Greenland Ice Canyon is the kingdom of beauty and cold. Ice Canyon: Vasily_Sergeev - LiveJournal Ice Canyon Greenland

Greenland Ice Canyon is a cold, but attractive landmark of the world. The ice river carries cold and surprisingly transparent water from the ancient glaciers straight into the ocean embrace, forming fantasy canyons on its way, which the legendary Arizonian wave can envy.

Greenland is the largest island on our planet, most of which lies with the polar circle. It is officially part of Denmark and is its autonomous unit. More than 80% of the island area is covered with snow and ice. True, lately, mankind actively took the destruction of his house, and as a result, average temperature On Earth rises. Because of warming (I do not know the global or local) ice cover of Greenland began to melt. Talay water, striving for the ocean, makes incredible beds in their beauty in ice. Lots of amazing rivers It is formed in ice cover, but the most fascinating ice canyon.

Ice Canyon on the map

  • the geographical coordinates of the meaning not to write, as the channel can change. It is said that the canyon is right in the heart of Greenland, and you can only get to it on dog sledding. I confess to honestly, find the coordinates and look at the Ice Canyon from Cosmos I could not. If you have - share
  • the nearest city and part-time capital of Greenland Nuk, hence the journey to the canyon begins
  • canyon's depth sometimes reaches 40 meters (and this is a height of a 12-storey building)

Nature is the best artist. And the ice canyon is a vivid confirmation.

Travelers, tired of the tropics and palm trees with all inclusive hotels, are increasingly striving to get into the unique and original corners of our planet. Of course, they do not miss the opportunity to visit Greenland in general and see the icy canyon in particular. It is impossible not to visit one of the most beautiful and recognizable places on the planet.

But it is not necessary to think that all Greenland is only snow, ice and a lifeless desert. The nature of these places is very diverse, picturesque and is not yet very exhausted by a person. Now more tourists want to visit Greenland, and there are many entertainment for them:

  • Kayaking (Travels on traditional Greenland boats)
  • hiking
  • ice mountaineering
  • dog sledding
  • fishing in the waters of the Atlantic
  • walking under sail in the ocean

You will have a chance to see majestic icebergs, whales, beautiful fjords, the remnants of the ancient settlements of the Vikings as in Canadian Wilan, and visit local historical museums.

Ice Canyon in Photos

Capture beer from river
Ice Canyon - Ice River Among Ice Cliffs
Ice Canyon - White Silence
Merge of ice rivers.

Grand Ice Canyon Greenland

As a result of global warming, one of the many most monotonous landscapes of our planet acquired an amazing beauty of the appearance and incredible mystery. We are talking about the island of Greenland, who has recently changed quite and attracted the admiring views of travelers from around the world.

In the central part of the island, due to the action of global warming, numerous canyons are formed, the most popular and large of which is an icy canyon (Orig. Grand Ice Canyon Greenland) in 45 meters deep. This Cane Canyon fascinates the blue waters and magnificent arches, woven with ice and weakly hanging over each who dare to get closer to the secret major island planets.

On the banks of the canyon dwell: reindeer, polar bear, Polar Wolf, Lemming, Spring and others, and in coastal waters found their abode of the walrus, Greenland seal, Greenland Kit, etc., only about 30 mammalian species. From the birds here are gags, white partridges and seagulls. Fabulous species of the canyon every year attract thousands of curious travelers, climbers and scientific researchers, because such beauty excites imagination and fascinates the spirit.

Ice canyon in Greenland reaches 30 - 40 meters deep. The history of this place says that once it was completely covered with snow. The stunning canyon was carved with melt water and is one of the most recognizable places in the country. Greenland is known for all sports, recreation and also tourism. Nature here did not suffer from human activity. Beautiful beaches, huge and beautiful glaciers who give rise to these huge ice cities - the territory is very beautiful and picturesque. In fact, the Ice Canyon of Greenland is one of the most photographed places on Earth.

Many think of Greenland, representing a fruitless frozen wasteland. In fact, this is a big misconception. This magnificent winter country of miracles can surprise even the most demanding travelers. Do you know that the ice shield of Greenland covers approximately 80% of the country's surface? It contains approximately 10% of ice in the world and is the second largest ice array in the world, after the Ice Shield of Antarctica. Greenland glacier glory made this north Island One of the places to visit.

Ice canyon - only a small part of the beauty of this country. Greenland - all big Island In the world, with many beautiful icebergs, luxury mountains, wonderful fjords, ice and a variety of flora and fauna, which is not found anywhere else in the world. Ice Canyon, glaciers and icebergs produced by this ice shield are one of the reasons why many people fall in love with this place.

Hiking, Single riding with dogs, mountain climbing, fishing, and kayaking are only part of entertainment that can be enjoyed. You can also try sailing With family, especially from the coast of Greenland. There are many tour operators here that can send you to a cruise to see breathtaking landscapes and the natural beauty of this island. You can get a chance to look at whales, icebergs, ice fjords, Viking ruins and several museums that tell about the saturated history of this edge.

Continued, visit also a selection dedicated to the blue river of Greenland, where you are waiting for no less interesting landscapes.

Ice canyon in Greenland reaches 30 - 40 meters deep. The history of this place says that once it was completely covered with snow. The stunning canyon was carved with melt water and is one of the most recognizable places in the country. Greenland is known for all sports, recreation and also tourism. Nature here did not suffer from human activity. Beautiful beaches, huge and beautiful glaciers who give rise to these huge ice cities - the territory is very beautiful and picturesque.

Many who think about Greenland, representing a fruitless frozen wasteland. In fact, this is a big mistake. This magnificent winter country of miracles can surprise even the most demanding travelers. Do you know that the ice shield of Greenland covers approximately 80% of the country's surface? It contains about 10% ice in the world and is the second largest ice array in the world, after the Ice Shield of Antarctica. Greenland glacier glory made this northern island one of the places that it is necessary to visit.

Hiking, riding a sleigh with dogs, mountain climb, fishing, kayaking is only part of entertainment that can be enjoyed. You can also experience sailing with your family. There are many tour operators here that can send you to a cruise to see breathtaking landscapes and natural beauty of this island. You can get a chance to look at whales, icebergs, ice fjords, Viking ruins and several museums that tell about the saturated history of this edge.

Video: Ice Canyon in Greenland.

Ice canyon in Greenland reaches 30 - 40 meters deep. The history of this place says that once it was completely covered with snow. The stunning canyon was carved with melt water and is one of the most recognizable places in the country. Greenland is known for all sports, recreation and also tourism. Nature here did not suffer from human activity. Beautiful beaches, huge and beautiful glaciers who give rise to these huge ice cities - the territory is very beautiful and picturesque. In fact, the Ice Canyon of Greenland is one of the most photographed places on Earth.

Many think of Greenland, representing a fruitless frozen wasteland. In fact, this is a big misconception. This magnificent winter country of miracles can surprise even the most demanding travelers. Do you know that the ice shield of Greenland covers approximately 80% of the country's surface? It contains approximately 10% of ice in the world and is the second largest ice array in the world, after the Ice Shield of Antarctica. Greenland glacier glory made this northern island one of the places that it is necessary to visit.

Ice canyon - only a small part of the beauty of this country. Greenland is the largest island in the world, with many beautiful icebergs, luxurious mountains, wonderful fjords, ice and diverse flora and fauna, which is not found anywhere else in the world. Ice Canyon, glaciers and icebergs produced by this ice shield are one of the reasons why many people fall in love with this place.

Hiking, sleigh riding with dogs, mountain climbing, fishing, and kayaking are only part of entertainment that can be enjoyed. You can also try sailing with your family, especially the coast of Greenland. There are many tour operators here that can send you to a cruise to see breathtaking landscapes and the natural beauty of this island. You can get a chance to look at whales, icebergs, ice fjords, Viking ruins and several museums that tell about the saturated history of this edge.

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