The full name of the first Christian temple in Santo. Cathedral in Santo Domingo

Cathedral Our Lady of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Santo Domingo is a Catholic cathedral with the title of Minor Basilica, dedicated to the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation or Annunciation. Located in the old (colonial) city of Santo Domingo, between Arzobispo Meriño and Isabela La Católica streets, next to Colón Park.

The construction of this oldest cathedral in America, also known as the Catedral Primada de América, began in 1512, shortly after the creation of the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo by Pope Julius II, but the active phase of construction occurred between 1521 and 1537. The main work was carried out under the leadership of the Seville architect Louis de Moya, who managed to erect the Gothic foundation of the building. In 1529, after the completion of the vaults, Rodrigo Gila de Liendo became the chief architect. Architects Alonso Gonzalez and Alonso de Fuenmayor completed the construction of the cathedral, slightly reworking it in the Renaissance style. Finally, on August 31, 1541, the solemn consecration of the new basilica took place. 5 years later, Pope Paul III elevated the basilica to the rank of a cathedral and the main cathedral of America.

The cathedral building is a three-nave hall-type basilica without a transept, 54 m long with a total width of three naves of 23 m. Round columns support rib vaults reaching a height of 16 meters. Adjacent to the side naves are a total of 14 chapels built in subsequent eras. The basilica is built mainly from limestone blocks, but there is also some brickwork. The interior of the cathedral, in the late Gothic and early Plateresque traditions, contrasts with the main portal, built in the 1530s in the Renaissance style.

The Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor, also known as the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, is the oldest cathedral in the New World dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to some versions, the cathedral contains the remains of Christopher Columbus, whose monument is erected on the square in front of the cathedral. According to other versions, Columbus's ashes were transferred to the Seville Cathedral in Spain, or remained in the Faro Colon (Columbus Lighthouse) - a kind of mausoleum of the great navigator. Included in the UNESCO list.

Construction of the cathedral in Santo Domingo began with the blessing of Pope Julius III (given in 1504) in 1512 under the direction of Bishop Fray García Padilla and designed by the Spanish architect Alonso Rodriguez from Seville. The temple was consecrated in 1541. Five years later, at the request of King Charles V of Spain, Pope Paul III gave the cathedral the status of a cathedral and ordered it to be the residence of the Primate of the Americas (a title held by the Catholic Bishop of Santo Domingo). The famous pirate Francis Drake, who captured the city in 1586, spared the cathedral (despite the fact that he was a Protestant and a mortal enemy of Catholics) and made it his headquarters.

In 1920, Pope Benedict XV awarded the cathedral the status of a minor basilica.

The Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor, clad in golden coral limestone, combines Gothic and Baroque elements. Cross vaulted ceilings rise to a height of 16 meters, the length of the basilica is 24 meters, total area The basilica is 3000 square meters.

In the interior, manifestations of the Plateresque style, fashionable in Spanish culture of the 16th century, are noticeable. It is especially pronounced in the decoration of the silver altar. The ancient treasury of the cathedral contains rich collections of unique wooden statues from the 16th century, medieval furniture, old jewelry and silverware. There are also a number of antique objects that have been used by archbishops in religious ceremonies over the centuries.

Next to the main building there are chapels that were added later. In the courtyard of the complex there is a tombstone of Simon Bolivar (this is not the famous Liberator, but one of his ancestors and full namesake). At the end of the 19th century, remains were also found on the territory of the complex, according to the Dominican fathers, belonging to Columbus. Later, the ashes were transferred to Faro Colon, where a memorial plaque was installed, although DNA analysis carried out by scientists did not confirm their belonging to Columbus.

Photo of the Cathedral of Santa Maria la Minor:






Interior of the cathedral:


The Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor, also known as the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, is the oldest cathedral in South America, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to some versions, the remains of Christopher Columbus are buried in the cathedral, whose monument is erected on the square in front of the cathedral (according to other versions, Columbus’s ashes were transferred to, or remained in). Included in the UNESCO list.

Myths and facts

Construction of the cathedral in Santo Domingo began in 1512 under the direction of Bishop Fray Garcia Padilla and designed by the Spanish architect Alonso Rodriguez from Seville. The temple was consecrated by Pope Julius in 1541. Five years later, at the request of King Charles V of Spain, Pope Paul III received the status of Metropolitan and Primate. The cathedral in Santo Domingo became the headquarters of the archbishop. In 1920, Pope Benedict XV awarded the cathedral the status of a basilica.

What to see

The Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor, clad in golden coral limestone, combines Gothic and Baroque elements. Cross vaulted ceilings rise to a height of 16 m, the total area of ​​the basilica is 3000 sq.m.

In the interior, manifestations of the Plateresque style, fashionable in Spanish culture of the 16th century, are noticeable. It is especially pronounced in the decoration of the silver altar. The ancient treasury of the cathedral contains rich collections of unique wooden statues from the 16th century, medieval furniture, old jewelry and silverware. There are also a number of antique objects that have been used by archbishops in religious ceremonies over the centuries.

Next to the main building there are chapels that were added later. In the courtyard of the complex there is a tombstone of Simon Bolivar. At the end of the 19th century, remains were also found on the territory of the complex, according to the Dominicans, belonging to Columbus. Later, the ashes were transferred to where the memorial plaque was installed, although DNA analysis carried out by scientists did not confirm their identity.

200 m east of the cathedral there is another famous attraction -. Santo Domingo is also home to the oldest royal palace in the Americas -

Cathedral of Santo Domingo, also known as the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor is a Catholic cathedral in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. The cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the patroness of America. Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo, headed by Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez. The cathedral has the honorary status of a “minor basilica” and is the oldest cathedral in America.

The construction of this first of the Catholic churches in the New World began in 1514. The first stone was laid by Diego Columbus himself, but construction did not begin, because the architect who arrived on the island changed his mind and sailed to Mexico, where he began work on another cathedral. As a result, the first American temple appeared in Santo Domingo only a quarter of a century later. The leadership of the construction, which lasted for 30 years (until 1544), was entrusted to Bishop García Padilla. But the luxurious building with altars, chapels and statues of evangelists did not stand for long: the church was noticed by the English pirate Francis Drake. Since he was a Protestant and hated Catholics, he decided to plunder and desecrate the cathedral. After this, the building had to be rebuilt. At the request of Emperor Charles V in 1546, Pope Paul III granted the cathedral the status of a Cathedral.

The temple building is quite spacious, its total area is about three thousand square meters. Its width is 23 meters, length is 54 meters, and the height of the walls to the vaulted ceilings is 16 meters. During the construction of the cathedral, golden coral limestone was used, which was mined in local quarries. The architectural appearance of the temple is a mixture of Gothic and Baroque with a strong influence of Plateresque, the characteristic elements of which are most clearly noted in the design of the altar made of silver from 1540. The treasury of the cathedral contains rich collections of carved wooden statues, furniture, jewelry, and silverware.

In the square next to the cathedral there is an original monument to Christopher Columbus. According to some historical studies, the ashes of this great discoverer and traveler were buried next to the main altar of the temple.

In 1990, as part of the colonial city of Santo Domingo, the cathedral was included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. Masses are still celebrated here today.

Cathedral dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Santo Domingo is the former capital of the New World; it is for this reason that they decided to erect the first Catholic church here. Construction began in 1514, the work was difficult and dragged on for almost a quarter of a century and was completed in 1540. But the luxurious temple did not stand for long; an English pirate who hated Catholics decided to desecrate and plunder the temple. After this incident, the temple almost had to be built from scratch.

The area of ​​the cathedral covers 3,000 square meters. The dome is 16 meters high. The building is made of 3 naves, the length of the central nave is 54 meters, it is surrounded by 14 side niches.
Initially, it was planned to build an ordinary, undistinguished temple, but the arrival of Bishop Alejandro Geraldini significantly influenced the development of further construction. In 1521, they decided to build the impressive and luxurious Santo Domingo Cathedral. The cathedral archives contain the entire history of the city.

The Cathedral of Santo Domingo combines two styles of architecture: Gothic and Baroque. Particular attention was paid to the decoration of the altar, which is decorated with silver. The temple houses a rich collection of furniture, silverware, carved wooden statues and antique furniture. The Cathedral of Santo Domingo has three exits, the door that faces the Archbishop Merino Street is the main entrance. The front facade above the gate is decorated with busts of the apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and the embossed coat of arms of Charles V. The third exit is called the Gate of Forgiveness, which overlooks main square cities. Attracting curious tourists with its appearance.

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