What is the most popular city. Cities where tourists leave the most money

Every year it becomes easier and easier for people to decide on the city and country where they can spend their holidays. Borders are opening, visa processing is simplified to the maximum. According to country attendance statistics, people from all over the world are getting closer and friendlier to each other. Over the past 50 years, dramatic improvements in the tourism industry have been noticeable. In some cities, the number of visitors is not in the tens or hundreds, but in seven-digit numbers.

The British company annually conducts research and publishes a list of cities that are most in demand among tourists. So, let's get acquainted with the most visited cities on the planet.

London, Great Britain

Being the most visited European capital, London annually receives 18.8 million tourists who come here in the hope of discovering the secrets of the largest and noteworthy city of Foggy Albion.

Curious travelers return to London year after year, even though there seem to be so many others in the world. interesting places. The flow of tourists increased by 3 percent compared to the previous year.

The famous clock on the Parliament Tower (Big Ben), the huge Ferris wheel "Eye of London", the Thames River, the largest in the UK, a fascinating exposition of wax figures in Madame Tussauds, unique cultural and historical monuments attract tourists to European capital on the basis of a magnet.

Bangkok, Thailand

beyond the capital and largest city Thailand has secured an honorable second place among the cities leading in the tourism industry. More than 9 million people live in Bangkok, plus over 18.2 million tourists come to admire this pearl of the East every year.

Someone will fall in love with the unique city of Bangkok from the first minutes of being in it, and someone, on the contrary, will hate it. From huge high-rise buildings, business centers and unbearable heat, many visitors begin to feel dizzy. The attention of tourists is riveted to the delightful Buddhist temples, numerous statues of Buddha and Naga and other works of art, including the work of wood carvers.

Is it worth saying something about the main attractions of the city, even if official name The city is listed in the Book of World Records as the longest city name, and it consists of 30 words.

Paris, France

About 16 million tourists come to the French capital every year. historical architectural monuments stretched from the center to the west of the city, starting with the world-famous Louvre and ending with the Arc de Triomphe, located in the center of the Star Square. Moving along the historical axis of the monuments, tourists will be able to visit one of the boutiques or shops along the way and dine in one of the restaurants or cafes. In the same area is located the largest in Europe business center "Big Arch Defense".

To admire eiffel tower and will have to cross to the left bank of one of the great rivers of France, the Seine. The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889, is still considered the symbol of France. The height of this building reaches 320 meters, from the observation platforms, where many visitors strive to climb, an amazing view of the city opens up. On the same bank of the river are the Pantheon, Palace of Chaillot on Trocadero Square, as well as the ancient university of France - the Sorbonne.

Paris is rich in sights, which include not only architectural structures, but also streets, squares, bridges. Not a single avid sightseeing lover can visit everything at once, because there are about 160 museums and 200 art galleries in the city, and I would also like to look into local theaters, cinemas and restaurants.

Dubai, UAE

Futuristic metropolis located on the coast Persian Gulf, annually visited by 14.2 million tourists. Thousands of people dream of admiring the “Arab miracle in the sands”, although not many can afford to see this miracle of the world with their own eyes and enjoy a wonderful vacation. There is no other city in the world with as many unique buildings as Dubai. Let's get acquainted with the main ones.

The 828-meter Burj Khalifa is a small city that has parks, hotels, housing estates, shops, swimming pools and restaurants. This building is considered the tallest in the world.

Dubai is famous for the famous man-made island called Palm Jumeirah. Its outline actually resembles a palm tree, which consists of a main stem and 16 leaves. There are hotels, villas and shops all over the island.

Dubai is home to the world's only 7-star Burj Al Arab hotel. The building, which looks like a sailboat, is located on artificial island 280 meters from the coast. The hotel, 321 meters high, has only 202 rooms.

An indoor ski resort has been built in Dubai - this is a real fairy tale of the Arabian Peninsula. Just imagine after the rays scorching sun suddenly get caught in the snow and ski down a 400-meter downhill.

Istanbul, Türkiye

Istanbul receives 12.5 million visitors annually. Over the past decade, Istanbul has developed by leaps and bounds. Today it is one of the most cultural capitals in Europe.

Many call Istanbul a city of contrasts because of the neighborhood of European bars and clubs, universities and theaters with constant prayers and colorful bazaars. To this day, the city has preserved the amazing beauty of the Sultan's palaces, historical buildings and temples, but tourists are more impressed by two monuments of architecture and religion, located in the busiest part of Istanbul, in the Sultanahmet district, this is the Blue Mosque and St. Sophia Cathedral.

The main symbol of the city is St. Sophia Cathedral, once the main church of the Christians. Today, the Hagia Sophia works as a museum. But opposite is the Blue Mosque, one of the most beautiful architectural examples of Islam.

Having become acquainted with the main symbols of the city, you should definitely visit the main palace of the Ottoman Empire (Topkani Palace), the residence of the last sultans of the Ottoman Empire (Dolmabahce Palace), as well as the Galata Tower, one of the largest underground reservoirs that has survived to this day (Basilica Cistern).

most visited cities in the world in 2017 you can see,

In 2015, London was recognized as the most popular city among tourists for the second year in a row. The UK capital is expected to receive 18.8 million tourists in 2015 and again outstrip Bangkok. The two cities have been competing for the top spot for the past five years. This is stated in the report of the international company Master Card, which makes the annual rating of the most popular tourist destinations Global Destinations Cities.

In total, the ranking includes 132 megacities of the world. It is noteworthy that this year London will become the first not only in the list of the most visited of them, but also the first in terms of funds spent by tourists - guests will leave at least $ 20 billion in the British capital.

In 2014, according to the UK Office for National Statistics, 17.4 million tourists visited London. Studies show that tourists go to London mainly for the sake of seeing historical sights and cultural events.

Bangkok is expected to visit 18.4 million people this year. The authors of the study note that the Thai capital lost its first place in the ranking in 2013, mainly due to political instability. However, this year Bangkok is showing signs of regaining lost positions and closing the "gap" with the leader.

on the fourth Dubai - 14 million guests.

Istanbul has become the fifth most popular destination with up to 12.3 million visitors.

Sixth in the Top 10 was New York - forecast for 12.3 million tourists.

Singapore ranked seventh with 11.9 million.

In eighth place is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (11.1 million guests).

On the 9th line is Seoul - expectations for 2015 were at least 10.4 million tourists, however, it is possible that due to the outbreak of MERS, the capital of South Korea will miss a significant number of foreign visitors.

Closes the top ten best hong kong: 8.6 million guests are waiting in this city.

It is noteworthy that five of the top 10 destinations are in Asia: Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul and Hong Kong. As noted in the study, this representation of the Asia-Pacific region is not accidental: the diverse and vibrant tourism sector of these countries has been steadily providing an influx of tourists over the past 10 years.

The top twenty leaders include such popular among tourists European cities like Barcelona (12th), Amsterdam (13th), Rome (14th), Milan (15th on the list), Vienna (18th) and Prague (19th) .

The rating of city destinations where tourists spend the most money came out somewhat different. Following London, New York is ranked second in visitor spending ($17.4 billion). Third on the list is Paris ($16.6 billion). The fourth is Seoul - 15.2 billion. Singapore closes the top five in tourist spending with 14.7 billion dollars.

The sixth largest city in terms of money spent by guests is Barcelona ($13.8 billion), followed by Bangkok ($12.3 billion). Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, ranks eighth with $12 billion and Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, ninth with $11.7 billion. Istanbul closes the rating of the most “expensive” cities for tourists in the world, here tourists are expected to leave 9.4 billion dollars this year.

The list of cities that show the best dynamics of the arrival of foreign visitors over the past 6 years is quite interesting. Of the ten cities on this list, seven metropolitan areas, again, are in Asia.

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, ranks third in terms of growth (20.4%), while Riyadh ( Saudi Arabia) came in fifth (18%). Japan's Osaka is in 4th place with an increase of 19.8%. On the sixth line - the city of Xi, China (16.2%), the seventh was Taipei, Taiwan (14.9%). The capital of Japan, Tokyo - in 8th place (14.6%). Lima, the capital of Peru, ninth (13.9%), at the same time the city also topped the regional top of the most dynamic tourist city destinations in South America. Closes the top ten Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (12.9%).

An experienced traveler tries to choose an interesting and original place for each new trip, but everyone was once a beginner. When I first started traveling, like most ordinary tourists, I first of all visited those countries that I heard and knew the most about. So what are the most visited countries today? Where are the crowds of tourists?

No. 10. Mexico - 29.1 million visitors per year

Mexico is the 10th most visited country in the world. In the ranking of countries on the continent of America, Mexico ranks second in terms of attendance after the United States, even ahead of Canada! The number of visitors to Mexico in a year is greater than the number of visitors in all Caribbean(22.8 million people per year). The most visited region in Mexico is the Yucatan Peninsula. People come here for the magnificent beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, lush rainforests and bustling nightlife.

No. 9. Russia - 29.8 million visitors per year

IN last years Russia is in the top 10 most visited countries in the world, only slightly behind the UK. There are 26 sites in Russia that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Lake Baikal, the volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, the Black Sea coast, the snowy mountains of Altai are just a few of the thousands famous places for visiting.

Russia is rich not only natural objects but also cultural attractions. Main cultural centers- Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Novgorod, Kazan, etc. - are famous for their numerous churches, museums, historical buildings, theaters, palaces, fortifications and other objects with a rich centuries-old history.
The popularity of Russia as a country to visit is growing every year. About a million people in Russian Federation work in the tourism sector.

No. 8. United Kingdom - 32.6 million visitors per year

The tourism business annually brings $ 17.2 billion to the state treasury. Most of the UK tourists are Europeans, the second largest group of tourists comes to the UK from the USA and Canada. London is the most visited city in the United Kingdom and the Tower is the most visited place.

No. 7. Germany - 33.0 million visitors per year

Germany is considered one of the safest tourist countries in the world. Tourism is developed in Germany both for its own citizens and for foreign ones. According to statistics, 30% of Germans prefer to rest within the country.

In Germany, 2 million people work in the tourism sector, and the share of tourism in the country's GDP is 4.5%. Cultural tourist centers Germany is Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, they are also the most visited cities in the country. Of the natural attractions in Germany, the most famous are: national park Saxon Switzerland, Western Pomeranian Lagoons National Park, Jasmund National Park. These parks are visited by millions of tourists every year.

No. 6. Türkiye - 39.8 million visitors per year

Türkiye is in 6th place in terms of attendance. This country is known for its rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity. In Turkey a large number of historical, cultural and archaeological monuments, and in addition to this charming seaside resorts on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Istanbul is the most visited city in Turkey.

In 2015, the tourism industry in Turkey suffered losses due to a number of accidents related to the activities of terrorist groups. Türkiye has lost a third of the entire flow of tourists.

No. 5. Italy - 48.6 million visitors per year

Visiting Italy is a dream of many people. 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, countless cultural artifacts, archaeological sites from the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, mediterranean coast and much more! Italy rightfully occupies the 5th place in terms of attendance.

The most visited cities in Italy: Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan. 48.6 million tourists a year bring huge funds to the country's treasury.

No. 4. China - 55.6 million visitors per year

Great Chinese Wall, sacred mountains China, Shaolin Monastery, Huangguoshu Waterfall, Forbidden City, Three Gorges Power Plant and many other attractions make China one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. According to the World Trade Organization, by 2020, China will take the first place in the world among the countries in terms of attendance.

No. 3. Spain - 65.0 million visitors per year

Tourism is the main industry in Spain. The share of tourism is 11% of the country's GDP. People go to Spain to visit Barcelona and Madrid, resorts mediterranean sea, participate in Carnivals and Ensierro (Spanish national custom, which consists in running away from bulls, cows or calves specially released from the paddock).

15 national parks attract nature lovers. Spain is also famous for its ski resorts. 13 Spanish cities are objects World Heritage UNESCO and attract tourists from all over the world.

No. 2. USA - 74.8 million visitors per year

The huge country of the USA can surprise both beginners and experienced travelers. In cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, the flow of tourists does not stop all year round. Of the natural attractions of the United States: the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, the wonderful landscapes of Alaska, the beaches of Hawaii and much more. In 29 US states, tourism is the main industry that brings a lot of money to the treasury.

In the United States, the largest flows of tourists come from Mexico, Canada, and the UK. According to statistics, by 2025 the US will earn $2.5 trillion. dollars for tourism.

No. 1. France - 83.7 million visitors per year

For the most part, people are attracted by the local color and special atmosphere, in addition, France is famous for its fine cuisine and wines.

Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world thanks to the Eiffel Tower. In addition to Paris, people go to Lyon, Strasbourg and other cities. France is famous for its great ski resorts, Alpine mountains, beaches, picturesque French villages, beautiful gardens and parks and much more.

Mastercard Corporation has released a rating list (Global Destination Cities Index), which includes the most visited cities around the world. It included 132 settlements. A similar study has been conducted on the number of international overnight visitors for the seventh year already, and based on its results, one can safely predict which countries in 2016 tourists will want to see in the first place.

Most visited cities in the world

The Czech Republic is in 20th place. Its capital Prague will want to see 5.81 million tourists.

Shanghai (China) will be of interest to at least 6.12 million people (19th place).

And the city of Osaka in Japan (it is 17th) will receive 7.02 million tourists.

Rome (Italy) - a place of pilgrimage for 7,120,000 people (16th position).

7.5 million guests will come to Taipei (Taiwan) (15th position in the ranking).

Milan in Italy will receive 7,650,000 visitors and is 14th.

Amsterdam in the Netherlands will be visited by 8 million guests and this is the 13th place.

And Barcelona in Italy will attract 8,200,000 people (12).

Eleventh - Hong Kong (China), which will take 8.37 million tourists.

Who is in the top ten winners

10th - Seoul South Korea. It will be of interest to 10,200,000 visitors.

Tokyo (Japan) will host 11,700,000 people (9).

Türkiye is very popular among tourists. Its capital Istanbul will be visited by 11.95 million tourists (8th place).

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) will take 12.02 million people and take the 7th position.

12.75 million people will visit New York (USA), providing it with the 5th place in the ranking.

And Dubai in the UAE, standing at 4 positions, will attract 15.27 million tourists.

Paris (France) enjoys constant popularity. It is in third place with 18.03 million visitors.

London (England) comes second with 19,880,000 tourists.

How accurate these numbers are, only time will tell. In the meantime beautiful cities world are waiting for their visitors.

Import substitution on the march. Analytical agency Turstat managed to knock out statistics for 2017. Domestic tourism grew by about 5%, both in terms of the number of travelers and the amount of money they spent. And which cities are considered the best in our country now? And most importantly - how well deserved?

You can unmistakably name the first three yourself: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi. Two capitals - two huge magnets for those who want to see Red Square and Nevsky Prospekt at least once.

In Tatarstan, they continue to make candy out of their capital, and their efforts are justified. The gingerbread Kremlin, the magnificent ensemble of the embankment, moderate oriental exoticism - everything is stable in Kazan from year to year.

The top five is closed by another city with the letter K. Remains of medieval German charm, Kant's grave, seaside and herring. - a distant outpost within the European Union, where the air seems to be different. Merchant, unhurried, affordable, cozy and very Russian Nizhny Novgorod- sixth place. Again the Kremlin and entire areas of development of the 19th century.

If there is a paradise in the world, it is Krasnodar region, and in addition to Sochi, the capital of the region was also noted in the ranking. It is not entirely clear why hanging out in if there are both the sea and mountains nearby, but as a transshipment base Krasnodar is very important.

If we carefully look at the rating, we will see that there are capitals, a couple of resorts and - cities where the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg themselves easily reach, at most, in a day. In other words, there are tourists, but they still do not really know their country. Where, Khabarovsk, Tobolsk?

In my personal ranking in the highest places - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Where are they? Not even close. Few people go there, therefore, there are not many hotels there, therefore, not many bookings are made, which are what analysts count when they make up the ratings of tourist attractiveness. And tourists go to places where it is promoted. They said on TV a thousand times - Sochi-Sochi-Sochi, they will go there, and they will not even look into neighboring Gelendzhik.

So I will take part in the PR of my favorite places of the Motherland. Here is my personal rating-2017: a few points on the map where I managed to visit last year.

They, as a rule, never get into any lists, their PR is rudimentary, but there it is as cool as it can be.

And in the plans for 2018 - Vladivostok. I will definitely get there, stay tuned for posts and photos!

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