Where is the school in GTA 5. flight school

Not only a cheerful pastime, but also a useful action that allows you to pump flight skills of characters. Trevor is the best pilot than Michael or Franklin, but even it is advisable for him to get a flight school to facilitate further stay in the game.

Completion of 12 lessons (8 in an airplane, 2 in the helicopter, and 2 with a parachute) of the flight school affects, also, it will help you in the passage of other necessary tasks - and "".

Each lesson can be passed onto a bronze, silver or gold medal. The faster you perform the task, the better the best reward receive. A new lesson opens only after passing the previous one.

Training takeoff with stripes

Gold: 00:32
Silver: 00:50
Bronze: 01:00

The first lesson of the flight school - you need to rise with landing strip, draw the chassis and go through two chaspoint. All you need is flying right.

Landing on the lane

Gold: 00:35
Silver: 00:55
Bronze: 01:10

In this lesson, you need to put a plane on the strip. To do this, start to slow down in the air and slowly descend on the lane, not forgetting to release the chassis.

Inverted flight

Gold: 01:40
Silver: 02:00
Bronze: 02:20

The lesson in which you need to do a "barrel". Everything is very simple, the main thing is to remember that when you are upwards, then all the controls are inverted, and since you will pull down when you coup down, to the ground, then press "down".

Flying "On the knife"

Gold: 00:54
Silver: 01:15
Bronze: 01:40

Quite like the previous lesson - you need to put an airplane side and fly in this way, keeping the height. Thus, it is necessary to put "on the knife" and the left, and the right wing.


Gold: 02:15
Silver: 02:35
Bronze: 03:00

Before this lesson, we recommend you just fly on airplanes to tighten the pilot skills from your character. You need to fly over the city at an extremely low altitude through the chapoints. Do not try to fall straight into markers, since their range is slightly larger than it is shown graphically.

Between 8 and 11, 12 and 13, 15 and 16 (the most difficult moment), 17 and 18 checkpoints are sharp turns.

At the end, the landing plane is not needed.


Gold: 10:00 and stop accurately in the area of \u200b\u200bthe last checkpoint
Silver: 45:00
Bronze: Just finish

You need to land in rural areas to the bridge, and it is likely that it will not work from the first time. The easiest way to do is slow down the plane after the first checkpoint to such an extent so that even the screws do not rotate, and send it to the bridge. Make sure that you landed early enough so that you have time to slow down.


Gold: 01:35
Silver: 01:40
Bronze: 02:05

The task set in this lesson is read immediately from the name. A dead loop will need to be done three times, and on the third, plus another barrel.

Helicopter piloting rate

Gold: 02:40
Silver: 03:15
Bronze: 03:45

In this lesson, you need to fly through the checkpoints (quite a large height, but lively Los Santos and sometimes they will force you to fly under the bridge) and plant a helicopter at the airfield.

Between 14, 15 and 16, the checkpoints are direct on which you can easily accelerate.

Helicopter Speed \u200b\u200bFlight

Gold: 02:10
Silver: 03:00
Bronze: 03:30

It looks like the previous lesson, however, this time you need to go through the quicks as quickly as possible.

The first four checkpoints allow you to develop a rather good high-speed potential, but the fifth is at high altitude and you will have to gain it, losing acceleration. After 7, the checkpoint will be a split turn, and then, on 8, you must quickly fly under the bridge.


In this lesson you need to jump from a high height and land on a fixed target.

Future zone

Gold: land exactly on the trailer
Silver: 07:00
Bronze: 20:00

It looks like the previous lesson, however, this time you need to land on the target, which moves on the ground - a truck.

Practice wings

Gold: 02:50
Silver: 03:15
Bronze: 03:40

The last lesson is flight gTA schools 5. You fly from the point of start, pass through the chapoints, and perform all the tricks that you learned in previous lessons.

When the chippoint is yellow, you need to fly through it in the usual way when green is "on the knife" when blue is inverted.

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Big School of San Andreas, marked with a symbol, opens after the plot mission " Friends Reunited " As you probably already know, Trevor is the most skilled pilot from the Trinity, but even the additional lessons will benefit him at the beginning of the game.

Now we have to work out an emergency landing. In this case, on the bridge. This task is estimated not spent time, and how close to the last checkpoint can you stop your plane.

So, Mallard is already in the air and is ready to reduce. The right bridge right at the rate. Fly to the first checkpoint, the engine turnover is not yet reduced. Begin to extinguish the speed exactly above the start of the bridge, while trying to keep a little right of the center - no one blocked the road traffic on the improvised runway. It is also dangerous to sit down completely on the side, it is fraught with the fact that they caress the wing of a lamppost.

If the speed at the landing is too big, the aircraft will begin to bounce and it will be difficult to stop. Try to solve all these problems to the marker, and then simply reach him the usual car. If you see that you do not have time to slow down, try the last maneuvera - dramatically take to the left right in front of the checkpoint. Sometimes cool turn is enough to repay the residues of speed. It is not, the perfect orientation of the aircraft on the finish is not important.


It's time to learn to make a dead loop. Nothing complicated here, in fact, no. The main thing that needs to be remembered: Before the start of the trick, the wings should be exactly the horizon, and the steering wheel should be pulled right on itself, otherwise the plane will go on a spiral.

Take up and dial height. Continue above after span through the marker and be ready to start performing the maneuver. As soon as the indicator will appear in the lower right corner, pull the helm on itself and make a dead loop.

Stop rotation at the end of the full turnover and make sure that the strip in the corner of the screen is filled with everything without a residue. Get ready to repeat the trick. In the meantime, you will have 6-7 seconds to rise slightly higher, if the land and buildings were too close.

The third part is a bit more complicated. It is necessary to combine a half-pool to be combined. This figure of the highest pilot is called Immelman - in honor of the first pilot that fulfilled it.

Again the hard helped on itself and look at filling the strip in the right corner. We don't need a full turn - stop the rotation as soon as the horizon appears on the screen, and the readiness indicator of the trick will disappear. Now you are flying upside down and you just need to make a "half-one" to finish the lesson.

Helicopter Course (helicopter piloting rate)

During this lesson, you have to fly a circle over the city in the helicopter and go back to the airport. It is called from the fire and in the hollow, without prior preparation. However, FROGGER is stable and managed well, so the problem must not cause large problems.

A brief excursion to the control of helicopters, if before that you did not fly on them in GTA.. Traditional buttons responsible for gas and brake in a car (and partly in an airplane) are assigned to the "Step Gas" knob in the Cabin Cabumpier. Thus, you can change the angle of attacking the blades of the carrying screw to climb up (pressing the "gas") or drop down ("brake").

Transverse (roll) and longitudinal (pitch) Office is scheduled to the left style of Gamepad. In real helicopters, the slope of the screw plane occurs, which causes the device to change the trajectory of motion. IN GTA. This, of course, is not simulated, but the essence is the same. Which way to reject the left stick, in that and fly.

The third and last type of control is traveling. As in airplanes, is carried out with the help of pedals in the cockpit. On gamepad - R1 / RB and L1 / LB. These buttons are responsible for changing the tail of the tail screw, which allows you to turn around by hanging in the air.

Total on the track 21 control point. Start and Finish are located on the site of Los Santos Airport. The route with all the markers designated markers can be viewed on our map.

Once the timer completes the countdown, fly up vertically. Over the roof of the journal, the left style of the gamepad is ahead and slip through the first mark. Next - flight to a straight line to the bridge. At the same time, the following markers hang in the air below the first. "Gas" do not let go, the left stick is completely forward. With this control, the helicopter is gaining maximum speed, but loses height.

Tip: If you leave too low, a little bit let go of the left stick (but do not fill it back!), And if you fly above the desired level - the "gas". Over time, you will learn to catch this sensitive balance to accurately correct the position of the coil machine in the air.

The third checkpoint is also interesting because it is located under the bridge. There is enough space there, but the game will give a message, since it is one of 50 viaducts and an overpack, under which it is necessary. To pass the game, 100% you need to perform 25 such tricks.

Surveching through the 5th and 6th dots between the supports of the bridges, wrap up to the seventh over the ribbed river bed. For cool turn moving left sticks gamepad left and clamp / . Do not learn the temptation and here to fly under the bridges, it will complicate the task, and the benefits of time will not give. However, if you are an experienced speaker, you can try to slip under the three bridges (between the 7th and 8th, 8th and 9th, 9th and 10th checkpoints). All three go to the overall standing for 100%, but we still recommend visiting them outside this mission.

From the 11th to the 13th Chekpoint - Flights over the road and between the houses. The lumen between the buildings should be enough to feel comfortable, but remember that the head of the building can hook over his head, and try to prevent it.

Chekpost at number 14 hung right above the roof of the skyscraper. Continue the height set, started in front of the 13th marker, and turn to the left. The next segment is a long straight line, on which you can warm up well.

The ending of the task is the most difficult stage. Before the 16th crown, which boils over the dispatching tower, start a steep turn to the right to go through this place in the brightener and not to lose the time. The remaining markers guide you to landing to the helicopter area, with which you started a few minutes ago.

Helicopter Speed \u200b\u200bRun (Helicopter Speed \u200b\u200bFlight)

In this lesson, the main thing is the speed. Your challenge is to fly as soon as possible the track from the Chekpochints and plant a helicopter to the site at the airport.

The beginning should not deliver problems. Collect the speed over Palomino-Friway, the benefit of the condition and location of the checkpoints are allowed. The usual timer will appear in the lower right corner with the result on the medal, and another strip counts the total time to the lesson time. It is impossible to linger here.

In the city, the city will have to turn left, and after a short direct - to the right. Next - the most interesting. The eighth checkpoint is located above the arch of the Red Bridge, and several following lead to a large suspension bridge Miriam Turner, who connects the La Puerta district and Elyzian Island's port island.

In the bridge supports - two complex points, the passage of which and decide whether you will get "gold" or destroying the helicopter, start attempting. The width restriction here is not so cruel as height. At the same time there is no time to brake, it is necessary to fly this place at full speed, accurately guessing the correct trajectory. This may need several attempts. It is best to keep the camera right behind the helicopter (right-wing style of the gamepad), so as not to guess whether it is enough to him in height. In the game settings, you can also switch the standard view from the "high" camera to "low".

Overcoming the bridge, sharply turn left to pass the mark between two buildings on the way to the airport. The penultimate checkpoint is easily closed, but the landing can be made in several ways. An easier option: pass over the roof of the building, focusing on the map. Pre-reset the speed and lower the helicopter on the platform vertically down.

Another way is as follows: After taking the penultimate Chekpojint, move directly and drop. The airport building will remain on the left side, it will only be necessary to quickly wrap left to get on the finish marker. If everything is correctly calculated, then the final time will be better.

Skydiving (skayving)

Distance to "Gold": 3 feet / 0.9 meters
Distance on "Silver": 10 feet / 3 meters
Distance to "bronze": 20 feet / 6.1 meters

On the agenda - jumping with parachute. In this lesson, you need to accurately land on the marker, located on the roof of the high-rise parking at the airport. The closer to the center of the "target" will be devastated to the Earth's legs of your character, the better. By the way, this is the distinction with jumps in GTA Online. : The first touch is counted in a single game, and in the network - a place where the character stopped in the end, as it usually makes a few more steps on inertia.

To jump out of the helicopter, click / . In a free fall, use the left geimpad stick to change the course. If it is a little bit to direct it forward, you can clear up well, and the flight will resemble extreme jumps in Wingsuts. Gravity in the world GTA. It works in its own way.

By time, the task is not limited, so you can press in advance / and uncover parachute. Left sticks of the gamepad control the decline: on itself - the hero mans his legs and slows down the descent, from herself - goes down and accelerates.

At low height from the finish marker + / + To enter the accurate landing mode. The speed of descent slows down, and the control becomes more responsive.

DROP ZONE (reset zone)

Distance to "Gold": 0 feet / 0 meters
Distance on "Silver": 7 feet / 2.1 meters
Distance to "bronze": 20 feet / 6.1 meters

Another parachute jump, only now the task has become more complicated. It is necessary to land in the body of the truck moving along the runway.

The jump is performed from a high height, so do not open the parachute immediately. We recommend as quickly as possible (the left stick is completely forward) and shoot the cord when meters will remain to the ground. In this case, the truck will turn right in front of you and it will be easier to compare with it in speed.

If you overtake it, you will have to either make a circle in the air, or keep + / + And hoping that the truck sweeps on time. It moves, by the way, at a constant speed and under your actions is not adjusted.

Earn Your Wings (Practice Wings)

The final lesson of a flying school, which tested your ownership of the Mallard aircraft in various situations. In fact, the same thing that we have already passed in the task of Flat Hatting, only this time some of the checkpoints are special.

Discern from can be in color. Yellow - ordinary, the same as you collected earlier. Green and blue are new. Green should be held in the "on the knife" position, which is studied in one of the previous lessons. At the same time, the aircraft is on which wing is littered, the silhouette in the marker only suggests how to do it better on the basis of the next point on the distance.

Through the blue champs of the flights in the turned out position. Ignoring the conditions is equivalent to the marker past the marker and punishes the penalty five seconds to the total time.

Accelerate and fly. Fun will begin on the third checkpoint, which must be "on the knife". Walk the plane on the left wing - it will help to undergo a sharp turn to the marker at number 4. The fifth mark - "reversed" - located above the bridge. If you do not work for a long time to fly upside down, try to make a barrel so as to be in the outstanding position at the time of the progress of the Chekpoint.

The seventh point is another "knife". Which way to do the difference is not, then the flight goes in a straight line.

But the "Knife" of the Chekpoint Number 10 is best to go to the priest left, because it will be easier to stay on the route. Then the breaks between buildings, but there you already visited the helicopter during one of the past classes.

The remaining several "knives" and the coup over the beach of the problems should not be delivered. The area is open, beware of only roofs of buildings and high palm trees. It is not necessary to plant the aircraft again, only pass the finish crown on the runway Los Santos airport.

P.S. During the recording of the video started rain. The Turbulence resulting as a result of this has complicated the task. If possible, try to perform tasks (especially those that at time) in clear weather.

Summer school It will be available only after the mission is completed. Lessons will allow you to strengthen the flight skills of the main character with which they will be performed.

To start the lesson, you just need to get to Los Santos Airport or follow the aircraft icon.
Stand on the yellow cone and click the right arrow to start learning. To complete the game by 100%, you can simply get a medal in all tests, but not necessarily on gold.

1. Take off

In the first lesson you will learn how to take off from any runway. Gold medal will be obtained after the completion of the test in less than 32 seconds. You just have to keep RT (360) or R2 (PS3).

After a set of sufficient speed, pull the left analog stick on yourself to lift the plane, and then click on the same lever to remove the chassis. Go through the first checkpoint, trying not to get back from the trajectory, then continue the path to the final control point located in several tens of meters.

2. Landing on runway

In the second lesson, or "landing on runway" you will learn how to land on any runway. Gold medal will be obtained at the end of the test in less than 35 seconds. Once you find yourself with a runway Start a little to land, moving the left analog stick forward. After press the left analog button to open the chassis, and then hold L2 (PS3) or LT (360) to brake.

3. Inverted flight

In the third lesson, or "inverted flight", you will learn how to perform some tricks. Gold medal will be obtained after the test is completed in less than a minute and 40 seconds.

San Andreas flight school is a place where the best Los Santos pilots show aerobatics Under the ready leadership D. T. Boyd. To get gold medals in all 10 tests, you need skill, courage and ability to not pay attention to death statistics. Here are some tips that can help you. Good luck, pilot!

Reverse dead loop

Any skillful pilot must be able to perform a reverse dead loop. The complexity is that for the allotted time you need to perform two loops. In order not to lose time, reject the left joystick forward exactly at the moment when the instructor tells about it. Perform each loop completely until it is counted.

Engine failure

Do not worry about the time, in this test, the main thing is to successfully put a faulty Miljet as close as possible to the marker. Align the tail of the aircraft vertically with respect to the neighbor to the runway. Being about a kilometer from the target, align the plane horizontally and be prepared to release the chassis. Try to sit around the middle of the stripes to carefully drive up to the marker and stay on it. Do not worry if it is not possible to sit on time or slow down the speed in the air - the brakes will be helped you.

Shooting range

In this test, it is important to stabilize your Buzzard. If your helicopter is twitching to side, then the bullets and rockets are unlikely to fall into the target. Use a machine gun to damage individual purposes in the open space, and rockets against the targets located in groups or those in the shelter.

Landing in the city

Attach Titan in the city - already a difficult task, and in this test you will be waiting for a storm wind and a faulty engine. Passing through the first checkpoints, try to stabilize the aircraft. Soon the instructor will inform you that you need to sit on the beach strip behind Pleasure Pier. Let us fly as low as possible over the ferris wheel and land on the beach immediately behind the wooden fence (but no earlier, if you do not want to burn) and stop at the marker.

Pursuit of parachute

To jump without a parachute, you need to be either very bold or very scattered. Fortunately, this time you have a parachute - only not with you. Jumping out of the plane, speed up the fall to catch up with a parachute bag. Do not hurry - there is no timer in this test (although the rapidly approaching the earth reminds that it is also not worth tightening). If you fly past the bags, slow down and wait until it catch you up. Nading bag, try to land in the center of the Marker. Remember that you can ember legs if you land at too much speed!

Landing on a moving target

What could be more difficult than planting a helicopter for a moving truck? Make it in 19 seconds. To do this, you need to bring the helicopter to the beginning of the bridge and orient it towards the movement of the machine. Make sure the height on which the helicopter is located is only slightly higher than the height of the truck, and smoothly go down when it will pass under you.

Flying in the rank

Do not deviate from the course and follow the instructions to get a gold medal for this flight in the Western Besra. If the checkpoint glows green - it means you do everything right. When performing more complex maneuvers, such as a dead loop, follow the checkpoints, and behind other aircraft - try to move synchronously with them. And do not forget to remove the chassis, this is a rough mistake - with the chassis released, you lose speed and you will not be able to keep in the ranks.

Shaving flight

To get a gold medal in this test, you will have to fly low - so low that water splashes from the lake Zankoud will fly to the chassis of your aircraft. Here it is not enough to pass all the points - you need to fly through their lower half, and medium height The flight should be less than meter. Explore the route and determine which points for you are the most difficult, so that you can prepare for them in advance. If you allow an error at the beginning of the test, we advise you to start it again, since you can no longer dial the right points. Do not be afraid to turn the side to go through the coolest turns. Besra is a maneuverable plane, which is just suitable for such aggress. Calculate the most suitable angle under which you need to go through the current checkpoint to be easier to fit into the following. And do not worry about speed - just do not press the gas and release the chassis: it will reduce the speed and will fight you in case of impact of the ground.

Collect flags

Some reflexes will not earn gold - you need to come up with such a route to collect all flags as quickly as possible. First, collect flags to the west of the city - they are easy to assemble in order. Then head to the city and assemble flags between skyscrapers in the order of height so as not to miss any. Flying between buildings, release a chassis to reduce speed and increase maneuverability. The speed in this test is not so important, so do not abuse the fauception and calmly fly to the goal. Finally, do not be discouraged if the first time it does not work - you will find samples and error best route. This map shows our optimal route where flags are numbered in the order in which we recommend collecting them.

Follow the lead

Last test - follow the Ji Boyd on the route, which instills fear even in the most experienced pilots. Watch out the control points, and not for the plane of the instructor, and remember the colors of the control points: gold \u003d normal flight, blue \u003d inverted flight, green \u003d flight "on the knife". During the flight "on the knife", control the height by the helm of the direction and use high maneuverability to prepare for the passage of the next control point.

What is San Andreas without a flying school? (Unless sa in the first part). Not without it and in. Piloting, as before, means a lot in, therefore it is necessary to thoroughly learn. Ase pilotage will be learned in a plot mission, and you can proceed with lessons in a flying school immediately after Ron's call after. The educational institution is located on the territory of the airport, on the radar and the map marked with an airplane icon.

The course consists of 12 lessons. First plays a record with instructor explanations. For the task to be counted, it is necessary to perform its conditions on "bronze", "silver" or "gold".

01. Training takeoff from the strip / Training Take Off

Gold: In line in 32 seconds
Silver: In line for 50 seconds
Bronze: In line at 1 minute

Cuban 800 is needed to take off with bulk Strip Airport and fly two checkpoints. Half a minute more than enough.

02. Landing on the strip / Runaway Landing

Gold: In line in 35 seconds
Silver: In line in 55 seconds
Bronze: in line 1 minute and 10 seconds

Now, on the same corn, sit down. It is necessary to smoothly reduce the speed, do not forget to release the chassis before planting and before the first checkpoint you need to be on Earth. To the finish checkpoint you need to drive up.

03. Inverted flight / Inverted Flight

Silver: In line for 2 minutes
Bronze: to invest in 2 minutes and 20 seconds

Takes up and flying first checkpoint, align the plane. After the instructor's signal, we make a "barrel" until the strip will be filled. To perform, you need to lead the right or left wing so that the aircraft performed the full turn. Then align the aircraft and waiting for the signal. Now it will be necessary to perform three "barrels" in a row. This is a flight over high-rise buildings, therefore you need to coordinate the movements well - we perform the "barrel", we will perform the second time and will fix the latter. To rush nowhere, otherwise everything will end with a plane crash.

04. Flight "On the knife" / Knife Flight

Gold: In line in 54 seconds
Silver: to invest in 1 minute and 15 seconds
Bronze: in line 1 minute and 40 seconds

We continue to drain over Los Santos. Takes up and flying first checkpoint, align the plane. This reception is the position of the aircraft, equal to the quarter "barrels". More about such a trick, like the flight "on the knife", is written in. After filling the strips, align the plane and do the same reception, but on the other side.

05. Aeriality / Flat Hatting

Gold: to invest in 2 minutes and 15 seconds
Silver: Insert in 2 minutes and 35 seconds
Bronze: In line for 3 minutes

In this lesson, you must fly along the route from 20 checkpoints, which are located on a low altitude. After the takeoff, we leave left and flying over the industrial zone, we return to the original. You need to be neat with maneuvers and always harm it - this will be enough.

06. Landing / Touch Down

Gold: Stop the aircraft no further than 10 meters from Checkpoint
Silver: Stop the aircraft no further than 45 meters from Checkpoint
Bronze: put a plane on the bridge

In this lesson you need to plant a plane to the bridge over the canyon Raton. Flying first checkpoint, smoothly decrease and click on the brake. With a muffled motor, we close to the finish checkpoint as close as possible.

07. Dead loop / LOOP THE LOOP

Gold: in line 1 minute and 35 seconds
Silver: in line 1 minute and 40 seconds
Bronze: to invest in 2 minutes and 5 seconds

The learning of another classic figure of a complex pilotage is a dead loop. We take off at the airport, fly the checkpoint and align the aircraft. According to the instructor's signal, we send the nose of the aircraft up, watching the filling strip. Returning to the previous position, the maneuvr will be completed. Then, aligning the plane, the instructor will replace repeat. After the second time it will be necessary to perform a loop, called "Immelman" in honor of the pilot, which for the first time performed it. It is a half-oxide and a half-one. By sending the plane up, watch the strip. When the aircraft will fly up smoothly upside down, perform a half-glass, which will return the aircraft to normal.

After successful execution, you can return to the same lesson and, ignoring the task, perform everything.

08. Helicopter piloting rate / Helicopter Course

Gold: to invest in 2 minutes and 40 seconds
Bronze: Insert in 3 minutes and 45 seconds

The lesson consists of a takeoff, a route from 20 checkpoints and landing. We fly under the bridge to the Los Santos River, then along it, then we turn to the city center and return to the airport helicopter. When landing, it is important to reset the speed.

09. Helicopter speed flight / Helicopter Speed \u200b\u200bRun

Gold: to invest in 2 minutes and 10 seconds
Silver: In line for 3 minutes
Bronze:insert in 3 minutes and 30 seconds

Despite the fact that checkpoints are less (13 pieces), this lesson is heavier. The main thing is the speed. We start the flight northeast of the city and fly to the airport. The most dangerous area is two checkpoints in the support of the bridge. It is decently dispersed during the flight, you need to drop the speed of the finish, as it will also need to put a helicopter to the site.

10. Skydayving / Skydiving

Gold: land no further than 3 meters from the center of Checkpoint
Silver: land no further than 10 meters from the center of Checkpoint
Bronze: land no further than 20 meters from the center of Checkpoint

The lesson is an ordinary parachute jump. We jump from the helicopter hanging on the airport. You need to land on a multi-level airport parking. Since there are no checkpoints from the helicopter to the target point, it is necessary to determine the height of the parachute disclosure itself. It is better to do this without tightening, since the landing zone is far ahead. The exact landing (a hint explaining which keys to respond will be shown on the screen) will help land exactly to the center.

11. Reset zone / Drop Zone

Gold: land exactly on the platform
Silver: land no further than 7 meters from the center of Checkpoint (near the platform)
Bronze: land no further than 20 meters from the center of Checkpoint (near the platform)

The same parachute jump, from the same helicopter over the airport. One amendment - you need to land on the truck platform, which rides on the runway. He goes slowly, therefore it will be easy. It is better to open a parachute as soon as possible - it will be more time for "aim". Most likely, first, being at the height, it will turn out to fly a truck, but several turns of 180 degrees will help to store with the platform. Do not forget about the accurate landing before landing. Getting into one of the sectors of the circle, even when the platform is missing, will also be counted.

12. Practice Wings / Earn Your Wings

Gold: in line for 2 minutes and 50 seconds
Silver: to invest in 3 minute and 15 seconds
Bronze: to invest in 3 minutes and 40 seconds

The lesson is similar to "airbrope", 5th occupation, - you need to fly through the checkpoints over the city and from the runway goes left left. But there is a fundamental difference - during this flight there will be not only ordinary yellow checkpoints that need to be simply flying, and green and blue. Green checkpoints are those checkpoints where you need to fly to the "on the knife" position with the specified position of the wings (right or left wing up). Blue checkpoints are places where you need to fly in an inverted position - half a bed. If you do not fulfill these requirements, you will receive penalty 5 seconds for each incorrectly passed checkpoint. If you ignore the requirements at all, then the lesson will not be counted. With the right passing of special checkpoint there will be a bonus - take 2 seconds from the total time. Below are the checkpoints as they are:

Rooms 1 and 2 - ordinary (yellow);
number 3 - "on the knife", the left wing down;
Number 4 - Normal (Yellow);
number 5 (above the bridge) - turned over (semi-bodied);
Number 6 - Normal (Yellow);
number 7 - "on the knife", the right wing down;
number 8 and 9 - ordinary (yellow);
number 10 - "on the knife", the left wing below;
number 11, 12 and 13 (between skyscrapers) - ordinary (yellow);
number 14 - "on the knife", the left wing below;
Number 15 - Normal (Yellow);
number 16 - "on the knife", the right wing down;
number 17 - turned over (semi-bodies);
number 18 - "on the knife", the left wing below;
Room 19 - Finish.

On this course, piloting ends. Having earned another plusiest to itself, it is advised to test the lessons of a flying school in GTA: Online, next to which the tasks described above are just children's fun.

See also: