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Read the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation Bad hotel, do not spoil your vacation.
I am writing for the sake of solidarity with vacationers, which I was just recently, traveling to Vietnam, staying at this hotel.
LOCATION: from Kam Ran airport (Nha Trang city) to the hotel it takes 6 hours, because the bus constantly drops off tourists at their hotels in Mui Ne, and Sea Lion 2 is the last in line (KeGa village). The road is very exhausting. The hotel is in the middle of nowhere, there are no restaurants, no cafes, no infrastructure, a complete separation from civilization. Even there is nowhere to walk, in a week you will win with a wolf, fortunately there were Russian tourists, we played mafia at the reception with them in the evenings). The nearest town of Phan Thiet is 30 minutes by bus (free runs from the hotel once a day). Together with tourists, a full bus of hotel staff, screaming and unwashed Vietnamese, arrogant and unceremonious, is packed. In Phan Thiet, transfer to a local regular bus and 20 minutes on the road to Mui Ne, the main tourist area in the south of Vietnam. In general, for 1 HOUR you will only get to one street on the coast, where there are hotels on one side, cafes and shops on the other. Everything is dirty, unkempt and very poorly maintained. There is something to compare with: in Phuket, in this regard, it is more civilized, but in how much, in almost everything Viet is inferior to Tai.
DIET: monotonous, they give fruits, meat, salads, soups, but everything is tasteless and boring for 3 days, although I am not picky about food. Basically, all tourists are only for breakfast, so the question constantly arises where to have lunch and dinner. Either stock up on groceries in advance at a local supermarket in Phan Thiet, or go to the same restaurant and eat the same food, or go to Mui Ne 50 km from the hotel and eat there, which is again a dreary step.
STAFF: kind of affable and friendly, when you have to make contact with them or meet them on the streets or in the corridors, but do not know English and even more so Russian. Even if they managed to explain their problem, they are in no hurry to help.
SEA, BEACH: the beach at the hotel is very small and dirty, there are few sun beds, it's elementary, no one is in a hurry to remove large garbage, bags, bottles, pieces of paper, I'm not talking about numerous seashells, fish, twigs and other trifles ... not nice. ... The sea is muddy, very often there is wind and, accordingly, high waves. And it is very shallow, in order to enter the chest you have to go 150 places from the coast. And the guide immediately warned us that in the sea of ​​jellyfish, and a Portuguese boat appears - the most poisonous miduza in the world, stings to death. She didn’t come across, but ordinary people stung several of the vacationers.
TERRITORY: not bad, well-groomed, large territory, the only thing that made me happy. A couple of pools, a bar, palm trees, greenery and flowers all around, the pictures are good)), but no more.
ROOMS: decent new rooms, renovation and furniture on the level, but again, crawling ants, from which you can not get away, climb on food and sweets.
AND THE MAIN THING !! In the hotel or on the beach (no one understood) insects bite, whether it's bedbugs, or beach fleas or midges, which you don't feel when bitten, but after a day or two, a terrible itching begins and red blisters appear that cover the whole body !! Our entire hotel was bitten, a terrible sight! Everybody scratched, the remnants of good impressions were completely erased from memory. Personnel and host represented by PEGAS TOURISTIC, hotel guide ERNEST, I didn't care deeply about our irritation and indignation. This Ernest didn't even want to hear anything about the situation, raised his voice, spoke rudely and in a boorish way, the grandmother's company got it - and great, the rest does not concern him. I gave the phone number of the local representative of Pegasus in Nha Trang, who in turn sent us to the VSK insurance company, but, as you understand, bites are not an insured event. Cook in your problem yourself!
IN GENERAL, TOTAL: dear tourists, if you have already chosen Vietnam to visit, then choose NOT THIS HOTEL, where the 4 * level does not even reach three, do not spoil your vacation and impressions, save your health, nerves, strength and time !!! Better to overpay a little for a ticket and choose another hotel than suffer like us. And the tourist area of ​​KeGa-Phan Thiet-Mui Ne itself is not a fountain, dirt, poverty and the stench from garbage and local food are everywhere, a dull spectacle, there is no beach and no sea. It is better to choose Nha Trang for visiting, hotels, sea, beach and infrastructure are better there. The only thing that I really liked was excursions to the Vinpearl entertainment island in Nha Trang and the city of Dalat, very beautiful, lively and interesting, just class)
I hope my review will be useful, enjoy your stay!

Personal data processing agreement

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I hereby give my consent to the processing of LLC Media Travel Advertizing (INN 7705523242, OGRN 1127747058450, legal address: 115093, Moscow, 1st Shchipkovsky per., 1) of my personal data and confirm that by giving such consent, I act on my own and in my own interest. In accordance with the Federal Law of 27.07.2006, No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", I agree to provide information related to my personality: my last name, first name, patronymic, residence address, position, contact phone number, email address. Or, if I am a legal representative of a legal entity, I agree to provide information related to the details of the legal entity: name, legal address, activities, name and full name of the executive body. In the case of providing personal data of third parties, I confirm that I have received the consent of third parties, in whose interests I act, to process their personal data, including: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update or change), use , distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, as well as the implementation of any other actions with personal data in accordance with applicable law.

I give my consent to the processing of personal data in order to receive the services provided by Media Travel Advertizing LLC.

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When processing personal data, Media Travel Adverising LLC is not limited in the use of methods for their processing.

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that, if necessary, Media Travel Adverising LLC has the right to provide my personal data to a third party to achieve the above goals, including when attracting third parties to provide services for these purposes. Such third parties have the right to process personal data on the basis of this consent and to notify me about service tariffs, special promotions and website offers. Informing is carried out by telephone and / or e-mail. I acknowledge that by placing a "V" or "X" in the box on the left and clicking the "Continue" button or the "Agree" button below the text of this agreement means my written consent to the terms described earlier.

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What is personal data

Personal data - contact information, as well as information identifying an individual, left by the user on the project.

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152-FZ "On personal data" in article 9, clause 4 indicates the need to obtain "the written consent of the subject of personal data to process his personal data." The same law clarifies that the information provided is confidential. The activities of organizations that register users without obtaining such consent is illegal.

Read the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of the tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) indicated in the Application, give my consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data related to my personality and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, in the amount necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those included in the tourist product formed by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or a set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without using such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows in accordance with the given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in card files or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as for the transfer (including cross-border) of these personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (the Tour Operator and direct service providers) in order to fulfill this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, for the purpose of processing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to a consulate of a foreign state, resolving claims issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and its authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and the Tour Operator to send me emails / newsletters to the e-mail address and / or mobile phone number provided by me.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide the personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and I undertake to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with the sanctions of the inspection bodies.

I agree that the text given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons indicated in the Application, the consent to the processing of personal data is stored electronically in the database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be revoked at any time by me, and in terms of a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person, by sending a written notification to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of revoking this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and I understand.

This Consent is an attachment to this Application.

Family vacationing (dad, mom and 3-year-old son) at the Golden Peak Resort & Spa Cam Ranh from 21.10.2019 to 02.11.2019. We drove for good luck, since no full reviews of this hotel on the Internet and among friends were found. So, in order. Check-in We arrived in Cam Ranh in the morning, so we arrived at the hotel at 9 o'clock in the morning. According to international rules, check-in takes place at 14-00, i.e. wait a long time. An attempt to communicate with the hotel manager at the reception desk in English and Russian was unsuccessful. Running a little ahead, I will say right away that these languages ​​are not familiar to the hotel staff. Basically. For almost 2 weeks of rest, I met there, probably, only a couple of service personnel who tried to communicate at least in English language... Well, the manager of the hotel, alreadyan adult man, knows a little Russian words. The issue of early check-in was resolved with the help of: a) a "google translator" (the benefit of the Wi-Fi works throughout the hotel is quite stable) and b) 40 US dollars in dong equivalent. My offer to pay with a $ 100 bill caused the manager to fear and bewildered. Seeing such confusion, he offered to pay with a bank card. This option turned out to be more acceptable and for the earlier check-in, 920,000 dongs were debited from my account. The issue with breakfast was immediately resolved. Within about 10 minutes they found us a room and gave him an access card (2 pieces), which, among other things, were a "ticket" for breakfast. Thus, leaving our luggage at the reception, the whole family left for breakfast. After returning to the lobby, our luggage has already been delivered to the room. We were escorted to the room and the vacation began. For check-in I give the hotel 5 points. Room and accommodation The hotel has 693 rooms (or so). These are three buildings of 7 floors, of which only one was working at the time of our stay. The rooms are large and comfortable, as is customary in Asia. We were not surprised by anything special. Everything is expected. The rooms are exactly the same as in the photographs The only thing is that they are naturally not 100% fresh, but everything worked, spun, turned on, etc. In the room, at our request, two large beds were pushed into one VERY large bed in advance. 5 person would fit easily. Also in the room there was a TV, kettle, tea sets, a nice sofa, one chair and a glass coffee table. The only thing we lacked was the chairs on the balcony. The room was cleaned daily. Usually it was performed by three flip flops, which in 5 minutes brought the number in full order. There were no special remarks about the cleaning. The floors were washed well, the trash was taken out, towels and linen were changed every day. Plumbing was also washed every day. I left a tip only a couple of times. The quality of cleaning was not affected in any way. Specifically, I also put 5 points directly for the number. You can put a small minus just because the number of rooms is already a little worn out. But this is not critical. But with living in general, there are small questions / problems / nuances. 1. The corridors are missing any flooring, i.e. bare marble on the floor. The bottom line is that any noise that occurs in the hallway spreads to all rooms on the floor. Several times at night this caused real inconvenience, as I heard drunken scolding the Chinese - not what I went to rest in a 5-star hotel for. 2. In the afternoon, the second problem befell us. The music from the nearby water park reached the room easily and naturally, so daytime sleep was only after getting used to the repertoire used in the water park. 3. Air conditioner. More precisely, a remote block. More precisely, a remote air conditioner unit in the next room, which is located on the wall of my room. Of course it makes noise. And from time to time it makes a very intrusive and unpleasant noise. Moreover, both at night and during the day, and the mode of its operation depends only on your neighbor. This is a fat minus. 4. Features of everyday life: - There are no shelves for clothes and few hangers in the wardrobe (5 pieces). Moreover, along one wall of the room there are convenient shelves. - Options for turning on the light in the room - for every taste. - The mattresses on the bed are pretty hard. The pillows are ordinary and for me a little light, "airy". - Every day they brought a bottle of 0.33 liters of drinking water per person. Tea and coffee (packaged) for free. There is a minibar with 4 drinks. - Soapy-snouted cosmetics for every taste. Enough for everyone. Updated daily. - Towels and bed linen are of good quality and are always white, not, for example, yellow. Total for the room and accommodation 4 points. Territory of the hotel and infrastructure The territory is quite large, but at the same time, it is well-groomed. It seems to be clean, but there is always something to add to it, starting from broken lamps, ending with fragments of piping on the tiles next to the pools. Those. when viewed from afar, the picture is mesmerizing. Looking closely, you can see a lot of minor (sometimes and not only) flaws. At the same time, apart from two large pools and one playground, there is essentially nothing else on the territory. Weak. There is no place to even take a photo. But on the lower pool you can do very interesting photos against the background of the sea. For the territory of 4 balls. The infrastructure is really bad. Half of what is out of service: the lower pool bar (next to the beach); toilet and shower in the same place; women's toilet near the upper pool. Loungers without soft bedding (miraculously appeared only for one day and then disappeared again somewhere). The umbrellas next to the sunbeds are shabby and their deployment mechanism is rusty, like an old Zhiguli. It didn't work out on my own. A separate moment is access to infrastructure facilities, for example, for movement in wheelchairs. There are no ramps anywhere, the steps are gigantic - you can't really ride. This is also a minus. The playground seems to be there, but it is, as it were, half broken / disassembled, etc. And of course not well-groomed. Gobies and garbage in the sand are really classics from the USSR. Total for section 4 with a big minus. And then 4 - this is an advance, because during our vacation, the hotel employees daily put the territory in order a little bit. Beach and sea Here, too, everything is ambiguous. In general, the place is beautiful. The landscape is mesmerizing, BUT! The beach is essentially not cleaned. Rubbish is everywhere. Basically the one that washed ashore by the sea. The first time the beach was cleaned only at the end of the second week of our stay at the hotel. There are only 10 sun beds. For a hotel of 693 rooms…. BUT! However, they are almost always empty, and the hotel itself is practically empty. Therefore, there were no problems with sun loungers (in terms of availability). The beach has soft sand that does not heat up in the sun. Unlike Nha Trang, you can walk barefoot on this, and not run at the speed of light to the burn department. The sea is also ambiguous. Well, that rather affects that we were there out of season. In general, the sea is shallow. And when there are no waves, it must be gorgeous. BUT! (again it) we were when the season had already ended and the wind was almost always blowing, so there were waves on the sea. Taking into account that it is small, the following situation was obtained. To splash in the sea, you had to walk at least 50 meters in order to be at least chest-deep in water. At the same time, in this place, the height of the waves reached the same meter. Total - swimming in such waves in such shallow water is not a thrill. In Nha Trang, where the sea is deeper, swimming is much more pleasant. And here I would like to emphasize that Nha Trang and Kam Ranh (specifically Bai Dai beach) are two completely different seas! Keep in mind. The final score for the section is again 4 with a fat minus. Most likely in the season, the score would be 5 points. Location The hotel is located a real 5 minute drive from Cam Ranh Airport. Very convenient in terms of transfer. But to Nha Trang about 40 km. Inconvenient. You can get to Nha Trang either by taxi (about 350,000 dong one way), or by shuttle from the hotel, which travels to the city every day according to the schedule "from the hotel at 9:30, from Nha Trang at 16:00". At the same time, the bus (small) brings you not to the center of Nha Trang, as we would like, but to the area next to the Oceanographic Institute. It's also inconvenient. Those. then you go on your own / take a taxi further on your business. The cost of a taxi from the drop-off point to the center is 60,000 VND. In general, access to Nha Trang is complicated. There are only two facilities directly adjacent to the hotel: the neighboring Swandor Hotels & Resorts Cam Ranh 5 and our hotel's water park. Those. there is essentially nothing next to it. There is nowhere to leave the hotel. Officially, they are not allowed to enter the territory of a neighboring hotel, but our colleagues and the Russian Federation went there, and moreover even ate in their restaurant. The town of Kamranb is at a distance of 10 km. A simplified version of Nha Trang (i.e. without skyscrapers and vacationers). But there is not much to do there. If you only take a taxi to the store (about 320,000 dongs round trip, for information). This section remains unrated as we deliberately went to a secluded hotel. Power Like everything in this hotel is ambiguous for me. On the one hand, very decent breakfasts. Every morning a choice of 6 hot dishes (meat, vegetables, rice, and noodles), broths and soups (so-called "pho bo"), pastries, fruits, sausages, bacon, sauces, cereals, jams, fresh juices (pineapple and watermelon ), yoghurt, fried eggs, etc. In general, as in the usual 5-ka. At the same time, all non-Chinese (mainly Russians and Koreans) are fed in a small and cozy room separate from the Chinese. Although once we had breakfast in a large hall with Chinese and special differences not found. They are just preparing for the Chinese their traditional dishes that we do not understand. On the other hand, lunches and dinners. Yes, yes, we went to the FB, as we were with a child and had no idea where to eat nearby. As it turned out, there is nowhere to eat nearby. Only at the hotel. True, as I wrote above, it seems like there is an opportunity for money to go to eat all-inclusive in neighboring Svandor, but we did not do that. So, the local FB is a menu of 4 pages: salads (6 pieces), first courses (7 pieces), second courses (8 pieces), desserts (6 pieces). It seems not bad, but again BUT ... - All salads, except one, are purely Vietnamese cuisine. Not scary, but there is essentially no choice. There was never one salad. One of the rest is Vietnamese Olivier. - First meal. Quiet horror. Three puree soups, two of which are categorically impossible to eat, because they have 10,000 points on the acidity scale. Tom Yam is delicious, but you shouldn't eat it every day. In total, the choice is sharply reduced. - Second courses. In general, not bad, BUT half of the dishes have crushed potatoes as a side dish. Only this is not ours, the Russian crumpet, but theirs, the Vietnamese, similar to a klester. In the second week, she already turned me around. At the same time, you will not be able to change the side dish for free. The cook works strictly according to the menu. - Desserts. From edible - fruit and one position. Everything else, according to my wife, can be thrown into the trash can. Desserts are not about Vietnam. What we have in the bare remnant. 2 weeks living on such a menu is unrealistic and simply painful. You will get stuck. Therefore, in the second week, we began to practice buying dishes from the paid menu, since there is much more choice there. Prices are slightly higher than in restaurants (ordinary) in Nha Trang. The food is generally tolerable. For 2 weeks there were only 2 cases when the chef got some kind of turd. Once the elementary soup "pho bo" appeared with the smell of rotten meat and the second time they brought openly raw fish. As for the rest, in terms of the quality of food preparation - only a couple of times they brought a steak with blood, but after a request they cooked it to the vell-dan condition. On a note. There is no menu for children. Those. if the child is picky about food, serious problems can arise. I spent most of my vacation eating pork and potato stew and had no problem. Conclusions. If you go without a child, then FB food is definitely not needed. You will eat either in Nha Trang, or in a local restaurant for money, but with a large selection of dishes. If you are traveling with a child, then ... there are no recommendations. Here everyone decides for himself. For us, it turned out to be the best option FB + ordering additional food for money. Total for food 3 points. Another of the features of getting food in this hotel. As I already said, I never managed to agree with the restaurant employees so that they could prepare something for us that was different from what was indicated on the menu. Neither requests to simply boil a piece of chicken without spices for a child, nor to simply cook boiled shrimp (of course for money) were unsuccessful. Perhaps we were just out of luck. The second point is the shop and alcohol. As you might guess, FB is food and ONLY water. All other drinks for money. Their choice is small, and prices are much higher than market prices. For example, 0.33 liters of Saigon or Tiger beer costs 40,000 dongs in a hotel. In Nha Trang, it is freely available at a price of 9,000 dong. Drinking water 1.5 liters in the hotel store is 50,000 dong, in Nha Trang - 8,000 dong. The difference is palpable. Therefore, trips to Nha Trang are not a luxury or entertainment, but a necessity!  Water park Water park is good. Everything works, there is nothing to complain about. The truth that it is free for the guests of our hotel, we learned only by the end of the vacation. There are almost never visitors in it, so we used to be there only with our family. Water park 5 balls. Service staff of the hotel There are no comments to the staff. They always went to a meeting, helped as best they could, treated us with respect. But this is if I had a "google translator", because without it they simply do not understand what they want from them. Score 5 points. Overall rating of the hotel So, the first thing that was not very conducive to the rest. Little (VERY LITTLE) information in Russian and no Russian speaking staff. It will be difficult without an electronic translation assistant. The main contingent of visitors is Chinese. A lot of them. Almost everyone who is in the hotel is 90 percent. They are noisy, impudent and weird for us. At the same time, they are almost invisible. You can meet them at the reception, when another pack of Chinese arrives or leaves at the hotel, or at the sea, where every Chinese just takes a photo for 30 minutes. During the day they cannot be seen or heard. Therefore, in general, it is normal. Additionally, I am glad that there are almost no Russians in the hotel, and coupled with the lack of all-inclusive meals, it makes the hotel quite “unbelievable”, quiet and cultural. Our family moved around in splendid isolation practically around the clock on the territory of the hotel. The entire area, beach and pools were at our personal disposal. A very peculiar feeling, I can tell you. It cannot be compared with neighboring Svandor. There is a piece of Turkey. There are more people than oxygen, and 90 of these people are asocial elements of Russian origin. Final conclusions about the hotel. - In our opinion, the hotel clearly does not pull 5 stars. There is a lot to get to the bottom of. But 4 is fine. - The hotel is ambiguous and quirky. For an amateur. Suitable for those who love silence, but do not mind rolling away to Nha Trang. - The second time, most likely in this hotel we will not come, although the rest in general went very well. Exactly REST is wonderful. Thank you all for your attention. I hope the thoughts I have outlined will help you make the right choice! :-)

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