Movement of bus 603 in real time.

Distance between: Yauza → Yurlovskiy proezd is: ~ 0 km
along the route: ~ 0.8 km

Approximate travel time: ~ 10 min
Streets along which route No. 603 passes: Wilhelm Pick street, Northern Boulevard, Dekabristov street, Selskokhozyaystvennaya street, Yurlovsky proezd, Pestel street, Rostokinskaya street, Malakhitovaya street, Serebryakov proezd, Bazhova street
Moscow districts through which route No. 603 passes: Rostokino district, Otradnoye district, Ostankino district, Sviblovo district
Metro stations along the route: Botanical Garden; ;
Which buses and minibuses does this route intersect with: 56, 286, 17, 48, H6, 33, 154, 61, 185, 195, 789, 628, 134, 605m, 98, 238, 605, C6, 23, 71, 124,

Route Bus 603 - Stops. Schedule

How to get there (additional option)
Yauza - Yurlovsky passage

All Stops Bus 603

"Gost. Baikal", Wilhelm Pieck Street (1605)

"Metro Botanical Garden", Wilhelm Pieck Street (1606)

"Northern Boulevard", Northern Boulevard (2449)

"House of Creativity", Northern Boulevard (2457)

"St. Mussorgsky", Dekabristov Street (2521)

"St. Pestel", Dekabristov Street (2543)

"St. Mussorgsky", Dekabristov Street (2575)

"Otradnoye", Dekabristov Street (2576)

"VDNKh Garages", Selskokhozyaystvennaya Street (2577)

"Agricultural St., 46", Selskokhozyaystvennaya Street (2578)

"Berezovaya Al.", Agricultural Street (2581)

"Agricultural St., 46", Selskokhozyaystvennaya Street (2582)

"VDNKh Garages", Selskokhozyaystvennaya Street (2583)

"Otradnoye", Dekabristov Street (2584)

"Yurlovsky Ave.", Yurlovsky Proezd (2587)

"House of Creativity", Pestel Street (2588)

"St. Pestelya, 4", Pestelya Street (2589)

"St. Pestel", Pestel street (2590)

"St. Pestelya, 4", Pestelya Street (2591)

"Northern Boulevard", Yurlovsky Proezd (2592)

“Yurlovsky pr.”, Yurlovsky proezd (2593)

"Agricultural St.", Selskokhozyaystvennaya Street (2841)

"Agricultural St., 6", Selskokhozyaystvennaya Street (2842)

"2nd Agricultural Ave.", Agricultural Street (2843)

"Gost. Baikal", Agricultural Street (2848)

"2nd Agricultural Ave.", Agricultural Street (2849)

"Agricultural St.", Selskokhozyaystvennaya Street (2850)

"Rostokinskaya street", Rostokinskaya street (3129)

"St. Bazhova", Malakhitovaya street (3131)

“Malakhitovaya st., 13”, Malakhitovaya street (3132)

"Malakhitovaya St.", Malakhitovaya Street (3133)

“Platf. Yauza", Malachite Street (3134)

“Platf. Yauza", Malachite Street (3135)

"Malakhitovaya St.", Malakhitovaya Street (3136)

"Metro Botanical Garden", Wilhelm Pieck Street (8552)

“Berezovaya Al.”, Serebryakova proezd (8714)

Lazorevyi Ave., Serebryakov Proezd (8715)

Lazorevyi Ave., Serebryakov Proezd (8716)

"Agricultural St., 6", Agricultural Street (10251)

"St. Bazhova, 1", Malakhitovaya street (10645)

"Institute of Precision Instruments", Agricultural Street (10825)

"St. Bazhova", Malakhitovaya street (13164)

"Children's Theatre", Bazhova Street (1000703)

"Gost. Tourist", Agricultural Street (1002306)

Pl. Vsevolozhskaya - recreation center - central district hospital - administration - microdistrict. Southern - Koltushi (Fork) - village. Aro - village Razmetelevo - village. Myaglovo - village A red star(village named after Sverdlov-1)

Pl. Vsevolozhskaya: 6.50-KV 9.30 12.20 15.30 18.10-SWR
n. Red Star: 07.40-KV 10.35 13.25 16.35 19.00-SWR

I decided to raise the topical issue of bus service between Krasnaya Zvezda and the regional center of Vsevolozhsk.

Each of us had to travel to Vsevolozhsk and everyone has faced the problem of Bus service. Route No. 603 walks 5 times a day - this is extremely little! Since we belong to the Vsevolozhsk region, then if you please, establish a regular (available) bus service at least every hour and a half, especially in the morning.

We are the residents Sverdlovsk urban settlement forced to go to Vsevolozhsk on route 603 for each piece of paper, at social security, the registry office, passport office, etc. It is especially difficult for mothers with children. It is still possible to go to Vsevolozhsk, but it is extremely inconvenient, since in the morning there are flights only at 7.40 and at 10.35 - and back you have to GET THROUGH THE CITY - THROUGH LADOZHSKAYA, then by metro to Lomonosovskaya and then to Krasnaya Zvezda - this is a waste of time and money, a trip costs three times as much!!!

For example, in our housing and communal services complex there is a passport officer: you can submit documents to her, but you often have to pick them up in Vsevolozhsk yourself. Why can’t, for example, a passport officer go to Vsevolozhsk once a week and pick up all the documents and not chase people away? Also, any certificate, any piece of paper must be obtained in Vsevolozhsk.

Sometimes a trip to the regional center takes a whole day! For working residents, for such a trip you have to take a day off or a day at your own expense. Mothers have to take their children with them if there is no one to leave them with.

And I would like to draw your attention to the fare - route 603 Vsevolozhsk - Krasnaya Zvezda is not intercity - therefore the fare should not exceed 35 rubles!

We turn to the Vsevolozhsk Administration,

namely to Vladimir Petrovich Drachev!

  • Organize an independent infrastructure structure in the Sverdlovsk urban settlement (for example, a branch of Social Security, etc..), so that we don’t have to go to Vsevolozhsk for every piece of paper!
  • Organize a regular bus service (every hour and a half) and reduce the fare from 70 rubles per trip to 35 rubles (the route is not intercity - so the cost is clearly too high!)
  • Or give our settlement to St. Petersburg - this way it will be more convenient for all of us residents, and we will have much more rights in the city.

Bus route 603 operates every day. Regular opening hours: 0:15 - 23:42

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603 (SUE "Mosgortrans")

The first stop for bus 603 is Platf. Yauza, and the last stop is Yurlovsky Prospect. Route 603 (Direction: Platform Yauza‎→Yurlovsky Prospect) operates every day.

Additional information: Route 603 has a total of 24 stops and a trip duration of approximately 33 minutes.

Do you ride a lot? Find out why over 720 million users trust Moovit, the best app for... public transport. Moovit offers Mosgortrans State Unitary Enterprise routes, real-time bus traffic, route maps for Moscow, and also helps you find the nearest bus stop 603. No internet? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for bus 603 to take with you on the road.

    How to buy a plane ticket without leaving home?

    Indicate the route, travel date and number of passengers in the required fields. The system will select the option from the hundreds of airlines.

    From the list, select the flight that suits you.

    Enter your personal information - it is required to issue tickets. transmits them only via a secure channel.

    Pay for tickets with a bank card.

    What does an e-ticket look like and where can I get it?

    After paying on the website, a new entry will appear in the airline’s database - this is your electronic ticket.

    Now all information about the flight will be stored by the carrier airline.

    Modern air tickets are not issued in paper form.

    You can see, print and take with you to the airport not the ticket itself, but the itinerary receipt. It has a number electronic ticket and all information about your flight. sends an itinerary receipt by email. We recommend to print it and take it with you to the airport.

    It can be useful at passport control abroad, although you will only need your passport to board the plane.

    How to return an e-ticket?

    Ticket refund rules are determined by the airline. Typically, the cheaper the ticket, the less money you can get back.

    To return the ticket as soon as possible contact with the operator.

    To do this, you need to respond to the letter that you will receive after ordering tickets on the website.

    Please indicate “Ticket Return” in the subject line and briefly describe your situation. Our specialists will contact you.

    The letter you receive after ordering will contain contacts of the partner agency through which the ticket was issued. You can contact him directly.

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