Where can you fly for the New Year? Beach holidays for the new year Where to go for the new year where it's hot.

There is nothing left before the New Year. It's time to ask yourself where to go for the New Year holidays in 2020, so that the impressions remain the most positive.

Therefore, we have prepared several options at once - in Russia and in Europe, at sea and in the Moscow region. For every taste and budget. Here are 15 cheap places to go for the New Year holidays in 2020. Prices are inclusive of traveling as a couple.

Where to go for the new year 2020 in Russia

1. Karelia

Price: from 30 thousand rubles.

Why not go to a place where there is even more snow and frost in a snowy and frosty winter? And in Karelia there is plenty of both. And it’s better not to sit in a log house, watching TV and listening to the snow falling from spruce paws, but to do something more interesting.

For example, go on snowmobiles to the museum-reserve of Russian wooden architecture, to the sled dog farm or to the winter zoo. Entertainment of this kind usually lasts 3-4 days, so even the busiest people can easily fit them into their busy schedule. And there will be a lot of impressions - the main thing is that the weather does not let us down.

Price: from 40 thousand rubles.

Russia and New Year in the pool? No, this is not a joke, we are completely serious. We are talking about hotels in the Krasnodar Territory, which are located next to hot, and even mineral springs. Impressions will be unforgettable - hot, steaming water and snow-covered shores.

It is worth adding that hotels are different, from fairly budget options that are affordable for the average Russian, to shining gold and marble palaces of a healthy lifestyle. It is worth adding that the pool can be combined with excursions, outdoor activities in the form of climbing or skiing.

3. Heart of the North

Price: from 55 thousand rubles.

Tired of the ancestral bast romance, hot countries got bored, do you want something truly wild and exotic? Russia is wide, and there are plenty of such places in it.

For example, you can go to the Far North, where you can meet the beginning of the new year in a real plague in the company of authentic reindeer herders. The cultural program is large and bright - you will not only get the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of people living in completely different conditions, understand how they lived and what they believed in, but also master the complex art of lassoing deer and reindeer sledding. We do not promise that these skills will be useful to you in the future, but learning new things is always interesting, right?

New Year 2020 in Europe

If you have planned a trip to Europe as a holiday for the New Year holidays in January 2020, it is worth considering an important fact. The main holiday during which all European events take place is Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25th. But on the actual New Year, there are fewer people in Europe, more air, but there will also be fewer opportunities to have fun and spend time on a grand scale.

The trip looks most convenient from the beginning of the twentieth of December and for about two weeks; so it will be possible to celebrate both Christmas “their way” and the New Year our way.

1. Czech Republic - cheap, but not angry

Price: from 30 thousand rubles.

Where to go for the New Year in 2020 inexpensively? To the Czech Republic, the country of beer, bagels and low (compared to other European cities) prices. That is why it is so popular with tourists.

Prague itself is a city of magical beauty, but in combination with snow, it makes an impression downright enchanting. Various events are held in Prague for the holidays - you can easily find places where you can have fun, have a tasty drink and eat.

2. Italy

Price: from 45,000 rubles.

Tired of snow and frost, but at the same time, you don't want drastic climate changes? An excellent choice is Italy. It compares favorably with other European countries in that although Christmas is a family holiday there, Italians love and know how to celebrate the New Year.

And since Italy is a country of rich culture, at the time of the change of year, not banal folk festivals are held there, but entire orchestras perform. It is worth adding that in addition to culture, Italy is also distinguished by excellent cuisine. There you can try one of the . Only about the table you need to negotiate now.

3. Finland

Price: from 60 thousand rubles.

The Finns do not generally love mass entertainment, and Christmas and New Year are considered family holidays in the country. Large mass festivities with fireworks from reserved northerners should not be expected.

Therefore, it is best to rent a separate apartment in Finland and go there with family, friends and loved ones. There are many options for this very separate housing - from secluded houses in the thick of the forest, where deer stumble, to relatively (by Finnish standards) populated ski hotels or spa centers. Which is more to your liking.

By the way, if you want to go to Helsinki for a holiday, keep in mind that museum workers and attendants also rest there on holidays. So local cultural venues will most likely be closed and restaurants will slam their doors shortly before midnight.

Holidays in the New Year holidays 2020 at sea

We immediately warn those who are aiming for a beach holiday and warming up all parts of the body in a resort under the southern sun - “cheap” and “New Year” are not very compatible concepts. And it's not even the price of the tours themselves (you can find them at quite budget prices), but the price of tickets. It is they who chop off most of the money set aside for the trip.

1. Cyprus

Price: from 20 thousand rubles.

Although only especially persistent Russians can swim in the winter Cypriot sea (17 degrees), it’s still worth going there. Cypriots are amazingly friendly and hospitable people who love and know how to celebrate in such a way that even experienced tourists will warm their souls in the waves of goodwill emanating from them. We add that the island loves Russian-speaking tourists and knows how to communicate with them.

Entertainment is traditional - carnivals, carols, round dances, many people with fireworks, songs, dances and laughter. We add that “their” winter is not at all “our” severe and snowy winter. In December-January, orange and tangerine trees calmly bear fruit, and the daytime temperature is about 20 °.

2. Vietnam - without a visa

Price: from 100 thousand rubles.

One of the most favorite destinations during the winter. In Vietnam, the beach season is in full swing, and the number of sunny days will plunge the Russian into euphoria. Sun and sea are accompanied by inexpensive food and lots of delicious fruits. It is important that small trips (up to 15 days) to Vietnam do not require bureaucratic red tape.

It is worth noting that Vietnam is inexpensive, since a developed tourist infrastructure has not yet been developed there (although it is developing at an intensive pace). But weather conditions and terrain (long, gently sloping sandy beaches and rugged and vibrant tropical greenery) make you forget about the shortcomings. By the way, diving will not work - just in the winter months, the sea is rough.

3. Caribbean

Price: from 190 thousand rubles.

And here is an option for those who prefer higher hotels, brighter sun, and beaches only with sparkling cleanliness. They will open their hospitable arms of the countries of the Caribbean, primarily the Dominican Republic.

The weather there is luxurious - low humidity, sun, no precipitation, sea 27-28 ° - excellent conditions for scuba diving and other entertainment at sea. And the Latin temperament gives the New Year an unforgettable, exotic and bright color.

Where to go on New Year's holidays 2020 with children

1. Empress Kostroma

Price: from 13,900 rubles.

Everyone knows where Santa Claus lives - in Veliky Ustyug. And the habitat of his granddaughter, or daughter, Snegurochka, is Kostroma. She owns two houses there.

The first is an official residence, like a governor's. There, the snow maiden carefully stores all the gifts she has received over a rather long life. Tours are organized for those who wish to admire them.

And the second is designed to entertain guests - New Year's performances are held there, as well as other folklore elements live (and work).

2. low beam

Price: from 15 thousand rubles.

There are many places where to go for the New Year with children in Russia. One of the most popular options is recreation centers in the Moscow region. They are especially loved by parents with very young children. Such a holiday has many advantages:

  • go far (which is important if the child has not yet reached the sane age);
  • all the benefits of civilization at hand;
  • at the same time, you can finally relax and unwind by entrusting the child to experienced animators for a while.
  • As a rule, in family holiday homes there are both pleasures for the body (baths, spas, massages, etc.) and pleasures for the soul (fishing, outdoor and board games).

3. Land of magic

Price: from 70 thousand rubles.

It is in Scotland that Hogwarts Castle is located, the events of Brave took place, and the bulk of Doune Castle rises, where the Game of Thrones was filmed. And Edinburgh is the heart of Scotland, where every square meter of the surface is full of history and romance.

If you want to go abroad with your children so that they remember this trip for a long time, take them to Edinburgh. True, there are not so many tours there, so you have to think about the trip yourself.

Journey for the New Year 2020 by car

1. From St. Petersburg to Moscow - and back

Price (gasoline only): about 2500 rubles.

Residents of Moscow are recommended to go to St. Petersburg, and residents of Moscow - to the northern capital. Why exactly from Moscow and by car? Because on the way you can admire the beauties of snow-covered nature, and also, depending on the route, visit other interesting places. The M10 highway passes such pearls of Russia as Tver and Torzhok, not far from Valdai and Veliky Novgorod.

Price (gasoline only): about 3000 rubles.

Kazan is confidently becoming one of the most popular cities among travelers by car. It successfully combines a high level of comfort, an abundance of attractions, attractions for tourists in the form of local festivals and holidays, plus Tatar exoticism.

For the New Year in the capital of Tatarstan, holidays, competitions, competitions are arranged, and an ice town is being built, where children like it so much.

3. By car to Europe

Price (gasoline only): about 7,000 rubles.

In order to plan your New Year's trip to Europe well and competently, you need to know a few things.

  • First of all, think over the route - sit for a couple of hours with a map, decide what you want to see and how far to go. Some are limited to a ring of several cities (for example, Prague - Vienna - Prague and from there by plane home), others are thinking about larger trips through several countries.
  • Secondly, it is worth considering in advance the points where you plan to spend the night, and book hotels or campsites in advance.
  • Thirdly, there are autobahns - toll highways; you will have to move mostly on them.
  • Fourth, you need to prepare all the necessary documents. A lot of trouble, yes, but you are not bound by anything and can move freely as you please, not obeying the instructions of the guide.

As a rule, children look forward to the winter holidays no less than the summer ones. After all, winter is a truly fabulous time, especially for New Year's travels. Every day there are more and more opportunities for an exciting and unforgettable family winter holiday. The choice of a place for such a trip depends on financial capabilities, interests and the exact time of the proposed departure. Many travel agencies offer a wide variety of offers for a good holiday for every taste and pocket. So, according to your desire, you can pick up a tour to warm and sunny countries or to ski resorts, where there are beautiful landscape slopes.

Where can you relax on New Year and Christmas holidays?

Relax on the beach

If you want to change the gray winter environment, then a beach holiday in warm countries will be the best option for you. There you and your children will be able to soak up the warm rays of the sun on the colorful coast. If you decide to go to a place where it is always sunny and warm, then such a popular country as Egypt will be an excellent place. It has a large influx of tourists, but there will certainly be a place for your family. The temperature of the Red Sea in winter in Egypt averages 22 degrees. The most popular resort in this country is Sharm El Sheikh. Here, almost all hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis. In addition, you can have fun in water parks, dolphinariums, discos and excursions.

Admire the oriental flavor? Then your family needs to visit Thailand, which impresses with its hospitality and reverent attitude towards children. In this country, divine views and truly heavenly corners. Thailand is a country where the tourist season lasts all year round, and you can choose a resort that your heart desires. If quality service and beautiful nature are important to you, then one of the most colorful countries for a winter holiday will be the island of Cuba.

Latin American beaches are ready to receive guests all year round. Here you will definitely find a resort for every taste. In winter, the temperature of the Caribbean Sea reaches 26 degrees. In addition, while relaxing in Cuba in the winter, your family members will have a unique opportunity to visit numerous carnivals, dances, and also try local drinks and food. In general, there are a lot of countries for relaxing on the beach in winter, but those listed above are the most proven and really interesting.

Ski holidays

Winter holidays have a lot of advantages. There are ski resorts in almost all popular tourist countries, where you can breathe clean cool air, and, of course, go skiing or take walks on flat skis. A lot of countries offer a skiing type of holiday, but Bulgaria will open up wide opportunities for you to have a wonderful winter holiday. In addition, they cannot but rejoice at the moderate prices for ski resorts in Bulgaria. Moreover, the affordable cost of the tour in no way affects the quality of service and maintenance. The most popular resorts in Bulgaria are: Vitosha, Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets.

Ski holidays in Turkey are also considered one of the best. Reasonable prices and excellent quality of service are appropriately combined in this country. A wonderful place in the winter resort of Turkey is Kartalkaya. Going there, you can enjoy perfectly clean snow and twenty equipped ski slopes. In addition, you should pay attention to such resorts as Uludag, Sarykamysh and Palandoken. If you want to have endless opportunities for recreation, entertainment and sports, then you should stop on a tour to Austria. This small country has a huge variety of ski resorts with pistes of all levels of difficulty and glaciers, which allows them to work all year round.

Holidays in Europe

Would you like to get acquainted personally with magnificent views, castles and other sights of Europe? No problems. In any travel agency, you will pick up an excursion or even a wellness tour to your taste and pocket. Excursion tours are a great opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and gorgeous views of European countries in one trip. Tours to Europe can be of very different duration and intensity. So you can go on Christmas holidays to Spain, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Greece and many other European countries. It all depends on your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Holidays in Russia

If you don’t want to leave Russia, but in the present state you are waiting for a frosty winter to go on a trip, then you can plan your winter holidays without leaving the country. So, you can go to snowy Siberia, where you will find a rich excursion program and a lot of active entertainment. Your best winter vacation can be in Karelia, on Baikal or in amazing places in Kamchatka.

How much does a winter holiday abroad cost?

If we talk about warm countries, then a vacation there in the winter will cost you an average of $400 to $600. The cost of a holiday in ski resorts depends on its duration and starts from $600. As for sightseeing tours in Europe, everything here depends on the chosen route and on the countries themselves. All details and price ranges can be found in any travel company. The most budgetary winter holidays are trips to Russia. Where you go is a personal choice.

When you decide on the desired tour or sightseeing trip around Europe, you should immediately order tickets (vouchers), book tours and pay for them. The advantages of booking a tour early are, firstly, the guarantee that you will get to the best and most popular hotel and, secondly, you will save a significant amount, since on average you can get about 30% discount on the entire cost of the tour.

Give your child the opportunity for new experiences and an unforgettable vacation abroad or in Russia. The fabulous places of the globe will obviously not leave you or your children indifferent.

It's no secret that the New Year for Russians is considered the most important holiday of the year. They are waiting for it, they prepare for it mentally and physically much in advance, and preparation is carried out everywhere: from kindergartens to the State Duma. Many people identify the New Year with the beginning of a new life, new promises and change for the better. Everyone decides for himself how he will meet this grandiose holiday. Long holidays are coming at work and at school, which means it's time to change the situation and visit long-planned destinations, recharge with new emotions and spiritual strength for further achievements, and just relax.

Not just to relax, but to celebrate the holiday itself in a new country - an incredible adventure and an unforgettable experience that will allow you to plunge into the culture of the area, learn special traditions and become part of the holiday. Many vacationers, on the contrary, bring the Russian culture of celebration to the masses, acquaint foreigners with Slavic identity. Such a mixture of customs as part of the celebration of the New Year will remain in memory for a lifetime.

It is rather difficult to decide on the direction in the New Year, as there are actually a lot of tours. You can go to conquer peaks in ski resorts, wander warmly and comfortably through the ancient streets of Europe and rejoice like a child at fairs, or you can meet a holiday on the beach, which in itself is exotic for a Russian person.

New Year's tours at sea

Almost the entire territory of Russia is covered with snow on New Year's Eve. It is difficult to imagine a holiday without frost, snowstorms and white flakes outside the window. What an unforgettable experience will be the celebration of the New Year under the scorching sun in hot sand and gentle sea. It's funny to watch how hotels and palm trees are decorated in a New Year's way instead of traditional firs. Although, the hotels of the most popular destinations, they still put up spruces so as not to violate the traditions of visitors.



Exactly like in Thailand, the New Year in Vietnam on January 1 is an indicative holiday for tourists. The Vietnamese New Year (Tet) takes place here according to the lunar calendar and has floating dates. During the traditional New Year holidays, Vietnam delights vacationers with chic sandy beaches decorated with shopping centers, Santa Clauses and other holiday paraphernalia. If you are lucky enough to celebrate the New Year in Vietnam, then by all means go to the embankment (it doesn’t matter if it’s Nha Trang, Phu Thiet or Mui Ne), as this is where concerts, folk festivals, dances and countdown to the start of the new calendar year are organized.

Where to go to the beach: Nha Trang, Fukok, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet.

Weather: air warms up to +27 °C, and water up to +24 °C. At this time of the year, precipitation is unlikely, but quite possible. They are unlikely to spoil the rest by the sea due to their short duration and rarity.

Other useful information about Vietnam:

Prices for New Year tours to Vietnam: from 100,000 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Vietnam here:


The end of December and the beginning of January is the best for a beach holiday in Bali, as the amount of rainfall is gradually decreasing, but they are still possible. The Balinese celebrate the New Year in the spring, and on December 31 they hold celebrations exclusively for tourists. On a holiday, you should rush to the beach, where they arrange a big fireworks display.

Where to go to the beach: Nusa Dua, Kuta, Denpasar, etc.

Weather: water and air warm up to approximately +29° C, water temperature - +28° C.

Other useful information about Bali:

Prices for New Year's tours in Bali: from 120,000 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour to Bali here:

Sri Lanka


The celebration of the new year in Cuba has a special scope, since January 1 is also the Day of Liberation of the country. Going out into the street, the holiday simply can not be avoided. Everywhere there are parades, processions, carnivals. Everyone dresses up in the brightest dresses, drinks rum and is proud of the country from the bottom of their hearts.

Where to go to the beach: Havana, Trinidad, Santiago de Cuba, Varadero.

Weather: air and water temperatures average +25 °C - +28 °C. The rainy season is over.

Other useful information about Cuba:

Prices for New Year's tours to Cuba: from 150,000 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour to Cuba here:

Less popular due to the high cost, but no less interesting are New Year's tours to countries such as:

Christmas and New Year in Europe

Christmas Europe has a special, childlike magic charm. Colorful fairs on medieval squares attract millions of visitors on Christmas. You should go to Europe before December 25 in order to have time to catch the most important holiday of the year, for which Europeans are preparing with all responsibility. At Christmas, church services are held in Gothic cathedrals and ancient basilicas, the streets are filled with the smell of pine needles and cinnamon, and the festive fuss does not stop everywhere: everyone is in a rush buying gifts for relatives and friends. The New Year in Europe is not celebrated on such a grand scale as Christmas, but in any case, the winter holidays and the special atmosphere will remain in memory forever.


Other useful information about Finland:

Prices for New Year's tours to Finland: from 55500 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Finland here:

Czech Republic, Prague)

Prague takes on an absolutely magical look during the Christmas holidays. It seems that every square meter of the city is decorated with bright lights, garlands, glass beads. A lush, elegant spruce is set up on each square and set up around the fair, where you can walk endlessly. You should definitely arrange a gastronomic tour and try local New Year's dishes: wine sausage, "bath" and "nut nests". Hot mulled wine, punch or mead is sold at every step in the cold season, so there is no chance of freezing and catching a cold.

Where to go for the New Year: Prague.

Weather: the daytime temperature is about +2 °C.

Other useful information about the Czech Republic:

Prices for New Year's tours to the Czech Republic: from 50,500 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour to the Czech Republic here:

France Paris)

Another popular New Year's destination is Paris. From the beginning of December, the city plunges into a pleasant pre-holiday turmoil. The Eiffel Tower and other sights acquire a new and bright image thanks to the illumination. Throughout the month, the city hosts colorful themed fairs, festivals and concerts. As a rule, the Parisians go out to celebrate the New Year on the Champs Elysees. It is here that the countdown takes place, and the crowd of thousands and multinationals has fun and rejoices. Be sure to check out the Christmas sale: the prices can pleasantly surprise you.

Where to go for Christmas: Paris.

Weather: the air in the capital warms up from 0 °C to +8 °C.

Other useful information about France:

Prices for Christmas tours to France: from 74200 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to France here:


Just like other major European countries, Italy is immersed in bright lights and fairs throughout December. Basically, people go to Italy for the Christmas holidays for the sake of shopping. In large cities, you can buy absolutely any thing at almost cost. Experienced travelers are advised to go to Italy's sales with empty but large suitcases. Among the Italians themselves, the Christmas tradition of throwing old things out the window has sunk into oblivion, but another has appeared - to acquire everything new.

The New Year itself is celebrated in large cities on a large scale. Everyone goes out to the central richly decorated squares, music plays everywhere, New Year's spirits flow like water, the countdown passes and the fun does not stop until the morning.

Where to go: Milan, Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, Pisa.

Weather: At Christmas, the weather in Italy makes travelers a good gift - the air temperature averages +8 ° C, and in some places it warms up to +15 ° C.

Other useful information about Italy:

Prices for Christmas tours to Italy: from 57800 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Italy here:

Estonia (Tallinn)

Christmas holiday trips to Tallinn are becoming more and more popular. Romance and a European fair atmosphere are present here, as in other countries, and the prices for tours are much lower than, for example, to Germany. Quiet and calm Tallinn in the new year is filled with noisy tourists from different countries who want to fully experience the magical atmosphere of the holidays. Everything here is the same as in other major European cities: a fir tree is set up on the central square, tents are pitched with national treats and holiday souvenirs, and restaurants and hotels offer New Year's dinners and entertainment programs in the atmosphere of the 14th century.

Where to go: Tallinn.

Weather: At Christmas, the average air temperature is -2 °C.

Other useful information about Estonia:

Prices for Christmas tours to Estonia: from 81,000 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Estonia here:


A popular destination for the New Year is Greece, since it is there that the celebration is taken with all seriousness. Every Greek firmly believes that the coming year will bring positive changes. Since mid-December, everyone has been busy preparing for the holidays: both physical and moral. Greeks flock to churches, decorate houses and streets, and on the eve prepare traditional dishes of pork, chicken and turkey, which can be tasted in any restaurant. On New Year's Eve, travelers and locals take to the streets of cities, dance sirtaki, drink a lot of wine and rejoice in the beginning of a new life.

Where to go: any major city.

Weather: the air warms up to +14 °C.

Other useful information about Greece:

Prices for New Year's tours to Greece: from 44,000 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour to Greece here:

New Year "Oriental"

The East, as you know, is a delicate matter, and in every eastern country the New Year is celebrated on different dates and with different traditions. Even the chronology is fundamentally different from the European one. It can be said that for the countries of Asia, the arrival of the New Year is a purely traditional holiday, but in tribute to tourists, each country arranges a secular New Year, which is celebrated on January 1.


The most popular country at this time of the year is Israel - the beginning of the beginning. New Year in Israel is celebrated several times: in accordance with religious and secular traditions. On January 1, the secular New Year comes to the country, the traditions of which were adopted from Russia. On holidays, you should definitely go to where it all began - to the religious shrines of Christianity and make a wish at the Wailing Wall, walk along the Way of the Cross, visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and meet the dawn on the sacred Mount Zion. From Catholic to Orthodox Christmas, the country hosts many social and entertainment events.

Where to go for the New Year: Jerusalem, Bethlehem.

Weather: the air temperature warms up to +17 °C. Swimming is no longer comfortable, but long walks in the fresh air are unlikely to overshadow anything.

Other useful information about Israel:

  • Visa - not needed

Prices for New Year's tours to Israel: from 72,500 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour to Israel here:

United Arab Emirates

To celebrate the New Year on a grand scale and have a great vacation on the beach, you must definitely go to Dubai. Secular celebrations on January 1 are not accepted on the streets here, and concerts, shows, discos and parties will certainly await you in the establishments. The exception is street fireworks, which are recognized as the best in the world for their beauty and scope.

Where to go for the New Year: Dubai.

Weather: The average air temperature in the country does not exceed +21 °C. For evening walks, a light sweater is useful.

Other useful information about the UAE:

Prices for New Year's tours in the UAE: from 51,200 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour in the UAE here:


Currently, tours to the resorts of Egypt are available only with a flight through Cairo, which negatively affects their cost. The resumption of charter flights to resort towns is expected.

Even after the ban on flights to the resort cities of Egypt, interest in him does not decrease. To spend the winter holidays not in the snow, but in the sand - each of us wanted at least once in our lives. Swimming in the resorts of Egypt is no longer as comfortable as in autumn, but heated hotel pools will come to the rescue. On New Year's Eve, hospitable hotel owners arrange chic feasts for tourists with an entertainment program, competitions and fireworks. Shopping centers are everywhere decorated with fir trees, balls and garlands. The spirit of the holiday will not leave travelers even on sandy beaches: many tourists and locals gather in beach bars for concerts and a fun celebration of the new calendar year.

Where to go: Cairo, Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada.

Weather: up to +20 °C.

Other useful information about Egypt:

  • Visa (upon arrival)

Prices for tours to Egypt for the New Year: from 81,500 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour to Egypt here:



A great opportunity to change the cold to the heat is a trip to Tunisia. Swimming in the resorts of Tunisia at this time is no longer so comfortable, but nothing will interfere with leisurely walks and celebrating the New Year in the open air. After all, Tunisia is the capital of thalassotherapy and every hotel has spas with heated pools. The main New Year's events are held in Sousse, Hammamet and Tunisia. Mass celebrations with fireworks, festivals, musical concerts begin in the central squares. From the streets, the celebration gradually flows into bars and restaurants. In Tunisia, there is one very pleasant New Year's tradition, which tourists also follow with pleasure - to eat as many sweets as possible at night in order to spend the coming year in abundance.

Where to go for the New Year: Hammamet, Monastir, Sousse, Mohdia, Djerba.

Weather: up to +16 °C.

Other useful information about Tunisia:

Prices for tours to Tunisia for the New Year holidays: from 105,500 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour to Tunisia here:


Exotic New Year will make a trip to Japan. From year to year, more and more tourists flock to the land of the rising sun. Christmas is not celebrated here, but the arrival of the calendar year is counted from January 1. Preparation for the holiday begins in mid-autumn: the streets and houses are decorated with garlands, souvenir markets begin to work and the main sales open. It is funny to note that the preparations for the holiday are very similar to the Russian ones: families stock up on gifts and figurines in the form of a symbol of the coming year, carry out a general cleaning, set a rich table on December 31, dress up in their best clothes and celebrate the arrival of the New Year. This holiday cannot be called noisy, as the Japanese are used to celebrating it quietly, calmly and with their families.

As a rule, tourists and young people gather in the central squares, and then smoothly distributed among the bars. Everything passes peacefully, quietly and without heavy alcoholic libations. On January 2, tourists have a unique opportunity to visit the Imperial Palace, where they are allowed only twice a year.

Where to go for the New Year: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Yokohama, Sapporo.

Weather: in Sapporo - up to -3 °C, in Tokyo - up to +7 °C.

Other useful information about Japan:

Prices for tours to Japan for the New Year: from 140,000 rubles *

You can choose and book a tour to Japan here:

American New Year

An absolutely enchanting scale celebration of Christmas and New Year takes place in the USA. As we know from the movies, no one believes in miracles, Santa and new life as much as the Americans. And indeed, what a holiday is worth in New York, where hundreds of thousands of people gather in Times Square to watch the old tradition of the fall of a glass ball. A huge LED ball slowly descends down the axis, and then reaches the lowest point, the lights fade and the scoreboard lights up with the year, which marks its beginning. You need to come to Times Square early in the morning to choose a good place, as the New Year is celebrated with the residents and guests of New York by world stars of the first magnitude.

Everyone thought about how to celebrate the New Year abroad. But where to go and where is it better to celebrate the New Year 2020? You can spend an unforgettable vacation and fly to where it is warm, there are beaches and palm trees. Alternatively, you can choose a ski resort, celebrate the year in a chalet by the fireplace, and go skiing the next day.

Where to spend the New Year inexpensively?

You can go abroad for the New Year on a budget if you properly allocate finances and start planning your trip in advance. Consider relatively economical options.

Fabulous Czech Republic

The Czech Republic and its capital Prague attract thousands of tourists every year. This is an amazing place where a holiday awaits in every tavern, on the street and in the hotel. Christmas markets are not only an occasion to purchase excellent goods at affordable prices, but also an opportunity to join the local culture.

☞ The price of New Year's tours to Prague starts from 40 thousand rubles for two adults for 7-8 days (if booked in advance).


The country, accessible to visitors all year round, is the birthplace of Santa Claus. You can go here with children, giving them an amazing journey into a fairy tale. You can stop in Rovanie, where Santa's house, recreated from fairy tales, is located. Nearby is an amusement park, from which children will be delighted.

☞ The cost of a trip to Finland for two for 5-6 days is from 32 thousand rubles.

Sunny Thailand

Thailand attracts attention with clean beaches, warm sea, amazing traditions. Every year tourists from all over the world come here to enjoy the warmth in the middle of winter, stock up on positive and get new impressions. A trip to Thailand for the New Year holidays will cost more than the rest of the time, but in general it will remain affordable.

☞ Cost for two for 7-10 days - from 70 thousand rubles.

the Baltics

Feel free to go on vacation to amazing Riga, fabulous Vilnius, unusual Tallinn. Holidays here are widely celebrated, fun and interesting, but the prices for food and entertainment are much lower than in other European countries.

☞ On average, for 4-5 days for two, you can give from 32 thousand rubles.


The prices are acceptable. Berlin, Munich, Cologne are considered to be the most popular ones for Christmas holidays, but you can also go to tiny towns where there is no less festive atmosphere. Before the celebrations, fairs and Christmas markets are held in Germany, where you can shop profitably and at the same time get acquainted with German traditions.

☞ For two, a trip to Germany for 3-4 days will cost 40 thousand rubles and more.

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Mysterious Vietnam

To celebrate the New Year, such popular resorts as Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Phu Quoc are suitable, which are presented in European style and guests can expect decorated Christmas trees, Santa Clauses and a fun celebration.

☞ Rest in this place for two varies from 45 thousand rubles for 5-8 days.


One of the most affordable options with excellent service. The main feature is skiing in Pamporovo and Bansko. Celebrations are brightly held in Sofia with folk festivals.

☞ The cost of the tour is from 55 thousand rubles for 5-7 days for two people.


Here tourists will meet numerous concerts, fairs, entertainment programs. Thematic meetings of the New Year are in demand, for example, stylized as the Middle Ages.

☞ The cost of a weekly vacation for two is from 40 thousand rubles.

When planning a trip to Europe for the New Year holidays, remember that Christmas is celebrated here on a large scale, and the New Year is celebrated more modestly. Therefore, travel in such a way as to get to the fabulous Christmas celebrations.

New Year 2020 at sea

New Year 2020 can be met on the seashore under warm sunshine. Where to go? Let's consider several options.


The best places for winter holidays are Nuweiba, Dahaba, Sharm el-Sheikh. The Red Sea will please with air temperature up to 24 degrees, the water usually warms up to 23 degrees. The places are of picturesque beauty. Starting from mid-December, the streets of popular resorts are decorated for the New Year holidays, the figures of Papa Noel, the Egyptian Santa Claus, are installed.

☞ Independent trip for two for a week - from 50 thousand rubles.


Guests are greeted by the city of Eilat, located on the coast of the Red Sea. The water warms up to 21-23 degrees, and the air temperature reaches 22-23 degrees. You can also go to the desert if you want to meet the celebration outside the box.

☞ The cost of a trip to Israel is from 22 thousand per adult for 3-5 days.


Choose the resorts of Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah. The temperature during the day will be up to 26 degrees. Local residents arrange a secular holiday on December 31 with numerous fireworks, which twice got into the Guinness Book of Records.

☞ The price of a week-long holiday tour is from $1,500 for two. Subject to early booking, this cost will include accommodation, flights, transfers, meals, insurance.

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Amazingly beautiful place where you can relax inexpensively. One of the most popular resorts is Aqaba. Other benefits include friendly locals, low crime rates, picturesque sights, great weather and fun festivities. The air temperature during the day is up to 22 degrees, and the water temperature in the Red Sea is up to 23 degrees.

☞ The cost of a weekly tour varies from 1.7 thousand dollars for two adults, subject to early booking.


India's premier resort with great weather. The temperature during the day is up to 32 degrees, and the water temperature is up to 28 degrees. New Year's Eve is celebrated on a grand scale. For a good rest, the Northern region is better suited, and the southern part is in demand among wealthy tourists.

☞ Tour for two for a week - from a thousand dollars. The most expensive item of expenditure is the flight.

Sri Lanka

The place is ideal for winter holidays - minimal daily temperature difference, low probability of heavy rains, air temperature 29-32 degrees, and water temperature - 26-28 degrees. Locals celebrate the New Year together with tourists, celebrating on a large scale on the coast with fireworks and entertainment programs.

☞ The cost of a weekly vacation for two is from $ 1,500 if you choose a modest home, and from $ 2,000 if you want to stay in a three-star hotel.

Where to go for Christmas holidays abroad

Going abroad for the Christmas holidays is an excellent opportunity to have a good rest, admire the picturesque corners of the planet, and get acquainted with new sights. There are many fabulous places, some of which I have voiced earlier.

Andorra, Grandvalira

The place is suitable for lovers of outdoor activities, because this is the valley of ski resorts. In the mountain villages, tourists are offered comfortable hotels where you can rent equipment for snowboarding and skiing. From the trip, they usually bring jewelry, stuffed olives, wine, cheeses, olive oil, tobacco, cigars, watches or electronics.

☞ Cost for two - from 40 thousand rubles for a week.

Cuba, Varadero

The place is often called paradise. The tiny town will please everyone, and its highlight is the 20-kilometer beach, which is recognized by UNESCO as one of the cleanest in the world. Noisy parties are regularly held on the coast. From the trip, it is advised to bring coral jewelry, spices, herbal tincture, coffee, rum, cigars, machetes.

☞ Cost for two - from 50 thousand rubles for a week.

Vietnam, Phan Thiet

Here, the Christmas holidays will pass without the paraphernalia familiar to us - only exotic, hot, clean coastline, delights in local restaurants, crocodile farms. You can please relatives and friends with all sorts of souvenirs: crocodile skin products, pearls, green tea, coffee, wooden and stone figurines, fish sauce, silk.

☞ The cost of a vacation for two is from 100 thousand rubles for 8-14 days.

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To have a great New Year 2020 abroad, listen to the advice.

  1. Be aware that prices are constantly rising. If you are planning a holiday on New Year's Eve, book hotel rooms, plane tickets or tours in advance.
  2. The most affordable options are sorted out until October. It is important to book not only a hotel room or rent an apartment, but also to choose a meeting place. If it's a cafe or restaurant, book a table. It happens that there are simply no places. This is especially true for popular resorts.
  3. The closer the holiday, the higher the price of the tour. If you want to celebrate well and not spend too much money, everything should be ready a few months before the trip. Rest is sure to be bright and colorful.

Do not forget to look at the New Year's fairs, which will please you with favorable prices for various goods.

We will tell you where to go for the New Year itself in December. We found 4 beach destinations and 4 classic European places with a New Year's atmosphere.

On New Year's Eve, someone wants change and new sensations, while someone expects to use several weekends in a row and have a good rest.

While the whole country is cutting Olivier and preparing herring under a fur coat, you can fly to the other side of the world, where it is warm, gentle sea and gentle surf. However, on a New Year's beach holiday, the options do not end there. In search of the famous Christmas atmosphere, you can look into Europe, where Gothic temples soar up, and beautiful garlands are lit on the windowsills of old houses.

In this text, we have collected 8 popular destinations for you. In addition, we calculated the approximate cost of a vacation in these resorts. We took into account economical flights from Moscow for two tourists and accommodation in a 4 * hotel for a period of 7–8 days. You just have to decide where exactly you will spend this winter holidays.

Sri Lanka

The island is attractive for its picturesque beaches. Suitable for a relaxing holiday. The Negombo resort is located close to the airport, housing and food are inexpensive, so it is crowded.

Bentoto is considered the main resort. Tourists come here mainly on tour packages. Young people hang out in Hikkaduwa. There are many cafes and restaurants in the town with a beach 10 km away.

Are you planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help save money at the stage of preparation for the trip.


  • You can apply for a visa online. The cost is 35 dollars or 2,103 rubles. Children under 12 years of age will be issued free of charge. The visa allows you to stay on the island for 30 days;
  • You can do it through the Consulate. Issued within 3 working days. But the length of stay is higher - 90 days. Cost - 4,800 rubles;
  • And you can do it upon arrival in Sri Lanka. At the Colombo airport, they put a stamp at the Visa on Arrival counter. Cost - $ 40 or 2,401 rubles.



  • A country of contrasts - on the territory of the island there are mountains, jungles, kilometers of beaches;
  • The coast is clean, picturesque and not crowded;
  • Hotel workers and guides often speak Russian. The locals speak English;
  • There are various excursion programs;
  • The country has a low crime rate;
  • Comfortable resort for families.


  • Expensive and long flight;
  • There is one airport on the island and the road to remote resorts will take up to 5 hours;
  • There are interruptions in water supply;
  • The food is exotic and spicy;
  • The roads are bad;
  • The sea is sometimes restless;
  • The high cost of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
  • The nightlife is not developed.


  • Food and accommodation at quite reasonable prices;
  • The hotel rooms have air conditioning;
  • The beaches are mostly clean and equipped;
  • There are exotic entertainments: taxi rides - tuk-tuk, elephant riding, crossing the river on bamboo rafts;
  • Excursion programs will not let you get bored;
  • The locals know a little Russian;
  • Many massage parlors offer professional Thai and relaxing massages.


  • Long flight - from 10 hours;
  • Unusual for tourists high humidity;
  • Crowded beaches;
  • Medical services for tourists are expensive. Necessarily .


  • Pure
  • What to bring from


Liberty Island in winter beckons Russians with snow-white sandy beaches, clear water and socialist flavor. The most popular resorts: luxury Varadera and Havana, where they managed to combine urban skyscrapers, architectural monuments and beach infrastructure. For a relaxing vacation, it is better to go to the Holguin resort, which is famous for the Emerald Coast.


For citizens of Russia there is a visa-free entry. To visit the country, fill out a migration card. You can stay on the island for up to 30 days.


The climatic conditions in December and January are wonderful. During the day, the average temperature is +28 0 С, in the evening it drops to +18 0 С. The water in the ocean is warm +26 0 С. Rains at this time of the year are rare.


  • Clean white beaches;
  • The water near the shore is warm, the entrance is gentle - good conditions for children;
  • The hotels have an all-inclusive system;
  • In hotels, children under 12 years old are accommodated free of charge;
  • The hotels employ nannies, animators;
  • Cheap and tasty food in local restaurants.


  • Long flight - takes from 11 hours;
  • Wild beaches that are not attached to hotels are not safe. Sea urchins, moray eels and other marine animals live there;
  • Services for tourists are much more expensive than for local residents;
  • Wi-Fi will have to look.


Dominican Republic

In a hot country, the beaches are considered the best. Punta Cana resort is popular among Russians. It is the most budget one. At the same time, there are plenty of entertainment for tourists. Boca Chica is a resort for lovers of activities. Nearby there is a coral reef where diving is practiced. Often there are sport fishing tournaments. The resort of Juan Dolio is also attractive for lovers of water activities. But in the sea you need to be careful, there are many dangers in the form of marine life and sharp pieces of coral.


Russians do not need a visa. You can stay in the country for 30 days. Upon arrival, fill out the migration card, pay the tax fee.


The weather is comfortable. During the day, the temperature is +30 0, at night it drops to +21 0 C. The water is warmed up to +28 0 C. Rains are rare, mostly after 14:00 or at night.


  • clean and uncrowded beaches;
  • cheap food;
  • the sea is shallow, with a gentle slope - suitable for safe swimming for children;
  • hotels have an all-inclusive system;
  • The resort is geared towards children. The hotels have animation parks, children's pools and a menu for kids;
  • There are coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea, so there are many diving centers in the country.


  • long flight - from 12 hours;
  • the cost of airfare and accommodation is high;
  • there is a language barrier;
  • expensive medical services;
  • developed sex tourism;
  • the local population is intrusive and clingy;
  • there are many mosquitoes, termites and sand flies.


  • What currency to take in

The European direction remains popular. Citizens of Russia go to ski resorts. In Europe, they are well developed and are available for any budget.


Christmas and New Year in a European country will be magical. In Paris, holidays are held on a grand scale, carnivals are held. Suitable for those who like to wander around the city, especially couples in love.

Ski resorts are popular in winter. There are more than 200 such places in France. The most famous are Maribel, Chamonix, Val Thorens. Courchevel is a prestigious ski resort. It's an upmarket place, but well worth the price.


To get to France, apply for a Schengen visa. Issued at the Visa Application Center or at the Consulate in Moscow. The cost is 35 euros or 2,386 rubles.


December in France is warm. The temperature in the capital is +7 0 C. It often rains. It gets colder in January, but sub-zero temperatures are rare. At ski resorts, the temperature is -2 0 C.


  • on Christmas Eve, cities come to life and are transformed;
  • variety of excursion programs;
  • sales are on in all stores in France. Discounts reach 70%;
  • inexpensive Christmas markets;
  • festivals are taking place.


  • before the holidays, the cost of tours rises several times;
  • the weather is changeable, it can either snow or rain;
  • New Year's decorations begin to be removed on January 1;
  • some attractions are closed to the public;
  • prejudice against Russians.



The country is attractive at any time of the year. If you prefer walking around the city, go to Rome or Milan. On the eve of the holidays, the cities are festively decorated. And after the holidays, there are sales in stores.

If you prefer winter sports, head to the Alps. There are 25 ski resorts in Italy. Often Russians can be found in Val diFasse, Bormio, Val diFiem. There are trails of varying difficulty.


You need to apply for a Schengen visa type "C". Issued at the Visa Application Centers, the Embassy in Moscow and the Consulate in St. Petersburg. The cost is 35 euros or 2,386 rubles.


Winter is warm. There is little rainfall. In the central part of the country, the temperature during the day is +7 0 C. At night it can be minus. Snow and rain are rare here. Snowfall is frequent in the Alps. The air temperature during the day is -1 0 С.


  • cities are preparing for Christmas events, as this is the main holiday of the country;
  • ski resorts offer many winter activities;
  • in the mountains there are trails for tourists with different levels of training;
  • the hotels have activities for children. In some hotels in ski resorts, accommodation for babies under the age of 8 is free;
  • there are fairs until Christmas;
  • holidays last until January 6;
  • On the first Saturday of January, there are sales in stores. Discounts reach 80%.


  • it is difficult to get to the ski resorts on your own;
  • high cost of flights and accommodation;
  • many attractions are closed;
  • there is a language barrier.


  • How we traveled to Italy
  • What places to visit in and


The country is at any time cozy for tourists. On Christmas and New Year's Eve, Prague comes alive. Fairs and festivals are held. In winter, tourists spend time in thermal resorts. In Karlovy Vary, you will be able to improve your health and have fun. There are ski resorts in the Czech Republic, but they are not as popular as in other countries. You will meet compatriots in Harrachov, Spindleruv Mlyn, Jachymov.


You need to get a visa type "C". Issued at the Visa Application Centers, Embassy and Consulate. The cost of Schengen is 35 euros or 2,386 rubles. Valid for 3 months.


Winter in the Czech Republic is relatively warm. The average air temperature during the day is +2 0 C. At night it drops to 0 0 C. In December it rains, and in January it snows.


  • the flight to the country takes little time, and you can get to the ski resorts by bus;
  • varied excursion program;
  • there is no language barrier;
  • delicious traditional cuisine;
  • in the Czech Republic, ski resorts are classified as budget vacation options;
  • fairs are held on the eve of holidays.


  • on the eve of the holidays, prices for flights and housing are raised several times;
  • the streets of the cities are crowded;
  • small selection of 4* and 5* hotels.


  • What currency


In Austria, urban and ski holidays are developed. At Christmas, grandiose balls are held in Vienna. Salzburg is a small Austrian city with a large number of attractions. Suitable for lovers of sightseeing tours. And Innsbruck has the status of a city-museum. From here you will reach the mountains and spend time at the best ski resorts in the world.


To visit the country, apply for a Schengen visa. They do it at the Visa Application Centers, through travel agencies and at the Austrian Embassy in Moscow. The Consulate in St. Petersburg does not issue visas. Valid for 3 months. The cost is 35 euros or 2,486 rubles.


It's warm in December. In the capital, the air temperature is up to +7 0 C. It is colder in the mountains. In January, the temperature drops to -7 0 C. It snows at night. Sunny during the day.


  • there are many ski resorts in the country - about 800 places;
  • well-developed infrastructure;
  • the resorts have slopes for skiers of all skill levels;
  • Christmas balls are held during the winter holidays. They are considered the best in Europe;
  • diverse excursion programs;
  • after the winter holidays, there are sales in stores. The discount reaches 80%.


  • Price;
  • even during sales with the maximum discount, goods are more expensive than in other European countries;
  • Difficulty buying medicines Medicines can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription;
  • Few parking spaces, expensive to travel by car.


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