How much weighs the middle ship. Are there any ships "Titanic

The construction of the vessel continued two and a half years. After a couple of days, the "harmony of the seas" arrived in Southampton, England, to go from there to their first flight to Rotterdam.

"Harmony ...", like other vessels of the company (they all have a prefix "... seas"), will walk under the Bahamas and have a port of Nassau. Basic ship will be in Barcelona.

Most more "Titanic"

The dimensions of "harmony ..." amaze: 362 meters long (longer than the Eiffel Tower), 18 decks, displacement - for 200 thousand tons! Being longer than the famous "Titanic" for a hundred meters, it exceeds its volume almost five times.

City at sea

The vessel can accommodate up to 9 thousand passengers and crew members, a real floating city! There is even a helicopter.

More than any vessel when either happened to the sea

The size of the ocean monster is affected even when compared with the previous generation of marine recordsmen - the courts of the QUANTUM class of the same company.

Preparation for large swimming

A couple of days after the departure from the shipyard in San Naer, the ship reached the resort Southampton. After some setup works, the vessel was given to the standard mode.


Taking into account more than more than one-time experience sea cruises, and especially the sad fate of the ship "Costa Concordia" in 2012, the liner is shown in the state of maximum readiness for incidents. The crew is carefully selected, exercises are held regularly, the number of places in rescue tools exceed the number of people on board.


The first crew of the vessel will be 2100 people from 77 different countries.


The "harmony of the seas" will accommodate up to 6780 passengers. Despite respectability, the vessel is designed for passengers of different intake, the owner company offers very democratic cruise prices, there are a number of promotional proposals. More than 60% of the guests of the liners fall on the court of Royal Caribbean International not for the first time.

Entertainment for every taste

Like other cruise ships, the "harmony of the seas" has all possible types of entertainment for tourists on its board. On the vessel will work five-star restaurants, casinos, theater, ice rink etc. Even a chapel with a Catholic priest will work.

Floating Park

But this was not enough: the ship is broken real Park Size with a football field! In addition to 52 trees and 48 buns of grapes in it will be more than 10 thousand plants.


The cost of the building of the vessel exceeded one billion dollars, but, as the experience of a cruise business shows, this investment will pay off, and after a few years a cruise liner will begin to generate income.

Good luck!

Video review Harmony of the seas:

After a test four-day cruise, the vessel is relocated to the Western Mediterranean and will fly to the resorts of Spain, Italy and France on various routes. We wish the "harmony of the seas" of a passing wind!

Cruise ships are often called cities in the sea and this description is most accurate for them. To understand how much such ships are, you can make a comparison with the sadly famous Titanic. If it were built in our time, it would not even go to the top 50. In this list, I will tell you about the 10 biggest cruise ships of the world, all of them were built relatively recently, after 2000. Many of them have also twin brothers, the same large in size.

Royal Carribean. Oasis of the seas

This ship weighs 225,282 tons, its length is 361.7 meters, and the official capacity is 5,400 passengers under conditions of maximum luxury and comfort. The oasis of the seas is one of the few ships that cannot be sailed through the Panama Canal. It is not only too long for the canal, but also too high and wide. On board you can feel like in a huge fleet of entertainment. There are large-scale shows that are not inferior to Broadway, and sports lovers can do anything, even climbing. The team serving the ship and passengers has 2400 people.

Queen Mary II.

This ship weighs 151400 tons, and its length is 345 meters. Official capacity - 2640 passengers. To imagine how much this ship is huge, you can put the bumper to the BMPER 80 large tourist buses - This will be comparable in length with Queen Mary II. Each of the ends of the ship can be placed on a football field, and there will still be a place to install a whole Big Ben on the deck. At the time of construction in 2004, it was the biggest ship in the world.

Disney Dream

This ship weighs 130,000 tons and its length is 340 meters. Disney Dream accommodates 2500 people and is a miniature version of Disneyland in the sea. There is a huge cinema and many other places for entertainment, including water park.

Freedom of the Seas

The weight of the ship is 160,000 tons, and the length is 339 meters. The ship accommodates 3634 passengers. It is sometimes compared with a floating water park, there is also waterslides, and many pools, jacuzzi, as well as wave emulator. There is here and a water park for children called H2O and even a rink for lovers to ride skates.


This cruise ship weighs 137,936 tons and reaches 338 meters long. Its capacity is 3274 passengers. The volume of space on board is simply colossal - it is one and a half million square meters, which exceeds the total space, for example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Norwegian Epic

This ship weighs 155,873 tons, and its length is 329 meters. Capacity - 4100 passengers. This cruise liner was lowered in 2010, it is so huge that it was necessary to take 5 rescue boats to enter the harbor of New York. On board you are also waiting for many entertainment, restaurants, rides. There is even a 24-hour pizza delivery to the room. We have already mentioned this ship, as well as about many others, in a selection of the biggest ship screws in the world.

Celebrity Eclipse

The weight of this vessel is 122,000 tons, and the length is 315 meters. Even if you build four Boeing 747 in line, they still will not exceed the length of this cruise ship. The vessel has 19 decks, including deck lawn, where you can play a crockety and barrel.

Voyajer of the Seas

This ship weighs 138 tons and in length is 311 meters. It can accommodate 3114 passengers. This is one of the first ultra-hygantic cruise ships, here is everything you need for comfortable holiday - Own television studio, rink, mini golf course with nine holes and a lot of interesting things.

Carnival Dream

The weight of this liner is 130,000 tons, and the length is 306 meters. Capacity - 3646 people. This ship is a real floating lunapark, there are even several cinemas with different magnitude screens.

Princess Diamond.

Closes the top ten largest cruise ships vessel weighing 116,000 tons and a length of 294 meters accommodates 2670 people. Despite the tenth place, in the area it is several times more than, for example, Buckingham Palace, or five times more than the Taj Mahal. Here is more than seven hundreds of high-class cabins with balconies.

The largest and most famous tragic events passenger ship in the world is Titanik (Titanik). Everyone knows the unfortunate history of this greatest achievement of the 20th century. The ship was lowered in 1911. When performing the first flight, he ran into the Atlantic Ocean with Iceberg and sank. , weighing 163 thousand tons, was taken with him at the bottom of about one and a half thousand lives. I managed to save only 700 people, they picked up by a steamer.

After the case with Titanic, the safety level on all liners has increased. All engineers and designers engaged in the construction of passenger ships began to pay paramount importance to the conditions for ensuring the safety of human lives. As is known, one of the reasons for the mass death of people was the lack of a sufficient number of spare boats on the vessel.

The best ships of the 21st century: Top-5

The title "The largest passenger ship in the world" is moving away from one vessel to another - the rating is constantly changing. Ship models are constantly being improved, new requirements are established at the local and international level, high technologies are created. In this regard, it is possible that in the near future the list will replenish new names of the marine giants.

The tragic story of "Titanic" has become so icing that it will be infinite to the image of this ship. The other day I noticed a whole series of posts dedicated to the 101th anniversary of the catastrophe. However, I was much more interested in the post of one of the Friends compare "Titanic" with ...
Since he is very voluminous, I decided to make a small "squeeze" from it. Who is especially interested, can see the original on the link (a lot of pictures and bucoffs).

This is how you can approximately compare the legendary "Titanic" with a modern liner. And what is it for modern ship? Some call him the most large liner in the world. However, we know that the most big liner In the world, it is Oasis of the Seas and it has a 361 meter long. And what do we read about this giant? Somewhere 362 meters, somewhere 361, and somewhere 360 \u200b\u200bmeters. Do you know how this is explained? But like: along with the twin vessel Oasis of the seas It is the largest passenger ship in the world as of November 2010: the length of both cruise ships is about 360 m (depending on temperature), and Allure of the seaslong to your sister for 5 cm.

That's the designers, well, would have done a couple of meters for sure what! In general, we assume that this ship is one of the largest in the world.

"Allure of the seas" and "Titanic":

That's more comparison:

Introduced into operation at the end of 2010 is shesteadentyPalub vessel Weighing 225282 tons can take on board 5,400 passengers, which will be arranged in 2700 cabins
« Allure of the seas"It is divided into seven thematic areas that include: Central Park, Boardwalk, Royal Promenade, Pool and Sports Zone, Vitality Sea Spa and Fitness Center, Entertainment Place and Youth Zone.

Several pictures of the "Allure of the Seas" liner:







Maritime domination has always been a major priority for leading powers of the world. "Who owns the seas, he rules the world," they loved to chase in former times. Previously, there were no such technologies as now, so the water was the only way to get from one continent to another. It goes without saying, it often became the cause of conflicts between nations, as a result of which a lot of ships went forever to rest in the depths of the seas and oceans ...

For those whose house is not associated with the raging sea, it is worth paying attention to the design of a country house, its own. This will be a real home that will never go to the bottom.

1. His His Majesty's Hospital Ship "British"

The ship "The Briton" was created by the same company as the famous "Titanic" - "Harland and Wolf" (English Harland and Wolff) on the order "White Star Line" (English. White Star Line). The ship was built after some time after the death of the "unspected" "Titanic". To protect your reputation, the company made some technical improvements in the design of the ship: increased the number of rescue boats on board, strengthened the body from the side of the boiler room, machine and other departments, the most vulnerable when colliding with Iceberg.

When the construction of the "British" was completed, the ship in size was even more than the "Titanic". He could easily become an excellent cruise liner if the first world War. The Government of England confiscated a "British", turning it into His Majesty's hospital ship. The ship was flooded with fire enemy artillery a year later, as for the first time went down to the water. On his board was a little more than one thousand passengers. Almost all of them managed to save. In total, about 30 people died.

Jacques-Yves Custo discovered the "British" after several decades after his death and was very surprised that the ship's body was perfectly preserved. Since the 1990s, researchers committed a lot of expeditions to the site of flooding "British". The latter was organized in 2012 to establish special equipment on the ship capable of tracking the growth rate of bacteria.

2. British transatlant passenger liner "Lusitania"

Passenger liner "Lusitania" was considered the biggest cruise ship In the world, truth, short time. Its construction ended in 1907.

Eight years later, the vessel was surrounded by the German submarine U-20, which caused a huge resonance in the world community. Germans accused of violation international lawBecause they opened the shooting on an unborn ship without warning. However, as it turned out later, Britain used "Lusitania" for the transportation of ammunition in the hope that Germany will not attack the passenger liner. This, in turn, was also a violation of the norms of international law.

The remains of the ship "Luzitania" rest at the bottom Atlantic Ocean 13 kilometers from the Irish town of Kinsale. The liner is poorly preserved, unlike the "Titanic" and "Briton", because I sank at a much greater depth.

3. Spanish galleon "Nourera Señora de Atkom"

Ship "Nourestra Señora de Atocha" Nuestra Señora de Atocha) was a prize vessel of the Spanish Fleet, which sank with one of the greatest treasures in marine history On board.

It happened in 1622. Galloon "Nourera Señora de Atkom" was sent from Havana to Spain. He transported quite valuable cargo: a huge amount of gold, silver, jewelry, tobacco, copper and other things. On the path of "Noustra Señora de Atkom" fell into a strong storm. The body of the ship was significantly damaged, so he rapidly went to the bottom with passengers and expensive cargo on board.

For many years, the Spanish authorities tried to find the place of the crash of Galloon "Nourera Señora de Atkom" and return lost values, but to no avail. The ship was discovered in 1985 by a professional treasure hunter with chalk Fisher. The most interesting thing is that the galleon is semi-like and to this day remains happiness. As you know, it is in this part of the ship several centuries ago the Spaniards transported the most valuable things.

4. Pirate ship "UID"

The ship "Wida" (English. The Whhydah Gally) belonged to the pirate of Black Sam Bellamy. He was considered the most successful maritime robber of all time: he sank and captured a huge number of treasure ships worth more than $ 120 million (translated into modern money). However, it was not possible to fully enjoy the leshed prey to Bellal. His ship "UID" sank in 1717 as a result of a strong storm, sending the captain to the bottom of the captain, half of his team and all the valuable things on board.

In 1977, researchers managed to find a sunken ship with help old cardcompiled by a person who explored him immediately after the crash of two hundred and overnight years ago. On the ships of the bell, they found the inscription "UID, 1716", which did not give them a drop to doubt the one who belonged to the ship.

5. "Revenge of Queen Anna"

"Revenge of Queen Anna" entered the story as one of the most sinister pirate ships. By this status, he owes his captain - Black beard. The vessel was captured by the famous pirate in 1717. Twelve months later, it was stranded. It is rumored that it was the intentional course of his captain.

See also: