What how much bus will be. How to find out the phone when the bus comes

To get the route data, you need to simply enter the names of the items (use the input form prompts) and click "To find" - The page will be displayed buses, trolley buses, trams and minibuses of St. Petersburg, following both of the item you are interested in. If you wish, you can limit the search for a certain type of transport.

Search by number It assumes that you need to get information about a specific route - select the mode of transport and enter the route number to go to the full information page.

Results are output direct and return routes on the map, opening hours, traffic intervals and the fare. For most routes, buses schedule for time, with the printing feature of the schedule for selected stops.

In the cards of routes of minibuses, buses, trams and trolley buses, data on the start time and end of movement are given so that you can find out to how much goes and how starting to go to the route you are interested in.

By pointing on the name of the stop, you can see its mark on the map of the departure or go to detailed information. Information at a certain stop includes a mark on the map and the arrival time of the nearest transport to this stop online. Also displayed a list of route stops with the arrival time.

In chapter Cards, Transport, GPS When asked how many in Moscow are buses start to go? Posted by the author Elena Turchinets. The best answer is link

At 5 am, the first one leaves from the initial stop.

had knows everything on the metro usually go.

In! In the capital already walking buses appeared. And we are in the outback on them in the old way we go.

Buses - Banalo - like all urban transport in the city of Hero Moscow, from 5:45.

How many buses go to Moscow: schedule terrestrial transport

Moscow - the city is definitely huge. People live here much - about 12 380 664 (for 2017) man. And this figure grows every year. Attractive capital of the Russian Federation, of course, for a huge number of people of both our country and abroad. And for sure, many visitors would like to know, how many buses go to Moscow.

Public transport types of the capital

Of course, the majority of visitors prefer to move along the capital through underground transport. Metropolitan in Moscow is designed very convenient. You can get with it in almost any part of the city. Works at the capital's metro on ordinary days from 5:30 in the morning. Stations are closed at night. This, of course, is also convenient. But you can still get to the right place in Moscow on the metro, unfortunately, not always. To use terrestrial modes of transport and residents of the capital have to be pretty often.

If the subway is removed directly to the destination, the passenger can sit on:

Of course, most often guests of the capital use this kind public transportlike minibuses and buses. You can reach them to the destination you can quickly. Yes, and trams in the capital remained, unfortunately, not so much.

Points of departure of minibuses and urban flights in the capital there are many. But the actual bus station in Moscow is only two:

The central (unofficial name "Schelkovsky9raquo;), located on the highway of the same name, in the house number 75.

The urban airport on the Leningradsky Prospect, from which long-distance buses are sent.

Small bus stops in the capital are usually located next to the entrances / outputs from the subway. There are points of shipment of buses and minibuses, for example, at the station "Vykhino9RAQUO;, Tushinskaya9Raquo;," Orekhovo-9RAQUO;, "Teply Stan", "Krasnogvardeyskaya9Raquo;," Cherkizovskaya9RAQUO; and so on. There are such nodes and near Kazan and Paveletsky railway stations.

There is a private station and in Northern Butovo. From here goes, for example, flight 858 in Shcherbinka. Some guests of the capital would like to know, how many goes number 858 Moscow - Shcherbinki bus. The first flight on weekdays on this route is sent at 05:20 hours (05:35 - on weekends). The latter arrives in Butovo at 02:21.

How many and how many buses go to Moscow

Of course, the administration of the capital does everything possible in order to move around the city to its residents and guests were as convenient as possible. In the mornings from stations and stations, most buses are sent at 5 am. Ends on ordinary days, this type of transport of the capital is most often at 1.30 am. But from this rule, of course, there are many exceptions.

So, for example, routes duplicated by train can finish work at 23:00. And this is understandable. Becoming passengers can easily reach the destination and rail transport. Some significant flights operate in the capital and later than 1.30. Many guests and residents of the city probably would like, for example, to find out, how many goes No. 851 bus "Moscow - Sheremetyevo". This flight finishes its work at 1:50.

Moscow minibuses in most cases work a little on another schedule. They are sent to the station most often already at 21: 00-22: 00.

Of course, many guests and residents of the city would like to learn, including about how many buses go to Moscow on holidays. On such days, the capital of the capital is most often working as usual. But in this regard, of course, exceptions. For example, changes the schedule of the ground vehicle administration of the city on New Year. After all, at night, on this day, a lot of people move along the streets of the capital. For example, in 2017, the work of buses was extended to 3:00 hours.

How many buses in Moscow are walking: Night Flights

So, on the usual days, the buses of the capital operate only to 1.30. However, despair, those passengers who did not have time for their flight should not be. Moscow is a big city, and life is boiling here and at night. Therefore, in the capital, they are also provided for flights that run around the city at this time of the day. They go in most cases with a kisu night to 5:30 in the morning.

Night bus routes in the capital there are only 11 - this is Nos N1-H6, No. 308, Nos. 63T and some other flights. Travel runs at this time of day mainly on significant lines.

Thus, we found out how many buses go to Moscow. 611 Flight "Moscow - Vnukovo" leaves from the airport for the last time at 1:22. From Sheremetyeva bus goes at 1:50. Most routes go to the park at 1:30.

The time of work in other types of land transport in the capital is a bit different. So, trolleybuses in Moscow go mostly only until 12 o'clock in the morning. Some flights can transport passengers to 1:00 or 22:00. There are in the capital and several night trolley buses. They go mainly with an interval per hour to railway Station or other similar significant places.

Trams in the capital usually begin traffic at six in the morning. Finish their work in most cases they at 00:35. The night tram in the capital is only one - No. 3. It follows through the entire Cao from the street. Academician of Yangel to the Metro Station "Clean Ponds".

What transport works in Moscow at night?

Where to see the schedule of public transport?

You can find the schedule of the desired bus, trolleybus or tram, you can on the website of the Moscow City Museum. Schedule varies depending on the day of the week. If you have forgotten the number of the bus that you need, or do not know how to get to a certain place, you can clarify it on the portal "Moscow Passenger", specifying the name of the stop.

How does transportation work during the day and on holidays?

The schedule of ground transport depends on the specific route. Usually movement begins at 5.30-6.00. Latest flights Depart at different times. For example, bus number 203 leaves from the stop "Metro" Tsaritsyno "" at 1:08 am on weekdays, and Trolleybus number 8 - at 22:11 from the Moskvoretsky market stop.

The metro opens at 5:30 in the morning, and the transitions are closed at one in the morning - this means that the last train leaves each end station at this time. After an hour of the night, the escalators do not work. Of course, you can climb on them and on foot, but the main thing is not to be late for the last train.

The Moscow Central Ring works almost the same as the subway. The first trains go at 5:45, and the last passengers planted at about an hour.

Electric trains start work earlier than trains in the subway. The schedule depends on the departure and arrival stations. For example, from the Belarusian station to the station "Worker settlement" (not far from the metro station "Kuntsevskaya") you can leave at 4:36 am on weekdays. The latest trains from Moscow usually leave at 00: 00-00: 30.

The decision to change the mode of operation of transport is accepted for each holiday separately. For the first time this year in new Year's Eve The subway worked around the clock. From half the first and up to 5.30 trains in the subway went with an interval of 15 minutes. In the past years, the subway time only extended to 2 o'clock in the morning. It is assumed that this year the subway will be around the clock and on the day of the city. All changes related to the work of the subway can be found in the operational information department.

On the Moscow Central Ring on the New Year of the train went from 00:30 to 05:30 in the morning at intervals up to 12 minutes. The trainers also walked longer than the usual - on average up to 3 o'clock in the morning. The most demanded routes of ground transport this year worked the whole New Year's Eve.

About changes in the operation of terrestrial transport can be found on the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" website.

Travel on night transport also stands as in the daytime. So, according to the subscription "One" one trip will cost 55 rubles, and at the Tat subscription - 65 rubles. Through the Troika map, the fare on land transport costs 35 rubles. The ticket can also be purchased from the driver for 55 rubles.

Where does the night land transport walk?

Today in Moscow there are 11 nightlife routes - seven buses, two trolley buses and one tram. The main transplant point is obtained in the area of \u200b\u200bArt. M. China-City - on the Slavic Square the ultimate stop from most buses.

Night transport starts their work about 12 nights, when the daily no longer goes. The driver stops at the request of passengers at all stops that there is on the route route track. Transport works both on weekdays and on weekends.

The night route of the bus No. 1 works from 1:00 to 5:30. It follows from the Lake Street (South-Water Metro Station) to Sheremetyevo Airport, stopping at Terminals E, A and C. Movement Interval - 30 minutes.

The night route of the bus No.2 begins to run in 12 nights, finishes at 5:30. It follows from Belovezhskaya Street (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe metro station "Slavyansky Boulevard") to the Metro Station "China-City". Movement interval - 30 minutes.

The night route of the bus No. 3 works from 00:00 to 5:30. It follows from the Ussuri street (near the metro station "Schelkovskaya") to the Metro Station "China-City". Movement interval for 30 minutes.

Night bus route №4 starts working at 23:57, finishes - at 5:30. Finite stations - Novokosino and Metro Station "China City". Movement interval - 30 minutes.

The night route of the bus n5 works from 23:35 to 5:30. It follows from Kashirskoye Highway, 148 (Metro Station "Krasnogvardeyskaya") to the Metro Station "China-City". The interval of movement is also 30 minutes.

The night route of the bus No. 6 begins to run at 23:53, and finishes - in 5.30. It follows from the Ostashkovskaya Street (in the area of \u200b\u200bMedvedkovo Metro Station) to the Metro Station "China-City". Movement interval - 30 minutes.

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Movement B. big city It does not stop at night. The daytime routes come to the daytime routes, plying in the "Dark Time", which is undoubtedly very convenient for many passengers.

It happens that at night you are going alone on the bus, and becomes crazy. Moscow authorities hurry to solve this problem with the help of special police patrols that will follow the movement of night transport.

Night trolley buses and trams of Moscow

For the highways of the capital, four routes are now running - three trolley bus and one tram.

Working hours



trolleybus M7.

round the clock

138th Quarter Vykhina - Metro Station "Lubyanka"

Southeast / Center

trolleybuses BC (external ring) and BC (inner ring)

round the clock

by Garden Ring

tram 3.

street Academician Yangel - Metro Station "Clean Ponds"

Moscow's authorities listen to the opinions of citizens, and in the near future new night routes of public transport will appear.

Future routes

Now every night, no more than 2500 people enjoy the routes of night transport in Moscow. This is a bit, given the entire population of the metropolis. With the advent of new routes, this figure will grow.

Night buses Nos N4, N5 and H6 were introduced relatively recently thanks to the compilation of the Portal "Active Citizen". Passengers have long appreciated that night routes allow you to save on a taxi.

In the future, the night public transport of Moscow will cover all the highways and will be launched to the capital airports with the possibility of "substrate" in the city center.

Now you are familiar with the schedule of movement and the prospects for the development of night transport of Moscow - buses, trolley buses and trams. We are confident, information will be useful for many residents of the metropolis. Easy roads and pleasant routes!

Moscow - the city is definitely huge. People live here a lot - order 12 380 664 (for 2017) man. And this figure grows every year. Attractive capital of the Russian Federation, of course, for a huge number of people of both our country and abroad. And for sure, many visits would like to knowhow many buses go to Moscow.

Public transport types of the capital

Of course, the majority of visitors prefer to move along the capital through underground transport. Metropolitan in Moscow is designed very convenient. You can get with it in almost any part of the city. Works metro capitalon the usual days from 5:30 in the morning. Stations are closed at night. This, of course, is also convenient. But you can still get to the right place in Moscow on the metro, unfortunately, not always. To use terrestrial modes of transport and residents of the capital have to be pretty often.

If the subway is removed directly to the destination, the passenger can sit on:






Of course, most often guests of the capital use such a kind of public transport as minibuses and buses. You can reach them to the destination you can quickly. Yes, and trams in the capital remained, unfortunately, not so much.

Bus stations Moscow

Points of departure of minibuses and urban flights in the capital there are many. But actually bus stations in Moscowjust two:

    Central (the unofficial name "Schelkovsky"), located on the highway of the same name, in the house number 75.

    The urban airport on the Leningradsky Prospect, from which long-distance buses are sent.

Small bus stops in the capital are usually located next to the entrances / outputs from the subway. There are points to send buses and minibuses, for example, at Vykhino station, Tushinskaya, "Orekhovo", "Teply Stan", "Krasnogvardeyskaya", "Cherkizovskaya", etc. There are such nodes and near Kazan and Paveletsky railway stations.

There is a private station and in Northern Butovo. From hereships, for example, flight 858 in Shcherbinka. Some guests of the capital would like to knowhow many goes № 858 bus "Moscow - Shcherbinki. "The first flight on weekdays on this route is sent at 05:20 hours (05:35 - on weekends). Lastarrives in Butovo at 02:21.

How many and how many buses go to Moscow

Of course, the administration of the capital does everything possible in order to move around the city to its residents and guests were as convenient as possible. In the mornings from stations and stations, most buses are sent at 5 am. Ends on ordinary days, this type of transport of the capital is most often at 1.30 am. But from this rule, of course, there are many exceptions.

So, for example, routes duplicated by train can finish work at 23:00.And this is understandable. Becoming passengers will be able to easily reach the destination and railway transport.Some significant flights operate in the capital and later than 1.30. Many guests and residents of the city probably would like, for example, find outhow many goes number 851 bus "Moscow -Sheremetyevo. This flight will finish your work at 1:50.

Moscow minibuses in most cases work a little on another schedule. They are sent to the station most often already at 21: 00-22: 00.

Chart for the new year

Of course, many guests and residents of the city would like to learn including thathow many buses go to Moscow On holidays.INsuch days of the capital of the capital are most often working as usual.. But in this regard, of course, exceptions. For example, the chart of movement of the ground vehicle is the city administration for the new year. After all, at night on this day through the streetscapital Cities Many people move. For example, in 2017, the work of buses was extended to 3:00 hours.

How many buses in Moscow are walking: Night Flights

soFor regular days, the buses of the capital operate only to 1.30. However, despair, those passengers who did not have time for their flight should not be. Moscow is a big city, and life is boiling here and at night. Therefore, in the capital, they are also provided for flights that run around the city at this time of the day.They go in most cases with a kisu night to 5:30 in the morning.

Nightbusroutes in the capital are available11 is Nos. H1-H6, No. 308, Nos. 63Tand some othersflights. Travel runs at this time of day mainly on significant lines.

Trolleybuses and trams

So we found out How many buses go to Moscow. 611. flight "Moscow - Vnukovo" leaves from the airport for the last time at 1:22. From Sheremetyeva bus goes at 1:50. Most routes go to the park at 1:30.

Working hours Other types of land transport in the capital a little different. So, Moscow go mostly only until 12 o'clock in the morning. Some flights can transport passengers to 1:00 or 22:00. There are in the capital and several night trolley buses. They run mainly with an interval per hour to railway stations or other similar significant places.

Trams in the capital usually begin traffic at six in the morning. Finish their work in most cases they at 00:35. The night tram in the capital is only one - No. 3. It follows through the entire Cao from the street. Academician of Yangel to the Metro Station "Clean Ponds".

See also: