11 september twin towers year. Who really blew up the Twin Towers in New York? Do you still believe in it

It's been 17 years since that day, since Nine-Eleven, when New York collapsed three skyscrapers... No, I was not mistaken. Not two, but three, but for some reason they prefer not to remember the third. And when the third plane crashed into the repaired wing of the Pentagon, and in a strange way almost self-destructed, and another one fell in the desert. And these are far from all the mysteries of the tragedy that happened.

So, on the morning of September 11, 2001, some unknown persons hijacked four Boeing aircraft (two in Boston, alone in Washington and one more in Newark), after which the first two planes crashed into New York's skyscrapers WTC-1 and WTC-2, the third hit the wall of the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Two towers of the World Trade Center, attacked by planes, suddenly collapsed in a very strange way, neatly folded inward within an hour and a half. For some reason, the neighboring skyscraper WTC 7 also collapsed completely and neatly, although no planes hit it.

Passed all several days after the "terrorist attacks", how the first official version of what had happened was prepared and the executors were named. The guilty one was immediately named Osama bin Laden, who led this action from Afghanistan, and, of course, his brainchild Al-Qaeda. Also, the names were immediately named of all 19 hijackers who abandoned their cars near airports, in which they found the Koran and instructions in Arabic "How to fly an airplane", and miraculously found the passports of "terrorists" in the wreckage of the aircraft. From this it followed that an urgent need to start bomb Afghanistan and invade Iraq.

In the fall of 2002, a special commission was created under the loud name "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States." It was chaired by the former Governor of New Jersey Thomas Keane(Thomas Kean). The commission included former employees of the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice and other government agencies. Supervised all actions and the course of the investigation Philip Zelikov(Philip Zelikow), member of the administration of President Bush Jr., who also worked under Bush Sr.

The final form of the official version, indicated above, was adopted on July 22, 2004, when the above-mentioned commission of 83 people completed the report on 585 pages. The report of the Keane Commission confirmed the above version, which remains the only and irrefutable today.

And now we will cite some facts showing how the US special services are able to "investigate" and obtain the necessary and deliberately announced results.

Cell Phones

The official report states that all the information from the Boeing that crashed into the WTC skyscraper was transmitted to the ground by mobile phones. In particular, the flight attendant Betty Ong(Betty Ong) talked for 23 minutes and the flight attendant Madeleine Sweeney(Madeline Sweeney) - 25 minutes. Sweeney's last words were: “I see water! I see buildings! " ...

The fact is that when the phone enters the broadcasting area of ​​the base station, or "cell", a so-called "greeting" occurs, which in 2001 took at least eight seconds. The welcome system was not designed for movement at a speed of 700 km / h and is possible at a maximum speed of 150 km / h. And only in 2004, Qualcomm, together with American Airlines, developed a system that, using a satellite, provides calls to cell phones from the aircraft on which it is installed dedicated mobile base station... On July 15, 2004, a trial launch of the system was made, after which it began to function.

Cheating at speed

An official report from the Keane Commission provides a diagram of the alleged movement of Flight 175, which crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center, according to which the plane covered the final stretch from Trenton to New York in four minutes.

Boeing traffic to New York

Now for the fact: The straight-line distance between Trenton and New York is 85 kilometers. For even counting, you can even consider it equal to 80. According to official data, the plane covered this distance in 4 minutes. Let's find the average speed of the liner in this section: V = 80 km / 4 min = 20 km / min = 1200 km / h. We get sound speed.

Of course, the Boeing 767 was not supersonic. The technical characteristics of the Boeing 767-200 say that its maximum cruising speed at an altitude of 12 km is 915 km / h. And this is only at an altitude of 12,000 meters, where the air density is five times lower than at sea level, and the liner flew into the building at a height of several hundred meters. The same technical specifications say that the maximum permissible speed of the Boeing 767-200 (the so-called Vne - Velocity Never Exceed), exceeding which the plane will just start to collapse, is 0.86 the speed of sound, that is, about 1000 km / h. Therefore, even if the plane had managed to reach the speed of sound, it would have crumbled long before Manhattan. That is, the official investigation invites everyone to believe in something that is impossible purely physically. So, one more lie of the official investigation.

"Gemini" could not collapse on their own

According to the official report, the one hundred and ten-story skyscraper WTC-1 completely collapsed after 1 hour and 42 minutes after the plane hit, and its twin, WTC-2, after 56 minutes. The reason, of course, is indicated as follows - the impact and subsequent fire that occurred after the Boeing hit the buildings.

But it is here that some more no less surprising facts appear.

It turns out that the Gemini were designed so that, in addition to the wind load, they could withstand the frontal impact of the Boeing-707, the largest passenger airliner in those years. Early 1970s Leslie Robertson, who built the buildings, calculated the effect of the Boeing-707 collision with the WTC tower. He reported the results to the New York Times, claiming that the towers will withstand the impact of the liner flying at a speed of 960 km / h, that is, having taken the impact of the liner, the skyscraper will remain standing without serious structural damage. In other words, the central frame and the remaining perimeter to stand will withstand the additional load resulting from the absence of the demolished part of the supporting structures. It was with such a margin of safety that the "twins" were built.

Frank DeMartini(Frank DeMartini), one of the project managers for the construction of the WTC, confirms this idea: the building is designed in such a way as to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 with a maximum take-off weight. It was the largest aircraft of the time. I'm sure the building would have withstood even a few aircraft hits, since its structure resembled a dense mosquito net, and an airplane is like a pencil that pierces this mesh and does not affect the structure of the rest of it.

The fire also could not destroy the skyscrapers. Here's evidence that the official report is lying again:

So, the WTC-1 building withstood the first blow. Nevertheless, in the next hour and a half, something happened as a result of the fire, provoking the collapse of the tower. By the way, this first and only a case in world history when a skyscraper actually turns into a heap of ruins as a result of an hour and a half fire - this is according to the official version.

In the mid-1990s, two British firms, British Steel and the Building Research Establishment, conducted a series of experiments in Cardington to investigate the effects of fires on steel-framed structures. On the experimental model of the eight-story building, the steel structures did not have fire protection. Despite the fact that the temperature of the steel beams reached 900 ° C (!) With a critical maximum of 600 ° C, no failure occurred in any of the six experiments, although certain deformations did occur.

In August 2005 John Hall(John R. Hall Jr.) of the US National Fire Fighting Association, published the analytical work "Fires in high-rise buildings." In particular, it provides statistics according to which 7,300 fires occurred in high-rise buildings in 2002 alone, many of which were very intense and continued for many hours, having managed to absorb more than one floor. Despite the casualties and significant damage, none of these fires resulted in collapses.

If that's not enough, here are some more specific examples of the most severe fires in recent decades:

On February 23, 1991, a fire broke out in the 38-story One Meridian Plaza in Philadelphia. The fire started on the 22nd floor, covered 8 floors and lasted 18 hours. As a result of this fire, a lot of glass was broken, granite cracked and load-bearing walls sagged. Nevertheless, the building survived and not a single part of it collapsed.

On May 4, 1988, the 62-story First Interstate Bank building in Los Angeles caught fire. The fire lasted 3.5 hours, 4.5 floors burned out - from the 12th to the 16th. But the supporting structures survived completely, and the secondary structures and several interfloor floors received only minor damage. The building survived.

On August 5, 1970, an explosion was heard in the 50-story building 1 New York Plaza and a fire broke out that lasted six hours. There were no collapses.

On October 17, 2004, a skyscraper caught fire in the Venezuelan city of Caracas. The fire broke out at the 34th floor, covered 26 (!) Floors and lasted 17 hours. The building survived.

And, finally, a fire in that very New York World Trade Center. On February 13, 1975, a fire broke out in the north tower on the 11th floor, as a result of which 65% of the floor was completely burnt out. In addition, the fire spread down to the 9th and up to the 16th floors, without affecting, however, the office space and confined to the shafts inside the central frame. The fire continued for three hours, and despite its much higher intensity than on September 11, 2001, the structure of the building was not damaged. Not only the central frame, inside of which the fire mainly spread, but also all interfloor ceilings, remained completely unscathed.

1975 World Trade Center fire

And the 47-storey "WTC 7" collapsed by itself ... by accident.

The official report states that WTC-7 "collapsed" due to weakening of the supporting structures, despite the fact that no aircraft hit it.

As it turned out, very few people knew about the demolition of the 7th WTC building. Its destruction was somehow imperceptible against the background of the rest of the events of that day. In this 47-story skyscraper, which also bore the name Salomon Brothers(Salomon Brothers), hosted the offices of the FBI, the Department of Defense, the 1RS tax service (according to the Online Journal, with a huge amount of compromising evidence, including on the infamous Enron), US counterintelligence, the stock exchange (with evidence of stock exchange fraud), and various financial institutions. Its collapse occurred at about 17:20 New York time, and several rather curious incidents are associated with it.

FEMA claims this building collapsed for the same reasons as the "twins" - due to the weakening of the supporting structures... But why? The plane did not hit it. Fires did not rage in it - only in three places there were small local fires: on the seventh, twelfth and twenty-ninth floors. If we recall the scheme of the entire World Trade Center, then building No. 7 is the most distant from the "epicenter", separated from the main complex by a street. Where did the damage come from? The report is silent about this.

Such a small fire allegedly resulted in the complete destruction of the WTC-7 building.

And the most "truthful" in the world, the BBC even announced the collapse of the WTC-7 in advance.

Indeed, the report of the British television channel BBC (BBC) looks unique. In a TV news program that aired at 10:00 London time, that is, 17:00 New York time, the presenter told viewers that the WTC-7 building in New York had collapsed. But there were still 20 minutes left before it collapsed.... Moreover, the correspondent of the TV channel Jane Standley(Jane Standley) in her live report from New York talked about the collapse of WTC-7, while being in its background. A rare photograph depicts this moment - the building of WTC-7 is indicated by arrows. The caption at the bottom of the screen reads, "The 47-story Salomon Brothers building near the World Trade Center also collapsed."

Air Force talks about the destruction of WTC 7

However, at some point, apparently, the TV people realized what had happened, and at 17:14 the picture of the broadcast from New York was suddenly distorted by interference, and after a few seconds it completely disappeared.

How else to explain this incredible "blooper", if not the presence of a pre-written script? Is it possible that the building was planned to be demolished a little earlier, but they simply did not have time to inform London about the delay in this mise-en-scene of the performance, and the British continued to follow the script. So they got the press release before all this happened? But from whom and how?

Of course, such an incident caused a lot of questions to the BBC TV channel. However, the head of the news department Richard Porter(Richard Porter) explained this cryptic story: “We are not part of a conspiracy. Nobody told us what to talk about or what to do on 9/11. Nobody informed us in advance that the building should fall. We have not received a press release or a script for what is to happen. "

It turns out that if no one told them anything in advance, it means that they themselves, on their own initiative, told about the collapse of the building, which will happen in 20 minutes. But we read further: "We have not preserved the original recording of the reports from September 11 - not because of a conspiracy, but because of confusion." The news record of one of the most important days in the history of the TV channel turned out to be all of a sudden lost.

The dead "terrorists" were alive

Official list of "hijackers"

The list was accompanied by the following comment: “The FBI is absolutely confident in the accuracy of the identification of the nineteen hijackers responsible for the 9/11 attacks. In addition, the 9/11 investigations were scrutinized by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks against the United States and jointly by the Senate and House of Representatives. None of these checks raised the slightest doubt about the identities of the nineteen hijackers. "

On 23 September 2001, the British BBC news agency unexpectedly reported that Walid al-Shehri, a Saudi Arabian national and named hijacker of AA11 flight, is currently alive, well and doing great in Casablanca, Morocco. The Saudi Arabian Embassy has confirmed that he attended a flight school in Daytona Beach, Florida. He left the United States in September 2000 and works for Royal Air Morocco. This is further confirmed by the Associated Press, according to which Walid al-Shehri appeared at the American embassy in Morocco: “The FBI released a photograph of him, which was disseminated in newspapers and television news around the world. This same Mr. al-Shehri showed up in Morocco, thus proving that he was not a member of the suicide pilots' team. Total, minus one.

Weil al-Shehri(AA11) is also alive and well. He is a pilot and his father is a Saudi Arabian diplomat in Bombay. The Los Angeles Times, in an article on September 21, 2001, reports that the head of the information center of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in the United States, Gaafar Allagani, confirmed that he personally spoke with both father and son. Total, minus two.

Abdulaziz al-Omari(AA11), while studying in Denver, lost his passport, which he reported to the police at one time. He currently works as an engineer for Saudi Telecom. The Telegraph newspaper on September 23, 2001 quoted him: “I couldn't believe when I saw myself on the FBI lists. They showed my name, my photo and my date of birth, but I'm not a suicide bomber. I'm here. I'm alive. I have no idea how to fly the plane. I had nothing to do with all this. " Total, minus three.

Said al-Ghamdi(UA93), a Saudi Airways pilot, was in Tunisia during the 9/11 events, where he was training with 22 other pilots to fly an Airbus-320. The Telegraph quoted him as saying: “The FBI did not provide any evidence of my involvement in the attacks. You have no idea what it is like to be called a dead terrorist when I am alive and innocent. " Total, minus four.

Ahmed al-Nami(UA93) works as Clerk for Saudi Airlines in Riyadh: “As you can see, I am alive. I was shocked to see my name on the [terrorist] lists. I've never heard of Pennsylvania, where I happened to hijack a plane. " Total, minus five.

Salem al-Hamzi(AA77) works at a chemical plant in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia: "I have never been to the United States, and in the last two years I have not left Saudi Arabia." Total, minus six.

Khalid al-Midhar(AA77) - programmer in Mecca, Saudi Arabia: "I would like to think that this is some kind of mistake." According to the Chicago Tribune, he was watching TV when his friends started calling him and asking if he was alive. Total, minus seven.

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York divided the history of the United States of America into before and after. The three thousand people killed in the explosion of the Twin Towers are an irreparable loss for the American people. Question: "Who blew up the towers?" for many remains open to this day. There are too many logical inconsistencies in the official version of the investigation.

Mission Possible?

According to the official version, the twin towers were destroyed as a result of the bombings of planes that rammed the buildings. The fire that broke out during the attack weakened the metal structures and the building collapsed. Then the same thing happened with another skyscraper.

Ordinary people are still perplexed: how could immigrants from Arab countries, whose names were previously known to the special services, come to the United States, undergo training in piloting passenger Boeings, bring dummy firearms on board aircraft, capture several aircraft at the same time ram several buildings with precision?

This whole operation looks incredible, but, nevertheless, it is theoretically doable. Far more complex questions from the investigating commission are being asked by experts, who have in their hands the results of analyzes obtained after examining the wreckage of the twin towers. At the site of the tragedy, traces of explosives and termite were found - a substance that reaches a temperature of 1500 degrees during combustion. But let's talk about everything in order. Consider the main conspiracy theories of explosions.

Analysis of the rubble of buildings taken to the landfill

Less than a month after the terrorist attack, the US army invaded Afghanistan, destroying hotbeds of terrorism, and at the same time writing off its debts, destabilizing the situation in the region and laundering multibillion-dollar investments in the military industry, in which, as it became known during the election campaign, the Washington hawks have not only state interests, but also personal interests.

The terrorist act untied the hands of the US special services, which received the right to listen to other people's conversations and read other people's letters, and not only on their own territory, but in any corner of the world. Even the leaders of the G7 countries have no right to their little secrets from Washington. This was clearly shown by the scandal around the wiretapping Angela Merkel.

There are many supporters of the idea that the American intelligence services at least knew about the preparation of the terrorist attacks, and most likely played a key role in the preparation. Only with the support of Big Brother could Islamic radicals with ties to al-Qaeda find themselves in the United States, undergo first-class flight training, be aboard planes with objects that look like firearms, hijack planes and accurately direct them to predetermined goals.

Like a house of cards

Looking at the collapse of the Twin Towers, experts agree that it is very similar to a controlled explosion. Such explosions are used when it is required to demolish a large building in a densely populated area of ​​the city. Explosives engineers, having studied the design of the structure, calculate the power of each charge placed in the base of the supporting structures. As a result, the demolished object must fold like a house of cards, so that each wall rushes inward.

When carrying out such events, just in case, the inhabitants of nearby houses are evacuated. If there is an error in the calculations or some charges do not work, the building, instead of folding inward, may fall on its side, and then the destruction will turn out to be much more than planned. Looking at the video, it's hard not to be surprised at how neatly and how rapidly the towers are being folded. It looks like real professional explosion technicians were working on this.

Well, what about the planes? After all, thousands of people have seen them, and they are captured on the set. Supporters of the theory of controlled explosion are sure that planes were needed for a beautiful picture and so that ordinary people would not have any questions: how could a bunch of terrorists bring tons of explosives into two carefully guarded buildings in the center of New York and set the charges in such a way that they collapsed fully?

As for the plane that got into the Pentagon building, it may not have existed at all. The shots taken immediately after the attack show the destruction, but they do not show any details of the Boeing. The plane could explode, but it could not dissolve. Large pieces of fuselage and engines must be visible. In addition, the damage to the building is too minor for an invasion by a large passenger airliner. They are more reminiscent of the consequences of being hit by a cruise missile, and terrorists simply could not have such missiles.

Who shot down the fourth plane?

There was also the fourth hijacked airliner, which the terrorists planned to target either at the White House or at the Capitol. But he did not reach his goal. According to the official version, the passengers fought the terrorists and as a result of a fight on board the plane, the liner crashed to the ground. Some conspiracy theorists are sure that the plane was shot down by the American military. This theory is supported by the fact that the debris was scattered at a great distance from each other. But several passengers managed to call their loved ones before the crash; even records of these conversations have been preserved, confirming the official version.

Small atomic bomb

There are so many different opinions about the September 11 tragedy that among them there are even absolutely fantastic and incredible ones. For example, they say in all seriousness that a small atomic bomb was detonated under each building. Allegedly, the developers, who are planning to build the Shopping Center, the New York authorities have set a condition - to provide for the possibility of dismantling the building. After all, it is clear that sooner or later it will fall into disrepair, and it would be much more difficult to demolish such a huge structure at that time, as it seemed then, than to build it. And for the subsequent dismantling, the builders allegedly laid a nuclear charge under each building. But this theory is easily refuted by critics. At the site of a nuclear explosion, even a small one, there should be an increased level of radiation. But it was not observed.

She's also a victim

According to the official version of the American government, the most painful issue is the question of the third tower that collapsed during the terrorist attack. This skyscraper was called "The Seventh Tower of the World Trade Center". The plane did not hit this building, however, it collapsed overnight, like two twin towers.

According to the official theory, the cause of the collapse was a fire that spread from neighboring towers. Allegedly, the communications through which water was supplied to the building to automatically extinguish the fire were destroyed, the fire engulfed the building, the structures could not stand it and collapsed.

Half of Americans surveyed several years ago did not know at all that during the 2001 events in New York, three buildings were destroyed. Many of those in the know do not believe that the 47-story structure could have collapsed instantly in a fire. In the United States, activists have repeatedly demanded a new investigation of the case and the publication of the results of the investigation, but the authorities did not hear them or simply did not want to hear them.

The tragedy of 9/11: How Americans blew up the whole world with the help of collapsed skyscrapers

Most people don't even know that the skyscrapers destroyed on September 11, 2001 in New York there were not two, but three... The buildings collapsed in exactly the same way, although the last skyscraper was not attacked by the Arabs on the allegedly hijacked plane, and it should have only become dusty from what is happening in the neighborhood, but not neatly "folded" like WTC-1 and WTC-2, although they were built in calculated to withstand a collision with an airliner.

If not Arabs and airplanes, then how and from whose hands almost three thousand people died in the United States that day? Whoever answers this question will easily solve the 9/11 riddle. Namely, who allowed this to happen, how could this happen from a technical point of view, why and how the towers actually collapsed, who needed it.

After that, you can not even explain what happened at the same time to the Pentagon, which also allegedly rammed the plane "hijacked" by terrorists. Because everything falls into place, and you don't have to ask any more questions.

Do you still believe in it?

The official version of 9/11 is striking in its absurdity, and it is clearly concocted by Hitler's associates, who wrote in the main "work" of his life "My Struggle" that "the broad masses ... are more likely to become victims of a big lie than a small one."

So, terrorists from the Al-Qaeda group banned in Russia and other countries of the world, mostly Saudi citizens, quietly entered the United States. The CIA knew who most of them really are, but forgot to warn the FBI about it. And when an ordinary agent of this federal police department seemed suspicious that strangely behaving Arabs were learning for some reason to fly to the United States on sports planes, his report was shelved.

These shots flew around and shocked the whole world, and this is not surprising: "The larger the lie, the sooner they will believe it." Photo: NDR Naudet / DPA / TASS

It ended with the fact that, on the orders of a bearded villain from an Afghan cave - Osama bin Laden- The "tourists", including the half-trained pilots of the "maize", calmly seized four passenger airliners. Two of them are, demonstrating aerobatics, rammed the "twin towers" of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York. One was sent to the Pentagon building near Washington, which was even more difficult, since it was necessary drop to two meters above the ground and do not knock down anything on the way.

They ended up, of course, in that section, where was the repair... And another plane crashed under strange circumstances in Pennsylvania. To make this more true, the American authorities are hinting that they have taken action, and this airliner, whose passengers were doomed anyway, was shot down in order to avoid even more casualties on the ground.

What are they hiding?

At the same time, the official version deliberately leaves an event that allows you to look from a completely different angle at this whole dubious story, for which in the United States, by the way, no one was punished. Although there is a seemingly catastrophic failure of the American special services.

The FBI, for example, was then headed by the notorious Robert Mueller, who almost "ate" the president recently in front of our eyes Donald Trump... He was not punished then, and he is trusted now. And Trump was then a construction magnate and ... did not believe in the official version, because he knew very well that the twin towers should not have collapsed from a collision with an aircraft. And this even more should not have happened with WTC-7, which no one crashed into, which also collapsed in Manhattan.

Even the majority of Americans do not know about this event, which is key to understanding the riddle of 9/11, since only "conspiracy theorists" are trumpeting about it. They are simply exalted by the fact that the BBC broadcaster "brought down" this tower on air ... 20 minutes before it actually happened.

That's exactly what it was: British Broadcasting Correspondent Jane Standley broadcast on camera about the collapse of another skyscraper and possible new victims, while the WTC-7 tower loomed behind her. The caption at the bottom of the screen read: "The 47-story Salomon Brothers building near the World Trade Center also collapsed." When London realized what was happening, the broadcast was hastily interrupted, but this recording remained on Youtube.

Honest people who think with their own heads make an unambiguous conclusion about all this - the official "investigation" of the events of September 11 can be trusted no more than the report of the commission Warren Who "investigated" the murder of the US President on November 22, 1963 in Dallas John F. Kennedy, which was hung on a lone psychopath when it was the work of the Deep State, which had developed in the bowels of the United States.

What was it?

So what happened then, September 11, 2011 in New York and Washington, and who is to blame? We answer: a strategic provocation by the ruling circles of the United States against the people of their country and the whole world, in which Al-Qaeda with its demonized leader played the role of a screen. And we are ready to prove it.

First, only a few of the "hijackers" had the skills to fly sports aircraft. They simply could not replace the pilots of civil airliners, at high speed "get" into the "twin towers" hidden among other skyscrapers and ram the Pentagon.

The very behavior of bin Laden after the terrorist attacks, a man who previously worked closely with the United States, a representative of the richest Saudi family with numerous interests in America, indicated that for himself it was a big surprise... For a long time he was persuaded by "the whole world" to take responsibility for himself, and ... On October 29, 2004, when everyone had long been convinced of this that he and his people had done it, he did take it. In three years. In hot pursuit, on September 16, 2001, bin Laden said:

I emphasize that I did not carry out this act, which appears to be carried out by individuals with their own motivation.

That is, perhaps it was not even his people.

The Saudi students who dropped out could not do what they are credited with doing. Photo: Steve Wood / Globallookpress

Realizing that this is a very weak point in the American system of evidence, the United States is even now making efforts to convince the general public of its version: yes, we got into a big mess then, so, they say, and the Russian president Vladimir Putin warned the Americans about the impending September 11 terrorist attacks, but they did not listen to him ...

In fact, everything was very simple. The Americans deliberately allowed to enter the country and created hothouse conditions for some Islamists who could be passed off as hardened terrorists, and skillfully used them as a cover for committing terrorist attacks that could not be organized and carried out by a handful of marginalized foreigners.

And were there not only terrorist pilots in nature at all, but also the planes that they so skillfully disposed of, as well as their passengers? Completely, you say, we all saw with our own eyes how airliners enter skyscrapers like a knife into butter, terrible explosions, collapse of buildings, heard the screams of horror from New Yorkers and anxious, tearful voices of air passengers saying goodbye to their loved ones via cell phones.

As for the planes and real eyewitnesses, it is not so simple. As they give conflicting testimony about what crashed into the Twin Towers. Some say they saw or heard noise from small planes flying over, others believe they saw rockets, and some are real airliners.

The latter probably evaluate their experience retrospectively, having watched well-known footage on TV many times. Incidentally, they were “accidentally” filmed by employees of leading American television companies who unexpectedly found themselves in the right places.

Meanwhile, the big planes - and this is quite proven - simply could not hit the WTC skyscrapers without colliding with a couple of other skyscrapers along the way. Even very experienced pilots could not do this.

Ramming the Pentagon on a Boeing was even more difficult than getting into a skyscraper. Photo: Laura Farr / Globallookpress

One inconsistency after another

And where did the wreckage of the planes go, is there really nothing left at all? Something remains. In the ruins of one of the destroyed WTC towers, an aircraft engine was later "found" turned out, however, from an airplane ... of a different type.

Even greater inconsistencies arose with the Pentagon: the area of ​​damage in the wing of the building, where the Boeing allegedly crashed, is noticeably smaller than the span of its wings, and it is not as deep as it should have been. The tail unit, the corpses of the passengers, the suitcases - none of this was from the very beginning. But this is not a problem: the American military knows how to keep their mouths shut, and this is the main thing.

Why is all this imitation? Because an airliner made of aluminum, often unable to withstand a collision even with a bird, cannot penetrate the steel structure of the WTC buildings so beautifully. Moreover, so that the tip of his nose was shown on the other side of the skyscraper. In addition, the very calls from the "hijacked" planes were technically impossible at that time from the altitude from which they allegedly called, as the tests carried out by the "conspiracy theorists" showed. In New York, in general, at that moment there were serious problems with mobile communications.

It is clear that no airliners have crashed into either the two "twin towers" in New York or the Pentagon building near Washington. It is most likely that these were cruise missiles capable of avoiding obstacles, also rather large in size and somewhat similar to aircraft, which were assisted by "beacons" installed on buildings.

In this regard, two questions arise: where did the passengers who were supposedly in the airliners go, and why did the buildings collapse if in fact no Boeings had crashed into them?

During the collapse of skyscrapers in Manhattan, only ordinary people were killed. Photo: Anthony Correia / Shutterstock.com

The first question can only be answered by the American special services themselves, who organized this bloody show. Whether they were originally "dead souls" or someone was really killed, or they underwent plastic surgery, moved to the other end of the country, only they know this.

As established by independent investigators, at least two of the aircraft allegedly taking part in the terrorist attacks were decommissioned at that time, and on September 11, 2001, they could not be operated.

It was termite

As for the buildings, it's not a secret for ten years what caused them to collapse - they were blown up... In 2009, an international team of researchers published an article in the journal Open Chemical Physics on the results of a chemical analysis of the debris of the WTC buildings.

Fragments of a termite, a superflammable substance that easily burns through steel, were found in them. The combustion temperature of aviation fuel is about 1000 degrees, the melting temperature of steel is about 1500 degrees. So this is termite - only he could "knock down" the steel frame of buildings.

Everyone remembers how they fell, or rather, "formed" in clouds of dust. This is a typical "controlled drift"- a series of directed explosions in key, most vulnerable points of skyscrapers, which were heard by people who were near them - survivors, firefighters and onlookers.

Before that, some "repairmen" were scurrying about in the corridors of skyscrapers for a long time. Records of the voices of people standing in a cordon outside the WTC-7 building, warning that this skyscraper will soon be blown up, have been preserved. According to some reports, the ground headquarters of the operation was located there, and the authorities thus covered their tracks. With this, however, hesitated, went out of schedule. This was the reason for the BBC's puncture described above, which was on the periphery of the grandiose American provocation.

By the way, firefighters began to be brought to New York from other parts of the country in advance - the American authorities knew well what was coming. So good that not a single "bump" in downtown Manhattan died as a result of the collapse of skyscrapers.

In the area of ​​future terrorist attacks, important meetings were canceled in advance, and some valuable employees were unexpectedly asked not to go to work on September 11. Almost all of the victims - office workers, catering workers, service staff, ordinary technical staff, firefighters ...

Obviously, there is a bloody hoax in which leading American federal television channels and one foreign one are involved. According to independent researchers, selected TV channels received blanks depicting future terrorist attacks in New York, which they each processed in their own style.

In March 2003, the United States attacked Iraq, plunging the entire region into chaos, giving rise to ISIS, which is prohibited in Russia. Then there were Libya, Egypt, Syria... For the "fight against terror" in various countries, the Pentagon and the American special services received trillions of dollars, and the US military-industrial complex acquired a new meaning for existence.

The US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the elimination of international law by Washington would have been impossible without September 11. Photo: Bumble Dee / Shutterstock.com

09/11/2001 WHO blew up the twin towers, who committed the terrorist attack? ?

Eighteen years have passed since this tragic event, but the debate about what actually happened then does not subside. And the number of those who do not believe in the official version is growing, because there are too many inconsistencies, there are many things that the official version is unable to explain logically.

1) On September 11, 2001, I came home after work in the evening, and my wife said, then you have dinner, the incredible is shown on TV, it's been going on for 15 minutes already, the plane crashed into a skyscraper in the USA. I go in, sit in an armchair and can't believe my eyes: people are jumping from the windows of the upper floors, preferring to perish rather than burn alive. A couple of minutes later, the second plane crashes into the second skyscraper. I can’t believe this is actually happening. Phantasharmony, not reality. I sit and look as if spellbound. Forgetting dinner and beer. Further more, an attack on the Pentagon, etc.

And about an hour later it comes to me, and why on earth is all this shown on Russian TV live (on Channel 1, on Channel 2, on NTV, etc.), and even almost from the very start. One approval, in order to get permission from the authorities, had to take a lot of time, which means that permission to show the attack on the Twin Towers was obtained in advance. That is, in the evening of September 11, 2001, doubts arose in me that something was definitely wrong here, that it was akin to the burning of the Reichstag in 1933.

The second plane crashed into the south tower (WTC-2) 16.5 minutes after the first plane attacked the north tower (WTC-1).

2) It was also obvious to me from the very beginning that terrorists could not crash into skyscrapers. Amateurs who graduated from express flight courses were not able to fly sophisticated modern liners, direct them to skyscrapers and hit their targets right the first time. And it was surprisingly quickly established who these terrorists were and the fact that they graduated from the courses.

During the first weeks, they only talked about this, which of them studied for a pilot in the United States, where they graduated from courses, etc. They quoted the words of witnesses, showed eyewitnesses and a video recording of the passage of their training in aviation schools. But many in the world did not immediately believe this, because they understood that the Arabs were taught to fly on corn plants, and not on liners. Therefore, another version soon surfaced that they were already experienced pilots when they arrived in the United States. Then the question is, why do they need courses in which they teach to fly on maize? True, now there is almost no mention of these courses anywhere.

3) When the skyscrapers began to fall in an hour, I could not believe my eyes, because houses fall as a result of their deliberate demolition by detonation, experts call this technology "directional explosion" when a building is mined from the inside. And if the house is destroyed for other reasons, then the fall occurs chaotically and with a large radius of scattering of large debris of buildings in different directions. In addition, I approximately knew that the melting temperature of steel, and in the construction of skyscrapers, special, ultra-strong steel is used, much higher than the combustion temperature of kerosene. The melting temperature of such steel is 1538 ° C. The maximum temperature that is reached when burning pure aviation fuel is 825 °. But the kerosene burned out relatively quickly, which means that the temperature of the fire should have dropped to the usual temperature on a fire in the room. That is, the complete destruction of the twins could not occur in this situation, especially since they could not have developed in any way, as during the demolition of buildings.

4) In a terrible fire, according to the official version, hundreds of thousands of tons of steel melted, hundreds of tons of concrete turned into dust. Almost nothing remained of the Boeing passengers and the thousands of those killed in the building, not even the charred body fragments. And the passport of one of the hijackers, who crashed into the plane's tower, Mohammed Atta, safely glided down and was found during the investigation. The passport was supposed to instantly burn out the moment the plane crashed into a skyscraper in a terrible explosion. Even the "black boxes" of the planes were completely destroyed by the fire, and the passport was intact. It only happens in a bad movie.

5) By the way, from 1,166 people out of 2,606 who died in twins, only small fragments of bodies remained or nothing remained. Together with them, parts of office furniture, telephones, computers, etc. turned into dust and small fragments. The largest piece of all this was a small piece of a telephone keypad, according to one of those who worked on the analysis of the collapsed twins. Only when buildings collapse can bodies be deformed, but they do not fall apart and, moreover, cannot disappear without a trace. This could only happen with a strong explosion, which is confirmed by the fact. that in 2006, the smallest fragments of human bones were found on the roof of a nearby skyscraper where Deutsche Bank is located.

In total, 2.977 people became victims of 09/11/2001.

6) For a long time I did not know that the third skyscraper collapsed near the Twin Towers, and it is not surprising that this fact was hushed up in the USA. And when I found out, it was only a minor addition to my evidence that everything was arranged by the US special services. In this 47-storey skyscraper number 7 was located the New York headquarters of the CIA and a number of government agencies. It is possible that another plane should have crashed into this building or some other incident should have occurred, but something went wrong. And it was imperative to destroy him, so they destroyed him on the sly, on the sly.

Skyscraper # 7 fell, according to independent experts, as beautifully as the twin towers. but after a few hours. But experts from the "Engineers and Architects for Truth" organization, which includes about 2 thousand professionals in the field of engineering and architecture, argue that this building could not collapse so easily, as this was prevented by the unusually strong reinforced concrete structures.

7) The third hijacked plane, according to the official version, crashed into the Pentagon building, where the terrorists sent the airliner along an extremely difficult, as low as possible trajectory. In this case, the height of the Boeing 757 is 13 meters, the Pentagon - 24 meters. Based on this, the final kilometers of the liner flight had to pass at an altitude of only a few meters above the ground, which is an almost impossible task for pilots who have just completed express courses. And most importantly, it was much easier to crash into the Pentagon from above. This is what real terrorists would do. But that's not all, when the Boeing struck a building, it left no trace of its wings. No debris was found nearby. According to official conclusions, all of them were destroyed by a powerful explosion and fire, which is very doubtful.

Part of the video footage showing the attack on the Pentagon was seized by FBI agents immediately after the attack. Also, no one saw the frames, which captured the airliner crashing into the building, or its wreckage, or the remains of passengers, or the remains of luggage.

The fourth hijacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania. On it, according to legend, the passengers resisted the terrorists, and from the same official version it follows that he fell in the field, only the scatter of the aircraft wreckage within a radius of more than 10 km or what imitates the debris indicates that it was destroyed in the air at a high altitude. In fact, there are no traces left of the plane. Was he even there? According to the official version, they wanted to send him either to the White House or to the Congress building located in Washington.

8) And who flew the planes that crashed into the twin towers? They were radio controlled and without passengers. I adhere to this option, perhaps I am wrong.

For the more logical version is that there were no planes at all. And on TV they showed a reenactment, so light duralumin aircraft punched through reinforced concrete skyscrapers like a knife to a tin can, which, according to independent experts, is impossible. That is, we were shown cartoons. In some countries, they show a new super-powerful unique weapon.

9) Adding intrigue is the circumstance, as indicated by independent researchers of this tragedy, that the twin towers and skyscraper No. 7 six weeks before September 11, 2001, the American company Silverstein and the Israeli company Catch insured more than $ 3 billion. This amount exceeds the amount that went to the construction of both towers. The total amount of insurance payments as a result of the terrorist attack amounted to a record $ 70 billion.

And in the basement of skyscraper No. 7, they said, were stored huge reserves of gold worth hundreds of billions of dollars. It evaporated. The states blamed everything on force majeure.

Plane No. 3 not only crashed into the Pentagon, but precisely into that part of the building where the most important documentation, including accounting reports, was kept, destroying them. As a result, the scandal that was brewing in the United States over the theft of hundreds of billions of dollars at the Pentagon faded into oblivion.

Why was all the remnants of the collapsed metal immediately sent as scrap metal to be melted down? This made it impossible to conduct an investigation. In response to a written request from the New York Times, who issued the order, the New York Governor's Office declined to respond.

Why did the destruction of the towers start according to a single scheme from the very top, and not from the floors damaged by aircraft? Why did they collapse so quickly, just an hour after the upper floors of one of the skyscrapers caught fire?

Why did the authorities refuse to comment on the testimony of many witnesses and firefighters that they heard multiple explosions inside both towers just before they began to fall?

Were the planes guided from the ground using the US-developed Global Hawk system?

And this is just a small part of the experts' questions.

10) And for what was this provocation started? Imperialism cannot live without wars, such is its nature. He needs wars in order to resolve his contradictions, to get out of an insoluble crisis.

In September 2000, the report of the leading structure of American "neoconservatives" Project for a New American Century, entitled "Rebuilding American Power," was published, which literally said the following: the process of transforming the United States into the dominant force of tomorrow could take a long some catastrophic event-catalyst, "new Pearl Harbor". One of the authors of this report was Paul Wolfowitz, US Deputy Secretary of Defense from 2001-2005. In addition to him, PNAC members also included Dick Cheney (vice president), Donald Rumsfeld (secretary of defense) and Richard Pearl (head of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Advisory Committee).

A catalyst was needed and it happened, after 11.09.2001 the world ceased to be the same. This provocation buried international law, gave the United States carte blanche to wage war around the world. Instead of the USSR, which had sunk into oblivion, a new enemy was invented in the person of "international terrorism", to which it became possible to rank any state. Already on October 7, 2001, the Americans invaded Afghanistan to "punish the terrorists." In March 2003, the United States attacked Iraq, plunging the entire region into chaos, and eventually took control of almost all of Iraq's oil and the entire Middle East. Then there was Libya, revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, Syria ... The Pentagon has received over $ 7 trillion over the past 18 years for the "fight against terror" in various countries, and the US military-industrial complex has acquired a new meaning for existence.

In October 2001, the United States adopted the Patriot Act - a thoroughly and previously worked out federal law that significantly expanded the rights of special services to electronically track and monitor Americans, the special services were able to control everyone. The States finally became a police state.

PS. Were there really terrorists or not? Were. But they were simply used corny. The American special services deliberately allowed terrorists into the country, who were really plotting terrorist attacks using airplanes. They were needed. as a cover. Particularly intriguing is the fact that the terrorists' car was found, which they had parked in a parking lot of thousands of people at the airport. Amazingly, inside were the Korans and instructions for flying the Boeing. Again, like in a bad movie. And they were sent to the United States by agents of the States, embedded in terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Moreover, the main international terrorist organizations were created with the participation of the States themselves. And this is not a secret for a long time.

But on the whole, the provocation of 09/11/2001 was arranged fantastically, it is more grandiose and talented than the staging of the flights of American astronauts to the moon. 1969 - 1972 it was much easier to make it, to make a "movie" in Hollywood and show it to simpletons all over the world. And then the action took place live, in front of our eyes, about which the television of the Allied countries was warned in advance and that Russian TV beautifully and convincingly demonstrated to us.

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The tragedy of September 11, 2001, horrified the world. Today, conspiracy theorists are asking themselves: where did the more than 1000 bodies of the victims of the terrorist attack, who were at that moment in the buildings of the World Trade Center in New York, disappear?

Remains turned to dust

At the time of the collapse, there were a total of more than 16 thousand people in both buildings. They were employees of offices and shops, as well as ordinary visitors. More than 3,000 people have died, according to a 2004 report by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks against the United States.

The remains of 1,634 people were subsequently discovered. From another 1116 people, only small fragments of bodies remained. Part of the office furniture, telephones, computers and other inanimate objects also "evaporated" with them. Rather, they turned into dust and debris.

According to one of those conducting search work at the scene of the tragedy, the largest piece of office furnishings found at the epicenter of the tragedy was a small piece of a telephone keypad.

In aircraft crashes or severe fires, only isolated fragments often remain from the bodies of the dead. But when buildings collapse, this usually does not happen. Bodies can deform, but they do not fall apart, and even more so they cannot disappear without a trace. However, this is exactly what happened to those unfortunate enough to find themselves inside the Twin Towers.

According to the conspiracy theorists, the fact is that the towers did not collapse - they exploded. By the way, the smallest fragments of human bones were found on the roof of the neighboring Deutsche Bank building in 2006. All this fits into the picture of an explosion, not a collapse. In an explosion, objects can indeed disintegrate into small particles.

The most interesting thing is that many family members of the victims also believe in this version. Thus, Robert McIlwain, the father of one of the 9/11 victims, is convinced that the "terrorist attack" was only a cover for an explosion organized by government agencies. And William Rodriguez, who managed to survive the tragedy, even calls the collapse of the Twin Towers "controlled demolition."

Conspiracy theorists point to other suspicious facts. Thus, part of the video footage showing the attack on the Pentagon was seized by FBI agents immediately after the attack. Also, no one saw the frames, which captured the airliner crashing into the building, or its wreckage, or the remains of passengers, or the remains of luggage.

Also, the official lists of Boeing passengers, among whom were supposed to be al-Qaeda terrorists (banned in Russia), video and audio recordings made on board the aircraft, were not made public. The notorious black boxes were taken by the same FBIs. Finally, some of the data was classified by US President George W. Bush.

The "controlled explosion" version

From time to time, more and more "evidence" appears, casting doubt on the official version of the 9/11 tragedy. For example, the organization "Engineers and Architects for Truth", which includes about 2 thousand specialists in the field of engineering and architecture, argue that the Seventh 47-storey tower of the World Trade Center, which collapsed after the Twin Towers due to a fire that began, could not do so it is easy to collapse as a result of a battering ram, since this was prevented by reinforced concrete structures.

“The destruction of Tower Seven looks like a controlled explosion,” said one member of the organization. "This technology requires weeks of preparation and can only be implemented according to a pre-planned scenario."

It is curious that at the time of the tragedy there were no people at all in the Seventh Tower. In a 2013 poll conducted in connection with the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attack by the sociological service YouGov, it turned out that 46% of Americans did not even suspect that not two, but three New York skyscrapers were destroyed on September 11, 2001.

At the same time, according to sociologists, 10% of respondents said they did not believe in the results of the official investigation of the tragedy, and 38% doubted that the government had made public the whole truth about those events.

They just burned out!

Meanwhile, according to an official government report from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), the collapse of the WTC building was caused by the destruction of the fire protection of the main supporting structures of the towers. The fires were also promoted by the presence of "thermal substances" in the premises, which were part of the primer for the walls.

One way or another, the bodies of the victims, apparently, did not disappear anywhere, but simply disintegrated into separate fragments as a result of fires, which, in turn, were the result of damage inflicted by planes with terrorists on board. But conspiracy theories always have a place.

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