Who really blew up the twin towers in New York? September 11 victims.

The terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001 claimed the lives of a huge number of people. 2973 people died, and this, you see, is a significant figure.

It was preceded by the capture of four aircraft bound for California and the eastern United States. The tanks of the aircraft were full, so we can say that they turned into guided missiles.

At 8:45, one of the planes, a Boeing 767, crashed into the North Tower. 92 on board (11 crew members, 5 terrorists and 76 passengers). The plane crashed into the gap between the 93rd and 99th floors. The fuel that flared up in the tank rushed down in a column of fire, killing even those people who were in the foyer. At 10:29 a.m., the burning building collapsed, burying a huge number of people with it. The number of the plane that crashed into the twin towers is AA11.

At 09:03, a plane also crashed into the South Tower, it was the second Boeing 767. The blow fell on the gap between the 77th and 81st floors. There were 65 people on board the plane (5 terrorists, 9 crew members and 54 passengers). At 9:59 local time, the burning building collapsed. The aircraft number is UA175.

There were two more planes. One of them struck the Pentagon at 9:40. 184 people died. And the last fell in the forest of Pennsylvania, not far from Pittsburgh. It was possible to look at the records from the so-called "black box". It became clear that the terrorists dived down when the resisting passengers tried to break into the cockpit. There were 44 people on board.

According to journalists, some passengers were able to call their relatives from the hijacked planes. People reported about terrorists: there were 4 people on one board, 5 on the others. It is believed that these data were deliberately fabricated by the FBI, because there was one call that caused great distrust. The mother's son called and when she picked up the phone, he said: "Mom, it's me, John Smith." Agree, it is unlikely that he would actually start a conversation with the introduction of his last name.

None of those on board survived. 274 people died on board the planes (terrorists are not counted), 2602 people in New York (both on the ground and in the towers), 125 people in the Pentagon.

It wasn't just the twin towers that suffered. Another five buildings were either destroyed or badly damaged. A total of 25 buildings were damaged and 7 had to be demolished.

What are the consequences of this terrible tragedy? Two skyscrapers and an adjacent wing of the Pentagon were destroyed. About three thousand people died. The New York Stock Exchange has suspended its work for two days. The area adjacent to the site of the tragedy was completely strewn with ashes. The president declared the attack served the US with Afghanistan and then with Iraq.

The tragedy received national status, and the news of it flew through the whole world in a matter of seconds. No wonder the terrorists chose these buildings, because the twin towers were the pride of the United States.

The towers were built in the 60s, at which time the prestige of America was shaken. It was decided to build something gigantic, grandiose, stunning in order to restore people's optimism and faith in themselves and the future. No one imagined that the "project of the century" would turn into the main "tragedy of the century."

Residents of the United States are prone to theatricality, even to the farce in politics. To be sure, just look at the struggle of candidates in the 2016 elections. Perhaps because in the entire “centuries-old” history, not so many significant events have happened there: the Civil War passed, the Grand Canyon was accidentally opened, it seemed that they flew to the moon, they mistakenly awarded Obama the Peace Prize. The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 stands apart. This is a terrible tragedy that has changed a lot. After it, the United States turned from a world gendarme into an aggressor of the same scale. Everything happened and continues under the roar of shameless, shameless propaganda according to the precepts of Goebbels.

What this terrorist attack actually represents, who is behind it, is still represented.

Events and causes

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) is the common colloquial name for the North and South Towers, the main buildings of the World Trade Center in New York. The height of the 110-storey buildings exceeded 400 m. In total, the Trade Center included 7 buildings. The attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 destroyed or damaged everything to such a state that it was necessary to carry out a complete dismantling, demolition of all buildings, utilities.

It is officially recognized that the air attack on the WTC buildings was carried out by terrorists who hijacked airliners of American companies that made regular flights. One plane crashed into the North Tower between the 93rd and 99th floors on the morning of September 11, 2001, and 17 minutes later the second collided with the South Tower.

As a result of damage caused by aircraft to the building structures of buildings, fires that arose and quickly spread, the twin towers collapsed less than 2 hours after the start of the terrorist attack, causing serious destruction of the buildings located around, heavy smoke, a dense dust cloud in the surrounding area, and the death of some people. who were in buildings, as well as those who carried out emergency rescue work on evacuation, extinguishing fires, restoring order, and providing medical assistance.

As a result, died:

  • 2606 civilians who were in the buildings of the World Trade Center and in the territory adjacent to them.
  • 147 passengers, crew members.
  • 343 New York City Fire Department employees, 60 police officers, 8 emergency medics.

Together with the destroyed WTC complex, more than 20 buildings were damaged as a result of dust, toxic pollution from fires, some of which had to be demolished later, some were restored and repaired. In total, hundreds of thousands of square meters of office and administrative space, a huge amount of financial documents, reports, rare paintings, sculptures that were in destroyed, burned-out buildings were destroyed.

The question immediately arose - who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001? The official version of the US government. sounds like this - the cause of the tragedy was the deliberate hit of passenger planes hijacked by terrorists belonging to al-Qaeda, and the resulting fires led to the collapse of the tallest buildings in the country.

In parallel, there are several versions, both argued by testimonies, eyewitness footage, excerpts from official documents, expert opinions, and conspiracy theories, in the spirit of a worldwide conspiracy theory. The former are caused by serious facts that are difficult to dismiss, the latter are based on inference and emotions.

In favor of unofficial versions says the following:

  • Superficially, the fall of the Twin Towers looks like the demolition of buildings by a controlled, precisely timed explosion, indistinguishable from the planned destruction of other skyscrapers in the US, which can be seen on numerous videos.
  • Fires that broke out in two separate buildings could hardly deform reliable building structures in less than 2 hours, including metal ones coated with flame retardants. By the way, the North Tower has already survived a fire in 1975, a terrorist act
    1993 in an underground garage with a truck loaded with 680 kg of explosives, which claimed lives but only slightly damaged the building.
  • By the end of the same day, the 47-storey, 200-meter building of the World Trade Center - 7, located far from the twin towers, collapsed. This was shown live, and information about the explosion sounded before the event. Later, the official version of the collapse turned on - all the same fires inside. Why they arose, why at least some of their traces are not visible (smoke, fire, partial destruction of continuous glazing) - without comment, as the Americans like to say.
  • Journalists clarify, ask for examples of the collapse of buildings made of reinforced concrete structures in the United States before or after the events of September 11
    2001, which occurred as a result of fires. They are not here.
  • The story of an entrepreneur who, a few weeks before the tragedy, took building No. 7 of the World Trade Center for a long-term lease, insured it, including a separate item against a terrorist attack, and ultimately received a considerable profit from the destruction of buildings, smelled bad.
  • The information added doubts to the reflection on the unprofitability of the tallest buildings in America, plans for their demolition, unrealized, including because of the complexity, high cost of such work in the dense, super-expensive development of Manhattan.
  • Appointed by the US administration. for the role of the leader of the attack on September 11, 2001, the leader of al-Qaeda initially refused such dubious fame. Even gave an interview to a Pakistani newspaper about it. Only in November 2001, he agreed with the prepared role. Protege of S.Sh.A. to fight the USSR in Afghanistan, by that time he himself declared America enemy No. 1 - for which he paid.

There are many doubters. Among them is the leader of the Communists of Russia, Gennady Zyuganov, who said in 2012 that the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York were planned by the US authorities.

Consequences and conclusions

The tragedy, which claimed many lives, became a turning point in both domestic and foreign policy of the United States. The answer to the question of who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001, will be the resolution of the situation with international terrorism that threatens the foundations of the "free world". Under the banner of fighting against it, previously unknown opportunities opened up before America, covered by a fig-leaf of democracy:

  • Tough to suppress dissent within the country.
  • To interfere in the policies of the governments of other countries, the work of banks, companies, dictating their will to them, backed up by military and financial power.
  • To overthrow objectionable governments, to arrange coups d'état by proxy, generously sponsoring any opposition, up to the Nazis, terrorists of all nationalities, the fight against which is so much officially talked about. Sad examples are neo-Nazis in Ukraine, ISIS banned in Russia.

The desire of the United States to use the theory of “controlled chaos” in all corners of the globe to achieve only its own interests is now no secret to anyone. The tragedy of September 11, 2001, which so “invigorated” the US economy, especially the Department of Defense with hundreds of bases around the world, the military-industrial complex, numerous and very expensive intelligence services, came, no matter how blasphemous it sounds, so opportunely that it causes serious doubts.

The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 and the events that followed it will influence the course of world history for a long time to come. The true reasons that led to it will sooner or later become public.

In memory of the tragedy of September 11, 2001 (part 2)

Ten years ago, 19 men trained by al-Qaeda carried out a coordinated terrorist attack on the United States of America. It took several years to develop the attack plan. Terrorists simultaneously hijacked 4 large passenger aircraft with the intention of destroying the most famous US landmarks with their help, while taking as many lives as possible. Three planes reached their targets, the fourth crashed on a field in Pennsylvania. In one day, these acts of mass murder killed about 3,000 people from 57 countries. Of these, more than 400 dead were firefighters, policemen and ambulance crews. This event received the most coverage in the history of the media, and even ten years later, it's hard to look at these pictures. The attacks and the response to them have largely shaped the world we live in today, and that's why it's important to look at these pictures and remember what happened that day.

1. View of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan covered in clouds of smoke and dust from Jersey City, New Jersey, September 15, 2001.

2. Smoke pours from a hole in the wall and from the upper floors of the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York, after a collision with American Airlines Flight 11.

3. Flight 175 of United Airlines a second before the collision with the south tower of the World Trade Center. The north tower is already on fire.

4. An explosion in the south tower during a collision with United Airlines Flight 175 in New York, September 11, 2001. The plane crashed into a building at a speed of 945 km/h.

5. Collision of the aircraft with the south tower of the World Trade Center. There were 56 passengers on board (including 5 hijackers).

6. The explosion of 3800 liters of fuel remaining on board the aircraft during a collision with the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York.

7. Two women, holding each other, look at the World Trade Center buildings burning after the terrorist attack.

8. The burning twin towers are visible behind the Empire State Building.

9. A cloud of smoke from the WTC buildings in lower Manhattan. A USGS satellite image flying over the area around 9:30 am on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

10. People hanging from the windows of the north tower of the World Trade Center after the attack.

11. A man jumps to his death from the north tower of the World Trade Center filled with smoke and flames.

12. A man jumps from the upper floors of the burning north tower of the World Trade Center.

13. A man jumps from the north tower of the World Trade Center.

14. Security camera at the Pentagon captured the explosion caused by a collision with a hijacked American Airlines plane with 58 passengers and 6 crew members on board, September 11, 2001.

15. Flame and smoke escape from the Pentagon building after the explosion.

16. Firefighters extinguish the Pentagon after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

17. Medics provide assistance to the victims near the Pentagon, after a hijacked airliner crashed into the southwest corner of the building.

18. The wall of the Pentagon after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

19. Smoke pours from the towers of the World Trade Center after two hijacked planes crashed into them during a terrorist attack on New York.

20. At 9:59 am on September 11, 2001, 56 minutes after the collision, the south tower of the World Trade Center begins to collapse.

21. The south tower of the World Trade Center is collapsing, and the debris is burying nearby streets.

22. Police officers and pedestrians run for cover during a terrorist attack in New York.

23. People covered with dust walk through the rubble near the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001.

24. Maru Stahl from Somerset, Pennsylvania, shows a picture he took of the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93. The plane crashed near Shanksville, and Stahl, hearing the explosion, went to the crash site and took a picture before rescuers cordoned off the area. The plane crashed in Pennsylvania shortly after the New York attacks.

25. Aerial photograph of the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, taken by the FBI on September 12, 2001. The Boeing 757 was flying from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco when it made a sharp turn near Cleveland and crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 44 people died. This aircraft was one of four that were part of the 9/11 attack plan, and the only one that did not reach its target.

26. Firefighters and rescuers investigate the crash site of Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

27. At 10:28 am on September 11, 2001, 102 minutes after the plane collided with her, the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York collapses.

28. The collapse of the WTC tower on September 11, 2001 in New York.

29. A photo of the New York City Police Department shows how ash and smoke are carried over Manhattan during the collapse of the north tower of the World Trade Center.

30. Dust, smoke and debris fill the air during the fall of the WTC tower on September 11, 2001 in New York.

31. Dust, smoke and ash shroud neighboring buildings after the fall of both WTC towers on September 11, 2001 in New York.

32. People leave the collapsed towers, fleeing the smoke and dust. As a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in New York, both 110-story towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.

33. The north tower of the World Trade Center turns into a cloud of dust and debris half an hour after the fall of the south tower on September 11, 2001. Photo taken from Jersey City, New Jersey, across the Hudson River.

34. People make their way through the rubble near the ruins of the World Trade Center September 11, 2001 in New York.

35. A priest helps people after the fall of the WTC towers in New York on September 11, 2001.

36. People cover their faces from the dust, crossing the Brooklyn Bridge to get away from the cloud of dust and smoke that covered Manhattan after the attacks.

37. People on the street next to the twin towers September 11, 2001.

38. A sheriff's assistant assists a woman who was injured during the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York.

39. A man sobs as he watches the fall of the WTC tower in New York on September 11, 2001.

40. A firefighter rests on a bench in lower Manhattan while working on the site of the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.

41. Construction debris and ashes from the fall of the WTC towers as a result of a terrorist attack fill the streets of Manhattan, turning the view of the city into a picture of the Apocalypse. Buildings collapsed, burying thousands of people under the rubble.

42. A fireman calls for help from rescuers to dismantle the wreckage of the World Trade Center. The picture was taken on September 15, 2001.

43. The chassis of one of the hijacked aircraft lies on the street next to the destroyed buildings of the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001.

44. Firefighters in search of survivors under the rubble of the Twin Towers after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

45. Light barely breaks through the clouds of smoke and ash at the site of the collapse of the WTC towers.

46. ​​New York firefighters put out the building 7 of the World Trade Center, destroyed along with the twin towers during the September 11, 2001 attacks.

47. A group of firefighters near the ruins of the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001.

48. Debris covers the rails in the tunnel of the New York subway on lines 1 and 9 of Cortland Street station under the WTC. The damage was so severe that more than one mile of the tunnel had to be repaired, according to New York city transport officials.

49. Rescuers conduct a search and rescue operation, descending under the rubble of the World Trade Center on Friday, September 14, 2001.

50. A man stands in the ruins of the WTC towers and tries to call the survivors, asks if anyone needs help.

The picture was taken before the Pentagon collapsed. Where is the plane, where is the giant hole in the wall? The picture shows a burning hole of small size, but an airplane with a wingspan of approx. 38 meters.

  • According to bin Laden, units of the terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda" have nothing to do with the events of September 11 in New York and Washington. The terrorist said that the hijackings were organized by the enemies of Islam and Christianity. "Countries such as Israel, India, Russia and Serbia could have organized the attacks. One should not ignore the fact that Jews are dissatisfied with the election of George W. Bush as president," bin Laden said in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Takbir. (eleven)
  • 2002 - Bush and his junta managed to redirect America's anger from Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein. This is one of the greatest PR stunts in history. According to a recent public opinion poll, one in two Americans now believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in the attack on the World Trade Center. The dumb American masses have shown once again that they will believe everything they are told on TV. What other country is preparing an insidious attack on America? (five)
  • Have you ever seen a photo or video of a plane near the Pentagon or one that crashed near the forest? No, no one saw them, because. they don't exist. But there are shootings where the site of the "crash" is just scorched earth. These planes didn't exist! Here are 2 pictures of the Pentagon just after the explosion.
Boeing approx. 13 meters somehow broke through only the first floor, although the height of the building is approx. 24 meters).

Left: apparently, the plane folded its wings and disappeared into a small hole without a trace. Right: this is what the impact hole should have looked like

  • Nero set fire to Rome to blame the Christians.

    1964 - Americans pretend to be fired upon by the Vietnamese. This becomes the official reason for the start of the war, which claimed the lives of 58,000 American soldiers and 3.1 million Vietnamese fighters and civilians.

    1979 - Italy. The CIA creates terrorist groups in Italy that were supposed to discredit the pro-communist Red Brigades. To do this, attacks were made on civilians, who were then attributed to the communists. In 1979, about 2,000 attempts were made.

    1983 - Grenada. The reason for the start of the US military operation was the hostage-taking of American students. US President Ronald Reagan said that "a Cuban-Soviet occupation of Grenada was being prepared," and that weapons depots were being created in Grenada that could be used by international terrorists. After the capture of the island by the US Marine Corps (1983), it turned out that the students were not being held hostage, and the warehouses were filled with old Soviet weapons. Before the start of the invasion, the US announced that there were 1.2 thousand Cuban commandos on the island. After it turned out that there were no more than 200 Cubans, a third of them were civilian specialists.

    The Americans failed the operation, during which they wanted to detonate a nuclear warhead at an Iraqi military plant. It is possible that later to inform the world about the terrible danger of Iraq and send troops there, but the exact details are unknown. (14)

    1993 - 1st attempt by US intelligence agencies to blow up the old and dilapidated World Trade Center. The explosive was incorrectly placed and did not work as expected. All the blame was placed on Islamic terrorists.

    1995 - State Department bombing in Oklahoma City. Again the handwriting of the secret services, again innocent people are accused of being guilty (in the end, the case is hung up on one person who is executed). There is no proper panic, therefore it is not possible to push through the New World Order. But 58% of Americans agree with the curtailment of their rights for the sake of a more effective fight against terrorism, which is happening. After the explosion, President Clinton legalized the right of the police to commit any crime against the constitution in the interests of combating terrorism. As in the case of the World Trade Center, certain categories of workers were warned in advance about the impending "terrorist attack" and did not show up for work. In this case, they were all employees of the "Bureau for the control of the sale of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and weapons."

    September 11, 2001 - 2 planes crash into the same World Trade Center. The government claims that there were 4 planes, although there is not a single eyewitness to their fall, and there are no photographs or videos. The shock was strong enough to sway 94% of Americans to justify fighting "even if many thousands of innocent citizens are killed." A new redistribution of the world in favor of the United States begins, which was proclaimed by the Americans on September 11, 1991. Again, as a pretext, they used the attack on themselves.

    Let's add to this list countless smaller episodes when the Americans staged terrible crimes of their opponents with their own hands in order to win over the world community to their side. The "act of terror" on September 11, in principle, is no different from the actions of the fictitious Viet Cong units, which the Americans instructed to kill and rape the Vietnamese in order to discredit the National Liberation Front. It is no different from the "finds" of fictitious communist weapons depots in El Salvador. It is no different from the fictitious Symbionese Liberation Army set up by the CIA/FBI to discredit genuine revolutionaries." (1, 2, 13, 15, 24)

  • Download file: Here you can watch a video presentation of the facts that refute the official US version (you need a Flash-player, approx. 3 Mb).
  • "In 1997, while Bush was governor of Texas, the BBC aired a report about Taliban leaders who flew from Afghanistan to Houston to meet with the leaders of the Unocal oil company and negotiate the possibility of building a gas pipeline through Afghanistan. Gathering information on the feasibility of such The project was entrusted to Enron, the same corporation that was the main sponsor of your election campaigns - both governor and presidential. Halliburton was to build the gas pipeline. "President of the United States. Why did the State of Texas host these terrorist government officials?"(7)
  • San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown received a call from Condoleezza Rice 8 hours before the "terror attacks" advised him not to fly to New York, which he had scheduled for 9/11. (25)
  • "According to the London Times, Bush allowed a private plane from Saudi Arabia to cross into the United States in order to collect and take out of the country a dozen of bin Laden's relatives. This happened in the days and weeks after the events of September 11. Bin Laden's relatives did not were called in for questioning by either the police or the FBI; no attempt was made to find out whether they had any important information." (7)

    Major international corporations, including Microsoft, UBS and Compaq, were among those making donations to Islamic charities that US officials say were among the top financiers of al-Qaeda (al-Qaeda ), Osama bin Laden's organization". (nine)

  • As you know, the pit at the site of the plane crash in Pennsylvania was filled with debris "smaller than a cigarette pack", i.e. the plane exploded into tiny pieces (see photo gallery). However, even if some powerful explosive, such as RDX, was loaded into it for the entire carrying capacity of the Boeing, even then the fuselage of the aircraft would not have been torn to the level of a puzzle. Duralumin, from which aircraft hulls are built, does not belong to brittle metals - it is not phosphor steel of bomb and shell cases. (eighteen)

    In October 2001, attackers mailed envelopes containing anthrax spores to a number of government agencies, including Congress, as well as television companies. In December 2001, the FBI admitted that anthrax spores found in mail were of American origin. "They were made here," FBI assistant director Barry Mohn told the Boston Globe. However, he referred to the results of the laboratory analysis. Mon, however, refused to go into details. Earlier, thanks to the American media, a version about the Iraqi origin of the dispute spread. The republics of the former Soviet Union were often mentioned in the same connection. (19) The use of letters as a tool for spreading deadly bacteria was not new to South African specialists who worked on the production of chemical and bacteriological weapons for the apartheid regime as part of the struggle against the national liberation movement in southern Africa. Anthrax was one of hundreds of toxins that were produced in the Rudeplaat laboratory in the 80s. Moreover, it was successfully turned into a form that allowed it to be used as a "weapon". The technology of applying anthrax spores to everyday items, including letters and stationery, in order to kill people, was used as part of the Coastal Project for the production of chemical and bacteriological weapons with the help of the US CIA. Speaking at the ongoing trial in Pretoria of project leader Dr. Water Basson, microbiologist Mike Odendaal said he had worked with 46 strains of anthrax bacteria. In particular, at the direction of research director André Immelmann, he applied anthrax spores to several packs of cigarettes. These bundles, he said, were distributed among "enemies of the South African state" in Angola and Namibia. Odendaal put anthrax spores in chocolate, mixed them with glue, which was used to seal letters.(10)

  • "After the collapse of the "evil empire", the USSR - America lost the basis for the heroic worldwide expansion. Not everyone could answer the simple question "why should America be the leader of mankind?" empty computer actions, added doubts about the world-historical role of the United States as a country-messiah, the only and last empire of good.It was necessary to bring America out of its afternoon sleep, to remind it of messianism.Bush Jr. did it.It is no coincidence that the Washington superhawk, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, looking so much like the cartoonish Reagan from the Crocodile magazine of the early 1980s, remarked shortly after Bush Jr.'s accession to the throne that America needed a new Pearl Harbor to shake us up and remember our destiny. wait". (29)
  • in July 2001, the international terrorist Osama bin Laden, who had already been put on the “international wanted list”, was being treated at an American clinic in Dubai (UAE). There he met with the head of the legal representation of the CIA in the UAE. Bin Laden was allegedly treated by American doctor Terry Callway, who heads the urology department at a clinic in Dubai. Until recently, the United States also had quite partner relations with the Taliban. So, on May 17 of this year, US Secretary of State Colin Powell announced the transfer of 43 million dollars to the Taliban in gratitude for the destruction of poppy fields in Afghanistan. No one knows exactly where the money went and whether the poppy fields were actually destroyed.(20)
  • Osama bin Laden said in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper "Ummat" that he considers the organizers of the terrorist attacks in the United States to be the Jewish community of Florida, which "didn't forgive George Bush for electing him in the US presidential election." Relieving himself of blame for the attacks, bin Laden, in particular, says: "Neither I nor my Al-Qaeda organization have anything to do with those who attacked America. They could be anyone - people who are part of the American system, but at the same time opposed to it, or some group intending to turn this century into an age of confrontation between Islam and Christianity. Speaking about the evidence of his guilt, which the US intelligence services intend to present, bin Laden, according to the Ummat newspaper, says: "Ask the intelligence services about this, they receive billions of dollars every year for this. We are against the American system, but we are not against the American people. Islam does not allow the killing of innocent men, women and children, even in wartime." (22)
  • Americans continue to claim that there were no explosions in the buildings of the World Trade Center. Were! It's hard to lie when there are witnesses. Both buildings were pre-planted with explosives, which helped bring down the skyscrapers so beautifully. You can listen to excerpts from two reports by Amer. channel CBS, which reported explosions inside buildings.
  • It is curious to observe America's reaction to the appearance of information that exposes the official version. At first, there were numerous attempts to put pressure on the governments of other countries to ban the publication of certain books, especially dangerous for the United States is the book by T. Miessan "A monstrous fraud. No plane fell on the Pentagon"

    Download file:, because it contained unique photos of the Pentagon, where the absence of an aircraft in front of the Pentagon is clearly visible (see photo gallery). The reaction was the opposite, the book was translated into 28 languages ​​and sold in millions of copies. There were telephone threats and media campaigns against journalists who dared to question American propaganda claims. Then came a series of "documentary" films where the "conspiracy theory" was allegedly exposed. Consider one of them, "September 11th never happened" (DER 11. SEPTEMBER FAND NICHT STATT). It was shown all over Europe in 2004. The authors claim that this very "conspiracy theory" was invented by ... communists and fascists who have personal scores with America. A kind of communist conspiracy of paranoids. Argument? She just doesn't exist. The authors of the film use a well-tested technique - they do not even try to prove something, disprove it, or explain at least the most ridiculous inconsistencies in the official version. Instead, they are trying to create an extremely negative image of someone who thinks with his own head instead of believing Bush Jr. The authors are trying to convince the viewer that if you are not a communist, fascist or paranoid, then you will believe in the American version without any evidence. Worse, the host, with a look of horror on his face, reports that some still believe that America really wants to rule the world, and the war in Iraq is because of oil. “If you don’t believe in the American version of the attacks, then you don’t believe in the genocide of Jews during World War II, you don’t believe in Freedom and Democracy, which are incompatible with all sorts of conspiracy theories, but you believe in the nightmarish “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” of the Russian production. Only totalitarian states are capable of conspiracies, such practices are incompatible with democracy", this is his message. Obviously, the author himself does not notice that he is trying to make us believe in a communist plot to discredit the US as an "empire of good." It even comes to outright insults such as "those who do not believe in the official American version are idiots, terrorists' assistants, paranoids." Such arguments do not explain the absence of the Boeing in the ruins of the Pentagon. But there is also interesting information in this film - for example, you can find out that in Germany 20% of the population believes that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were staged by the American government.

  • At least five of the 19 terrorist hijackers who carried out the attacks in New York and Washington were trained as pilots at military bases in the United States. (21)
  • "At least 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the operation were citizens of Saudi Arabia. But, nevertheless, Bush began to bomb Afghanistan. Was there a mistake in aiming? Or was it too risky to attack a country that supplies America with 25% of gasoline? As soon as it was the campaign to take control of all of Afghanistan was completed, Bush immediately appointed a former adviser to one of the oil corporations as head of the interim government, then one of the former members of the Unocal construction of a gas pipeline."(7)
one plane made three small holes in each of the buildings pierced through

maybe it happened because the building was hit by three rockets?

  • let's not forget that retaliation strikes were made against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, where not so ordinary people are sitting, but, frankly, military and economic bandits engaged in economic enslavement and the destruction of entire nations. Millions of "ordinary Americans" squealed and sang with joy when peaceful people on all continents of the planet died from American missiles, bombs, shells. And here is the result. As they say: "Oh, you sang? So go and dance!" The Americans will have a lot more to "dance" in the frying pan that the US constantly keeps hot for other peoples, because the vast majority of them are too accustomed to seeing themselves as the rulers of the world. Therefore, today 71% of Americans are in favor of war and extremely cruel revenge on terrorists. And with all this, they are trying to move us to tears with the current situation in the United States. TV announcers repeat: "An incredible tragedy that has never happened in the history of mankind!" And the millions of people destroyed by America in Korea and Vietnam!? And the genocide of Russia annually decreasing by more than a million people? They want to touch us with the fact that as many as 3 minutes of mourning have been declared throughout Europe. But why did "civilized" Europe and "super-civilized" America not declare mourning, but, on the contrary, rejoiced during the broadcasts of the brutal execution of the Supreme Council in 1993? We are told that, under all conditions, terrorism is a very bad thing. And the rabid state terrorism of the United States? And the fact that the United States has long ago turned the UN into an international terrorist organization, under the flag of which the extermination of millions of people is openly carried out, is that good? Familiar logic: who is strong is right! But what about someone who does not have such strength and who is constantly crushed by someone else's evil force? Let us assume that these terrorist acts were indeed committed by representatives of some Arab states. But how else, besides terror, can these small states fight the terror of the monstrous US war machine? How else can you reason with America? Judging by the highest qualifications of the execution, the September 11 operation could only be carried out by professionals from state intelligence services, and, quite possibly, American ones. And how shameful it is to give out such rubbish as evidence of the Arab trace, such as a car "suddenly discovered" with an "accidentally" left instruction on how to operate a Boeing in Arabic and the Koran! The provocation of the American intelligence services could have been carried out to protect Israel so beloved by America. And we know how the Israeli invaders became more active after the terrorist attack. The American Democrats could also organize a provocation in order to discredit the Republicans and, most importantly, prepare their victory in the next election. But, if we talk about the purely American origin of this provocation, then its most likely motivating factor may be simply the constant desire of the United States to fight with someone in order, firstly, to keep the world in fear, secondly, and this is the most the main thing is to crawl out of economic crises and, moreover, to profit from these wars. The United States generally needs constant duty reasons for war, and when there is a reason to fight without a well-defined "culprit" from whom you can make a "scapegoat", then this is the best option for them, because it allows you to rush at anyone. In this case, bin Laden is just a godsend for America. It is especially good that it is not known where he is. Maybe in Afghanistan, maybe in Pakistan, Iraq or anywhere else, and therefore you can bomb anyone. And, of course, if bin Laden was not there, then America would have come up with him. By the way, that's how it actually happened. America not only invented, but actually created at one time both bin Laden and the Taliban movement itself to fight the Soviet Union. (17)

Why was the lawn in front of the building covered with gravel immediately after the fire at the Pentagon was extinguished? Maybe so that it would not be visible that there are no traces of a plane impact on the grass, which, according to the official version, first fell on the lawn?

  • 2004. No less than 76 percent of the websites of radical Islamist organizations close to Al-Qaeda are based in the US and Canada. This was reported the day before by the Algerian newspaper Expression, which refers to a report by the Washington Research Institute on the Problems of Middle East Information that came to its disposal. "At a time when the all-out war against terrorism waged by Washington and its allies has reached its apogee around the world, radical groups close to Bin Laden continue to conduct propaganda via the Internet, with at least 76% of their sites located on American soil," he was quoted as saying. newspaper excerpt from the report. According to its authors, in the United States, in particular, 25 sites of "one organization close to Al-Qaeda" are based. Two sites of the Algerian radical Salafist preaching and jihad group "sit" there. Islamist electronics, the report notes, settled also in the UK, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and a number of other countries.From there they conduct propaganda, claim responsibility for the terrorist attacks, and serve as a link between various Islamist groups.(30)
  • Izvestia (September 12), calling the United States an "empire of goodness" (!??), writes: "Is it worth talking about some kind of inadequacy today? These will not be "pinpoint strikes" on terrorist bases, but full-fledged military operations against entire peoples". And with cannibal enthusiasm they report that "there is now a different demand from Russia." Vedomosti is demanding that the Russian leadership decide who it is with: "with the defending civilization or with those from whom they are defending themselves?" The newspaper asks: "Will the leaders of the rogue states visit the country ... or will Russia finally become a sincere partner of the club of civilized states?" "Outcast countries"!.. No, this expression, which is constantly used today, does not just smack of fascism, it is direct evidence of real fascism, which the United States has long been ill with and with which they seek to infect all their lackeys. The most famous US agent V. Pozner, having recently gathered a gang of "political scientists", tested their loyalty to the overseas master with the question: "Who should Russia be with - with the West or with terrorists?" And what should highly paid Judas do if Putin has long been in a hurry to declare that "we are with America"? Some, however, spun a little, trying to portray intelligence and pangs of conscience, but in the end everyone joined the general opinion that Russia should be sold. And how many such scoundrels are publicly competing today in the sale of Christ! You can understand them. After all, they are all direct debtors of America. She made capitalism in Russia for them, today she feeds them and ensures their safety. You can understand. But it's good to remember - you need to! (17)

Ann Coulter is a political analyst, a journalist who not only writes constantly in right-wing newspapers, but also regularly appears on popular US TV talk shows. In a word, celebrity. However, she gained notoriety after September 12, 2001, when she wrote in the New York Daily News: "Now is not the time to pinpoint the direct perpetrators of this terrorist act ... We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." (16)

  • Zinoviev A., philosopher, writer, scientist: "The events in New York and Washington remind me personally of the beginning of the Second World War, when the Nazis organized a provocation against Poland, staging an attack on the German border town of Gleiwitz." (12)
  • Bush signed plans to "fight terrorism" around the world, including the occupation of Afghanistan, on September 10, and the bombings did not occur until September 11. (27)
  • August 2002 - 52% of the polled Russians continue to think that on September 11, 2001, the Americans "got it right." (28)
On the right is an authentic photo of Osama bin Laden in 1998.

On the left is a frame from a videotape shown by US authorities in December 2001. (Shadows have been removed from the photo, tones have been sharpened and focus has been corrected.) This tape allegedly proves the involvement of "terrorist number 1" in the September 11 attacks. However, we clearly see in the left photo a person with a much wider nose, fuller and with completely different facial features. (23)

The once unforgettable and at one time very popular Karl Marx, predicting the imminent death of capitalism, argued that, and this is none other than the proletariat. Since then, a lot of time has passed and life has flowed in a slightly different scenario. The proletariat calmed down, acquired petty-bourgeois tricks, and in some places even became capitalism's best friend, ready to break anyone for its sake. Straight to Confucius. "You can't defeat the enemy - become his best friend".

But, a holy place is never empty. And now, at the turn of the century, it appeared in the abyss. Not capitalism, not an oligarchy, but the entire Western world en masse, with all its European values ​​and traditions. Completely. Into the abyss. How unworthy to exist.

Of course, it is still too early to panic, especially since panic does not lead to anything good, but -. Anyone who once at least somehow taught history remembers how it all began in Russia. At first there were terrorist attacks against generals, ministers and members of the royal family, and in 1917 the communists revealed their doctrine of socio-economic development to the broad masses of the people.

Of course, there is not much in common between the communists, but the goals and methods are somewhat similar.

The September 11 attacks - the beginning of the Third World War?

attacks are different. But - a series September 11, 2001 attacks- these are terrorist attacks of a special kind, a kind of reduced model of the war of the worlds, Western and otherwise, carefully grown and released into free swimming, like a genie released from a bottle.

In the morning 11 September 4 groups of terrorists, totaling 19 people, captured 4 Boeing 767-200 passenger planes flying from Boston, Washington and Newark, which were then used to strike ground targets. Two planes crashed into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, and a third crashed into the Pentagon building in Washington. As for the fourth hijacked aircraft, the target of the terrorists who hijacked it was the Capitol or the White House.

Flight 11 american airlines took off from Boston, crashed into the north side of the North Tower of the World Trade Center, in the time period from 8:46:26 before 8:46:40 local time, approximately at the level of 94-98 floors.

Flight 175 american airlines took off from Boston, crashed into the south side of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, 9:02:59 , approximately at the level of 78-85 floors.

Flight 77 american airlines flew out of Washington, crashed into the Pentagon in 9:37:46 .

Flight 93 american airlines flew out of Newark 10:03:11 fell on a field in Pennsylvania about 240 km north of Washington.

Tuesday was chosen for the attack is by no means accidental. According to statistics, it is on Tuesday that the least number of passengers fly by planes, and the aforementioned planes on that ill-fated day were not even half full.

The planes were hijacked by residents of Arab countries, most of them from Saudi Arabia. There were five terrorists on flights 11, 175, 77, and four on flight 93, apparently because at the very last moment the fifth member of their group was not allowed into the United States for fear that he would become an illegal migrant (the guy intended to enter the country having 2800 dollars and not having a return ticket on hand).

One terrorist in each group had flight training from one of the flight schools, where the Arab guys attracted attention by learning only to fly the aircraft in the air, ignoring the classes in which they taught how to take off and land. At the same time, other terrorists were rehearsing the capture of the aircraft with its subsequent retention.

The capture of aircraft took place according to the same scheme. The terrorists waited for the plane to gain altitude and the flight attendants to start delivering food, after which they broke into the cockpit, where they changed the pilot to their own. At the same time, they used edged weapons (, office knives for cutting paper), several flight attendants, at least one passenger and at least one pilot (John Ogonowski, captain of the aircraft, flight 11) were immediately killed during the capture.

It is worth noting that, apart from John Ogonowski, the pilots were left alive, apparently in order to, if necessary, be involved in the management of the liner. Threatening with an explosive device, as well as cold steel, the hijackers drove passengers into the tail section of the aircraft. It is not difficult to guess (and the flight recorders confirm this) that panic arose among the passengers, in a sense, a friend and ally of the terrorists.

And the terrorists changed course and some time later rammed pre-allocated buildings.

September 11, Flight 93 - how it was

About flight 93 I would like to write in more detail. For me, it is interesting, first of all, in the context of the relationship between people and non-humans, who play with other people's lives for the sake of only them understandable "higher interests". This plane did not reach the goal, which was either the White House or Congress, because the passengers and flight attendants prevented the terrorists.

On board the aircraft were two pilots, five flight attendants and 37 passengers, four of whom were hijackers. Ziyad Jarrah from Lebanon, the leader of the group, who had previously received flight training, and his three Saudi Arabian accomplices. Consider the chronology of events.

Flight 93 was scheduled to board at 08:00 and depart at 08:01. However, due to the heavy load of the airport, the flight was delayed until 08:42 . Who knows, perhaps in this way life gave people (people, not creatures) a chance for salvation, but it was not destined to take advantage of it.

By this time, Flight 011 had already been hijacked, and after another 4 minutes crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Flight 175 was just in the process of being hijacked, flight 75 will be hijacked in 9 minutes.

On these three flights, no more than half an hour passed from the moment of takeoff to the beginning of the capture. For some reason, the terrorists waited 46 minutes on Flight 93.

IN 09:02 Flight 175 rammed the South Tower of the World Trade Center, and it became clear that all these events (2 air rams and the hijacking of Flight 75) were nothing more than a terrorist attack. Controllers began to send warnings to all aircraft in the air. At 09:24, the pilots received a message - " Beware of cockpit intrusion - two planes crashed into the World Trade Center» At 09:26, the FAC sent a reply: « Ed, confirm the last message. Jason»

IN 09:27:25 the crew responded to the dispatcher's usual call and the seizure began immediately.

IN 09:28:17 crew crew sent a distress signal Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!". The sounds of fighting could be heard in the cockpit. After 35 seconds, the distress signal was retransmitted. Someone in the cockpit was shouting: Mayday! Get out of here! Get out of here!»

IN 09:31:57 Jarrah, the leader of the terrorist group and "part-time" suicide pilot, announced: " Ladies and gentlemen, this is the commanding officer. Stay where you are and don't get up. We have a bomb on board, so sit down.»

Probably realizing that the aircraft was coming under the control of terrorists, the captain changed the communication settings in such a way that the dispatchers heard Jarrah's announcement.

The dispatcher asked, "Who's calling Cleveland?" There was no answer. For some time in the cockpit there was a struggle between the terrorists and one of the flight attendants. Against the background of the sounds of the struggle on the flight recorder, you can hear the terrorists ordering someone: "Sit" "Don't move" "Shut up" "Lie down." Judging by the voice, some woman tried to resist, but she was either killed or rendered harmless in some other way. Someone said in Arabic: “It's all right. I finished".

IN 09:39:11 Jarrah made the announcement again, which was also heard by the controllers: "" The captain of the ship is speaking. Stay where you are. There's a bomb on board and we're going back to the airport to make our demands. Please don't make noise».

Passengers and flight attendants began calling families, friends, and the police to inform them of the incident. Starting at 09:30, 35 calls were made by "aerophone" and two calls from mobile phones. Ten passengers and two flight attendants managed to get through. They were informed about the attacks, and people in trouble realized that they were also in the clutches of suicide bombers.

This is how a person is arranged, in him faith in the best is indestructible, in the sense, in the lesser of two evils. A person believes in what he really wants to believe, and sometimes his brain clings to this belief for a long time. "Everything will be fine". “Now they will put forward their demands, and negotiations will begin with them.” "Help will come, of course." "The Lord will not leave us in trouble."

In order to be saved, one had to act, but even in this case, the chances of success were not very great. However, the worst thing in such a situation is to play by the rules of the terrorists. What to do, in life sometimes you have to choose not between “good” and “bad”, but between “bad” and “even worse”.

IN 09:45:25 someone in Arabic ordered to return the pilot, and at 09:48:38 someone already in English ordered (obviously, the pilot) to take a course.

IN 09:53:20 someone in Arabic someone suggested to scare everyone using .

Approximately at 09:57 the passengers decided to storm the cabin. The terrorists became suspicious.

IN 09:58:33 someone in Arabic said "Go, guys", after which he began to cry out to Allah. ("Alla Akbar"). The sounds of a struggle could be heard outside the door.

IN 09:58:55 someone shouted in English: “In the cockpit!”.

Jarrah banked the plane to the right, then to the left, in 09:58:57 he shouted in Arabic: “They are climbing over here. Don't let them! Don't let them! Hold on! IN 09:59:52 The suicide pilot started throwing the plane up and down. IN 10:00:03 he stabilized the plane and after 5 seconds asked: “Well, is that all? Shall we get it? To which the other terrorist replied: Not yet. As everyone enters, then we will finish". Apparently he hoped to reach the goal. I am more than sure that, going into action, the terrorists first used drugs.

IN 10:00:25 behind the door someone shouted: Everyone in the cockpit! Otherwise we will all die!". Passengers used a delivery cart as a ram. Jarrah again threw the plane up and down, after which at 10:01:08 he asked: “Well, what, down?”, To which he received the answer: “Yes, down.”

Passengers continued to storm the cabin. IN 10:02:18 someone shouted in Arabic: “Down! Down". Behind the door was heard in English: “We are falling. Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!”

Now panic reigned in the cockpit. IN 10:02:33 someone shouted in Arabic: “Hey! Hey! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give me!"

FROM 10:03:02 10:03:09 but in the cockpit one could hear the repeatedly repeated “Allah Akbar!”

This phrase was the last recorded by the flight recorder.

The committee's conclusion states that " the hijackers retained control of the plane, but decided that in a few seconds the passengers would break into the cockpit”, but some relatives of the victims believe that the passengers managed to break into the cabin and even kill one terrorist.

The exact time of the fall varies from 10:03 before 10:10 , at a speed of 906 km per hour, in an inverted position at an angle of 40 degrees, the plane crashed into the ground. All 44 people on board were killed. At the site of the fall, a funnel formed about twelve meters in diameter and about three meters deep.

The damage caused by the September 11 attacks is irreparable

The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed at 9:56 am, the North Tower collapsed at 10:28 am. The people who remained on the upper floors died. Only 18 people managed to get out of the hit zone in the South Tower and escape. 1366 people died on the upper floors of the North Tower, more than 600 in the South Tower.

At least 200 from the top floors of the towers jumped down, preferring to crash to their deaths than to die from the smoke. Some tried to climb onto the rooftops of the towers, hoping to be evacuated by helicopters, but the doors to the roof were locked and the fire and smoke made it impossible to use the helicopters.

In total, 2977 people became victims of the tragic events (19 terrorists are not included here): 246 passengers and crew members, 2606 people in New York, in the WTC buildings and on the ground, 125 in the Pentagon building. Citizens of the United States and 91 other states died, including 96 citizens and immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union. 24 people remain on the list of missing people.

The Western world was shocked. At the same time, joyful carnivals swept through a number of Arab countries.

There are different opinions regarding the events of 9/11. Up to the point that the attacks were set up by the US government or intelligence services, that the Pentagon and the World Trade Center buildings were rammed not by planes at all, but by. What was originally laid in the buildings, and, moreover, in the most vulnerable places. That the planes, in fact, were controlled from the ground, and the hysterical Arabs were used as a distraction.

It is possible that our entire world is controlled from a single center. The only question is who controls it. And, it is very likely that this is not God at all.

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