Business patriot and ex-senator: what is Umar Dzhabrailov, who fired at the hotel, known for? Nightlife of a millionaire: Dzhabrailov faces jail for shooting at a hotel Umar Dzhabrailov shot

in Moscow Hotel Four Seasons in the room of ex-senator Umar Dzhabrailov, who was detained for shooting at this hotel by police officers, they found white powder, RIA Novosti and RBC reports, citing sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The weight of the found powder is unknown and what kind of substance it is, too. The powder found in room 633 has been sent for examination. Information about the find was confirmed by a source in the hotel.

The interlocutor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the senator was in room 633, but the RBC hotel itself stated that Dzhabrailov was not registered there. Meanwhile, from other sources it is known that the hotel Four Seasons Dzhabrailov's office is located.

The police were called to the hotel on Okhotny Ryad the day before, after around 10:30 p.m., security guards who were watching video cameras saw a certain guest in the elevator with a gun in his hands.

Three police officers arrived at the scene, they proceeded to the sixth floor and knocked on room 633 - an apartment with three rooms and a kitchen. According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, the question "Who?" was heard from behind the door. The police introduced themselves, the door was opened by a man who held a gun in his hands, aimed at the floor. The police officers demanded to put down the weapons, to which he replied: "I won't give up without a fight!"

The police managed to persuade the citizen to put the gun on the floor, they saw holes in the ceiling, after which Dzhabrailov was taken in handcuffs to the police station. The Yarygin award pistol was confiscated from the businessman.

The merchant was placed in a temporary detention center, where he is still. At about 04:00, an ambulance arrived due to his complaints of insomnia and toothache, but the doctors did not find any reason for hospitalization.

The police are investigating whether Dzhabrailov was drunk, without specifying what kind of intoxication they are talking about. According to Mash, on the evening of August 29, the businessman wanted to have dinner, and set up a shooting due to the fact that not a waiter, but a cleaning lady brought food to his room.

Dzhabrailov's fellow countrymen gathered at the Kitai-Gorod police department

Dzhabrailov's fellow countrymen have pulled up to the building of the Kitay-Gorod police department, their number is growing, writes MK. One of them, with a long beard, declared that he sympathized with the businessman and came to support him. Now only citizens living in the territory under their jurisdiction are allowed to enter the department.

The police opened a criminal case after a night incident under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Hooliganism". The official police announcement of the initiation of the case is said without mentioning the name of the suspect.

Since 2004, Dzhabrailov represented the executive branch of Chechnya in the Federation Council and was deputy chairman of the Federation Council committee on international affairs. In addition, he was a member of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In 2009, he resigned as a senator and became an adviser to Sergei Prikhodko, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation for International Affairs, on a voluntary basis. Dzhabrailov held this position until 2013.

Umar Dzhabrailov, a former senator and representative of Russia in PACE, who was detained yesterday for shooting in a hotel room, spent less than a day in the Kitai-Gorod police station. After interrogation, the suspected of hooliganism (part 1 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, provides for punishment of up to five years in prison) was released on bail. During these days, the version of Dzhabrailov himself about what happened became clear, the origin of the ill-fated pistol became known, and other muddy stories were remembered in which the Vainakh businessman and legislator was involved. The ill-wishers he had amassed in last years meanwhile by full program use the incident to discredit both the senator himself and his patrons from Ramzan Kadyrov to Dmitry Peskov.

News agencies report on the inadequate state in which the ex-senator was at the time of his arrest. According to TASS, the policeman caught Dzhabrailov in a state of either drug or alcohol intoxication. The detainee has already passed the relevant examination, but its result will be known only in a few days. A source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that a 59-year-old guest entering the elevator with a naked pistol was seen by security guards who immediately called the police. When the law enforcement officers who arrived promptly knocked on the former senator's room, the door was opened by Dzhabrailov himself with a Yarygin pistol in his hand, while he declared: "I will not give up without a fight." Law enforcement officers saw a bullet hole in the ceiling of the room and detained Dzhabrailov.

RIA Novosti reports on a white powder from the businessman's number, which was also sent for examination. A source at Four Seasons said that Dzhabrailov has been living in the room where the shooting took place for two years and even keeps a cat there. This is quite in the spirit of all his luxurious social life, which migrated from the nineties to the zero.

The fate of the senator

In 2004, Dzhabrailov sold the business and became a senator, but he practically did not change his lifestyle. He gladly showed journalists his mansion, under the guidance of Aidan Salakhova he collected contemporary art: for example, he was the first in Russia to buy works by Anish Kapoor. Now Dzhabrailov is a philanthropist, chairman of the board of trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, vice-president of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia for strategic and special projects. A few years ago, he donated more than 150 works from his personal collection to the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, which even hosted a special exhibition, The Gift. Recall that a charitable foundation close to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is also called.

The heyday of Dzhabrailov's business and social life came in the second half of the nineties. Then it was accompanied by numerous media revelations and denials by representatives of the ex-senator. The entrepreneur's name was mentioned in connection with the case of the so-called "Chechen advice notes": the use of false payment documents on stolen forms was a common type of fraud. But Dzhabrailov himself denied any involvement in this case. According to Dozhd, the ex-senator had a small oil business, and by the end of the 90s he took up real estate in Moscow.

Before joining the Federation Council, Dzhabrailov headed the Plaza Group LLC, which managed the Rossiya Hotel, Smolensky Passage, the Moscow Business Plaza business center, and others. From 2009 to 2013, he was an adviser to presidential aide Sergei Prikhodko.

award pistol

The version of what happened, voiced by Umar Dzhabrailov himself, boils down to the fact that the weapon failed. “The shot happened by accident. Umar has an old Yarygin award pistol, which, when the bolt is jerked, can fire itself. This is exactly what happened tonight: Dzhabrailov pulled the shutter and a shot rang out,” said the head of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism and former assistant to the senator Rahman Yansukov. On specialized weapons forums, one can indeed find complaints about the design of this weapon, but it is doubtful that the senator from Chechnya did not know how to use a pistol at all.

In 2000, as reported by the media, Umar's brother, the first deputy general director of the Rossiya Hotel, Hussein Dzhabrailov, came to the attention of the police. It was reported that in one of the hotel rooms, the GUBOP employees found a whole arsenal: a sniper rifle with a silencer and two magazines, an AKS-74U assault rifle, four TT pistols, two PMs, a home-made submachine gun, a device for firing small-caliber cartridges, 17 magazines for machine guns and pistols, two optical sights and more than 300 cartridges of various calibers. The weapon was called “his own” by Valentin Stepanov, Khusein Dzhabrailov’s senior assistant, and put forward the version that he found the bag with weapons at the door of the room and, thinking that the owner had forgotten it, brought it inside. This version looked unconvincing, but the rest of the development of the "Chechen trace" did not lead to anything.

American businessman Paul Tatum in 1996 accused the Russian of making death threats. He believed that Dzhabrailov wanted to remove him from the founders of the Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center enterprise (Dzhabrailov was a deputy director in this company). Some time later, the businessman was shot dead not far from Kievsky railway station. It was not possible to prove Dzhabrailov's involvement in the crime. To this day, the entrepreneur is banned from entering the United States.

It is known that Umar Dzhabrailov was awarded the Grach pistol by a government decree in 2005, and Rashid Nurgaliyev himself signed permits for it. The weapons were solemnly handed over to fellow countryman Ramzan Kadyrov, but it was not possible to establish for what particular merits the senator received the award. According to media reports, so far "Yarygin" has been seized by the investigation as material evidence. And after the completion of the investigation, his representative may well apply to the court with a petition for additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of his award weapons. In this case, the pistol will be sent to the special storage of the award fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

From the scene, investigators seized spent cartridges, bullets and whole cartridges that remained in the store. All of them were sent for examination, which is to be established whether Mr. Dzhabrailov used the ammunition included in the set of award weapons or others. When using a different ammunition, the owner award pistol may be held liable for illegal circulation of cartridges (Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

With regard to the hotel hooligan, they made organizational conclusions along the party line. The Moscow branch of United Russia informed Vedomosti that Dzhabrailov's membership in the party was suspended while the investigation was underway. Presumably, Umar was not very upset by this news. He loses much more from the exit of Elizaveta Peskova from the Avanti association he founded, where she served as an adviser to the head of the organization. A representative of Peskova assures that this happened on August 20, and the news about the departure of the daughter of the presidential press secretary "coincided" with the shooting of Dzhabrailov, allegedly by accident.

As previously reported by the media, Umar Dzhabrailov paid for the voyage of Elizaveta Peskova to the Crimea in order to draw attention to the problems of his friend Rakhmutdin Dadaev, who owns the South Sevastopol shipyard.

The media reported on the detention of 59-year-old millionaire from Chechnya and former member of the Federation Council Umar Dzhabrailov in Moscow. According to various publications, the entrepreneur, dissatisfied with the service at the hotel, opened fire indoors. "360" tells what the odious businessman is known for.

The detention of Dzhabrailov was reported on August 30 " Interfax », « businessman" And RIA News" with reference to law enforcement sources. The man was charged with hooliganism.

The incident took place at the Four Seasons hotel the night before, Kommersant writes. The hotel staff used the panic button, and then showed the video from the surveillance cameras to the police who arrived along with the police. It showed a man with a gun riding in an elevator. Law enforcement officers went up to the sixth floor, where Dzhabrailov lived, and knocked on his room. The man opened the door, but, according to Kommersant, when the police demanded to lay down their arms, the businessman said: “I won’t give up without a fight.” However, after the repeated demand, Dzhabrailov nevertheless complied with it.

Law enforcement officers found holes in the ceiling and scattered shells in the room. The ex-senator was handcuffed and then taken to the police department. The man fired from the Yarygin award pistol with documents for the right to carry. According to the publication, a medical examination showed that traces of drugs were found in Dzhabrailov's blood.

Dzhabrailova is also engaged in social activities. He is an honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, a trustee of the Russian Islamic Heritage movement, and the founder of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism.

As it became known to Kommersant, ex-senator Umar Dzhabrailov opened fire at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of the capital, while under the influence of cocaine. The remnants of the drug in the analyzes taken from Mr. Dzhabrailov were discovered by specialists from the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. For cocaine use, Mr. Dzhabrailov was fined by the world court, and soon he will appear before the Tverskoy district court for hooliganism.

As follows from the decision of the 370th world court district, Umar Dzhabrailov, who had not previously been brought to administrative responsibility, committed an administrative offense, namely, he used a drug without a doctor's prescription. The court established that on August 29 at 22:25 in his room at the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad Street, Mr. Dzhabrailov took cocaine. Exactly five minutes later, the hotel staff called the police to him - Mr. Dzhabrailov, who had clearly lost control of himself, fired several times from a premium pistol at the ceiling of the room, after which he began to roam with weapons along the corridor of the sixth floor. By the time the guards arrived, Mr. Dzhabrailov returned to his room. At first, he told the police that he “won’t give up without a fight,” but then he laid down his arms and let them handcuff him.

The next day after the arrest, the police escorted Umar Dzhabrailov to the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, where a urine test of the suspect showed the presence of cocaine and its metabolite in it - 90–95% of the dose of this drug taken is excreted from the body within two to three days. in the form of unchanged cocaine and its derivatives.

Having received the results of the analysis and examination of Mr. Dzhabrailov, the police interrogator, who had previously initiated criminal case No. 11701450169000215 against the ex-senator under part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism), on September 26, he separated into a separate proceeding materials containing information about the use of a narcotic drug by the accused - on the grounds of an administrative offense under Art. 6.9 of the Code Russian Federation about administrative offences.

Having studied the materials of the case, the court came to the conclusion that the report on the administrative offense against Mr. Dzhabrailov was drawn up by the investigator quite reasonably.

There is no objective data refuting the doctor's conclusion and the content of the medical examination certificate in the case file. The fact that Umar Dzhabrailov was in a state of drug intoxication, the court decided, "is confirmed by the totality of the evidence examined." When sentencing, the court took into account the circumstances and nature of the offense committed, the identity of the guilty Dzhabrailov, as well as the lack of information about bringing him to administrative responsibility earlier. As a result, Mr. Dzhabrailov was fined 4,000 rubles.

At the same time, it should be noted that the ex-senator was present at the meeting, during which he was recognized as an administrative offender and fully admitted his guilt. According to Mr. Dzhabrailov's defense, after he admits his guilt, he will receive a minimum sentence in a criminal case of hooliganism. The Tverskoy District Court will consider it in a special order on November 22.

Dmitry Krylov, Gennady Zubov

Well-known businessman, philanthropist and former senator Umar Dzhabrailov was detained in Moscow on suspicion of hooliganism. This was reported by sources in law enforcement agencies. According to preliminary data, the businessman opened fire with a premium pistol in the room of the Four Seasons hotel in the center of Moscow. Dzhabrailov's representatives do not comment on the situation. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow opened a criminal case on the fact of shooting at the hotel under article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Hooliganism”, however, the police did not specify the name of the guest. According to RT sources in law enforcement agencies, during the investigation, the businessman is likely to be under house arrest.

  • Umar Dzhabrailov
  • RIA News

The Moscow police opened a criminal case on hooliganism, suspected of which, according to media and law enforcement sources, is a well-known businessman Umar Dzhabrailov. It is reported that the businessman opened fire in the capital's hotel, after which he was detained and taken to the Kitai-Gorod police department.

The incident took place on the night of Wednesday, August 30, at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of Moscow. According to an official statement from the police, the intruder shot at the ceiling with an award pistol. At the same time, the name of the guest is not specified in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“On August 29, the police received a message that in a hotel located in the central part of the city, one of the guests was violating the rules of residence.

Arriving at the scene, police officers detained a man who fired shots upwards from his award pistol.

There were no casualties as a result of the incident, ”the press service of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs told RT.

  • RIA News

The Four Seasons hotel declined to comment on the situation with the shooting and the detention of the ex-senator. “We don’t know anything about this, everything is fine with us,” the hotel administrator told RT.

According to sources in law enforcement agencies, neither the businessman nor his guards resisted the police during the arrest. Law enforcement officers found Dzhabrailov in a hotel room with a pistol in his hands and ordered him to lay down his arms - he obeyed.

If a businessman is found guilty, then under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Hooliganism" he faces up to five years in prison. The minimum punishment is a fine in the amount of 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

Also, an entrepreneur may be deprived of the right to carry premium weapons. Police are now investigating whether the businessman was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Expertise appointed.

“Dzhabrailov staged a shooting in the Four Seasons hotel room on a formal occasion. He was in a state of intoxication: in drugs or alcohol, the examination will show, ”a TASS interlocutor in law enforcement agencies said.

A white powder was found in the room where the ex-senator stayed. This was reported by RIA Novosti sources in law enforcement agencies. “A white powder, an unknown substance, was found in the room. He was sent for examination, ”the agency’s interlocutor explained.

"Banal Hooliganism"

Meanwhile, RT sources in law enforcement agencies note that during the investigation, the businessman will most likely be under house arrest.

“This is banal hooliganism, because of which no one will demand the detention of a suspect,” the source says.

The Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism, founded by Dzhabrailov, told RT that information about his possible detention was learned from the media.

“I only know what is written in the media about this. And now I'm trying to clarify what actually happened. I have not yet contacted Dzhabrailov himself, ”Rakhman Yanuskov, president of Avanti, explained to RT.

  • Konstantin Kokoshkin

Umar Dzhabrailov's press secretary, Grigory Gorchakov, also did not comment on the situation to the media, saying that he did not know about the incident.

At the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad Street, RT said they did not know anything about the shooting or the detention of one of the guests.

Former senator and presidential candidate

Umar Dzhabrailov is a statesman, businessman, philanthropist. Dzhabrailov is engaged in the construction business, is the founder and head of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs.

Umar Dzhabrailov was born in 1958 in Grozny. In 1985, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO with a degree in International Economic Relations, got a job at the department of the institute, where he worked for several years.

Dzhabrailov took up public business in 1992, when he founded the Danako company, which owned a network of gas stations in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company also supplied oil products to state-owned enterprises. In 1997, Dzhabrailov created the Plaza holding group, which included the Danako company, the Quiet Harbor advertising company, the Smolensky Passage and Okhotny Ryad trading enterprises. The Plaza Group controlled a significant share of the outdoor advertising market.

From 2004 to 2009, Dzhabrailov was a member of the Federation Council. In 2000, he participated in the presidential elections and took the last, 11th place in the list of candidates.

Currently, Dzhabrailov is a member of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Vice President of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia for strategic special projects.

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