Umar Dzhabrailov, after shooting at the Four Seasons, bought the Patriot. Ex-Senator and Presidential Candidate

A well-known businessman, philanthropist and former senator Umar Dzhabrailov was detained in Moscow on suspicion of hooliganism. This was reported by sources in law enforcement agencies. According to preliminary data, the businessman opened fire from award pistol in the hotel room Four seasons in the center of Moscow. Dzhabrailov's representatives do not comment on the situation. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow on the fact of the shooting in the hotel opened a criminal case under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Hooliganism", but the police did not specify the name of the guest. According to RT sources in law enforcement agencies, during the investigation, the businessman will most likely be under recognizance not to leave.

Umar Dzhabrailov RIA Novosti

The Moscow police opened a criminal case on hooliganism, the suspect for which, according to media and law enforcement sources, is a well-known businessman Umar Dzhabrailov. It is reported that the entrepreneur opened fire in a hotel in the capital, after which he was detained and taken to the Kitay-Gorod police station.

The incident occurred on the night of Wednesday, August 30, at Hotel Four Seasons in the center of Moscow. According to a police statement, the perpetrator shot at the ceiling with an award pistol. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not specify the name of the guest.

“On August 29, the police received a message that in a hotel located in the central part of the city, one of the guests was breaking the rules of residence.

Police officers who arrived at the scene detained a man who fired upward shots from his award pistol.

"There were no casualties as a result of the incident," the press service of the Moscow Interior Ministry told RT.

  • RIA News

The Four Seasons Hotel refused to comment on the shooting and detention of the ex-senator. "We do not know anything about this, we are doing well," the hotel administrator told RT.

According to sources in law enforcement agencies, during the arrest, neither the businessman nor his guards resisted the police. Law enforcers found Dzhabrailov in a hotel room with a pistol in his hands and ordered him to lay down his arms - he obeyed.

If a businessman is found guilty, then under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Hooliganism" he faces up to five years in prison. The minimum punishment is a fine of 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

Also, an entrepreneur may be deprived of the right to carry an award weapon. Now the police are looking into whether the businessman was intoxicated or intoxicated. Expertise appointed.

“Dzhabrailov started shooting in a Four Seasons hotel room on a formal occasion. He was in a state of intoxication: drug or alcohol - the examination will show, "- said the interlocutor of the TASS agency in law enforcement agencies.

White powder was found in the room where the ex-senator stayed. This was reported by sources of RIA Novosti in law enforcement agencies. “A white powder of an unknown substance was found in the room. He was sent for examination, "- explained the interlocutor of the agency.

"Banal hooliganism"

Meanwhile, RT sources in law enforcement agencies note that most likely during the investigation, the businessman will be under recognizance not to leave.

“This is a banal hooliganism, because of which no one will demand that a suspect be kept in custody,” the source said.

The association of entrepreneurs for the development of business patriotism "Avanti", founded by Dzhabrailov, told RT that they learned information about his possible arrest from the media.

“I only know that this is why the media has written about it. And now I'm trying to clarify what actually happened. I have not contacted Dzhabrailov himself yet, "Rakhman Yanuskov, President of Avanti, explained to RT.

  • Konstantin Kokoshkin

Umar Dzhabrailov's press secretary, Grigory Gorchakov, also did not comment on the situation to the media, saying that he was not aware of the incident.

At the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad Street, RT said they knew nothing about the shooting or the detention of one of the guests.

Ex-Senator and Presidential Candidate

Umar Dzhabrailov is a statesman, entrepreneur, philanthropist. Dzhabrailov is engaged in the construction business, is the founder and head of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs.

Umar Dzhabrailov was born in 1958 in Grozny. In 1985 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO with a degree in International Economic Relations, got a job at the department of the Institute, where he worked for several years.

Dzhabrailov took up public business in 1992, when he founded the Danako company, which owned a network of gas stations in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company also supplied petroleum products to state-owned enterprises. In 1997, Dzhabrailov created the Plaza holding group, which included the Danako company, the Tikhaya Gavan advertising company, the Smolensky Passage and Okhotny Ryad trade enterprises. The Plaza Group controlled a significant share of the outdoor advertising market.

From 2004 to 2009, Dzhabrailov was a member of the Federation Council. In 2000, he took part in the presidential elections and took the last, 11th place on the list of candidates.

At the moment, Dzhabrailov is a member of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, chairman of the board of trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, vice president of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia for strategic special projects.

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Minsk businessman Igor Sanin was found dead in the capital's luxary hotel Four Seasons. According to unconfirmed official information, drugs were found in his room. In the summer of 2018, in the same hotel, a singer who came to the World Cup was robbed of 50 million rubles. Earlier, businessman Umar Dzhabrailov was detained there for shooting from a premium pistol.

Corpse in hotel

The wife of the entrepreneur Milan told "360" that she learned about her husband's death by chance from strangers. “The hotel didn’t confirm anything to me, no one from the police called. The consulate is also silent. He is a citizen of Russia, has a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus. Through tenth hands, I learned about what happened three days later, ”she said.

The woman explained that a few days ago, her husband left for Moscow on business, but she does not know the details of his trip and why he chose a luxury hotel in the city center to stay.

The fact of the discovery of the body was confirmed by the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia, and a check is being carried out. “According to preliminary data, no visible traces were found on the man's body, indicating the criminal nature of death. At present, a set of verification measures is being carried out aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident, ”the ICR press service explained.

Everywhere something happens

Elena Lysenkova, CEO of hospitality In.Comm, a hospitality consulting company, explained to "360" that because of the accidents, the public at Four Seasons has not changed globally. The expert doubted that such incidents could have a serious impact on the hotel's image.

“Mostly premium businessmen stay there: company owners and private investors who come to Moscow on business. But there won't be a huge resonance around this case, ”she said.

Lysenkova explained that in the capital's hotels, as well as in other places, guests die from time to time, or guests commit illegal acts, which is why the police have to be called. Nevertheless, such incidents do not have a significant impact on ratings, because hotels become only a "stage for their origin." And the expert explained the apparent frequency of accidents at Four Seasons by the excessive public attention to a luxury hotel.

“There are incidents in all hotels, and people die there too. Let's take a look at what is happening in other Moscow hotels. Something always happens. But there is no fault of the hotels in this. Just different life events take place: someone had a stroke or a heart attack, and someone brought himself to such a state, ”Lysenkova said.

Relaxation for guests

In an interview with 360, co-founder of the Big Tree hotel training company Anton Matveev confirmed that such incidents did not affect the Four Seasons contingent in any way. Although the segment of five-star hotels is subject to reputational risks due to the fact that famous media people who are accustomed to "free behavior" stay in them.

“I believe that such cases do not hit the rating. For hotels of this level, this is a fairly typical situation, and here the only question is how the PR agency cooperating with the hotel, or their internal PR service, will work. How she will cooperate with the media and cover this situation. I don't think these are high risks, ”he explained.

Each hotel, Matveev added, has its own standards of work with VIP guests. And the frequency of accidents in hotels depends on how loyal they are to customers. Often, in the pursuit of profit and a "tasty customer", hotels can afford to "close their eyes" to some antics. The expert did not rule out that perhaps the Four Seasons managers also make concessions for some guests.

According to Interfax, at 4:00 on August 30, security at the Four Seasons Hotel Moscow filed a complaint with the police about the shooting in room 633. According to other sources, the shooting at the hotel began on the evening of August 29. According to Izvestia's information, the police squad was called by the hotel staff, who noticed a man with a pistol in his hands in the elevator. They pointed to the number where the suspect lives. According to Life, with the help of an award pistol, the hotel guest expressed his indignation that the trolley with the dinner was brought to him by the cleaning lady, not the waiter.

The law enforcement officers who arrived at the scene found numerous bullet holes in the floor and ceiling in the room. According to Izvestia, it was about three bullet holes in the ceiling and shells on the floor. According to official data, Umar Dzhabrailov, who was in the room, did not resist law enforcement officers and was detained.

According to Izvestia, police officers knocked on the door opened by Dzhabrailov. In his hands he held a premium pistol pointed at the floor. The law enforcement officers demanded that Dzhabrailov put the weapon on the floor, to which he replied: "I will not surrender without a fight." The police repeated their demands, this time the businessman complied with them. Then he was put on the floor and handcuffed.

After the arrest, Dzhabrailov was taken to the Kitay-Gorod police station and was sent for a medical examination for alcohol and drug intoxication. Law enforcement agencies, without giving the name of the detainee, announced the initiation of a criminal case under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Hooliganism").

According to Izvestia, wine, tablets and white powder were found in the businessman's room. The suspicious substances were sent for examination. According to RIA Novosti, in the afternoon of August 30, the detainee was taken from the police department for investigative actions at the Four Seasons hotel. According to Life, on the evening of August 30, Umar Dzhabrailov was released, having given a written undertaking not to leave the place.

According to Life, those surrounded by the Dzhabrailov claim that there was only one shot and that it was accidental. Dzhabrailov has permission to carry and store the Yarygin award pistol, from which the shooting was carried out. True, the media disagree on who exactly awarded the former senator from Chechnya with this weapon.

Umar Dzhabrailov, 59, is a well-known businessman and politician, a former senator from the Chechen Republic and deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs. Founder and head of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs. Among the key assets of Dzhabrailov is the Plaza holding group, which he created in 1997. It includes the Danako companies, the Tikhaya Gavan advertising company, the Smolensky Passage and Okhotny Ryad trade enterprises. According to data from open sources for 2002, the Plaza group controlled a quarter of the outdoor advertising market in Moscow.

The entrepreneur managed to leave his mark in the hospitality industry. In 1994 he became the first deputy general director of the Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center JV. In 1996, the head of this company, American Paul Tatum, was killed. In 1997, Dzhabrailov became president of the Plaza group, which manages large real estate objects in Moscow, in particular the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel and the Smolensky Passage and Okhotny Ryad shopping malls on Manezhnaya Square. In the same year, he became an advisor to the acting. General Director of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya complex.

The businessman managed to take part in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation in 2000, where he took the last, 11th place, gaining 0.08% of the vote. Dzhabrailov is a member of the United Russia party, has established himself as a philanthropist and collector and is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

According to SPARK-Interfax, Dzhabrailov is a co-owner of nine companies. The largest of them is LLC "Investment and Construction Company" Avanti Stroygroup. Among the objects of the company is the residential complex "Zilart" on the territory of the former automobile plant "ZIL". Dzhabrailov also owns LLC "Avanti", LLC "Agroresurs", LLC "Umar Dzhabrailov company "and others.

From the editorial site

The scandal involving Umar Dzhabrailov hits not so much on his reputation as on the image of the luxury hotel Four Seasons Hotel Moscow and all other hotels in the country aimed at foreign guests. As you know, luxury is not only and not so much expensive finishing materials, unique design or elite plumbing, but the highest level of service. The only true indicator of its quality can only be a satisfied guest who not only lived in the hotel, but managed to relax there in an atmosphere of comfort and safety. Unfortunately, ceiling shooting does not fit well with international notions of comfort and safety. Even Russians who remember the "dashing 90s" were hardly ready for extreme rest in one of best hotels capital Cities.

Shooting news in one of the most famous hotels Moscow will hardly alienate those foreign guests who regularly visit our country, but they certainly will not contribute to the influx of new foreign tourists in the luxury category.

As practice shows, luxury standards cannot be ensured by the efforts of one hotel, since the legal culture of citizens and the practice of law enforcement agencies do not correspond to these standards. The Russian authorities, who have repeatedly declared their desire to turn the country into a world tourist centre, it is worth thinking about how to protect international hospitality standards not only at the legislative level, but also practically - including by law enforcement agencies. Law and order in the hotels of the country, the inevitability of punishment of all guests who have infringed upon the peace, will attract a much larger number of tourists than the most eventful cultural program.

As it became known to Kommersant, ex-Senator Umar Dzhabrailov staged a shooting at the Four Seasons hotel in the center of the capital, while under the influence of cocaine. The remains of the drug in the analyzes taken from Mr. Dzhabrailov were found by specialists from the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. For the use of cocaine, Mr. Dzhabrailov was fined by the magistrates' court, and soon he will appear before the Tverskoy district court for hooliganism.

As follows from the ruling of the 370th World Court District, Umar Dzhabrailov, who had not previously been brought to administrative responsibility, committed an administrative offense, namely, he used a drug without a doctor's prescription. The court established that on August 29, at 22 hours and 25 minutes, Mr. Dzhabrailov took cocaine in his room at the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad Street. Exactly five minutes after that, the hotel staff called the police into it - Mr. Dzhabrailov, who had clearly lost control of himself, fired several times from an award pistol into the ceiling of the room, after which he began to wander with weapons along the sixth floor corridor. By the time the guards arrived, Mr. Dzhabrailov returned to his room. Initially, he told the police that he “would not surrender without a fight,” but then he laid down his arms and let them handcuff himself.

The next day after the arrest, the police escorted Umar Dzhabrailov to the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Narcology, where the analysis of the suspect's urine showed the presence of cocaine and its metabolite in it - 90–95% of the taken dose of this drug is excreted from the body within two to three days. in the form of unchanged cocaine and its derivatives.

Having received the results of the analysis and examination of Mr. Dzhabrailov, the police interrogator, who had previously initiated criminal case No. 11701450169000215 against the ex-senator under Part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism), on September 26, separated into a separate production materials containing information about the use of narcotic drugs by the accused - on the basis of an administrative offense under Art. 6.9 of the Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses.

Having studied the materials of the case, the court concluded that the protocol on the administrative offense against Mr. Dzhabrailov was drawn up by the investigator with good reason.

There is no objective evidence in the case to refute the doctor's conclusion and the content of the medical examination certificate. The fact of finding Umar Dzhabrailov in a state of drug intoxication, the court decided, "is confirmed by the totality of the investigated evidence." When sentencing, the court took into account the circumstances and nature of the offense, the identity of the guilty Dzhabrailov, as well as the lack of information about bringing him to administrative responsibility earlier. As a result, Mr. Dzhabrailov was fined 4 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the ex-senator was present at the meeting, during which he was recognized as an administrative offender and fully admitted his guilt. As the defense of Mr. Dzhabrailov expects, after pleading guilty, he will receive the minimum punishment in a criminal case of hooliganism. The Tverskoy District Court will consider it in a special order on November 22.

Dmitry Krylov, Gennady Zubov

A well-known businessman, philanthropist and former senator Umar Dzhabrailov was detained in Moscow on suspicion of hooliganism. This was reported by sources in law enforcement agencies. According to preliminary data, the businessman opened fire from an award pistol in a room at the Four Seasons hotel in the center of Moscow. Dzhabrailov's representatives do not comment on the situation. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow on the fact of the shooting in the hotel opened a criminal case under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Hooliganism", but the police did not specify the name of the guest. According to RT sources in law enforcement agencies, during the investigation, the businessman will most likely be under recognizance not to leave.

  • Umar Dzhabrailov
  • RIA News

The Moscow police opened a criminal case on hooliganism, the suspect for which, according to media and law enforcement sources, is a well-known businessman Umar Dzhabrailov. It is reported that the entrepreneur opened fire in a hotel in the capital, after which he was detained and taken to the Kitay-Gorod police station.

The incident took place on the night of Wednesday, August 30, at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of Moscow. According to a police statement, the perpetrator shot at the ceiling with an award pistol. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not specify the name of the guest.

“On August 29, the police received a message that in a hotel located in the central part of the city, one of the guests was breaking the rules of residence.

Police officers who arrived at the scene detained a man who fired upward shots from his award pistol.

There are no casualties as a result of the incident, "the press service of the Moscow Interior Ministry told RT.

  • RIA News

The Four Seasons Hotel refused to comment on the shooting and detention of the ex-senator. "We do not know anything about this, we are doing well," the hotel administrator told RT.

According to sources in law enforcement agencies, during the arrest, neither the businessman nor his guards resisted the police. Law enforcers found Dzhabrailov in a hotel room with a pistol in his hands and ordered him to lay down his arms - he obeyed.

If a businessman is found guilty, then under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Hooliganism" he faces up to five years in prison. The minimum punishment is a fine of 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

Also, an entrepreneur may be deprived of the right to carry an award weapon. Now the police are looking into whether the businessman was intoxicated or intoxicated. Expertise appointed.

“Dzhabrailov started shooting in a Four Seasons hotel room on a formal occasion. He was in a state of intoxication: drug or alcohol - the examination will show, "- said the interlocutor of TASS in law enforcement agencies.

White powder was found in the room where the ex-senator stayed. This was reported by sources of RIA Novosti in law enforcement agencies. “A white powder, an unknown substance, was found in the room. He was sent for examination, "- explained the interlocutor of the agency.

"Banal hooliganism"

Meanwhile, RT sources in law enforcement agencies note that during the investigation, the businessman will most likely be under recognizance not to leave.

“This is a banal hooliganism, because of which no one will demand that a suspect be kept in custody,” the source said.

The association of entrepreneurs for the development of business patriotism "Avanti", founded by Dzhabrailov, told RT that they learned information about his possible arrest from the media.

“I only know what is written about this in the media. And now I'm trying to clarify what actually happened. I have not contacted Dzhabrailov himself yet, "Rakhman Yanuskov, President of Avanti, explained to RT.

  • Konstantin Kokoshkin

Umar Dzhabrailov's press secretary, Grigory Gorchakov, also did not comment on the situation to the media, saying that he did not know about the incident.

At the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad Street, RT said they knew nothing about the shooting or the detention of one of the guests.

Ex-Senator and Presidential Candidate

Umar Dzhabrailov is a statesman, entrepreneur, philanthropist. Dzhabrailov is engaged in the construction business, is the founder and head of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs.

Umar Dzhabrailov was born in 1958 in Grozny. In 1985 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO with a degree in International Economic Relations, got a job at the department of the institute, where he worked for several years.

Dzhabrailov took up public business in 1992, when he founded the Danako company, which owned a network of gas stations in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company also supplied petroleum products to state-owned enterprises. In 1997, Dzhabrailov created the Plaza holding group, which included the Danako company, the Tikhaya Gavan advertising company, the Smolensky Passage and Okhotny Ryad trade enterprises. The Plaza Group controlled a significant share of the outdoor advertising market.

From 2004 to 2009, Dzhabrailov was a member of the Federation Council. In 2000, he took part in the presidential elections and took the last, 11th place on the list of candidates.

At the moment, Dzhabrailov is a member of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, chairman of the board of trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, vice president of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia for strategic special projects.

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