Business on daily rental of apartments - all the subtleties. What are the dangers of illegal housing rental?

Hundreds of people ask themselves this question, not knowing where to start an apartment rental business. Many people think it's easy, but that's not true. As in any business, you need to plow here. This is not a “money” button, but a serious business that requires a high-quality approach.

How to create your own business renting apartments by the day?

We have previously described several ways to make money on real estate. You can get acquainted with them in this. Now let's talk about how a business for renting apartments by the day is built.


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Rental housing as a business is booming all over the world. The only difference will be in the legislation of the countries. Accordingly, there is more profit in some places and less in others. But the fact that you won’t have to live in poverty is 100%.

Attracting bank capital – mortgage

Daily rental housing is the only business that allows you to make a profit from a mortgage in this segment. Monthly rent will bring a loss or go to zero. This is quite easy to calculate on any banking website. Know the prices in your region.

Of course, there are exceptions, for example, an entrepreneur has his own plot of land a few kilometers from the city. He takes out a mortgage and builds a house with 8-10 studio apartments. If the city is large, then monthly rent will bring profit taking into account all expenses.

This method is used a large number of organizations that have their own business of renting out apartments for daily rent or private realtors.

Here, it would seem, everything is simple. Rent an apartment for a month, rent it out every day. But in reality, there are many pitfalls that will reduce your profits to zero.

For example, if you do not warn the owners that you are going to rent out their property on a daily basis, you can get a lawsuit that will bring losses.

Work as honestly as possible with property owners and then troubles will not affect you.

Many people believe that housing should be located in promising locations near the metro or major transport interchanges, but in fact, it should be located within a 20-30 minute walk from your home. If you are constantly late for a meeting with a client, then most likely he will not contact you again. Take this point into account.

It’s better to look for properties in your area and transport links are not important here. People are ready to give you money, even if the housing is located on the very outskirts of the city.

When buying an apartment, pay attention to whether it can be remodeled to increase the number of tenants. For example, if a room has two windows and they are located far from each other, it is possible to divide it in half and make two entrances.

Thus, you will increase your profit by renting out residential premises to two different people at once. Believe me, there will be clients. These could be business travelers or companies of several people.

This method is ideal for monthly rental housing.

When starting your small business of renting out apartments by the day, don’t chase all your clients at once. Try to find out the purpose of renting housing. This will help avoid many problems. For example, very often young people try to rent apartments for noisy parties.

All profits from such an event will go towards cleaning and minor repairs. You guessed it, it can cause serious damage. If the apartment is subleased, you can easily lose it, plus pay for everything out of your own pocket.

Smoking is not allowed in the apartment; this is a general rule for all landlords. Make paper signs and stick them around your apartment. Warn those arriving about this in advance.

Emergency phone numbers for your city should also be written on a separate piece of paper and pasted on the wall in the hallway or kitchen. This also includes the password for Internet access.

The contracts are standard everywhere and can be easily downloaded online. Be sure to make an inventory of the property in the apartment. After the end of the lease, everything should be in its place. Things must be put away and dishes washed.

Always take a deposit equal to one day's stay. For example, if guests lose their keys, the amount for making duplicates must be withheld from them.

Pledge motivates people to follow your rules.

Buying furniture, linen and cleaning

Do not place expensive things or equipment in the apartment. Everything should be modern and inexpensive. Bed, TV and even plumbing fixtures can be bought used. Believe me, people who need to spend the night absolutely don’t care, the main thing is cleanliness.

The daily apartment rental business involves serious cleaning. You can do it yourself or contact a special cleaning company. Linen must be clean and sealed in cellophane, like on a train. Any laundry service provides these services.

Real estate will never depreciate in value. Yes, there will be price declines, the market will sag a little, but this has always been the case. Housing is a reinforced concrete investment, literally and figuratively. It is always cost-effective and adjusts to the cost of money.

For example, inflation occurred and after recalculation, apartments went up in price by a new percentage. The only disadvantage of residential properties is their cost. Serious investment is required. Plus the margin is not as high as in other businesses or investments.

The exception is commercial real estate, which can pay for itself in two years. But here the decisive role is played by the location or the objects themselves:

  • warehouses;
  • offices;
  • shopping areas;
  • car service premises, etc.

Residential property pays off much longer, but provides a stable income and adapts to the general market, taking into account any fluctuations in cash flows.

How do you build an apartment rental business? We are looking for clients

Concluding our short review of an impromptu business plan for renting apartments, I would like to note that all conditions for the client must be transparent and discussed in advance. This will help avoid troubles in the future.

Video - daily rent of apartments from Natasha Zakheim's students:

From the owner’s point of view, daily rental housing is the best option. Theoretically, income from just one apartment can reach 60–70 thousand rubles per month or more. At the same time, the owner does not depend in any way on temporary residents; he can close the business at any time and use the apartment for personal needs. But is everything so simple in reality? Let's try to figure it out.

Relevance of daily business

A short-term apartment rental business can bring in 2-3 times more than renting out the same housing for long term. This is especially typical for large cities, because the main contingent of tenants - tourists, as well as people who come for work - are not ready to overpay for a hotel room.

So, for a night in a 3- or 4-star hotel in Moscow you will have to pay at least 2,500 rubles. And this does not count food costs (you will have lunch and dinner in a restaurant), laundry services, etc.

The cost of a double room in 3- and 4-star hotels in Moscow starts from 2,500 rubles per night ( travel portal)

There are many more offers for daily rentals, so it is possible to choose a temporary housing option for almost any budget. On the website of the popular real estate database "Cian", for example, you can find an excellent apartment with European-quality renovation in the desired area for only 1500–1700 rubles. per night.

Cost difference between hotel room And private apartment can reach 20–30%

The difference is most noticeable if there is not one person living in the room, but several. In any hotel, regardless of its class, it is not the room that is paid for, but the stay of each guest, that is, if you are traveling together, the cost of an overnight stay will also double. For the owner of the apartment this is not so critical.

If the landlord indicated that the apartment has 3 beds, then when up to 3 people live, usually additional fee not taken. If there are more residents, payment will be negotiable.

Alexander Petrashov, businessman

However, price is not the only advantage from a potential client's point of view. Moreover, some landlords set prices even higher than in hotels. And yet they have a constant flow of clients. Why is that? There are several reasons.

Firstly, the location factor. It is not always possible to find a hotel in a specific area - almost all of them are concentrated in historical center city, as well as near major entertainment venues.

Secondly, a different level of comfort. Unlike a hotel, in an apartment you can feel at home, completely relax and unwind after a busy day. In addition, apartments rented daily are usually equipped with all the necessary equipment: from a microwave to an iron. This eliminates the need to pay for Additional services.

Three start options

Actually, the first and most important question is where to get a free apartment. Here you will have to build on the available starting capital. Having decided to start this type of business, you can:

  • rent an apartment long-term and then rent it out daily (sublease);
  • convert your own housing into an object, renting a cheaper one on the outskirts of the city;
  • apply for a mortgage.

The first step in organizing a rental business is purchasing residential premises

In terms of risk, the second option is optimal. After all, even if the business “doesn’t work out” for one reason or another, you don’t lose anything and can return to your own apartment at any time.

Some people start by reletting rented apartments. However, in this case, you need to make sure that this clause is spelled out in the contract and that the owners of the living space are not against it. In addition, you will have to take the search for the property itself extremely seriously: if there is not a certain level of occupancy, your income will not be able to cover the cost of monthly rent.

Which apartments are in demand?

We touched on the most important topic - choosing an object. For most landlords, the main cause of loss is demurrage. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid this, but if the apartment was chosen correctly from the beginning, you can count on a stable flow of clients.

To understand which objects are more attractive for such a business, we will rely on real statistics. What is important for potential tenants?

First of all, of course, the number of rooms. The most in demand are “one-room apartments,” while 3- and 4-room apartments are rented extremely rarely (mainly by groups of students or out-of-town workers).

Table: demand for daily apartments by number of rooms

The area and transport interchange play an extremely important role. Proximity to work or attractions (if we are talking about tourists) is a priority for most of your future clients. Therefore, the closer to the city center the housing is located, the better. Apartments located near large office centers and universities also bring good income.

Advice: if you plan to buy a property specifically for rental, it is advisable that it be an old housing stock. Few tenants want to overpay 10–20% for a new building, despite the fact that such an apartment will cost you 20–100% more (depending on the area).

How to open a business renting apartments by the day

Among the main advantages of this business idea is that its implementation does not require either huge start-up capital, special education, or special skills or knowledge. Anyone can start making money on daily rent. The scheme is extremely simple:

  1. Determine which apartment you will rent - your own or rented.
  2. If desired, register an individual entrepreneur in order to officially engage in business activities.
  3. Assess the condition of the premises and carry out cosmetic repairs.
  4. Furnish the home with furniture and appliances.
  5. Purchase 5–6 sets of bed linen and towels.
  6. Select the target audience (tourists, families with children, students).
  7. Take high-quality photographs of the apartment and prepare a description of the property.
  8. Draw up the text of the lease agreement.
  9. Place advertisements in all available sources (newspapers, bulletin boards, Internet).

Let's consider the points that raise the most questions among novice entrepreneurs.

Documents for renting out an apartment

In order to conclude contracts with guests “according to all the rules”, you will have to prepare a large package of documents:

In advance, ask the client to prepare a photocopy of the passport (page with registration and main page).

Main points of the agreement with the tenant

It is advisable to have a professional lawyer help you draft and prepare the text of the lease agreement. This may seem like an unnecessary expense, but if any problems or conflicts arise, this document will allow you to make claims to the guests and compensate for damages. And for this to be possible, the document must be drawn up legally correctly.

A standard short-term rental agreement includes the following sections:

  1. Subject of the agreement. Here the address and characteristics of the apartment are indicated, and the purpose of the rental is stated - accommodation for a certain number of days.
  2. Rental cost (for 1 day and for the entire period).
  3. Check-in procedure ( exact time when the tenant must move in and leave the premises).
  4. Rights and obligations. This part should be designed so that you win in any scenario. It is necessary to spell out the tenant’s obligations to maintain order, pay fees on time, not sublease the property, etc. However, remember that the absence of this section in the agreement does not deprive the parties of their rights and does not relieve them of their obligations - all of them are still enshrined in civil law.
  5. Responsibility. In case of damage to property, the tenant must compensate for its cost at his own expense. Here you can specify penalties for late payment.
  6. Details of the parties (full name, passport number and signature).

In addition, you can add other clauses to the lease agreement if you wish. For example, indicate who will pay in the event of force majeure (neighbors flooded).

The agreement is drawn up so that the landlord of the apartment wins in any case

Business expenses

Even if you are the owner of a rental apartment, you will not be able to avoid expenses. Moreover, most of them will be permanent, so it is better to include them in the rental price. What does this include?

  • payment for utilities;
  • services of a cleaning company or cleaner;
  • advertising;
  • taxes (13 or 6% of income depending on your legal status - individual or individual entrepreneur).

If you do not rent out your own apartment, but rent a property or purchased it with a mortgage, the costs increase even more. And, accordingly, the cost of rent, because you need to cover all monthly payments and keep something for yourself.

Important! Be sure to set aside some money for force majeure circumstances that require significant costs (equipment breakdown, “flood” from neighbors, etc.).

Registration of housing rental activities

Do I need to register an individual entrepreneur? This is one of the main organizational issues faced by those who decide to start a rental business. The difficulty is that the law does not give a clear answer, that is, in theory, no one is stopping you from renting out apartments as an individual.

But what if the income you receive from renting out your home has become permanent and systematic? In fact, this is already a full-fledged business that must be formalized accordingly.

Experts advise those who rent out several real estate properties at once and have a well-functioning work scheme to still play it safe and register as an individual entrepreneur. Yes, this will add more paperwork to you, but at the same time it will give you a huge advantage. Working as an individual entrepreneur, in the event of a conflict, you will be able to document any claims against the guests. In addition, while an individual entrepreneur makes payments to the Pension Fund, his work experience increases, which is important for those who decide to make the rental business their main activity.

How and what taxes to pay

One of the most difficult moments in the organization daily business associated with legalization of activities and payment of taxes. This market is traditionally “gray”, and having decided to rent out an apartment, many do not even think about the need to pay any taxes in principle. But if you want to avoid problems in the future, it is better to immediately start working according to all the rules. So, how much of your profits should you give to the state?

For individuals

If you do not want to register an individual entrepreneur yet, you are required to annually pay personal income tax - a personal income tax in the amount of 13% of what you earn. To do this, you need to submit a tax return at your place of residence by April 30 (it will indicate your income for the past year), and then, by July 15, calculate the amount of tax and pay it to the bank using the details of the tax office.

For example, you rent out an apartment for 2000 rubles/day. When loading on average 20 days a month for a year, you received an income of 2000 * 20 * 12 = 480,000 rubles. The personal income tax amount will be 13% of this amount, that is, 480,000 * 0.13 = 62,400 rubles.

Important! If public utilities is paid by the tenant, this amount must also be included in the amount of income when calculating tax.

For individual entrepreneurs

As a rule, individual entrepreneurs who indicate a rental business in their documents operate under a simplified taxation system. In this case, the amount of tax deductions can be 6% of income or 15% of “income minus expenses”.

Important! At first glance, it seems that this option is definitely more profitable. However, despite the lower percentage of the tax itself, individual entrepreneurs also have to pay contributions to the pension fund, accountant services, etc.

Video: taxation when renting out an apartment

What are the dangers of illegal housing rental?

According to experts, only 40% of landlords respect the law, and the majority are in no hurry to share with the state. On the one hand, this makes it possible to make large profits. On the other hand, if information about unofficial activities gets to the tax authority, the owner of the apartment may be brought to administrative responsibility in court. In addition to the principal amount of the debt, you will also have to pay accrued fines and penalties. In the worst case, a criminal case may be initiated against a negligent “entrepreneur” under Art. 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which is fraught with a criminal record and a fine of up to 300,000 rubles. or imprisonment for up to 1 year.

Preparing the apartment for tenants to move in

If in the “long-term” version you can rent out half-empty housing (many families have their own furniture), then here the requirements for the level of comfort are much higher. Before looking for clients, you will have to spend several weeks preparing the premises itself. What is meant?

  1. Redecorating. No peeling wallpaper or yellowed ceilings with cracks! Everything should be fresh and neat, even if inexpensive. Refresh the whitewash, change burnt out light bulbs, replace leaking faucets.
  2. Space. Adhere to the principle of minimalism. Future residents clearly don't need your grandmother's old sideboard. It is better to immediately get rid of all old and unnecessary trash, as well as unnecessary furniture cluttering the room. Personal belongings also need to be taken from the premises (as a last resort, put in a separate closed place, for example, on a balcony or in a storage room).
  3. Cleanliness and tidiness. Before looking for tenants, you need to do some general cleaning: wash the windows and lamps, wash the curtains, polish the furniture. On an emotional level, it is precisely such “little things” that greatly influence the decision to rent your apartment.
  4. Furniture and appliances. Even economy class housing should have minimal amenities. The “essential” items include a sofa, kitchen set, wardrobe, table, chairs, refrigerator. IN last years the vast majority of tenants also require a washing machine.
  5. Internet. This is no longer additional benefit, but a necessity. Ideally, you need to immediately connect a Wi-Fi router (on Avito you can find good used routers for 700–1500 rubles).

The more comfortable the apartment you rent is, the more clients will want to return to it.

The more everything there is in the apartment, the higher the price you can set. Many landlords rent out housing with dishes, towels and personal hygiene products (soap, toothpaste, etc.), that is, on the same principle as hotel rooms.

Effective advertising sources

So, your apartment is ready for the first guests to move in. This is where the fun begins. After all, your task is not just to find tenants for a few days, but to ensure maximum occupancy of the apartment (especially if the housing was taken out on a mortgage).

In the fall, Dmitry K. decided to rent out his apartment in the center of St. Petersburg by the day. And from my own experience I was convinced that this business in practice is not as profitable as it seems in theory. “When I rented it out under a long-term contract, I always had a guaranteed 30 thousand rubles. per month. Now there’s more hassle and less payoff,” he says. There is no month to month. Once Dmitry was very lucky: the apartment was rented for 20 days by a family who were making renovations in their own home, and since it took so long, they had to extend the lease for another period. But this was the only case. The rest of the time the apartment is occupied on average ten days a month.

Expert Online

  • submit advertisements in 2-3 local newspapers;
  • print leaflets, post them around the city or drop them in mailboxes;
  • write your contacts on the asphalt in crowded places - train stations, bus stops public transport etc. (all you need is a stencil and a can of paint);
  • negotiate with taxi drivers so that they recommend your apartment to visitors.

However, you understand that the most effective source of potential clients for you will be the Internet. Its capabilities must be used to the maximum.

To increase the efficiency of your rental business, you simply need to use all the possibilities of the Internet

First, place your offer on message boards such as “Avito”, “From Hand to Hand”, “Cian”, etc. (and through the international Airbnb portal, for example, you can even attract foreign clients who pay in dollars and euros). The main thing is that your apartment is closer to the city center and looks impressive in the photo.

Secondly, in free time be sure to make a small business card website. There are a huge number of free designers on the Internet with which you can make a pretty nice resource without turning to web designers and programmers. The site must have your contacts and high-quality photos of apartments. To attract visitors from the first days, use contextual advertising Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords.

Pitfalls of daily business

As with any activity, this area has its own risks. First of all, they are related to the safety of the apartment itself and property (furniture, equipment, etc.). The only way to minimize the danger is to work officially, registering an individual entrepreneur, and draw up competent contracts. Only in this case will you be able to prove the fact of persons living in the apartment and causing damage to property in order to compensate for losses.

Important: always ask for passports from tenants, even if they are staying for just 1 day. It is advisable that you have in your hands copies verified with the original.

Another important point is relations with neighbors. Before renting out an apartment for daily rent, it is advisable to meet with them and make sure that they are not against such activities. Most apartment buildings (especially old ones) have excellent audibility. And if tenants, for example, start listening to music loudly, those who live “across the wall” may not like it very much. Do not forget that any claims will ultimately be in your direction.

Advice: if peace and quiet are important to your neighbors, it is better to sacrifice some of the profit, but not rent out the apartment for birthday celebrations, New Years, etc.

In addition to these risks, a daily business is inevitably associated with certain everyday difficulties. After all, you will have to clean the room after each guest, wash bed linen, clean carpets, etc. In addition, you need to be prepared for constant calls (including in the middle of the night) and the fact that you will have to adapt to clients - for example , go at 5 am to give/pick up the keys, etc.

Despite the fact that the daily business has its difficulties, it is one of the most highly profitable with relatively low risks. True, in order to get a truly tangible profit, it is advisable to rent out at least 2-3 apartments. However, if you haven’t made a mistake with the area and organized your activities correctly, in just 9–12 months you can actually earn enough for a down payment on a mortgage to buy your next apartment and gradually expand your network.

Daily renting of an apartment can bring a good and stable income if everything is organized correctly. This service is very popular due to the fact that it is much cheaper for visiting tourists to rent an apartment than a hotel room.

Since this area of ​​earning money is not new, it has already been well studied. One-room apartments or four-room apartments are especially popular. Of course, from a rational point of view, one-room apartments are considered the ideal option - the owner of the space not only saves on electricity and heating, but can also afford to make luxurious renovations.

The owner of a one-room apartment will not lose money, since the price of housing is calculated not for one tenant, but for the entire area.

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Apartments located near the train station, schools and hospitals are extremely popular. Since it often happens that such housing is empty, it is better to buy an apartment on the third and fifth floor, this will significantly reduce the risk of criminal activity.

Daily rent of space - business features

From time immemorial, real estate has been considered the most profitable investment, which is why many citizens, having free money, buy real estate. With proper and clear business management, you can significantly improve your financial situation without risks.

The best option is considered to be renting out your own living space. Of course, there are businessmen who start their own business in rented space, but this is not the same.

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Some citizens even take out a mortgage on an apartment, and then successfully rent it out to tenants, thereby not only covering the monthly mortgage loan, but also managing to earn a little money from it.

Pros and cons of such earnings

For owners of rented apartments, the advantages are as follows:

  • good income without risks and investments;
  • if necessary, you can use the accommodation yourself;
  • when selling an apartment while you are searching for a potential client, you can rent out the apartment to visiting people;
  • if the owner of the area cooperates with realtors, he will be provided with a flow of clients;
  • there is no need to register an individual entrepreneur, which significantly reduces financial expenses for paying taxes.

How to make money from daily apartment rentals?

Disadvantages of such a business:

  • if the apartment is mortgaged, then the bank can prohibit renting it to other people, it can not only fine the owner of the property, but also take away the apartment altogether;
  • conflicts arise with neighbors, since a constant flow of clients can disrupt the usual life of the residents of the house;
  • There are unscrupulous clients who can simply damage property - break a window, tear wallpaper, break equipment, and so on.

Underwater rocks

Often there are unscrupulous clients who damage property and do not want to pay for it later, so that such unpleasant situations do not arise, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and draw up a lease agreement with each client. Also, when checking into an apartment, you should always take the guest’s passport and make a copy of it with the registration address.

It is a very profitable business in our time, but you will think that this is impossible and you will be wrong. By following the link you will find detailed instructions about how to start this business and make it profitable.

At the same time, we would like to emphasize that even if a photocopy of the client’s passport is in hand, if the property was damaged, the owner of the premises will not be able to make a claim unless he has drawn up an agreement. Therefore, here you need to choose - saving money or safety and security of property.

Rental business: how and where to start

The first thing you need to do is to carefully study all legal regulations. First, of course, you need to go through the banal registration of a legal entity; in other words, you need to open an individual entrepreneur if you plan to do this business for a long time. Thus, you can significantly reduce the cost of accounting; today, opening an individual entrepreneur costs about 5,000 thousand rubles.

If the apartment will be rented out exclusively to legal entities, then in this case it will be necessary to register as a Limited Liability Company. In this case, such a procedure will cost a little more, about 15 thousand. In order to earn a calm and stable income in this area of ​​business, you need to pay about 15% of the profit to the tax service monthly or twice a year.

This video will tell you how to start a business in the field of daily apartment rentals:

Of course, not all apartment owners can earn good money. In order for a living space to bring a good and stable income to its owner, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Long lease term, at least one year.
  2. Good location. The apartment should be located in the city center, where there is developed infrastructure.
  3. Beautiful and modern renovation.
  4. Availability of necessary furniture in the apartment: sofa, air conditioning, refrigerator, microwave, TV, washing machine. This is only the minimum that should be in a rented apartment, otherwise there will be no people willing to move in at all.

Step-by-step instructions for renting an apartment

Previously, the requirements that the apartment must meet were announced. When the premises are completely ready to receive guests, you need to take care of the legal side of the business. It is imperative to open an individual entrepreneur so that you can draw up a lease agreement with each client; this will protect the owner of the property from unexpected troubles.

Once all legal issues have been resolved, you can begin searching for a potential client. To do this, you need to use the Internet: you can place an ad on a popular website, for example, Avito. To attract as many customers as possible, you need to present the information correctly.

The advertisement must indicate the location of the apartment, its cost, availability of furniture, as well as additional services, if any. You can advertise your apartments via the Internet, for which you can use groups in VKontakte or Odnoklassniki.

Do you have a free space, but you don’t want to rent it out, and its maintenance is not cheap? You can and maintaining the premises will definitely pay off. All details on the link.

Local newspapers and magazines also do not need to be ignored; there you can also place a similar ad with a phone number and apartment address. There is no need to save on advertising; by spending a couple of thousand you can get many more clients.

Business plan taking into account income and expenses

At the beginning, the owner of such real estate, of course, will have to spend a little money, 30 thousand rubles will be enough, with this money you can draw up documentation, pay for advertising and buy the most necessary things for your apartment: disposable slippers, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, and so on.

An example of an apartment for rent.

The average daily rent for a one-room apartment is about 1,500 rubles. We multiply this amount by 30 days and get 45 thousand rubles, now we subtract 15% of the tax and get a net profit per month of about 30 thousand.

But again, it all depends on the number of rooms, the situation in the apartment, and so on. You can rent it out much more expensively and profitably, everything is purely individual. And if a person has not one, but several apartments for rent, this increases the profit many times over.

How does IP registration occur?

As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to open an individual entrepreneur when running such a business, but in this case there are great risks, for example, the tenant will damage the furniture or break a window. If you have a rental agreement, if such a situation arises, you can get a refund for the damage caused.

Features of payment for sublease

Subleasing is a process that involves two tenants. To properly register a sublease, a document must be drawn up that looks like a lease agreement and does not have a long validity period. The subtenant is fully responsible for the rented property and will be responsible for its damage to the real owner.

If a suitable apartment is subleased, you must carefully study all the terms of the contract. It often happens that the true owner of the apartment raises the price for the tenant, and the latter, naturally, in order not to go into the red, raises the price for the client’s living space.

Today, many Russian citizens consider realtors to be scammers. This perception has also been reinforced by frequent cases of fraud on the part of real estate firms. But if a person is determined to start a business in the area of ​​apartment rentals, then he definitely can’t do it without the help of realtors and a plan.

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Such companies allow the owner to find a paying client. The result is a stable income and no downtime. The most important thing is to contact a trusted company that has proven itself on the positive side.

Monthly income and expenses

Common housing expenses include the following:

  1. Tax (if an individual entrepreneur was registered).
  2. Rent an apartment (if it is not owned).
  3. Advertising (you can also find free advertising, but it will not be very effective).
  4. Cleaning the apartment and washing bed linen (to save money, you can do it yourself).
  5. Payment of utility services.

You can learn everything about daily rental apartments from this video:

The amount of potential income and the direct payback of this project depend on the following factors:

  • the original condition of the apartment;
  • quality of advertising;
  • the work of the realtors themselves;
  • apartment location.

Usually, daily rental an apartment with full occupancy pays off all costs in less than five months, subject to repair costs.

Renting out living space purchased with a mortgage

Anyone who purchased a property with a mortgage is already a full-fledged owner, despite the fact that he has to pay monthly for the loan.

Mink coats have been very popular for many years, so the mink breeding business will always be profitable, and he will tell you how to start it

If you have living space and it is simply idle, you should think about an apartment rental business. Choose the type of apartment rental and earn money!

♦ Capital investments: from 20,000 rubles. (if there is an apartment).
♦ Payback: 8-12% profitability per year (in general – from 10 years).

If you have your own living space or are considering the option of purchasing with a mortgage, it is worth considering apartment rental business.

This will allow you to recoup the purchase costs, as well as earn extra money.

There are two rental options – short-term (daily) and long-term.

Each of them has its own advantages and pitfalls.

It is impossible to say clearly which option is preferable.

You will have to make the choice yourself, after evaluating all the arguments.

Daily or long-term rental: what to choose?

The idea of ​​a long-term rental housing business is as old as the world.

In addition, square meters can be rented out not only for residence, but also for offices.

Short-term rentals are also only gaining momentum. First of all, due to high prices in hotels.

In some situations, living in seemingly cheap hostels still costs more than a rented apartment.

But at the same time, a person gets the opportunity to independently manage his space, his own schedule, and prepare his usual food in the kitchen. And, in general, you can feel at home.

Positive aspects of business

Negative aspects of business

How to start a business renting apartments?

If you have analyzed all the arguments and decided that renting apartments long-term or daily is your business option, you should check the housing for compliance with the requirements.

  1. The cost of an apartment is influenced, first of all, by its location.
    The closer you are to metro stations, the center, and main transport hubs, the more you can ask for it.
  2. The location on the ground floor is considered a disadvantage when renting out meters for living.
    But for offices this is the main advantage.
  3. The set that you need to equip an apartment for daily rent is extensive.
    This includes towels, a basic set of dishes, a hairdryer, microwave, iron, and washing machine are welcome equipment.
    If people stay for a long time, it is assumed that they will arrange comfort for themselves.
  4. An apartment for short-term rental must be under your control at all times.
    You are responsible for maintaining cleanliness, putting things in order before each check-in, regularly washing textiles, and replenishing consumables (bagged tea, sugar, garbage bags, toilet paper).
  5. Renting for offices often assumes that you need the absolute minimum - walls, windows, a door and plumbing and sewerage.

Analysis of potential clients

Interesting fact:
Playing music for more than two hours a day is unacceptable to neighboring tenants and amounts to noise - these are the laws governing rental housing in Germany.

For long term rental The range of potential business clients is quite wide. In general terms, it can be represented as solvent people 18-30 years old.

As for renting square meters for offices, the demographics here are also broad.

Actually, the gender and age of the renters in this case will not matter much. The main thing is their occupation – entrepreneurial activity.

But as for the daily rental business, we can distinguish four main categories:

What are the pitfalls of business apartments for daily rent?

  • As a rule, when signing a lease agreement, the tenants are asked to provide their passport information - they are asked to make a photocopy or they simply photograph the pages (for short-term rentals).
    But the law states that this is prohibited.
    And if you accept another, less important document, the risk of being deceived or having damaged property increases even more.
  • To earn a good reputation and have a regular flow of clients, you constantly need to invest.
    In cleaning, washing, improving living conditions and solving various problems.
    This must be taken into account when deciding to rent out square meters.
  • It is difficult to control how decently the residents will behave.
    A noisy party can result in problems with neighbors and additional costs for cleaning and even repairs.
    In general, residents of old houses are usually quite critical of apartments in which new people constantly appear.
    This is especially dangerous if you are renting out your home under less than legal circumstances.
  • If you decide not to use the services of an intermediary agency, the likelihood of your apartment being idle increases.
    But even a realtor, to whom you will pay an average 20% commission, is not a guarantee of a regular influx of tenants.
    Additionally, you will have to advertise, and this is another expense item.
  • The biggest pitfall is the risk of fraud.
    Of course, it exists in any field.
    But when renting out housing, it is especially high.
    However, you should not focus on the worst situations.
    It is enough to remain vigilant and careful.

If you are just going to buy an apartment to rent it out and make money from it,

for a successful and profitable purchase:

  1. You need to know business from the inside.
    If you have never rented an apartment, it will be difficult to understand how to effectively rent out yours.
    You can rent a house for a day or two in your own city and play the role of a “mystery shopper.”
    Assess what the average prices are and how landlords behave.
  2. If you are planning to take out a mortgage on an apartment specifically to rent it out to tenants, it is better to abandon this idea now. The current conditions of economic instability can play a cruel joke on you.
    In addition, the overpayment turns out to be too large.
  3. There is no point in starting any business without apartment insurance.
    This is especially true for short-term rental space.
  4. If the loading of the apartment has become regular, it makes sense to delegate the washing to the laundry or.
    This is an additional expense, but a big time saver.
  5. Do not hesitate to ask questions to potential residents, talk to them, take a closer look.
    It is difficult to understand from several conversations what kind of person is in front of you.
    But it is often possible to weed out the most suspicious and inappropriate ones.
  6. Set yourself up for the fact that calls at “indecent” times will become the norm for you.
    And there is a chance that you will have to call the tenants more than once to solve some problem.
    If you are not ready for this, place the responsibilities “on the shoulders” of the agency.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the specific business apartment rental– this is not a “golden” ticket.

In any case, you will have to constantly invest your efforts in its development. Then the earnings will be more or less solid.

Or delegate the solution of all issues to a real estate agency.

In this case, you will have to forget about high earnings, because you will have to pay a rather large commission.

But if there are square meters and for some reason you don’t need them, it makes more sense to rent them out for housing or offices, rather than just leaving them idle.

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Daily rental of apartments is increasingly gaining popularity among landlords. This is due to the increased profitability compared to long-term rental housing. Service popular with business travelers, part-time students, tourists, couples with children, for whom a hotel may not be affordable, and a hostel may be unacceptable for a number of reasons.

Let's look at the details of this business one by one.

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Property options for rent

The most common option is renting out vacant housing. For example, relatives leave a free living space. If you have neither the desire nor the opportunity to sell it, organizing your own business and renting it profitably on a daily basis is not a bad idea.

A profitable investment of free capital would be the purchase of a separate apartment, specifically for the purpose of further rental. An obvious plus is that real estate always increases in price. In addition, in addition to insuring your own funds, you receive a stable and considerable income.

Sublease – re-letting of the lessor's property. For example, if a tenant rents a two-room apartment, he can rent out one room to other people on a daily basis, thereby saving, and in some cases completely recouping the money spent on rent. It is worth noting that this must be discussed with the owner of the property in advance and in all details.

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