Sv Tickets: Main differences. Luggage transportation special ticket for train Skanvord 5

We go on business trips, on vacation to the sea or to visit our parents - anyway, each of us has time from time to use Railways. However, even the most experienced passengers often do not even realize that they have the right to be in the way. Before you fifteen secrets, how to make your trips on trains is more profitable and easier.

1. Buy a train ticket 90 days before a trip or birthday

It is in 90 days before the date of your departure, the cost of the ticket is minimal. Moreover, as the day of departure approaches, it will increase: in 90 days the price of a ticket can increase already twice.

A more profitable trip will be for those who buys tickets a week before and within seven next days after the birthday. Discount Birthdays is 35% and applies to trains following european cities. And if at this time you buy a ticket to Sapsan Moscow - St. Petersburg - Moscow at the box office, then the discount will already be 50%.

2. To take a ticket for at least 8 hours before departure

Suppose something went wrong, and you realized that you could not go anywhere. So, if you pass a ticket for 8 hours before the alleged trip or even earlier, you will lose only 192 rubles 70 kopecks. - Such is the magnitude of the mandatory collection. But if you are late and come to the cashier for half an hour before departure, you will have to pay the cost of a ticket to a second-class car.

3. Buy a ticket for points

If you have not heard about the Russian Railways bonus program, then know: for every 3 rubles 34 kopecks. The cost of any ticket you are charged one score. At the same time, the price of tickets in points depends on the length of the route. So, a trip from Moscow to north capital It will cost 7,000 points.

4. Use automata at the train station

If you want to buy a ticket right at the station, it is better to do this not at the checkout, it is likely that there will be a queue - and through a special machine.

5. Interrupt the trip for up to 10 days

If during the trip you suddenly emerged urgent matters, you can interrupt it. The passenger has the right to go out at any station, to apply for the next four hours to the station administrator and continue the journey for the next ten days. However, before sitting on the train again, you will need to pay for a ticket to reserved seats.

6. Free reservation to the next station, if you are behind the train

For example, if you did not have time to go to the train until it is sent from the station, you can reach the next stop for free. Find the head of the station on which the train went away from under the nose, - he must contact the guides. They will gather your things and pass them to the nearest station, where you will come by the next train absolutely free. But to continue the journey, you will need to pay for reserved seats.

7. Disassemble the bike before you take it to the train

If you are traveling with a bicycle, then it will be necessary to disassemble it. And he should not weigh more than 36 kg. You can put it on the third shelf. But for a trip to suburban train Your bike will be needed separate ticket.

8. Cargo car travel

No later than for three days before the departure of the train, you need to fill out the appropriate application. Then you can transport the car by train, but only from Moscow to the following cities: St. Petersburg, Kazan, Rostov, Adler, Petrozavodsk and Helsinki and back. Of course, this service is not free, and the cost of transporting the car will depend on the selected direction and mass of the machine.

9. To take advantage of the toilet at the station

If you are a train ticket owner far follow or train, you have the right to use the toilet at the station absolutely free. Simply present it at the entrance to closet.

10. Do not buy tickets to the places 37 and 38

Places 37 and 38 in the placentar are located next to the toilet. If you are against such a neighborhood, have this in mind.

11. Do not drain bedding yourself

The conductor is obliged to prepare a sleeping place to elderly passengers, people with limited features, pregnant women and citizens with children. And you can not pass the underwear before getting off the train, it applies to everyone without exception.

12. Ask the first aid kit from the conductor

The train conductor should have a first-aid kit, and it is possible to use it, of course for free. And you can take a glass of a glass, a spoon, sewing kit and board games from the train.

13. Transport animals for a fee

For your pets in long-distance trains, special places are provided, and they are more expensive than "human". If you boast tickets on the site, they will be marked with a special icon with a paw. IN suburban trains A ticket to your pet will cost a quarter of the value of the usual. But there are animals that are eligible for free travel - these are dogs-conductors accompanying owners with poor eyesight.

14. Take a tee on trip

Of course, there are sockets on trains, but they are not so much, and the queue may simply just walk. But if you have a tee with you, you can use the electricity not only you, but at the same time your neighbors.

15. To declare a neighbor on top of his rights

If you have a ticket to the bottom shelf, then the neighbor from above can not sit in your place without your own consent. The ticket is also a document, and by buying a ticket to the upper shelf, the passenger agrees with the fact that it has the right to the place on top and in no way.

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The Wagon SV class is a premium offer (abbreviation is decrypted as a "sleeping car"). From a second-class and coupling, it differs from the fact that only two people are divided into one insulated by the doors. Also, speaking of sv-tickets for the train, what it is, it is impossible not to mention additional services.

Some routes also offer food, bathrobe and slippers so that you feel almost like at home. Into parts branded trains The passenger has a fresh press, free access to Wi-Fi is available, which can be called simply an invaluable "plus" - communication on the way, as it is known constantly disappears, and the availability of access to the Internet allows you to work, solve business tasks, watch movies and read On the trip and, of course, communicate with the usual ways.

How much is a ticket for a train sv?

As follows from what we talked above, the price of the trip will differ significantly from others. The cost of linking the train is significantly higher than in second-class and coupling cars. In some cases, it varies 20%. Also, the price of travel, naturally varies depending on the distance. For example, tickets for the Moscow-Vladivostok train in SV will cost about 27,000 rubles.

But the "Lux" class is a special kind of sv-ticket. Service here is even more exclusive: some wagons (depending on the assembly date) are equipped with a shower, the price includes drinks, incl. And alcohol, which can be delivered from the restaurant car during the entire path of the following. Not every ordinary tourist can afford to buy a "suite": such a journey can do more than a flight by plane. Therefore, the most up-to-date question before purchasing a car in CV or Lux: the cost of the ticket justifies yourself or better to fly?

How can I buy train tickets to Sv-wagon?

There are two options: you can go to the station and purchase a paper boarding pass there or book a trip online. You can buy train tickets to Sv-wagon on the site. Thanks to the user-friendly interface, it is simply literally a few clicks. At the same time, the price of a train ticket to the SV wagon includes a small commission of the site for the service.

To complete the process, nothing, except for passport data, will not be required. At the same time, after the ticket is booked, for some time it is possible to not pay for it: the client is given time to think. The service also makes it possible to return money if your plans change.

Each person, going on a trip by train, takes luggage with you. It can be a small road bag, which is considered manual loop, or several suitcases or boxes. If you are going to take a lot of things with you, it will be useful for you to know the information about how to carry baggage in accordance with existing rulesapproved by the Ministry of Transport.

Manual jack

This category includes luggage, whose weight does not exceed thirty six kilograms, for the wagons of the usual class, and fifty kilograms for Class wagons. If the weight of baggage does not exceed the specified limit and its cumulative volume is not more than one hundred eighty centimeters, then it will take free.

If the weight of baggage is higher, then it will be necessary to pay extra for it. A paid cargo traffic is allowed to a weight of up to fifty kilograms over the specified limit per person.

Things that are necessary for the mobility of passengers (wheelchairs, baby carriages, etc.) are also needed for free.

Accommodation hand luggage It is allowed in specially equipped places of the carriage - shelves located at the top, as well as in boxes under the bottom shelves.

Rules for adventuries (sports and tourist)

If you go on a tourist trip, hunting or sports competitions and carry appropriate inventory with you, then you do not need to take it into the luggage compartment, but you can place in the car, in the places specifically allocated for these purposes.

The only requirement you need to comply with - the placement inventory should not prevent the movement of passengers by the car. In this case, the volume of inventory should not be greater than one hundred eighty centimeters.

ATTENTION: For the transport of hunting weapons, you must have permission to wear it, completely free from cartridges before boarding the train, place in the case and transport in the car, in the places specifically allocated for this. Transportation of weapons is paid separately. The amount of payment is equivalent to the cost of transportation of ten kilograms of hand baggage.

Luggage transport

In accordance with new rules, luggage, the size and weight of which exceeds the established hand-made limits, you must be transported in specially allocated for this compartment. In modern trains, the luggage coupe is equipped with all necessary inventors that ensure the safety and safety of transported things.

Any cargo transported must be issued according to the rules approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. You need to contact the cashier railway StationPaying luggage and get a payment receipt. Next, you need to contact the conductor who will explain how to get to the booth and pass the luggage. After your luggage will be stored, you go to your car and enjoy your trip. You can pay for the luggage of baggage both when buying a ticket and after that.

Please note: before passing the cargo to the luggage coupe, you must ensure its proper condition. You will independently take care that your luggage is carefully packed and equipped with special carrying handles. In particular, this applies to expensive household appliances, as well as beating and easily breaking things. This requirement does not apply to children's strollers, wheelchairs and other devices necessary to ensure the mobility of the passenger or its rehabilitation.

What you need to send baggage by train without accompaniment?

If you need to send the parcel (luggage, cargo), but you can't accompany it, then you need to issue as a cargo. The rules for the transportation of baggage provides for the possibility of sending cargo of any dimensions and volumes including in internationally. To do this, you need to carefully package cargo, place the necessary documents and pass the cargo to the special car train.

Things forbidden to transportation on trains

In accordance with the rules approved by the Ministry of Transport, only a cargo that does not pose a threat to the life and health of passengers, and also does not pollute the car, does not damage things from other passengers. It is not allowed to transport things that emit silent smells, flammable and explosive.

Online purchase for 4 minutes

Online return
tickets without turn
in cash

Choosing your favorite places on the schemes of cars

SMS accompaniment before landing in the train

Detailed answers to questions about traveling or buying

Registration without registration on the site


  • How to buy a railway ticket?

    • Specify the route and date. In response, we will find Russian Railways information about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the appropriate train and place.
    • Pay for a ticket to one of the proposed methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transferred to Russian Railways and your ticket will be decorated.
  • How to return a purchased railway ticket?

  • Is it possible to pay the ticket card? Is it safe?

    Yes of course. Payment occurs through the payment gate of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a protected channel. gateway has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the International Security Standard PCI DSS. Software gateway successfully passed audit according to version 3.1.

    The Gateline.NET system allows you to receive payment by Visa and MasterCard cards, including 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode.

    The payment form of is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all the Agency's exercises on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Purchase electronic ticket The site is a modern and fast way travel document without the participation of the cashier or operator.

    When buying an electronic railway ticket, the place is bought immediately at the time of payment.

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