Umar Jabrailov arranged shooting. Shot Umar Jabrailov

Less than a day spent in the police station "China-City" detained yesterday for shooting at the hotel's former senator and a representative of Russia in PACE. After interrogation, the suspect in hooliganism (part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it provides for the punishment of up to five years of imprisonment) was released under subscription of the unseen. During these days, the version of Jabrailov himself was cleared about what happened, the origin of the ill-fated pistol was known, and other muddy stories were remembered, in which Wainki businessman and the legislator were noticed. Ill-wishers he had a lot in last years In the meantime, the full program uses the resulting to discredit both the Senator himself and its patrons from Ramzan Kadyrov to Dmitry Peskov.

Information agencies inform about inadequate state in which there was an ex-senator at the time of detention. According to TASS, Umar Jabrailov, police were caught or narcotic, or alcoholic intoxicated. Umar Jabrailov has already passed the appropriate examination, but its result will be known only in a few days. The source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the 59-year-old guest, which set with a gun Nepolo to the elevator saw guards, immediately caused the police. When the promptly arrived law enforcement officers knocked into the number of the former senator, the door opened the Jabrailov himself with the Yarygin Pistol in his hand, while he stated: "I will not surrender without a fight." Law enforcement officers saw a bullet hole in the ceiling of the room and detained Jabrailov.

RIA Novosti reports a white powder from the businessman's room, which was also sent for examination. The source in Andrew and Yuri Khotyn Four Seasons said that in the room where Shooting occurred, Umar Jabrailov had been living for two years and even keeps the cat there. This is quite in the spirit of all his luxurious secular life, which from the nineties swollen and in zero.

The fate of Senator Umar Jabrailova

In 2004, Jabrailov sold a business and became a senator, but the lifestyle practically did not change. He gladly showed his mansion to journalists, under the leadership of Aidan Salahova collecting contemporary art: for example, he first in Russia bought the work of Anisha Kapura. Now Umar Dzhabarilov - Metsenat, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Vice President of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia for Strategic and Special Projects. A few years ago, he passed more than 150 works from the personal collection of the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, there was even a special exhibition "Dar". We will remind you also called Dmitry Medvedev, close to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The flowering of the business and secular life of Jabrailov fell on the second half of the nineties. Then he was accompanied by numerous media exposures and refutations of representatives of the ex-senator. The surname of the entrepreneur was mentioned in connection with the case of the so-called "Chechen Avizo": the use of false payment documents on stolen blanks was a common type of fraud. But Umar Jabrailov himself denied his involvement in this case. According to "Rain", the ex-senator had a small oil business, and by the end of the 90s he took up real estate in Moscow.

Before joining the Council of the Federation Umar Jabrailov, He headed the Plaza Group LLC, in the Office of which were the hotel "Russia", Smolensky Passage, the Business Center "Mosku Business Plaza", etc. From 2009 to 2013, he was an adviser to the assistant president of Sergey Prikhodko .

Umar Jabrailov "This is a premium pistol"

The version of what happened, voiced by Omar Jabrailov himself, is reduced to the fact that the weapon made a failure. "The shot occurred by chance. Umar Old award gun. Yarygin, who, when driving the shutter, can shoot himself. That is what happened tonight: Jabrailov defeated the shutter - and he was shot, "said the head of the Avanti Business Patriotism Development Association and the former Assistant Senator. On the profile weapons forums, you can really find complaints on the design of this weapon, but it is doubtful that the Senator from Chechnya does not know how to use the gun.

In 2000, as the media reported, Brother Umar's brother, First Deputy Director General of the Russia Hotel, got into the field of view of the police. It has been reported that in one of the hotel rooms, puppob staff found a whole arsenal: a sniper rifle with a silencer and two shops, an AKS-74U automatic, four guns, two PM, a homemade gun-machine gun, a firing device with small-caliber cartridges, 17 stores to machine guns and Pistols, two optical sight and more than 300 cartridges of various caliber. The weapon called "his", the senior referent Hussein Jabrailova and put forward the version that he found a bag with a weapon at the door and, thinking that she had forgotten her owner, lossed inside. This version looked unconvincing, but the rest of the development of the "Chechen trail" did not lead to anything.

American businessman Paul Taytum in 1996 accused Russian in threats to murder. He believed that Umar Jabrailov wants to withdraw him from the founders of the company "Intourist-Red Hotel and Business Center" (Jabrailov was deputy director in this company). After some time, the entrepreneur was shot nearby Kiev station. To prove the involvement of Dzhabrailov to the crime failed. To this day, an entrepreneur is prohibited entry into the United States.

It is known that Umar Jabrailov, Umar Jabrailov, was awarded the Government Decree in 2005, and signed permits for him himself. The weapon in the solemn atmosphere granted the countryman, but the senator received for which merit reward, it was not possible to establish. According to the media, while Yarygin is detected by a consequence as a substance. And after the completion of the investigation, his representative may well go to court with a petition about the additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of its premium weapons. In this case, the gun will be sent to the specialist of the Award Fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

From the scene of the incident, the operatives seized the shooting sleeves, bullets and solid cartridges remaining in the store. All of them were aimed at the expertise to be established, whether Umar Dzhabrailov used ammunition included in the award weapon kit, or other. When using other ammunition, the host of a premium pistol may suffer responsibility for the illicit circulation of the cartridges (Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

With regard to hotel hooligan, he made orgvoda and the party line. In the Moscow branch of United Russia reported "Vedomosti" that Jabrailov's membership in the party was suspended at the time of deployment. It should be assumed, Umar did not very much upset this news. Much more he loses from the exit of Elizabeth sandstone from the Avanti Association founded by him, where she held the post of advisor to the head of the organization. The representative of Sandakov assures that it happened on August 20th, and the news about the departure of the daughter of the presidential press secretary "coincided" with the shooting of Jabrailov allegedly by chance.

As the media reported earlier, Umar Jabrailov paid the voyage Elizabeth sandbreed in the Crimea in order to draw attention to the problems of his friend Rakhmutin Dadaev, who owns the South Sevastopol ship repair plant.

Less than a day he spent in the police station "China City" detained yesterday for shooting at the hotel room former senator and a representative of Russia in Pas Umar Jabrailov. After interrogation, the suspect in hooliganism (part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it provides for the punishment of up to five years of imprisonment) was released under subscription of the unseen. During these days, the version of Jabrailov himself was cleared about what happened, the origin of the ill-fated pistol was known, and other muddy stories were remembered, in which Wainki businessman and the legislator were noticed. The detractors, which he had a lot of profit in recent years, in the meantime, the full program uses the resulting discredit against both the Senator himself and its patrons from Ramzan Kadyrov to Dmitry Peskov.

Information agencies inform about inadequate state in which there was an ex-senator at the time of detention. According to TASS, Jabrailov police officer was caught in a state or narcotic, or alcoholic intoxication. The detainee has already passed the appropriate examination, but the result will become known only in a few days. The source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the 59-year-old guest, which set with a gun Nepolo to the elevator saw guards, immediately caused the police. When the promptly arrived law enforcement officers knocked into the number of the former senator, the door opened the Jabrailov himself with the Yarygin Pistol in his hand, while he stated: "I will not surrender without a fight." Law enforcement officers saw a bullet hole in the ceiling of the room and detained Jabrailov.

RIA Novosti reports a white powder from the businessman's room, which was also sent for examination. The source in the Four Seasons belonged to Four Seasons said that in the room where the shooting occurred, Jabrailov lives for two years and even keeps the cat there. This is quite in the spirit of all his luxurious secular life, which from the nineties swollen and in zero.

The fate of Senator

In 2004, Jabrailov sold a business and became a senator, but the lifestyle practically did not change. He gladly showed his mansion to journalists, under the leadership of Aidan Salahova collecting contemporary art: for example, he first in Russia bought the work of Anisha Kapura. Now Dzhabrailov is a patronage, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Vice-President of the "Creative Union of Artists of Russia" on Strategic and Special Projects. A few years ago, he passed more than 150 works from the personal collection of the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, there was even a special exhibition "Dar". We will remind you also called Dmitry Medvedev, close to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The flowering of the business and secular life of Jabrailov fell on the second half of the nineties. Then he was accompanied by numerous media exposures and refutations of representatives of the ex-senator. The surname of the entrepreneur was mentioned in connection with the case of the so-called "Chechen Avizo": the use of false payment documents on stolen blanks was a common type of fraud. But Jabrailov himself denied their involvement in this case. According to "Rain", the ex-senator had a small oil business, and by the end of the 90s he took up real estate in Moscow.

Before joining the Federation of Jabrailov, the Plaza Group LLC was headed by the Plaza Group, in the Office of which there was a hotel "Russia", "Smolensky Passage", Business Center "Moskou Business Plaza" and others. From 2009 to 2013, he was an adviser to the President of the President of Sergey Prikhodko.

Award gun.

The version of what happened, voiced by Omar Jabrailov himself, is reduced to the fact that the weapon made a failure. "The shot occurred by chance. Umar's old award gun Yarygin, who can shoot himself with the rewarding of the shutter. That is what happened tonight: Jabrailov defeated the shutter - and he was shot, "said the head of the Avanti Business Patriotism Business Patriotism Development Association and the former Assistant Senator Rahman Jansukov. On the profile weapons forums, you can really find complaints on the design of this weapon, but it is doubtful that the Senator from Chechnya does not know how to use the gun.

In 2000, as the media reported, Brother Umar's brother, first deputy general director of the Russia Hussein Jabrailov, got into the field of view of the police. It has been reported that in one of the hotel rooms, puppob staff found a whole arsenal: a sniper rifle with a silencer and two shops, an AKS-74U automatic, four guns, two PM, a homemade gun-machine gun, a firing device with small-caliber cartridges, 17 stores to machine guns and Pistols, two optical sight and more than 300 cartridges of various caliber. Weapon called "his" Valentin Stepanov, senior referent Hussein Jabrailov and put forward the version that he had a bag with a weapon at the door and, thinking that she had forgotten her owner, lossed inside. This version looked unconvincing, but the rest of the development of the "Chechen trail" did not lead to anything.

American businessman Paul Taytum in 1996 accused Russian in threats to murder. He believed that Jabrailov wants to withdraw him from the founders of the enterprise "Intourist-Dronic Hotel and Business Center" (Jabrailov was the Deputy Director in this company). After some time, the entrepreneur was shot near the Kiev station. To prove the involvement of Dzhabrailov to the crime failed. To this day, an entrepreneur is prohibited entry into the United States.

It is known that Umar Dzhabarilov, Umar Jabrailov, was awarded the Government Decree in 2005, and Rashid Nurgaliyev himself signed permits for him. The weapon in a solemn atmosphere granted the countryman Ramzan Kadyrov, but the senator received a reward for which merit, it was not possible to establish. According to the media, while Yarygin is detected by a consequence as a substance. And after the completion of the investigation, his representative may well go to court with a petition about the additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of its premium weapons. In this case, the gun will be sent to the specialist of the Award Fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

From the scene of the incident, the operatives seized the shooting sleeves, bullets and solid cartridges remaining in the store. All of them were aimed at the expertise to be established if Mr. Dzhabrailov used ammunition included in the award weapon set, or other. When using other ammunition, the host of a premium pistol may suffer responsibility for the illicit circulation of the cartridges (Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

With regard to hotel hooligan, he made orgvoda and the party line. In the Moscow branch of United Russia reported "Vedomosti" that Jabrailov's membership in the party was suspended at the time of deployment. It should be assumed, Umar did not very much upset this news. Much more he loses from the exit of Elizabeth sandstone from the Avanti Association founded by him, where she held the post of advisor to the head of the organization. The representative of Sandakov assures that it happened on August 20th, and the news about the departure of the daughter of the presidential press secretary "coincided" with the shooting of Jabrailov allegedly by chance.

As the media reported earlier, Umar Jabrailov paid the voyage Elizabeth sandbreed in the Crimea in order to draw attention to the problems of his friend Rakhmutin Dadaev, who owns the South Sevastopol ship repair plant.

The results of the analysis and examination of the ex-senator from Chechnya revealed the presence of cocaine and its metabolite in its blood

Ex-Senator Umar Jabrailov arranged shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of the capital, being under the influence of cocaine. Drug remnants in analyzes taken from Mr. Dzhabrailov were discovered by specialists of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. For the use of Cocaine, Mr. Jabrailov was fined with the World Court, and soon he will appear before Tver Riceud for hooliganism.

As follows from the Resolution of the 370th World Judicial Area, Umar Jabrailov, who had previously not yet attracted to administrative responsibility, made an administrative offense, namely, used the narcotic drug without appointing a doctor. The court found that on August 29, at 10/25 25 minutes in his room of the Four Seasons Hotel, Mr. Dzhabarilov took Cocaine Street. Exactly five minutes after that, the hotel personnel summarized the police into it - the control of Mr. Jabrailov, who clearly lost over himself, shot several times from a premium pistol to the ceiling of the room, after which he began to wander with a weapon along the seven-floor corridor. By the arrival of the Guardians of the order of Mr. Jabrailov returned to his number. Initially, he stated the police that "he would not surrender without a fight," but then folded the weapon and put on his handcuffs.

The day after the detention, the police accompanied Umar Dzhabrailov to the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Narcology, where the urine analysis of the suspect showed the presence of cocaine and its metabolite in it - 90-95% of the adopted dose of this drug is derived from the body for two to three days. In the form of unchanged cocaine and its derivatives.

Umar Jabrailov arranged a shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of the capital, being under the influence of cocaine

Having received the results of the analysis and examination of Mr. Dzhabrailov, the police investigator, which previously opened a criminal case for the ex-senator No. 11701450169000215 under Part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism), on September 26, allocated materials to a separate production containing information about the use of the accused drug - on the signs of an administrative offense provided for by Art. 6.9 Code Russian Federation On administrative offenses.

After examining the materials of the case, the court came to the conclusion that the protocol on the administrative offense against Mr. Dzhabrailov was compiled by the investigator quite reasonably.

Objective data that refute the conclusion of the doctor and the content of the Act of Medical Examination is not in the case. The fact of the location of Umar Jabrailov in a state of drug intoxication, the court decided, "confirmed by the entire combination of the evidence studied." When prescribing punishment, the court took into account the circumstances and the nature of the committed offense, the personality of the guilty Jabrailov, as well as the lack of information on bringing it to administrative responsibility earlier. As a result, Mr. Dzhabarilov was fined 4 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it should be noted that the ex-senator was present at the meeting, during which he was recognized as an administrative violator and fully recognized his guilt. According to the defense of Mr. Jabrailov, after his guilt, he will receive a minimal punishment in the criminal case of hooliganism. Tver Riceud will consider him in a special order on November 22.

Nikolay Sergeev

"Kommersant" , 08/31/17, "Man with a premium pistol"

On Wednesday, he became a law enforcement of a criminal case about the hooliganism of a Moscow businessman, a former member of the Federation Council from Chechnya Umar Jabrailov, who arranged an unfortunate shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel. Given that a businessman, as his friends say, fired at the ceiling by chance - he checked the service of his pistol - and the incident itself occurred not in a public place, and in the rented ex-senator the room of the hotel, he may well avoid criminal liability. But Yarygin's gun, which Senator Jabrailov awarded many years ago awarded the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, it is most likely to be passed.

According to the sources of "Kommersant", the moment of shooting, which came late in the evening on Tuesday, no one saw and did not hear. Security hotel Four. Seasons, located on the Okhotny row, literally in a hundred meters from the entrance to the Red Square, has merged, seeing the video surveillance monitor, as the guest of the institution with a gun in his hand enters the elevator on the sixth floor. They did not dare to delay the dangerous guest of Security themselves, they caused police outfit from the nearest department of China-City and offered guards of the order to deal with the armed client, which stopped in the number 633.

However, when the guards of the order demanded to pass the weapon, for some reason he stated that "no fight would not surrender." Before the bloodshed, fortunately, did not reach - the guest still persuaded the disarmament, and then put it on the floor, having wrapped his handcuffs.

Explaining the origin of the weapon, the detainee provided the police permission to the right to store and carry the Martial Pistol Yarygin, who he was awarded the order of the then chapter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Rashid Nurgaliyev. Shots in the ceiling, a businessman explained his annoying oversight. According to his version, resting in his room, he decided to check the gun that he never took advantage over a few years, and since he had no experience in handling a weapon, he made several random shots up.

Photo: Alexander Miridonov / Kommersant

The expertise to be established was whether Mr. Jabrailov was in the moment of shooting in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication (according to the police, he looked not quite adequate, and in addition, a suspicious white powder was found in his number), the detainee had already passed. True, the results of studies will be known in a few days.

Anyway, the police investigation qualified the incident at the hotel under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Hooliganism", perfect in a public place. In the environment, the businessman believes that this version of the investigation does not comply with the circumstances of what happened. Shots, in their opinion, were randomly produced, and besides, not in the "public place". The hotel's room, according to civil law, is a temporary residence of the rented citizen. Thus, Mr. Jabrailov, most likely, is separated by administrative punishment. But he will have to return the weapon to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. While Yarygin is detected by a consequence as a broadcast. And after the completion of the investigation, his representative may well go to court with a petition about the additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of its premium weapons. In this case, the gun will be sent to the specialist of the Award Fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Sergey Mashkin.

As it became known to "Kommersant," Ex-Senator Umar Jabrailov arranged a shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of the capital, being under the influence of cocaine. Drug remnants in analyzes taken from Mr. Dzhabrailov were discovered by specialists of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. For the use of Cocaine, Mr. Jabrailov was fined with the World Court, and soon he will appear before Tver Riceud for hooliganism.

As follows from the Resolution of the 370th World Judicial Area, Umar Jabrailov, who had previously not yet attracted to administrative responsibility, made an administrative offense, namely, used the narcotic drug without appointing a doctor. The court found that on August 29, at 10/25 25 minutes in his room of the Four Seasons Hotel, Mr. Dzhabarilov took Cocaine Street. Exactly five minutes after that, the hotel personnel summarized the police into it - the control of Mr. Jabrailov, who clearly lost over himself, shot several times from a premium pistol to the ceiling of the room, after which he began to wander with a weapon along the seven-floor corridor. By the arrival of the Guardians of the order of Mr. Jabrailov returned to his number. Initially, he stated the police that "he would not surrender without a fight," but then folded the weapon and put on his handcuffs.

The day after the detention, the police accompanied Umar Dzhabrailov to the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Narcology, where the urine analysis of the suspect showed the presence of cocaine and its metabolite in it - 90-95% of the adopted dose of this drug is derived from the body for two to three days. In the form of unchanged cocaine and its derivatives.

Having received the results of the analysis and examination of Mr. Dzhabrailov, the police investigator, which previously opened a criminal case for the ex-senator No. 11701450169000215 under Part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism), on September 26, allocated materials to a separate production containing information about the use of the accused drug - on the signs of an administrative offense provided for by Art. 6.9 Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

After examining the materials of the case, the court came to the conclusion that the protocol on the administrative offense against Mr. Dzhabrailov was compiled by the investigator quite reasonably.

Objective data that refute the conclusion of the doctor and the content of the Act of Medical Examination is not in the case. The fact of the location of Umar Jabrailov in a state of drug intoxication, the court decided, "confirmed by the entire combination of the evidence studied." When prescribing punishment, the court took into account the circumstances and the nature of the committed offense, the personality of the guilty Jabrailov, as well as the lack of information on bringing it to administrative responsibility earlier. As a result, Mr. Dzhabarilov was fined 4 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it should be noted that the ex-senator was present at the meeting, during which he was recognized as an administrative violator and fully recognized his guilt. According to the defense of Mr. Jabrailov, after his guilt, he will receive a minimal punishment in the criminal case of hooliganism. Tver Riceud will consider him in a special order on November 22.

  • August 30, 2017, 11:12 Businessman Umar Jabrailova detained after shooting in Moscow Hotel Four Seasons

Former senator from Chechnya, entrepreneur Umar Jabrailov delivered to the police after shooting at the hotel Four Seasons.Located in the center of Moscow, Kommersant writes.

"On August 29, the police received information on the fact that in the hotel located in the central part of the city, the hotel is penalized in accommodation. Police officers who arrived at the scene detained a man who made a shot of a premium pistol from a premium pistol. There are no injured in the incident. By this fact A criminal case was initiated on the signs of the crime of the crime provided for in Article 213 of the Criminal Code (Hooliganism), "the MEDIAZON reported in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow. The name of the detainee in the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not specify.

According to the publication, the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region of China-city has entered the "Fortress" plan to prevent a possible attack. "Dzhabrailov countrymen appear near the department, their number grows. One of them, with a long beard, said that he sympathize with the merchant and came to support, "writes MK.

The presence of supporters of Jabrailov at the ATS building correspondent "MediaZones" could not confirm - just journalists are located directly at the building.

Updated at 14:59. From the notes on the MK website, references to the Fortress Plan. The screenshot of the former version of the notes is given below.

TASS source: Dzhabrailov was "in a state of intoxication"

During the arrest after shooting in the ceiling in the Moscow hotel Four Seasons. Businessman Umar Dzhabarilov was in a state of intoxication, the TASS reported a source in law enforcement agencies.

"Jabrailov arranged shooting in the hotel room Four Seasons. According to the formal occasion. He was in a state of intoxication - in a narcotic or alcohol will show an examination, "the agency's source said.

Four Seasons.: The hotel cooperates with the investigation, the police will be commenting.

Moscow Hotel Four Seasons. Collaborates with the police in the case of shooting, after which Umar Jabrailov was detained, the representative of the press service of Natalia Lapshina reported "Mediazone".

"The situation that occurred yesterday at the hotel in this moment Investigated by the police, we cooperate with the authorities on this issue. The safety of guests and hotel staff is always our main priority. All further requests can be directed to the police of Moscow, "she said.

Onk: Jabrailov was taken to investigative actions in Four Seasons.

Businessman Umar Dzhabrailov took from ATS to investigative actions in the hotel Four Seasons.The member of the Public Supervisory Commission of Moscow Denis Nabiulin told RIA Novosti.

"We received information that Jabrailov was delivered to OMVD. We came to OMVD, but at the time of verification, 15.30, it was no longer. Now he is in investigative actions at the Moscow Hotel ( Four Seasons.), "Said Nabiulin.

Agency "Moscow": Jabrailov was released under a subscription of the unseen

Businessman Umar Dzhabarilov is released under a subscription of the unseen, told the Agency "Moscow" a source in law enforcement agencies.

The source of Interfax also said that Jabrailov was interrogated as a suspect, after which the investigator decided to release the former senator to subscribe to the unseason.

"Kommersant": Jabrailov told the investigators that he checked the gun in the hotel room

Caught on the eve of at night after shooting in the hotel room Four Seasons. In the center of Moscow, the businessman and former member of the Council of the Federation Umar Jabrailov told investigators that the shots occurred during the verification of premium weapons, the Kommersant writes.

According to the sources of the publication, at the time of shooting shots "no one saw and did not hear": the hotel's guards called the police when they saw video surveillance cameras on the elevator on the sixth floor included a guest from the number 633 with a gun in her hand. The police arrived in the hotel, which Jabrailov for some reason first said that "no fight will not surrender", and then surrendered.

He presented permission to the right of storing and carrying the Jargin pistol, which he was awarded for the former Minister of the Interior of Rashid Nurgaliyev. Shots in the ceiling, writes the newspaper, Jabrailov "explained with his annoying lack" - resting in the room, "he decided to check the gun, which he never took advantage over a few years, and he did not have any experience in handling a weapon, made several random shots up".

Umar Jabrailov was under drugs during the shooting at the hotel

Medical examination showed that businessman Umar Jabrailov was under the influence of drugs during the shooting at the hotel Four Seasons., the Moscow Agency reports with reference to a law enforcement source.

"From the words of the doctors, a test for narcotic intoxication gave a positive result," he told.

A spokesman for Jabrailova said that it "looks like a duck in the media." In the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not comment on this data.

See also: