The official reason for the fall of TU 154. "Is that - collective insanity

After fully deciphering onboard scruppers - parametric and speech - experts of the Ministry of Defense actually can definitely indicate the reasons for the Tu-154 crash in the Sochi waters. In their opinion, the passenger aircraft collapsed into the Black Sea for several reasons.

Departure Tu-154 from Sochi after refueling. Photo: Fyodor Borisov / Global Look

An acquaintance of the investigation of the causes of the catastrophe source said that the main version of the plane crash was recognized by the human factor. According to him, "In the third minute of the flight, when the liner was at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level, the sensors of the course stability system were worked, the car began to lose height due to problems with the flaps, because the second pilot removed them, instead of removing chassis.

Aggravated the problem of overvaging the aircraft. The luggage compartment was filled to failure. Therefore, the tail of the Tu-154 pulled down. And it was impossible to save him: it lacked speeds and heights. The tail was first hurt the water, then the board at high speed hit the sea with the right wing and collapsed.

For crew emergency situation I became a complete surprise: in the first seconds, the aircraft commander and the second pilot were confused, but they quickly restored their composure and until recently they tried to save the aircraft.

The phrases of the second pilot and the ship commander make it clear that there was a problem with the flaps, after which the alarm sounded. It turned out after exploring the specialists of the Research Center of Operation and Repair of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense in the Lyubertsy Data Black Boxes.

Pilots flying on Tu-154 confirmed the findings of the experts of the Ministry of Defense that the cause of the aircraft could be the error of pilots. They explained that "the handles of cleaning the chassis and closes are made on the visor of the cockpit of pilots, between them, above the windshield, and it is possible to confuse them, especially if the second pilot sitting on the right, the responsibility of which includes control of flaps and chassis during take-off, tired" . Also, pilots were added, it is impossible to exclude the likelihood that after takeoff the crew exceeded the speed and the closure mechanism collapsed, because of which the liner fell to the right, lost speed and collapsed into the water.

An additional factor in the air crash under Sochi could be the absence of a ship's commander and a second pilot of sufficient knowledge, how to act in an extreme situation.

At the same time, the engineers of the Research Center of Operation and Repair of Aviation Acquisition of the Ministry of Defense in Lyubertsy do not exclude that the plane had a good chance to save, but the overwhelms were prevented.

In the Ministry of Defense, writes TASS, the publication of the preliminary causes of the collapse of the military aircraft Tu-154 was denied and called it "absolute nonsense and inventions."

Meanwhile, the work of the commission for the investigation of the plane crash continues. According to the official representative of the Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, until the end of all necessary actions, it is unacceptable and amorally trying to "unfold someone and invent some conclusions."

Earlier, information that the cause of the Tu-154 fall could be a technical malfunction or piloting error. Prior to this, the assumption that an extremal situation arose on board, which did not allow the crew to transfer a distress signal.

Werewood Tu-154 Ministry of Defense with on-board number RA-85572 December 25, 2016. It happened 1.7 km from Sochi coast. The board followed Syrian Hmeimim from the Chkalovsky airfield. In Sochi, he passed refueling. On board liner were 92 people - 83 passengers and 8 crew members, they all died.

An independent technical expert Yuri Antipov criticized the official version of the Ministry of Defense on the collapse of the Tu-154 aircraft in Sochi.

He stated that the Ministry of Defense chose the most innocuous version of the crash of the aircraft, guided by the principle of "so it would be better for everyone." The rest of the versions, in his opinion, were discarded in the first hours after the catastrophe. For example, an explosion on board. He could not be because he could not be. Particles of the substance on the debris were not found. However, Antipov recalls that at that time it was possible to get very few cars from the water. Eventually, official version became the mistake of pilots.

As a basis of the charges of the commander of the aircraft carrier, the received flight parameters read from "black boxes" were taken. Moreover, the technical data of the flight is presented in such a mean form that it was possible to get them in a similar amount in a few hours. But for giving big weight The course of the investigation and the creation of a larger "fog" in the investigation of MO voiced that the reading of data from the registrars is a universal scale problem, "said Antipov.

He added that experts removed completely all the information from onboard recorders. Otherwise it can not be. But with her disclosure, the competent expert could immediately determine the causes of the fall. However, antipods trying to figure out the reasons even on the basis of those scraps that are available in free access.

The plane landed in Adler at 3:43. Departed at 5:24. Thus, more than one and a half hours of Tu-154 was in Adler only for refueling without the release of passengers, which in itself is a gross security infringement. According to regulatory documents, the total refueling of Tu-154 using standard TK 22 or TK 16 tankers takes only 18-20 minutes. But it turns out that only the refueling was spent half an hour, "explained the antipos.

The expert noted another important detail. The flight took place at an angle of 238 degrees. He notes that according to the documents of the Ministry of Defense, the plane was lowered. But after the beginning of the take-off, the voice of the commander of Volkova was suddenly nervous, although even a minute ago it was all right. Another important detail is that wolves asked to start taking off from the beginning of the strip.

The separation of the aircraft from the runway occurred on 34 seconds of running at a speed of 300 km / h. For take-off Tu-154 with its high energy transport, enough and 210 km / h. But with full loading, this minimum speed of the separation has to lift up to 250-270 km / h. To verify this data, instead of reading dry regulatory documents, it is enough to see the first film "Crew" with George Zhezheva in the lead role. There, the process of takeoff and the required speed of Tu-154 is shown very clearly, "said Antipov.

At the 19th second, the flight sounded a team for cleaning closed. The plane scored a height of 157 meters. Board flew by the same course of 238 degrees. After cleaning the mechanization of the wing, the height set continued, that is, up to 29 seconds of the flight, despite the cleaned flaps, the height set continued.

And then in the report of the Ministry of Defense there is a tricky vestivated phrase. I give it literally: "The further situation was characterized by the lack of adequate change in the parameters of the actions of the aircraft aircraft by the aircraft ....". And immediately, in the continuation of this intricate phrase, which will seem like a weighty one hundred percent argument, follows: "... What was due to a violation of the spatial orientation of the FCC." Here is the main idea of \u200b\u200balmost semi-annual diethie MO, in which, in fact, the sentence of the KVC Volkov is put, - the expert provides information.

For a better understanding of the antipos written from MO leads an analogy with motor vehicles. The driver rides on the straight highway by car. His actions writes a car recorder. Suddenly, a force majeure arises on the road (pit, the wheel sharply lowered, the steering traction burst and so on). That is, something has made it forced to change the position of the steering wheel in order to try to keep the car on the road. The recorder in the car, equipped with GPS, will write to his memory, which, moving along the direct portion of the road, the driver completely unreasonably suddenly became energetically rotated the steering wheel. That is, his actions were inadequate to the surrounding environment. And the verdict could be like this: the driver's actions were caused by a "violation of spatial orientation."

The takeoff of the aircraft occurred at the rate of 238 degrees. According to the report of MO, only after 63 seconds (10 seconds before the fall) of the FAC in pedals and steering wheel began to pass the ship to the left. Although in the report, it is said that at the time of the lead to the left for 63 seconds, the aircraft had a roll to the right (i.e., unfolded to the right to the course more than 238 degrees). Imprigize MO and take to simplify that on the 63 second flight the course was still 238 degrees. In other words, he was on an imaginary direct direction of the runway. The MO report said, at 73 seconds the plane was faced with a sea surface, being on a course of 220 degrees, at a speed of 540 km / h, roll left 50 degrees and a vertical speed of approaching 30 m / s. In other words, the plane in the steep roll left, in fact, fell, - explained the antipy.

Next, the expert cites calculations that show that such a change in the course is impossible. According to the theory of Tu-154 piloting, while in the coolest priese with a roll of 60 degrees (it is much more than that of Tu-154 in Adler) and moving at a speed of 550 km / h, the minimum turning radius is 13350 meters. That is, a complete turn on 360 degrees Tu-154 can make a minimum for nine minutes.

In other words, in the usual flight, even in a very cool turn with a roll angle of 60 degrees and a speed of 550 km / hour, change the course by 18 degrees Tu-154 will not be able to faster than in 27 seconds. In the case in Adler, the change in the course of 18 degrees occurred in less than 10 seconds. In fact, a change in 10 seconds has happened to an even greater angle, because the course is 10 seconds before falling (let me be remembered and the fact that the pilot took the plane to the right) changed towards the increase, "the expert explained.

So it caused the plane so sharply and quickly change the course, which under normal conditions, according to its technical data, simply do it impossible?

- "Energetic" actions of the FC Volkova? Not. Managing a good aircraft with a good mechanization, it is simply not able to do it. Only the freelance situation on board could give energy and quickly deploy an airplane. It was with this suddenly arising situation that wolves tried to cope in his last seconds of life, struggling for the survivability of the aircraft so-called "inadequate" actions. And it was not sitting and looked at what was happening, "the antipos answered his own question.

Further, the expert said that the force that forced the plane so quickly to deploy - this is, or the complete loss of symmetry in aerodynamics (or engines), or the effect of suddenly arising force acting on the aircraft fuselage in the transverse direction. Either that and the other at the same time.

Under these conditions, according to Antipov, only an explosion on board, destroying the symmetric design of Tu-154 and its energy rapidly unfolding aircraft.

I ask a few more questions. Due to which reasons, the inner surface of the fuselage of the front cargo compartment has changed its color and how the plastic piece with melted edges turned out to be among the things of the dead crashed from the place of the crash. But I think questions will remain without answers, - finished antipas.

News on Block-Krasnodar

To calculate the mass of the broken aircraft, special techniques were applied, including using the parametric recorder raised from the bottom of the Black Sea.

As a result, it became known that on December 24 at take-off from the Chkalovsky airfield, from where Tu-1542B-2 began its route, the runway of the aircraft together with the 24 tons of fuel filled into it amounted to 99.6 tons. It exceeded the standards, but deviations in 1 6 t was insignificant. With this weight, the plane usually takes off without any problems.

In Adler from Tu-154B-2, no one went out, with the exception of the commander and the second pilot. Not much loaded into the plane, but the liner was refilled at the maximum. In his pots there were 35.6 tons of fuel.

According to experts, as a result, the take-off weight of the liner instead of the regulatory 98 T amounted to about 110 tons.

Early in the morning of December 25, the Tu-154B-2 took off for a large runway (in Adler there are two). After that, the plane was supposed to turn first to the right, then left, and then take a course to Latakia, on the airbase of the hmeimim. However, problems began during the rise.

Out of the aircraft from the take-off band of the Adler occurred only on the 37th second after the start of the runway, at a speed of 320 km / h, the angle of pitch was from 4 to 6 degrees. All these parameters indicate that the aircraft hardly rose into the air. Pushproofing was 10 m / s instead of the usual 12-15 m / s.

After 2 seconds after takeoff, the crew commander pulled the steering wheel, taking the nose of the aircraft so that the pitch was already 10-12 degrees. For the controlled aircraft, it was very rapid actions. Cleaning the crew began at a height of 150 m and at a speed of 345 km / h. Taking into account the significant exceeding the regulatory weight of Tu-154, these actions should be produced at a higher speed.

The velocity of the aircraft (low flight speed, when the angle of attack reaches the critical value, and the plane becomes unmanaged) grows with a mass, and also depends on the position of the closures (the more they are released, the more it is less). Therefore, at a certain weight, the speed may turn out to be such that it will be more damage to cleaning the flaps, and after - less.

On the records of the speech science, heard how the second pilot asked the commander of the permission to clean the mechanization, but the latter did not answer. The second pilot, apparently, regarded his silence as a sign of consent. Lifting power from the moment of the start of cleaning mechanization naturally began to fall sharply.

The plane managed to reach a height of 200 meters, when the commander again made an unexpected movement - he gave the screw column from himself and then suddenly took her over again, having lost the maneuver to the already small height.

The flaps have not yet been completely removed, as in the Tu-154 cabin, the system worked, signing about the dangerous convergence of the Earth. The angle of inclination of the flaps was 5-7 degrees, when the commander made the steering wheel and pedals of the direction of the direction left. In the planned mode, he had to do the opposite. The plane fell into a roll of 30 degrees.

At this point, the signal of a dangerous roll sounds, which no one pays attention to. "We fall!" - Screams the second pilot.

The commander makes movement with steering wheel and pedals in the opposite direction and takes the screwdriver on itself. At this point, the angle of attack was 10 degrees. At the same time, the acceleration of the aircraft to 500 km / h continued. The speed increased, the roll increased, and the lifting force fell. There was practically no height in height in Tu-154.

After a few seconds, already with a roll of 50 degrees and at a speed of 540 km / h, the plane of the left wing touched the water. In such conditions, a collision with a water surface is equivalent to a rock with a rock. The plane collapsed, his debris scattered on a large area.

In total, the last flight Tu-154 lasted only 74 seconds.

Before the blow of the water, the aircraft was fully working. The meteo conditions at the airfield Adler at the time of takeoff were favorable: ambient temperature - 5 degrees above zero, humidity - 76%, pressure - 763 mm Hg. Art., lateral wind - 5 m / s. Dangerous meteorias were not observed.

It also turned out that the deceased crew along with an experienced commander did take off on a broken car with the same runway in Adler just two months before the catastrophe - October 1, 2016.

Then the separation from the runway was produced at a speed of 310 km / h. With a railing 12-15 m / s, the crew started a set of height. At an altitude of 450 m, a rattle was right with the right with the right roll of 20 degrees, then the aircraft carried out to the left, and then, at an altitude of 450 m, the flaps were removed for 13-14 seconds, before that, there were 28 degrees in the take-off position.

The actions of the experienced crew and the behavior of a serviceable car during their next take-off in Adler can only be explained by the fact that the Tu-154 commander did not know or the exact weight of the cargo on board, and therefore - and the overload of his aircraft. Therefore, in Adler in the plane and blunted fuel. It would probably be flooded less if they knew the exact weight of the property, which was loaded into the aircraft in Chkalovsky.

Perhaps the plane placed something relatively small in volume, but significant in its proportion.

If the crew commander knew about the exceedment of the regulatory weight by more than 10 tons, he would or refuse the flight, or would take off, taking into account the fact that the plane was overloaded.

The last action of the crew can be explained by the fact that the pilots guessed that something was wrong with the plane, and they tried to return to the flying airfield to sit on another, smaller in the size of the runway in Adler. However, not enough height.

Not the best role was played by the dark time: the visual idea that it was completely a bit left to the water surface, there was no crew.

On the aircraft Tu-154, broken down early in the morning of December 25, the artists of the song ensemble and dancing named after Alexandrov, who had to give a New Year's concert on russian base Hmeymimm in Syria. They were accompanied by the film crews of the first channel, and the "Stars". In total, 92 people died - 84 passengers and 8 crew members.

https: //www.Sype/2016-12-29/pravitelstvennaya_komissiya_po_rassedovaniyu_krusheniya_tu_154_rasskazala_o_pervyh_vyvodah

"The terrorist attack is not only an explosion"

The Government Commission of the Russian Federation voiced the first conclusions about the Tu-154 crash

The site of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

The version of the terrorist attack is still considered, albeit not among the main, but as possible causes The Catastrophe of the Tu-154 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation over the Black Sea near Sochi, members of the Government Commission to investigate the circumstances of the liner crash, headed by the Minister of Transport of Russia Maxim Sokolov, told reporters today. At the same time, the speech about the withdrawal of the Tu-154 military after the Sochi catastrophe does not go: the aircraft of this type have proven themselves well.

The entire flight of the plane of the Ministry of Defense before the catastrophe in the morning of December 25 lasted about 70 seconds. The height with which the liner fell into the Black Sea was about 250 meters, and the aircraft speed in higher point The flight was within 360-370 kilometers per hour, he told at a briefing to a member of the Commission for the Investigation of the Sochi Catastrophe, the Head of the Security Service of Aviation Sun Sergey Baynetov.

According to him, it is difficult to judge the accuracy of the information about the "handle nose" of the aircraft, which the media distributed earlier with reference to the words of eyewitnesses. "We are approaching identified, everything is checked and analyzed with the objective information that is. To talk about what an angle was when a collision with a water surface, prematurely, "said the member of the Commission.

In the same way, according to him, it is difficult to draw conclusions based on a short radio exchange, the content of which has become affordable after deciphering the speech recorder found at the site of the catastrophe.

"Radio exchange was extremely brief. The special situation was within 10 seconds. I can't tell you about the flaps and other things we heard, "said Baynetov, answering questions from journalists. - Everything was quite ordinary, but there was one phrase, which speaks of the development of a special situation. She doesn't say anything else. "

According to him, the version of the terrorist attack is still considered, although not as the main one. Fire tracks or explosion on the wreckage of the aircraft and the bodies of passengers. "The explosion on board was not exactly not, but the terrorist attack is not only an explosion," said the head of the aircraft safety service of aircraft. In general, he said, the original circle of more than 15 versions of the catastrophe was halved - to seven - after receiving data from both "black boxes" caught by divers. Sergey Baynetov at the same time noted that the recorders on board the Tu-154 were only two.

He also told that embarrassing many landing in the SOCHE Adler Airport really was for a regular refueling. This is provided for by the flight plan in Syria. Usually for these purposes uses the airport in Mozdok, but on the day of the catastrophe it was closed on meteorological conditions, explained by Baynetov.

He stressed that only the employees of the border service rose on board in Sochi.

For a detailed study of these work of the aircraft and analyzing its work, it is necessary for at least 10 days, and to reduce all the data and draw conclusions - at least 30 days, said Baynetov. Technical issues, according to him, the best specialists are engaged. "We were able to collect large group Professionals and experts, with the help of which in the near future we hope to find out the cause of the incident, "he stressed.

The final conclusions about the causes of what happened will be only after the final decoding of onboard recorders and the total analysis of the occurrence, the Minister Maxim Sokolov stressed. According to him, deciphering the data of two side recorders is scheduled to be completed in the near future, possibly on January 30th. Specialists evaluate the condition of both black boxes as good.

Now, the minister noted, the main phase of the search operation is completed, but this does not mean that the searches are completed. On the this moment In the area of \u200b\u200bthe catastrophe there are 18 ships and floats. Sokolov stressed that work comes out for the identification of bodies, in which a large role will be behind genetic examinations. The necessary samples of genetic material from relatives of the victims have already been collected, the head of the Ministry of Transport reported.

He clarified that at the moment 19 bodies were raised and all the most important elements of the aircraft were raised. The layout of the liner fragments on the shore for the investigative experiment began.

Stattto Secretary - Deputy Minister of Defense Nikolai Pankov said that insurance fees on the company SOGAZ will be paid to the families of the dead soldiers. The amount of payments will be 5.8 million rubles. According to Pankov, 11 families of military personnel have already received these payments. On the federal military memorial cemetery In the suburbs on December 28, the first dead was buried, also told Pankov. The funeral of the rest of the dead can be held only at the end of genetic examinations.

See also: