Fine for unreadable license plates on a car. How much is the fine for dirty or unreadable license plates and how to avoid it? Video: How some traffic police inspectors cheat with unreadable license plates

Dirty rooms are a problem that is especially relevant in the off-season, when dirt accumulates on the street. A car's license plate is considered dirty if it cannot be detected by the latch even in the daytime. This is precisely the reason for imposing a fine for dirty rooms car.

If you don't want to pay a fine for unreadable numbers car, then it is better to take measures to ensure that the rooms are always clean. This can be done in the following three ways.

How to avoid fines for unreadable numbers

First, put a piece of cloth or rag in the car, it will be useful for wiping off dirt from the license plates. When stopped, traffic police officers may not only issue a fine for an unreadable license plate, but also ask you to wipe the license plates. Since you may not be allowed to leave with dirty license plates, the easiest way is to comply with the requirement. This is where a rag comes in handy.

Secondly, before traveling by car, check the legibility of the numbers and their cleanliness.

Never wipe your numbers with dry cloths. Remember that dry sand or dirt will quickly erase paint from signs and can scratch them. Dampen a cloth with water or use antifreeze. This will wash away the dirt without damaging the paint. If you have severely scratched the inscriptions, you will need to re-register the vehicle or replace it with a duplicate, otherwise you will face a fine for erased numbers.

The Code of Administrative Offenses clearly states that the license plate when driving a car must be clean at any time of the day. Looking at it, the observer should be able to see the inscriptions from a distance of 20 meters.

In addition, there are other rules that can be classified as secondary. To better understand the situation, it is worth giving the following examples:

  1. The room is initially dirty, it is not recorded by video equipment. Taking photographs also does not produce results. But license plates are readable even at night thanks to chiaroscuro.
  2. On one side the sign is slightly dirty. One character of the number is partially closed. But due to the existing convexity, the license plate is easy to read.

The situations described above occur frequently on the road, but examples may fall under violation.

Signs and time of day

It is worth considering a situation that often arises during the daytime. If from 20 meters it is impossible to see at least one number or letter on the front or rear license plate, then such a number is considered unreadable.

If we talk about night time, then only the rear license plate of the car is checked. The front one is not taken into account. Remember this rule, then no one will issue you a fine for unreadable license plates, since there is no violation. As in the daytime, the number is checked at night from a distance of 20 meters. If even one number or letter is difficult to see, then the license plate is considered unreadable.

Penalty for dirty numbers

If your car is stopped by a traffic police inspector and the number is not visible due to dirt, then you may be fined for having an unreadable number. This is stated in the Code of Administrative Offenses, article 12.2.1. Or they will simply give you a warning.

If the inspector chooses administrative punishment, the fine for unreadable numbers will be 500 rubles.

It is worth paying attention to the following. Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 2 states that you cannot drive a car if the registration plates have been modified. In this case, devices or materials were used that became an obstacle to identifying the number.

  • If artificial dirt was used for the rooms, the fine for dirty rooms cannot be 5,000 rubles. Since dirt is not a device or a material, write your disagreement in the protocol that will be drawn up for the offense.
  • If the driver of a vehicle intentionally covers the license plate with a foreign object, the fine will be 5,000 rubles.

Some traffic police officers scare drivers by taking away their license for 3 months. Be aware that this is illegal. The law does not provide for deprivation of rights for driving with an unreadable license plate. number. Stand your ground and write objections in the protocol, if one is drawn up.

It should be noted that if you are threatened with deprivation of your license, it is worth photographing the license plates. It’s good if the inspector’s car, a traffic police station, or other signs are indicated in the frame, by which it will then be possible to determine the stopping place. You can attach this photo to the protocol, and then file a complaint with the service management.

There is no backlight for the vehicle license plate

Suppose you are driving a car late in the evening or at night. If there is no illumination of the rear registration plate, then the number is unreadable. In this case, the traffic police officer has the right to issue a fine of 500 rubles. In addition, you may additionally be prescribed it under Art. 12.5, which talks about the main provisions for vehicle approval.

Is there an alternative to fines for unreadable numbers?

If the inspector is friendly to you, then the situation can be resolved on the spot. Just take a rag and wipe off the license plates. If you are not a persistent offender and have not had any fines in the last 6 months, then you should tell the inspector about this. You may get off with a verbal warning.

To do this, remind the inspector about Art. 2.9, which states that in case of a minor violation, the official may limit himself to an oral remark. If the inspector is conscientious, he will not draw up a protocol.

What to do if the weather is to blame?

Remember that dirty license plates cannot be considered a traffic violation. You are not breaking the law by driving a car with dirty license plates. The Code of Administrative Offenses says nothing about this situation, and no examination is carried out. But a fine of 500 rubles can be issued for an unreadable license plate.

Remember that if the white background of the license plates is stained with dirt and the signs are visible, then there is no violation. But, if the car is very dirty, the license plates are completely covered with streaks, then the most that the inspector can do is issue a fine of 500 rubles. As you can see, the amount is small.

Video: what is the fine for unreadable and dirty car license plates.

Is it possible to save money?

Currently, drivers can save money by paying fines. The fact is that from the beginning of this year they are given the opportunity to pay with a 50% discount. Since the charge for the unreadability of signs cannot be called “severe,” you have 20 days to pay. You shouldn’t rush through the procedure, but you shouldn’t delay it either. As soon as you see that the fine has appeared in the database, pay it at a discount.


Dirty numbers in and of themselves cannot cause a fine. It is only applied if the registration plates cannot be read. At night, only the rear number is checked. The fine for dirty rooms in the amount of 500 rubles is the maximum possible.

Hello, dear visitor. We will talk about a situation where they are trying to bring you to justice under Art. 12.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. I suggest you take a look.

So, Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for responsibility for managing vehicle in violation of the rules for installing state registration plates on it.

Under part one of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, you can be prosecuted for driving a vehicle with state registration plates (numbers) in the following cases:

— a) if your car has unreadable license plates. For example, the rooms are completely dirty with mud, snow, etc. in such a way that from a distance of 20 meters it is not possible to read at least one of the letters or numbers of the rear state registration plate in the dark, and in the daytime at least one of the letters or numbers of the front or rear state registration plate.

In addition, unreadable numbers also include signs that do not comply with GOSTs (for example, if there is no light reflection, the numbers are in an unspecified font, the paint used is different than that provided by GOSTs, the size of the signs is non-standard, the distance between individual elements of the signs is not maintained). Currently, GOST 50577-93 “State registration marks” is subject to application.

- if your numbers are non-standard. Any deviation from GOST standards (in execution, application, etc.) means that the signs are non-standard. Law No. 210 finally resolves the long-standing dispute about which registration marks are non-standard. Since August 11, 2007, it has been established that a sign is recognized as non-standard if it does not meet the requirements established in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation, and unreadable if at least one of the letters or numbers cannot be read at night from a distance of 20 m rear sign, and during daylight hours - at least one of the letters or numbers of the front or rear sign;

— if your license plates are installed in violation of the requirements of the state standard (for example, not in front, but only on the sides of the vehicle);

On some sites there is an opinion that supposedly dirty rooms in rainy weather cannot be punished. The authors of such statements point out that in this case the driver is not at fault, and without guilt there is no punishment, and if the inspector drew up a report in the rain and mud, you just need to go to the Phobos or Gismeteo website and download the weather in the area where the report was drawn up , which says that it was raining in the area at that time, and you can successfully appeal.

In fact, this is far from the case. Firstly, it is unlikely that any judge will accept a printout from the site as any significant document. At a minimum, you need to make an official request to Government agency“Office for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring” in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where you live. It is not a fact that you will receive an answer from there yourself.

Secondly, if the inspector is not able to read at least one letter or number of the registration number from a distance of 20 meters, grounds automatically arise for bringing to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The article does not make any distinction as to how the sign became unreadable - due to the recent rain or a week-long mud that covered the entire car, including state registration marks, with a layer. That’s why all the talk is about how you can’t be charged for dirty rooms in rainy weather, etc. - this is all from the evil one.

Usually, the majority of inspectors are reasonable people and will not present you with claims for dirty, unreadable license plates in rainy weather or after it has just rained. In my entire almost 10 years of driving practice, I was stopped only once for dirty license plates. And then the inspector limited himself to asking to wipe the numbers on the spot. By the way, I do not recommend wiping the plates “dry”, since the paint on the license plates is state-owned. registration is very unstable to abrasion.

Now my tips on how to communicate and what to say to a traffic cop if he stops you and points out unreadable license plates:

1. I don’t recommend that when a traffic cop tells you that your license plates are unreadable, you immediately start downloading your license and show that you don’t agree with something. You will look very stupid, especially if the conversation is being audio or video recorded.

2. I don’t recommend that you get smart and erase one letter or number on the license plates, as some do, citing the fact that “so, the Note to the article says...”. Yes, of course, in this way you will no longer violate Part 1 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, since in this case you will fulfill the requirements of the note to Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. However, along with this daring act, you are guaranteed to ensure the close attention of the traffic cops, because the traffic cops will think that you are making fun of them in this way. It’s probably better not to provoke your car to be stopped by traffic cops.

3. To the traffic cop’s instruction that your license plates are dirty, you can respond with something like “I was going to the car wash right now, scrubbing is not the best idea, since the paint wears off quickly.” You can also say that “when I checked out, the rooms were clean, but now they are dirty.”

If, nevertheless, the traffic cop is clearly determined to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense, try citing insignificance. Refer to Article 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for the possibility of exemption from administrative liability if the administrative offense is insignificant.

“If the administrative offense committed is of minor significance, the judge, body, official authorized to resolve the case of an administrative offense may release the person who committed the administrative offense from administrative liability and limit himself to an oral remark.”

For violation of Part 1 of Article 12.2, alternative administrative liability is provided in the form of a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

If you notice that the inspector has started drawing up a report, and 100 rubles is more expensive for you than the abrasion resistance of the license plate paint, quickly take a rag and wipe the plates before the inspector takes a picture of them. After which you take pictures of your license plates (already wiped), it is advisable that the traffic police inspector himself gets into the frame. After which, in the explanations in the protocol, you indicate that you were stopped for dirty license plates; I consider the stop and the actions of the inspector to be unlawful, since the license plates are legible, which is confirmed by photographs taken immediately after stopping the vehicle. I ask that the proceedings in the case be terminated due to the absence of an offense. All.

Cases cannot be excluded when a traffic police officer decides to test your knowledge of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and tries to take you to Part 2 of Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the punishment for violation of which is an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

The traffic cop's motivation is as follows: since both signs are not visible, then, therefore, we can assume that they are not there. Your actions in this case should be as follows:

Ask the traffic police officer to read you part 2 of article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. After that, we photograph our license plates in the same way (if the license plates are unreadable due to dirt, of course, before photographing, it is advisable to wipe them so as not to run into Part 1 of Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and then in the explanations we write something like this: “actions of the inspector I consider it illegal, since the state license plates were installed on my car, the inspector was convinced of this when checking the documents, the license plates are genuine, they correspond to the information about the license plates indicated in the registration certificate. The presence of license plates on my car is confirmed by the testimony of witnesses (indicate full name, address of residence), taken immediately after the car was stopped by photographs. I ask that the proceedings on the administrative offense be terminated due to the absence of an offense.”

The meaning of part 2 of Art. 12.2, is that the guilty driver is driving a vehicle without state registration plates. Unlike the administrative offense provided for in Art. 12.1 (when the vehicle was not registered at all), in this case it is registered, state registration plates were issued to the driver (owner, other legal owner), but were not installed;

Eat interesting feature. As you already know, Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment not only in the form of a fine, but also in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle.

What if the driver does not have the right to drive a vehicle and, nevertheless, drove the car without a license. registration plates?

In this case, the driver is subject to liability under Part 1 of Art. 12.7 (it provides for a fine of 2,500 rubles, and if he commits administrative offenses provided for in Part 4 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (clause 6 of Post. No. 18). Well, in more detail about Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, I will tell you how- some other time.

For now, let’s briefly look at part 3 of Art. 12.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and part 4 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

So, part three of Art. 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation covers cases where a driver has knowingly installed false state registration plates on a vehicle. We are talking about cases where the sign is completely, from the very beginning, made with alphabetic and digital content that does not correspond to the information in the documents used for state registration (at the same time, state registration of this vehicle was possible, and was not carried out), as well as cases when the culprit changes individual elements of a sign (for example, one digit), installs “numbers” from another vehicle, etc.

It does not matter whether the driver himself produced the false registration plates or purchased them from another person;

Part 4 of Article 12.2 covers cases when a driver drives a vehicle with obviously false license plates. registration numbers. In this case, the culprit may not install them himself, but he must know that he is driving a vehicle with false state registration plates. If the driver does not know this (for example, he drives the car by proxy, and the owner hid it from him this fact), then it is not he who is responsible, but the owner of the vehicle.

In conclusion of this article, I would like to draw attention to the fact that administrative liability under Part 2 of Art. 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation only the driver can be involved, and under Part 3 of Art. 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - also another person, for example, the owner of a car who knowingly installs false state registration plates on it).

Denis Frolov

A favorite saying of a traffic inspector who notices a car with dirty license plates: “Well, aren’t tanks afraid of dirt? We will arrange it!” Unfortunately, the condition of the roads in winter, spring and autumn in our country is such that getting a fine for an administrative offense consisting of driving with license plates that are unreadable due to contamination is as easy as shelling pears. How to avoid a fine and is it possible to challenge it?

By driving with dirty (unreadable) license plates, a motorist violates Art. 12.2 part 1 of the Administrative Code. For dirty license plates, the fine in 2015 is 500 rubles.

It is necessary to distinguish between the unreadability of numbers and their absence. Sometimes traffic police officers, noticing dirty license plates, try to file a more serious offense: driving with completely missing license plates. This threatens with loss of rights and a fine of 5,000 rubles. Since the clause of the rules mentioned above provides for a much more lenient punishment for dirty license plates, make sure to fill out the protocol.

Remember that even if your license plates are completely covered with dirt, you will not be deprived of your license for this.

License plate readability requirements

Determining whether a room is dirty depends on the time of day. Criteria for determining this administrative offense, according to GOST 50577-47 clause 4.7:

  • During daylight hours, none of the front and rear license plate symbols can be read at a distance of 20 m.
  • At night, it is impossible to make out any of the rear license plate symbols at the same distance.

It is not recommended to do field cleaning with a dry cloth, since dry dirt is a strong abrasive, and wiping may damage the paint. And this already threatens the re-registration of the car or the purchase of a duplicate.

What to do if the traffic inspector insists on a fine?

If the traffic inspector who stopped you is going to issue a fine for violating Art. 12.2 part 1 of the Administrative Code, you can try to resolve the issue in an amicable way by reminding him of Art. 2.9 Code of Administrative Offences. According to this article, if the administrative offense is of minor significance, the official has the right to limit himself to an oral remark. However, the key word here is “the right” (that is, the traffic police inspector may not show leniency). Therefore, it is advisable not to create a conflict situation, to behave politely and culturally.

Well, what to do if the traffic inspector is not going to limit himself to a warning? If you know for sure that the offense was not recorded by a video camera or photographic equipment, you can quickly take out a damp cloth and wipe the license plates. In this case, drawing up a protocol is impossible, since the traffic police officer has no evidence of the offense.

But if your actions are recorded by a video camera, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid a fine for an offense.

Challenging unlawful actions of a traffic police inspector

If the driver is not rude or rude, there is a high chance of getting off with a warning for minor traffic violations. If you drive with dirty license plates, the chances of saying goodbye to the traffic inspector without a fine are quite high, since the dirt can be wiped off on the spot. But sometimes traffic police officers follow the principle or even illegally try to impose a fine on the driver for unreadable license plates. In this case, a camera will help you, or better yet, video recording. When photographing a car license plate, it is necessary to capture in the frame some details indicating the place and time of the stop. Such details could be a traffic police station or car, or the traffic inspector himself.

You should leave a comment in the protocol indicating that you consider the inspector’s actions to be unlawful, since the state sign of the car is clearly legible, which is confirmed by photographs taken after the car was stopped. Therefore, there is no violation, and on this basis you ask that the case be dismissed.

Read what you need to know to avoid getting a parking fine.

Weather conditions and illegibility of numbers

In snow and rain, it is almost impossible to avoid dirty rooms. As a rule, traffic inspectors in bad weather are more loyal to motorists who behave adequately. But still, you shouldn’t be rude to the inspector, hoping that “bad weather will write everything off.” It is, of course, possible to prove this circumstance in court, but it is not easy. In most cases, the court will not take into account the printout from the meteorological site, and you will have to submit a request to meteorologists. But the price of the issue is only five hundred rubles and adequacy in communication with the traffic inspector.

But it is unlikely that you will be able to attribute license plates stained with old dirt to quirks of the weather if you were stopped on a sunny day in the summer. If the spring thaw is long over, and your car looks like it crawled out of a swamp and hasn’t been washed for a year after that, you will agree that the traffic police’s claims will be quite justified.

One of the common traffic violations that drivers commit involves dirty license plates. This problem is especially relevant in spring and autumn, when the roads are a real mess - slush, dirt and snow. The numbers become clogged with dirt and become unreadable even in rainy summer weather and during snowfall in winter. It is very problematic to read and identify signs on it that are hidden by a layer of mud and installed video recording devices, which is why traffic police officers like to stop drivers and issue fines.

It is also worth noting that the equipment for recording traffic violations has high reading parameters, and thus is able to identify numbers and letters by unreadable numbers, since they are not only painted in black reflective color, but also embossed and protrude noticeably. A serious difficulty for them is the weather, for example, a snowstorm or heavy rain. In such situations, it can be very difficult to identify not only the license plate, but also the car itself and its color.

All are manufactured in accordance with GOST and must be clearly visible at any time of the day or night. These are the legal requirements that drivers must comply with for good readability of numbers and letters.

The number is considered unreadable if the following conditions are not met:

  • During the day and during daylight hours: letters and numbers on both the front and rear license plates are clearly legible from 20 m;
  • At night and in the dark: all symbols on the rear number plate only must be readable from 20 m.

If the license plate is smeared with dirt or one of the letters or numbers on it is poorly visible, hidden by something, or the paint on it has been erased, then it is automatically considered unreadable. This is a traffic violation that carries a fine. So, what is the traffic police fine in 2018 for a dirty license plate?

Penalty for dirty room

The driver is responsible for an unreadable license plate. So, on the basis of Article 12.2 Part 1:

if the number on the car is not readable, is non-standard or is installed in violation mandatory requirements, then a fine of 500 rubles or a verbal warning is provided.

Bad weather is no reason not to wipe your license plates. However, in such situations, traffic police inspectors are usually less picky about ensuring that the rooms are perfectly clean. So, if the roads are dirty, then it is enough to check and wipe them before each departure, or stop to wash them if the trip is very long. In such cases they will be more or less visible and not dirty. If they are not monitored for a long time, this will lead to an administrative fine.

The number may also be unreadable in cases where drivers deliberately cover it completely or only one number or letter. Such violations are punished more severely. So, on the basis of Art. 12.2 part 2:

If the car does not have a license plate or it has been modified using secondary means, due to which it cannot be read and identified, then a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 1-3 months is provided.

What to do if stopped by a traffic police inspector?

It often happens that traffic police officers want to make money and charge the driver as much as possible for an unreadable license plate. In order to minimize the liability incurred in such cases, the following instructions should be followed.

1. If a car is stopped for having a dirty license plate, then it is necessary not to wait to hear all the violated legal acts and possible consequences from, pick up a rag or brush to clear the snow and wipe both state signs from adhering dirt.

In this case, the identified malfunction will be corrected on the spot and you can only receive a verbal warning from the traffic police. If this procedure did not help, and the inspector persistently wants to draw up a protocol and issue a traffic police fine for an unreadable number, then he should be reminded of Art. 2.9:

In case of a minor offense, the traffic police officer may make a verbal reprimand.

2. If it still doesn’t help and the inspector has drawn up a report for the dirty number, then the following should be done. First, you need to go up to the license plate and take a photo of it. It is advisable that the policeman also be included in the frame.

Secondly, you should note and indicate in the explanation that you absolutely do not agree with the violation, since all the signs on the license plate are clearly visible and easy to read, so the violation was issued illegally. Everything is captured in the photo.

As a rule, all police officers realistically and adequately assess the situation from the very beginning of the conversation. If the driver starts swearing and accusing him of illegal actions, then most of them, as a matter of principle, will want to draw up a report on the driver with a dirty license plate and issue the maximum fine.

Bottom line

Some drivers believe that in bad and rainy weather inspectors do not have the right to stop a car for unreadable license plates, check and issue fines. To challenge such cases, confirmation and receipt of a conclusion on the weather forecast from Phobos will be required, which does not necessarily indicate 100% rainy weather, but, for example, variable precipitation. The court may also not consider such evidence to be significant. Therefore, when stopping, it is better to immediately wipe the dirty number and continue on.

What is the maximum fine for unreadable license plates, and when can you get away with a slight fright and a warning?

When conflict is possible

Unreadable license plates on a car are a problem that every driver faces not only in the off-season, when huge puddles cover broken roads, and other road users are in no hurry to slow down and splash neighboring cars from roof to wheel.

Snow can cover the rooms. If in the morning, when starting and clearing the snow after a snowstorm, paying attention to the license plate is not only possible, but also necessary, then how to control its cleanliness while driving? Understanding this, inspectors rarely issue fines for unreadable license plates in 2017, and in all previous years too.

Still, it is useful to know when the appearance of a registration plate violates current rules. We are talking about a situation where, from a 20-meter distance, a sign:

    does not recognize photographic or video camera;

    at least one character is not readable.

Important! In the dark, the rules apply only to the rear number; in the light, the front number must also look appropriate.

Will he scold you, punish you with a ruble, or deprive you of your ID?

Driving with unreadable license plates 2017 is not a serious offense, but only if the driver did not have malicious intent to hide information from the registration plate.


Typically, state inspectors do not issue a fine for dirty license plates, especially if “the weather is whispering” and absolute hell is going on on the roads. However, a servant of the law has the full right to stop the driver and point out a dirty license plate, after reading a short lecture on the rules for operating vehicles.

In this case, the car owner must quickly jump out of the warm interior, taking a damp cloth with him, and carefully clean the numbers and letters. And be sure to remember to nod your head as a sign of absolute agreement with the claims made. Usually, after such actions, the traffic inspector smiles condescendingly and wishes you a safe journey.

Little blood

Every driver knows that if the inspector really wants to, he will find something to get to the bottom of, or at least take a lot of time to check the proper condition of the car. In rare cases (usually when a motorist begins to argue, get nervous, or deny guilt), the inspector may punish for obstinacy with a ruble.

Standard fine for dirty rooms 2017 is small - only 500 rubles, but hardly anyone wants to pay “for nothing,” and even waste time on drawing up a protocol.

On a note! If the white part of the license plate is dirty and all the symbols on it are visible, then this is not considered a violation.

By the way, since May in Moscow they began to forcibly evacuate cars without state signs (damaged, altered, unreadable). Such measures are associated with an increased anti-terrorist threat. Suspicious cars are transported to a special parking lot, away from residential buildings, bus stops, metro, shopping centers, where they conduct a check to determine if they are wanted or if they are a potential threat to the population.

To the maximum

But if the driver deliberately soiled the state sign, he will face a more serious punishment. What fine will be issued for unreadable license plates if they are deliberately polluted?

According to the second part of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offences, for such an offense the following is imposed:

    fine 5000 rubles;

    deprivation of rights for 1-3 months.

On a note! Requirements for registration plates are regulated in GOST R-50577-93.

Under the second part of this article the following may also be punished:

    for driving a vehicle without a state license;

    for installing it in the wrong place;

    for its modification;

    for the use of materials that make it difficult to identify a car sign.

But with the imposition of such a punishment, a difficulty arises - how to prove the malicious intentions of the driver? That is why inspectors extremely rarely resort to such measures.

Although a case comes to mind when a motorist had to go to the Supreme Court in search of the truth. The inspector gave him the maximum penalty for having the license plate attached backwards. The magistrate agreed with the claims. He was supported in the district and city courts, but the Supreme Court did not find grounds for such a severe punishment. The sign was in place, there were no materials on it that would make it difficult to read, and the unusual installation method did not modify appearance signs, just making it slightly more difficult to read.

Step-by-step instruction

If you are stopped for having dirty license plates, but you don’t consider yourself guilty, and therefore don’t want to pay the fine, much less be left without a license, what should you do?

    If an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate stops you and draws attention to dirty car signs, as mentioned above, you need to go out and wipe them.

    If the inspector insists on drawing up a protocol, correctly demand the provision of evidence from video recordings. Are there no records or the man in uniform refuses to show them? Proceed as described above - quickly clear the sign. They have no right to detain you any longer (unless, of course, they find something else to complain about).

    If the principal inspector continues to write a protocol, then: 1) remind him of Article 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which only a verbal warning is required for a minor violation; 2) take a photograph of the wiped license plates, capturing the inspector and part of the area in the frame to recognize it (the photographs must be attached to the protocol, accompanied by an explanatory note about the unlawfulness of the actions of the traffic police officer, the clean license plates and with a request to close the case).

    If video evidence is provided, then do not interfere with the preparation of the protocol. It will no longer be possible to avoid punishment, but its legality can be questioned in court.

    Be sure to read the text of the protocol, because for deliberate pollution you will have to pay many times more or lose your rights.

    If, while drawing up a protocol, you find violations in the actions of a State Traffic Inspectorate employee, do not hesitate to include them in the protocol (they will be very helpful in court).

Before going to court, be sure to prepare evidence of your own innocence. For example, request a weather report from the weather center on the day of the conflict and expect a long wait. But with its help you will prove that the snow-covered room is not your fault.

And several useful tips for beginners:

    always keep a rag in the car, as well as some liquid (water, anti-freeze, glass cleaner) to moisten the material, because trying to remove sand and reagents with a dry rag, you can scratch the license plate or erase part of the paint from excessive efforts;

    if the roads are very dirty, try to stop regularly, each time remembering to check the legibility of the license plate.

Knowing that driving with unreadable license plates 2017 is not a serious violation, it is still worth remembering possible complications. You can leave snow on the roof or body, but you must clear it from the windows and license plates. If the sign is covered while driving, do not enter into confrontation with the inspector who stopped you. It is better to spend a few minutes cleaning the license plate than a couple of hours drawing up a report or months challenging it in court.

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