Gta 5 mr prison escape. The Prison Break robbery

5709 2015-07-28 at 16:46

The Prison Break robbery

The Prison Break, or prison break, is the third heist in the GTA Online Heists add-on, in which the target of the kidnapping is a person, namely an inmate at Bolingbroke Prison. This is the first four-player case and includes four preparatory missions. Preparation will cost $40,000, and you can get up to $500,000, not counting bonuses for elite tests.

As the title suggests, this time you will have to prepare a prison escape Maxim Rashkovsky, possessing information valuable to the customer. This escape is very intricate and requires much more serious preparation than a “practice” bank robbery.

Preparation: Plane

Agent 14 asks you to steal a Velum plane from the Vagos gang, who are using it to transport drugs across the border. It will allow our customers take out Rashkovsky from the country.

To quickly eliminate forces arriving by transport, a grenade launcher is useful. Be careful - don't let yourself be surrounded. The mission will be counted when the plane is delivered, and the trio remaining with the bandits will leave place of theft.

Preparation: Bus

Now you need to steal a prison bus, which will be used to enter the prison. To get there, follow the directions navigator.

Since the bus is carrying a dangerous criminal at the time of the attack, it is guarded. Escort is best liquidate with the help of sticky bombs, the bus driver with a targeted shot in the head, and the helicopter that appears with a grenade launcher or rocket launcher. Remember, if you damage the bus too much, you will fail the mission.

Having taken possession by bus, you will “earn” three wanted stars. Here it is best to go off-road and drive through the fields. Breaking away from pursuers take it bus to the designated parking lot. Do not forget that they're still looking for you, and if you catch the eye of the police, you will receive a “star”, which will again have to be “washed away with the mud” of country roads.

Preparation: Station

You are divided into two teams: one must steal the prisoner transfer schedule from the police station, the second must steal Rashkovsky’s car, Casco, from the ship, without which he refuses to cooperate with your customers.

Agent 14 at the beginning of the mission states that he is specially creating competitive atmosphere. This, of course, is great, but, on the other hand, the team that completes its task first will have to wait lagging behind.

To get into the station, you will need to impersonate cops as plausibly as possible. A uniform you have, so for a complete “transformation” all you have to do is find police car. The easiest way to steal it is either by running into real police officers, or by calling the treasured “911”. And remember that, since you must resemble law enforcement officers as much as possible, you will only have with you pistol and baton.

Once in the police car, go to the station. Come in and quietly, without disturbing anyone, go get your schedule. Then leave the building and drive the car to the indicated location. You will need destroy her - fortunately, there will be several cans of gasoline nearby. Now all that's left is attribute schedule in the planning room.

Rashkovsky's car
The car is in container on a cargo ship in the port and is guarded by Korean bandits. You need to pick him up before he goes overseas. Make your way to the ship, along the way killing everyone who tries to stop you. You can first destroy those you see from the shore using a sniper rifle.

Having cleared ship, go get the car. The container is located at the top of the “pile”. Get in there, shoot the castle, sit down inside and fearlessly slide/jump onto the shore.

The police will start looking for you - and the bandits don’t want to give up so easily. Get rid of the cops it will be quite easy, and it is better to just avoid Koreans - if you are too strong damage car, the mission will fail. Just head towards the meeting point. There Casco will be picked up by an accomplice who will take him to Central America. Although this is no longer your business.

Preparation: Wet Work

Finally, you need to understand the basics in advance opponents Rashkovsky - his business partner, Dima Popov, and two lawyers. Three goals, two teams of two.

The first team needs kill two lawyers and take important documents. Lawyers are on their way to city ​​hall. Climb up roof buildings opposite and wait for them to appear. Prepare your rifles and shoot when they get out of the car. Better kill them simultaneously, but this is not at all necessary.

Come down and pick it up documentation. The building will be surrounded by police, and you will have to deal with them first. Get rid of persecution - get to work get a faster car, for example, your favorite sports car or supercar. Then just take the documents to the apartment.

This team will need kill Popov and, incidentally, several guards, and then leave the crime scene. Don't let yourself be detected, otherwise the target will try to hide and it will be very difficult for you to destroy it, while at the same time fighting off the guards.

First work from afar using sniper rifles, and then pistols, in both cases do not be disdainful mufflers. Take your time, explore routes guards, get into the process. Work in pairs– “shoot” nearby enemies at the same time, with headshots, coordinate your efforts. As they say, hit gently, but hit hard.

If possible, try to kill Popov as soon as possible, he is the only one who will try to escape in case of danger. Having done the job, go away and come back to the planning room.

The escape

The time has come to do what we have been preparing for so long and hard. Each player will be given their own role: employee and prisoner sneak into prison on a stolen bus, pilot will transport Rashkovsky, and demolitionist will help the first three in every possible way.

The demolitionist's first task is intercept a real prison bus that is going to be used for transportation. Just follow the marker. The bus is not guarded, the driver travels completely alone. Kill, get behind the wheel, go to the airfield and destroy bus.

Then steal nearby Buzzard. Once at the helm, you will first have to, if necessary, protect Velum from fighter attacks, and then switch to the ground team, which, having taken Rashkovsky, will have to get out of prison and head in an armored car to the airfield. Cover them and help fend off the police, especially a whole "flock" of helicopters.

When the team boards the plane, accompany him to the landing site. There, leaving Rashkovsky at the helm and wishing him a safe journey, they will jump out and have to regroup on the beach. Pick them up and come back in town.

Officer and prisoner
This group should take a fake prison bus from a landfill near Sandy Shores. Sit down and go on it to the prison territory. Drive through the gate, park and exit.

Maintain “subordination” for a while, and then, moving away from the first two guards, kill the jailer standing in the way with a shotgun and make your way to Rashkovsky. The prisoner makes his way to Max, and the employee covers him.

Don't approach your target until demolitionist will not be ready to provide you with air support. When you get close to the target, after a short cutscene you will be surrounded. Defend Rashkovsky - clear territory from special forces. Having coped, get into the armored car and leave from the prison grounds.

Go to the airfield under the cover of a demolitionist. Having reached to the place, jointly deal with the police and signal the pilot– he can sit down and pick you up.

Now it's up to the pilot. Wait for the right moment jump out from the plane and go to beach. They will pick you up there.

To begin with, the pilot needs take Velum from Los Santos airport. Once at the helm, you will have to go to the airfield, but take your time - fly somewhere in the distance so as not to run into fighters. Wait, until the employee and the prisoner are in the transport, on the way to the landing strip.

Wait for the signal - “All is clear!” - fly there and take it away two players and Rashkovsky. To get rid of the police, rise as high as possible, it's only a matter of time. The Demoman will cover you if necessary.

Finally, go to the landing site, grab your parachute, say goodbye to Rashkovsky and jump. A personal helicopter on the “Beach – City” route awaits you on the shore. It's time to celebrate.

Please note that this time you literally secured a job for yourself: Rashkovsky was in the past one of the managers The Humane Labs and can now provide you with a laboratory floor plan. Which, of course, is no coincidence, because it was she

The first truly serious robbery is called " Jail break", it is designed for a group of four players who will have to get Maxim Rashkovsky out of prison.

Preparatory task: Airplane

It was decided to rescue Rashkovsky from prison with the help of an airplane, which first still needs to be obtained. Immediately decide who in the group is doing the role of the pilot– this should be a player who already has fairly decent experience in flying an airplane. The plane can be taken from the Mackenzie airstrip - it is important to go there in one car (an armored kuruma) so as not to split the team.

In Mackenzie, we first kill all the enemies, after which the team is divided. The pilot boards the plane, and the remaining three must drive the cars off the runway to make it possible to take off. At the end of the mission, the plane flies to the specified point in the south - there will be no shooting.

Preparatory task: Bus

We leave as a group in one car and use GPS to find prison bus. We quickly kill the driver, neutralize the guards in the escort car and steal the bus. The police organize a pursuit, calling for help from a helicopter, which must be immediately destroyed with a rocket launcher. Head towards the desert, off-road, break away from the chase, and then drive the bus to the specified coordinates.

Preparatory task: Station

At the station, behave like an ordinary policeman - don’t twitch, don’t wave your weapon, but carefully walk along the marker where you pick up the bus schedule. Please note that you will only have a pistol and a baton with you - so attempts to solve the problem by force are unlikely to end in anything good.

Leave the area, drive the car to the indicated point, douse it with gasoline and burn it. Then you can go to the planning room, where you can wait for the team to board the ship.

The ship's crew will have to work a little harder - first they need to eliminate the guards, and then get to the container with Rashkovsky's car. The lock is “opened” with a regular shot, after which the car can be stolen. On the way to your destination, it is recommended don't open fire so as not to attract the cops. Alternatively, you can escape pursuit along the railway tracks (just be careful, a train is passing towards you), and then exit onto the highway. In this case, a shootout can be avoided.

Preparatory task: Wet case

The first team climbs the stairs to the very top of the building, where it takes a sniper position. As soon as two lawyers appear and go to the steps of the municipality, you need to kill them, and simultaneously. One of the lawyers drops a suitcase - we pick it up, and then we get into the car (an armored kuruma) and run away from the arriving police.

The task of the team operating in the mansion is also not very simple - they must secretly enter the building, carefully eliminating the guards who are in the way. And thus reach another goal. If you do not act very carefully, the target may disappear and you will have to chase it.

Final task: Prison escape

First, we distribute roles for the mission. There are four of them, as well as players: prisoner, jailer, demolitionist and pilot. The prisoner and the jailer go to the bus, the pilot goes to the plane, and the demolition man will have to tinker a little and steal the helicopter.

Then the group by bus simply gets to the prison gates, enters the territory, parks the bus, after which the players, as if nothing had happened, go outside and go to Rashkovsky. This is where the quiet life ends - the alarm goes off and security officers appear in the yard. We kill them, run to Rashkovsky, and then together with him we clear the yard, continuing to move forward to the gate. Keep in mind that the prisoner player will not have any weapons at first, except for an armor-piercing pistol with a limited set of ammunition - so you will have to pick it up from the corpse of one of the guards.

At the same time, the pilot moves by plane to the specified location, and the demolition man accompanies him in a helicopter. The latter's task is to cover the plane, shooting down the appearing fighters. As an option, experienced pilot can sit on the tail of a fighter, in this case the demolitionist will not need to shoot them down. Instead, the Demoman can help the group in the prison by taking out the guards. But be careful, do not fly into the territory of the institution, otherwise the air defense system will work.

Meanwhile, the prison group must reach the gate and steal an armored car. You need to use it to leave the prison and head to the strip. It is important to synchronize actions here so that the pilot lands before the group leaves the prison. The fact is that there will be a serious pursuit of the armored car, so the demolition man in the helicopter will have to cover the fugitives.

Having reached the runway, the group with Rashkovsky transfers to the plane, and the demolition bomber remains in the helicopter, fighting off another group of police. The pilot immediately takes off and steers the plane as far away from the runway as possible until the police chase breaks up. Then everyone flies to the specified point, where the plane crew jumps out with parachutes, and the helicopter picks them up. That's it, you can return to the city and divide the spoils.

Elite Challenge

  • Nobody died;
  • Rashkovsky received 1% damage or less;
  • We made it at 04:40 time.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. The Gamebizclub team is in touch with you, and today we will tell you how to complete the second of the five tasks of the GTA Heists update, namely The Prison Break robbery in GTA Online, which, according to the laws of the genre, will be a little more difficult than the first.

Why is the second case more difficult than the first? First, you have more to go preparatory tasks, and secondly, it no longer belongs to the category of teaching.

From this article you will learn:

Second thing

This task is called “Prison Break” or The Prison Break, in which you have to organize an escape for a certain Maxim Rashkovsky, who is ready to pay serious money for his freedom. Some consider Rashkovsky's similarity to Walter White, the main character of the TV series Breaking Bad, to be a small Easter egg.

You have to assemble a team of four people and spend 40 thousand dollars on preparation. In total, you need to complete four preparatory tasks and proceed directly to the implementation of the main stage.

This challenge, like the previous one, is an elite one, and meeting all of the following requirements will earn you an additional $100,000:

  • Everyone survived.
  • Maxim will receive no more than one percent damage.
  • Get there in 4 minutes 40 seconds.

Depending on the difficulty level, earnings will differ:

  • Easy – $200,000.
  • Medium – $400,000.
  • Complex (Hard) – $500,000.


You and your team members need to assign roles: one should be a pilot, and the other three should be shooters. The target is an aircraft called Vellum, since it is with its help that local gangsters transport illegal goods.

In order for the mission to go off with a bang, it is best to get an armored kuruma, like the one you used during the Flick robbery. With its help, you can easily break into the airport and kill all the enemies with four of you.

The next step is to find a plane located in a hangar, into which the pilot will climb. Meanwhile, the remaining three must check that there is nothing on the runway that prevents the plane from taking off into the air.

After the runway is cleared, the pilot will only have to fly to the final point, since the pursuers will no longer appear. When the plane reaches its destination, the entire team will again be in free mode, then all that remains is to wait for the next message.


In this preparatory mission, your team needs to steal a bus that is constantly followed by a helicopter. Get into the car (again the best option would be an armored car) and follow the target.

The next step is to shoot down the helicopter - use a rocket launcher or, if the team has a good shooter, a sniper rifle. After this, you need to deal with the bus driver and get behind the wheel.

It is important for your team to break away from the chase, but the speed of the huge bus leaves much to be desired, so the best option would be to go off-road and try to hide away from the roads.

When the stars disappear, you can go to the marker that appears on the map, but be careful - crossing with law enforcement officers promises another wanted star, which you will also have to get rid of.

When you reach the goal, the mission will be completed.

Police station

This preparatory task will be more difficult than those you have completed previously. The team will have to be divided into two parts, so that two people will have to infiltrate the police station, and another two will have to infiltrate the docks onto the cargo ship.

Those who go to the police station only need to take care of the pharaoh's car, in which they will need to go to the station, since they will be given cop costumes anyway.

The easiest way is to dial 911 on your smartphone and wait for the patrol to arrive. After they arrive, you need to destroy the police, get into their car and try to break away from the chase. Please note that you will only have pistols and batons, since you are simple patrol officers, not SWAT.

When you get rid of the tail, you can go to the site without getting into traffic accidents and park near it. Next, without arousing suspicion (don't run, don't hit anyone, don't aim at people, and don't even take out a weapon), go to the station and steal documents with a schedule of prisoner transfers.

If you do everything calmly, then there will be no problems with the papers and all you have to do is drive under the bridge, there you will need to use fuel and burn the patrol car to the ground. The last step is to get to your apartment and deliver the documents there.

In parallel with this action, the second group climbs onto the cargo ship and clears it of guards. When all opponents are neutralized, shoot at the lock on which the container is closed and get into Rashkovsky’s car, this is a Lampadatti Casco (after completing this preparatory task, it will become available for purchase) and go to the same place where the bus was delivered.

You will be pursued, so be prepared to hold the line, but try not to get caught by the police, otherwise you will have to break away from the chase again.

wet business

Now you need to get rid of two prosecutors, as well as Maxim’s partner, with whom he carried out his business. They will have to split up again - two are heading to the mayor's office, and two are heading to the house of Rashkovsky's accomplice.
The first two climb onto the roof of the building located opposite the city hall and wait for their targets to arrive.

They will need to be removed at approximately one point. If one falls before the second, then the second will let go so that he is healthy, and it will be very difficult to catch up with him.

After both targets are ready, a good half of the police station will flock to the crime scene, so we again recommend using Kuruma - the driver must fly into the crowd of law enforcement officers, and the passenger must quickly jump out and pick up the suitcase that one of the targets dropped.

After this, break away from the chase and head to the apartment.

The second duo goes to the house of Rashkovsky’s accomplice, Popov, and very quietly deals with his guards, because if they make noise, Popov will try to escape. Thus, unless you are going to be quiet, it is best to leave one player in the car so that he is ready to catch up and eliminate the target.

The escape

The long preparatory work has come to an end, and now your goal is to escape. To do this, your team will have to go through a difficult test. So, the four will have to figure out the roles of a demolitionist, a pilot, a prison guard and a prisoner.

A prisoner and a guard must travel on a hijacked prison bus to the prison, the pilot takes the plane from the hangar, and the demolitionist needs a Buzzard, a helicopter with which he will provide fire support from the air.

When the bus arrives at the gates of Bolingbrook Prison, they will open and you will need to enter the yard. After the guard and the prisoner get off the bus at courtyard they will need to find the person for whom the escape was organized.

Once he sees them, he will begin to follow them, which will provoke a serious firefight and a five-star wanted level.

Keep in mind that only the guard will be armed, and the prisoner will only be able to get hold of a pistol, while Rashkovsky will not provide any assistance.

It makes no sense to describe the shootout itself, so let’s skip this moment and move on to the situation when the whole trio is behind the gate.

You will need to get into an armored van and head to the airstrip to meet the pilot.

At the same time, serious battles are also unfolding in the air - the helicopter is attacked by fighters, from which you need to actively evade, and meanwhile the demolition bomber is trying to destroy these same fighters.

By the time the helicopter lands, the police will have turned their attention to the van. Here the demolitionist comes into play again - he will hold back the law enforcement officers while his accomplices get onto the plane.

Now the pilot can only get rid of the pursuit and fly to the territory marked on the map, where everyone jumps out with parachutes over the beach. Now it's up to the demolitionist, who picks up the whole company and flies off into the sunset. This task is completed.

A good bonus will be the opportunity to purchase a plane similar to the one you hijacked, as well as a prison bus.

That's all for today. The second robbery is completed, and we need to prepare for... Leave your questions and opinions in the comments to this article. See you soon. Bye bye.

See Bolingbroke prison in the game GTA V you can by opening the map, but you can only get to it by helicopter. To do this, the character needs to call his air transport and fly over the Grand Senora desert, and then fly over runway Trevor Phillips Industries. Following this path, the gamer will soon see Bolingbroke Prison, which in the game is located near the hills of Vinewood.
But it is not recommended to fly into the prison territory by helicopter, since the character will be immediately discovered by the guards of the prison complex and shot with firearms. Let's take a closer look at the issue GTA 5 how to get to prison?

Where can I get a helicopter in GTA 5 to go to prison?

Of course, on the personal helicopter pads of the game’s main characters:
for Trevor, this is an airfield in the desert, which is located next to an airplane hangar and military equipment;
for Michael and Franklin - the La Puerta area.

Please note that in GTA 5 you can get a helicopter for free. And it is called using the joystick button (before this you need to approach the helipad). You can also buy a helicopter by paying only 1.6 million in-game dollars. After making a purchase, the helicopter will be delivered to the character’s takeoff pad (in the next game day). Its capacity is 4 people, and its maximum speed is 160 km/h.

What does Bolingbroke Prison look like?

How can a GTA 5 player understand where is the prison? Everything is very simple: the gamer needs to fly the way described in the first paragraph of this article. Having followed exactly the indicated route, the player will soon see a large, well-lit (at night) location. This is the prison complex. On the grounds of Bolingbroke Prison there are large observation towers (about ten), from which prisoners are monitored around the clock. And the prison itself is surrounded by an electric fence from the outside. The prison complex contains many two-story buildings in which criminals are kept. There are also buildings for security here. There are courtyards in the middle of Bolingbroke's grounds where prisoners walk during the daytime. On the territory of the prison you can also see buses in which convicts are brought for further serving of their prison sentence.

Visually prison in GTA 5 is very similar to the real-life “Victorville” - a maximum security prison located in the state of California. It houses about 960 prisoners.

If a player with his character flies into the prison territory using a helicopter, he will be noticed by security from the observation towers and over the radio communication in the helicopter the player will hear the following voice message: “Attention. This is a restricted area. Turn around immediately." The character will have some time to follow the advice. In addition, the player will hear the howl of a siren and see a commotion among the guards of the prison complex, and fire will immediately be opened on the helicopter itself. Already in the helicopter, the character can be shot. By the way, it is impossible to run inside the building. The character will need to quickly get away from the prison to avoid death. If the character does not do this, but, on the contrary, lands the helicopter and gets out of it, he will definitely be shot by the guards. We hope you understand the issue GTA 5 how to go to jail.

The Prison Break- the second mission in the “” expansion, and the first serious robbery case, which will require 4 players to complete.

The Prison Break

Players required: 4
Organization costs: $40,000
Reward for completion: Easy: $200,000; Normal: $400,000; Hard: $500,000;

How to complete The Prison Break heist in GTA Online

The Prison Break robbery consists of 5 tasks:
  • Preparatory mission Plane (Airplane);
  • Second Preparatory task Bus (Bus);
  • Third preparatory task Station (Police Station);
  • And the fourth preparatory mission is Wet Work;
  • And finally, the “Prison Break” task itself - “The Prison Break”;

How to complete the "Plane" preparatory mission in The Prison Break Heist - task 1

Mission "Plane" is the first task on the planning board. One player will act as the pilot, while the remaining three will participate in the ground crew.
This task is quite simple. Players on the ground team must stick together to get to Mackenzie Airfield, where you'll be met with fire from the bad guys. We recommend that all three players ride in the same car and shoot together from the advancing waves of enemies. Get ready, action is guaranteed.

After arriving at the airfield, you will need to kill everyone and find the plane. When clearing an area from the enemy, guns such as Special Carbine and Bullpup are best suited. You can find the plane itself in the hangar, which is located at the top runway. Here, the player-pilot must climb into the plane, and the ground team must clear the runway from enemies, destroying everyone, including the cars, so that the plane can take off safely.

After a successful takeoff, the pilot must fly to a destination in the southern part of the map and land the plane there. Roughly speaking, you need to fly from point “A” to point “B”, while no one will attack you. Upon reaching point "B" and landing the plane, you will receive payment for the task.

After you have delivered the plane and received payment, you will be thrown into free play mode. Next, an invitation will come to your mobile phone to continue the robbery, agreeing to which you will be transferred to the planning headquarters.

How to complete the preparatory mission "Bus" in The Prison Break Heist - task 2

First of all, you need to re-invite all participants in the robbery. Once everyone has gathered, you can begin completing the “Bus” task, which is the second task on the planning board. However, you can complete the preparatory missions in any order.

A group of robbers participates together in this task. You need to get to the bus that will be pointed to GPS navigator. Next, you need to assign it. This is done easily, you just need to kill the driver and get behind the controls of this vehicle. After stealing the bus, patrol police will be on your tail, and you will need to escape the chase. On top of everything else, a helicopter will also follow you, which you will need to shoot down. RPGs or homing missiles will help you here.

After the plane is shot down, you will have to finally break away from the chase. The best way to hide from the police is to wait off-road, drive to and stand in a field. This is the easiest way. If you know of other methods of evading pursuit, do not hesitate to use them.

After you have separated from the police, drive and take the Bus to the stop. Along the way, try not to catch the eye of the cops; if they notice you, you will be given 1 wanted star and you will again have to escape the chase through the fields.

Having delivered the bus, you will receive payment and the task will be considered completed.

How to complete the preparatory mission "Station" in The Prison Break Heist - task 3

This task is much more difficult than the previous ones. Here you will be divided into two groups, one will operate in the police station itself, and the other on the cargo ship.

The group working at the police station will receive their uniform. Their task will be to steal a patrol car and the files of cops on the network. A simple way to do this: call the police, upon arrival, kill them and throw them out of the car, get in and drive away. Having done this, you will need to get rid of the wanted stars.

It is worth noting that you will not have any weapons other than a baton and a pistol. Take this fact into account when you start implementing your plans.

Drive to the police station and park near the yellow marker. Warning: Don't run, don't take out your weapon, and don't touch anyone! Just get out of the car and go up the stairs. One of the players must sneak into the interior of the station and steal the police bus schedule. After stealing the schedule, leave the station, get into the patrol car and drive away.

Drive the car under the bridge and use gasoline to set it on fire. After this, deliver the schedule to the heist planning headquarters. Next, wait until the crew on the cargo ship completes their part of the work, then the task will be completed.

While you are stealing the schedule, the task of another group, located on the cargo ship, will be to steal the car. They will need to kill the guards, open the container in which the car is located and drive it to the required location. After the car is delivered to its destination, the task will be considered completed and you will receive payment.

How to complete the "Wet Work" preparatory mission in The Prison Break Heist - task 4

In this task you will need to kill a couple of lawyers. This work will not cause any difficulties and will not take much time.

Once again, you will be divided into two groups, one of which will work in the city council building, and the second in the mansion. Players who are in a group that works in the city council building will have to approach the marker and climb the stairs to the roof to take comfortable positions.

Now you have to shoot two lawyers when they approach the porch of the city hall. Coordinate your work in such a way as to kill them at the same time. One of the guys will be with a briefcase, the other without.

After killing the lawyers, a bunch of cops will come. Your goal will be the briefcase that one of the lawyers was holding before his death. You will drive up to it, and the player sitting in the passenger seat will have to quickly get out, pick up the briefcase and get back into the car. We recommend using a fast car, for example "Zentorno".

After you have the briefcase, break away from the cops and deliver it to the shelter headquarters, where the robberies are being planned.

Meanwhile, a group of players who are carrying out a task in the mansion must secretly fight him and remove all the guards. The target will be the owner of the mansion, and if he tries to escape, you must catch up with him and finish him off.

The lawyers are dead, the papers are delivered - the task is completed, you will receive payment.

How to complete the final mission "Prison Escape" in The Prison Break Heist - the escape itself

After completing all 4 preparatory tasks, get ready to organize an escape, and possibly die, because The final part of The Prison Break heist it won't be easy.

Here, each player has his own role: pilot, destroyer, prisoner and warden.

The prisoner and the warden board the same hijacked bus, and the pilot and the destroyer are separated. Once the prisoner and the warden arrive by bus at the prison, the pilot takes off in the plane (from the first preparatory mission) and the destroyer steals a Buzzard gunship.

Drive up to the prison, as soon as the gates open, go inside and get out. Now your task is to find the prisoner Rashkovsky, approach him, and he will continue to follow you. After the alarm in the prison is turned off, local special forces will arrive at the scene. Don't pay attention to them, your goal is to free Rashkovsky, concentrate on that.

But now, you will have to destroy this entire armed crowd of special forces. After all, until you clear the way, Roshkovsky will not follow you. If you play as a prisoner, we advise you to pick up a weapon from one of the guards, otherwise you have little chance of surviving in hand-to-hand combat.

While the players who took the roles of the prisoner and the warden are making their way to the exit from the prison, the pilot must fly up to the prison and wait for them to exit, and then pick them up. But even here it’s not so simple. A number of fighters will fly towards the player-pilot and want to destroy him. This is where the destroyer player will come to the rescue, or rather, he will fly in on a Buzzard helicopter and will protect the pilot, destroying enemy fighters.

As soon as a group of players has freed Rashkovsky, head to the armored car and, together with Rashkovsky, go to the airfield, where the pilot on the plane will be waiting for you. On the way to the airfield, the destroyer player must accompany them, thereby clearing their path from pursuit.

As soon as you reach the airfield, quickly get out of the car and board the plane. We do not recommend getting involved in a mess; you will die quickly, as it will be very hot there. After takeoff, you will need to break away from the police helicopters, the destroyer will help here.

After you have escaped the police chase, fly to the yellow marker. When approaching it, you will automatically be dropped off at the beach area, where the Buzzard helicopter will be waiting. Don't forget to open your parachute and avoid getting hit by the helicopter's rotors. Once everyone is in the helicopter, the destroyer will fly towards the city. They will show you a cut-scene and give you detailed information about payments.

Congratulations, now you know how to complete a robbery prison escape in gta online and we hope you successfully complete it in the game. Good luck!

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