it is chosen more often than other accommodation options, due to its affordable cost and excellent location on the first line. During the civil revolution in Tunisia (2011), many hotels in the tourist area of ​​Midoun were empty. "Palm Azur" was opened earlier than others, its territory and number of rooms were updated. Today it is a very calm and quiet place with excellent service and comfortable suites.

The Kzar Djerba 4 * hotel is not inferior in demand among Russian vacationers. This is also the Midoun area. The minimum cost per room starts from 2300 rubles, which is considered quite acceptable for a hotel of this category. Tourists praise the restaurant very much, the beautiful territory with outdoor and indoor pools, a magnificent conference hall equipped with everything necessary for holding business events, and a fairly spacious tennis court. The staff meets guests in Russian, which cannot but please our compatriots.

Best of the Best: 5* hotels of Djerba island in Tunisia

Hasdrubal Thalassa and SPA 5* has a rating of 10 out of 10 possible points. This is the first coastline, and the territory of the hotel is simply huge. On the beach, sunbeds and umbrellas stand at a decent distance from each other so that the guest's personal space is not violated. The food is exquisite. Guests are offered fresh seafood dishes and the best fruits, elite drinks, and the most delicate oriental desserts.

Another hotel from this chain is Hasdrubal Prestige 5 * (10 out of 10). Tourists compare this huge and luxurious complex with the palace from the fairy tale "Thousand and One Nights". In everything one can feel oriental sophistication and knowledge of the measure. European service at the highest level.

Golden mean: 4 * hotels on the island of Djerba in Tunisia

Several of the most popular complexes in this category have been described above. "Fours" are chosen more often than other hotels because they combine not only an acceptable cost of living, but also high-class service, comfort, and a wide range of services. Tourists claim that some 4 * hotels in Tunisia are in no way inferior to expensive respectable 5 * apartments, and in some ways they can even surpass them.

Such hotels on the island of Djerba (Tunisia), as Seabel Rym Beach 4 *, are very popular for families with young children. Tourists usually choose the end of August or the beginning of September to visit the country, as the climate is at its mildest at this time. The Sibel Hotel has a huge territory, an excellent beach with a gentle entry into the sea and children's playgrounds. For younger guests, you can choose a full meal, such as cereals and light soups, dairy products. The local population treats the children very warmly, interesting entertainment events are prepared for them. Animation teams try to make children and adults have fun. Crocodile farm just 10 minutes from the hotel.

Djerba Plaza Hotel & Spa 4 * is located in the heart of the tourist area of ​​Midouna. A distinctive feature of this hotel on the island of Djerba (Tunisia) is the presence of five restaurants and several bars. Here even gourmets will satisfy their refined taste, there are dishes for vegetarians, lovers of oriental and European cuisine. You can rent a car or bicycle at the hotel rental to explore the beautiful scenery of the surroundings.

Large and very comfortable family rooms with excellent renovation attract families to the Vincci Helios Beach 4 * hotel. The territory of the hotel extends for almost ten hectares. There are thalassotherapy centers, swimming pools, a children's mini-club, nannies even for the smallest children. According to tourists, the food at the hotel is just great. In the evenings, wonderful entertainment programs take place, and later lovers of dancing can go to the nightclub of the complex.

Carribean World Djerba 4* is a real paradise for lovers of water sports! In addition to the magnificent wide and well-maintained beach, the hotel has a large number of swimming pools with slides and a small children's water park.

What do they feed tourists?

Judging by the reviews about the island of Djerba, it is worth trying the Tunisian national tea, which is served cold or hot. Honey, mint and pine nuts are necessarily added to it. They say that some kind of unique combination is obtained. By the way, you can try to make such a drink at home. From local alcohol, tourists distinguish date liqueur and a variety of fruit wines.

The restaurants (according to the All Inclusive concept) of the best hotels on the island of Djerba in Tunisia serve both local dishes (beef or veal stew with vegetables, seafood dishes) and international ones. French dishes are very popular here, which are cooked with special skill.

Tourists should understand that they are coming to a Muslim country, it is necessary to respect its religion and traditions. For example, in Tunisia it is not customary to abuse alcoholic beverages, drink them in public places and appear drunk in public places. There is also a negative attitude towards smoking, although in some hotels you can find different types of rooms.

Crocodile farm, pirate ship and other attractions

The island does not have such a large number of interesting places associated with the rich history of Tunisia, as, for example, in Carthage. But even here there is something to brighten up leisure. Fans of cultural and educational tourism should go on a sightseeing tour of the city, which covers all the significant architectural structures of the island. For example, you can see the Roman road, the large and very ancient synagogue of El Ghriba, the powerful fortress of Borj El Kebir, and next to it is a fairly informative local history museum.

More entertaining than educational event is proposed to be done on a pirate ship. Many of today's Tunisians are distant descendants of the Barbary pirates who once chose Djerba as their base. In the 21st century, you can feel the atmosphere and spirit of those distant times. To do this, visit a pirate ship recreated to the smallest detail and put on the costumes of daring sailors.

In addition, many tourists swim along the Mediterranean coast with excursions to some small and picturesque islands. The price usually includes an interesting and tasty pirate-style dinner with fresh red fish and other delicacies.

Many have heard about the Djerba Explore amusement park, you should definitely come here. Both children and adults will like it here. Of greatest interest is the crocodile farm, which is inhabited mainly by huge Nile crocodiles. It is noteworthy that reptiles are not grown here in order to show entertaining tricks with their participation or to make elegant handbags and straps from their skin, as in Pattaya. Crocodiles live in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat, and tourists can watch them from specially equipped bridges. Often vacationers try to calculate that the time of visiting the park coincides with the feeding time of these green giants (usually around 16:00).

After such emotional spectacles, you can safely walk through the park, see the Tunisian village recreated in all its national flavor. Here are real houses made of clay and lime, and camels help pump water for irrigating the fields, with their help the peasants cultivate the soil. In the Lalla Hadria Museum, you can see unique exhibits of Arab culture, some of which date back to the 7th century.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the island of Djerba is a place that is suitable for any comfortable stay. The main distinguishing feature of all accommodation options on the island is excellent service and high-class staff. Residents are very fond of the sun and water, so hotel rooms often have pleasant golden hues. There are several pools in the areas among palm trees and olive trees, and the wonderful white beaches of the island will be remembered for a lifetime.

Lagoon of the island of Djerba - Pink miracle. Have you been? The Djerba Lagoon is a natural bay of the sea at the northeastern tip of the island. It is formed by the protruding Ras Tagermes cape in the sea, and the swampy and saline areas between the western coast of the cape and the coastline of Djerba have turned into a lagoon. This is one of the few places in Tunisia where pink flamingos like to visit. These spectacular birds are addicted to the salty shallow water on the northeast coast of the island, which is literally teeming with various marine life that this bird needs. Arriving tourists to Djerba in winter, the Lagoon opens in all its glory: a long bay, where there is practically no sea excitement, covered with a soft pink constantly swaying carpet - these flamingos slowly move from place to place in search of nutrient microorganisms. The salt marshes of North Africa are one of the main places where flamingos nest. These birds need the salt water of shallow seas, salt marshes and estuaries - it is saturated with salts necessary for the existence of small marine life that flamingos feed on - crustaceans, insect larvae, worms, molluscs, and algae. By the way, the famous pink color of flamingo feathers is the result of swallowing tiny red crustaceans, the pigment of which then turns into the appearance of birds - from feathers to legs. In cases where there are no crustaceans in the diet of flamingos (for example, in captivity), the birds turn white. In this or that number of flamingos in the Laguna can be observed all year round, but most of them are here in winter - then their European "comrades" join the local inhabitants, flying to North Africa for the winter from southern France and southern Spain. Birdwatching is not an easy task: flamingos are extremely distrustful of Homo sapiens and, when a person approaches, they immediately retreat deep into the lagoon, and in especially “dangerous” cases they take off, demonstrating a spectacular black edging of the wings and long legs, which they do not tighten during flight, but extend along the line of the body. The lagoon of Djerba is a great place to enjoy the diversity of the island's nature: olive trees and date palms grow here literally side by side - a fact that is not found anywhere else in Tunisia. Also, the lagoon is a popular spot for surfers, albeit not globally, but rather locally. The northeastern tip of the island is constantly blown by fairly strong winds - a real bait for adepts of the board and water splashes. The lighthouse of Ras Tagermes once illuminated the way for Turkish, French and, finally, Tunisian ships to the harbor of Djerba. Today it is still in operation, but it serves mainly for yachts and romantic decoration of the island landscape.

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