Search coins on the beaches. Beach search - Limitations in the law, the effect of salts on MD, rating of the best devices for the beach, etc.

The search for lost coins and jewelry on the beach is represented by many treasure detectors of the faithful piece of bread. In fact, in the beach search there are nuances and subtleties, and the apparent simplicity of enrichment sometimes turns on empty kopami.

In the article, let's try to understand what metal detector is better to choose for the beach, how to behave when to go to the cop.

What you need to know about the search on the beach

The main thing about what should be remembered on the beach is water. Water is near, water in the ground. They took an unprotected metal detector, put or dropped into the water in Azart - and instead of the profits we get a loss - the repair of the control unit will cost not one coin.

If the sea beach, come across the next problem - salt.

Influence of salts

First of all, salt from the water easily goes into the ground, making it more mineralized. Metal detector becomes harder from such a soil. And the devices whose soil balance is not provided at all, can be enjoyed to bite in the salt sand, giving out signals where there is nothing at all.

The devices with tuning from the soil should be reconfigured as it approaches the water - the mineralization of the soil changes. Salted soil requires also improper sensitivity, and, therefore, a decrease in search depth. Fortunately, it is not critical on the beach, finds lie in the upper layer or on the sand surface.

Salt affects the state of metal detectors - gradually corrosive aluminum rods, and the plastic coil and the wire isolation occurs in the salty medium in the salty medium. Do not throw a metal detector after salty water - rinse with fresh water or at least wipe it, less than salt will remain after drying.

Protection on the coil

From the previous part, a simple but important conclusion. Salt, hanging on the surfaces, makes its own adjustments to the operation of the device. If you use the coil protection, after working in salty water, rinse both the coil and protection of fresh water - this will not give salt to preserve in the gaps and affect the work of the detector.

And if there is no fresh water at hand - work without protecting the coil and wipe it dryly after the coop.

Restrictions in law

Everything that is in the land or under water in Russia belongs to the state. Everything dugged over 100 years old must be passed to the museum.

The search itself on the beach in no way is illegal if the beach is not included in the special list of objects cultural heritage. About where you can go to dig for a day, and stay for 4 years, read in our material the law on metal detectors in Russia in 2019: where to dig is safe, whether it is necessary to obtain permission and what fines for violations.

The law does not prohibit you walk with the metal detector and on the beach, and in the woods, and central Square cities. As long as you do not dig a monument, do not disturb the cultural layer in specially protected places - it may be possible to prevent you from curiosity.

Types of beach search

Experienced treasures divide the beach into several zones, conditionally parallel water lines. The dry zone is isolated - the sand on the beach, the children's zone is the depth of up to 40 cm (knee-deep), maiden zone - up to 70 cm (on the belt), zone up to 120 cm (on the chest), the treasures are defined as "bare" - at this depth Most of the whole games occur, during which people lose decorations, and all that is deeper than the zone of the fattest Khabara, but also rare.

Beach search features without sunset

On the sand, coins and decorations are localized, which have been hung in the sock, the edge of the bedspread, other secluded places. And then they shook the snack and here it is loss of losses.


In the children's zone you can find cross, samples, children's decorations. And everything that brought the sea - it is approximately here.

Features of the beach search with water at the belt

In the maiden zone - rings. Girls often walk the weight, and they do not wear rings at the same time. I lost weight, the ring falls from the finger - and still carries it to the beach, right in the hands of the treasure detector.

Search peculiarities in deeper places

In the "bare" zone you can raise chains, earrings.

And in the deeper you can find any decorations in general. As a rule, there is losing gold and silver in extreme situations, in a panic. Began a man sinking - and breaks off everything instinctively.
Or rescuers randomly tear the chain.

If it is still actually going to the belt with a conventional metal detector, then there is nothing deeper without a waterproof device.

What metal detector is best for a beach search

Cheap or dear? Simple or trusted? We will try to answer these questions below.

Why any cheap metal detector is not suitable for the beach

The beach, and especially the salty beach - the soil is complicated. No wonder for many digital metal detectors Beach - a separate search program. Uneven humidity, uneven high mineralization, the presence of numerous metal garbage is the factors for which simple metal detectors are discriminated.

Simple metal detector - not necessarily cheap. The lack of tuning from the soil is a direct contraindication to the use of the appliance on the sea beach. Nothing other than disappointment, the treasure detector will not bear such a search.

What will be useful for the beach metal detector

For beach metal detector It is useful, first of all, the competent operator. Without it, any impaired technique turns into a useless and very expensive toy.

Water protection. Even if you behave extremely carefully, insure against the wave raised by a venture on a hydrocycle, it is impossible. If the device has no native water protection, you should take care of it.

Or change the device to protected. At the same time, the underwater search at a depth of 2-3 meters can be mastering.

Tuning from the soil or the presence of a special beach search mode. This is an important thing without which you should not go to the beach, especially marine. Either independently and tediously twist the potentiometers, knocking down a puree to a minimum and pre-committing itself to the search in a layer of up to 5 cm maximum.

Sea Beach Search

We were told about technical aspects above. Talk about time when it is best to go to sea \u200b\u200bbeach.

If you decide to combine a pleasant with useful and walk around the beach during its full occupation by civilian citizens - get ready for disappointments and negative. Not the whole population understands what the treasure detector is busy, why he worries citizens.

Therefore, it is better to go to the search for morning or evening hours or at all in the season - in spring or autumn, the main thing is that the snow or has already become or still falling.

Naturally, it is better to go to the sea beach at low tide. Less will have to climb into wet water. And the tide time can be devoted to the search in the sand.

Tools for searching on the beach with a metal detector

In addition to the metal detector, the digger will need decent protective gloves - to dig up on the beach on glass fragments and sharp edges of cans are easier than, for example, with a cop in a clean field.

The next accessory is a scoop. With a shovel on the beach there is nothing to do, the ground is not heavy. Therefore, a good light wide scoop is better and more effective than heavy shovels.

If you walk in a serious one, then it is worth starting scuba. This is a perforated metal box on the handle to which the treastener simultaneously enhances and sifts the soil.

It seems that the search on the beach is not noteworthy and some special difficulties should not arise. I have repeatedly talked about the nuances of the beach search, however, this topic continues to worry many search engines that "chase" for gold happiness. Therefore, in this short article, I once again call some secrets of the beach search, in order to your exits on sand beach crowned with success.

You already remember that leaving the beach, you need to be ready for digging "tons" of traffic jams and lids - from this not to leave, but in order to somehow protect yourself from this attack, use the most small coil that you have. Most often, this measure gives a positive result, and in aggregate with headphones, you can fully experience all the delights of the beach search, because the beach is a place that is visited annually by people.

Which shoulder lose some things without noticing it. And naturally, it is the beach that can please the treasure detector and chains, and rings, and other very interesting and valuable things. So I will try to replenish your collection of knowledge on the beach.

What you need to know about the search on the beach

I have already said that the best time for the beach search is the discovery and closure of the swimming season: Spring (early summer) and autumn. And the point here is not in the grass, it is simply not there; It's all about the yawns, which is always abound on any beach. But it does not mean at all that it is impossible to search on the beach in summer. On the contrary, summer beach It is very practiced, just need to go out or early in the morning, or in the evening. Also, remember that the search on the beach is not prohibited, so, to fear that someone will see you and so on - it is not worth it.

As I said above - without headphones on the beach nowhere. Especially if there is a wave and you went out in the midst of the day, when there are so many people that the background noise completely dries sounds from the instrument.

If you are looking for at a time when there are holidaymakers on the beach, do not disturb their personal space, no matter how you wanted it. Few who will like it, if a person has a man with a metal detector, the pits and so on in the meter. Treat people as much as you would like to treat you. In general, try not to conflict, do not go on rudeness.

On any organized beach there are several places where the search can be particularly successful. For example, locker rooms, on the coastline and at a depth of 1 meter. In the first case, everything is clear, people are changed, often something falls out of pockets, falls in the sand, is lost. In the second example, bathing from the runway enter the water, jump, and chains, earrings, sometimes and rings, also fly from their bodies.

Nevertheless, it makes sense to be like both the rest of the beach. It happens that someone removes decorations from themselves (chains), puts near the bedspread, and then, with a random hand movement, all this is discharged to the side ... and there are no always owners such losses find.

Also, it should always be accurately check and adjacent to the beach bushes (just carefully, as some lovers of rest in the bushes can and need to play). Self, it is from bushes and there are the most interesting finds.

Although they say that the search on the beach implies the presence of a sauer (and correctly say), but in addition to the backpack you can throw the MPL (small infantry blade), since in some situations there are such pits in some situations that there are no particularly accumulating. Also does not hurt the scoop (scoop for seedlings).

Search on the beach on a sunny day is a test for the body. And if, with the compensation of the water balance, many somehow cope with somehow, then the danger of burning into the sun, they think at the very last moment. Hence the advice: if the sun drives away from the beach, it is definitely a Panama on his head (it is Panama, because in the cap you will burn your face and neck), on the body a light shirt, to be closed shoulders, hands, body. Well, some pants, at least below the knees in order to protect yourself from the sun. The legs are better to shoes in the sneakers, so that you do not accidentally hurt about glass, shells, corks.

On a sunny day, sunglasses will be alike, from highlights on water really help.

Well, the last, if there are no people on the beach, the shovel and the stingy is not recommended to wear on the shoulder, as they usually wear a shovel in the fields, throwing the pin tool on the shoulder, and lowering the working part of the tool down, so that no one is injured.

Here is still all, the next portion of the tips in your piggy bank.

Your Alexander Maximchuk!
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Near the summer season, therefore, and the season is the digretal. Of course, I understand, there are people who continue to search round yearBut it is rather an exception, at least for Central Russia. Accordingly, most treasure detectors go into hibernation for winter time: remove the metal detector for storage to spring, they clean their summer finds, study new information. But with the arrival of spring, the movement begins - on the fields as a raghi here and there are the first representatives of the treasurefooting fraternity, combine the first protalins and other available land plots.

It so happened that the first accessibility to search using the metal detector in our region becomes sandy shores of rivers, first of all, of course, the beaches of the Volga. Naturally, the number of finds on the Volzhsky beach do not compare with black Sea coastBut and we have a treasure detector can count on certain finds.
It is important to understand that by and large the search on the river beach of central Russia and say on the beach in Feodosia - these are two big differences. I will try to explain. For the Black Sea Beach, a significantly greater traffic is characterized, and, therefore, the number of finds is greater. If, when searching for the Black Sea, you can feel free to count on the find "Ryzhka" (gold products), then on the usual river beach, of course, they come across, but much less often. The area of \u200b\u200bthe surveyed territory is also distinguished very significantly.

But there is, of course, features that are characteristic of any beach search. In particular, besides the pleasure that you get from a pleasant pastime in the fresh air and contemplation of the found items, the negative still takes place. And first of all, this is a huge amount of metal garbage that you have to face beach search lovers - tongues from cans, all sorts of traffic jams, foils from cigarettes, etc., you can list for a very long time. The second factor is the curious people who are on the beach, of course, much as anywhere, and everyone strives to help you with advice, you will ask how much "gold" you have already found, or pose you searching for some kind of items.

Of course, partly with all this can be struggling. For example, in order to cut off maximum debris, it is necessary to correctly set the instrument settings. At the same time, it is important to observe the optimal balance, so as not to miss anything right, do not "cut off" some interesting things, and for this you need to know your metal detector on "excellent." Here, by the way, the beach search is one of the types of treasure, where, in my opinion, it is not so important how deep the device "sees" goals. Most items are in the upper sand layer or pebbles, therefore, even the initial level metal detectors will perfectly cope with the task.

It is also possible to fight with curious vacationers on the beach by people too, let's say, not 100%, but partly. First, the best time to go to the beach search is the morning or evening when the people are still smaller. Secondly, bad weather, for example, a small rain or just a cloudy sky to work with a metal detector is not a hindrance, and the rest disgusts at times. Thirdly, a harsh concentrated face, headphones on the head and sharply deposited shovel - Creating miracles.

By the way, about shovels. The beach search with the metal detector proposes to us to abandon the usual shovel, replacing the storm. SCOOP (SCOOP) is a kind of Scoop for a beach search, very comfortable and in my opinion the desired device. You can make a meager yourself or purchase it ready, where and how to make Yandex will tell you with Google's brother.

The search technology on the beach is quite simple. Just read the coast, which is the beach or is simply considered to be. At the same time it makes sense to mentally divide the beach on some zones. Say, the swimming zone is from the coastline and approximately on the chest of an adult. Another question is that checking this zone without having a metal detector for underwater search, problematic and feasible only within the length of the rod of your device (from the coil to the block, as a rule, can be immersed in water). It is in this zone that the likelihood of jewelry is most high, because people are not so much floating there, but they swim (jump, sink, splashes), therefore, the ring can fly from the finger, to break the chain, etc.

Another zone is the beach directly, the territory where people sunbathe, exhibit sun beds or spread the blankets. On the beach itself and the garbage gets across, and the range of finds is much wider, but worse quality. Quality in terms of the fact that there is a lot of modern "walking", while not the best conservation. By the way, it is more expensive to clean this trifle, but for those who do not know, I will say, in the store it takes very reluctant (or not at all), but there are various machines (selling coffee, chocolate, etc.) swallow with a bang. Typically, the width of this zone is limited to 15 ... 20 meters, well, or the sand boundary on the beach.

At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that various reservoirs (and rivers and the sea, and lakes) have been actively used in various people as a road for many centuries, so you can count not only on modern finds, but on vintage coins, crosses, etc. . And the ancient settlement located nearby, the more likely finding antiquity objects.

Separately, I would like to say, the search is not necessary to exercise on the beach, you can simply do it along the banks of the rivers. Rationality this action It is also associated with the active use of rivers and other reservoirs in antiquity, but this is a slightly different technique, other principles and I think it makes sense to tell about it separately.

In the summer periods, thousands of people seek in hot weather to reservoirs, swim, sunbathe, relax, spend time "in water". It is quite natural that people lose something out of small objects. This is associated with several factors: general confusion, wide pockets shorts, the need to change clothes (and at this point to lose something out of pockets), well, and naturally, the adoption of alcoholic beverages even more increases the losses on the beaches.

Items that most often lose people this:
- modern coins;
- keys (from cars and houses);
- lighters;
- Decorations (gold, silver, jewelry: all sorts of rings, bracelets, chains, pendants);

All this is found on marine and freshwater beaches with metal detectors!

On the beaches, in addition to holidaymakers in order to sunbathe and swim, often engaged in favorite business and fishermen, after which you can find entire collections of glitter, loaded and other all kinds of fishing gear and fixtures.

And all this can be easily found with the help of a metal detector almost on any beach or bathing place.

It is worth noting that in addition to useful and interesting finds, other items left and thrown on the beach will be present on the beach, which are numerous bottles, beer "tongues" from cans, tin cans, foil from chocolate and cigarettes. Unfortunately, without this nowhere. We advise you not to leave these garbage items in place, but to put them in a separate package and carry from the beach: first you will make the beach cleaner and make a noble thing, secondly will be easier for you to look for this beach in the future, well, and in - You can choose a lot of non-ferrous metal and pass it. Who even collect traffic jams.

What metal detectors are suitable for searching for jewelry on the beach?

For a beach search, almost any modern metal detector will suit. After all, they now have the two most necessary to search on the beach with properties: discrimination (the possibility to determine and cut the iron from non-ferrous metals) and a hermetic search coil.
It is important to notice that for a beach search does not need a super-ended metal detector, because most of the finds are located very not deeply and are in the area of \u200b\u200breach the easiest models.

A few words about tightness. As we noted, almost all modern metal detectors are produced with completely hermetic search coils (this is written in the description and instructions for a specific instrument). And this means that the coil can be lowered into the water to the depth of the cord and the rod, so as not to soak the metal detector control unit (usually 30-50 cm). Attention! The blocks of control of the metal detector (on ordinary land models) are not sealed, and it is impossible to splash them into the water!
Thus, it is possible to search for jewelry in water (at the edge of the coast), lowering the coil of the device into water.

In addition to land soil metal detectors, there are specialized underwater metal detectorsCreated to search for treasures under water at considerable depths.
If the beach search for you is the main one - it is worth thinking about buying such an appliance!
They are completely sealed, not to be afraid of neither splashing in water, they have airtal underwater headphones to work under water, are ideal for such searches and are actively used by divers.
Here are examples of several models of such devices:
Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II
Minelab Excalibur.
Garrett Infinium Ls.

Minelab Excalibur.

Garrett Infinium Ls.

But if you do not want to buy a separate underwater device, but still I want to search in water and not be afraid for your land metal detector - there is another option!
You can make your device yourself underwater, or rather to equip it protective boxing To be able to immerse the detector entirely into small depths. Make it is not very difficult and not very expensive: a couple of evenings and a couple of shops shopping and you will have your own "underwater hunter" for decorations. True, still buy special headphones or adapt ordinary inexpensive to work in water.

Photo of the modified Garrett ACE 250 to search for water

We did not just draw your attention to underwater and sealed devices. The fact is that a lot of decorations are lost just where the depth does not allow the usual metal detector to do finds - a lot of decorations (and little garbage) can be found at a depth of 1-1.5 meters.
Why?!!! It is not far from the coast, in this range, many are frolic and in the course it is losing the decorations and the chains are torn, cool water narrows the vessels of the human body and the rings sometimes just score from fingers, at this depth, already the lost almost unrealistly find lost.

What are the beaches most prolific on the decorations?

Where there are more people, more and loss, and therefore your finds;

Where the audience is richer, there and findings are more interesting;

Fabric beaches are of particular interest: the garbage is less than the rest with a lot of prosperity, instead of kopecks and rubles - euros and cents;

Beaches that exist for a very long time ( comfortable places For bathing and approach to water) can also bring antiques;

Beach search equipment

  1. Metal detector. We already noticed your attention that almost all modern detectors are suitable for beach search. Our shop Shop -Detect .Ru can recommend you several models. From universal land models: Garrett Ace 150, Garrett Ace 250, Minelabe X-Terra 305, Whites Coinmaster. From underwater models, we recommend: Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II, Minelab Excalibur, Garrett Infinium Ls
  2. Skup (Square). FROMpecial fixture for comfortable digging of finds in the sand. Photo. Such devices can be purchased or made from the remedies. Of course, it is possible to use a conventional shovel, but finds that will be located in water - much more convenient to dig up with similar devices.
  3. Boots Bolotniki. Search in cold times when the water temperature is not high, it is better to dress and shut "as it should".
  4. Wetsuit. To actively search for water in any weather. Required when searching with an underwater device, because It has to be in water for a long time.

square (Skup)

Tips when searching for decorations

  • Sea beaches often expose new finds after the storm. It is always worth checking the old beach after the next storm or strong waves;
  • Many coins and other "losses" can be found on the ground where beach chairs are standing (if any);
  • It is worth examining the reservoirs (or rather their bottom and coastal line), which were drained for cleaning, expansion or due to other reasons;
  • Even small and at first glance "without promising" beaches can bring many finds. For example, compact river beaches near settlements;
  • The main loss of jewelry occurs where active actions are underway on the beach: People are frolic at the entrance to the water, play beach volleyball and football;
  • Use the ability to search during the low tide on the sea or the descent of water in the reservoir. There are periods when in freshwater rivers and large water bodies, the water level is lowered and it is lower than the usual (decrease in the level in front of the spring flood, dry summer, etc.). In these periods, you will get the opportunity to conveniently walk with the metal detector on those sites where you could not pass because of a high water level and you will be waiting for new finds;
  • In the summer, to search is better in the early morning clock (from dawn to 9.00) or on weekdays. At this time, little people and no one will interfere with you, you will examine more area of \u200b\u200bthe beach, where people with their things are located in the daytime;
  • The most productive day in the summer is Monday (morning). Competitors have not yet had time to play the beach, and the fresh lost (over the weekend) decorations and items are waiting for you;
  • Use the ability to take the metal detector to rest in the warm edges. You can combine hobbies and rest on sea beaches;

That is why there are a lot of losses on the beaches (one of the reasons):

So, we told you about the basics of a beach search. This type of search with the metal detector is now very popular, because no one has canceled the gold fever and excitement from the hobby. In other countries, this search is as very popular, and walking for example along the shore in Italy or the United States you will definitely meet people who are passionate about this occupation. All that remains is to take a metal detector and start collecting gold jewelry.

The search with the metal detector on the beach is radically different from the search for old coins outside the city. Beach search on the beach, the passion for whose people does not confuse the prospect of hundreds of questions asked by vacationers and simply on the beach, although there is an opportunity to reduce these issues to a minimum. To do this, choose the weather by releasing the standard alignment and boldly on the road, the drizzling, windy, nonsense, simply frozen weather is suitable for all hundred.

To search on the beach in the sand, any soil metal detector is suitable, even the most budget, is due to the fact that the depth of the location of finds in the sand is usually not big, although of course there are exceptions but will not be about them. Standard Garrett ACE 250 or Teknetics Alpha 2000 is enough with his head, in the time of my first steps in the search, I spent the whole September on the beach with my ICQ, wonderful times.

Requirements for the size of the coil. As we know, for more accurate target identification, it is necessary to minimize the hit by the search coil more than one goal, and since our beaches hide in themselves a large number of Metal garbage, it is necessary to approach the choice of the coil. So, the coil to search on the beach should not be big! For an ellipse - no more than 6x10 inches, for a round - no more than 8 inches, the perfect size, about 6 inches.

Requirements for the type of coil. Type of coil - For the beach, many advise only mono coil, I do not adhere to this opinion and consider that the type can be used both Mono and DD.

Requirements for the detector frequency. As we negotiated, you can also search for even the cheapest ground metal detector, but if you have a financial opportunity, it is better to choose a metal detector that can work at high frequency, 13 kHz, 15 kHz and even higher. First dignity, high frequency is sharpened for the best definition of small goals, such as earrings, chains, small rings, etc. The second advantage is that it is well clinging objects with an average electrical conductivity, which is gold. The third dignity is the improved separation of metals. The fourth dignity of the high-frequency coil is high protected from electrical interference, which in the conditions of the city it is washes enough.

What finds can be done on the beach - The lion's share falls on beer covers, without them is not one modern beach. I dug the lid, do not throw it in the sand, and better take with you and throw in the trash can. After the covers, there is a modern trifle. For the average hour of searching on the beach you can collect about four hryvnias. The gold is unfortunately falling back, and so that it is necessary to dig it from the sand from the sand, or even a hundred lids. As one of my friend says, the one who does not roll off covers - does not find the golden rings. Well, how lucky, because the other my friend argued that for all summer in which he visited the beach every day, he found no little, but about 300 grams of red metal.

The tool for accelerating and facilitating the search for the goals in the sand is a scuba. Scuba are manual and on the holder, like a shovel, homemade and factory. If there is no scuba, then grab the pinpointer, because it is very difficult to find something in the shocking sand, it happened that I tried to catch a Ukrainian coin in 10 kopecks for a few minutes.

Search in water. If you want to go deep into the water at least on the meter - there is a special equipment, an approach and good experience. The search engine makes the decision to dig or not based on the sound of the metal detector published, which requires a good understanding of the detector. The budget detector is not suitable here, it is suitable for underwater search as symbiosis of the soil and underwater Garrett At Gold and purely underwater, for example, Minelab Excalibur II. It is also necessary to have a scuba with a holder, without it, there is no point in water.

See also: