Gta 5 online Rashkovsky dies. Jail break

Then they were ready to move on to your first “serious” robbery. You will not be able to start this heist until you receive a call from Lester, who will inform you that a new heist has become available.

The Prison Break is a heist that involves a full team of four, so you'll have to find a couple more people if you've just completed The Fleeca Job.

The cost of preparatory tasks is $40,000. You must save Maxim Rashkovsky, an extremely vain guy who himself is paying to be pulled out from behind bars.

The Prison Break consists of four preparatory missions, which can be completed in any order.

Ready? Then let's go.

How to complete The Prison Break heist prep mission - mission 1 - Airplane

The Airplane mission is the first one on the planning board. One player will be the pilot, and the other three will be on the ground team.

The task is quite straightforward. The three ground crew members need to stick together, so you should ride in the same vehicle. You must arrive at Mackenzie Airfield, where you will be attacked by many bad guys in cars. So get ready for some action.

After you arrive at the airport, kill everyone and find the plane. For this, a Special Carbine or Bullpup is best suited. The plane is in a hangar at the top of the runway. After the pilot climbs inside the plane, the ground crew must clear the runway of all cars, thus preparing it for takeoff.

After this, the pilot must take the car into the air and fly to the airport in the southern part of the map. No one else will attack you, so all that is required is to fly from point A to point B and successfully land the plane on the ground. Once you complete this, you will receive payment.

When payment is received, you will be thrown back into free play. Next, to your the phone will come an invitation to continue the robbery. Just click on it and you will find yourself in your apartment.

How to complete The Prison Break heist prep mission - mission 2 - Bus

Invite everyone from the first mission back to the heist. Once you're done with this, you're ready to start your second job. The Bus mission is second on the planning board, but again, you can complete these missions in any order.

There will be no grouping in this prep activity. Follow the GPS to the bus. When you find him, just get out of the car, shoot the drivers, get behind the wheel and escape the police chase. The first part of this job is to shoot down the helicopter that will be chasing the bus. A homing missile is perfect for this.

As soon as you deal with the helicopter, break away from the chase. The bus drives like... well, like a bus, in general - quite slowly, so it’s better to hide off-road. The best way- drive away from any asphalt surface and stop somewhere in the center of the field. Of course, it's not glamorous, but the method works.

When you get away from the police, you need to take the bus to the stop. Please note that you need to avoid being seen by the police. If they see you, you will receive one star and will sit out in the fields again.

Deliver the bus and that's it, get paid.

How to complete The Prison Break Heist Preparatory Mission - Mission 3 - Police Station

This is quite a difficult job in which your team will be divided into two groups - one will operate in a police station, the other on a cargo ship.

The team that will work at the police station will receive a uniform. This group will need to hijack a patrol car to steal some files from the police network. The easiest way to do this is to call the police by phone. When they arrive, just throw them out of the car, kill them, get inside and drive away. After this, you will need to get rid of the wanted stars.

It is worth noting that you will not have any weapons other than a baton and a pistol. Take this fact into account when you start implementing your plans.

Now head to the police station, park near the yellow marker and go inside. Attention: do not take out your weapon, do not run, or touch anyone. Just get out of the car and go up the stairs. One of you must go deep into the precinct and steal the police bus schedule. Once you do this, exit the building, get into the patrol car and drive away. If everything goes smoothly, no one should notice you.

Drive the car under the bridge and use gasoline to set the vehicle on fire. After this, you need to deliver the schedule back to the planning room. Now wait - once the crew on the cargo ship completes the task assigned to them, the job will be considered completed.

While one group steals the schedule, the second group's task is to steal a car from the ship. After killing the guards on board, they will need to open the container containing the transport before driving it away. We will publish a detailed description of the walkthrough with screenshots a little later.

That's it, three preparatory missions are completed. The last one left.

How to complete the preparatory task for The Prison Break heist - mission 4 - Wet work

You'll have to kill a couple of lawyers. This won't take much time.

Again, this task will involve two groups - one will work in the city council building, the other in the mansion. Members of the group who will go on a mission to the city council must approach the marker and climb the ladder to the roof, taking a comfortable position.

Now you have to shoot two lawyers when they approach the porch of the city hall. Coordinate your work in such a way as to kill them at the same time. One of the guys will be with a briefcase, the other without.

Take the briefcase that was in the hands of the poor fellow. Please note that after killing the Themis workers, a bunch of cops will appear. You will need to break through them. One of the players, who will be in the role of a passenger, needs to jump out of the car, pick up the briefcase and very quickly return back to the car. To do this, it is best to use some kind of fast transport, for example, a Zentorno sports car.

When you have the briefcase, break away from the cops and deliver the papers to the planning room.

During this time, players who are completing the task in the mansion must secretly approach the building and remove the guards inside. If they succeed, the target will try to hide - they will need to catch up with him and kill him. More details and screenshots of completing this task for the team in the mansion will appear on our portal a little later.

Once all the lawyers are dead and the papers are delivered to the planning room, the task will be considered completed.

And now we move on to the most interesting and big mission - organizing an escape.

How to pass The Prison Break - escape

Upon successful completion of all four preparatory missions, you are ready to organize an escape. Oh yes...prepare to die, because this task is very difficult.

First, a quick note about cash rewards. If you were the leader of the heist during the four preparatory tasks, you did not receive money for completing them, but rather took the funds out of your pocket. Therefore, remember that in the last heist mission you will already receive money. The default reward distribution settings are as follows - 55% to the leader of the robbery and 15% each to the other three participants. However, it will be fairer if you slightly increase the amount of payment to participants, say up to 20%. I think this will bear fruit in the future. But, be that as it may, it’s up to you to decide.

Well, are you ready? Then let's start the robbery.

The final mission will have four separate roles, for each player - prisoner, prison guard, pilot and destroyer.

The prisoner and the jailer board the bus you stole in the setup mission, while the pilot and the destroyer get separated. Once the prisoner and guard arrive on the bus at the prison, the pilot takes off in the plane (from the first prep mission) and the destroyer steals a Buzzard gunship.

A prisoner and a prison guard drive up to the prison gates. Once the gate opens, drive in, park and exit. Now you need to find Rashkovsky and approach him. We tried to do this twice, but each time the guard noticed it and opened fire. We still don't understand why this happens. Well, okay, it doesn’t matter. As soon as the alarm goes off, NOOSE (some kind of anti-terrorism special forces) agents swarm into the central prison yard. Well, let them crowd, now you don’t need them - your goal is to find Rashkovsky. Once you discover him, he will follow you.

Now you have to go through the central courtyard and kill everyone. Rashkovsky is not an assistant in this; he will follow you when the space ahead is cleared of NOOSE agents. If you play as a prisoner, you will be unarmed, so take the trouble to pick up a gun from one of the killed guards, which will make life much easier, since you will have to shoot often.

While the prisoner and the prison guard make their way to the exit, the pilot must be in the air to pick them up in time. You won’t be bored either, as military fighters will move towards him and try to destroy the plane. The Destroyer's job is to cover his colleague and destroy the fighters with the help of Buzzard.

In the end, the prisoner and the jailer, together with Rashkovsky, will break through to the prison gates. You will need to climb into an armored vehicle (we found it convenient to place it near the gate). Rashkovsky will jump into the back seat. Now get out of the prison and go to the designated airfield.

While the jailer, the prisoner and Rashkovsky will get into the car and drive to the airfield, the destroyer should concentrate the combat power of the helicopter on their protection, as there will be a huge number of police, in particular helicopters and well-armored transports. For all this, thanks to the five-star rating. The pilot must land the plane at the airfield and wait for the others to arrive.

Once you reach the airfield, the prisoner, the prison guard and Rashkovsky must quickly move into the plane, after which the pilot will be allowed to take off. It will be hot at the airfield, so instead of shooting back at enemies, just get on the plane as quickly as possible and take off. The destroyer should be nearby and shoot down police helicopters when they bother the plane. The pilot needs to hide from the police.

After the pilot hides from the police, you need to fly to the marker on the map. When approaching the marked position, the group will automatically jump out in the beach area, where they will have to be picked up by a destroyer. Don't forget to open your parachute and for God's sake, don't get hit by the helicopter's rotors. After everything you've been through, this is definitely the last thing. Once everyone is in the helicopter, the destroyer will fly towards the city. They will show you a cut-scene and give you detailed information about payments.

Congratulations! You did it!

The first truly serious robbery is called " Jail break", it is designed for a group of four players who will have to get Maxim Rashkovsky out of prison.

Preparatory task: Airplane

It was decided to rescue Rashkovsky from prison with the help of an airplane, which first still needs to be obtained. Immediately decide who in the group is doing the role of the pilot– this should be a player who already has fairly decent experience in flying an airplane. The plane can be taken from the Mackenzie airstrip - it is important to go there in one car (an armored kuruma) so as not to split the team.

In Mackenzie, we first kill all the enemies, after which the team is divided. The pilot boards the plane, and the remaining three must drive the cars off the runway to make it possible to take off. At the end of the mission, the plane flies to the specified point in the south - there will be no shooting.

Preparatory task: Bus

We leave as a group in one car and use GPS to find prison bus. We quickly kill the driver, neutralize the guards in the escort car and steal the bus. The police organize a pursuit, calling for help from a helicopter, which must be immediately destroyed with a rocket launcher. Head towards the desert, off-road, break away from the chase, and then drive the bus to the specified coordinates.

Preparatory task: Station

At the station, behave like an ordinary policeman - don’t twitch, don’t wave your weapon, but carefully walk along the marker where you pick up the bus schedule. Please note that you will only have a pistol and a baton with you - so attempts to solve the problem by force are unlikely to end in anything good.

Leave the area, drive the car to the indicated point, douse it with gasoline and burn it. Then you can go to the planning room, where you can wait for the team to board the ship.

The ship's crew will have to work a little harder - first they need to eliminate the guards, and then get to the container with Rashkovsky's car. The lock is “opened” with a regular shot, after which the car can be stolen. On the way to your destination, it is recommended don't open fire so as not to attract the cops. Alternatively, you can escape pursuit along the railway tracks (just be careful, a train is passing towards you), and then exit onto the highway. In this case, a shootout can be avoided.

Preparatory task: Wet case

The first team climbs the stairs to the very top of the building, where it takes a sniper position. As soon as two lawyers appear and go to the steps of the municipality, you need to kill them, and simultaneously. One of the lawyers drops a suitcase - we pick it up, and then we get into the car (an armored kuruma) and run away from the arriving police.

The task of the team operating in the mansion is also not very simple - they must secretly enter the building, carefully eliminating the guards who are in the way. And thus reach another goal. If you do not act very carefully, the target may disappear and you will have to chase it.

Final task: Prison escape

First, we distribute roles for the mission. There are four of them, as well as players: prisoner, jailer, demolitionist and pilot. The prisoner and the jailer go to the bus, the pilot goes to the plane, and the demolition man will have to tinker a little and steal the helicopter.

Then the group simply rides the bus to the prison gates, enters the territory, parks the bus, after which the players, as if nothing had happened, go outside and go to Rashkovsky. This is where the quiet life ends - the alarm goes off and security officers appear in the yard. We kill them, run to Rashkovsky, and then together with him we clear the yard, continuing to move forward to the gate. Keep in mind that the prisoner player will not have any weapons at first, except for an armor-piercing pistol with a limited set of ammunition - so you will have to pick it up from the corpse of one of the guards.

At the same time, the pilot moves by plane to the specified location, and the demolition man accompanies him in a helicopter. The latter's task is to cover the plane, shooting down the appearing fighters. As an option, experienced pilot can sit on the tail of a fighter, in this case the demolitionist will not need to shoot them down. Instead, the Demoman can help the group in the prison by taking out the guards. But be careful, do not fly into the territory of the institution, otherwise the air defense system will work.

Meanwhile, the prison group must reach the gate and steal an armored car. You need to use it to leave the prison and head to the strip. It is important to synchronize actions here so that the pilot lands before the group leaves the prison. The fact is that there will be a serious pursuit of the armored car, so the demolition man in the helicopter will have to cover the fugitives.

Having reached the runway, the group with Rashkovsky transfers to the plane, and the demolition bomber remains in the helicopter, fighting off another group of police. The pilot immediately takes off and steers the plane as far away from the runway as possible until the police chase breaks up. Then everyone flies to the specified point, where the plane crew jumps out with parachutes, and the helicopter picks them up. That's it, you can return to the city and divide the spoils.

Elite Challenge

  • Nobody died;
  • Rashkovsky received 1% damage or less;
  • We made it at 04:40 time.

"Jail break" the second heist on the list that you can complete in GTA Online . In order for it to be available, Lester must call you, after which he will say that there is a new job for you.

Organization costs: $40000
This is a team robbery, for 4 players.

Final catch:
Easy level: $200000
Average level (Normal): $400000
Heavy level (Hard): $500000

The main task is that you need to get Maxim Rashkovsky out of Bolingbroke prison and he is ready to pay good money for it.

1. Preparatory task: Airplane

In this task you need to hijack a plane from McKenzie Airport Velum, on which the Vagos transport their contraband. The team is divided into two groups: one player (the pilot) boards the plane, which is located in a hangar on the northern part of the runway, and the other three players clear the runway.

To complete this task quickly, efficiently and without losses, it is enough that at least one player has an armored Kuruma, we get into it, and rush to the airport. Now you don’t have to worry about shelters or being killed. We just drive onto the runway and the four of us kill everyone.

Then the pilot can safely board the plane without fear of being killed. After takeoff, the pilot just needs to deliver the plane to its destination, while the rest of the players can simply enjoy the world around them while the pilot completes his final stage.

2. Preparatory task: Bus

You need to steal a prison bus and get away from the police. To do this, you need to get to the bus, which is guarded by a helicopter and a police car. On the way, they will make it clear to you that the bus is guarded for a reason, it is transporting a particularly dangerous criminal.

First you need to get rid of the helicopter. To do this, a shot from an RPG or a homing missile launcher is enough. Or we kill the pilot with a sniper or assault rifle, after which the helicopter crashes. Next, we kill the bus driver and capture him.

One player on the bus is enough, everyone else must help accompany him. As in the previous preparatory task, you should get into the Kuruma armored car. This machine will save your life and the lives of your comrades more than once during subsequent missions.

The best escape option is to go off-road from the highway. Since the bus is not particularly fast on a good road, you have little chance of getting rid of the chase. The bus behaves differently off-road, so you won't have any problems getting away from the police.

After you have gotten rid of the police, you cannot appear in front of the law enforcement officers, otherwise you will earn one wanted star. If everything went smoothly, then the bus needs to be delivered to its destination, after which the task will be completed.

3. Preparatory task: Site

We need to get a copy of the prisoner transfer schedule from the police station. Since you will have to deal directly with the police, you must completely forget about shooting in this task.

As in the previous task, the team is divided into two groups - the police station and the cargo ship.

The first group must get a cop car and, under their guise, infiltrate the police station to take the prisoner transfer schedule.

The second group takes Casco, Rashkovsky's car, from a cargo ship in the port.

The easiest way to get a police car is to call the police by dialing 911 .You will not have your weapons, except for a pistol and a baton, so as not to arouse suspicion among the guards of the law.

When they arrive, you and your partner must kill the police. Then you need to reset the wanted stars - for this, look for highway junctions, bridges, places where not only cars will not notice you, but also a helicopter will not search. When you're done, head to the police station without attracting attention. Don't take out weapons, don't kill anyone, don't hit pedestrians, don't crash cars, just do everything strictly according to plan.

Stealing copies of the schedule will not be any problem if no one pays attention to you.

After you have obtained the schedule, you will need to burn the police car under the bridge using a can of gasoline.
When the task is completed you will need to deliver the schedule to your apartment.

Meanwhile, the other team completes its task. The machine is located in one of the containers on the cargo ship. There shouldn’t be any difficulties in getting transport, we shoot at everyone who wants to kill us, we find the container that is located at the top, the container itself is easy to find, it will be guarded by 1-2 soldiers. We kill them and shoot at the castle. The next task will be to deliver the transport to the place where we drove the bus in the previous preparatory task. They won’t just let you deliver this transport to you, they will start hunting for you, the enemies will be annoying, so shoot accurately. When shooting back at them, remember that you will attract the attention of the police, so be careful. Once you deliver the transport, you will be given the option to help deliver documents to 1 group, or you can simply wait.

Bonus: car unlocked Lampadatti Casco for purchase.

4. Preparatory task: Wet case

It is necessary to kill two prosecutors and Rashkovsky's business partner. It won't take much time if you do everything in an organized manner. As in the previous preparatory operation, your gang is divided into two groups - the city hall and the mansion.

The first team needs to go up to the roof near the city hall and wait for two prosecutors to approach the building; they need to be removed with a sniper rifle. They need to be removed synchronously so that no one runs away. After which you need to take away their documents, which will not be so simple, including the fact that 2 dozen police officers will flock to the scene of the murder. In this case, you will be saved by the good old, armored Kuruma, we fly into this anthill, kill as much as possible, one player quickly takes the suitcase, after which he gets into the car and you rush away at full speed, simultaneously breaking away from the police. Have a blast? Well done, we're taking the documents to the robbery planning room.

The other team goes to the desired building and kills the guards in stealth mode. If it didn’t work out quietly, the main task will be not to miss the target, who will go on the run in his vehicle. To provide for this option, it is enough for one player to start killing the guards, while the other will be in the car, and will be ready to pursue him. After the murder, we leave the sector and go to the apartment, after which the task will be completed.

5. The “Prison Break” robbery itself

The team is divided into four roles: prisoner, prison officer, pilot, bomber.

The prisoner and the prison officer act together, while the pilot and the demolition worker first act alone - the first takes the plane from the hangar, and the second first intercepts the prison bus, after which he later destroys it away from prying eyes.

So, the prisoner and the employee go to the prison, on a hijacked bus, go inside and must find Rashkovsky, who is in the central courtyard. Once you find him, he starts following you. You will have to shoot a lot, and preferably accurately. The prisoner in this task will only have a pistol, while the employee has his entire personal arsenal, so in this case it is better for the prisoner not to be a hero, look for cover, and not crawl out into open spaces while the other player clears the way from the police and special forces.

While the prisoner and the employee are breaking through from the prison to the exit, the pilot and the demolition bomber are already fighting with might and main in the air, the main task for the pilot will be to keep the plane intact, due to the fact that fighter jets are hunting for it and want to shoot it down, while the demolition bomber has Another task is to shoot down these same fighter jets while protecting the aircraft.

After you get out of prison, get into the armored police van and drive towards runway, where the plane will be waiting for you. The police will lose interest in the plane and turn all their attention to you, therefore, the demolition bomber in this situation will have to strain to save the lives of his teammates and Rashkovsky himself.

The pilot, meanwhile, must carefully land on the runway and wait for his comrades, when you get there, run to the plane as quickly as possible. At the same time, the demolition officer provides you with air cover.

While on the plane, we drop the wanted stars, fly through the marker and after a short cut-scene we jump down using parachutes. We land on the beach, after which a demolitionist in a helicopter will pick you up, and you will head towards the city. Before reaching the point, the mission will automatically be considered completed. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief - mission accomplished.

Also, after completing the mission, you will unlock a 5-seater plane for purchase Vellum and Prison Bus.

The Prison Break- the second mission in the “” expansion, and the first serious robbery case, which will require 4 players to complete.

The Prison Break

Players required: 4
Organization costs: $40,000
Reward for completion: Easy: $200,000; Normal: $400,000; Hard: $500,000;

How to complete The Prison Break heist in GTA Online

The Prison Break robbery consists of 5 tasks:
  • Preparatory mission Plane (Airplane);
  • Second Preparatory task Bus (Bus);
  • Third preparatory task Station (Police Station);
  • And the fourth preparatory mission is Wet Work;
  • And finally, the “Prison Break” task itself - “The Prison Break”;

How to complete the "Plane" preparatory mission in The Prison Break Heist - task 1

Mission "Plane" is the first task on the planning board. One player will act as the pilot, while the remaining three will participate in the ground crew.
This task is quite simple. Players on the ground team must stick together to get to Mackenzie Airfield, where you'll be met with fire from the bad guys. We recommend that all three players ride in the same car and shoot together from the advancing waves of enemies. Get ready, action is guaranteed.

After arriving at the airfield, you will need to kill everyone and find the plane. When clearing an area from the enemy, guns such as Special Carbine and Bullpup are best suited. You can find the plane itself in the hangar, which is located at the top of the runway. Here, the player-pilot must climb into the plane, and the ground team must clear the runway from enemies, destroying everyone, including the cars, so that the plane can take off safely.

After a successful takeoff, the pilot must fly to a destination in the southern part of the map and land the plane there. Roughly speaking, you need to fly from point “A” to point “B”, while no one will attack you. Upon reaching point "B" and landing the plane, you will receive payment for the task.

After you have delivered the plane and received payment, you will be thrown into free play mode. Next, an invitation will come to your mobile phone to continue the robbery, agreeing to which you will be transferred to the planning headquarters.

How to complete the preparatory mission "Bus" in The Prison Break Heist - task 2

First of all, you need to re-invite all participants in the robbery. Once everyone has gathered, you can begin completing the “Bus” task, which is the second task on the planning board. However, you can complete the preparatory missions in any order.

A group of robbers participates together in this task. You need to get to the bus that will be pointed to GPS navigator. Next, you need to assign it. This is done easily, you just need to kill the driver and get behind the controls of this vehicle. After stealing the bus, patrol police will be on your tail, and you will need to escape the chase. On top of everything else, a helicopter will also follow you, which you will need to shoot down. RPGs or homing missiles will help you here.

After the plane is shot down, you will have to finally break away from the chase. The best way to hide from the police is to wait off-road, drive to and stand in a field. This is the easiest way. If you know of other methods of evading pursuit, do not hesitate to use them.

After you have separated from the police, drive and take the Bus to the stop. Along the way, try not to catch the eye of the cops; if they notice you, you will be given 1 wanted star and you will again have to escape the chase through the fields.

Having delivered the bus, you will receive payment and the task will be considered completed.

How to complete the preparatory mission "Station" in The Prison Break Heist - task 3

This task is much more difficult than the previous ones. Here you will be divided into two groups, one will operate in the police station itself, and the other on the cargo ship.

The group working at the police station will receive their uniform. Their task will be to steal a patrol car and the files of cops on the network. A simple way to do this: call the police, upon arrival, kill them and throw them out of the car, get in and drive away. Having done this, you will need to get rid of the wanted stars.

It is worth noting that you will not have any weapons other than a baton and a pistol. Take this fact into account when you start implementing your plans.

Drive to the police station and park near the yellow marker. Warning: Don't run, don't take out your weapon, and don't touch anyone! Just get out of the car and go up the stairs. One of the players must sneak into the interior of the station and steal the police bus schedule. After stealing the schedule, leave the station, get into the patrol car and drive away.

Drive the car under the bridge and use gasoline to set it on fire. After this, deliver the schedule to the heist planning headquarters. Next, wait until the crew on the cargo ship completes their part of the work, then the task will be completed.

While you are stealing the schedule, the task of another group, located on the cargo ship, will be to steal the car. They will need to kill the guards, open the container in which the car is located and drive it to the required location. After the car is delivered to its destination, the task will be considered completed and you will receive payment.

How to complete the "Wet Work" preparatory mission in The Prison Break Heist - task 4

In this task you will need to kill a couple of lawyers. This work will not cause any difficulties and will not take much time.

Once again, you will be divided into two groups, one of which will work in the city council building, and the second in the mansion. Players who are in a group that works in the city council building will have to approach the marker and climb the stairs to the roof to take comfortable positions.

Now you have to shoot two lawyers when they approach the porch of the city hall. Coordinate your work in such a way as to kill them at the same time. One of the guys will be with a briefcase, the other without.

After killing the lawyers, a bunch of cops will come. Your goal will be the briefcase that one of the lawyers was holding before his death. You will drive up to it, and the player sitting in the passenger seat will have to quickly get out, pick up the briefcase and get back into the car. We recommend using a fast car, for example "Zentorno".

After you have the briefcase, break away from the cops and deliver it to the shelter headquarters, where the robberies are being planned.

Meanwhile, a group of players who are carrying out a task in the mansion must secretly fight him and remove all the guards. The target will be the owner of the mansion, and if he tries to escape, you must catch up with him and finish him off.

The lawyers are dead, the papers are delivered - the task is completed, you will receive payment.

How to complete the final mission "Prison Escape" in The Prison Break Heist - the escape itself

After completing all 4 preparatory tasks, get ready to organize an escape, and possibly die, because final part The robbery Prison Break it won't be easy.

Here, each player has his own role: pilot, destroyer, prisoner and warden.

The prisoner and the warden board the same hijacked bus, and the pilot and the destroyer are separated. Once the prisoner and the warden arrive by bus at the prison, the pilot takes off in the plane (from the first preparatory mission) and the destroyer steals a Buzzard gunship.

Drive up to the prison, as soon as the gates open, go inside and get out. Now your task is to find the prisoner Rashkovsky, approach him, and he will continue to follow you. After the alarm in the prison is turned off, local special forces will arrive at the scene. Don't pay attention to them, your goal is to free Rashkovsky, concentrate on that.

But now, you will have to destroy this entire armed crowd of special forces. After all, until you clear the way, Roshkovsky will not follow you. If you play as a prisoner, we advise you to pick up a weapon from one of the guards, otherwise you have little chance of surviving in hand-to-hand combat.

While the players who took the roles of the prisoner and the warden are making their way to the exit from the prison, the pilot must fly up to the prison and wait for them to exit, and then pick them up. But even here it’s not so simple. A number of fighters will fly towards the player-pilot and want to destroy him. This is where the destroyer player will come to the rescue, or rather, he will fly in on a Buzzard helicopter and will protect the pilot, destroying enemy fighters.

As soon as a group of players has freed Rashkovsky, head to the armored car and, together with Rashkovsky, go to the airfield, where the pilot on the plane will be waiting for you. On the way to the airfield, the destroyer player must accompany them, thereby clearing their path from pursuit.

As soon as you reach the airfield, quickly get out of the car and board the plane. We do not recommend getting involved in a mess; you will die quickly, as it will be very hot there. After takeoff, you will need to break away from the police helicopters, the destroyer will help here.

After you have escaped the police chase, fly to the yellow marker. When approaching it, you will automatically be dropped off at the beach area, where the Buzzard helicopter will be waiting. Don't forget to open your parachute and avoid getting hit by the helicopter's rotors. Once everyone is in the helicopter, the destroyer will fly towards the city. You will be shown a cut-scene and given detailed information about payments.

Congratulations, now you know how to complete a robbery prison escape in gta online and we hope you successfully complete it in the game. Good luck!

If you want to know where is prison in GTA 5, you are interested in how to get there, or you just want to take a close look at the prisoners who do nothing but lift iron and hang on horizontal bars, then this article is for you :)

Prison in GTA 5 on the map

Bolingbrook is a San Andreas State Prison located in Blaine County. The prison is located on the left side of Highway 68, just south of the Grand Senora Desert. By the prototype prisons in GTA 5 became the real-life maximum security colony Victorville, located in California. It is interesting that in a real prison, most of the prisoners are imprisoned for sexual crimes.

As in previous GTA games, the player will not be able to go to jail: if the cops bust you, you will start over from the police station. Indeed, it would be stupid to throw a character to the far edge of the map every time :) On the other hand, it’s a bit of a pity, because even before the game’s release, many gamers hoped that a kind of mini-game would be available to us: the opportunity to “serve time” behind bars, interact with other prisoners and prison staff.

If you want to know exactly where prison in GTA 5, look at our map:

How to get to prison in GTA 5

The prison in GTA 5 is a complex of 7 pentagonal hangars (two floors each), which contain prisoners, administrative buildings, and about a dozen watch towers. The guards in the observation towers are equipped with sniper rifles and shoot very accurately. The perimeter of the prison is surrounded by a fence with barbed wire, which is also energized.

In general, the prison is perfectly guarded and it is impossible to get through the ground. If you try to fly into the prison territory by any air transport, the guards will first warn you a couple of times that you are crossing its borders and it is better for you to leave as quickly as possible. If the warning is ignored, they will open merciless fire on you.

The same applies to attempts to land on prison grounds: a short warning and then lethal fire. However, an attempt to parachute from an airplane onto the prison grounds and the subsequent mess with fifty guards will be worthy of the best Hollywood blockbuster. Besides the obvious coolness of this method of entering a prison in GTA, the air route is probably the only way to get beyond the walls of this correctional facility. You may need to use cheats to lower your wanted level or for invulnerability mode.

Prison in GTA 5

In addition to the above with prison in GTA 5 Several interesting facts are connected:

1) It’s interesting that in the vicinity of the prison one of the “random events” may happen to the player: the main character’s car will be stopped by an escaped prisoner, pointed at him with a gun and forced to leave vehicle. In this case, you can kill the prisoner, help the cop catch him, or do nothing, and then the cop himself will catch the escapee and return him to jail.

2) If the player is wanted near a prison, the prison alarm will be turned off, and the prison guards will become aware of the protagonist's presence and will attack him if they see him. This fact can be used in conjunction with Lester's ability to "lull" the vigilance of the cops. In this case, the search for the main character will be temporarily stopped, but the prison alarm will remain turned off, which will make it possible to enter its territory with impunity.

3) The prison is so harsh that in addition to security, its territory is sometimes patrolled by city police cars.

4) In the recreational courtyard on the wall you can see the inscription left by the legendary gaming maniac-killer Marle Abraham, who was obsessed with the number 8 and killed 8 people. The inscription reads, “Where water meets earth and fire falls, an endless eight will wait until I return.” At first glance it’s a bunch of words, but what else can you expect from a crazy killer? :)

5) The prison is mentioned many times throughout the plot. For example, Trevor believes that Brad is serving time there until he finds out that he has long been buried in Michael's yard.

6) If the player manages to get into the prison territory without being wanted (for example, in missions in which it is impossible to get wanted stars), then, approaching block 9A, you can hear the terrible screams of prisoners being tortured.

GTA 5 prison escape

The prison plays a much larger role in the online version of the game - GTA 5 online. There is a big robbery here (the second in the game), connected to it: "Prison Break". The idea is that a gang of four people needs to help a dangerous prisoner in this prison who is willing to pay well to escape from custody. We won’t describe the plot in detail, but rather just post a video that shows in detail all the stages of this complex and exciting mission:

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