Gleb Nosovsky: Tsarist Rome between the Oka and Volga rivers. Gleb Nosovsky - Tsarist Rome between the Oka and Volga rivers

A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky


(New information about the Virgin Mary and Andronicus-Christ, the Slave War of the Novgorodians, Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai, Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient “History of Rome” by Titus Livy and the Old Testament)


All the results presented in this book were obtained recently, are new and are published for the first time. This work follows our books “The Beginning of Horde Rus'” and “The Baptism of Rus'”.

The authors discovered new and extremely important information about the Virgin Mary and Emperor Andronicus-Christ (Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky), the Slave War of the Novgorodians, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamai, Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient “History of Rome” by Titus Livy, the works of Plutarch and the Old Testament.

In this book, we continue to draw new and often unexpected consequences from the statistical and astronomical dating of past events that we previously obtained. That is, from the new chronology we created. We have presented mathematical and astronomical evidence of the new chronology in previous books, primarily in the books “Foundations of History”, “Methods”, “Stars”. We will not repeat them here.

What do we mean by reporting new information that we have discovered and significantly expands our knowledge about many famous people and events ancient world? We are not talking at all about our discovery of any fundamentally new, previously unknown manuscripts or inscriptions. Extracted, say, from some dusty, forgotten archives or as a result of excavations. We mainly work with well-known ancient texts. Although sometimes we actually managed to find, ourselves or with the help of colleagues, exceptionally rare and unique historical materials that turned out to be very valuable for the new chronology. But still, we pay our main attention to famous “ancient” works, the Bible, numerous medieval chronicles and manuscripts. Our discovery - which, by the way, was quite unexpected for ourselves - is that these generally well-known texts contain, it turns out, a lot of unknown, firmly forgotten, “buried” by editors of the 16th–18th centuries. And this deeply buried information needs to be “unearthed.” Sometimes with great difficulty. Once brought to light, they turn out to be fragments of a once rich and detailed picture of the past, forgotten fragments of the biographies of famous heroes. By clearing the debris from dirt and later deposits, we shine a bright light on many half-forgotten or completely forgotten facts of the past. The authors do not touch upon issues of faith and theology and do not discuss any of the church dogmas. The book deals exclusively with issues of a historical and chronological nature.

The legend of Romulus and Remus has been known to everyone since childhood. History textbooks, fascinating novels and gorgeous Hollywood films tell about the great “ancient” Rome. The flight of King Aeneas from burning Troy and his arrival in the homeland of his ancestors - in the rich People's country (Latinia). The stern she-wolf feeds her milk to the abandoned royal children - Romulus and Remus. A bronze statue of a proud, grinning she-wolf created by the great Etruscans in the Vatican Museum. The babies grow up and Romulus founds Rome. The mighty Roman Empire rises. The iron legions of Rome conquer the world. The prediction of the gods that Rome will rule the entire universe comes true. Bloody gladiatorial battles in the arena of the huge Colosseum. Annunciation. The Virgin Mary hugs two babies - Christ and John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Christ. Solar eclipse and earthquake at the time of Jesus' death. Bright Resurrection of Christ. The Dormition of the Mother of God and the death of the legendary beauty, the Roman Lucretia. Fierce tigers and lions are set on the first Christians, who die as martyrs in front of the roaring pagan Romans, dressed in beautiful togas with a blood-red border. The cruel Emperor Nero in a flower wreath sings a song on the platform of a huge amphitheater. The great Roman historian Titus Livy admiringly talks about Imperial Rome in his famous “History from the Founding of the City.” The great Greek historian Plutarch writes biographies of prominent Romans and Greeks...

It is believed that an educated person should know a lot of history Ancient Rome. And this is certainly correct. Roman history is truly the spinal column of ancient history. Many modern states are rightfully proud of the fact that they trace their roots back to “ancient” Rome, that many European and Asian cities were first founded by Roman legions during the era of the spread of the Empire in all directions.

In this book we show that “ancient” Tsarist Rome is a state that arose in the area between the Oka and Volga rivers, that is, in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus', in the 13th - early 14th centuries. Another name for Imperial Rome is the Great = “Mongol” Empire, which, according to the new chronology, existed in the 14th–16th centuries AD. e. The point of view accepted today that “ancient” Rome conquered the entire civilized world of that time is FALSE. However, with one amendment - this did not happen long before our era, as Scaligerian history assures us, but in the era of the XIV-XVI centuries. It was at this time that the Great = “Mongolian” Empire - that is, Rus'-Horde, according to our reconstruction - covered almost the entire world.

We discovered that on the pages of the famous works of “ancient” Roman authors, for example, Titus Livy, they SPEAK A LOT AND RESPECTIVELY ABOUT THE VIRGIN MARY, THE MOTHER OF CHRIST. Let us recall that, according to our research (see the book “Tsar of the Slavs”), Christ is described in Byzantine chronicles as Emperor Andronikos of the 12th century AD. e., and in Russian - as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (partially). Thus, if we talk about secular history, we are talking about the mother of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus the Elder. WE ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME PRESENTING OLD SECULAR SOURCES, TELLING ABOUT THE MOTHER OF GOD THROUGH THE MOUTHS OF CONTEMPORARIES. In particular, the assertion of the Scaligerian version that Mary the Mother of God was described by contemporaries allegedly only in religious sources and was practically not reflected in the pages of “ancient” secular literature of that era is refuted. The information we have discovered casts a new bright light on the life of Mary the Mother of God.

We show that Emperor Andronicus-Christ was also reflected in the pages of famous “ancient” authors - Titus Livy and Plutarch. Let us recall that the Scaligerian version insists that Christ was described by his contemporaries only in church sources and was practically not described on the pages of “ancient” secular literature. In other words, Scaligerian historians claim that none of the secular chroniclers of Christ’s contemporaries considered it necessary to leave information about him in their chronicles. Or, at least, such information has not reached us, with rare and, moreover, dubious exceptions. In the books “Tsar of the Slavs” and “The Beginning of Horde Rus'” we showed that this is far from the case. It turned out that Andronicus-Christ was well known to many secular authors - his contemporaries. The works of which are cited, for example, by the later historian - the Byzantine Nikita Choniates. It further became clear that the life of Christ was described not only by Byzantine secular writers, but also by Russian chroniclers. They knew Christ as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. And also - as the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Further, we showed that many plots of the chronicle “biography” of Andronicus-Christ were included in the “ancient” stories about the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar.

In this book, we significantly expand the list of “ancient” secular texts and authors who speak at length and in detail about Andronicus-Christ, as well as about Tsar Khan Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, under whom apostolic Christianity was adopted in the Empire. First of all, this applies to the famous books “History from the Foundation of the City” by Titus Livy and “Comparative Lives” by Plutarch. It turned out that Christ is known to us today under two more secular names. Namely, as the famous Romulus, the first king of “ancient” Royal Rome. And also as Servius Tullius, the sixth, penultimate king of Imperial Rome.

In the books “Cossacks-Aryans: from Rus' to India” and “The Baptism of Rus'” we showed that the famous Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 was also reflected in many “ancient” primary sources, today attributed to “deep antiquity”. In particular, in the Bible, the “ancient” Indian epic, “ancient” mythology, and Roman history. In this book, we present new vivid reflections of the Battle of Kulikovo and its main participants - Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamai, which we discovered in the “History” of Titus Livy and the Bible. This allows us to illuminate more clearly the great religious battle for the establishment of apostolic Christianity in the Great = “Mongol” Empire. Now the description of the Battle of Kulikovo becomes much richer, since to the previously known sources about it, we add new ones that were erroneously attributed to completely different eras and events of the “distant past.” Now that historical events and their descriptions have begun to correctly “take their place,” much of history has become clearer.

All the results presented in this book were obtained recently, are new and are published for the first time. This work follows our books “The Beginning of Horde Rus'” and “The Baptism of Rus'”.

The authors discovered new and extremely important information about the Virgin Mary and Emperor Andronicus-Christ (Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky), the Slave War of the Novgorodians, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamai, Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient “History of Rome” by Titus Livy, the works of Plutarch and the Old Testament.

In this book, we continue to draw new and often unexpected consequences from the statistical and astronomical dating of past events that we previously obtained. That is, from the new chronology we created. We have presented mathematical and astronomical evidence of the new chronology in previous books, primarily in the books “Foundations of History”, “Methods”, “Stars”. We will not repeat them here.

What do we mean by reporting new information that we have discovered and significantly expands our knowledge about many famous people and events of the ancient world? We are not talking at all about our discovery of any fundamentally new, previously unknown manuscripts or inscriptions. Extracted, say, from some dusty, forgotten archives or as a result of excavations. We mainly work with well-known ancient texts. Although sometimes we actually managed to find, ourselves or with the help of colleagues, exceptionally rare and unique historical materials that turned out to be very valuable for the new chronology. But still, we pay our main attention to famous “ancient” works, the Bible, numerous medieval chronicles and manuscripts. Our discovery – which, by the way, was quite unexpected for ourselves – is that these generally well-known texts, it turns out, conceal within themselves a lot of unknown, firmly forgotten, “buried” by editors of the 16th–18th centuries. And this deeply buried information needs to be “unearthed.” Sometimes with great difficulty. Once brought to light, they turn out to be fragments of a once rich and detailed picture of the past, forgotten fragments of the biographies of famous heroes. By clearing the debris from dirt and later deposits, we shine a bright light on many half-forgotten or completely forgotten facts of the past. The authors do not touch upon issues of faith and theology and do not discuss any of the church dogmas. The book deals exclusively with issues of a historical and chronological nature.

The legend of Romulus and Remus has been known to everyone since childhood. History textbooks, fascinating novels and gorgeous Hollywood films tell about the great “ancient” Rome. The flight of King Aeneas from the burning Troy and his arrival in the homeland of his ancestors - in the rich People's country (Latinia). The stern she-wolf feeds her milk to the abandoned royal children - Romulus and Remus. A bronze statue of a proud, grinning she-wolf created by the great Etruscans in the Vatican Museum. The babies grow up and Romulus founds Rome. The mighty Roman Empire rises. The iron legions of Rome conquer the world. The prediction of the gods that Rome will rule the entire universe comes true. Bloody gladiatorial battles in the arena of the huge Colosseum. Annunciation. The Virgin Mary hugs two babies - Christ and John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Christ. Solar eclipse and earthquake at the time of Jesus' death. Bright Resurrection of Christ. The Dormition of the Mother of God and the death of the legendary beauty, the Roman Lucretia. Fierce tigers and lions are set on the first Christians, who die as martyrs in front of the roaring pagan Romans, dressed in beautiful togas with a blood-red border. The cruel Emperor Nero in a flower wreath sings a song on the platform of a huge amphitheater. The great Roman historian Titus Livy admiringly talks about Imperial Rome in his famous “History from the Founding of the City.” The great Greek historian Plutarch writes biographies of prominent Romans and Greeks...

It is believed that an educated person should know a lot about the history of Ancient Rome. And this is certainly correct. Roman history is truly the spinal column of ancient history. Many modern states are rightfully proud of the fact that they trace their roots back to “ancient” Rome, that many European and Asian cities were first founded by Roman legions during the era of the spread of the Empire in all directions.

In this book we show that “ancient” Tsarist Rome is a state that arose in the area between the Oka and Volga rivers, that is, in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus', in the 13th – early 14th centuries. Another name for Imperial Rome is the Great = “Mongol” Empire, which, according to the new chronology, existed in the 14th–16th centuries AD. e. The point of view accepted today that “ancient” Rome conquered the entire civilized world of that time is FALSE. However, with one amendment - this did not happen long before our era, as Scaligerian history assures us, but in the era of the XIV-XVI centuries. It was at this time that the Great = “Mongolian” Empire - that is, Rus'-Horde, according to our reconstruction - embraced almost the entire world.

We discovered that on the pages of the famous works of “ancient” Roman authors, for example, Titus Livy, they SPEAK A LOT AND RESPECTIVELY ABOUT THE VIRGIN MARY, THE MOTHER OF CHRIST. Let us recall that, according to our research (see the book “Tsar of the Slavs”), Christ is described in Byzantine chronicles as Emperor Andronikos of the 12th century AD. e., and in Russians - as the Great Russian Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (partially). Thus, if we talk about secular history, we are talking about the mother of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus the Elder. WE ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME PRESENTING OLD SECULAR SOURCES, TELLING ABOUT THE MOTHER OF GOD THROUGH THE MOUTHS OF CONTEMPORARIES. In particular, the assertion of the Scaligerian version that Mary the Mother of God was described by contemporaries allegedly only in religious sources and was practically not reflected in the pages of “ancient” secular literature of that era is refuted. The information we have discovered casts a new bright light on the life of Mary the Mother of God.

We show that Emperor Andronicus-Christ was also reflected in the pages of famous “ancient” authors – Titus Livius and Plutarch. Let us recall that the Scaligerian version insists that Christ was described by his contemporaries only in church sources and was practically not described on the pages of “ancient” secular literature. In other words, Scaligerian historians claim that none of the secular chroniclers of Christ’s contemporaries considered it necessary to leave information about him in their chronicles. Or, at least, such information has not reached us, with rare and, moreover, dubious exceptions. In the books “Tsar of the Slavs” and “The Beginning of Horde Rus'” we showed that this is far from the case. It turned out that Andronicus-Christ was well known to many secular authors - his contemporaries. The works of which are cited, for example, by a later historian, the Byzantine Nikita Choniates. It further became clear that the life of Christ was described not only by Byzantine secular writers, but also by Russian chroniclers. They knew Christ as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. And also - as the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Further, we showed that many plots of the chronicle “biography” of Andronicus-Christ were included in the “ancient” stories about the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar.

In this book, we significantly expand the list of “ancient” secular texts and authors who speak at length and in detail about Andronicus-Christ, as well as about Tsar Khan Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, under whom apostolic Christianity was adopted in the Empire. First of all, this applies to the famous books “History from the Foundation of the City” by Titus Livy and “Comparative Lives” by Plutarch. It turned out that Christ is known to us today under two more secular names. Namely, as the famous Romulus, the first king of “ancient” Royal Rome. And also as Servius Tullius, the sixth, penultimate king of Imperial Rome.

A page from a Russian school textbook:
.."First of all, the area between the Volga and Oka rivers, the core of the formation of the Russian people. It was from here that the Russians settled throughout the vast territory of Russia to the north, east and south."

And here is a map of that very heartfelt vigorously RussianOka-Volga quadrangle
(until about 1350) .
Indigenous Finno-Ugric peoples - Merya (since the mid-1700s it has already been completely denationalized to the extent of Russianness) yes, moksha is, erzya (on the map Arzamas still bears the undistorted name Erd zyamas, translated as Erzya-land) yes, meshchera (today they are also Russian) yes, Muroma ( and these are already Russian) there are Vepsians, there are Maris.
Find Russians here:

If you say, this was a long time ago, this is the 1300s, here’s the 19th century.
Even then, there were much fewer Russified people in Russia than today
(it is characteristic that the author of the quotation about contemporary Russians is himself also Russian in the first generation, from the Ukrainians Sukhomlyn - dry mill translated into Russian is a dry mill):

This is 1830, early 19th century.
But even at the beginning of the 20th century, almost the entire north of Russia, the very north about which the Russians lie to us today, that it was there that the ancient primordial Slavic Rus' was preserved in all its purity, it turns out that did not yet know the Russian language.
As evidenced by another map published in the Russian Empire (in 1914).
Read and watch here:

Picture for attraction and understanding:

Group of northern foreigners of Russia. The short Veps Putin is in the center in the second row.
Photographic card No. 72. A group of northern foreigners of Russia from N.A. Shabunin’s album “Journey to the North”, 1906.

And at the end just one question:
-Who will show me a map of the ethnic lands of the Russian people, such lands on the territory of Russia where the Russian Slavs would be an aboriginal = autochthonous = indigenous people?
I want to see it at least once in my life.

This post is also posted on:

AFTER THIS, BOTH STANDS UNITED AND LIVED TOGETHER, AND EACH GOT AS A WIFE THE WOMAN WITH WHICH HE FIRST MATTERED. Husbands, however, could not learn the language of their wives, while the wives learned the language of their husbands. When they finally began to understand each other, the men said the following to the Amazons: “...We can no longer lead such a life and therefore we want to return to our own and live again with our people. YOU ALONE WILL BE OUR WIVES AND WE WILL NOT HAVE ANY OTHERS.” To this the Amazons responded: “We cannot live with your women. After all, our customs are not the same as theirs... If you want us to be your wives... then go to your parents and receive your share of the inheritance. When you return, let us live on our own."

The young men listened to their wives and did so: they returned to the Amazons, receiving their share of the inheritance. Then the women said to them: “We are horrified at the thought that we will have to live in this country: after all, for our sake you lost your fathers, and we caused great harm to your country. BUT SINCE YOU WANT TO TAKE US AS YOUR WIFE, LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER: LET’S LEAVE FROM THIS COUNTRY AND WILL LIVE BEHIND THE TANAIS RIVER.”

The young men agreed to this too. They crossed the Tanais and then walked east from Tanais for three days and north from Lake Meotida for three days. Arriving in the area where they live to this day, they settled there. Since then, Savromatian women have maintained their ancient customs: together with their husbands and even without them, they go hunting on horseback, go on campaigns and wear the same clothes as men.

THE SAUROMATS SPEAK SCYTHIAN, but from time immemorial it was incorrect, since the Amazons did not master this language well,” p. 214–216.

In fact, here Herodotus again repeated the plot of the Serf War, and in a version quite close to the abduction of the Sabine women, according to Titus Livy. Judge for yourself.

1) According to Herodotus, during the war the Hellenes CAPTURED WOMEN - AMAZONS and went with them to their homeland. According to Titus Livy, the Romans kidnap the Sabine women. According to the Russian-Horde version, serfs - slaves took the wives of their masters.

2) According to Herodotus, soon the Amazons were again left “without men.” Allegedly, they killed all the Hellenes who captured them. This motif of WOMEN WITHOUT HUSBANDS (MEN) sounds both in the version of Titus Livy and in the Novgorod version. Wives were left without husbands for one reason or another.

3) According to Herodotus, Amazon women ended up in the country of the Scythians. There was a fight between them and the Scythians. There were even killed. Realizing that they were dealing with women, the Scythians decided NOT TO KILL THE AMAZONS, BUT, ON THE OPPOSITE, TO TAKE THEM AS WIVES FOR THEIR YOUNG PEOPLE. This plot practically coincides with the story told by Titus Livius. He also claims that the Romans decided to kidnap the Sabine women in order to take them as wives and prolong their lineage. Of course, no one intended to kill the Sabine women. The Sabine men who were present during the abduction of their wives and Sabine girls were frightened and did not offer real military resistance to the Romans. The Russian Horde version speaks dully, without any details, about “the abduction of wives by serfs.” It is only reported that the Scythian wives allegedly decided to become slave wives THEMSELVES, because they believed in the death of their husbands who had gone on a long journey.

4) Herodotus clarifies how exactly the Scythian plan was brought to life. The Scythians came up with a trick. In order to lull the vigilance and belligerence of the Amazons, the Scythian youths should have set up their camp not far from them and, in case of persecution by the Amazons, temporarily retreat. But then it was recommended to slowly approach and break the camp again. This should have been done carefully until the Amazons got used to it, came to terms with the presence of the Scythians and entered into sexual intercourse with them.

The motif of CLIFE also sounds vividly in the Roman version of Titus Livy. Romulus and the Romans also misled the Sabines by organizing a feast to divert attention, to which they invited neighbors with their wives and daughters. When they arrived, the Romans unexpectedly, according to a conventional sign, rushed at the Sabine women and kidnapped them. In the Greek version of Herodotus, the motive for the forced abduction of women is greatly softened and replaced by the Amazons’ gradual adaptation to the Scythian youths located not far from them. As we have already noted, the Russian Novgorod version also says that the Scythian wives THEMSELVES decided to take slaves as husbands, since they mistakenly believed that their husbands had died in the war. Thus, the motive of voluntary marriage sounds. We see that Herodotus’ story agrees well with both the version of Titus Livy and the Russian-Horde version.

5) According to Herodotus, in the end, the suspicion of the Amazons gave way to love for the young men - the Scythians, who had been seeking their attention for so long. As a result, the Amazons became the wives of the Scythians. The Roman version of Titus Livy tells the same story. At first, the abducted Sabine women, naturally, grieved for their former families, but the Romans who kidnapped them tried in every possible way to please the women. As a result, the initial resentment was replaced by love and respect. Sabine women became good wives for the Romans. The Russian Horde version also reports the VOLUNTARY entry of wives of Novgorodians into marriage with slaves.

6) According to Herodotus, the event takes place in Scythia. That is, as we understand, in Rus' - the Horde. Probably in the era of the XIII - early XIV centuries AD. e., when the Trojan king Aeneas = Prince Rurik and his descendants founded Royal Rome in the area between the Oka and Volga rivers. Herodotus also reports that the Scythian youths and their Amazon wives set off on a long journey to found a new kingdom. It is clearly stated that they go northeast from the Tanais River, that is, from the Don River. Let us recall that on ancient maps the Don was called Tanais, see the book “New Chronology of Rus'”. But if you move northeast from the Don River, continuing, as Herodotus says, three days east and three days north, then you can end up in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'. Which, as we showed in the book “The Beginning of Horde Rus'”, became the metropolis of Tsarist Rome, founded here by Aeneas and his descendants. Thus, the testimony of Herodotus, Titus Livy, Virgil and other “ancient” authors at this point is in good agreement both with each other and with the Russian-Horde version. According to which, Novgorod became the metropolis of the new Kingdom. By virtue of our results, this is Yaroslavl on the Volga or, more generally, the region of several cities around Yaroslavl.

CONCLUSION. In Herodotus’s “History” there are two very close stories about the Serf War of the Novgorodians, probably from the 13th - early 14th centuries AD. e.

So, the story of the “ancient” Herodotus about Amazon wives is directly connected with the Russian-Horde history of the Serf War near Yaroslavl-Novgorod. Here it is appropriate to remember that, according to numerous facts we have discovered, the “ancient Amazons” are Russian-Horde COSSACKS. Wives of the Cossacks who lived on the Don and Volga, see “New Chronology of Rus'”, ch. 4:6; "Empire", ch. 9:20. In particular, on ancient maps the “Land of the Amazons” was repeatedly depicted in Rus', in the area between the Volga and Don. Such, for example, is the map of Charles V and Ferdinand, given and studied by us in the book “New Chronology of Rus',” chap. 4, ill. 4.8.


As we showed in the book “New Chronology of Rus'” and our other publications, the chronicle Veliky Novgorod is the city of Yaroslavl on the Volga. Or rather, the name of an entire region, which included several other cities, in particular Rostov and Suzdal. But in the era of the 17th century, the name “Novgorod” was taken away from Yaroslavl and assigned to a small town, a former suburb - a fort in the north-west of Rus', near Lake Ilmen, at the mouth of the river, which was called VOLKHOV. The question arises: why was the famous chronicle name NOVGOROD, and at the same time the no less famous name VOLGA, transferred HERE - on paper and on maps? After all, it is clear that the word VOLKHOV is just a slightly distorted name for VOLGA.

Rice. 1.218. A fragment of a map by S. Herberstein allegedly dated 1546, which generally correctly shows the surroundings of the Northern Dvina. Taken from, map P

The answers may vary. However, among them there is one that deserves serious attention. Let us turn to ancient maps of Muscovy, compiled by Western European cartographers and travelers of the 16th–17th centuries. The following curious circumstance attracts attention. These maps depict the Northern Dvina and its surroundings quite well; the cities and villages of this region are more or less correctly shown. See, for example, in Fig. 1.218 the corresponding fragment of the map of S. Herberstein allegedly from 1546, in Fig. 1.25 fragment of the map of Frederick de Wit in 1670, in Fig. 1.219 - rendering antique map Guillaume Delisle 1706. It can be seen that Western cartographers knew well those areas where Western merchants and trading ships arrived via the Northern Sea Route. They climbed up the Dvina and other rivers of this region, eventually reaching Yaroslavl - the largest shopping center that era. Cm. modern map in Fig. 1.216 and 1.214. But Western cartographers knew Vladimir-Suzdal Rus', the outskirts of the city of Moscow and in general the lands to the south and west of Yaroslavl much less well. They even had difficulties with Moscow. That is, with the capital of Rus' in the 16th century! For example, on the same map of S. Herberstein allegedly dated 1546, the city of Moscow is not marked. Only the name of the land is written - MOSCOVIIA (Moscowia), see fig. 1.218.

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