Entertainment nc marine. Sea party for adults: dive into the abyss of fun! Blob or water catapult

Cloudless sky, full sails and endless blue of warm waves - romance! A bright nautical party is great as a theme for a birthday, for a wedding and meetings on other significant occasions.

Ideal to gather in nature, preferably by the water. You can play volleyball, swim races, fight with water pistols. But even indoors it will turn out to be very spectacular: in a gray autumn or a boring winter, refreshing summer scenery will certainly cheer up your friends!

The ideas below are suitable regardless of where the nautical theme party takes place - at home or in nature. Just in the latter case, the decorations will need to be mounted not on the walls / ceiling, but inside the tents or on bushes / trees.


Start your design by choosing a color scheme. The combination of white and delicate blue hue is an airy, elegant decor. Red color is ideal for creating bright accents. To liven up the interior, add blue, turquoise and traditional stripes. Beige decorations and attributes at a nautical-style party are sand and shells, green color is algae, palm trees.

Use textiles - drapery on windows, walls, ceilings and furniture. For example, light white fabric - sails, blue - the sky, the sea. Burlap, unbleached linen, fishing nets will fit. Drapery will serve as a backdrop for themed decorations and hide inappropriate interior details.

It is better to fix the material in waves, a little carelessly - the vagaries of the elements. The net looks very nice on top of the blue fabric or stretched to “dry” on the wall. When attaching decor to textiles, consider its total weight.

Stock up on pebbles, shells, corals, starfish, ornamental fish, seagulls and so on. - they are useful for decorating literally everything. Something you can do with your own hands - cut out of paper, print, draw. Something to buy in a store for aquarists.

Decide on the main idea: beach, tropical island, underwater world, ship board. If you mix everything together, it will not turn out too stylish. This design is ideal for children, and for adults, the seasoned entourage of a sea party, without an excess of details, is more suitable.

This does not mean that anchors and helms are out of place on the "beach", and that fish and algae cannot be on the "board of the ship". Just create an emphasis on the main idea, and use other attributes in moderation, as a festive addition.

  • decorate chandeliers so that they do not violate the integrity of the picture. The easiest option is to replace the shades with round paper lampshades (a penny in Ikea). If you cut it in half and add decorations, you get charming jellyfish.

  • sisal and ropes organically fit into the theme- use them in compositions, to decorate the table, instead of napkin rings. If the chandelier shades are not removable, you can wrap the horns and the central part with a rope. It is easy to attach decor to ropes and rope with a glue gun - “pearls”, shells, small pebbles.
  • if you are planning to throw a nautical-themed party for a wedding or anniversary, use laconic decorations to decorate the ceiling. For example, paper lanterns, pompoms, silhouettes of seagulls on a transparent fishing line. Looking for color and fun? Make garlands of triangles - striped, red and blue, with drawings or a birthday message.

The party can go... at the bottom! Surrounded by wonderful corals, graceful algae and placers of underwater treasures. Then let seahorses, fish, dolphins, octopuses, squids and other bright living creatures “float” (the same transparent fishing line) on the ceiling and walls:

  • hang captain's helms, lifebuoys, anchors, boats, portholes on the walls, doors, backs of chairs. They are easy to make with your own hands from improvised materials;
  • jokes, congratulations can be written on anchors and lifebuoys. And with the help of portholes - visually expand the space, make the interior more realistic. Print, stick on a cardboard round, hang along the walls;

  • arrange miniature compositions around the hall, put sailor attributes here and there:
  • jars / bottles decorated with shells with sand, pebbles and other decorations inside. Do-it-yourself corals: carelessly wrap wire blanks with glue from a gun, paint, assemble into a “bush”, stick to the stand with the same gun.
  • treasures in chests(in the needlework store you can buy penny beads, rhinestones, "emeralds-diamonds");

  • underwater gardens in jars or small aquariums(you can run a couple of live fish), ship models, sextants, compasses, spyglasses, maps. Pirate paraphernalia will also fit in, but do not overdo it - this is a separate issue. (for reference if needed)
  • blue, red and white hydrangeas reminiscent of tropical corals- the most suitable flowers for a nautical themed party. Lilies, alstroemerias will fit in. Instead of flowers, you can put curved decorative twigs in bottles;
  • you can hang signs "galley" at the entrance to the kitchen, "cabin" above the table with refreshments, a "radio room" over musical equipment, a "latrine" in a well-known place.

photo zone

If the party takes place on the "board of the ship", design the photo zone as a captain's cabin or deck overlooking the sea. You can print and glue a ship with carved portholes for faces onto the base. Or put a boat against the wall, against the background of the sky and waves. Simple but effective photo zone - sea ​​bottom: blue background plus algae, shells, fish and other decorations.

Can print a beautiful marine view and arrange / spread out in the foreground thematic attributes, in an artistic mess. You will get both a photo zone and a set of accessories for pictures at the same time. Let the guests fool around, threading their heads into a lifebuoy or “banging” on the neighbor’s head with an “anchor” - memorable photos will be fun and lively!


It is better to give invitations two weeks before the event, so that guests have time to prepare costumes (if a certain dress code is expected). You can make an invitation to a sea party with your own hands, print a template or buy postcards - this is a popular topic.

Use maritime slang: we moor at berth No. 5 (house number) in the harbor "Preobrazhenskaya" (street). If, according to the scenario, the party guests will go through a quest, hint at it in the text: “In addition to delicious treats from our cook, you will find an exciting journey to desert island". Ideas for invitations:

  • marine life, different or one thing;
  • a message in a bottle decorated with pearls, shells;
  • boat, anchor, lifebuoy;
  • a shell with text inside (a postcard or a real shell with a card);
  • figurine of a sailor or sailors, peakless cap, guis and other elements of a naval costume as a form for a postcard.


To avoid confusion and embarrassment, it is better to discuss with the guests in advance how to dress for a sea party. There are many options, and the dress code differs depending on the event - for a birthday, a wedding in a restaurant or just a meeting of friends in nature or at home, the same thing is unlikely to fit. In addition, the costumes depend on the main idea, if it is defined. We offer options:

  • Evening or regular wear in themed colors(blue, white, red). And the organizer will prepare decorations and marine attributes (a chest at the entrance) for everyone.
  • Beachwear - shorts, light sundresses, pareos. Swimsuits of the listed colors or simply decorated with themed accessories (shells, pearl beads, miniature anchors, starfish). Instead of a rim - goggles for swimming. For a laugh, you can put on fins (and take them off after the photo session).
  • Striped or white shirts, T-shirts, T-shirts. Black or blue skirts, shorts, trousers. Peakless caps and caps, guises and other uniform accessories. Jung, sailor, boatswain, captain? Even if it's a navy party, the costumes can be stylized without being overbearing (party is the keyword!).

  • Simple and informal - denim bottom, striped sailor suit. It can be artistically torn, decorated with appliqué, lowered over one shoulder, tied in a knot under the bust - add raisins! Many girls have striped t-shirt dresses, they are also in the theme.
  • Thematic images, one way or another connected with the sea: mermaid, Poseidon, fisherman, corsair. Or marine life - goldfish, octopus, shark, squid. Such a suit should be comfortable and light, or wear something underneath so that you can take it off after the photo shoot.

Buy accessories for a sea party- earrings, bracelets, beads, hair ornaments in a recognizable style. Imitation of pearls and algae, shells and mother-of-pearl, corals, pendants - anchors, steering wheels, etc. Although it is faster and cheaper to make them yourself. Earrings, bases for bracelets and other accessories are sold in needlework stores.

Menu, serving

Think about where your friends will eat. The wardroom is a traditional feast. Picnic on the beach - a lot of shells, sand, starfish, corals. The ship - a sail over the table / tables, a tablecloth to the floor, a blue background.

Prepare blue, white and/or red dishes. Cut cards to decorate snacks, skewers, dishes - steering wheels, anchors, marine life. Decorate coasters, boxes, jars and glasses in a marine style. For humor, you can stick the labels "Rum", "Sea Water", "Mermaid's Tear" on the bottles. Serve nuts, chips, dried fish and other snacks in thick paper boats. Desserts can be put in halves of coconuts, pineapples, grapefruits and other tropical fruits.

The table should be in harmony with the interior of the room. If hand-drawn cheerful decorations are used to decorate a party, then elegant restaurant serving will fall out of the theme, and vice versa.

Prepare light snacks - sea fish, seafood, miniature sandwiches, kebabs, canapes. It is not necessary that the menu consists entirely of seafood, not everyone loves them. Let there be meat dishes on the table, a variety of salads in portions, a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Use seafood as decoration for some dishes. Bake cookies - stars, fish, anchors, boats, and other simple shapes. Cupcakes and other desserts are easy to decorate in a marine style with icing, sprinkles and fondant.

Drinks for this theme party will suit any, according to the tastes of the guests. You can buy a couple of bottles of rum, make some tropical cocktails, serve punch in the “ship” (hide the bucket between the cardboard starboard and port side). Order a nautical-themed cake for your birthday - a delicious surprise for the birthday boy and guests!


If children certainly expect noisy fun, then a sea party for adults can be different, depending on the age of the guests, the customs of the company, the theme and occasion. Choose games and contests with these factors in mind.

It is hardly necessary to come up with a complex plot for the script. But some idea should be viewed so that friends do not get bored. Lots of options:

  • the ship was wrecked off the coast of the island. The natives agree to help with repairs. But only after the outsiders prove that they are worthy of help. Fun games fit well here;
  • naval competition teams of two ships. More suitable for a party in nature - ball games, sports competitions. But a lot can be adapted to the space;
  • a trip to a wonderful island in order to relax and have a snack. Welcome aboard, set sail, full speed ahead! Oh, the ship was attacked ... but it doesn't matter who (kraken, pirates, Neptune). To continue the path, you need to fulfill his whims (games). This scenario of the sea party will end with the arrival on the island (i.e. the holiday will continue in free mode);

  • a certain quest, as a reward for contests - part of a treasure map, for example. Or a map, without which one cannot swim to the same island. Or not find a way home. After all the games, the party guests will collect the fragments into a whole map and receive a reward.
  • initiation / acceptance into sailors. A series of games and competitions on the marine theme, after which guests will receive some evidence that they are real sailors! Cup, certificate, medal, etc.

Download groovy songs for a sea party- actually about the sea and about summer, rest, beach, resort towns. With them, competitions will be more fun, and guests will become more liberated faster. Soviet, military, pop, rock, songs from cartoons and films, one way or another connected with the sea - the darkness of options, to the tastes of any company. On request, there are whole collections of music for a sea party, in in social networks- hundreds of songs at the request of the sea, summer.

We offer contests that can be included in the scenario.

Zakavyka (paired, playful)

The goal is to tie a rope into a marine knot. Can't you? And all the same, as long as the knot is as complex as possible. Time - 20 seconds. Leading: we divide into pairs, one ties, the second is actively rooting for his soul mate. When the knots are tied, the host praises everyone and offers ... to give the "knot" to the second participant in the pair. They need to race to unleash what their faithful / friends have done in the first stage.

Hole? Nonsense! (team competition)

Option one: two basins of water, spoons. You need to scoop water from your basin-boat into buckets standing nearby with spoons faster than your rivals.

Second: teams do not just scoop up water, but also do harm, pouring it into the "boat" of rivals. Those. party guests pour water into each other's basins with spoons. At the end, pour into three-liter jars and compare - in whose jar there is more water, they lost.

Third: water must be thrown overboard, i.e. buckets stand at some distance from the basins. With spoons, water must be transferred faster than the opposing team, splashing it onto the deck to a minimum.

Polundra, captain on deck!

Each for himself (a glass), paired (large glass) or team (the most fun option, two bowls). The goal is to drink the contents through the straw at speed (beer, for example, according to the tastes of the company). Why for speed? So the captain goes! He will notice that the sailors do not drink tea at all - he will force them to scrub the deck.

And yet we clean the deck (the captain is not stupid, eh)

Option one: rubbish in the hall, small. Two teams or each for himself, party guests in large gloves (collecting garbage is inconvenient, but fun for that). Why are you wearing gloves? So a storm, it got colder or the North Pole is close. Whoever collects the most wins.

Second: relay race, two teams racing at the same time. Take a mop and drive away the garbage (crumpled newspaper) to the finish line. It is possible with obstacles (chairs, bottles of water, etc.). From the finish line, you just run back, pass the mop to the next one.
Third: mark the border, throw garbage (balls, newspapers), distribute mops. The goal is to throw all the garbage on the "deck" of rivals. Those, respectively, return it back. After three minutes, calculate on whose "deck" there is less garbage.


Command (big boat from the newspaper), every man for himself (small paper boats). Start-finish, race. In order for the boat to “float”, you need to blow on it. The distance is short, otherwise it will be boring and long. The surface is smooth (a table without a tablecloth if there is a carpet on the floor).

sea ​​battle

Draw a ship on whatman paper, cut holes, put it at some distance from the wall. Above each hole write points for hits (sail 50 points, stern center 100, edge 25, etc.). Three throws of the ball, you need to hit the hole. You can compete in teams (summarize the results).

Save who can!

Two teams, two stable chairs. If there are many guests at your sea party, you can put a few chairs together (but so that it is still crowded). Chairs are boats. The goal is to fit as many team members as possible in them (you can sit on your knees to each other, take someone in your arms - whatever). For a short time (a minute, for example).

Board games, quizzes (include in the script so that guests can relax a bit)

  • what does the word mean (marine slang);
  • is it true that (facts and notions about everything connected with the sea, its inhabitants, fleet);
  • team game, take turns recalling sea songs (or simply with the word "sea").

At the end of the scenario, give your friends commemorative awards. For example, a goblet in the form of an anchor or a boat model with an unnamed sign (host: now each of you has a ship, name it and set sail - the whole world is open to you!).


  • magnets and key rings (anchors, steering wheels, ships, marine life);
  • jewelry and accessories in a marine style;
  • sets of sweets (there are shells, stars, etc.);
  • alcohol, sets of coffee and exotic teas (and who else but sailors brought these "treasures" from distant lands?), a mug with a thematic pattern and a commemorative inscription.

tatiana Bykova

Target: creation of conditions for the formation of motor skills and abilities.



Cultivate a positive attitude towards entertainment, a sense of joy and pleasure from the game;


To form healthy lifestyle habits in children;

Continue to form the prevention of flat feet.


- develop cognitive-emotional interest;

motor activity;

- develop coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space, dexterity;


Consolidate knowledge about marine life of the sea;

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, speech development, physical development,

materials: video - presentation, sounds of the sea, 2 large shells shells, small balls for the number of children; shark mask, 5 pictures of colorful octopuses, massage balls according to the number of children, 10 pins, a box of pebbles, a magnetic board, pictures with a picture maritime mansions of each according to the number of children, sweets according to the number of children.

Planned result: to involve children in the field of physical culture through sports entertainment creating a positive emotional state of children.

Event progress:

Physics instructor. education:

Get in line!

Equal! Attention! At ease!

Hello guys!

I want to offer you children

travel start,

IN visit the sea kingdom.

And on what can travel underwater or, we need a suit special.

Children: submarine, yes in a suit

Physics instructor. education: ready! We put on a mask on the face, put on the fins and slap them, scuba gear behind the back (where air is stored so that we can breathe underwater)

(close their eyes and listen to the music the sound of the sea, sea ​​wave, open their eyes and look at the screen images of the underwater kingdom)

Let's find out who lives there maritime kingdom learn? floated (1 circle)

They stop, the image of the Crab appears on the screen

Physics instructor. education: Guys, here is the first inhabitant of the sea crab. Hello crab!

Children: hello crab!

Physics instructor. education: The crab will teach us how to do fun gymnastics. Ready?

Cheerful sea ​​exercise with crab. (Children repeat the movements)

We came to the following inhabitants of the seas - a variety of shells. Here's a slide show. Among them there is a beautiful shell, a pearl lives in it.

game exercise "Bring the Pearl".

Take a shell run to "pearl" ball put the ball on the shell to bring it.

And came to the next residents sea ​​fish. There are many different fish in the sea, but among them there are also predatory fish - sharks.

mobile game "Shark and fish"(we choose a shark using the counting rhyme Tomorrow will fly from the sky

Blue-blue-blue whale!

If you believe, stand and wait

If you don't believe me, come out!

the rest of the fish, after the words "1,2,3 shark catch fish" shark catches fish "to touch" touches the shoulder) repeat 2 times

Physics instructor. education: well done! We recover further (0.5 laps go full squat) and meet jellyfish

That's so miracle

That's so amazing

Umbrella burns like a nettle

If you touch to be in trouble (explain dangerous jellyfish)

dangerous cross jellyfish sleep

and good jellyfish want to play with dreams

Kind jellyfish appear on the screen (squat 5 times as jellyfish swim)

I want to play with you, close your eyes 1,2,3,4,5 find me as soon as possible!

"Sedentary game "Find the Octopuses" (five octopuses)- repeat 2 times

Physics instructor. education: These are such funny and mischievous jellyfish, and we are recovering further. We swim through the reefs. We sailed and see sea ​​urchin.

Game exercise with a massage ball "hedgehogs"

The fish frolic merrily - hold in the right hand and pass the ball to the left

In pure warm water

Then they will shrink, unclench, - we squeeze the ball in the right hand, then in the left, and vice versa

Then they burrow in the sand - roll the ball on the palm of the right, then in the left hand

Physics instructor. education: Guys, it's time for us to return, we're sailing home.

On the screen is an image of the shore. We hear the sound of waves and the cry of seagulls.

Physics instructor. education: Guys, where were we? Who did we see in our sea ​​voyage, what did they do? meeting with what maritime the inhabitant you liked the most? Think, and now come to the table, take a picture with an image marine life and post it on the board.

In memory of our on a sea voyage, I give you sea candies. Goodbye!

Related publications:

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1. Preliminary conversation with children in a group on the topic "Sea"

2. Acquaintance with marine paraphernalia - a ship, fish, etc.

Audience: children from 2 to 4 years old

Goals and objectives:

  • Socialization of children
  • hardening
  • Development of the spiritual and emotional sphere
  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Development of musical perception
  • Vocabulary Enrichment
  • Increasing the emotional background of children

The script for the children's holiday "Sea Voyage"

The site is decorated with flags, balls, a swimming pool, fish, artificial flowers, decorative animals, "lianas"

Children go to the playground, holding on to a rope or in pairs.

It sounds: “Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind!”

Leading: Hello kids! Today we will go on a very interesting and exciting sea voyage.But there is no sea here, how can we sail? First we must go to the sea. Guys, let's go!

Sounds like "We're going, we're going, we're going." Children climb on the "car", depicting the movements of the motor or steering wheel.


A car

Rushing along the road.

And behind him thick dust

The cloud swirls.

Guys, look, where are we? And who is meeting us?

Sounds Aquatoria

Leading: We have arrived at the port! A port is a place where ships live. Ships can sail the seas for a long time, but they all want to return to their home - to the port.

A sailor is sailing on a ship

He does not yearn for the earth,

He is friends with the wind and the wave,

After all, the sea is his home.

Captain: Hello! I'm so glad to see you today! I see you have already prepared for today's holiday - you are all so beautiful today! Let's get acquainted! I am a captain, I sail the seas and oceans!

Sailing, sailing boat

To distant lands!

Who is the captain of the ship?

Of course it's me!

Captain: Well, guys, will you sail with me to distant lands? Take your seats!

Sounds like a sea voyage

Leading: Guys, look where we sailed with you!

What an island, what a wonder!

It's so quiet and beautiful here!

Let's go down to this beautiful island.

Sounds "Chunga-Changa" (quietly)

Captain: I have never seen such beauty! Come here guys!


Guys, look who is this? This is a parrot, he is the owner of the island, he is very glad to see you. And he invites you to dance!

Children dance with the leader.

Leading: Guys, look, here we have the real sea!


And the sea will rush towards the wave,

Yes, how it will sparkle, but how it will laugh!

I will throw myself into the arms of a green wave -

Oh sea, you missed me too!

At this time they take out the pool


Glittering water in the sun

From a sunny smile

But in the water - look here -

Swimming, playing fish!

Suitable for the pool

Guys, look how many fish! How beautiful they are - red, yellow, blue, green, and even gold!

Children name the colors of the fish

Let's catch these fish!

Playing with fish

Sounds like "Song of the Goldfish"

Leading: Guys, what good fellows you are! See how many fish you have caught! Let's put them in a basket and take them to our large aquarium, where they will get to know the fish that live with us.

Children sit on benches.

Captain : Guys, do you want to become real captains? (YES!) Then I give each of you my boats and we will set them sailing!

The host distributes paper boats to children

Captain: (at this time)

I made a boat

And I run to the pond.

And my friends are with me

Have fun running.

We will be a paper fleet

Let on the water

And squint in the wind

Let's dream!


I made a boat

He let him out on the water.

You sail, my boat,

And then come home!

Guys, let's send our ships sailing!

Children launch boats in the pool. They blow on the boats, then wave them goodbye.

Sounds "Little boat" Sitnik

Children move away from the pool, sit down

Leading: Guys, let's remember what we did today, who did we meet? We went by car, And who did we visit? (To the captain) Where did he invite us? (to his ship) Where did we sail? (to the island). What were we doing there? etc

Well, now it's time for us to go home. Take us, captain, back to port!

Children board the ship

Sounds Aquatoria

Let's say goodbye to our captain and ask him to come to us again! Goodbye!

Captain: Goodbye, guys! And so that you do not forget me, I give you such a surprise ship!

Gives a ship with candies

Leading: Well, now we will have a real sea lunch. Goodbye captain and thank you!

The captain raises to the bridge, waving to the children

The children leave, holding the rope. It sounds like "Come on, sing a song to us"

Note. The event is held outdoors, in sunny warm weather. If the air temperature allows, you can add 1-2 warm-ups - picking flowers; collecting boats and, for example, bunnies - in different baskets.

The best option in musical design is to gradually increase and decrease the volume of the sound.


The coolest entertainment in my opinion is a mechanical dolphin. In fact, this is a personal submarine designed in the image of an animal by Innespace Productions back in 2009. "Mechanical Dolphin" can reach speeds of up to 65 km / h and effectively jump out of the water.


Just like the dolphin Hydrodome BOB moves underwater. The design, in appearance, resembles a scooter or scooter with a sealed helmet, for one person. This is a real underwater moped with a drive. It contains an oxygen tank, and the head area is covered with a transparent dome, which provides excellent visibility.


Jetpack powered by a jet ski. The cost is 4900 euros. Device inventor Franky Zapata and his company Zapata Racing. It rises into the air due to four jets of water - two main platforms spew out from under the feet of the rider, two more additional ones - from under the hands of a person. The backpack is connected with a 9-meter hose to a jet ski and uses its jet stream. Traction control takes place on the motorcycle, however, as an option, it is possible to control the motorcycle engine from a satchel.


The fastest of today's vehicles on water, driven by human muscle power. The design is extremely simple. Several metal parts, legroom and the so-called steering wheel. Combining jumps and pushes, the rider sets in motion a device that slides through the water due to hydrofoils.


Riding on a board driven by the force of the wind through kite. Who came up with this entertainment is hard to say, too many people were doing it. But it is known that Bill Rosler, a Boeing specialist, and his son Corey patented the "KiteSki" - a system that includes water skis and a 2-line delta kite.


A very dynamic attraction on the water, familiar from childhood. It was on such skis that the hare from the cartoon "Just you wait" rode. It was also one of Yuri Gagarin's favorite pastimes.

7 Water catapult or Blob (blob)

The blob (water catapult) is installed on the water, and the depth at the point where it ends must be at least 2.5 m. The water cushion is fixed to special attachment points on the sides. There is a tower next to the blob, from which the first "blober" jumps onto the catapult. At this time, another "blober" is sitting on the other end of the Blob. The air inside the blob (blob) moves to the opposite side of the airbag, where the second "blob" takes off into the air. But these are all the words that come out of it, see for yourself.

8 Bananas, tablets etc

It is also a rather dynamic attraction, but unlike the other passive ones, the rider does not have any control options. At the request of the organizers of the attraction can ride with a coup. On the banana, there is one chip in the last place, you can hang down and slide through the water holding only your hands, did this many times.

9 Zorb

Zorb entertainment is more for children, Balloon inside which, a person is launched and he slides on the water, rolling and tumbling. A zorb is a plastic ball consisting of two spheres, the space between which is filled with air. In the inner sphere of the zorb there is a suspension system (harness) for secure fixation of the passenger of the zorb, who is called the "zorbonaut".


Or water passages, allow you to walk on water as if on land. The device is an inflatable galoshes that are worn on the feet and due to their lightness and large area, the option of the gods becomes available - to walk on water.

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