A bridge for aircraft traffic will be built at Sheremetyevo Airport. Aviation of Russia Construction of runway 3 of Sheremetyevo airport

The construction project of the third runway at Sheremetyevo Airport will not be completed by the World Cup, sources in the industry told AviaPort. However, Sheremetyevo will cope with the transportation program during the football championship within the framework of the existing infrastructure, and the commissioning of the third runway is more related to the need to close one of the existing runways for repairs. Therefore, responsible persons were given a delay until the end of the year, but this time without the right to delay.

The third runway at Sheremetyevo airport will definitely not be put into operation for the World Cup in Russia, four independent sources in the industry told AviaPort. In the Federal Air Transport Agency and its subordinate Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Administration civil airports(airfields)" declined to comment.

The construction of runway-3 is included in the Sheremetyevo infrastructure development project, which also includes the construction passenger terminal domestic air lines (Terminal B) and a cargo terminal on the territory of the so-called northern terminal complex (STK), a refueling complex and an inter-terminal passage, which, passing under the airfield, will connect the southern and northern terminal areas of the airport. "Construction work continues at the facility," the FSUE "AGA(A)" supervising the construction of the strip reported on December 15. The general contractor is Transstroymekhanizatsiya (part of the Mostotrest group of companies), but it was not possible to contact a representative of the construction organization.

The timing of the construction of the strip was shifted several times. Lack of funding was cited as one of the key problems. In November, the Vedomosti newspaper, citing sources, reported that the cost of the project had risen to 64.1 billion rubles. At the same time, the source of additional funds has not yet been determined: various options are being discussed, up to the allocation of the necessary amounts through the FSUE State ATM Corporation subordinate to the Federal Air Transport Agency. Judging by the statements of the head of the Ministry of Transport Maxim Sokolov, which he made in an interview with RNS in September, this option was considered a priority.

But for quality assurance air transportation during the football championship in the third lane there is no urgent need. Sheremetyevo reported that "the airport will be able to provide a transportation program [for the World Cup] using the existing runways." According to AviaPort, under favorable weather conditions, the runways can provide up to 65 takeoffs and landings per hour, while cases have already been noted when more than 60 takeoffs and landings were actually served per hour. But the expected increase in the number of VPOs in connection with the reception of teams and fans, which will peak in mid-July, will be less than the annual increase in the number of VPOs in late August and early September, when holidaymakers return en masse from their holiday destinations.

However, the commissioning of runway-3 is much more important not to ensure the transportation program during the World Cup in the summer of 2018, but to close one of the existing runways for repairs (we are talking about runway-1, the closest to the southern zone of Sheremetyevo). AviaPort's sources find it difficult to name the repair time: according to them, with various restrictions, the runway can be in operation until the first half of 2019. The closure of runway-1 will significantly affect the throughput of Sheremetyevo, the interlocutors fear, including because of the remoteness of runway-3 from the main aircraft parking areas, but so far they have not given specific estimates.

However, in 2018, runway-3 should not only be completed, but also put into operation, according to an industry source. He noted that at a recent meeting in the Ministry of Transport, responsible persons were promised serious personnel withdrawals if this deadline could not be met.


Official name project:

“Development of the Moscow Aviation Hub. Construction of a complex of a new runway (RWY-3) of Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow Region»

Objective of the project:

Project for the object “Development of the Moscow Aviation Hub. The construction of a complex of a new runway (RWY-3) of Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow Region" is being implemented on the basis of the subprogram "Development of the export of transport services" of the Federal Target Programs "Modernization transport system Russia (2002-2010)" and "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2020)" and in accordance with Order of the President of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2007 No. Pr 2134 GS, Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2008 No. 2058- r and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10/12/2010 and 12/21/2010 No. 1076.

ICAO object classification:

  • along the runway-3 - 4F (3200 m);
  • the width of the runway-3 - 4E (60 m).

  • The length of the runway is limited by the reserved land allotment.

    Runway-3 has dimensions of 3200x60 m, which will allow landing of all types of aircraft and take-off of 80% of the aircraft fleet, both Russian and foreign.

    Project financing:

    The reconstruction of the airfield infrastructure of Sheremetyevo Airport is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

    State customer:



    Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Administration of Civil Airports (Airfields)"

    General designer:

    FSUE GPI and NII GA "Aeroproject"

    General contractor:

    Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC

    Project completion date:

    The project provides for the following types of work:
    1. Provided by the project within the 1st stage:

  • artificial runway 3200x60 m, with GVA;
  • meteorological equipment, SSO according to ICAO category III;
  • network of taxiways RD-E, RD-E3, RD-E5;
  • complex command and control center combined with ACC sector "West", ACC sector "East";
  • treatment facilities LOS 300 - 2 complexes, with a capacity of 300 m3/hour;
  • culverts of the river. Klyazma (540 m), r. Alba (520 m),
    manual Keys (1960 m/p);
  • patrol road (14.6 km);
  • perimeter fencing with technical security equipment (12.5 km).

  • 2. Provided by the project within the 2nd stage:
  • RD-E PK0 - PK18+30;
  • POL sites "East", "West";
  • connecting RD-E1, RDE-2, RDE-4 with VDS and SSO systems.

  • Project Features:

    Sheremetyevo Airport is one of the airports that hosted participants and guests of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

    As part of the implementation of the project for the construction of runway-3 at Sheremetyevo Airport, an atypical architectural solution for Russia is planned - a bridge designed for aircraft traffic will be built at the intersection of the existing Sheremetyevo highway with a taxiway. The width of the bridge structure, in accordance with the recommendations of the International Organization civil aviation, will be equal to 60 m. Above the section of the bridge crossing with the Sheremetyevskoye Highway, a protective screen 15 m wide on each side is provided. According to the project, the bridge structure will be able to withstand all types of modern and advanced aircraft and their modifications.

    The new runway-3 of Sheremetyevo Airport can become such for pilots from all over the world and for local residents.

    In our country, it seems, there is not a single project that a nasty little official could not mess up. The one that, in general, does not decide anything and, in essence, is not responsible for anything. But his slurred behavior is quite capable of bringing everything to a grand scandal. So, in the very near future, Russia may, with the merits of just such bureaucrats who are not involved in anything, also rake up an international scandal - a new runway (runway) at Sheremetyevo Airport threatens to violate all conceivable human norms. After all, it can literally go over the heads of the people living now in the immediate vicinity of it.

    As you know, the new runway should be built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. It is in some way unique, because with a width of 60 meters and a length of 3200 it will be able to receive all types of aircraft. In order to deliver planes there, even a special overpass (the so-called taxiing) will be built over the Sheremetyevsky highway. Quite a lot of money was allocated for the construction of the Sheremetyevo runway-3 - 35.5 billion rubles. But when did our officials, and even those who manage budget money, fit into the originally pledged cost? So, at the beginning of 2017, the Federal Air Transport Agency, which is the customer for the construction of the runway, in fact, requested another 20 billion rubles. The justification for this was inflation, due to which a number of works became much more expensive. One must think that until October 2017, when the strip should work in test mode, it will turn out more than once that there is not enough money.

    The strip passes close to some houses, about the redemption and resettlement of people from which the officials, apparently, preferred to forget. Of this amount, 2.698 billion rubles were pledged for the purchase of houses, buildings and structures that fall within the RWY-3 construction zone. This was determined back in 2011 in the construction project. Judging by the action plan for the construction of the runway, the withdrawal of the residential area from the construction zone should have been carried out as early as 2014-2015. 135 owners of land plots fell under this. And the financing of this should be carried out within the framework of the project for the construction of the complex. In total, more than 500 hectares have been allocated for the construction site. So, at the very first stage, 260 buildings and structures located in three villages - Parshino, Perepechino and Dubrovka, were to be demolished.

    Residents have been given adequate compensation. In fact, these three villages should have been bought out and settled completely a long time ago. In addition, it was necessary to move the high-pressure gas pipeline, as well as three lines of the pipeline that provide fuel to the airport falling into the same zone. Well, not to mention such "little things" like the road to the cemetery.

    Needless to say, all this has apparently not been done so far, and the inhabitants of the three villages are still “sitting on their suitcases”, waiting for their fate to be decided? It looks like they are simply being told that there was no provision for the purchase of their houses, but the demolition is provided for, and this was supposedly money for the demolition. It turns out that the project was determined by the almost illegal seizure of private property and throwing people out of their homes?

    "Here it will pass runway- showed me one of the local residents. He refused to give his name in the newspaper, since, apparently, he is still “butting” with the Federal Air Transport Agency and its subsidiary FSUE AGAa - the administration of civil airports and (airfields). - And here to continue. Just across my house. And surprisingly, today they offer me exactly 2 times less money to buy him out than in 2012. Is this their inflation? Here's what you can find out if you trust the story of my interlocutor.

    guerrilla war

    Here, watch your hands. It seems that one of the main arguments for lowering the price of redeemed houses for the Federal Air Transport Agency is the fall in their market value. Of course. How much will your house cost, next to which such a grandiose construction has been underway for several years? Once blessed quiet places near the Klyazma River, where the herons nested, have already been torn to the ground, the entire forest - and this is about 500 hectares from the Sheremetyevskoye Highway to Lobnya and Black Dirt - has been cut down, and the landscape around now stretches quite apocalyptic. Periodically, electricity is cut off when cables get in the way of construction equipment. The access roads to the houses were mutilated and blocked. The hum and roar is worth the whole day. That is, the officials of these glorious departments took the path of a well-established guerrilla war, hoping to simply smoke the inhabitants out of their homes. Or perhaps they will go somewhere on their own?

    The local population, falling "under the distribution" of such projects, is usually considered to be unreasonable and hindering progress. They say they don't want to leave. In the situation with Perepechino, Parshino and Dubrovka, exactly the opposite is true. “Yes, buy it from us at last at home! - the residents are begging the officials. “I’m tired of living in this hell already!” “But there is no money – this is how the officials object. “Wait until the strip is put into operation.” So far, only a few residents have received compensation, against whose fences this strip has literally come up against. And it seems to me that the customers who ordered the construction of the strip do not notice point-blank. Where did the residents of the ill-fated villages go! To the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Regional Ministry of Transport, Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region, the FAU Glavgosexpertiza, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Governor and Vice-Governors of the Moscow Region, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Central Administration of Rostekhnadzor, the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region, the Moscow Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office and other environmental enterprises and supervisory agencies . Residents even initiated a comprehensive review of the construction of runway-3 by several oversight agencies. In the course of it, violations of the design documentation and the legislation of the Russian Federation during the construction of runway-3 were revealed, which formed the basis of a number of lawsuits.

    Even the Prosecutor General's Office established back in 2016 that the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Administration of Civil Airports (Airfields)" during the construction of the complex of the new runway-3 international airport Sheremetyevo in violation of Art. 52.53 Town-planning complex Russian Federation failed to comply with the requirements of the project documentation on the removal of existing engineering networks and communications from the construction zone, as well as the dismantling of buildings and structures in residential areas adjacent to the construction of villages. And in the conclusion of Rostekhnadzor, it is generally stated directly that “the project documentation of the facility provides for a set of preparatory works, including: deforestation, dismantling of existing coatings, removal of engineering networks and communications from the construction zone, reconstruction of rivers, dismantling of buildings and structures in residential areas ( according to section 6 of the project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction objects 0301-POD, all buildings and all structures of the village of Perepechino and the village of Dubrovka are subject to demolition), fencing of the construction site for the entire period of construction. The project documentation determines that these activities must be carried out before the start of the first and second stage works.

    Sloppiness or sabotage?

    But things are still there. It seems that even at public hearings, the officials of the Federal Air Transport Agency stubbornly refused to answer the question of when the houses would be bought out. Is this the sloppiness of the officials of the Federal Air Transport Agency or outright sabotage aimed at undermining the country's prestige due to non-compliance with its obligations to FIFA for the 2018 World Cup?! And how will the safety of aircraft near residential buildings be ensured? If, for example, the residents turn on the park lights, the spotlights and planes will orient themselves towards them instead of the runway lights and land in… well, let's say, in the garden or on the driveway.

    But even without mentioning all this, it seems to me, a frank disregard for project documentation and direct instructions from all supervisory structures to eliminate disgrace, what will the residential villages on the runway look like during the World Cup? It will be even cooler than the airport on the island of St. Maarten, where small planes take off right above the beach. There, at least people have somewhere to run, if that. Immediately, the strip passes close to some houses, the officials, apparently, preferred to forget about the ransom and resettlement of people from which. Which pilot has the guts to take off and land over people's heads? And what kind of championship is this, for the sake of holding which the authorities are ready to risk the health and well-being of their population? After all, the runway is not only hellish noise and harmful emissions, for example, benzopyrene, which openly provokes oncology. Not to mention the mass of other unpleasant consequences for people's lives from the neighborhood with taking off planes.

    Even the same navigation system is the most harmful radiation. By the way, the location of the lane itself among the houses is also extremely dangerous - with any side wind, the point of no return, after which there is no longer any possibility for a U-turn, will be especially close. All this is unlikely to be missed by our ideological "well-wishers" in the West. And therefore, be prepared, if not for the very disruption of the championship, then for a major political scandal.

    Runway airport "Sheremetyevo"

    © Mikhail Vakhneev, AVIA.RU

    New lanes at Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo have been under construction since 2011 and 2014, respectively, and were supposed to be commissioned in 2017 and 2016. Both sites are included in the preparation program for the 2018 World Cup, which will be held in Russia from June 14 to July 15.

    Runway-3 Sheremetyevo is the most expensive object of the program, it will cost 55.7 billion rubles, another 8.4 billion rubles. will be required for redemption from residents of land under the sanitary protection zone of the strip. At the beginning of March, runway-3 itself was only 55% ready, the readiness of three taxiways ranged from 39% to 90%. An analysis of the situation indicates the impossibility of completing the work within the time frame set by the 2018 World Cup program, that is, in May, the report notes.

    The reasons for the delay, listed in the report, are as follows: the long settlement of issues related to the transfer of the gas pipeline and oil product pipeline and the registration of plots, courts with residents on the purchase of land for construction, complex geological structure terrain. In addition, the finished strip will have to be checked and certified by Rostekhnadzor, so the actual time for its commissioning is September 2018. At the same time, a year ago, the Federal Air Transport Agency decided that runway-3 would be launched for the 2018 World Cup in a truncated form, without one main and three additional taxiways, which will be completed later - in 2018-2020.

    The top manager of the airport said that it would be a great success if they manage to launch Runway-3 by the end of the year. According to him, a month before the 2018 World Cup, in mid-May, all construction projects will have to be curtailed at the request of the FSB - the facilities will begin to prepare for the reception of the championship guests and check security.

    Alexander Ponomarenko, Chairman of Sheremetyevo's board of directors, told Vedomosti that it is critically important for the airport that runway-3 be launched this year so that the airport can stop operating the badly worn runway-1 and start repairing it.

    The cost of building runway-2 at Domodedovo is 12.85 billion rubles. The airport still has two lanes - the one under construction will replace one of the working ones, which will become a taxiway. Runway-2 is 80% ready, but the contractor has no funds for the work, the Federal Air Transport Agency reported. In 2016, the Construction Department - 1 was declared bankrupt, it is difficult for it to attract working capital, receive advances from the Federal Air Transport Agency, a federal official explained to the newspaper. At the same time, it is impossible to find a new contractor at such a high degree of readiness.

    The federal official noted that airports will be able to receive World Cup guests without these bands, and the facilities have been included in the preparation program to ensure uninterrupted funding. Although it was secured, the contractors had problems.

    "Let everyone die!"

    “At first, all the nature around was exterminated, the forest was cut down, the river was defiled, and now they have begun to deal with people - we are being squeezed out of the world,” residents of three villages near Moscow - Dubrovka, Perepechino and Parshino - are indignant.

    These settlements located in the rural settlement of Lunevskoye Solnechnogorsk district Moscow Region, were on the way of the new runway of Sheremetyevo Airport (RWY-3). But the state customer and developer - the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Administration of Civil Airports (Airfields)" (FSUE "AGAA") - did not fool themselves with the resettlement of families living in these villages, and began large-scale construction, believing , apparently, that whoever does not like it - he himself will drop everything and leave. Although the VPP-3 project provides for the complete demolition of the villages of Dubrovka, Perepechino and Parshino at the stage of preparing the territory for construction.

    The current scenery in the runway 3 construction area is perfect for location filming of a Hollywood blockbuster about the end of the world or the third world war. But life in such conditions is a living hell! In rainy weather, there is impassable mud, and in dry weather, dust storms cover the entire district. And this is far from the worst of the problems that local residents have to face on a daily basis.

    Builders, apparently, are far behind schedule, so work is going on around the clock. Day and night, machinery rumbles, the engines of huge mining dump trucks, graders, and excavators roar. All living things for many kilometers around are trying to leave the zone of ecological disaster. Previously, all kinds of animals were found in the neighboring forest - foxes, hares, wolves and even big game - elks, wild boars. Now even the frogs and field mice are hiding. But the builders dug up an old landfill on their way, some old-timers generally claim that there was once a cattle burial ground there - in the 50s, many livestock died from anthrax in this area. As a result of these excavations, a terrible stench covered the area and hordes of rats attacked.

    Every day, electricity disappears - most often, construction equipment interrupts the cable that carries electricity to private homes. But more serious accidents happen. For example, recently the rains washed away the grandiose embankment, which was erected under the taxiway, the ground floated, dragging the power line pylons with it. Another time, an excavator hit a gas pipe with a bucket. There is nothing to say about water: local wells and wells have dried up long ago, although how can one live without water?

    Survival game

    During your time at MK, you become a cynic. As a rule, people turn to the newspaper not from a good life. And gradually you begin to get used to human pain, to the fact that the world is unfair and cruel. But there are stories that shock even our hardened journalistic souls with their cynicism and cruelty. The tragedy of the inhabitants of the villages near Moscow Dubrovka, Perepechino and Parshino is just the same case.

    Since the construction of runway-3 began here, several people have already been buried. Among the diagnoses are heart attacks, strokes, cancer. But the surviving neighbors say: "This is their third runway moved!"

    And it’s hard to disagree with this: after all, it is known that all diseases are from nerves, and the level of stress experienced by people whose habitual comfortable world collapses, exceeds all permissible norms.

    Vyacheslav Vasilievich and Antonina Pavlovna began building a house in Dubrovki in 1989. Gradually, the city apartment in Khimki faded into the background, the family invested every ruble in the dacha.

    “You remember what the times were - no building materials. Everyone got it through an acquaintance, they were happy with every brick they got, - recalls the head of the family. But what a beauty it was! Near Klyazma, I had time to swim before work, and after ... There were fish in the river, in the forest - full of mushrooms, berries. An ideal place to relax and calm, the children played where they wanted, not like now.”

    The house of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich seems to be really located next to the river, but it is hard to believe in it. The fact is that the builders of runway-3 decided to straighten the channel, and as a result, the water level dropped sharply, a swamp formed. And although there is a water intake unit nearby - which means that all this is a sanitary water protection zone - according to the project, it is here that they are going to allocate a place for de-icing treatment of aircraft. And it seems that no one, except for residents, is embarrassed that the reagents that are usually used for these purposes are dangerous to human health - their entry into drinking water sources can lead to ecological disaster the entire metropolitan area.

    There is no need to talk about peace and quiet. Residents have long forgotten about these simple village joys. They have here, as in bermuda triangle something is always happening. Then living creatures disappear without a trace - for example, builders regularly steal geese, chickens and even goats from a local farmer. And then, on the contrary, the corpses are thrown up.

    “Now we are not only afraid to let our children out of the house, we ourselves do not go out at night without means of self-defense,” people say. - Among the hard workers drunkenness and stabbing - a common thing. As soon as the shift ends, they crowd into a nearby store, where they sell beer and what is stronger, despite all our protests. And in those houses that have already been evicted, homeless people and drug addicts have settled. They build fires there and burn the windings of cables, so that they can then be sold as scrap metal. We have already had several large fires, the whole village almost burned down.”

    "Unique" project

    As planned by the designers of Runway-3, this is a unique project. The runway will be 3200 m long and 60 m wide. Therefore, all types of aircraft, including medium and long-haul aircraft, will be able to take off and land there. True, the new lane is far from the already existing Sheremetyevo terminals, in addition, they are separated by the Sheremetyevo highway. So deliver aircraft on runway-3 there will be a taxiway that will pass over the highway along a special overpass. There are overpasses for trains and steamships in the capital, but not yet for airplanes - in this respect, the project is, of course, unique.

    An area of ​​more than 500 hectares has been allotted for a new complex of airfield infrastructure (passenger air terminal, fuel filling complex, de-icing treatment site and other airfield services). More recently, a centuries-old forest grew here. They say that it was thanks to him that during the German offensive near Moscow, the inhabitants of the village of Perepechino managed to avoid meeting with the Nazi invaders, they simply did not find them.

    The trees have already been destroyed, but the villages still stand. Although, according to the construction plan, planes should take off and land in test mode here already in October 2017. And this means that, according to the WFP-3 project, there should not be any housing by this time. The village of Dubrovki closely adjoins the construction zone, some of the houses were bought out and even demolished, but this happens only when the equipment literally rests on one or another site. Living in anticipation of a bulldozer crushing your house and garden is a cruel test. For example, farmer Dmitry Skibo with his goats and geese lived for three years right along the runway - surrounded by heavy construction equipment, without water, without a road. A few days ago, his house was still bought. Because the strip has literally rested against the fence.

    But the rest of the inhabitants of Dubrovka continue to wait for their fate. In general, they want to cut off several meters from some sections, and then live as you want.

    “We were told that we needed to move the gate a few meters,” says Natalya Konstantinovna and shows where the taxiway will run through her garden. - What about the garage? Should he be moved too? He's in front of the gate. And how are we supposed to live side by side with taxiing?”

    “How do they imagine it,” the residents of another village, Perepechino, are perplexed. - Why do we need to squat every time for fear when liners fly by dozens of meters above our heads? And what if some pilot makes a mistake and the plane hits the house with its wing?!”

    If in the village of Dubrovka at least a few families have already been able to receive compensation for their houses and plots, then the owner of the construction of VPP-3, as they say, literally does not notice the people of Perepechinsky. The strip rests on the village, and aircraft of all calibers and sizes will take off and land just above it. That's for sure - a unique project! It is unlikely that you will find this in any other country in the world.

    There is no money, but you hold on!

    Usually, when it comes to the seizure of private land for some state project, officials complain that construction is slowed down due to intractable residents who have been suing for their property for many years, trying to get it from the state more money. But here the situation is quite different.

    Neither the customer nor the developer of VVP-3 care about local residents at all. They think it's none of their business. They are builders, but when the new airport complex is put into operation, then let Sheremetyevo think about where and at whose expense to resettle people. And it seems that aviation officials do not care about the moral or legal aspects of this problem.

    “At first we were told that there would be warehouses, some kind of airport infrastructure. No matter how many times we asked the head of our Lunevsky village council, Nadezhda Tyurina, she each time claimed that she knew no more than we do, and then it turned out that it was her signature that was on the permit documentation for the construction of runway-3, - say members of the initiative group of residents of the village of Perepechino. - Since 2008, as soon as it became known that a new runway would be built here, we have been sitting on suitcases. Some houses are unfinished, others are dilapidated, falling apart, but they don’t break us, and don’t let us live normally!

    Indeed, the authorities for a long time concealed the very fact of the construction of runway-3. The fact is that the expediency of the project itself was disputed by experts for a very long time. For example, some of them believe that Sheremetyevo's passenger traffic could have been significantly increased without a new runway, just by upgrading two old runways. But as soon as it became known that the 2018 FIFA World Cup would be held in Russia, the WFP-3 project received the green light and budget funding.

    However, even at public hearings held in 2012, representatives of the Federal Air Transport Agency refused to answer the main questions that worried people: when will their houses be demolished and how much will they be paid for it? And when the fat times ended and the crisis broke out, they stopped talking about it at all. Officials have one answer to everything: there is no money, inflation, wait until the strip is put into operation.

    “They said that the project did not include money at all for the purchase of our property,” says Olga Vsevolodovna, a member of the initiative group. - Then, in 2013, all sites and buildings were evaluated and even the amount is known - 1.3 billion rubles. So where did the money go then for the seizure of the remaining households in Dubrovki, Perepechino and Parshino?

    The struggle of the inhabitants of Dubrovka, Perepechin and Parshin with the Federal Air Transport Agency and its subsidiary FSUE "AGAA" has been going on for more than 6 years. During this time they have achieved a lot. For example, at the initiative of the residents, the Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office and Rostekhnadzor checked how accurately the aviators follow the approved project for the construction of runway-3? And they came to the conclusion that they are doing it very badly. Project documentation and the Law are violated.

    Therefore, the audit materials formed the basis of a number of lawsuits. Last November, the Golovinsky Court of Moscow ruled that 260 buildings and structures located on the territory of the villages of Parshino, Perepechino and Dubrovka, which ended up in the runway-3 construction zone, should be demolished, and their owners should be compensated for the costs. This is exactly what the FAA Glavgosexpertiza agreed on in the runway-3 construction project back in 2011, but neither one nor the other was carried out. In addition, supervisory authorities have identified other serious violations during construction. For example, the developer did not move the high-pressure gas pipeline, there are no three lines of the pipeline that supplies fuel to the airport. new road at the Perepechinsky cemetery. All of these objects also ended up in the way of the runway. And FSUE “AGAA”, according to them, in particular, at the meeting of the Golovinsky Court in Moscow, has no money to solve these problems.

    According to experts, runway-3 from the very beginning was the most expensive airfield project of the 2018 World Cup. It was planned to spend 35.55 billion rubles on it. But in February 2017, it became known that another 20 billion was required. The customer, represented by the Federal Air Transport Agency, explained this rise in price by adjusting for inflation, plus they allegedly did not take into account in the initial design documentation the cost of a number of works referred to in the materials of the prosecutor's office.

    But the residents of the villages of Perepechino and Dubrovka, whom the MK correspondents met, have their own version of events. They believe that the money for their resettlement was allocated from the budget immediately, only someone immediately “attached legs” to them.

    “We know for sure that there was money,” says Olga Vsevolodovna. “This follows from the materials of the prosecutor's check and other documents that are at our disposal.”

    Whether this is true or not, law enforcement agencies should find out. And in the story of the resettlement of the villages of Dubrovka, Perepechino and Parshino, it is urgent to put an end to it. People should not live in the airport area - it is very dangerous for their health. For example, benzapyrene, the emissions of which on the territory of the aerodrome exceed the permissible values ​​by several times, belongs to substances of the first hazard class. This carcinogen can lead to cancer even in small doses. About the harm of noise from aircraft flying over the heads of residents, I think, it should not be particularly spread. Even students understand this. Therefore, no arguments and excuses regarding the lack of money needed to resettle the housing stock that has fallen into the construction zone can serve as an excuse.

    The fact that residents of several villages near Moscow still remain on runway-3 is not an ordinary scandal. And, according to Andrey Babushkin, a member of the Human Rights Council, it can hurt the prestige of our country.

    “Certainly, in no case should residents be left in the airport area either for the duration of test flights, or even more so in the future,” he told MK. - On the one hand, people will suffer from excessive sound and harmful emissions, and on the other hand, this is also a serious discomfort for the flight crew. It's one thing when a pilot takes off and lands over the forest - this is one psychological burden. And it’s a completely different thing when he sees that under him, 100–150 meters away, children are running and playing football. Such a maneuver requires a very high psychological stability. Not everyone can land planes literally over the fence from a children's or sports ground. It should be borne in mind that during the World Cup thousands of pilots will fly to Sheremetyevo, and along with aces who have thousands of flying hours behind them, there may be quite green youngsters from regional companies.

    In general, I get the impression that representatives of the Federal Air Transport Agency are going to disrupt the World Cup, accompanying it with a powerful international scandal, which will become a serious informational occasion for our ideological opponents. Any major international event that comes to another country is not only a joy for guests, but also a certain burden for residents. This happens in every country in the world. And here it is very important to maintain a balance of interests.

    Because international organizations will first of all ask if they have suffered locals during the World Cup. This question will certainly be raised before Russia. And if on the eve of the championship it turns out that about a hundred families live near the runway of the international airport, from which many of them are doomed to die of cancer within 4-5 years, then, naturally, this will not bring any joy to our country, nor an international football organization.

    This conflict, in addition to the moral and legal aspects, can have a serious political aspect. But this cannot be allowed. It seems to me that the prosecutor's office should say its weighty word here and find out where the money allocated for the resettlement of residents went and what they spent it on.

    And to us, the journalists of MK, it seems no less important not so much how our state will look in the eyes of the foreign public, but in the eyes of its own citizens. The Federal Air Transport Agency is just a cog in the complex mechanism of the bureaucratic machine, which, instead of protecting the interests of people, is trying with all its might to subdue them.

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