That September 9th. Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Two Pimen

"He rushed to Talon, he is sure that Kaverin is already waiting for him there ..." These lines from "Eugene Onegin" have a real addressee - Pyotr Pavlovich Kaverin, who was born on the same day in 1794 in Moscow.

A brave warrior, a hussar, he also had a reputation as the most famous bully and rake of his time. But Pushkin, Griboedov and Pyotr Vyazemsky, who were friends with Kaverin, appreciated in him, first of all, an original mind ... Once a coachman came to Pyotr Pavlovich to ask for freedom. For freedom, he offered the master a thousand rubles - everything that he managed to save. What about Kaverin? "I would give you the same amount - for the idea of ​​​​freedom, - he said. - But I have no money, and therefore I let you go just like that ..." With age, Pyotr Kaverin, taking care of the soul, began to sell candles in the church and to sing in the choir ... His favorite saying has come down to our times: "Where can we, fools, drink tea, and even with cream."

On September 9, 1828, Leo Tolstoy was born in the Yasnaya Polyana estate in the Tula province. He entered Kazan University, but at the age of nineteen he gave up his studies and later studied only by himself, from books. He knew European languages ​​from childhood: for the children of wealthy Russian aristocrats at that time, foreign tutors and home teachers were certainly prescribed.

The complete collection of Leo Tolstoy's works occupies eighty-three volumes. And each reader has his own Tolstoy. There are people who believe that Maryana from the story "Cossacks" is an unattainable masterpiece of Russian literature. There are passionate admirers of "Anna Karenina" who do not even know that in the first edition the novel was called "Well Done Baba". Others value Tolstoy's dramaturgy above all else and can endlessly watch and re-read both the terrible "Power of Darkness", and the amazing "Living Corpse", and the sarcastic "Fruits of Enlightenment". Of course, the novel "War and Peace" has been translated into all languages ​​... In general, Tolstoy is, of course, the most translated Russian classic.

It is less known - especially outside of Russia - that Lev Nikolayevich was also a religious thinker, excommunicated, by the way, from the Orthodox Church, a Christian moral philosopher who called on humanity to self-improvement. The movement of his followers - the Tolstoyans - arose at the end of the 19th century and was quite broad. Under Soviet rule, they were persecuted and sent to camps. In 1938, on the one hundred and tenth anniversary of Tolstoy, the Politburo of the Central Committee suddenly ordered a partial amnesty and released those Tolstoyans who were not involved in any crimes.

In 1852, on September 9, the charter of the St. Petersburg Society of Chess Lovers, the first officially registered chess club in Russia, was approved. The goal of the Society was - I quote: "to spread the taste for this noble and instructive game."

Due to the high annual fee - 15 rubles - only fairly wealthy people could become members of it (after all, as you know, at that time you could buy "three gray horses" for the "last five").

September 9 marks his 53rd birthday Dave Stewart, the famous English musician, former guitarist of the famous duo Juritmix.

Perhaps the most notable event in his solo career was the release in April 1990 of the composition "Lily Woz Nie" with an unforgettable part of the saxophone Candy Dulfer.

In 1984, also on September 9, in Moscow, in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions, an unlimited duel up to 6 victories for the world chess crown between world champion Anatoly Karpov and challenger Garry Kasparov opened.

Before the match, the opponents met three times, and all games ended in a draw. The protracted match was scandalously interrupted by the decision of the FIDE President with the score 5:3 in favor of Karpov, but Kasparov won the last three victories. When asked by Literaturnaya Gazeta what kind of grandmasters imagine their lives in ten years, Karpov admitted: “And in ten years I would like to see myself, first of all, as an active - and well-acting - chess player ... "Regular work" is possible for me only in chess or in economics.

Kasparov's answer sounded like this: "Probably, even at thirty-one chess will remain the main thing in life, but then I intend to start moving away from them, to take up history, philosophy." Well, plans are dreams knowledgeable people", the sages like to repeat.

Since 2003, at the initiative of the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology, September 9 has been celebrated as International Beauty Day. A good reason to talk about a "beautiful topic."
Charles Darwin was also interested in different criteria of beauty and came to the logical conclusion that every nation has its own ideals. Among the Chinese, for example, a beauty should have a wide cheeky face, a flat nose and elongated ears. Blue eyes are considered exceptionally ugly there. In Indonesia, brown women are considered to be much more beautiful than Europeans with their skin “like potato blossoms”.

Often, Africans evaluate the beauty of women by the thickness of the “fifth point”. Special lovers of magnificent forms - residents South Africa. Bushmen and Hottentot women have uniquely fat buttocks. Their biggest beauties, of course, by local standards, due to their disproportionately large and heavy ass, cannot rise from a level place and usually push themselves to some mound in order to lean on it to get up from the ground.

Well, they carefully watched their appearance clean ancient Egyptians. Skin care, removal of excess hair, spots and wrinkles of the skin, as well as the use of perfumes and cosmetics, then reached a level not inferior to today.

The concepts of beauty of the ancient Greeks differ from modern ones, especially in terms of ideas about the female ideal. A woman with parameters like Aphrodite would not even qualify for a second-rate beauty pageant today. Her waist and hips are too wide, and her chest, on the contrary, is small. By the way, Greek women of those times valued blond hair and often dyed blondes.
The Romans were similar to the modern inhabitants of central and southern Europe. They were slightly inferior in growth to modern youth, but were noticeably taller than medieval Europeans. The Romans paid a lot of attention and money to body care, including the complete removal of hair from it. Like the Greeks, the Romans liked blond hair. Many noble ladies dyed their hair or wore wigs. At the same time, by law, the prostitutes of Rome were required to wear a yellow wig or dye their hair blonde.

Because of the dictate christian church in the Middle Ages, divine beauty was ideal, not bodily. Judging by the paintings of those years, graceful fair-haired people were in fashion, although at the same time, the bourgeoisie and the clergy valued fullness, and thinness meant poverty. These rules did not apply to the nobles: for a warrior and a duelist, excess weight could be a hindrance. From the Renaissance and almost until the 20th century, curvaceous female forms were in fashion.

Secular women were then dragged into corsets and in clothes they gave the impression of being slender, but as soon as they undressed, the treacherous fat was conspicuous. However, this is not surprising. Until the 20th century, women did not play sports. Although bathing locker rooms on wheels were already popular in the 19th century, swimming was then treated in a peculiar way. In these trailers, women were taken to the sea, and they splashed in the water, being inside the premises, so that none of the men, God forbid, saw their nakedness.

And only after the First World War, skirts became shorter, sports and diets came into fashion. Women's new look at beauty was facilitated by such a simple thing as the appearance of a mirror in the bathroom, shortening the work week and lengthening the vacation. Excess fat has become a sign of low social status and culture, as well as laziness and weak will.

Well, the cult of the body requires sacrifice. People are spending more and more time and money on maintaining and correcting their bodies. The beauty industry has become an important sector of the global economy.

The history of the world, and in particular Russia, is reflected on this page in the form of the most significant events, turning points, discoveries and inventions, wars and the emergence of new countries, turning points and cardinal decisions that took place over many centuries. Here you will get to know prominent people world, politicians and rulers, generals, scientists and artists, athletes, artists, singers and many others, who and in what years of them were born and died, what mark they left in history, what they remember and what they achieved.

In addition to the history of Russia and the world on September 9, significant milestones and significant events that took place on this September day of spring, you will learn about historical dates, about those influential and popular people who were born and passed away on this date, and you can also get acquainted with memorable dates and folk holidays in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, signs and sayings, natural disasters, the emergence of cities and states, as well as their tragic disappearance, get acquainted with revolutions and revolutionaries, those turning points that in one way or another influenced the course of development of our planet and much other - interesting, informative, important, necessary and useful.

Folk calendar, signs and folklore September 9

September 9 is the 252nd day of the year (253rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 113 days left until the end of the year.

Anfisa Day. Fieldfare. The first bow to the fieldfare.

Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries.

Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are many berries left on the mountain ash.

A lot of mountain ash was born - by a wet autumn and a harsh winter.

"A large harvest of mountain ash - to frost."

"There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - rainy autumn, little dry."

Costa Rica - National Children's Day (English) Russian..

Tajikistan - Independence Day.

North Korea - Independence Day.

Slovakia - Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust and Racial Crimes (English) Russian..

Japan - Chrysanthemum Day (English) Russian..

World Beauty Day - the holiday was established by the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology CIDESCO in 1995.

Tester's Day (unofficial holiday) - celebrated in memory of a comic case of finding a bug.

Brazil - Day of Administrators and Managers.

USA - Flag of California.svg The day California was admitted to the Union.

What happened in Russia and the world on September 9?

Below you will learn about the history of the world and Russia on September 9, the events that took place in different historical time periods and periods, starting from prehistoric times BC and the emergence of Christianity, continuing with the era of formations, transformations, times of discovery, scientific and technical revolutions, as well as interesting middle ages to modern times. Below are reflected all the significant events of this day in the history of mankind, you will learn or remember those who were born and left us in another world, what events took place, what made it so special for us to remember.

History of Russia and the World September 9 in the 5th century BC

479 BC e. - Battle of Plataea

History of Russia and the world September 9 in the IV century

337 - The three sons of Emperor Constantine divided the Roman Empire among themselves.

History of Russia and the world September 9 in the XVI century

1513 - Battle of Flodden - defeat and death of King James IV of Scotland from English troops.

1570 - The Turks captured Nicosia (Cyprus).

1585 - Pope Sixtus V deprives Henry of Navarre of his right to the French crown.

History of Russia and the world September 9 in the XVIII century

1776 - The new name of the United Colonies of America is approved - the United States of America.

History of Russia and the world September 9 in the XIX century

1801 - Baku and the Baku region are included in the Russian Empire.

1835 - Strict censorship of the press is introduced in France.

1850 - California becomes the 31st US state.

1886 - The Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the first international agreement in the field of copyright, is signed in Bern, Switzerland.

1892 - American astronomer E. Barnard discovered the fifth satellite of Jupiter - Amalthea.

1893 - The Stuttgart football club is founded in Germany.

History in Russia and the world on September 9 in the XX century

1905 - A decree was issued in Russia on the autonomy of universities and their right to choose rectors.

1907 - The Imperial Russian Military Historical Society was established in St. Petersburg.

1911 - Air mail began operating in England.

1913 - Russian military pilot Pyotr Nesterov performed the first "dead loop" aerobatic maneuver.

1926 - NBC (NBC) is founded.

1932 - The Spanish government granted autonomy to Catalonia.

1933 - The publishing house "DETGIZ" was founded in Moscow (later renamed the publishing house "Children's Literature").

The USSR and Poland signed an agreement on the resettlement of Lemkos from Eastern Poland.

September popular armed uprising in Bulgaria.

1945 - End of the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945).

1956 - Elvis Presley first appeared on national television.

1961 - The first performance of the Ukrainian State Ballet on Ice took place in Kiev.

1965 - The Rolling Stones hit number one on the UK Singles Chart for the fourth time with Satisfaction.

1969 - The Language Act went into effect in Canada, making English and French the official languages ​​throughout the country.

1970 - Started production of cars "VAZ-2101" - "Lada".

1980 - lost contact with the English bulk carrier "Derbyshire" (English "Derbyshire"), en route from the port of Quebec to Japan, carrying 44 people; it is the largest ship ever lost by the British at sea.

In Moscow, in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions, an unlimited duel up to 6 victories for the world chess crown between world champion Anatoly Karpov and challenger Garry Kasparov has opened. Before the match, the opponents met only three times, and all games ended in a draw. The protracted match was scandalously interrupted by the decision of FIDE President Campomanes with the score 5:3 in favor of Karpov, but Kasparov won the last three victories.

Pope John Paul II visited Canada for the first time in the history of the papacy.

1989 - on the first program of the Central Television for the first time the program "Lucky case" was broadcast.

The board of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR announced its dissolution.

Tajikistan declared its independence.

1998 - at the first attempt to launch 12 spacecraft of the Globalstar communication system into space, the control system of the Zenit-2 medium-class launch vehicle failed. The rocket, along with the payload, fell in the foothills of Altai.

As a result of the terrorist attack in Moscow on the night of September 9, an apartment building No. 19 on Guryanov Street was partially destroyed. 100 people died.

At the initiative of Muammar Gaddafi, at the meeting of African heads of state in Sirte (Libya), the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was created, uniting 53 African states. This organization on July 9, 2002 was officially transformed into the African Union.

2000 - Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation.

History of Russia and the world September 9 - in the XXI century

2001 - At 01:46:40 GMT, the clock ticked the billionth second of the UNIX era, which began at midnight on January 1, 1970 - from this moment Unix systems count "internal" time.

2002 - Film director Alexei German announced his withdrawal from the Union of Cinematographers of the country. He told ITAR-TASS that he did not agree with the "deceitful policy of the current leadership of the Union."

The history of September 9 - which of the greats was born

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 9 in the III century

214 - Aurelian (d. 275), Roman emperor (270-275).

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 9, XVI century

1583 - Girolamo Frescobaldi (d. 1643), Italian composer and organist, one of the creators of the fugue.

1585 - Armand Jean du Plessis, Duke de Richelieu (d. 1642), French cardinal, aristocrat and statesman.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 9 in the XVIII century

1737 - Luigi Galvani (d. 1798), Italian physicist and physiologist, one of the founders of the theory of electricity.

1754 - William Bligh (d. 1817), English admiral.

1769 - Ivan Petrovich Kotlyarevsky (d. 1838), Ukrainian writer, poet and playwright, founder of modern Ukrainian literature.

1790 - Sergei Petrovich Trubetskoy (d. 1860), Decembrist prince.

Born with I am a celebrity of the world and Russia September 9 in the XIX century

1823 - Valerian Nikolaevich Maikov (d. 1847), philosopher, literary critic and publicist, compiler of the first Russian dictionary of foreign words.

1828 - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (d. 1910), Russian writer and philosopher

1862 - Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus (d. 1929), Russian religious writer and public figure, publisher of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

1899 - Alexander Nikolaevich Nesmeyanov (d. 1980), organic chemist, president of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1951-1961), twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 9 in the XX century

1901 - Nadezhda Alliluyeva (d. 1932), second wife of I.V. Stalin.

1908 - Cesare Pavese (d. 1950), Italian writer

1918 - Boris Zakhoder (d. 2000), poet, translator. "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All", "Mary Poppins", "Peter Pan" were first published in the USSR in Zakhoder's translations.

1920 - Afanasy Dmitrievich Salynsky (d. 1993), playwright, screenwriter, editor-in-chief of the Theater magazine.

Hans Georg Dehmelt, German-born American physicist, Nobel laureate in 1989.

Manolis Glezos, Greek politician, writer, symbol of the anti-fascist movement, laureate of the International Lenin Prize "For the strengthening of peace among peoples."

1923 - Carlton Gaiduzek, American pediatrician and virologist, 1976 Nobel Prize winner "for discovering new mechanisms for the origin and spread of infectious diseases" (together with Baruch Blumberg).

1926 - German Zonin, Soviet footballer and football coach

1930 - Nadezhda Rumyantseva (d. 2008), film actress ("Girls", "Queen of the Gas Station", "Balzaminov's Marriage").

1952 - Dave Stewart, English rock musician ("Eurythmics", solo projects)

1953 - Alisher Usmanov, Russian manager and entrepreneur, billionaire.

Mark Galesnik, playwright, satirist, founder and ch. editor of the Israeli weekly Beseder? (published since 1991).

Leonid Maksimov, Russian theater and film actor.

Hugh Grant (real name Hugh John Mungo Grant), English film actor (Four Weddings and a Funeral), (Love Actually), (Bitter Moon).

1966 - Adam Sandler, American actor and comedian

1980 - Michelle Williams, American actress, winner of the Golden Globe Award.

1984 - Anna Lutseva, Russian theater and film actress.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 9 in the XXI century

Died September 9 - famous people of Russia and the world

Which of the famous people of the world and Russia died on September 9 in the III century

276 - Mark Annius Florian (b. 232), Roman emperor.

Which of the famous people of the world and Russia died on September 9 in the XI century

1087 - William I the Conqueror, King of England from 1066.

Which of the famous people of the world and Russia died on September 9 in the 16th century

1513 - James IV (b. 1473), King of Scotland from 1488. His father, James III, died in battle, the same fate awaited him. He was succeeded by his only legitimate child, James V, but the king had many illegitimate children, some of whom entered Scottish history as prominent personalities.

Which of the famous people of the world and Russia died on September 9 in the XIX century

1815 - John Singleton Copley (b. 1738), American painter

1822 - Pyotr Petrovich Konovnitsyn (b. 1764), military and statesman, hero Patriotic War 1812.

1834 - James Weddell (b. 1787), English explorer of Antarctica, discoverer of the Weddell Sea.

1891 - Jules Grevy (b. 1807), French statesman, President of France (1879-1887).

The history of September 9 - what significant happened in Russia and in the world ...

September 9, like any other day of the year, is individual and remarkable in its own way, it has its own history in Russia and in each individual country of the world, which you learned about in this material. We hope you liked it and you learned more, expanded your horizons - after all, knowing a lot is useful and important!

Any day of the year is memorable and distinctive in its own way, including this one - we hope you were interested in learning its history, because you learned more about it, events and people who were lucky enough to be born on September 9, to get acquainted with what he left us with you as an inheritance after yourself.

The terrorist act of September 11, 2001- a chain of disasters that caused mass deaths in New York, Washington and southwestern Pennsylvania as a result of the hijacking of passenger planes and ramming them into the buildings of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As a result of the terrorist attack, not counting the 19 terrorists, 2973 people died, including 246 of those who flew on airplanes, 2602 in the towers of the World Trade Center (of which 343 firefighters and 60 policemen) and 125 - in the Pentagon; in addition, 24 people are considered missing.

By official version preparations for the attacks began in 1996. Terrorists trained to fly flight school in the state of Florida. Then, on September 11, 2001, 19 suicide bombers (kamikaze), armed with paper knives, captured 4 American passenger aircraft domestic airlines and sent them to ram the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. The terrorists were directly led by Mohammed Atta (1968-2001) - the leader of the Hamburg branch of Al-Qaeda. Planned attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and the organizer was the head of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden.

Chronicle of events
The first Boeing 767 (American Airlines Flight 11, Boston - Los Angeles) crashed into the North Tower skyscraper at 8:45 local time. There were 81 passengers (including 5 terrorists) and 11 crew members on board. The plane hit between the 93rd and 99th floors, killing hundreds of people, igniting the plane's fuel and raising the temperature to 1,000 degrees Celsius. The column of flame was so powerful that when the fire rushed down the elevator shafts, people were burned even in the lobby of the building. Approximately a thousand people were trapped between the 100th and 107th floors. At 10:29 a.m., the burning North Tower collapsed.

The second Boeing 767 (United Airlines Flight 175, Boston - Los Angeles) crashed into the South Tower at 77-81 floors at 9:03 local time. There were 56 passengers on board (of which 5 were terrorists) and 9 crew members. At 9:59 a.m., the building collapsed in flames.

A third Boeing 757-200 (American Airlines Flight 77, Washington - Los Angeles) crashed into the Pentagon at 9:40 am local time. 184 people died: 59 passengers (including 5 terrorists) and 6 crew members on board the Boeing 757, and 125 military personnel and civilians inside the building.

The fourth Boeing 757 (United Airlines Flight 93, Newark-San Francisco) crashed in Pennsylvania in a forest 125 kilometers southeast of Pittsburgh. There were 37 passengers (including 4 terrorists) and 7 crew members on board. Recordings of the "black box" and the conversations of passengers and crew with the ground show that the terrorists dived into the ground when the resisting passengers tried to break into the cockpit.

The media reported that some passengers and crew members were able to call mobile phones from hijacked aircraft. These passengers reported multiple hijackers aboard each of the flights. The FBI later identified 19 of them, four on Flight 93 and five each on the other flights. However, the reliability of the calls is disputed, as the ability to make calls under such circumstances is questionable. Many critics said that the calls were fabricated by the FBI (the son's call to his mother, beginning with the phrase: "Mom, it's me, John Smith", is especially distrustful, since the son would hardly turn to his mother, mentioning his last name).

None of those on board the hijacked planes survived. The death toll, according to official figures, is 2973 - killed, including 247 on board aircraft (excluding 19 terrorists), 2602 - in New York in towers and on the ground, and 125 - in the Pentagon. The dead included 343 New York firefighters, 23 New York Police Department officers and 37 harbor police officers. In addition, 24 people are still missing.

In addition to the 110-story twin towers, five other WTC buildings (including WTC Building 7), the Marriott Hotel, four subway stations, and the building of the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas, were destroyed or badly damaged. In total, 25 buildings were affected in Manhattan, all 7 buildings of the World shopping center had to be razed to the ground. Later, the Deutsche Bank Building opposite the WTC also had to be demolished due to the uninhabitable, toxic environment inside the office tower.

As a result of the attack, both skyscrapers, adjacent buildings, as well as one wing of the Pentagon were destroyed; about three thousand people died.
It marked the beginning of a new era, when full-scale wars can go on not only between states, but also between states and international groups that do not have a state structure and state responsibility.
The New York Stock Exchange was closed for two days.

The surrounding area, including the famous Wall Street, was covered in ash.
Government offices were evacuated.
The President of the United States declared martial law.
This event was the reason for the US war with Afghanistan and later with Iraq.

Text source

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