Holiday home with a New Year's program. New Year in the suburbs

Street noise, queues in supermarkets, exhaust fumes, traffic jams - all these elements are indispensable attributes of city life. In addition, the rapid pace of life of modern man leaves its negative imprint on our well-being. Therefore, to restore strength and vitality, you need a good rest in an ecologically clean area. In addition, for this you do not need to fly anywhere and travel far. The Moscow region offers a great opportunity to relax and spend New Year 2019 in the holiday home.

Holidays in the suburbs are a great opportunity to have fun and interesting time with friends or family, as well as for those who prefer not to go far from their home. Therefore, holiday homes in the suburbs are an ideal option. In addition, it is quite possible to combine entertainment and leisure with work, because the main thing in this situation is to choose the right place.

Holiday home on new year holidays- an ideal option for spending children's holidays, because not all families have grandparents in the village. In addition, this is a great opportunity to spend the holidays with the whole family, and the cost of a ticket for the New Year is much cheaper than a tour abroad, because in many boarding houses the accommodation of small children is not paid.

Among the guests and residents of Moscow, the celebration of the New Year in holiday homes is becoming more and more popular. This is due to the fact that once outside the city, vacationers are given the opportunity to break away from the annoying city bustle, find themselves in the real kingdom of Santa Claus, surrounded by tall snow-covered firs, and holiday homes for the New Year 2019 meet their guests with a laid table, playing music, warm and cozy atmosphere.

Of course, everyone chooses for himself the type of recreation that is most acceptable for him. But even the most diverse options for spending a winter vacation have common features and features that distinguish it favorably from types of recreation in the summer seasons. When planning a trip, there are a few things to consider. Remember that the New Year's excitement begins by the end of autumn, and in mid-December it is almost impossible to book a tour for the New Year. Therefore, it is very important to book a holiday home in time. New Year is a great opportunity to spend time with fun and health benefits. And booking a room in advance will allow you to save some cash and choose the option that best suits your needs. "Last-minute trips" to holiday homes in the Moscow region for the New Year and Christmas almost never happen.

New Year's Eve in a holiday home is cheaply offered by many companies. In addition, the cost of the tour includes full board, in some cases, two meals a day. Choosing this way to relax, tourists do not need to worry about preparing a festive table, the price New Year's banquet usually already included in the price of living in a holiday home.

If you plan to celebrate the New Year outside the city in 2019, the holiday home may not provide medical services for this period. Therefore, if your plans include recovery, then when booking a room, you should definitely check with the administrator of the institution, according to what schedule and procedure medical base institutions.

“As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it,” says a popular sign. Indeed, the mood and emotions received on New Year's Eve inevitably leave their mark throughout the year. It is all the more important to carefully consider the choice of venue for New Year's celebrations. In order to keep vivid memories of the colorful meeting of your favorite holiday even after a long time, it is advisable to spend it in the circle of your closest people, but in an unusual setting. Many offer this opportunity. Unique nature, quality service and good company This is the guarantee of an unforgettable holiday.

Meet the New Year in the suburbs in a fun and original way

In all areas of the capital region, a great many objects of the hotel and entertainment format have been built or modernized in recent years. Conduct new year holidays in nature not far from Moscow and at the same time inexpensive - quite realistic. To do this, you just need to worry about early booking. If you have the appropriate budget, it will not be difficult to find luxurious options for celebrating, for example, with the participation of celebrities or with extraordinary entertainment. Possibility of accommodation in hotel rooms of various categories, as well as in separate cottages, often equipped with a bath or sauna.

An excellent choice of place to meet the long-awaited holiday will be one of the many. The ringing of glasses and the chiming of chimes surrounded by a winter forest fairy tale will leave an indelible impression. In such places, it will be especially interesting to celebrate the New Year with children, for whom, as a rule, a whole range of events and a separate entertainment program are offered. In an effort to attract customers, the organizers offer discounts for collective customers, which should be used when organizing a New Year's corporate party.

New Year or Christmas is a great occasion to change the situation, to be away from the bustle of the city, to devote yourself outdoor activities and get a charge of vivacity for the upcoming work. Our website will help you choose a hotel to your liking, with the necessary list of services and level of comfort, providing detailed information about the best accommodation facilities.

Attention! In our database of spa facilities over 10,000 sanatoriums, boarding houses,

hotels, holiday homes, tourist bases etc. Not all objects are presented on the site.

If you have not found a suitable vacation spot in the suburbs for the New Year 2019 and Christmas,

then contact our consultants.

We will definitely find you a place for rest or treatment for every taste and budget!


Holidays in the suburbs for the New Year 2019 and Christmas is a great way to combine the celebration of your favorite day of the year with relaxation surrounded by picturesque nature. If you have not yet decided on the place of celebration and do not want to travel far, feel free to choose a holiday for the New Year in the Moscow region! On the website of the Sotszdrav tour operator you can find a large selection of offers for every taste and budget. Thanks to long-term cooperation with hotels, boarding houses, recreation centers and sanatoriums, Sotszdrav can offer you the most favorable booking conditions.

Why is it worth going to the New Year 2019 in the suburbs?

Short distances from the capital, the European level of service and a wide choice of accommodation facilities are the reasons why New Year holidays in the Moscow region are becoming more popular every year.

Let's consider the reasons in more detail:

  • The level of service in local hotels is rapidly approaching European, but at the same time, prices are noticeably lower. This allows you to spend the New Year holidays on a budget and comfortably.
  • Boarding houses and sanatoriums of the Moscow region offer a wide range of services. During the New Year holidays, you can not only relax, but also improve your health.
  • Nature allows you to relax after a busy working day and energizes you for several weeks ahead.
  • This is a great opportunity to combine leisure with cultural and educational trips. During the day you can travel around the sights of the towns near Moscow, and in the evening return to a country house with a fireplace or a hotel with a modern spa.
  • Out-of-town recreation in the Moscow region is represented by a wide range of accommodation facilities. You can book a cottage for big company, hotel with animation for children or a quiet boarding house where you will feel like close friends of the owners.

What entertainment awaits tourists on New Year's holidays?

All boarding houses, hotels and resorts strive to surprise tourists and make them come back again. Many accommodation facilities arrange a drawing of tours for the weekend of the coming year. Most often, luxury rooms or free use of the complex's services are raffled off. Other hotels include in the price of a holiday on New Year's Eve part in active activities - snowmobiling, walking or skiing. For tourists with children, New Year's parties and a lot of entertainment are organized that keep the child busy from morning to evening. One of the main advantages is that most of the festivities and entertainment take place outdoors. Active entertainment in nature - that's what makes a New Year's holiday in the Moscow region look like a fairy tale!

Sotszdrav collected best deals for holidays in the Moscow region, to make the selection of your tour for the New Year quick and easy. In the description of the programs you will find full information for prices and services. Celebrate New year 2019 inexpensive and bright together with Sotszdrav!

Large selection of objects near Moscow for the New Year!

We offer a wide range of sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest houses near Moscow. You can consult on any issue by phone or by sending an application for the selection of a ticket.


New Year tours in Russia 2020, New Year's tours to Europe and neighboring countries- this is a great opportunity to celebrate the New Year on a budget and make your weekends and holidays memorable!
We have prepared for you tours for every taste: this and New Year's excursions for adults and children, And excursions to the factories of Christmas decorations(ideal for traveling with a child), and tours for 2, 3, 4 days with the celebration of the New Year or on the days of the New Year holidays.

Inexpensive New Year's tours are in great demand and begin to be booked as early as August.

Most popular destinations New Year's tours are Saint Petersburg , Karelia , Europe.
Also, our tourists are happy to choose cheap bus tours around the Golden Ring, in all restaurants and hotels in our tours, the New Year is celebrated cheerfully, with entertainment program and a generous holiday treat!

For those who want to diversify the long New Year holidays, but are not ready to leave for a long time, we offer magnificent day trips- both in Moscow and in the nearest regions.
Hit recent years - New Year's Eve trips. This sightseeing tour - little trip, which ends with a meeting of the New Year in one of the colorful places! Travel for the price of going to a restaurant.

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