How is the Il 214 aircraft project being implemented? Russian Aviation


Il-214 MTS (multi-purpose transport aircraft) is a tactical military transport aircraft developed jointly by the companies "Aviation Complex named after S.V. Ilyushin", NPK "Irkut" and the Indian company HAL. Designed to replace the An-12, An-26 and An-72 in the Russian Air Force, as well as the An-32 in the Indian Air Force. The protocol on the start of joint development was signed on June 6, 2001.

The cargo compartment is made in identical dimensions to the Il-76MD aircraft. According to the project, the MTS aircraft is capable of transporting up to 80% of all types of weapons and military equipment, at significantly lower costs. The MTS is capable of transporting a load weighing 12 tons over a range of 3,700 km, a load weighing 20 tons over a distance of 2,000 km, or up to 90 paratroopers.

Previously, the Il-214 was included in the State Arms Development Program until 2015 (the purchase of 5 aircraft was planned before 2015). The cost of one aircraft is expected to be 35-40 million US dollars, the cost of the entire development program is approximately 600 million dollars.

An intergovernmental agreement on the joint development and construction of the MTA (Medium Transport Aircraft) aircraft was signed by the governments of Russia and India back in 2007. In subsequent years, the future partners agreed that the Russian and Indian sides would each own 50% of the company's shares, and the headquarters would be opened in New Delhi. The production of the aircraft will be located in both Russia and India. Production plans provide for the production of 205 aircraft, of which 30% may be exported to third countries. If everything goes according to plan, the first MTA flight will take place in 2016-2018. According to the General Designer of JSC Ilyushin V.V. Livanov, the Russian Ministry of Defense expects to order 100 aircraft of this type, India - 45. This will allow reaching a break-even production level. The total potential of the global market for MTA aircraft is estimated at 390 units, including civil transport aviation.

Design characteristics:

  • Crew: 2 pilots;
  • Load capacity: 20 t;
  • Length: from 37.7 m to 40.235 m;
  • Wingspan: from 32.25 m to 39.37 m;
  • Height: 11.0 m;
  • Maximum take-off weight: from 68 t to 72 t;
  • Fuel mass in internal tanks: 23,000 kg;
  • Powerplant: 2 × PS-90A-76, in the future PD-14M;
  • Thrust: 2 × 14,000 (15,600) kgf;
  • Maximum speed: 870 km/h;
  • Cruising speed: 800 km/h;
  • Practical range: 2,500 km (with maximum load);
  • Service ceiling: 12,000 m;
  • Takeoff length: 1,450 m;
  • Run length: 1,350 m.

The tactical and technical specifications for the Il-276 medium military transport aircraft have almost been agreed upon, and the first flight should take place no later than 2023, said the head of the Ilyushin division, Alexey Rogozin, in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper. “We have practically agreed on the tactical and technical specifications for this vehicle; we have specially formed a very strong team inside Ilyushin to work on this [...]

The aircraft is being developed on the basis of the unrealized joint Russian-Indian project of the MTA multifunctional transport aircraft. The contract between the two countries was concluded in 2007, and in 2015 India announced its withdrawal from the project; in 2016, it was decided to continue the development of the new aircraft without the participation of the Indian side. In June 2017, the aircraft received official […]

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First flight 2017(plan) Start of operation 2019(plan) Status In developing Units produced 0 Development program cost 600 million US dollars Unit cost 35-40 million US dollars 15px Images on Wikimedia Commons

Il-214(also known as MTS - multi-role transport aircraft And SVTS - medium military transport aircraft) - tactical military transport airplane, developed by the company " Aviation complex named after S.V. Ilyushin ».

The cargo compartment is made in identical dimensions to the aircraft IL-76 MD. According to the project, the MTS aircraft is capable of transporting up to 80% of all types of weapons and military equipment at significantly lower costs. The MTS is capable of transporting a load weighing 12 tons over a range of 3,700 km, a load weighing 20 tons over a range of 2,000 km, or up to 90 paratroopers.

The cost of one aircraft is expected to be 35-40 million US dollars, the cost of the entire development program is approximately 600 million dollars.


Initially, MTS was developed jointly by companies "Aviation complex named after S.V. Ilyushin" , NPK Irkut and an Indian company Hindustan Aeronautics(HAL). . The protocol on the start of joint development was signed June 6 2001.

An intergovernmental agreement on the joint development and construction of the MTA (Medium Transport Aircraft) aircraft was signed by the governments of Russia and India in 2007. In subsequent years, the future partners agreed that the Russian and Indian sides would each own 50% of the company's shares, and the headquarters would be opened in New Delhi. It was planned that the production of the aircraft would be located both in Russia and in India.

At the end of 2015, it became known that the Indian side was withdrawing from the project. Russia continued to develop the aircraft independently.

Performance characteristics

Given specifications are calculated.


Flight characteristics

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An excerpt characterizing the IL-214

"Old" Lithuanian Gods in my hometown Alytus, homely and warm, like a simple friendly family...

These gods reminded me of kind characters from fairy tales, who were somewhat similar to our parents - they were kind and affectionate, but if necessary, they could severely punish us when we were too naughty. They were much closer to our soul than that incomprehensible, distant, and so terribly lost at human hands, God...
I ask believers not to be indignant when reading lines with my thoughts at that time. That was then, and I, as in everything else, was looking for my childhood truth in the same Faith. Therefore, I can only argue about this about my views and concepts that I have now, and which will be presented in this book much later. In the meantime, it was a time of “persistent search”, and it was not so easy for me...
“You’re a strange girl...” the sad stranger whispered thoughtfully.
- I'm not strange - I'm just alive. But I live among two worlds - the living and the dead... And I can see what many, unfortunately, do not see. That’s probably why no one believes me... But everything would be so much simpler if people listened and thought for at least a minute, even if they didn’t believe... But I think that if this happens when Someday, it certainly won’t happen today... And today I have to live with this...
“I’m so sorry, honey...” the man whispered. “And you know, there are a lot of people like me here.” There are thousands of them here... You would probably be interested in talking to them. There are even real heroes, not like me. There are many of them here...
I suddenly had a wild desire to help this sad, lonely man. True, I had absolutely no idea what I could do for him.
“Do you want us to create another world for you while you’re here?” Stella suddenly asked.
It was a great idea, and I felt a little ashamed that it hadn’t occurred to me first. Stella was a wonderful person, and somehow, she always found something nice that could bring joy to others.
– What kind of “other world”?.. – the man was surprised.
- But look... - and in his dark, gloomy cave a bright, joyful light suddenly shone!.. - How do you like this house?
Our “sad” friend’s eyes lit up happily. He looked around in confusion, not understanding what had happened here... And in his eerie, dark cave the sun was now shining cheerfully and brightly, lush greenery was fragrant, birdsong was ringing, and there was the amazing smell of blooming flowers... And in fact in its far corner a stream gurgled merrily, splashing droplets of the purest, freshest, crystal water...
- Here you go! As you like? – Stella asked cheerfully.
The man, completely stunned by what he saw, did not utter a word, only looked at all this beauty with eyes widened in surprise, in which trembling drops of “happy” tears shone like pure diamonds...
“Lord, it’s been so long since I’ve seen the sun!” he whispered quietly. - Who are you, girl?
- Oh, I'm just a person. The same as you - dead. But here she is, you already know - alive. We walk here together sometimes. And we help if we can, of course.
It was clear that the baby was happy with the effect produced and was literally fidgeting with the desire to prolong it...
- Do you really like? Do you want it to stay that way?
The man just nodded, unable to utter a word.
I didn’t even try to imagine what happiness he must have experienced after the black horror in which he found himself every day for so long!..
“Thank you, honey...” the man whispered quietly. - Just tell me, how can this remain?..
- Oh, it's easy! Your world will only be here, in this cave, and no one will see it except you. And if you don’t leave here, he will stay with you forever. Well, I’ll come to you to check... My name is Stella.
- I don’t know what to say for this... I don’t deserve it. This is probably wrong... My name is Luminary. Yes, he hasn’t brought very much “light” so far, as you can see...
- Oh, nevermind, bring me some more! – it was clear that the little girl was very proud of what she had done and was bursting with pleasure.
“Thank you, dears...” The luminary sat with his proud head bowed, and suddenly began to cry completely childishly...
“Well, what about others who are the same?..” I whispered quietly in Stella’s ear. – There must be a lot of them, right? What to do with them? After all, it’s not fair to help one. And who gave us the right to judge which of them is worthy of such help?
Stellino's face immediately frowned...
– I don’t know... But I know for sure that this is right. If it were wrong, we would not have succeeded. There are different laws here...
Suddenly it dawned on me:
- Wait a minute, what about our Harold?!.. After all, he was a knight, which means he also killed? How did he manage to stay there, on the “top floor”?..
“He paid for everything he did... I asked him about this - he paid very dearly...” Stella answered seriously, wrinkling her forehead funny.
- What did you pay with? - I did not understand.
“The essence...” the little girl whispered sadly. “He gave up part of his essence for what he did during his life.” But his essence was very high, therefore, even after giving away part of it, he was still able to remain “at the top.” But very few people can do this, only truly highly developed entities. Usually people lose too much and end up much lower than they were originally. How Shining...

India and Russia have suspended implementation joint project to create a multi-purpose medium military transport aircraft(SVTS), which in our country is known under the designation Il-214. Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Mansurov told reporters about this at the beginning of March this year. “Not all projects end with a positive result,” the official noted with regret. He also added that over several years of working together on the aircraft, the parties were unable to find a compromise solution. According to Mansurov, the refusal to further work on the Il-214 does not mean the end of cooperation between Moscow and Delhi in the field of aircraft manufacturing, now simply more attention will be paid to other projects.

It cannot be said that the information about the cessation of work on the creation of the MTS (multi-purpose transport aircraft) came as a bolt from the blue. At the beginning of 2019, representatives of the Ilyushin company reported that this project had been frozen, saying that the fate of the Il-214 was now in the hands of the Russian Ministry of Defense. And up to this point, the implementation of the project was progressing extremely slowly. In general, the saga with this aircraft lasted more than fifteen years.

Around the same time, information appeared that India had signed an agreement on the joint production of a medium transport aircraft with the Ukrainian company Antonov. We are talking about the An-178, testing of which began in 2014. The Ukrainians are positioning this machine as a replacement for the outdated An-12 and An-32.

Why last news Domestic aviation enthusiasts are not happy about the MTS project? For what reason did the IL-214 fail? Is it possible to revive him? And do Russians even need air force new medium transport aircraft?

Background and history of creation

The idea of ​​​​creating a new medium transport aircraft appeared in Russia back in the late 90s of the last century. This transport aircraft was supposed to replace a number of vehicles created and built during the Soviet period: An-12 (serial production completed in 1972), An-72 (production ceased in the early 90s) and An-26 (production completed in the 80s). India, which planned to replace the obsolete Soviet An-32 with a new aircraft, became interested in the new project.

It can be added that the main aircraft of this class, which is now used in the vast expanses of the CIS, is the An-12. This is a good, reliable and time-tested machine, but it made its first flight back in 1957.

By the way, a similar problem faces Western aircraft manufacturers. The main medium transport aircraft in the West is the American C-130 Hercules. Of course, this is a legendary car, but the problem is that in 2014, “Hercules” celebrated its sixtieth anniversary, and, despite numerous modernizations, it has long been obsolete.

In Russia, problems with updating the transport aviation fleet began with the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the end of the 80s, it was decided to abandon the modernization program for the An-12 aircraft; they planned to replace it with a new transport aircraft produced by the Antonov Design Bureau - the An-70. The collapse of the country put an end to all these endeavors.

It should be said that the An-70 was nevertheless created by Kyiv aircraft manufacturers, but it became much “heavier” and became, rather, a heavy transport vehicle, with a payload of 47 tons. So far, this aircraft has not yet entered mass production, but even if this happens, its price and characteristics will not be very consistent with the average transport aircraft. In addition, current Russian-Ukrainian relations make it almost impossible to purchase the An-70 for the needs of the domestic air force.

India has also long stated its desire to obtain a new medium transport aircraft. Moreover, the Indians wanted not just to purchase a new car, but to participate in its development and production. This country has had a “Made in India” program for many years, according to which preference is given to those suppliers who “share” the latest technologies and set up production in this country.

In 2001, a protocol was signed between the Ilyushin Corporation, NPK Irkut and the Indian company Hindustan Aeronautics to begin the joint development of the MTS transport aircraft.

In 2006, the promising Il-214 aircraft was included in the Russian state rearmament program. The cost of one vehicle was supposed to be approximately $35-40 million, and it was planned to be put into service in 2019. When the Il-214 project was just launched, the Russian side announced its readiness to purchase about 100 new aircraft.

It took another six years to convince officials, and only in 2007 an intergovernmental agreement on this project was signed between Russia and India. This document stated that the first flight of the new transport aircraft was to take place in 2008. Each party received 50% of the shares of the new enterprise.

One of the main problems of the new project was securing a guaranteed starting order. The Indians initially talked about 40-50 aircraft that they were ready to purchase for their own needs. The Russian Ministry of Defense delayed the SVTS tender as best it could, not having funds for a new military transport aircraft. It took place only in 2005, the rival of the Ilyushin car was the Tu-330. As a result, the IL-214 was declared the winner. Initially, the Russian military spoke about the need to purchase 60 aircraft, but then they finally agreed to purchase 100 new transport aircraft.

In 2009, specialists from the OKB named after. Ilyushin prepared a preliminary design of the aircraft and successfully defended it. Already at this time it became clear that the initially stated deadlines would not be met, and the first flight of the machine was postponed.

A year later, a basic agreement was signed between Russian and Indian aircraft manufacturers, according to which both parties pledged to invest $600 million in the project and carry out serial production at aircraft factories of both countries. The first flight of the new machine was postponed to 2019, and large-scale production to 2019. It was planned that in Russia the production of the Il-214 would be carried out at the facilities of the Irkut Research and Production Complex.

In 2012, a contract was signed between UAC and HAL, which specified where and in what quantities new aircraft would be produced. According to this document, Russia committed to purchase 100 aircraft for the needs of the air force, India promised to purchase 45 aircraft, and planned to produce another 60 Il-214s for sale to third countries. The contract stated that the production of MTS would be carried out by Multirole Transport Aircraft Limited, a company jointly created by both parties.

However, aircraft manufacturers did not plan to limit themselves only to the needs of the military departments of the two countries. According to domestic experts, in the next twenty years, countries that traditionally bought Soviet transport aircraft will need approximately 300 new aircraft. IL-214 developers could claim at least 60% of this market. And given the completely affordable price of the new aircraft, it was possible to try and compete for consumers who traditionally purchased American C-130s. So the financial prospects of the new project looked quite attractive.

It was stated that the implementation of the project would be monitored by representatives of the defense ministries of both countries.

However, already in 2019, the Indian side announced its withdrawal from the MTS project. In January 2019, the Ilyushin company announced the freeze of work on the Il-214, and at the beginning of this year the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade put the final stop on the issue of creating the Il-214.

A little about the characteristics and competitors of the IL-214

Il-214 is a twin-engine high-wing aircraft with a T-shaped tail. According to the project, its maximum take-off weight is 68 tons (according to other sources 72 tons), and its maximum carrying capacity is 20 tons, which it can deliver over a distance of 2 thousand km. The aircraft wing is distinguished by powerful mechanization, consisting of slats, ailerons, multi-slot flaps and spoilers. The crew consists of three people, the cockpit is comfortable and equipped with the latest technology.

It was planned that the vehicle would be largely unified with the Il-76MD, especially with regard to the cargo compartment and cockpit. This fact was considered one of the main advantages of the new aircraft, which significantly simplified its production and reduced the cost of the aircraft. The cargo compartment was equipped with a wide ramp and two hoists, which should have made it possible to carry out loading and unloading operations at unequipped airfields.

It was assumed that the aircraft's power plant would consist of two PS-90A turbofan engines, and in the future - of the promising PD-18R.

The dimensions of the aircraft's cargo cabin should have allowed four universal aviation containers UAK-5 to be loaded into it; the An-12 could take exactly the same number on board. In addition, it was assumed that the Il-214 would be able to transport 140 military personnel or 90 paratroopers with parachute equipment.

The aircraft had the ability to refuel in the air. The fuel pickup rod was located above the left side of the cockpit.

At the beginning of this year, an agreement was officially announced between the Ukrainian state-owned enterprise Antonov and the Indian company Reliance Defense Ltd. It discussed the joint development of a medium transport aircraft based on the Ukrainian An-178. A long-term project is expected, lasting fifteen years. It is planned that 500 aircraft will be built during this period for a total cost of 5.3 billion dollars. Two hundred aircraft will go to the needs of the Indian army, another three hundred aircraft will be manufactured for the civil air fleet of this country.

The An-178 aircraft is a further continuation of the line of Antonov An-148 and An-158 aircraft. It was developed by Ukrainian designers in the shortest possible time (about four years). In 2019, a presentation of this machine took place. The aircraft is currently undergoing testing.

In terms of its characteristics, the An-178 is in many ways similar to the Il-214; it can transport cargo weighing about 20 tons over a distance of 1 thousand km. At the same time, the design of the cargo cabin allows the An-178 to take on board even large-sized 1C sea containers. The Ilyushin vehicle has a slightly longer ferry range and the engines have greater thrust. The cost of the An-178 is $40 million. In 2019, the first launch of the new D-436-148FM engine, which was developed specifically for this aircraft, took place in Zaporozhye.

For the Indians, an additional advantage of the An-178 was their good knowledge of Antonov technology. Currently, hundreds of different types of transport aircraft designed at the Design Bureau named after V.I. are in operation in India. Antonov.

The Brazilians have already stated that the carrying capacity of the new aircraft will be more than 24 tons (with a flight range of more than 2.5 thousand km). The first flight of the KS-390 took place in February 2019; operation of this machine should begin in 2019. True, the cost of one KS-390 aircraft is more than twice the price of the Il-214 and An-178 - it amounts to $85 million.

Why didn't it work?

Why did the development of this machine take so long and end in failure? Technically, the creation of such an aircraft for specialists from the Design Bureau named after. Ilyushin, is not too difficult a task.

The slow progress of work can be explained by two reasons. The first of them is the traditional shortage of funds for the Russian aviation industry. In this matter, great hopes were placed on the military department, but it reacted rather coolly to this project.

Another problem is the complex relationship with Uzbekistan, on whose territory the Tashkent aircraft plant named after Chkalov is located. It was on it that they planned to begin production of the newest transport aircraft Il-76MD-90A. After the Uzbeks refused to continue cooperation, the production of this machine had to be moved to Ulyanovsk.

A subjective factor is also to blame for the failure of the contract with the Indians. The attitude towards the customer on the Russian side was condescending and complacent. They say they won’t go anywhere, they’ll wait as long as necessary. Alas, in the modern world no one waits for anyone.

What makes the MTS fiasco doubly offensive is the fact that Russia itself desperately needs such an aircraft. Both the air force and the civilian fleet. The Ilyushin team has developed an excellent heavy transport aircraft, the Il-76MD-90A, which can well replace the An-124 Ruslan, but a medium transport aircraft is also needed. After all, heavy-duty vehicles are not capable of solving the entire range of tasks assigned to transport aviation.

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