Dutch Caribbean. Caribbean Netherlands

Caribbean Islands are located in the region caribbean . The Caribbean Sea region is located southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and the North American mainland, east of Central America, north of South America and west of Atlantic Ocean. The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands are considered to be the Lucayan archipelago and not bordering the Caribbean, they are technically part of the West Indies but not the Caribbean. The mainland countries of Belize, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana are often included as Caribbean islands due to their political and cultural ties to the region.


Caribbean countries

Caribbean islands made from 25 independent countries and other territories

  1. Anguilla(Anguilla has been a British Overseas Territory since 1980)
  2. Antigua and Barbuda
  3. Aruba(Aruba is the constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
  4. Bahamas
  5. Barbados
  6. British Virgin Islands (BVI is a British Overseas Territory)
    • Tortola
    • Virgin Gorda
    • Anegada
    • Jost Van Dyke
  7. Caribbean Netherlands also known as the BES Islands are three special municipalities of the Netherlands which are located in the Caribbean Sea. Made up of islands
    • Bonaire
    • Sint Eustatius
    • Saba
  8. Cayman islands(The Cayman Islands has been a British Overseas Territory since 1962)
  9. Cuba
  10. Curacao(Curaçao is the constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
  11. Dominica
  12. Dominican Republic
  13. Grenada
  14. Guadeloupe
  15. Haiti
  16. Jamaica
  17. Martinique(Overseas territory of France since 1946)
  18. Montserrat(Montserrat has been a British Overseas Territory since 1632)
  19. Puerto Rico(Puerto Rico has been a territory of the United States since 1898)
  20. Saint Barthelemy(Saint Barthelemy has been an overseas community of France since 2007, was previously a French colony after 1648, exchanged with Sweden in 1784 and sold back to France in 1878)
  21. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  22. Saint Lucia
  23. Saint Martin(Overseas territory of France)
  24. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  25. Sint Maarten(Sint Maarten is the constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
  26. Trinidad and Tobago
  27. Turks and Caicos Islands(TCI is a British Overseas Territory)
  28. United States Virgin Islands USVI is a territory of the United States of America. Made up of main islands
    • St. Croix
    • Saint John
    • Saint Thomas

Why Caribbean?

History of the Caribbean

Life in the region changed forever when, in October 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on the coast. Bahamas. He also island-hopped and developed the first European settlement on the island, which today is divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Columbus and his fellow conquistadors recognized the riches in the region and saw money when they looked out over the abundant seas and fertile lands. They are exploited Natural resources and the indigenous population, claiming the lands as their own and enslaving the people of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and other islands.

The English followed in the 17th century, claiming St. Kitts, Barbados, Antigua and other lands, and the French soon followed, claiming Guadeloupe and Martinique. The Dutch also wanted part of the Caribbean, the settlements of Saint Martin, Saba and St. Eustatius. For the next two centuries, Europeans fought for control of the islands and ownership changed frequently.

Colonial feuds between European powers created an opportunity for local people to fight for their own independence. Haiti led the way, declaring independence from its colonizers in 1804, and Cuba and the Dominican Republic followed, as well as other smaller islands in the region. Some islands, such as Puerto Rico and Guadeloupe, still maintain strong neo-colonial relationships with their parent nations.

Caribbean culture

The contemporary culture of the Caribbean has been heavily influenced by the culture and traditions of Europe, as well as clues from African culture and others who came to the islands through immigrants. These various waves of migration have created a truly unique combination of cuisine, music, art, customs and traditions in the region.

One of the most recognizable aspects of Caribbean culture is the region's music. Although they have roots in European and African culture, the sounds of reggae, meringue, calypso, rumba and zouk music are distinctly Caribbean. While the Caribbean islands share aspects of a common culture, each nation offers something unique and distinct to the visitor. For stunning scenery and luxury resorts, they head to the Cayman Islands. St. Kitts and Nevis draw with their seclusion and live music festivals, Barbados' unique flair combines horse racing by day and Calypso dancing by night, and the US Virgin Islands draw visitors with their plantation tours and pristine beaches.

Caribbean lifestyle

Nature lovers can explore Botanical Garden underwater limestone caves and offshore reefs of the Bahamas, then play for a moment casino and delve into pirate knowledge without leaving the islands. In St. Lucia they can relax on a secluded beach and then indulge in their adrenaline zip lining through the rainforest or climbing the peaks. These are just some of the many unique experiences visitors have while exploring the island.

Caribbean climate

The sun always shines on the region, and many travelers are attracted to the mild tropical climate when winter hits their countries. Temperatures don't change much throughout the year, with average temps between 75 and 85 degrees F, regardless of the season. The trade winds make the days and nights relatively comfortable, but the humidity can be high all year round. The rainy season comes fall and the hurricane season covers June through November, but satellite forecasts now give much warning so that precautions can be taken during a storm. A truly year round destination, there really is never a bad time to visit the Caribbean.

The pleasant weather is one of the reasons that tourism has become a key industry for the economy of the Caribbean. Every year millions of people come to the islands, but other major industries include textiles, apparel and electronics manufacturing and oil refining and manufacturing.

Caribbean, one of the world's premier tourist destinations

Yet most of the Caribbean is heavily dependent on tourist dollars. Fortunately, there are no signs of a slowdown in the industry. People all over the world dream of spending their days in the shade of palm trees on a sandy beach, sipping tropical concoctions and feasting on the freshest seafood, dancing to the sweet rhythms of steel drum bands at night and getting everything from it. paradise island. The Caribbean offers all this and more, making it one of the world's premier travel destinations for those seeking a true tropical escape.

The island of Curacao, which is part of the group of so-called "ABC-Ilands", is often called "hot Holland". And the peak season in Curacao falls just in the fall.

The Dutch Antilles, including Curaçao, are rightfully considered one of the most picturesque islands in the Caribbean. Almost everyone who has visited these places speaks of some special charm of the islands of the ABC archipelago. Or maybe the magic liquor is to blame?

They say that Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands often visits Curaçao to admire the famous sunset. By the way, according to eyewitnesses, her personal apartments in a local hotel, of course, are not small, but very modest. The owners of the hotel, however, like all the inhabitants of the islands, are very proud of their queen and consider her an extremely "simple" guest.

In fairness, it should be noted that friendly and hospitable locals treat everyone who comes to visit them decisively. "We love to live and love equally," says local "celebrity", taxi-guide Tico. A few years ago, Tiko, not being a professional actor, played one of the roles in a popular Dutch film and ... woke up famous. If you travel with Tico for at least half a day, you will inevitably get the impression that all 160 thousand inhabitants of the island are included in the circle of his friends and acquaintances!

Tourists arriving on the island are usually advised to enjoy the beauties of the archipelago by taking a sea or air walk. It's not worth giving up. Your eyes will see a completely heavenly landscape: a bright blue sea, dazzling white beaches, slightly swaying palm trees, all kinds of exotic plants, including wild pineapples.

The modern Dutch Antilles were discovered by Spanish navigators in 1499, but in 1643 they passed to the Dutch. Based in Amsterdam, the West India Company very quickly appreciated the considerable importance of Curacao in the trade exchange between Europe and South America. In the middle of the 17th century, the island became the main center of the slave trade in the Antilles and remained so until 1863, when human trafficking was banned in the Netherlands. By the way, whole quarters where slaves lived were specially reconstructed on the island. From a historical point of view, this is a completely unique sight.

Back in the 17th century, the colonists who settled here discovered a way to make a special drink, the basis of which was alcohol obtained from the oil of the peel of bitter oranges. Later, cocoa, caramel, etc. were added to this drink. Thus, one of the most popular curacao liqueurs today was born. I must say that the recipe for the world famous liquor is still kept in the deepest secret.

Holidays in Curacao provide an opportunity not only to enjoy the sea and exotic nature, but also to get a lot of pleasure from excursions to the historical areas of the island, among other things, recognized by UNESCO as part of the world cultural heritage. Just wander around the main city of the island - Willemstadt. Oddly enough, Curacao, among other things, has the reputation of a very sophisticated shopping center. So connoisseurs come to "Amsterdam in the Caribbean" not only to relax, but also to get their goods properly. And of course, do not forget about one of the main pleasures - delicious food. In this sense, Curacao is an ideal place for gourmets, especially for lovers of seafood and exotic cuisine.

Located in the Small archipelago Antilles.

Bonaire is located in the southern part of the Lesser Antilles, 80 km from the coast of Venezuela. Sint Eustatius and Saba are located in the north of the archipelago, about 1000 km from Bonaire.

The low island of the southern group of Bonaire (241 m) is the top of the underwater elevation of the continental shelf framing the South American continent.

The islands of the northern group are formed by the tops of ancient underwater volcanoes, they are mostly round in shape and have a rather elevated relief.

vegetable and animal world Bonaire is quite poor. In addition to domestic animals brought by Europeans, only a huge number of lizards and birds can be found here. Small evergreen forests, found here and there along the coasts of the island, are formed by thickets of milkweed, cacti and other thorny shrubs. Around the resort areas, extensive green belts are formed from imported decorative forms of vegetation.

The northern group has a somewhat larger set of representatives of wildlife. On the western slopes mountainous areas rows of palm trees rise, forming real forests in some places. The eastern slopes have retained slightly more natural forms of native vegetation and are mainly occupied by tropical forests, shrublands and relatively small areas of farmland.

Climate in the Caribbean Netherlands

The climate is tropical maritime, trade wind. Most of the year there is warm and comfortable weather with a minimum temperature difference between seasons. average temperature in summer it is about +27 °C (June-September), in winter +25 °C (December-February), while the daily temperature differences are extremely small - the temperature at night rarely drops below +20 °C, even in winter.

The northeast trade winds blowing from the Atlantic Ocean bring frequent and powerful rains. The average annual precipitation in Bonaire is 550 mm (65% of the rain falls from October to January), on Saba and St. Eustatius - up to 700 mm (the maximum occurs from May to October-November).

Relative humidity is fairly constant throughout the year and averages 76%.

Bonaire is located south of the "Caribbean hurricane belt" and is almost unaffected by the elements, while Saba and St. Eustatius are located on the southeastern periphery of this zone and can be affected by hurricanes, most likely from July-August to October.


The population is about 18 thousand people (2010).

IN ethnic composition the local population is the descendants of European colonists and African slaves. These are mainly mulattoes and blacks (up to 85%), representatives of Indian peoples (up to 5%), Dutch, Spaniards, Portuguese and other immigrants from the European mainland (up to 6%), as well as emigrants from countries East Asia and the Middle East.

Last changes: 12.10.2011


The official languages ​​are Dutch, English (Saba and Sint Eustatius) and Papiamento (Bonaire).

Papiamento is a Creole language closely related to Portuguese.

Last modified: 10/12/2011


About 77% of the population belongs to the Roman Catholic Church.

Last modified: 10/12/2011


Until January 1, 2011, Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius used the Netherlands Antilles guilder, after which they switched to the US dollar, and not to the euro, which is used in the Netherlands and not to the Caribbean guilder, which will be accepted in Curaçao and Sint from 2013 -Marten.

Banks are open from Monday to Friday, from 08.00-8.30 to 11.30-12.00 and from 13.30 to 16.00-16.30. Some are open on Saturdays.

On Bonaire credit cards, as well as traveler's checks, are accepted for payment by most shops and hotels.

On Saba and St. Eustatius, non-cash payments are more difficult, so it is better to stock up on US dollars in cash.

Last modified: 10/12/2011

Communication and communications

Phone code: 599

Internet domain: .an

Ambulance - 912, police and fire department - 911

Phone codes of the islands

Bonaire - 7, Sint Eustatius - 3, Saba - 4

How to call

To call from Russia to the Caribbean Netherlands, you need to dial: 8 - dial tone - 10 - 599 - island code - subscriber number.

To call from the Caribbean Netherlands to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.

Fixed line

The communication system on the islands is quite modern and well developed. Payphones, which can be used to make, including international calls, are located in settlements ubiquitous and work with several types of calling cards, which are sold at post offices, telephone company offices, supermarkets, newspaper and tobacco kiosks, and gas stations. Many phones accept credit cards.

Calls through an operator (from a hotel) are significantly more expensive than automatic calls, since they include a 15% tax and the cost of the services of the operator company. International calls can also be made from the post office.

mobile connection

cellular the GSM 900/1800 standard covers all the islands and is quite modern. There are several mobile operators in the Caribbean Netherlands: East Caribbean Cellular (eastcaribbeancellular.com), Digicel Bonaire (digicelbonaire.com), Chippie (chippie.an) providing full coverage of the territory of individual islands (communication between the islands is also stable, but its conditions differ depending on the operator).

Roaming with Russia is available to subscribers of the largest mobile operators.


The Internet is developed on the islands quite intensively. Local providers provide almost all types of network services. In the capitals of the islands and in other major cities you can find many Internet cafes. Many hotels also provide internet access.

History of the Caribbean Netherlands

The Spaniards arrived on the islands at the end of the 15th century. The island of Saint Martin was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493. In 1499, the Spaniard Alonso de Ojeda discovered the southern islands inhabited by the Arawak and Carib Indians. However, the Spaniards did not find precious metals there, and they did not begin to develop these islands.

In the period 1630-1640, the islands were occupied by the Dutch, then repeatedly occupied by the Spaniards, the British and the French. These islands also served as bases for pirates.

Finally passed to the Netherlands in 1816. Until the abolition of slavery in 1863, the territory was the center of the slave trade in the Caribbean.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a new impetus to the development of the islands was given by the oil companies Royan Dutch Shell and Exxon, which opened enterprises in the Antilles for the processing of Latin American oil. The oil industry provided the islands with a significant increase in prosperity and population growth due to the influx of labor from other islands in the Caribbean.

However, since the beginning of the 80s, the profitability of oil refining in the Antilles began to decline.

Until 1986, the Netherlands Antilles included the island of Aruba, later a separate territory within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Between 2005 and 2009, the inhabitants of Sint Maarten, Curaçao, Bonaire and Saba voted to secede from the autonomy of the Netherlands Antilles, while Sint Eustatius supported the preservation of education in its then form. At the same time, none of the islands supported the declaration of independence from the Netherlands.

On October 10, 2010, under the terms of an agreement between the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles, the islands of Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius became autonomous territories of the Netherlands and formed the Caribbean Netherlands (unofficial name), and Curaçao and Sint Maarten received the same status as Aruba (autonomous member state of the Kingdom of the Netherlands).

The Dutch government will take over the defense and foreign policy of the new countries and territories.

Last changes: 05/12/2013

Tap water usually comes from desalination plants or natural sources and is relatively safe to drink, but bottled water is generally recommended, especially during your first days on the islands.

Particular attention is paid to cleanliness and order in public places, so littering on the street is not recommended - the fines are quite significant.

Typical hazards include very high level solar radiation, protective creams, wide-brimmed hats and light clothing are recommended.

The duration of the flight from Moscow to Amsterdam is about 3.5 hours, from Amsterdam to Bonaire - about 12 hours, to Sint Maarten - about 11 hours (excluding connections). The cost of the flight is about 1300-1500 euros (round trip).

If your connection time in Amsterdam is less than 24 hours, you do not need a transit visa, provided you do not leave transit zone Schiphol Airport (there are 2 hotels in this area). If you plan to spend the night in a hotel in the city, you must obtain a transit visa.

When departing from Bonaire and Sint Maarten, a tax of $22 for international flights and $10 for domestic flights will be charged. Children under the age of 2 years are exempted from paying the fee (not occupying a separate seat on the plane), transit passengers leaving the country by air within 24 hours, as well as diplomats.

Last changes: 04/10/2017

If you decide to purchase property on one of the two largest islands in the archipelago, Bonaire Island or Curacao Island, you will be required to pay the municipality an additional amount equivalent to 15% of the value of your house or apartment, since this is how much the mandatory fee established by local authorities is . In the event that you decide to conclude a lease agreement for any property you are interested in, which is located on the territory of the island of Bonaire or the island of Curacao, then you will automatically become one of the payers of the residence tax, which is calculated at a rate of 5 percent of the total rental price contracts. 09/17/2010 Found a mistake in the article? Let us know about it, please.

Property in the Caribbean (Caribbean) to buy

St. Kitts and Nevis, Caribbean €6,531,354 Area 4,641 m2 Henley & Partners Villa in St. Kitts and Nevis, Caribbean €334,941 Area 159 m2 Henley & Partners Villa in Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean €1,088,559 Area 148 m2 Henley & Partners Villa Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean €2,512,059 Area 148 m2 Henley & Partners Villa Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean €2,344,589 Area 217 m2 Henley & Partners Villa St. Kitts and Nevis, Caribbean islands €1,339,765 257 m2 Henley & Partners Villa in St. Kitts and Nevis, Caribbean €339,128 467 m2 Henley & Partners Land in St. Kitts and Nevis, Caribbean € 774,552 1,474 m2 Henley & Partners Not could you find a suitable property? Leave a request for selection - companies and private sellers will offer you real estate according to your requirements.

Property in the Caribbean

EUR Area: 250 m2 New villa with a beautiful view of the picturesque lagoon

  • seemore
  • information request

Villa, Caribbean, Pelican, Saint-Maartin Lot No.: 14131 797 783 EUR Villa Villa with direct access to the beach

  • seemore
  • information request

Villa, Caribbean, Simpson Bay, Saint-Maartin Lot No.: 14123 670 138 EUR Villa Snow-white villa in Simpson Bay with magnificent panoramic views

  • seemore
  • information request

Villa, Caribbean, Great Exuma, Bahamas Lot #: 12510 1 750 000 EUR VillaArea: 255 m2 Villa with private white sandy beach in the Bahamas

  • seemore
  • information request

Villa, Caribbean Islands, Eleuthera, Bahamas Lot No.: 12501 1 427 612 EUR VillaArea: 323 m2 Luxurious villa in the Bahamas.

Real estate in the Caribbean by the sea

Then, such an enterprise is required to engage in real business related to the operation of the holding company, and obey the tax laws in force in the local territory. Subject to the above conditions, the holding company is not subject to income tax on income from capital gains received from equity participation. Foreign citizens, purchasing real estate in these parts, become the owners of a number of advantages that can be calculated based on the immutability of the factor of profitable investment of funds.

When buying property on one of the islands of the archipelago, you will have to pay a fairly reasonable tax, compared to many other countries, which is equal to 6 percent of the total cost of the house or apartment you are purchasing.

Buying property in the Netherlands Antilles


Since buying a property can be unambiguously classified as a time-consuming and complex process, it is best to do your best to understand the situation in the local real estate market in as much detail as possible before you start working with realtors and agents, and familiarize yourself with the basics. local legislation. If you, as an individual, decide to sell your own real estate, then the income you receive from the successful sale of a house or apartment is not taxable. With regard to such a calculated indicator as the annual rate of return, determined as a percentage of the total value of real estate, for industrial facilities it is, on average, 10%, for commercial buildings such as shopping centers or shops - 8-9%, for offices - about 9%, and for residential apartments and houses it is 12%.

Real estate on the islands of the Caribbean

The purchase of berths for yachts is also considered as an investment. Investing in marinas is considered one of the most effective types of investments. Investors who want to buy a home in the Caribbean for the minimum amount to qualify for citizenship are considering equity ownership.
This option makes it possible to obtain a passport of the country and eliminates the additional costs of maintaining a house during the five mandatory years of ownership. Many of those who obtain a Caribbean passport in another way (for example, a charitable contribution to the state budget) subsequently buy residential property, such as a villa with a pier in the Caribbean, as a good investment. Buyers are attracted by the high standards of housing construction, the constant development of the region and the pleasant climate.

Property in the Caribbean[#110]Caribbean Islands

In accordance with its requirements, the Legislative Assembly operates on the island territory as a representative body, and such administrative branches as the Council of Ministers, the Advisory Council and the Governor deal with executive issues. Active development the territory of the Netherlands Antilles received due to the fact that a large financial offshore center was created here. It should be emphasized that those holding companies that have been established in this territory have good tax benefits at their disposal, since dividends received as a result of the profitable activities of foreign subsidiaries are not subject to taxation under a number of certain conditions.

To do this, the holding you are interested in, first of all, must be the owner of at least a quarter of the shares of its subsidiary.

Sale of private villas in the Caribbean

Denex.Ru / Articles / Real estate abroad / Acquisition of real estate in the Netherlands Antilles sea. This territory, which is formed by six islands of different sizes, covers an area equal to 960 square kilometers and is considered an autonomy, or self-governing colony, of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Such a document as a separate legislative "State Code" regulates the general mechanism of the structure of the Dutch Antilles.


IN last years The real estate market in the Caribbean has become noticeably more active. Wealthy foreigners buy houses and plots in the Caribbean not only for a profitable investment, but also for recreation and life in one of the most beautiful places peace. The governments of the Caribbean states are meeting the needs of buyers of real estate, creating attractive conditions for foreigners.


Thanks to this, the inflow of foreign investment has increased significantly, which has a positive impact on the development of the economy. Caribbean. Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Dominica are ready to provide foreign investors with their citizenship for the purchase of local real estate. To do this, you need to invest in real estate in the Caribbean from USD 200,000 - USD 400,000 (the minimum amount depends on the country).


There is a limited list of finished or under construction real estate projects, which is recognized by the governments of countries as a basis for obtaining citizenship. Real estate can be rented or sold five years after obtaining a passport. Citizens of these countries can visit without a visa many countries of the world, including Europe.

At the same time, they recognize dual citizenship. For foreigners participating in the investment program, there are opportunities for effective tax planning. Most program participants prefer to buy housing for USD 500,000 - USD 1.5 million in 4-5 star resorts. Owners of such real estate get access to fitness centers, spas, swimming pools, tennis courts, libraries, restaurants located on their territory.

Some investors acquire land plots for the construction of houses according to individual projects.
In order to speed up the process of searching, choosing and buying real estate, you can use the services of realtors. True, in this case, you will need to provide for the occurrence of such additional cost items as, on average, 0.5-1% of the amount of the loan you took and 1.5-2.2% of the total contract price of the house or apartment you are purchasing. In addition to the tax on the purchase of real estate and payment of real estate services, the buyer also makes such obligatory payments as a bank fee for opening a loan in the amount of 1.5% of the mortgage loan amount, as well as a notary fee, which, including the costs of processing various documents, on average , is 1.1%.

Dutch islands in the caribbean real estate for sale

Rent villas and apartments in the Caribbean! The Caribbean Sea and hundreds of islands located here is a true paradise! As befits a heaven on earth, there is plenty to enjoy, see and do. The beauty of the world's number one entertainment venue includes mountains covered with coconut trees, verdant valleys of sugar cane and bananas, white sandy beaches and blinding sunlight. The Caribbean islands, which have attracted foreign countries for so long, have a rich history and cultural roots, in which the influence of Great Britain, Holland, Spain, America, France and even Denmark is noticeable. These influences, betrothed to a touch of Africa, have found expression in the emergence of a unique type of people, who are especially characterized by a variety of skin colors and languages, as well as warmth of soul.

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