Is it possible to find gold metal detector on the beach. Beach search - Limitations in the law, the effect of salts on MD, rating of the best devices for the beach, etc.

The search for lost coins and jewelry on the beach is represented by many treasure detectors of the faithful piece of bread. In fact, in the beach search there are nuances and subtleties, and the apparent simplicity of enrichment sometimes turns on empty kopami.

In the article, let's try to understand what metal detector is better to choose for the beach, how to behave when to go to the cop.

What you need to know about the search on the beach

The main thing about what should be remembered on the beach is water. Water is near, water in the ground. They took an unprotected metal detector, put or dropped into the water in Azart - and instead of the profits we get a loss - the repair of the control unit will cost not one coin.

If the sea beach, come across the next problem - salt.

Influence of salts

First of all, salt from the water easily goes into the ground, making it more mineralized. Metal detector becomes harder from such a soil. And the devices whose soil balance is not provided at all, can be enjoyed to bite in the salt sand, giving out signals where there is nothing at all.

The devices with tuning from the soil should be reconfigured as it approaches the water - the mineralization of the soil changes. Salted soil requires also improper sensitivity, and, therefore, a decrease in search depth. Fortunately, it is not critical on the beach, finds lie in the upper layer or on the sand surface.

Salt affects the state of metal detectors - gradually corrosive aluminum rods, and the plastic coil and the wire isolation occurs in the salty medium in the salty medium. Do not throw a metal detector after salty water - rinse with fresh water or at least wipe it, less than salt will remain after drying.

Protection on the coil

From the previous part, a simple but important conclusion. Salt, hanging on the surfaces, makes its own adjustments to the operation of the device. If you use the coil protection, after working in salty water, rinse both the coil and protection of fresh water - this will not give salt to preserve in the gaps and affect the work of the detector.

And if there is no fresh water at hand - work without protecting the coil and wipe it dryly after the coop.

Restrictions in law

Everything that is in the land or under water in Russia belongs to the state. Everything dugged over 100 years old must be passed to the museum.

The search itself on the beach in no way is illegal if the beach is not included in the special list of objects cultural heritage. About where you can go to dig for a day, and stay for 4 years, read in our material the law on metal detectors in Russia in 2019: where to dig is safe, whether it is necessary to obtain permission and what fines for violations.

The law does not prohibit you walk with the metal detector and on the beach, and in the woods, and central Square cities. As long as you do not dig a monument, do not disturb the cultural layer in specially protected places - it may be possible to prevent you from curiosity.

Types of beach search

Experienced treasures divide the beach into several zones, conditionally parallel water lines. The dry zone is isolated - the sand on the beach, the children's zone is the depth of up to 40 cm (knee-deep), maiden zone - up to 70 cm (on the belt), zone up to 120 cm (on the chest), the treasures are defined as "bare" - at this depth Most of the whole games occur, during which people lose decorations, and all that is deeper than the zone of the fattest Khabara, but also rare.

Beach search features without sunset

On the sand, coins and decorations are localized, which have been hung in the sock, the edge of the bedspread, other secluded places. And then they shook the snack and here it is loss of losses.


In the children's zone you can find cross, samples, children's decorations. And everything that brought the sea - it is approximately here.

Features of the beach search with water at the belt

In the maiden zone - rings. Girls often walk the weight, and they do not wear rings at the same time. I lost weight, the ring falls from the finger - and still carries it to the beach, right in the hands of the treasure detector.

Search peculiarities in deeper places

In the "bare" zone you can raise chains, earrings.

And in the deeper you can find any decorations in general. As a rule, there is losing gold and silver in extreme situations, in a panic. Began a man sinking - and breaks off everything instinctively.
Or rescuers randomly tear the chain.

If it is still actually going to the belt with a conventional metal detector, then there is nothing deeper without a waterproof device.

What metal detector is best for a beach search

Cheap or dear? Simple or trusted? We will try to answer these questions below.

Why any cheap metal detector is not suitable for the beach

The beach, and especially the salty beach - the soil is complicated. No wonder for many digital metal detectors Beach - a separate search program. Uneven humidity, uneven high mineralization, the presence of numerous metal garbage is the factors for which simple metal detectors are discriminated.

Simple metal detector - not necessarily cheap. The lack of tuning from the soil is a direct contraindication to the use of the device on sea beach. Nothing other than disappointment, the treasure detector will not bear such a search.

What will be useful for the beach metal detector

For the beach metal detector is useful, first of all, the competent operator. Without it, any impaired technique turns into a useless and very expensive toy.

Water protection. Even if you behave extremely carefully, insure against the wave raised by a venture on a hydrocycle, it is impossible. If the device has no native water protection, you should take care of it.

Or change the device to protected. At the same time, the underwater search at a depth of 2-3 meters can be mastering.

Tuning from the soil or the presence of a special beach search mode. This is an important thing without which you should not go to the beach, especially marine. Either independently and tediously twist the potentiometers, knocking down a puree to a minimum and pre-committing itself to the search in a layer of up to 5 cm maximum.

Sea Beach Search

We were told about technical aspects above. Let's talk about the time when it is best to go to the sea beach.

If you decide to combine a pleasant with useful and walk around the beach during its full occupation by civilian citizens - get ready for disappointments and negative. Not the whole population understands what the treasure detector is busy, why he worries citizens.

Therefore, it is better to go to the search for morning or evening hours or at all in the season - in spring or autumn, the main thing is that the snow or has already become or still falling.

Naturally, it is better to go to the sea beach at low tide. Less will have to climb into wet water. And the tide time can be devoted to the search in the sand.

Tools for searching on the beach with a metal detector

In addition to the metal detector, the digger will need decent protective gloves - to dig up on the beach on glass fragments and sharp edges of cans are easier than, for example, with a cop in a clean field.

The next accessory is a scoop. With a shovel on the beach there is nothing to do, the ground is not heavy. Therefore, a good light wide scoop is better and more effective than heavy shovels.

If you walk in a serious one, then it is worth starting scuba. This is a perforated metal box on the handle to which the treastener simultaneously enhances and sifts the soil.

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Outside the window of winter, the meter of snow lies on the ground. And I wanted to remember summer warm days when the rays of the sun are reflected in the stroy of water. And on the beach crowd of the people, bathe and sunbathe. And along with this losing your money and decorations! Speech today will go about the beach kope.

Beach search - the case is quite troublesome and under the power only by patient search engines, the most overwhelmed of them. Why? I myself dug several times on the beaches and except for hundreds of traffic jams and several tens of rubles, I did not find anything. But how no people are lucky and fans of their affairs come across pretty decent finds: silver, gold and precious stones.

A completely any metal detector will be used for the beach search. Both the entry level and professional. But it is worth saying about the coil. By virtue of the strong vestivation of these places, the search for a large coil will be extremely difficult. It will be literally to ring. Usually use small-diameter sniper coils. But regular mono coils of Asek 150-250 and graters 305 are suitable. Also new GO-Find devices from Minelab. Waterproof devices are especially welcome in a beach kope. After all, in search of gold you will probably go into the water.

More finds can be found in the recreation area, where they undressed and lay people, well, in shallow water, where the people with a scatter burst into the water and jewelry with a whistle flew. But traffic jams and foil will be everywhere. Without it, they do not do any beach, no matter how cleaning it. All these items give a steady signal, especially in budget devices.

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What comes across on the beaches? Numerous tubes, tongues from cans, foil. Of the less normal, lost pockets, keys and cell phones, lost from pockets. But the jewelry falls rarely. But behind it, all lovers wander with the device on the beach. Well, and all sorts of fishing accessories: Lost Georgia, Hooks and Brilliars. I even found a whole box with a set of hooks and loaded!

Shovel well dig no sandy beaches. Yes, and there are such. For example, rustic ponds. And in the sand, the faithful fiscar will already be unlikely. Instead, use a stingy. This is such a bucket with a bunch of holes, which are scarying sand at the point of likely find. Through the holes, all the sand leaves, and the find remains. Convenient, isn't it?

Soviet beaches will be more interesting, in our century no longer used. I had to somehow dig on such. The garbage was relatively few. And from the findings of the late 1960s of the 60s of the last century. But the jewelements did not get caught.

And the most delicious beaches in the plan of finds - still royal times. Have you seen imperial copper from sand, clay and yals? She in such a state, as if the coin was dropped yesterday. After all, in Ilu and clay without access of oxygen, even a patina on a coin is not growing.

Running on several beaches I concluded that this is not mine. I haven't found so much garbage anywhere! I'd rather go to the house pit than I go to the beach. But, perhaps you will be lucky to dig a long-awaited Ryzhik, lost bathing. Try, dig. An attempt is not torture 🙂.

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In contrast to the search by antiquity, the beach search has mega plus - here the findings are replenished every year. Moreover, the expected valuable finds from the discharge of jewelry losses. If you are with a metal detector on a fresh beach, features are simple - pick up what to dig and do not climb the detector. But if you went to the salty sea beach, be prepared for the struggle of your device with the influence of mineralization.

Features of a beach search with a metal detector, and what to pay attention to the search on the sea beach.

Than to dig

The dry sand on the beach is very poorly shovel by a shovel (pun). There is simply refluxed from the shovel, plus the pit itself is still "delayed." In my arsenal, small spernaya without options. But its effectiveness in such sand was none, had to rake up with her legs and hands. To that, any shovel when entering the water above the knee, in general, dubious as a tool.

Finds in the sand lie shallow, the sand is light - a plastic scoop copes with such a task. It is inexpensive, it is worth the sewing (more volume). Plus such a tool - the plastic scoop invisible to the metal detector. When digging out, the sand can be recruited and immediately brought along the coil.

Professional tool for a beach search with a metal detector is a scuba. Large scoop, whose feature in the "hole" work surface. When the sand fence is sieved through these holes, and the find remains in the scuba.

Scuba for beach search come with a short handle and long. A short handle is convenient on a surface search, shallow in water or a search with full immersion. A long handle is needed with the "middle" underwater search (the water level from the belt to the neck), but it can also be used during surface search.

There are options for universal scuba, which have both a handle and a cutter for a cutter. If the scube is made of metal, it is desirable that this metal is not magnetized.

Influence of salts

The biggest problem with the sea beach search with the metal detector is the sea salt. This is a high mineralization environment and it is very strongly "pressed" detector. It is manifested in random (phantom) signals, the inability is correctly determined with the type of find (discrimination), loss of detection depth.

The higher the moisture of sea sand, the higher this effect. For example, it is possible to rebuild on dry sand, to search and when approaching the edge of the water (or with a shallow immersion of the coil), get a new, even greater dose of phantom.

But whatever it was a problem, the search on the seabed is possible even with inexpensive. It just stones the sensitivity to the disappearance of phantoms. When the sensitivity decreases, the depth of detection will certainly fall, but the beach finds in most cases lie shallow and even with such a setting they are seen.

Better if the metal detector has broader settings (some models have declared compensation for the influence of sea salt). With my current detector on the Crimean beach there were no problems. Adjusting to the soil and then the subsequent reduction in sensitivity. The peculiarity is that the level of mineralization changes and when approaching the water, it was necessary to repeat it again.

Protection on the coil

Useful piece protection on the coil, but ... in a beach search, such protection can play in minus efficiency. When immersing the coil of the metal detector, and if there is protection on this coil - water will get involved. Salted water and drying the salt remains inside. And the extra salt is still an additional burden on the balance of stability of your detector.

This moment was felt by our comrades in practice. He led the search on the sea beach (including and entered the water). He arrived home, left the detector to dry on the balcony. The next day I went to breathe in the steppe, and ... For the first few minutes he thought that his device was "blown" and it was necessary to remember where the guarantee was. With its standard settings for this area, his detector sang songs even in the air (and this is a very bad feature). The mind won this mystery - removing the defense saw a beautiful salt flaw, distributed over the entire working surface of the coil. And under protection it was not visible.

P.S. Note ➨ ➨ ➨ Bomb theme -. Look, you will not regret.

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And those and others have a small, but relatively constant income under the right approach.

Those who wade in search of gold do not want to be content with small. Them finds will be rarebut much more valuable.

Romantics-gold descendants have enough at all times. And some of them really enriched.

In order to become a successful gold descendant, it is necessary to figure out how to find where to look for and what to use for this.

You do not need to open a new braid to find gold. For this you need large material possibilities that are far from everyone.

But people lose a lot of gold jewelry, jewelry made of precious metal by inattentive or in a hurry.

It is this lost gold we will look for: in the ground, on the street and on the beach.

Gold can be founded everywhere, where the person steps the leg, however, in some places the probability of finding is significantly higher.

As a rule, these are places of swimming and clusters of people in the city.

On the beach

Search for gold on the beach is perhaps the most profitable event among seekers.

The beach and the coastal strip of the sea, lake or river ─ here often happens cluster of people.

And after all it is difficult to find a person who at least once in his life has not lost anything on the beach.

It happens so that before going to swim, a person removes gold jewelry and puts them in a pocket of clothing lying on the sand.

Coming out of the water, he often forgets about it, and, before dressing, shakes the sand from the clothes, and with it and decorations. In addition, some on the beach drink, which dispels attention.

Anyway, on the sand and under water, as a rule, have something to get a crawler Gold.

Search for gold on the beach is more convenient in the evening or at nightWhen vacationers mostly diverged. At the occurrence of darkness use lanterns.

Daily experienced search engines find up to 10 grams of gold. Taking into account its value in the pawnshop and organizations where gold scrap is taken (from 1,300 rubles per gram), it turns out very well.

Under water

Not all of the vacationers know that the temperature difference is more than 10 degrees leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, as a result of which the fingers slightly decrease in diameter.

Because of this, people entering the water that is more often significantly colder air, losing rings and rings.

In water, not only float, but also begging, playing different games. At the same time, it often happens that gold chains with crosses or suspension pendants are torn. Lose gold watches. because in the water found more Gold than in the sand, in the coastal zone.

Most valuable finds come across at a depth of about two meters.

What to look for gold water water? Search rakes on a long handle, as well as metal detectors capable of working in water.

Different places on the street

Parking and recreation areas for tourists Also attract gold seekers.

People on vacation are relaxed, moving a lot, play active games.

At the same time losing rings, rings and other gold jewelry, and here it also makes sense to look for gold.

Square and SquareWhere thousands of people pass in the day, they can also become places of valuable finds, especially after meetings, holidays and events.

In park areaswhere citizens rest right on the grass, arranging picnics, someone's valuable gold jewelry can also remain.

City flower beds and floral borders - Places where it is easy to lose a ring or chain, working with the earth and leaning over it. If people put on or flowing flowers, put on the hands of the gloves, then when removing gloves, the probability of loss of the ring increases. In the city, there are significant squares in the form of flower. It is worth searching.

The likelihood of Nakhodka increases next to jewelry shops and masterfully. Here people often lose gold jewelry or small golden details of damaged chains, broken gold claasures of bracelets or clock. Small grains of gold and gold chips are put on the soles of the wizard.

Necessary equipment

To search for gold on the beach or in the recreation area, it is enough to have powerful flashlight, metallic scoop And beach rake.

Special devices do not interfere if you plan to search and the cord of gold in the ground: a magnet and detector.

In the sea or lake, at a depth of more than 1.5 meters, maybe you may need scuba diving mask.

Search for grabla

They are made from ordinary country rabel. In the teeth, they dust with a grinder of three parallel deepening.

Between the teeth strengthened:

  • self-tapping screws Long shorter teeth;
  • fishing hooks.

Such a design firmly clinging chains, rings, earrings And other items in the sand, tightly holding them.

You can use a rake as in the sand and under water, passing along the bottom of the coastal zone.

Working robbles in water, get ready clean them after each rightAfter all, they will bring a lot of garbage and plants.

Well, if the device will be long handle - It will greatly increase the chances of success.

Use of magnets and detectors

Search magnets and metal detectors help search more efficient. Cop gold in the ground without them is impossible at all, because you need know. You can find gold in the ground without a metal detector permanently.

Gold, being diamagnetic, not detected by an ordinary magnet.

Powerful search magnet detects and holds gold jewelry, which contains ligature ─ A mixture of metals that give strength too soft and plastic gold.

Rings, rings, bracelets, hairpins, cufflinks and other decorations are made of ligational gold. If nickel is a ligature component, the neodymium magnet easily finds such gold. Neodymium magnet can be bought in Russian stores at a price of 1000 rubles.

Metal detector is also possible choose in the store According to their financial opportunities, ranging from two thousand rubles:

  1. DART ─ F100 ─ Waterproof metal detector, price ─ 6900 rubles.
  2. Aquamarine 100 ─ Underwater Metal Detector, Price ─ 5000 rubles.
  3. Minelab Gold Monster 1000 is a highly efficient, powerful detector, price ─ 59990 rubles.
  4. SHRXY GP-PINPOINTING - Compact detector (pinpointer) for beginners. The search depth is small ─ 5 cm, but it has high accuracy, it easily detects small metal objects in the layer of land, the price ─ 2000 rubles.

Search for spent polygons

Russia is extremely rich in gold waters.

From the Moscow region to Kolyma, its numerous deposits are open.

There are among them the peeters worked in the industrial way and lost interest to the owner Enterprises. For this reason, they are closed.

Here, in small areas, which turned out to be inaccessible bulldozer, there is still a lot Gold. On such polygons, called technogenic places, and you can search for gold.

Until 2016, the license to search for gold on exhaust polygons was not issued by individuals. Those who are self-confined gold on the fores left, attracted criminal liability.

Now, any citizen of Russia has the right to receive a special license and the rights of a private prospector to search for gold on man-made places. According to a new position, you can search for gold only with a surface method, exclusively using manual tools. The use of explosives is prohibited.

The initial license is worth 7500 rublesShe has power for five years. Extension of the license - 750 rubles.

It is important to choose the search plot. More likely to find gold in places where there were gorgeous placers that found ingots weighing more than 50 grams. Otherwise, it is possible to lose time and work in vain.

It is known that in the Urals, Chukotka, found in the Amur region nuggets Weight from 3.5 to 16 kg. So it makes sense to look for gold in these places. But, perhaps, there are nugume places, located closer to your place of residence.

In the reports of the territorial geological fund there are information about geological developmentswhere you can find interesting items, it is available for familiarization.

On worked dumps, judging by the experience of private gold kits, one search engine with a metal detector can find up to 20 grams Gold in a day.

Nuggets are more common on the surface of the layerWhile raised by a bulldozer during technological development.

After the breed is removed by an industrial method of a breed with a gold plane turns out to be on the surface.

In small basins located here, there is a chance to find large pieces of gold. But it happens that such plots are littered with folding rocksAnd not to go to the gold.

Small cracks The bulldozer does not capture, they can also be a nugget weighing more than five grams. In short, you need to show great patience to find your first nugget.

Where to hand out found?

At first glance, the most difficult seems to find gold. But no less simple task ─ find buyer And correctly sell the found gold. At the same time, as little as possible to lose money and time.

Ligatured scrap and decorations

To pass the golden scrap in Russia is not a problem, in any city there are pawnshoes that make gold from the population. To successfully hand over the found decorations, you will need a ID.

If the found decoration is still represents value as a product or historical object, you can find buyer who will take it more expensive scrap.

Pure metal

Many private prospectors hurry to help out the money for nuggets and sell gold to the owner of the enterprise, which earlier chose the main gold from the site, at a price of 1500-2000 rubles per gram.

It is extremely unprofitable for the private gold defector. After all, this is the price of buying scrap from ligational gold (broken chains, bracelets, earrings, etc.), and not clean.

Even popular gold 585 testfrom which decorations are made contains only 58.5% Pure precious metal.

You can imagine how much money is losing a private prospector, a lot of time and strength spent in search of pure gold and sold it at the price of gold scrap.

The same applies to affinity gold mined from radio components and instruments.

To make it profitable to realize pure gold, you need to know this:

  1. Market value Gold at the time of sale.
  2. The price will affect beautiful view nuggets. They are often bought collectors for which it is important. The most expensive will be paid for pure nuggets without foreign inclusions. Beautiful, bright nuggets collectors buy at a price above the market.
  3. Cost nugget depends on the place where it was found. For collectors it important moment. For found in a little-known field will pay more.
  4. Lombardybuying up ─ not the best way realize gold nuggets; With the best situation, only half of their real cost will be selected for them. Give gold to the affinity factory, where it is cleaned of impurities ─ it also loses 20% of its cost.
  5. You can not rush with sale. We must calmly and carefully look for the right buyer, whether it is a collector or a discoversion.

Useful video

Beach rake - the first adaptation in the arsenal of a novice seeker. The video shows how to do it with your own hands:


It is unlikely that gold search can privately become the main source of income and the main occupation in life. But with the right approach, this fishery can bring weight financial assistance, especially those who have a tendency to search for lost jewels and are not shy of others.

Engaged in search remember the ethics of behavior In public places, do not deliver the inconvenience to resting their excessive zeal.

In contact with

Near the summer season, therefore, and the season is the digretal. Of course, I understand, there are people who continue to search round yearBut it is rather an exception, at least for Central Russia. Accordingly, most treasure detectors go into hibernation for winter time: remove the metal detector for storage to spring, they clean their summer finds, study new information. But with the arrival of spring, the movement begins - on the fields as a raghi here and there are the first representatives of the treasurefooting fraternity, combine the first protalins and other available land plots.

It so happened that the first accessibility to search using the metal detector in our region becomes sandy shores of rivers, first of all, of course, the beaches of the Volga. Naturally, the number of finds on the Volzhsky beach do not compare with black Sea coastBut and we have a treasure detector can count on certain finds.
It is important to understand that by and large the search on the river beach of central Russia and say on the beach in Feodosia - these are two big differences. I will try to explain. For the Black Sea Beach, a significantly greater traffic is characterized, and, therefore, the number of finds is greater. If, when searching for the Black Sea, you can feel free to count on the find "Ryzhka" (gold products), then on the usual river beach, of course, they come across, but much less often. The area of \u200b\u200bthe surveyed territory is also distinguished very significantly.

But there is, of course, features that are characteristic of any beach search. In particular, besides the pleasure that you get from a pleasant pastime in the fresh air and contemplation of the found items, the negative still takes place. And first of all, this is a huge amount of metal garbage that you have to face beach search lovers - tongues from cans, all sorts of traffic jams, foils from cigarettes, etc., you can list for a very long time. The second factor is the curious people who are on the beach, of course, much as anywhere, and everyone strives to help you with advice, you will ask how much "gold" you have already found, or pose you searching for some kind of items.

Of course, partly with all this can be struggling. For example, in order to cut off maximum debris, it is necessary to correctly set the instrument settings. At the same time, it is important to observe the optimal balance, so as not to miss anything right, do not "cut off" some interesting things, and for this you need to know your metal detector on "excellent." Here, by the way, the beach search is one of the types of treasure, where, in my opinion, it is not so important how deep the device "sees" goals. Most items are in the upper sand layer or pebbles, therefore, even the initial level metal detectors will perfectly cope with the task.

It is also possible to fight with curious vacationers on the beach by people too, let's say, not 100%, but partly. Firstly, best time To access the beach search is the morning or evening clock when the people are still less. Secondly, bad weather, for example, a small rain or just a cloudy sky to work with a metal detector is not a hindrance, and the rest disgusts at times. Thirdly, a harsh concentrated face, headphones on the head and sharply deposited shovel - Creating miracles.

By the way, about shovels. The beach search with the metal detector proposes to us to abandon the usual shovel, replacing the storm. SCOOP (SCOOP) is a kind of Scoop for a beach search, very comfortable and in my opinion the desired device. You can make a meager yourself or purchase it ready, where and how to make Yandex will tell you with Google's brother.

The search technology on the beach is quite simple. Just read the coast, which is the beach or is simply considered to be. At the same time it makes sense to mentally divide the beach on some zones. Say, the swimming zone is from the coastline and approximately on the chest of an adult. Another question is that checking this zone without having a metal detector for underwater search, problematic and feasible only within the length of the rod of your device (from the coil to the block, as a rule, can be immersed in water). It is in this zone that the likelihood of jewelry is most high, because people are not so much floating there, but they swim (jump, sink, splashes), therefore, the ring can fly from the finger, to break the chain, etc.

Another zone is the beach directly, the territory where people sunbathe, exhibit sun beds or spread the blankets. On the beach itself and the garbage gets across, and the range of finds is much wider, but worse quality. Quality in terms of the fact that there is a lot of modern "walking", while not the best conservation. By the way, it is more expensive to clean this trifle, but for those who do not know, I will say, in the store it takes very reluctant (or not at all), but there are various machines (selling coffee, chocolate, etc.) swallow with a bang. Typically, the width of this zone is limited to 15 ... 20 meters, well, or the sand boundary on the beach.

At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that various reservoirs (and rivers and the sea, and lakes) have been actively used in various people as a road for many centuries, so you can count not only on modern finds, but on vintage coins, crosses, etc. . And the oldest locality nearby more likely finding antiquity objects.

Separately, I would like to say, the search is not necessary to exercise on the beach, you can simply do it along the banks of the rivers. Rationality this action It is also associated with the active use of rivers and other reservoirs in antiquity, but this is a slightly different technique, other principles and I think it makes sense to tell about it separately.

See also: