What is cruise control in a car. The principle of operation of the cruise control and instructions for use

A modern car is equipped with a large number of auxiliary systems that facilitate the process of driving. Moreover, the number of these systems is constantly increasing, but there are those that have appeared quite a long time ago, including cruise control. But despite this, not everyone knows what kind of system it is and why it is needed. This is because cruise control has not been particularly popular in European countries, and not all manufacturers install it. And yet, let's figure out what cruise control in a car is, what it is for and how to use it.

Image of the cruise control on the dashboard

Cruise control is an auxiliary vehicle system, the main task of which is to maintain a given speed. It is useful for long trips on country roads, but in the city it is not useful at all.

If the car has left on a long section of the track, the driver simply sets a certain speed limit, and the system maintains it regardless of road conditions (ascent, descent). At the same time, the driver does not need to step on the accelerator pedal, which allows him to sit more comfortably and relax his legs. As a result, the driver is less tired from long journeys.

This system is far from a novelty, it is almost half a century old. It was invented in the USA, and there it is more in demand. Cruise control can be installed on cars with any types of engines and transmissions (automatic transmissions, mechanics).

Passive cruise control

There are two types of cruise control: passive and adaptive. Passive cruise control is a simple system that can only maintain a given speed limit. It usually consists of a control unit, several sensors and a throttle actuator.

The passive system works quite simply - the driver, when he reaches the speed that he considers optimal, turns on the cruise control. The electronic unit, using sensors, fixes the speed mode and the position of the throttle valve. When driving conditions change (lifting, lowering), the sensors signal this, and the control unit sends a signal to the throttle actuator, which performs the necessary actions with the throttle (opens, closes) in order to maintain the set speed limit.

Adaptive cruise control

Adaptive cruise control sensors

Adaptive cruise control is the next generation of cruise control. She no longer only maintains the specified driving mode, but also takes into account the road situation. To do this, the system includes additional sensors, radars, cameras.

Thanks to such a system, it is possible to "tie" your car to the one in front. Such cruise control "follows" the vehicle in front, and fully adjusts to its speed limit, while maintaining a safe distance between the cars.

For this, additional sensors, a camera and a radar are included in the design. They allow you to become attached to another car and maintain its speed. If the "lead" car changes speed, the sensors "pick up" this and send a signal to the cruise control ECU, which in turn activates the drive to set the desired mode.

Some types of adaptive systems can also take into account road markings, that is, cruise control will ensure that the car does not leave the selected lane.

Note that cruise control is not an automatic system. To activate it, the driver needs to turn it on.

Cruise control video

How to use cruise control

Button block for cruise control

For the convenience of working with the system, its control unit is located on the steering wheel. At the same time, with its help, you can not only turn on and off the system, but also change the conditions of its operation.

The cruise control unit usually consists of several keys:

  • « ON / OFF"- key for turning the system on and off (it may be absent).
  • « SET / ASSEL»- key for setting the speed mode. When pressed once, the system begins to maintain the speed with which the car was moving at the time of pressing. Pressing it again increases the speed by a certain value, for example, by 1 or 2 km / h.
  • « COAST»- key for decreasing the speed mode. When pressed, the speed mode decreases by a certain value.
  • « RESUME»- return to the earlier set speed mode.

In addition, the brake pedal and the clutch pedal are used to control the operation of the cruise control - in a car with a manual gearbox. Any, even slight pressing on these pedals turns off the cruise control, that is, the car switches to manual control of the accelerator and the set speed mode is no longer supported.

In systems that do not have an "ON / OFF" button, turn on by pressing "SET / ASSEL", and off by pressing the brake pedal.

When disabling the cruise control, for example, with a slight braking, just press "RESUME" to turn it on again, and it will return to the mode that was set before the shutdown. But it is worth noting that the cruise control is not capable of storing data on the speed mode for a long time, so a return to it with the help of "RESUME" can only be with short-term shutdowns.

Overall, cruise control is a useful system, but only on long journeys. In the city, it will be of little use, especially considering that it usually does not work at speeds below 40 km / h.

What is cruise control? This is a special system that automatically maintains the speed set by the driver. Thanks to cruise control, long journeys are less tiring and the driver can relax a little by taking their feet off the pedals.

Cruise control is more common in America than in Europe, since the United States has fairly long distances, and the roads themselves are much wider. The constantly increasing traffic leads to the fact that the functions of conventional cruise control are becoming less useful every day, so adaptive cruise control systems have replaced simple cruise control. The latter are distinguished by the fact that they allow you to follow the vehicle in front, while constantly maintaining a safe distance and a given speed. In my article today, I will talk about how cruise control works, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages of adaptive cruise control.

How cruise control works

This system has many useful functions, in addition to being able to control the speed of the vehicle. For example, some systems are capable of accelerating or decelerating a car by one kilometer, all you need to do is press a button. Therefore, by pressing the button five times, you will accelerate by 5 km / h. In order to stop the automatic cruise control, just click on.

Cruise control control panel

It is easy to guess that the "On" and "Of" buttons turn on or off the cruise control. By pressing the On button, you will not feel anything, just the system will go, as they say, into a "combat" state and will wait for other buttons to be pressed. Key "Off" - turns off the system, even during its operation. It should be noted that some cruise control systems do not have these buttons at all, turning on occurs after pressing the Set button, and deactivation after pressing the brake pedal.

The Set / Accel buttons let you set the speed you want. To do this, you need to accelerate or reduce your speed to the value you need and press this button. Each second press will accelerate the vehicle by 1 km / h. After pressing the brake pedal by the driver and reducing the speed, you can press the Resume button, it will return the car to the speed that was before braking. Coast - an analogue of the brake pedal, after pressing this button, the car will slow down in the same way as if the driver took his foot off the gas. The brake and clutch pedals are equipped with a switch that disables cruise control, so if necessary, the driver can deactivate the system by simply pressing one of these pedals.

Acceleration and braking by means of the cruise control system

With this system, the driver can control the vehicle speed in the same way as using the throttle. However, it should be noted that the cruise control operates the throttle valve pneumatically and not by depressing the pedal. and the driving speed is controlled by the throttle valve by limiting the amount of air entering the engine.

Cruise control throttle control

The throttle valve is controlled by two cables that are connected to the hinge that moves the throttle valve. One of these cables is connected to the gas pedal, and the other to the pneumatic actuator. When cruise control is on, the pneumatic actuator moves the cable that is connected to the throttle control rod, in addition, it pulls the cable connected to the gas pedal, which allows the pedal to move up and down without hindrance, even when the cruise control system is on.

Some vehicles use pneumatic actuators in which the engine acts as a vacuum pump. These systems use a medium sized electronically controlled valve that regulates the vacuum in the diaphragm. Similar to a brake booster that provides power to the braking system of a car.

Cruise control management

The brain center of the cruise control system is miniature, which is usually located in the engine compartment or behind the dashboard. As I said, it connects to the throttle control and several sensors.

Cruise control scheme

A high-quality cruise control system is able to quickly and efficiently accelerate the car to the speed required by the driver, after which it is able to maintain it with minimal deviation, regardless of the vehicle's load and the steepness of the rise. Speed ​​control is carried out according to the classical principle. The cruise control system adjusts the throttle position and therefore needs sensors to tell it the vehicle speed and throttle position. The system also monitors the pressing of buttons and pedals, and then makes adjustments to the speed, instantly reacting to the need to turn on or off.

Many modern cruise control systems use the proportional-integral-derivative principle ( Proportional-Integral-Derivative - PID). I will not go into the details of all these "three-storey" definitions, because in order to understand this principle it is necessary to understand what: the integral of speed is distance, and the derivative of speed is acceleration.

The PID control system works with these three factors - proportional, integral and derivative, calculating each of them separately and adding them to obtain the throttle position.

We have already discussed the proportional coefficient, now I propose to talk about the integral. The integral factor is based on the time integral of the vehicle speed error. Translated into "human" language - the difference in the distances that the car actually covered and the distance that it could travel, provided that the movement would occur at the required speed, which is calculated for a certain period of time. This coefficient is responsible for the acceleration of the car when driving downhill, in addition, it helps to achieve and maintain the speed required by the owner. For example, a car starts moving downhill and starts to slow down. After that, the proportional system starts to open slightly wider, but the car can still slow down. After a moment, the integral control gives the command to open the throttle even more, this is due to the fact that the longer the vehicle moves below the set speed, the greater the distance error will be received by the cruise control system.

Now it's time to discuss the final coefficient - the derivative. As we said, the derivative of speed is acceleration. Thanks to this coefficient, the cruise control is able to instantly react to any changes on the road, for example, such as hills and descents. The principle is that if the car slows down, the cruise control notices this in time until the moment when the speed drops significantly and instantly reacts to this by opening the throttle valve.

As I promised, a few words about adaptive cruise control.

Adaptive cruise control is a more advanced system capable of automatically adjusting the speed of the vehicle, taking into account, in addition to the speed mode, also maintaining a safe distance to the vehicle in front. The adaptive cruise control is equipped with a radar located just behind the grille. The radar constantly sends a signal, which actually determines the need to accelerate or slow down the car, based on the speed of return of the signal sent forward.

Adaptive cruise control is very similar to ordinary cruise control, since it, like its less "advanced" counterpart, is able to maintain the speed set by the driver. However, compared to conventional cruise control, adaptive cruise control is capable of automatically adjusting the speed to maintain an optimal safe distance between vehicles in the same lane.

This is achieved, as you already know, using a radar sensor, longitudinal controllers and a digital signal processor. In the event of a decrease in the speed of the vehicle in front, or the occurrence of any other object, the system immediately sends the appropriate signals to the engine and braking system for subsequent immediate deceleration. After the obstacle has moved to a safe distance and there are no obstacles on the road, the adaptive cruise control system will begin to set the speed set by the driver again.

The Autocruise radar system, which operates at a frequency of 77 GHz, has a range of about 150 m, and is capable of operating correctly at speeds from 30 to 180 km / h.

Today, adaptive cruise control is one of the most promising actively developing systems of its class, successfully used in the automotive industry in many European countries. The system not only enhances driver comfort, but also prevents collisions, enhancing the safety of all passengers. Modern adaptive cruise control systems are capable of giving audible as well as visual signals in the event of a collision hazard. Moreover, they are able to make their own decisions in the event of a driver's delay and make evasion or emergency braking when necessary.

Long journeys by car are a real challenge for many drivers. Fatigue and stress while driving turn the long-awaited family holiday into the agonizing expectation of peace. The real salvation is the cruise control in the car. The device, invented in the 50s of the last century in the United States, gradually gained popularity all over the world. However, not everyone knows what cruise control is.

Cruise control is a special device in a car that is capable of maintaining a given speed without the participation of the driver when the gas pedal is automatically pressed in the event of a decrease in speed, as well as its increase on descents. It is most convenient to use cruise control when traveling long distances, because in urban conditions, drivers rarely manage to move at a constant speed.

Cruise control rules

The cruise control system is usually located on the steering wheel, or below it as a separate paddle with buttons that include:

  • On (turns on cruise control);
  • Off (turns off cruise control);
  • Set \ Accel (sets the speed of movement / increases the speed by 2-5 km / h with each press if acceleration is necessary);
  • Resume (return to movement at a given speed after temporarily disabling the cruise control),
  • Coast (speed reduction).

For safety reasons, the cruise control is instantly disabled after you press the brake pedal, and if the driving speed is less than 40 km / h, the cruise control simply will not turn on.

At the heart of the cruise control is a real computer integrated into a single system with a throttle and special sensors. The performance of the cruise control is determined by how quickly the speed increases when the corresponding button is pressed, as well as the ability to maintain a constant speed on slopes and inclines while driving. When setting the speed control, the computer takes into account the proportions of distance and acceleration. A similar operating principle is incorporated in the so-called passive cruise control.

Adaptive cruise control

With the development of the idea of ​​speed control while the car is moving, the developers of intelligent systems have proposed a qualitatively new device - adaptive or active cruise control. The advanced system is able to monitor the speed of the vehicle in front and keep the speed of your vehicle at an appropriate level in order to maintain a safe distance. The ability to control the distance between moving objects became possible thanks to the installation of a special radar and a powerful digital signal processor.

For example, you are following a certain vehicle, the so-called leader. In order not to go astray, your car's video camera finds the unique license plate of the vehicle in front and follows it in any direction, provided that the leading car does not change lanes and the road does not represent a steep serpentine road in the mountains.

This technology of "pursuit" operates in a speed range of 30 - 200 km / h. For safety reasons, adaptive cruise control is instantly deactivated if the driver takes their hands off the steering wheel. The latest cruise control systems are also able to track the correct movement of the car relative to the road markings. The sensor instantly detects if you are driving within the same lane or looking for another leading vehicle.


No matter how perfect the electronic device of your car, remember, cruise control is prohibited to use when:

  • when icing the roadway;
  • when driving on a wet road;
  • with insufficient visibility (at night, during rain, snowfall, fog).

In the cases described, car manufacturers recommend that drivers take control of the vehicle.

Cruise control has really made life easier for truckers and car travelers on tedious, flat and straight road trips. And yet, such control cannot be called "unmanned", be careful!

Not all modern drivers know what cruise control is in a car. However, this option belongs to rather old systems installed on foreign-made vehicles. This system is designed to provide comfort and convenience when driving on country roads. There are many benefits to using this option, so let's take a look at the cruise control performance.

Cruise control: what is it

Cruise control is an additional option of the vehicle, thanks to which the speed is maintained at a certain level. This function is used exclusively when long trips on country roads or highways. This function is not used when traveling in urban environments.

It is interesting! On domestically produced cars, the cruise control system began to be used relatively recently, and only on luxury trim levels. If the need arises, you can install it yourself, which is what many owners of Russian cars do.

The cruise control system functions as follows: the driver drives out of the city onto the highway, after which he turns on the option to support a certain speed mode. Regardless of the road surface, the system will keep the speed at a certain rate. This allows the driver to take his foot off the gas pedal, and also not to control the driving speed.

The appearance of the cruise control buttons located on the steering column switch

The system in question is not a novelty at all, but in Russia it gained popularity not so long ago. In Western European countries, the use of cruise control is the norm, as the system eliminates driver fatigue during long journeys. This option is installed from the factory on cars with various types of engines and transmissions. If the system in question is not installed on the car from the factory, then this is not yet a reason to change the vehicle. You can install it yourself, and even a beginner can cope with this task.

The invention of the cruise control system occurs in the United States, where the device is very popular. Today, manufacturers are engaged in the release of such a system. different countries: Germany, Japan, China and others. Translated from English, "Cruise Control" means "constant speed control". However, in addition to controlling speed and reducing driver fatigue, this system has another significant advantage - fuel economy. Numerous studies among motorists have shown that fuel economy is up to 5-7%. This is another reason to complete your vehicle cruise control.

Features of functioning on manual transmission and automatic transmission

On vehicles with manual transmission and automatic transmission, the principle of operation of the cruise control is the same, with the exception of some points. These points lie in the number of functions performed by the devices. However, we will consider initially the constituent components of the device, and its principle of operation.

The design of the simplest cruise control consists of a servo that connects to the throttle control mechanism. It is the servo that is responsible for supplying a certain amount of the fuel mixture. The servo drive is a product with a negative feedback used when driving a vehicle with a manual transmission.

Cruise control servo for fuel delivery

The principle of operation of the device is as follows:

The cruise control module analyzes the received information and also compares them with those set by the driver. On the basis of information processing, a certain auto control algorithm is created. Now let's figure out what are the differences in the functioning of the cruise control system for cars with manual transmission and automatic transmission.

How the system works on "mechanics"

When using the cruise control system on a car with a manual transmission, the sector emphasizes the limiter. To do this, the driver should go from higher to lower gear. In addition, on the "mechanics" the driver needs to independently press the brake pedal when such a need arises.

On a car with a manual transmission, when driving uphill and with the cruise control option activated, the driver will need to switch to a reduced speed. If you do not switch to it when driving on a steep rise, then it will simply not be possible to overcome the obstacle. Similarly, with the situation when the car goes down the hill. If you do not downshift for engine braking, the motor will develop at a high speed.

Video: cruise control on a Suzuki Grand Vitara with manual transmission

How the system works automatically

On the "automatic", when the cruise control option is on, you do not need to switch, since the device is responsible for all actions. As soon as the car reaches the desired speed, the servo will lock the position of the damper. If an adaptive system is installed on a vehicle with an automatic transmission, then the car brakes automatically.

Varieties of the device

There are two types of devices under consideration, which are called passive and adaptive. The first option is a classic system that is used on cars with different types of gearboxes for a long period of time. The main function of passive devices lies in maintaining a certain speed of movement.

The adaptive view is the most interesting and demanded, so we will deal with each view separately.

Passive cruise control and its features

The passive type of cruise control has the simplest design, and such a product is used mainly to maintain a certain speed while driving on highways and highways. The design of a passive device includes the following structural elements:

The device functions quite simply. To do this, you need to go out of town onto a highway with a good road surface. It is not rational to use this option, both in city traffic and outside the city on low-quality road surfaces (in the presence of potholes and other defects on the roads, as well as on dirt roads). As soon as the car develops a certain speed, which is optimal for this section, the cruise control is activated (manually).

After enabling this option, the microprocessor located in the control unit is responsible for the travel speed. The sensors determine the speed of the vehicle, as well as the position of the throttle valve, and transmit the information to the control module. When the conditions of movement change, which can be ascents and descents, the sensors give appropriate signals.

It is important! The sensors do not detect other types of obstacles, so the driver should be careful when the cruise control is on.

As soon as the type of track changes when driving uphill or downhill, the sensors send signals to the control unit. The unit analyzes the signals, after which it gives a command to the servo, and the throttle valve is closed or opened.

Adaptive cruise control and its features

The adaptive cruise control is a new generation of the device. This type of device is used on modern cars, and is intended not only to maintain a certain speed limit, but also to take into account the traffic situation. The traffic situation is monitored using auxiliary devices: sensors, radars and cameras.

The use of adaptive cruise control makes it possible to tie your vehicle to the vehicle in front. The speed of the vehicle in front is taken into account, as well as a safe distance is observed, on the basis of which the control unit controls the vehicle.

Location and overview of adaptive cruise control sensors

If the vehicle in front changes speed, the sensors will send appropriate signals to the ECU. The unit will analyze the signals and make a decision to decrease or increase the speed. If there is no vehicle in front, the device gives a signal to accelerate to the required value, and then maintains it.

It is interesting! There are also cruise control systems that can read road markings. This capability allows the driver to eliminate the need to drive.

Adaptive cruise control is referred to as ACC. This type of system is installed on vehicles from the factory. The cost of such a system is quite high due to the use of expensive sensors, cameras and radar. The device also uses a modern control unit capable of calculating not 2 functions, but several dozen. Depending on the model of the device, the driver's notification about emergency ahead can be carried out both by giving visual signals and sound.

It is also important to note the fact that the adaptive cruise control system works in tandem with ABS anti-lock braking system and ESP. If one of these systems does not function, then it will be impossible to activate the cruise control. It is recommended to turn on the adaptive cruise control when cars move at a constant speed outside the city.

Display of the adaptive cruise control system on the vehicle's on-board computer

If there is no adaptive type of cruise control in the vehicle design, then its installation has no justified sense. Although this system is more advanced and modern, a passive device is quite enough for trips outside the city.

How to use cruise control

What is cruise control in a car, and what it is for, was discussed in detail. It is important to understand the question of how to use this device correctly. After all, many motorists, changing to foreign cars, do not understand what this option is and how to use it correctly.

If the car has cruise control installed from the factory, then the control buttons for this option are often located on the steering wheel, and only occasionally on the steering column switches. If the installation of the cruise control is carried out independently, then a special control panel with several buttons is installed on the steering wheel.

Cruise control buttons located on the Hyundai multifunction steering wheel

The location of the control panel on the steering wheel is the most convenient, since at any second you can not only enable the option, but also disable it or make settings. However, some car models are equipped with control panels located on the steering column switches.

Control buttons for standard cruise control on Lada Granta

Depending on the vehicle model, as well as on the design of the device, there are some differences in control. The cruise control control algorithm consists in performing the following manipulations:

  • First, you need to accelerate the vehicle to the speed at which it is planned to carry out further movement. The minimum speed at which you can turn on the device is 40 km / h.
  • Enable option. This is done by pressing a button in the form of a tachometer with an arrow or by moving the regulator to the "ON" position.

    The inclusion of the cruise control system is carried out by pressing the button with the corresponding icon

  • In this case, the corresponding white or yellow indicator on the instrument panel will light up, which usually looks like a tachometer with an arrow. If the device was installed on the car by yourself, then no indicators on the instrument panel will light up. When the indicator lights up in white or yellow, it means that the device is turned on, but this function is not yet working.

    The yellow icon on the dashboard indicates that the cruise control device is on, however, for its full operation, you must press "SET-"

  • The system is put into operation by pressing the "SET" button with a minus. On some car models, the name of this button may differ, however, the principle of activation is the same.

    Motorists, who often move along the highway, do not skimp on installing the function, even if it does not come as standard on the car

  • In this case, the indicator will change from white or yellow to green, which indicates the functioning of the device.

    The green icon indicates the operation of the cruise control function

  • If you need to increase or decrease the speed of movement, you can use the buttons in the form of plus and minus. When you press these buttons, the speed of the car will increase or decrease by a value from 1 to 2 km.

To turn off the device, press the "Off" button. This is a complete deactivation of the option, and is performed when you enter the city. An emergency shutdown is carried out by pressing the brake pedal. In this case, the system goes into the ready mode (it shines with a white or yellow indicator). At any time, you can turn on the option and continue moving along the track. It is often used when you need to overcome an obstacle, make a stop, etc. Another way to turn off the device is to press the gas pedal. This shutdown option is used on vehicles equipped with adaptive systems.

For more information on how to handle the cruise control on your car, see the manual for your vehicle.

Let's take a look at some of the cruise control options:

  • On - enable.
  • Off - disable.
  • Set Accel - setting the mode.
  • Resume - memorizing speed.
  • Coast - speed reduction.

Video: how to use cruise control

It is important to mention that the cruise control has a self-deactivation function. The following factors are used for this:

  1. If there is a sharp acceleration of 5.4 km / h.
  2. If on a car with automatic transmission, move the lever to neutral position.

On vehicles with manual transmission, the cruise control will not be deactivated when the gear lever is shifted. The vehicle will slow down, but the sound of the engine roar will be heard.

Summing up the device in question, the following advantages should be noted:

  • The opportunity to rest for the driver. In this case, the driver can only relax his legs, but not his arms or head.
  • The device can be installed on any car, even if it is not equipped with an option from the factory.
  • Reducing fuel consumption by 5-7%.
  • Using the adaptive view of the device allows you to automatically maintain not only speed, but also distance.

Cruise control, like almost any function, has its drawbacks:

  • If any sensor of the device fails, the system will not function. This is especially true for the adaptive control system.

Today we will talk about what cruise control in a car is.

So, Cruise control is a car function with which the driver does not have to press the accelerator pedal to move the car. This is the so called autopilot.
for the car. The driver sets a certain speed of the car and presses the "Cruise Control" button, after which the car maintains this speed.

A brief history of creation

The very concept of cruise control was invented back in the 40s of the 20th century, when speed control units were installed on trucks. The first full-fledged feature appeared on American muscle cars of the 80s. In the Soviet space, for the first time, the legendary GAZ-21 car was equipped with this function, which controlled the fuel supply.

What does the cruise control system consist of?

Components of Cruise control on modern cars:

  1. Control and measuring sensor on the instrument panel.
  2. Cruise control unit.
  3. Vacuum servo.
  4. Servo control valve.
  5. Additional throttle drive.
  6. Vacuum tubes.
  7. Vacuum system.
    This system is installed only from the factory, since it is quite difficult to install it yourself, but there are craftsmen who do this on the Zhiguli and Volga.

Cruise control options

  • Plain... Developed after WWII. Regulated the fuel supply to the carburetor.
  • Analog... It was developed in the 80s in the USA. Installed for the convenience of driving over long road distances. This system controlled fuel delivery and crankshaft speed. An additional lever was installed, which fixed
    accelerator thrust, and a uniform supply of fuel kept the speed in a given position.
  • Digital... It was installed on cars of the late 20th - early 21st century. The control unit regulated the fuel supply. But, for unknown reasons, fuel consumption increased over time.
  • Super digital ... A cruise control option that is installed on modern cars. Efficient because fuel consumption is reduced as it is used. The range of work is 30-155 km / h.
  • Adaptive (ACC) ... It recognizes an object ahead, at a certain distance, and automatically slows down or slows down altogether. Many modern cars are already equipped with this technology.

Pros of cruise control

  1. On long journeys, the driver's right leg gets tired less, which, accordingly, has a positive effect on the back section.
  2. Reduced fuel consumption due to the fact that there are no differences in injection.
  3. Efficient use of the engine.
  4. If the type is set to ACC, then it is also safe, since the cars automatically reduce the speed.

Disadvantages of cruise control

  1. Inability to use on roads with frequent turns and descents. Each time you press the brake pedal, the function is lost and must be adjusted again.
  2. With frequent use, the servo drive fails.

When should you not use Cruise control?

  1. Do not operate on slippery roads, as the vehicle speed is stable, and braking on some road sections can lead to accidents and injuries.
  2. Not recommended for use in a busy city. The driver does not have enough reaction to brake, which leads to an accident.

Now you know what cruise control is in a car. After reviewing the main characteristics, it became clear that Cruise control is a rather useful feature for traveling on highways, and unsafe in winter and in the city cycle. Basically, the reviews of motorists who use it are positive.

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