"Western Route. «Western tract Western tract tour operator belarus

Moscow - Smolensk - Minsk - Khatyn - Mound of Glory - "Mir-Nesvizh" - Orsha - Moscow

Dates of departure from Moscow: 10.06, 05.08, 04.11
4 days / 3 nights


  • Departure by bus from Moscow: meeting at 08:00, departure at 08:30 from the Borodino Panorama Museum (Park Pobedy metro station). Tourists are met by an escort guide with a sign "MS 2 Western Trakt".
  • Accommodation in the bus according to the reserved places, departure. Acquaintance of the group, introductory information from the guide - accompanying person.
  • Transfer by bus across the territory of Russia (~500 km), with stops.
  • Arrival in Smolensk.
  • Dinner*.
  • Inspection historical center Smolensk. Visiting the alley of memory of heroes. The Eternal Flame burns here memorial cemetery Soviet soldiers, as well as the grave of the Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Alekseevich Yegorov, who, together with junior sergeant Meliton Kantaria, hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag. Visiting the alley of cities of heroes.
  • Symbolic crossing of the Russian-Belarusian border - without visas, border and passport control!
  • Transfer to Minsk (~200 km). Hotel accommodation.


  • Breakfast.
  • Sightseeing bus and pedestrian sightseeing tour according to the main monuments and sights: Pl. independence, Old city, town hall square, Orthodox and Catholic cathedrals, hockey arena, avenues, squares and obelisks of the Belarusian capital. During the tour, you will become direct participants in the most important historical events in the life of the city: near the Town Hall, the burgomaster will read to you, as he once did to the residents of Minsk in 1499, a decree on granting the city the right to self-government, city merchants of the 16th century. they will remind you of the times of the Commonwealth, and the helpful housekeeper from the house of the artist Vankovich will introduce you to Minsk at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • Dinner*.
  • Excursion trip to the famous Khatyn memorial complex (~55 km from Minsk). The example of this village served as a pretext for the creation of a memorial complex, which gathered all the human sorrow that was lost during the years of the Great Patriotic War over a quarter of their children. The memorial makes an incredibly strong impression on everyone who sets foot on its ash-covered ground. Khatyn has become a household name - a symbol of human cruelty and madness, which should no longer be repeated. On the way back - a stop at the famous Mound of Glory - a symbol Great Victory!
  • Overnight at the hotel in Minsk.


  • Breakfast.
  • Excursion trip "Mir - Nesvizh". Entry tickets castles are paid separately*. This day will amaze with the greatness and power of the most legendary aristocratic family of the Commonwealth, lift the veil of secrecy over ancient secrets and mystical incidents. The majestic medieval Mir Castle awaits you, and in Nesvizh - a brilliant palace complex of the 16th-19th centuries - the residence of the Radziwill princes. Transfer (~90 km.) to Mir. You will be able to appreciate the power of the Mir Castle, touch its ancient walls and feel the spirit of bygone eras.
  • Dinner*.
  • Transfer to Nesvizh (~30 km.), where, in addition to the delightful palace and park ensemble, you will also see the Church of the Body of God - the first Baroque church in Eastern Europe, where the tomb of the owners of the castle is located, the second largest in Europe after the tomb of the Habsburgs! Both castles are listed as world cultural heritage UNESCO. Unprecedented tragedy, passion, courage, self-sacrifice and, of course, an exciting story of eternal love will come to life in front of you in the form of beautiful architectural creations and fascinating legends!
  • Return to Minsk (~120 km.). Overnight at the hotel.


  • Breakfast.
  • Transfer to Orsha (~220 km). Inspection of the historical center of the city with an attendant, visit to the memorial complex "Katyusha".
  • Dinner*.
  • Transfer to Moscow (~580 km), arrival in the evening (approx. 22:00), disembarkation at the Park Pobedy metro station. For organized groups, upon prior request, it is possible to drop off at the station.

Cost per person per ride in rubles, 2017

Tour dates: check the dates of this tour with our managers!

1st day.

  • Departure by bus from Moscow: at 08:00 meeting, departure at 08:30 from the Borodino Panorama Museum (metro station "Victory Park"). Tourists are met by an accompanying guide. Accommodation in the bus according to the reserved places, departure. Acquaintance of the group, introductory information from the guide - accompanying person.
  • Transfer by bus across the territory of Russia (~500 km), with stops.
  • Arrival at Smolensk. Lunch for extra charge.
  • Inspection of the historical center of Smolensk. Visiting the alley of memory of heroes. The Eternal Flame burns here, there is a memorial cemetery of Soviet soldiers, as well as the grave of the Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Alekseevich Yegorov, who, together with Junior Sergeant Meliton Kantaria, hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag. Visiting the alley of cities of heroes. Symbolic crossing of the Russian-Belarusian border - without visas, border and passport control!
  • Moving to Minsk(~200 km). Hotel accommodation. Free time. Overnight at the hotel.

2nd day

  • Breakfast.
  • Sightseeing bus and walking sightseeing tour of the main monuments and attractions: Pl. Nezalezhnosti, old town, town hall square, Orthodox and Catholic cathedrals, hockey arena, avenues, squares and obelisks of the Belarusian capital. During the tour, you will become direct participants in the most important historical events in the life of the city: near the Town Hall, the burgomaster will read to you, as he once did to the residents of Minsk in 1499, a decree on granting the city the right to self-government, city merchants of the 16th century. they will remind you of the times of the Commonwealth, and the helpful housekeeper from the house of the artist Vankovich will introduce you to Minsk at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • Lunch for extra charge.
  • Excursion trip to the famous memorial complex Khatyn(~55 km from Minsk). The example of this village was the reason for the creation of a memorial complex, which gathered all the human sorrow that lost more than a quarter of its children during the Great Patriotic War. The memorial makes an incredibly strong impression on everyone who sets foot on its ash-covered ground. Khatyn has become a household name - a symbol of human cruelty and madness, which should no longer be repeated.
  • On the way back - stop at the famous Mound of Glory- a symbol of the Great Victory!
  • Overnight at the hotel in Minsk.

3rd day

  • Breakfast.
  • Excursion trip "Mir - Nesvizh". Entrance tickets to the castles are paid separately. This day will amaze with the greatness and power of the most legendary aristocratic family of the Commonwealth, lift the veil of secrecy over ancient secrets and mystical incidents. The majestic medieval Mir Castle awaits you, and in Nesvizh - a brilliant palace complex of the 16th-19th centuries - the residence of the Radziwill princes.
  • Transfer (~90 km.) to World. You will be able to appreciate the power of the Mir Castle, touch its ancient walls and feel the spirit of bygone eras.
  • Lunch for extra charge.
  • Moving to Nesvizh(~30 km.) where, in addition to the delightful palace and park ensemble, you will also see the Church of the Body of God - the first Baroque church in Eastern Europe, where the tomb of the owners of the castle is located, the second largest in Europe after the tomb of the Habsburgs! Both castles are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. Unprecedented tragedy, passion, courage, self-sacrifice and, of course, an exciting story of eternal love will come to life in front of you in the form of beautiful architectural creations and fascinating legends!
  • Return to Minsk (~120 km.). Overnight at the hotel.

4th day

  • Breakfast.
  • Moving to Orsha (~220 km). Inspection of the historical city center with an attendant, visiting the memorial complex "Katyusha".
  • Lunch for extra charge.
  • Transfer to Moscow (~580 km), arrival in the evening (approx. 22.00), disembarkation at the metro station "Park Pobedy".

Included in the price:

  • Travel by tourist class bus;
  • Hotel accommodation 2** (Time hotel chain) - 3 nights;
  • 3 breakfasts ( Buffet);
  • Excursion service according to the program and accompanying person along the route;
  • Inspection with an attendant of the historical center of Smolensk;
  • Panoramic animated and theatrical bus hiking in Minsk, including upper town and Trinity Suburb;
  • Animation program in the Old City (Minsk);
  • Excursion and entrance tickets to the Khatyn Memorial Complex and the Mound of Glory;
  • Inspection of the World and external inspection of the Mir Castle;
  • Inspection of Nesvizh and external inspection of the Nesvizh castle;
  • Inspection of the historical center of Orsha;
  • Map of Minsk and reference material.
  • Medical insurance

Possible surcharges (together with the tour):

  • Health insurance for persons from 65 years old - plus 0.7 euros per day per person, from 80 years old - plus 2.1 euros per day per person.

Additionally paid on the route with the guide:

  • Half board (4 lunches) 1 600 RUB
  • Entrance fees to Mir and Nesvizh 1,200 rubles. (adult) / 850 rubles (child under 16)

Required documents for participation in the tour: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for children under 14 - a birth certificate), a ticket.

- a regional center in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, one of the first cities in Russia (mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years under 862). Since the middle of the XI century - the center of the Smolensk principality. Smolensk survived the Mongol invasion, but survived several captures by Lithuania and Poland, and finally became part of the Russian state only in the second half of the 17th century. In 1812, Smolensk was destroyed by Napoleon's army, and in 1941 it was badly damaged during the battles with the Nazi invaders. Despite the complex history of the city, some temples of the pre-Mongolian period have survived in Smolensk, part of the Smolensk fortress (Kremlin) built at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, and many other attractions have survived.

- the capital of the Republic of Belarus, the hero city. The city of Menesk was first mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years under 1067. At the beginning of the 12th century, Menesk became the center of a specific principality. The Tatar-Mongol invasion and the collapse of the Old Russian state weakened Menesk, and he eventually fell under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. During the period of the Polish-Lithuanian union (the Commonwealth), significant Catholic and Jewish communities formed in Minsk. In 1793, depopulated due to the Russian-Polish and Russian-Swedish wars, Minsk became part of the Russian Empire, from that moment the revival of the city began. The wars of the XIX-XX centuries caused significant damage to the architecture of the city. Best of all, historical buildings of the late XVIII-early XX centuries. preserved in the Trinity Suburb (northeast of the historical center of the city on the banks of the Svisloch River).

- a memorial complex in the Logoisk district of the Minsk region of Belarus on the site of a village destroyed on March 22, 1943 by a punitive detachment consisting of SS soldiers and collaborators. On suspicion of helping the partisans, the punishers burned and shot 149 residents of Khatyn.

- a museum, a castle and park complex in the village of the same name in the Korelichi district of the Grodno region of Belarus, an architectural monument included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Mir Castle was erected by the statesman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Yuri Ilyinich at the beginning of the 16th century. It is considered the first private castle on the territory of Belarus and the easternmost example of Gothic architecture. The castle was a powerful fortress, it was repeatedly destroyed during military operations and restored, but its main architectural composition has been preserved to this day.

- a city in the Minsk region of Belarus. First mentioned in the middle of the 15th century, since 1533 it belonged to the Radziwills, the richest princely family in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. At the end of the 16th century, the construction of the Nesvizh Castle began, which became the residence of the Radziwills and an important fortress for several centuries. In the 2000s the restoration of the castle was carried out, now it is a large museum palace and park complex, included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

- regional center Vitebsk region Belarus at the confluence of the Orshitsa River into the Dnieper. The city is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years" in 1067, was part of the Minsk and Polotsk principalities, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in 1772 became part of the Russian Empire. Being part of different states, the coexistence of the Orthodox and Catholic confessions left their mark on the architectural appearance of the city, which is rich in monuments of the 17th-early 20th centuries. On July 14, 1941, near Orsha, for the first time in combat conditions, the legendary Katyusha rocket launcher was used, and a memorial was erected in the city in memory of this event.

Please note that the content of the excursion program may differ from the reference description of attractions presented above!

ROUTE: Moscow - Smolensk - Minsk - Khatyn - Mound of Glory - "Mir-Nesvizh" - Orsha - Moscow



  • Departure by bus from Moscow: meeting at 08:00, departure at 08:30 from the Borodino Panorama Museum(metro station "Park Pobedy").
  • Tourists are met by an accompanying guide with a sign « MS2 Western Trakt.
  • Acquaintance of the group, introductory information from the guide - accompanying person.
  • Transfer by bus across the territory of Russia (~500 km), with stops.
  • Arrival atSmolensk.
  • Dinner(optional, extra charge)
  • Inspection of the historical center of Smolensk. Visiting the alley of memory of heroes. The Eternal Flame burns here, there is a memorial cemetery of Soviet soldiers, as well as the grave of the Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Alekseevich Yegorov, who, together with Junior Sergeant Meliton Kantaria, hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag.
  • Visiting the Alley of Hero Cities.
  • Symbolic crossing of the Russian-Belarusian border - without visas, border and passport control!
  • Moving to Minsk(~200 km). Hotel accommodation.


  • Breakfast.
  • Sightseeing bus and walking sightseeing tour according to the main monuments and sights: Independence Square, the old town, the town hall square, the Orthodox and Catholic cathedrals, the hockey arena, avenues, squares and obelisks of the Belarusian capital. During the tour, you will become direct participants in the most important historical events in the life of the city: near the Town Hall, the burgomaster will read to you, as he once did to the residents of Minsk in 1499, a decree on granting the city the right to self-government, city merchants of the 16th century. they will remind you of the times of the Commonwealth, and the helpful housekeeper from the house of the artist Vankovich will introduce you to Minsk at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • Dinner
  • Excursion trip to the famous memorial complex Khatyn(55 km from Minsk). The example of this village was the reason for the creation of a memorial complex, which gathered all the human sorrow that lost more than a quarter of its children during the Great Patriotic War. The memorial makes an incredibly strong impression on everyone who sets foot on its ash-covered ground. Khatyn has become a household name - a symbol of human cruelty and madness, which should no longer be repeated.
  • On the way back - stop at the famous Mound of Glory- a symbol of the Great Victory!
  • Free time. Overnight at the hotel in Minsk.


  • Breakfast.
  • sightseeing trip "Mir - Nesvizh". Transfer (~90 km.) to World(entrance tickets to the castles are paid additionally: 2 castles + guide + reservation. The cost is 1200 rubles per adult / 850 rubles per child under 16). This day will amaze with the greatness and power of the most legendary aristocratic family of the Commonwealth, lift the veil of secrecy over ancient secrets and mystical incidents. The majestic medieval Mir Castle awaits you, and Nesvizha brilliant palace complex of the 16th-19th centuries - the residence of the Radziwill princes.
  • Transfer (~ 90 km) to World.
  • You can appreciate the power Mir Castle, to see him massive towers and walls, gothic masonry. paved with stone patio and siege well help to feel the breath of the past. The world is not only a castle. You will see panorama of the ancient Belarusian town where representatives of different faiths and peoples lived side by side for centuries. Severe defensive belfry tower of the Church of St. Nicholas and gilded Domes of the Holy Trinity Church shape the look retail space. Slender civil buildings are complemented by synagogues, of which there were once seven in the town!
  • Dinner(optional, for an additional fee).
  • Moving to Nesvizh(~30 km.) where, in addition to the delicious palace and park ensemble you will also see monuments of the 16th – 19th centuries: Church of the Body of God- the first baroque temple in Eastern Europe, the oldest city hall in Belarus, "Slutsk Gate" ordinary building of the town. Both castles are the property of not only Belarusian culture, but of all mankind. They are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. Unprecedented tragedy, passion, courage, self-sacrifice and, of course, an exciting story of eternal love will come to life in front of you in the form of beautiful architectural creations and fascinating legends!
  • Return to Minsk (~120 km.). Free time.
  • Overnight at the hotel.


  • Breakfast.
  • Moving to Orsha- a small old town in the East of Belarus (~ 220 km).
  • Inspection of the historical center of the city with an attendant, visit to the memorial complex "Katyusha".
  • Dinner(optional, for an additional fee).
  • Moving to Moscow(~ 580 km), arrival in the evening (about 22.00), disembarkation at the Park Pobedy metro station.

Included in the price:

  • Travel by tourist class bus;
  • Accommodation in the hotel "Orbita" 3 * - 3 nights;
  • 3 breakfasts (buffet);
  • Excursion service according to the program and accompanying person along the route;
  • Inspection of the historical center of Smolensk;
  • Sightseeing animated and theatrical bus and walking tour of Minsk, including the Upper City;
  • Animation program in the Old City (Minsk);
  • Excursion and entrance tickets to the memorial complexes Khatyn and the Mound of Glory;
  • Excursion "Mir-Nesvizh" (entrance tickets to the castles are paid separately, if desired);
  • Inspection of the historical center of Orsha;
  • Map of Minsk.

Additionally paid (optional, net prices):

  • Entrance tickets to Mir and Nesvizh - adults 1,200 rubles, children under 16 years old 850 rubles.
  • Dinners. Supplement for 4 meals is 1600 rubles per person. (optional).

The tour organizers reserve the right to make some changes to the tour program without reducing the overall volume and quality of services: replacing hotels with equivalent ones, providing meals in restaurants and cafes along the route, depending on their load.

ATTENTION: when booking a tour in the application, it is MANDATORY to indicate the data of your tourists:

  • - full name;
  • - Date of Birth;
  • - passport ID;

Length of stay at the hotel this tour- 3 days.

Duration of this tour 4 days / 3 nights.

The tour operator is not responsible for weather conditions, traffic jams, road repairs, changes in the rules of travel to attractions.

The time of arrival in Moscow is indicative and cannot be considered an obligatory item in the program.


  • Please report mobile phone tourists for emergency communication with the guide .
  • Please send information to



Hotel "ORBITA" 3*

Hotel "Orbita" is conveniently located within walking distance from the metro station "Pushkinskaya"; and in the immediate vicinity there are supermarkets, restaurants, shops, a sports palace, a cinema and other facilities of developed infrastructure.

  • Year of construction: 1991
  • Year of reconstruction: 2009
  • Number of cases: 1
  • Number of floors: 13
  • Availability of an elevator: there is
  • Number of rooms: 276
  • Rooms: 400 beds
  • Nutrition: buffet breakfast
1 day- Departure by bus from Moscow: meeting at 08:00, departure at 08:30 from the Borodino Panorama Museum (Park Pobedy metro station). Tourists are met by an accompanying guide with a sign "Western Route". Accommodation in the bus according to the reserved places, departure. Acquaintance of the group, introductory information from the guide - accompanying person. Transfer by bus across the territory of Russia (~500 km), with stops. Arrival in Smolensk. Dinner*. Inspection of the historical center of Smolensk. Visiting the alley of memory of heroes. The Eternal Flame burns here, there is a memorial cemetery of Soviet soldiers, as well as the grave of the Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Alekseevich Yegorov, who, together with Junior Sergeant Meliton Kantaria, hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag. Visiting the alley of cities of heroes. Symbolic crossing of the Russian-Belarusian border - without visas, border and passport control! Transfer to Minsk (~200 km). Hotel accommodation

2 day- Breakfast. Sightseeing bus and walking tour of the main monuments and sights: the Trinity Suburb, the old town, the town hall square, the Orthodox and Catholic cathedrals, the hockey arena, avenues, squares and obelisks of the Belarusian capital. During the tour, you will become direct participants in the most important historical events in the life of the city: near the Town Hall, the burgomaster will read to you, as he once did to the residents of Minsk in 1499, a decree on granting the city the right to self-government, city merchants of the 16th century. reminiscent of the times of the Commonwealth, and the helpful housekeeper from the house of the artist Vankovich will introduce you to Minsk at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Dinner*. Excursion trip to the famous memorial complex Khatyn-Kurgan of Glory (55 km from Minsk). The example of this village was the reason for the creation of a memorial complex, which gathered all the human sorrow that lost more than a quarter of its children during the Great Patriotic War. The memorial makes an incredibly strong impression on everyone who sets foot on its ash-covered ground. Khatyn has become a household name - a symbol of human cruelty and madness, which should no longer be repeated. On the way back - a stop at the famous Mound of Glory - a symbol of the Great Victory! Overnight at the hotel in Minsk.

3 day- Breakfast. Excursion trip "Mir - Nesvizh". Entrance tickets to the castles are paid separately. This day will amaze with the greatness and power of the most legendary aristocratic family of the Commonwealth, lift the veil of secrecy over ancient secrets and mystical incidents. The majestic medieval Mir Castle awaits you, and in Nesvizh - a brilliant palace complex of the 16th-19th centuries - the residence of the Radziwill princes. Transfer (~90 km.) to Mir. You will be able to appreciate the power of the Mir Castle, touch its ancient walls and feel the spirit of bygone eras. Dinner*. Transfer to Nesvizh (~30 km.), where, in addition to the delightful palace and park ensemble, you will also see the Church of the Body of God - the first Baroque church in Eastern Europe, where the tomb of the owners of the castle is located, the second largest in Europe after the tomb of the Habsburgs! Both castles are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. Unprecedented tragedy, passion, courage, self-sacrifice and, of course, an exciting story of eternal love will come to life in front of you in the form of beautiful architectural creations and fascinating legends! Return to Minsk (~120 km.). Overnight at the hotel.

Day 4- Breakfast. Transfer to Orsha (~220 km). Inspection of the historical center of the city with an attendant, visit to the memorial complex "Katyusha". Transfer to Moscow (~580 km), arrival in the evening (about 22.00), disembarkation at the metro station "Park Pobedy".

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