Caspian sailing screw longboats. Names of sea sailing ships

This yacht was built by Yu. V. Kholopov from Leningrad. The old boat of the Novoladozhskaya construction, found on the banks of the Middle Nevka, was taken as a basis. The boat, despite its deplorable condition, quite suited Yu. V. Kholopov both in terms of contours that meet the requirements for propulsion and germination on the wave, and dimensions (about 1.5 m longer than the six-oared yal, which significantly expanded the layout possibilities).

The repaired hull underwent only minor changes: the side was raised by 70 mm, a decorative fitting (made of aluminum alloy) was placed on the stem, which at the same time played the role of a bowsprit support. The boat was decked, equipped with a superstructure and a self-draining cockpit. The hull with clinker sheathing is pasted over with fiberglass in two layers (on the bottom - in three). In addition, an additional layer of fiberglass and a layer of glass mat were laid along the keel and in the middle part of the boat - two boards 40x150 3 m long. fake mounts. The frames in this area are reinforced with oak plates and squares, bent from a steel sheet 3 mm thick.

Of interest is the design of the false keel itself and the profiled steering wheel. The false keel is made of welded steel 2 mm thick; its streamlined shape is fixed by horizontal braces. The sole is cut out of a sheet 10 mm thick and has a hole for laying ballast (lead). For fastening to the set, through bolts with a diameter of 10 and 12 mm are used.

The steering wheel design is based on a light alloy plate (8 mm thick), on which deep risks are applied and studs are fixed to improve adhesion. The rudder blade molded with epoxy putty is pasted over with fiberglass.

The interior of the yacht is divided into three compartments. The bow compartment is the skipper's pantry, but two berths can be equipped in it. The asymmetry of the table and the use of its swivel design allow you to pass through the cabin without interference from any side. The aft compartment is divided by longitudinal partitions into the engine room, where the SM-557L engine is installed, and side compartments, in which gas tanks with a capacity of 60 liters welded from millimetric steel are inserted. The main metal units and parts of the yacht are made of stainless steel.

The yacht is armed with a sloop; there are three staysails (6, 14 and 24 m²) and a grotto (9.65 m²). The collapsing mast is unfastened in the standers on the roof of the wheelhouse. From below, the roof of the cabin is reinforced with two pillars from a board 50 mm thick; between them - a hole in the nasal compartment. The mast is secured with shrouds and rhomboids; the rigging is made of stainless steel (wire with a diameter of 4 mm).

During five navigations, the Xanthippe yacht had more than 100 exits and proved to be a seaworthy and well-controlled sailboat, sailing steeply to the wind. Its habitability is satisfactory.

In his report, Yu. V. Kholopov draws attention to the effect of the propeller on the stroke. With a wind of up to 2-3 points, the screw turns only if the cuffs are placed on the shaft freely, but at the same time they let water through (up to 2 buckets per day). If the cuffs are tightened, then the propeller begins to turn with a wind force of more than 3 points, and with smaller winds it is motionless and creates resistance up to 20% of the total. The way out of this situation can be the installation of a propeller with folding blades.

The yacht owner decided to increase the sail area by installing a 5.2 m long mizzen mast (shortened from ) with a sail area of ​​about 5.5 m².

Schooner "Grinada" from a ship's boat

Back in the summer of 1970, Kharkiv yachtsmen - members of the amateur yacht club "Fregat" - purchased the outdated ship "Ivan Franko". It was decided to make her a yacht like old sailboats. This work, in which 15 people participated, was supervised by an experienced yachtsman Oleg Voropaev. The yacht was built on the territory of the Malyshev transport engineering plant, and the administration of the enterprise provided great assistance to the yachtsmen.

The hull of the boat was equipped with a clipper-post, a transom stern was made, a deck and a wheelhouse were installed, and a self-draining cockpit was equipped. The deck and bulkheads are made of scraps of duralumin. The hollow false keel is welded from steel sheets and filled with lead.

The yacht was armed with a gaff schooner with a total sail area of ​​42 m².

The auxiliary engine is a 10-horsepower Moskva outboard motor.

The cabin is equipped with seven berths, a chart table, a wardrobe and spacious lockers. For cooking, a gas stove with two cylinders is used. Rescue equipment, except for circles, includes an inflatable rubber boat for 10 people.

The name "Grinada" is given in memory of Alexander Grin.

In August 1973, "Grinada" entered the first flight Odessa - Zhdanov (future port of registry). On the way, it was planned to visit Sevastopol, Yalta and Feodosiya, but the number of visits had to be reduced, as we spent three days in Sevastopol due to a strong storm.

The Grinada sailed successfully in the next season of 1974, but at the very end of the navigation, when the yacht was returning to Zhdanov, the main mast broke during another storm. Since 1976, the yacht has continued long-range cruising.

V.P. Drachevsky, who was a participant in the construction of the schooner, reported to the editor about the Grinade. The experience gained gave him the opportunity to subsequently lead the team that designed and built the mini-ton ship "Three Bogatyrs".

Schooner "Yuri Gagarin" from a whaleboat

The schooner was built in Odessa by three enthusiasts under the direction and with the participation of A. D. Kirichenko on the basis of a 9-meter rescue whaleboat.

Board height increased by 250 mm. The deck is extended forward; the bow is framed with clippers with the expectation of further installation of the bowsprit. The stern is lengthened, and the contours of the surface part of the hull are changed in such a way that a stern overhang is formed and a wide transom is obtained. A ballast false keel weighing 1.5 tons, having a height of about 1 m and a length of about 5.5 m, is attached to the keel beam. which limits the freedom of movement on the deck. The self-draining cockpit is smaller than is required to accommodate the entire crew. Equipped with two cabins (4 permanent berths) and a galley compartment in the stern. Each compartment has a separate ladder.

The sailing rig consists of a gaff fore (25 m²), a Bermuda mainsail (20 m²), a top (30 m²) and a rake (10 m²) staysail, a jib (8 m²) and an apsel (10 m²). Each of the masts is secured by two pairs of main shrouds, stays and top shrouds, passing through the spreaders. In addition, the foremast is equipped with a topstay and forduns. The bowsprit is fastened according to the traditions of sailing ships - water stays, between which a net is stretched, and water stays, one of which goes through a marting boom.

The ship is equipped with a small CHA-4 diesel engine, which provides 6 knots under the engine. Under sail in a 5-point wind, the speed of the yacht is 6-7 knots. The construction of the schooner lasted 2 years.

Several long trips along the Black Sea showed good seaworthiness and the correct choice of sailing equipment.

"Quarterton" "Leader" on the basis of the old yal

The yacht was built by G. Poddubny and V. Vzglyadov (Kremenchug) from the hull of an old six-oared yal.

The main data of the "quarter-tonner" "Leader"
Maximum length, m 7,30
Length according to design waterline, m 6,20
Maximum width, m 2,00
Draft, m 1,20
Empty displacement, t 1,50
Fake weight, t 0,45
Sail area, m² 24,03

A project was developed and an exact model was made on a scale of 1:10, and even the weight characteristics were maintained. The model helped clarify the position and shape of the ballast keel.

The work began with cleaning the hull from old coatings and replacing a number of parts of the set and skin belts. Then, in order to change the contours of the extremities, the bow and stern fittings were placed directly on the body of the six. A straight inclined stem and a counter-timber with an inclined transom were installed, which served as the basis for the formation of the bow and stern overhangs; the length of the hull increased by 1.15 m. The board was raised by 300 mm. Pine boards 13 mm thick were glued along the entire outer surface of the hull to level the ledges of the clinker sheathing, and then it was planed. After puttying and sanding, the body was pasted over with fiberglass in two layers.

Nitro-enamel paint (about 10% by weight) was introduced into the epoxy binder above the waterline - black, below - scarlet. After sanding, the case was covered with a thin layer of liquid epoxy, and when the resin hardened a little (but still stuck to the fingers), nitro paint from a spray gun. It turned out to be a very durable coating.

The deck was assembled from boards 20 mm thick with glass mat pasting in one layer. The deckhouse and cockpit are made of 10 mm plywood and also covered with fiberglass.

In the afterpeak (in the attachment behind the transom of the boat) a 20-liter can of gasoline is stored for. Lockers are equipped under the banks of the spacious self-draining cockpit. The cabin sleeps four. The berths are covered with artificial leather on a foam lining. The galley with the "Bumblebee" in the gimbals is located under the gangway. The cabin is equipped on the right side with a wardrobe, on the left side there is a navigation cabinet with a folding table.

The running lights and the interior lighting system are powered by an alkaline battery (12 V; 60 Ah).

The mast is made of steel pipe with a diameter of 60 mm, the boom is made of pine. The weight of the mast in working condition is about 55 kg. Standing rigging is cut from steel wire with a diameter of 4 mm.

In the summer of 1976, the "Leader" was launched. The yacht plunged into the water without trim and exactly on the waterline. Its tests were carried out on the Dnieper reservoirs with winds up to 6 points. The strength of the hull was tested by repeated groundings. Good seaworthiness, course stability and good tacking qualities are noted. The maximum speed of the yacht is 7.5 knots.

In 1977, the "Leader" out of standings (the yacht was not measured) took part in the race for the "Big Dnieper Cup" on the route Kyiv - Odessa. The crew received the prize "For the most beautiful amateur-built yacht".

Yacht "Getan"

This mini-yacht was built by E. A. Gvozdev from Makhachkala in two years.

The alteration of the 6-meter backboard yal was carried out according to the project of the designer of the Leningrad Experimental Shipyard of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions A. B. Karpov, given in "KYA" No. 55, but with some deviations. The stem is given a greater forward inclination. The deck in the stern runs at the level of the side line, which made it possible to raise the cockpit by 150 mm; the author believes that this solution simplifies the design and provides greater freedom in the repair of the engine located in the afterpeak. The ballast (600 kg of pig iron and lead) was secured under the cockpit, which gave a slight (about 2°) trim to the stern. Fin false keel was not installed.

The body is covered with fiberglass on the outside. The underwater part is coated twice with epoxy glue with the addition of dry red lead. It turned out resistant, according to the shipbuilder, a beautiful coating, which, unfortunately, is subject to fouling. The hinged bow and sliding aft hatches are made of 12 mm thick plexiglass. The unsinkability of the yacht is ensured by foam plastic, which is laid under the deck and deckhouse roof, in hollow bulkheads and under the lining along the sides in the cabin; the total foam volume is about 1.8 m³. The maximum height in the cabin at the entrance is 1.37 m.

The yacht is armed with a sloop. The spar is made welded from pipes with a diameter of 85 mm from the AMg5M alloy. Lik-groove - a tube with a diameter of 22x2, mounted on M5 screws.

At the end of July 1979 the yacht was launched. After an experimental inclining, she was armed, and already on August 1, E. A. Gvozdev went on her alone on the first flight to the Astrakhan raid and back. This eight-day "cruise" the author called "sea trials."

The voyage showed that the "Getan" is a seaworthy and stable vessel capable of carrying full windage with winds up to 7 points. When the yacht sailed on a gulfwind course in this wind, the heel was about 15°. When the wind increased, storm sails were set or the yacht went into a drift (wind over 10 points) due to the impossibility of controlling a large wave.

Maximum speed up to 5 knots. The yacht maneuvers badly - the absence of a fin affects. A reservation should be made here: using the finished project, the builder for some reason refused the recommended screws, which, undoubtedly, would improve the tacking qualities of the yacht.

In the same August 1979, Gvozdev made a long solo voyage. Within a month, the yacht crossed the Caspian Sea twice, visited Bautino, Aktau, Krasnovodsk, Baku.

On the next navigation, the Getana again made a long voyage alone. For 25 running days, the yacht traveled 1070 miles without calling at ports, crossed the Caspian six times. E. A. Gvozdev gives the following data on this transition: the yacht sailed with fair winds of medium strength for a total of 10 days (40% of the time), tacked with the same winds - 8 days (30%), fought a storm - 2 days (6 %), the rest of the time - drifted.

Taking numerous photos

Timur became interested in the timing of the submarine

And feelers (No. 7) to check the gaps

We, as landmen, were interested in the details of everyday life. Including in the latrine

Rescue diving suit, mentioned in the movie "72 meters". Remember, Makovetsky: "And by musings, by musings"

And a working diving suit

After a dull road - revival is read on the faces

We are moving to Pudozh. It wasn’t there ... refueling our Pepelats at Lukoil, located in the other direction from the exit we needed, took another 40 minutes.
But, they saw locking. quickly and through the chain-link mesh.

Pudozh, Medvezhyegorsk, the road is being repaired very intensively. Among us is an expert designer of road structures, therefore, along the way, we can, like on an excursion, ask any questions about geotextiles, crushed stone, road equipment and hydraulic structures.

In Medvezhka again refueling to a full tank. We are trying to find out from locals about catering places, but in vain. It seems that everyone there is not local, passing through. The people poured full tanks into their battered L200s and a couple of 100-liter canisters in the back. Next, we get up on the P-21 "Cola". Kilometers are smeared in this expanse of tundra. It seems that we drove 500 km, but no ... only 150. Through the si-bi radio, we find out “how far it is before lunch”: the truckers made us happy, 200 kilometers to the nearest tavern. Such is her life in the transfer - from the canteen to the canteen. There are no settlements along the way. Only lapels to Segezha, Belomorsk, Kem ... At "Kemi" and "Kemi", of course, we do not refuel, as they recommend in all travel reports.
On steam solariums we reach Loukhi. For decency, they plopped 15 liters so as not to dry out. In the village store bought food for the evening. In the village, young people see us off with unkind glances, looking around at our trailers, what we can profit from. They probably thought we'd camp nearby. We return to the track, and drive off a couple of kilometers back, to the lake. back.

Sunset is not expected. Beer with fish. With difficulty we found a place for two tents for Ilya and me. Our car owners sleep in their cars on the way. They have acclimatization, a smooth transition from a home bed to a tent mat. Slept well. In the morning, a vigorous rise, we wash ourselves, brush our teeth with lake water. However… it is +6 outside, the water in the lake is a couple of degrees warmer. Breakfast at a gas station at the intersection of Loukhi - A-136. Faces glow, eyes burn - we are almost at the starting point. Everyone wants to jump on motorcycles as soon as possible. I call Alexander Borisovich, arrange our visit with an overnight stay at Tonya Tetrina. Estimated time of arrival I appoint "about 18.00". Strings of brothers, returning from Motobuhta, stretched towards them. Someone has a facial expression - “moto”, while someone else has not departed from the “Bay”. We pass, stopping for tying ribbons, at the mark of the Arctic Circle. Well, shit there ... Hundreds of pagan seids, ribbons, scraps, and even sneakers on the branches. Make a fool pray with one word.

In the afternoon we drive to Kandalaksha. We buy more needs in the store, have a sweaty lunch so as not to return to the food issue for today. At this store, clumsy personalities from under the hem of the jacket offer a choice of smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. Be careful there!
Parking on the street. Defenders of the Arctic, which I previously, looking at the maps, noticed for the camp of our cars with trailers, turned out to be a car pound. First, they indicated some exorbitant price for 2 cars with trailers. But when they saw that we were turning around, they brought down the price tag to 150 rubles / day for a hitch. We agree. They took off their motorcycles, put on their clothes, hung their bags, drove off to the gas station. And then I was in for a culture shock. I put the pistol in the tank of the WRR and go to pay. The girl at Statoil, seeing my clearly passing physiognomy, kindly explains: they first refuel, and then pay. I understand that the capital is not local, and the Finnish border is nearby ... But this did not alleviate my surprise because “refuel, then pay”, I first tried it not in my native Tatarstan with its Tatneft.

The female security guard at the special parking lot looked with interest at our transformation from four to two-wheelers. Asked questions. Then she said that a year earlier a motorcycle traveler from Novgorod had died on the highway. They have a motorcycle “like yours, but more serious” and equipment under the booth. She said that the parents had just arrived to pick up their son’s body from the morgue, but no one had come to pick up the motorcycle, and they didn’t know what to do with all this. She offered to go to the closet and have a look. Not very good for the start of the trip, we silently ignored her proposal ... Then she asked if we had firearms and fishing equipment with us, because. according to her, “they called this morning - the fish went, and the bears we have here at night around the city stagger between garbage cans.” Smiling indulgently, we said that we didn't have anything with us (and if we did, we wouldn't say so). And bears… well, we have bears at home too.

White Sea as it is

We climbed the first hill.

I have heard before that in Kandalaksha they hold competitions in downhill mountain biking, probably from this mountain. Beautiful view of the Kandalaksha Bay. Further, an excellent asphalt ribbon carried us through the settlements familiar from Nikitin's book: Luvenga, Kolvitsa. We stopped at Lake Kolvitsky.

We have our first sacrifice to the local spirits. The elder brother Timur, having unscrewed the throttle handle, fired a pebble straight into the headlight of his younger brother Artur. The situation is familiar to me. In Kazakhstan, I came under “shelling” and caught a stone in the headlight glass. On the shore of the lake, Arthur glues the headlight with improvised means. Here this flashlight will not be useful, but upon arrival, you will have to change it.

The sun is shining, the wind is strong, and there are quite serious lambs on the lake. We fooled around a little in the sand, warmed up from the asphalt, and marched to Umba. There, at Rosneft, some 6, some 5, and some 4 liters were added to the tanks. I decided not to fill the canister yet. The goal for today is Tonya Tetrina, especially on Monday, and there are few guests there; we have vacancies. We were so tired of the rubilov in the car in the form of a chair with bulging eyes that we wanted to have fun. We decide not to drive on asphalt, but to make our way through the Turii Peninsula along paths and paths. The track was very fun.

I had to sweat and turn around in search of the right direction, as a result, we jumped out to the Kandalaksha Nature Reserve (we have such a trick - willy-nilly climb through point G (I specify, NOT “G”) into forbidden places, where absolutely no one expects to appear especially on the first working day of the week).

But on the pebbles, the muscles remembered their true purpose, thoughts appeared in my head about what and in what direction to twist in the evening in the suspension settings for this area. In our native Mari sands, I like to tighten the front almost to the hardest.
Of course, having wet our feet, getting dirty, grabbing trophies, and forgetting about the photos, we arrived in Tonya Tetrina instead of the declared 18.00, closer to 22.00. 500 meters from Tony, the Spirits, using a stone on the road, take the pilot's left footboard from Ilgiz from his Yamaha TTR250 Open Enduro. Moreover, together with the meat from the frame. The frame of the tither gapes with a lacerated wound. Ilgiz “on one leg” reaches the base. Needs to be cooked and spliced. But that's all tomorrow.
Alexander Borisovich, one might say, was no longer waiting for us.

The three of us settled in a Pomeranian hut, the brothers settled in the Lapps' hut, saying that it doesn't smell so much of fish there (well, what else can it smell like in a localization where the "fish day" is 7 days a week).

They colorfully scattered their brace-helmets-stockings around the Pomeranian hut,

We rolled our sleeping bags on racks and went to have dinner. Salmon fish soup, top herring for the second, smoked salmon for beer, then stocks of cognac went into use. Magic evening. And ahead - a bath. We arrived in Tonya at the highest tide, and while we were having dinner, the tide began to ebb. Two "fishermen" from our group went on an elastic band to get their buzz.

I went to the bathroom alone. That evening, my soul and body either left each other, then returned, touched, repelled each other again. Taste buds staged a tough battle with the contemplative sector of my body, who is cooler and more pleasant now. The immersion of the body steamed after the bath in the White Sea completely springs consciousness, whether this is happening to me in reality, or in a dream ... or maybe it's a snowy winter, and I'm just thinking about this trip? .. But Timur and Artur joined the bath procedures and it all happened again and again. Having left for "half an hour", after 2 hours and 40 minutes, the fishermen returned with salmon, cod and flounder. Also, some kind of fish became their prey, which Ilya and Ilgiz did not even dare to touch with their hands. They removed it from the spinning hook ... with Leatherman's pliers  According to them, the fish puffed up and vibrated like a phone ringing on mute. Already on the shore, Dima, a great guy, the son of Alexander Borisovich, nevertheless forced the fishermen to make direct contact with this prey and take it in their hands. Ilgiz went to clean the fish, and in the morning we smoked it.

What happened to this smoked cod - you will find out later. And then - again a bathhouse, kelp, silence and this indescribable smell of salt on the coast ... I read so much about him in my childhood, but I never felt it. Neither the Black Sea in its various places, nor the Caspian, nor the Aral Sea, nor the Sea of ​​Azov, nor the Mediterranean smelled of salt ... it does not smell of salt, that's all. The salty breeze does not tickle my nose. Either the nose is not like that, or the writers are lying ... And the White Sea smells. Tickles. It plays with several shades of brackishness, depending on the ebb and flow of the tide. If the sun is shining, the exposed kelp begin to dry out very intensively and exude, soar with salt. In cloudy weather, the concentration of salt in the air is completely different. I inhaled this smell, and did not get tired of it. Resort in the direction of "Ear-throat-nose" - in its purest form.
In parallel with us, a serious man from St. Petersburg, on the Tundra, was staying in Ton. He had a specific task - to catch catfish. But that evening it didn't work. But we had an interesting conversation. The night has completely disappeared, it is light.

Our reason does not feel sleep, and we wandered almost until 4 o'clock in the morning.

Through a dream, I heard how early in the morning I got ready and left for Umba Ilgiz. There, a piece of steel fasteners with a footboard was welded to the frame. He returned when our Euskursion was already in full swing. We had breakfast with salmon rich soup. We observed an icebreaker passing in the distance, the cabin of a submarine,
and also for a moment, 25-30 meters from the shore, Belukha, the White Sea whale, appeared. Then Dima gave us an excellent tour of Ton. It makes no sense to retell it, especially since the artifacts need to be touched, weighed with hands, and tried on. Much has been made as an exact copy of the Lapps' utensils, but there are natural old specimens that have survived to this day.

What is the Swedish copper teapot of the 17th century, which is still used in Ton to this day. In the chapel of Varlaam Keretsky - on the wall is a map from the Kursk submarine, from the cabin of Captain Kolesnikov. Charred around the edges, with traces of a long stay in the water. My heart ached as I now recalled my experiences of this tragedy 15 years ago.
We thanked the father and son of the Komarovs for the reception, the tour, but a little bit of good. So conscience torments. We started our trip with luxury conditions: an overnight stay in a cozy hut, a sauna, a three-course dinner. Ilya and I went to look at the remains of a plane that had crashed nearby during the Great Patriotic War. In part, they now lie literally a few tens of meters from Tony, barely deep into the forest.

Alexander Borisovich warned us to go further, said that he had just seen a bear. I exchanged glances with Ilya, apparently, they have such a special tourist-oriented feature here - to scare with a bear. But they did not go to the forest, they collected firewood nearby.

Meanwhile, the tide had begun. You need to hurry to drive towards Kuzomen as much as possible along the coastline, in some places along the low tide.

Excellent grip, there are obstacles, but of course, without blockages of trees. Some puddles are better to go around, because. here the depth of an unsightly puddle may well not justify our flat expectations. In some places you have to go out on asphalt to cross large rivers, but almost always you can return to the coastline immediately after the bridge.

Everywhere are the remnants of old networks, striving to wind on the hubs. And everywhere the remains of karbas ... it is worth mentioning them separately. Karbas was built on the conscience (but how else, if he is the breadwinner, and they entrusted his fate to him at sea). And when it fell into complete disrepair, they never took it apart for “spare parts”, did not burn the remnants. The old karbas stood in a tone on dry land, and died his natural death from natural phenomena. Along the way, the growing up children learned on it: the device of the karbas, partly how to manage it, and just played in it. Karbas is alive, he is a member of the family. If I am not mistaken, there are still several artels on the White Sea, where karbas are built according to old, great-grandfather's drawings.
We did not pick up the amethysts, because, as if bewitched, we drove along the coast. Sea coast. Absolutely deserted. It's all yours. Get up where you want. Yes, and picking amethysts at Cape Ship, it seems, is illegal, or at least low.

The sands of Kuzomeni were not impressed. It sounds like butter, but "sand is also sand in Africa." We rode to the mouth of the Varzuga River. At the point of confluence with the sea - the habitat of visiting fishing enthusiasts. There are parked frame cars of the most different price segments and with license plates from König to Novosib. Had some emotional hopes for this place but was rather disappointed. Crowded, busy. In a word, craft. We hurried to leave Kuzomen.

This is not so easy to do, the sand does not release. With a strained roar of the motor, several falls, we make our way to the pine forest. But even there the sand does not end there. Not so that he embarrassed or frightened us, just weaned from him.

We stop for the night on a nameless lake between Kuzomen and Varzuga. There is a campfire site, access to fresh water. Let's boil it, no problem. Finally, we are cooking dinner on the burners on our own. We are chasing tea with gingerbread, we made a fire for a smoke screen from potential aliens from the forest. Slept great on the moss. We notice that the activity of midges subsides at about 23.30. We adjust to their “schedule” in order to have a relatively comfortable evening gatherings. It was a positive day. Without rain, drizzle, and heat. What you need for off travel.

"Vereshchagin, get off the longboat - you'll explode!" One of the most dramatic moments of the film "White Sun of the Desert". What follows is a spectacular explosion…

The ship in this film was actually built much later than the events described in the film, but, nevertheless, can be considered historically accurate. Such vessels have sailed across the Caspian Sea since ancient times and were universal. They were used to transport people and goods, as fishing and patrol. Depending on the purpose, they could differ in some structural elements; among them were purely sailing and sailing-motor (at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries). Their length ranged from 9 to 20 meters. Larger ones were less common, but according to the stories of grandparents, they were also built over 30 meters long. (We are sending you a photo of the model of the Caspian “reyushka”, as one of the prototypes of the Project 330 vessel, which was filmed in the film. The model was made at the shipyard named after S. M. Kirov in Astrakhan in 1980 by the best planner and model designer of the plant - Timoshechkin G P.) Nevertheless, the contours of the hull, the ratio of dimensions and the design of the hull were preserved.

They continued to build them after the revolution; and when, after the war, fishing and transport vessels were needed for the fishing fleet of the Caspian, no one particularly doubted how they should look. The progress of the shipbuilding industry only affected the fact that the set of these ships was steel, but the outer skin continued to remain wooden for a long time. The set began to be made of steel because the cost of wood became higher than steel. The people called them "composites" or seiners, which, strictly speaking, was not entirely true. The ships were very successful and had outstanding seaworthiness. Even when they began to build all-steel ships, at first (project TsPKTB "Kaspryba" No. 1407) they simply copied the contours and layout of the "composite". During the overhaul on the “composites”, the wooden sheathing was replaced with steel. Surprisingly, at least one such vessel has survived to this day, although in a greatly modified form (probably it was used as a service and traveling one). We photographed it at one of the Astrakhan shipyards.
So, the "family tree" of the ship looked something like this:
- reyushka - a ship of mixed navigation with a length of 10 - 13 meters. She carried the fore and main masts with slanting sails. Crew - three or four people.
- Rybnitsa - a ship of mixed navigation (river-sea) from 12 to 20 meters long. Sailing or sail-motor. It had, as a rule, one mast with oblique sails (sailing equipment could be different, as well as the number of masts).
In 1946, at the shipyard named after S. M. Kirov, a composite (steel set and wooden sheathing) vessel was designed and built in two versions - a seiner (project 330K) and a transport refrigerator (project 330R). At least 650 built. Outwardly, the vessels were distinguished by the presence of a cargo boom on the seiner and differences in navigation lights. The last modification of the vessel was designed by the Central Design Bureau "Kaspryba" (project 1407) and had steel plating.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length - 19.47 m
Length between perpendiculars - 17.4 m
Maximum width - 6.2 m
Board height amidships - 1.95 m
Draft in cargo:
- bow - 1.44 m
- stern - 1.53 m
Displacement - 85 tons
Load capacity - 26 t
Crew - 6 tons
Autonomy - 10 days
Maritime Register class - "R 4/1 C (Caspian Sea)
Main engine - S4DV 224 (or 4NVD-24) - 80 hp
(in the early days you could meet 50 hp)
Speed ​​- 7.5 knots
Body - steel set, wood paneling,
dialing system - transverse
Cabin and bow cap - wooden.

The steering machine is manual. Windlass - manual. Anchors Matrosov - 2 × 75 kg. Anchor chains - 2 × 75 m caliber 17mm. Heavy type life raft for 5 people. Cargo boom - 0.5 t (only on the seiner). Fishing capstan with a pulling force of 0.5 - 1 t (only on a seiner). Generators - 1 × 1.5 and 1 × 4.5 kW with a voltage of 25 V and 110 V, respectively. Three-bladed steel screw with a diameter of 880 mm, a pitch of 540 mm, a disk ratio of 0.51, a propeller shaft diameter of 78 mm. Compression refrigeration unit UM-2FV-8/4, refrigerant - freon 12, temperature in the hold - from 0 to -2 ° (only for 330R).

The hull is pitch black, the waterline did not bounce, the deck is wooden (pine) unpainted, the deckhouse is wooden, painted white. Sometimes window trims, doors to the wheelhouse were not painted, but soaked with hot drying oil. Masts, yardarms, cargo boom - unpainted wooden. Bollards, ducks - black. The spiers were painted either black or ball color. Steering wheel parts are black. The exhaust pipe and chimney of the galley are black. The vent heads are white or (more rarely) ball-shaped.
Fenders woven from natural ropes. Car tires were often used as fenders. On the bow of the bulwark, the side number was applied, less often - the name (in the film, the fenders from the tires were hidden, and the side number was painted over).

Until 1949, the Navy was armed with a sixteen-oar launch built by the Kronstadt Marine Plant. The design bureau of Plant No. 5 was given the task of correcting the design documentation for its own production and providing for the installation of a diesel engine on the longboat, and the plant to build a longboat and conduct comparative tests. All this was done in November 1949 in Leningrad.

In all respects, the BM-16, this name was given to the new longboat built by Plant No. 5, did not differ from its prototype, and in some respects even surpassed it, since it had slightly improved contours and a stationary diesel engine. True, when under oars, the Kronstadt longboat was lighter due to the lack of a propeller.

As for the launch of the launch under the engine, the tests showed that weather conditions do not allow using the full engine power. So, when the sea is 6 points at full speed of the longboat against the waves or at an acute angle to them, there is a strong splashing and flooding of the bow. As a result, the barge takes a significant amount of water, which the drainage means cannot cope with. This forces a reduction in speed or a reduction in payload.

Thus, the commission for conducting state tests of prototypes of row-sailing and motorized vessels found that the operation of a longboat without speed limits with a full load of 52 people is possible only with sea waves of 3 points. With a sea state of 4 points, the load of people should be 26 people at an average speed, but when oaring, 39 people can be in the longboat.

The commission unanimously came to the conclusion that the lines of the boat, designed for sailing under oars, are not suitable for installing a motor and recommended that the issue of supplying newly designed ships instead of open longboats with work boats with a decked bow and lines corresponding to the lines of motor boats.

If we trace the growth of the tonnage of post-war ships compared to pre-revolutionary ones, we get the following picture: light cruisers of the Svetlana type are about 6800 tons, light cruisers of the 68 project are about 18,000 tons, destroyers of the Novik type are about 1300 tons, destroyers of the 956 project are about 8000 tons. The same can be said about the largest active ships: battleships of the Sevastopol type are about 23,000 tons, heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers of project 1143.5 are about 55,000 tons.

Such an increase in tonnage in the 20th century could not but put forward new requirements for shipboard watercraft.

An increase in the tonnage and strength of the Navy made it necessary to keep part of the ships in the roadstead at some distance from the coast, all the more so on long-distance voyages. To speed up the turnover of ship craft

Work / and the boat M70 on the go under the motor

In connection with the coast, their increased seaworthiness, carrying capacity and speed were required.

To solve this and similar problems at the end of 1949, it was decided to install a stationary gasoline engine on a ten-oared yawl (Yal 10). Installation of a 50 hp engine. with. produced a working boat Yal 10 serial number 23 and in February-March 1950 in Sevastopol tested it.

According to the test results of the yawl under the oars, it was obvious that its driving performance, compared to the serial Yal 10 yawls, deteriorated due to the fact that a propeller appeared, which created additional resistance to movement, and due to the installation of a stationary engine, an additional load appeared and the number of rowers decreased .

Access to sea trials was carried out at a sea state of 3 points, with a full load of 25 people, under the engine without speed limits. This exit showed that at full speed the yawl tends to burrow into the oncoming wave, with splashing so strong that the operation of the yawl in such conditions is unacceptable. With a decrease in the number of people to 14 people and a slight decrease in speed, operation becomes possible. Exit to the test in the composition of five people with sea waves up to 5 points, with gusty and heavy winds, to intense splashing at full speed, added strong blows to oncoming waves. As the yawl moved along the course of the waves, the impacts disappeared, but the intensity of spattering and overflowing by the wave did not decrease. Decreasing speed improved the overall sailing situation.

Thus, the commission for state testing of prototypes of row-sailing and motorized vessels found that the operation of a yal without speed limits with a full load of 25 people is possible only with sea waves up to 2 points. When the sea is rough at 3 points, the loading of people should be 12 people when sailing under a motor or on oars.

The general conclusions of the commission regarding the contours were similar to the conclusions drawn from the results of testing the BM-16 motor launch.

The commission allowed the temporary construction of the 51l 10 boat until it was replaced by the ship's work boat KRM-10, which at that time was under construction at plant No. 5.

When designing a ship's working boat, the commission recommended increasing the camber in the bow, increasing the freeboard and sheer compared to the Yal 10 boat that was being tested.

All the comments of the commission and the experience gained during the testing of the longboat BM-16 and the boat Yal 10 should have been taken into account when building the boat KRM-10, which was completed by the end of 1950. But, either due to lack of time, or because of the inability to overcome the skills acquired over the years of creating boats, these recommendations were not fully taken into account by the designer.

In November 1950, the construction of the boat KRM-10 was completed. The chief designer of the new boat was D. A. Chernoguz. This boat was designed and built by order of TsKB-53 (Northern Design Bureau) and was intended for installation on destroyers of the ZObis project. But the main idea was to create an onboard workboat for high seaworthiness with a diesel engine for the ships of the Navy, and so that such a boat could be lifted aboard the carrier vessel with an arrow or with the help of davits.

Tests of the KRM-10 boat began in Leningrad and Kronstadt, but due to the ice situation in January 1951, they were transferred to Liepaja, where they were completed in March 1951. The test results were disappointing, the boat, instead of a seaworthiness of 5 points, as required by the terms of reference, showed a seaworthiness of 2 points.

When the boat entered the test with a sea state of 4 points and half the number of passengers (13 people), intensive splashing and flooding of the bow was observed, and when moving with a lag to the wave, water was so flooded over the side of the boat that the tests had to be stopped. In such a situation, testing the boat in a five-point wave with a full load (25 people) was out of the question.

According to the conclusion of the commission, the operation of a boat with a full load and without speed limits could only be allowed with a sea state of 2 points, but such a boat, due to such low seaworthiness, could not be accepted into service with the ships of the Navy as a motor work boat.

To eliminate the identified shortcomings, on the basis of the existing KRM-10 boat, it was proposed to build a model boat with an increased freeboard height and a decked bow. This has been done. And with these design changes, repeated seaworthy tests were carried out at a sea state of 4 points. Now the test results were much better, the boat satisfactorily climbed the wave, did not experience shocks, spatter was quite acceptable, and there was no flooding.

Such a picture was observed in all engine operating modes, but at the same time, a noticeable vibration of the boat hull appeared. In addition, the increased height

Boat KRM-70 with increased side height a decked, i

She completely ruled out the possibility of working with oars, and there were 10 of them on the boat, and even two spare ones.

In this case, only a motor boat was obtained, but with elements and equipment typical of a rowboat, and such a boat could not be allowed into operation. Everything went to the fact that the oars would have to be abandoned and focus only on a motor boat.

And the commission made a decision - TsKB-5 should design, and plant No. 5 build a ship-based motor work boat similar to the modeled boat KRM-10, take into account all the shortcomings identified during the test of this boat, and present it for new comprehensive tests.

This is how the first domestic ship working boat of project 386 was born, and N. A. Makarov was its chief designer.

Tests of a new working motor boat of project 386, designed and built according to the results of tests of the KRM-10 boat, ended in November 1951. Such a rapid creation of a new boat was facilitated by the fact that the main engine and the missing accessories were taken from the prototype of the KRM-10 boat, which significantly reduced the construction cycle. The commission was generally satisfied with the test results, but sea trials did not go entirely smoothly. In the process of carrying out sea trials at a sea state of 5-6 points, when moving against the waves at full speed, the splashing was so strong that it was necessary to reduce the speed. As a result, the seaworthiness of the boat without operating restrictions was set to 4 points.

The commission also noted increased hull vibration and recommended replacing the two-cylinder engine with a four-cylinder of the same power.

This was done on Navy boats. After that, the boat was recommended for serial construction as an onboard work boat for ships of the second rank and received the index 386K. In the Navy, this boat turned out to be a long-liver, had a diving modification 386B and was under construction for more than 10 years, until it was replaced by a more advanced boat of project 338.

But not only the Navy showed interest in this boat. The first-born of the post-war marine transport shipbuilding in the USSR was the marine tanker of project 563 with a carrying capacity of 10,000 tons, and a boat of project 386 was installed on this project as a rescue motor boat. This boat differed from serial boats in that it was modified to meet the requirements for rescue motor boats , and had some design changes.

To ensure unsinkability, 15 air brass boxes were provided, distributed along the length of the boat, life lines were installed along the sides, and there were keel-handrails in the underwater part. Provision was made for the supply of

Project SS6 ship work boat

Responsible for lifeboats, including oars, sail, water and provisions, emergency alarms and other necessary items. This boat received the index 386T.

In 1954, on an individual order, it was planned to build single passenger ships of project 728P, based on sea car ferries. SKB-5 received a technical assignment for the development of a technical project for a motor lifeboat for these vessels.

After a thorough study of the issue, SLE specialists came to the conclusion that for the sake of two boats, which were provided for by the terms of reference and in terms of technical characteristics almost completely corresponded to the boats of project 386T, it is not worth starting a new design and construction. A boat of project 386T was recommended for this vessel (for project 728P, the index of the boat is 386P), and on this issue was closed.

From the beginning of the 50s, the construction of project 68bis light cruisers began. Their predecessors, the Project 26 cruisers, had sixteen-oared motor launches with a gasoline engine as work boats. The time has come for new cruisers to build new watercraft, as the requirements of speed, seaworthiness and carrying capacity continued to dictate their terms.

Already having experience in building a project 386K ship working boat, SKB-5 began designing a new ship working boat for ships of the first rank. Unlike project 386K boats, boats for ships of the first rank began to be called large ship work boats, and for ships of the second rank - small.

One of the conditions for the design of the new boat was the requirement for interchangeability in terms of dimensions and lifting weight of the oar-motor launches previously installed on board the carrier vessel.

The lead large ship work boat of project 387 was built in 1955.

The terms of reference were met: the dimensions of the boat corresponded to the dimensions of the previously existing longboats, the passenger capacity was up to

Silhouette of a large ship's working boat of the project 3S7 (77.0m. 77.5t, 22hp. approx. 7 knots)

80 people, carrying capacity up to four tons, seaworthiness up to 5 points and a diesel engine.

It was also noteworthy that these large and small ship work boats of projects 387 and 386T were the last work boats with wooden hulls built at the enterprise.

The period of introduction of new materials began - steel, light alloys and plastics.

The film "White Sun of the Desert" has become a noticeable phenomenon in the life of our country - its popularity can be judged at least by how many sayings and popular expressions the lexicon of Soviet people has replenished. The audience will remember for a long time the heroes of the film, talentedly played by P. Luspekaev, A. Kuznetsov, S. Mishulin and other excellent actors. It is worth noting that in this film, in addition to animated actors, inanimate actors also played their roles remarkably - one of them appeared in the film at its most dramatic moment.

Vereshchagin, get off the longboat, you'll explode! Comrade Sukhov shouts to the customs officer, but he does not hear him, and a spectacular explosion follows in a second ...

Barkas: project 330, which was filmed in this film, was actually built much later than the events described in the White Sun of the Desert, but the appearance of this ship can be considered historically quite reliable. The fact is that such longboats, built in the Caspian from time immemorial and almost until the middle of the last century, were universal: they were used for transporting goods, as patrol boats, and for fishing. Vessels of the same type with a length of 9 to 20 meters (30-meter vessels of this type came across in the Caspian!) were similar to each other, like brothers of different ages, although, depending on the purpose, they could differ in some structural elements. At first they were purely sailing, and at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, sail-motor ones began to appear. Nevertheless, the ratio of dimensions and the design of the hull were practically the same.

The prototypes of these longboats are considered to be the Caspian reyushka and the rybnitsa; in confirmation of this, the contours of these vessels can be compared.

Reyushka was a sailing ship of mixed navigation (river - sea) 10 - 13 m long, which carried fore and main masts with slanting sails; the crew of this boat is 3 - 4 people.

Rybnitsa was a sailing or motor-sailing ship, also of mixed navigation (river sea); with an outward resemblance to a rail, it was much more solid (its length was from 12 to 20 m) and had one mast with slanting sails. However, if necessary, the number of masts and the type of sailing armament could be different.

Universal ships of the type of a fish tank continued to be built after the revolution, however, instead of a wooden set, they made steel, since wood at that time was more expensive than metal. And when, in the first post-war years, fishing and transport vessels were required for the fishing fleet of the Caspian Sea, there was no question of choosing their type.

In 1946, serial production of project 330K seiners and project 330R refrigerators was launched at the Caspian Shipyard named after S.M. Kirov. The external difference between them was in navigation lights, and the seiner had a cargo boom. Both vessels were of mixed construction with steel framing and wood planking. In total, about 650 ships of this type were built.

The latest modification of the Caspian longboat can be considered project 1407 with steel sheathing, created at the Kaspryba Central Design Bureau.

Caspian longboat project 330

The vessel had a steel frame and wooden planking; dialing system - transverse. The deckhouse and nose cap were wooden.

Steering gear and windlass - manual The vessel was equipped with a pair of Matrosov's anchors weighing 75 kg each with anchor chains of 17 mm caliber and 75 m long. Life raft - five-seater, heavy type. A cargo boom with a lifting capacity of 0.5 tons was installed only on seiners.

The main engine is of the S4DV 224 or 4NVD-24 type with a power of 80 hp. (on early production ships, 50 hp engines were sometimes installed). Propeller steel, three-bladed with a diameter of 880 mm; its pitch is 540 mm and the disk ratio is 0.51; propeller shaft diameter - 78 mm. Both on the seiner and on the refrigerator, two electric generators were installed - one of them with a capacity of 1.5 kW x 25 V. the other - 4.5 kW x 110 V.

The UM-2FV-8/4 compression refrigeration unit was installed on the refrigerated vessel using freon-12 refrigerant, which provided the temperature in the hold from 0 to -2 ° C.

Fenders - braided from initial ropes. Car tires were often used as fenders. On the bow of the bulwark, the side number was applied, less often - the name. And watch the most popular new movie here. By the way, before the shooting of the film, the “actor” was made up - they painted over the number and wrote the name “Tver”, and hid the fenders from the tires.

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