Where is the best place to ride in Sheregesh. Everything you need to know about Sheregesh - the largest ski resort in Altai

The village of Sheregesh is located in Gornaya Shoria, in the southern part of the Kemerovo region. The village owes its name to the Sheregeshev brothers, who in 1912 discovered iron mines here. Sheregesh is located in picturesque place, surrounded by mountains, it attracts snowboarders and skiers. lovers winter views sports appreciate Sheregesh for its beautiful, snow-covered tracks and a long season for skiing. Skiers and snowboarders begin to come here from November and continue to come until mid-May. The average thickness of the snow cover is about 120 centimeters; moreover, Sheregesh can boast of dry snow on a par with world ski resorts.

Not only experienced skiers come to Sheregesh, but also novice skiers, families with children who have decided to introduce a child to a healthy lifestyle. What else can attract Sheregesh besides beautiful weather and excellent tracks?

Of course, this is the beauty of Siberian nature, sparkling snow and clean air. The slopes for skiing here are the best in all of Siberia. They meet the standards of the Ski Federation, thanks to which world-class competitions are held in the village.

There is a network of lifts in Sheregesh, among which there are gondola, rope tow, chairlifts. Here is the largest Russian snow park. No matter how skilful you are, the snow park has the right pieces for you. These are railings, and a trampoline, springboards and air bags.

What to do in Sheregesh for children

If you brought a child with you, then in addition to the skating training program, animation is provided for children. This will give the opportunity for parents to fully relax. Excellent children's instructors, teachers and educators work in Sheregesh, therefore, do not be afraid to leave your child in their care.

What to do in Sheregesh after skiing

There are two skating rinks in the village. One is covered, located next to the Olga Hotel, where skate rental is organized, and in a nearby cafe you can drink fragrant tea. The second is a recently opened skating rink with artificial ice, is located on the mountain "Green". There is excellent ice, which, according to its characteristics, will not yield to the real one.

For those who want to spend their time in an unusual way, snowcat snowcat tours are organized. Skiing takes place during the day, off-piste. They ride on the mountains Viktorievka and Telbes. You will be provided with guides and lunch.

For those who love water procedures, Sheregesh will offer a heated pool and indoor pools in local hotels.

We rolled, swam - it's time for a massage, to relax the muscles, and then to the SPA. You can find peace of mind, feel inner harmony by spending time in a hammam. And here you are again full of strength and energy - you can go to night club! The nightclubs of Sheregesh hold theme parties, DJs from Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg and Moscow come here, and karaoke rooms await fans of singing.

If you still don’t know what Sheregesh is, then now is the time to get to know this place better. This is a well-known ski resort in certain circles, which in all respects not only does not concede, but even surpasses foreign ones.

The village of Sheregesh is located in the south of Siberia. Initially, the settlement was founded in the 1950s for the extraction of iron ore and got its name in honor of the Sheregeshev brothers - the discoverers of this deposit. The village began to position itself as a resort about 30 years ago. However, the ski resort reached its peak of popularity 10 years ago.

When is the best time to go on vacation to Sheregesh

The rest time depends entirely on your own preferences and the availability of free time. The beginning of the ski season is determined by nature. By the way, as for the climate of the resort, it is severely continental here. This means that it is very cold in winter and quite hot in summer.

For the first time, snow falls in Sheregesh already in the first month of autumn, but it is still unstable and will not linger for a long time. But in October, snow falls, the thickness of which can reach 70 cm or more.

In most cases, you can come to ride as early as the beginning of November. The opening of the season takes place in the second half of November - by this time the snow cover reaches 1.5 meters. In the age of information technology, you don't have to wonder if the season started in 2015. It is enough to look at the image of the resort from online cameras and independently evaluate the tracks and the amount of snow.

If you want to relax and ride in silence and relative loneliness, then you better go to Sheregesh immediately, as soon as the ski season officially begins. It takes place in November. At this time, there are relatively few vacationers, which, of course, cannot but affect prices - they are also somewhat lower. This is an ideal holiday time for frugal tourists who prefer peace.

Peak season usually falls on the period New Year holidays and also from the end of February to the beginning of April. Due to the increased demand, prices for holidays in Sheregesh are rising. The maximum duration of the season is approximately until the end of April, and sometimes even until the May holidays.

March is the ideal month for skiing. The weather at this time is clear, so in addition to the drive from skiing, you can enjoy the sunshine.

Prices for holidays in Sheregesh

Prices for holidays, as elsewhere, depend on the number of tourists. The minimum prices will delight you from November to December. The resort has more than thirty hotels and inns, accommodation in which will cost only 1200-3000 rubles per day. In 2015, prices were not much higher, so almost anyone can afford a vacation.

To get a more profitable tourist tour to Sheregesh, use early booking.

What to do on vacation in Sheregesh

Of course, first of all, people come here to ride, but you can find a lot interesting activities outside of skiing.

Day tours on a snowcat

Do you want to breathe in the crystal air and admire the mountain beauties? There is nothing easier. Book a day tour on a snowcat. A tour to Mount Talbes or Viktorievka includes skiing, a light snack and the participation of guides.

Skating school for children "Tumbler"

If you come to rest with a child, then you just need to visit the school "Tumbler" with him. Dedicate one day of your holiday to this, and your baby will be delighted. You can choose a suitable program with training in skiing from the slope, and the slot machine hall with colorful animation will impress even adults. Teachers and educators will brighten up your child's pastime with interesting games and various competitions.

Swimming pools

Sometimes after skiing you want to relax by swimming in warm water. In Sheregesh, almost any hotel will gladly provide you with such an opportunity. Heated swimming pools can be found in hotels Gubernskaya, Akvilon, Ice and many others.

Health and relaxation treatments

The SPA-complex and the Turkish bath will help relieve fatigue and restore good spirits after a busy day. If you want to warm up and steam out tired muscles, then visit the Finnish sauna or Turkish bath. For lovers of hydromassage there is a jacuzzi.

Arrivals in swimsuits and carnival costumes

Having gone on vacation to Sheregesh, you can become a member of the most popular annual festival. Its participants dress up in incredible costumes or even ride in swimsuits. The spectacle is truly bright and unforgettable.

Resort attractions

Sheregesh is known not only for the best ski slopes with dry snow. The resort is very rich in natural attractions, about which there are a lot of legends.

Mountain Green

This is one of the main attractions of the resort. Even in the photo you can see what a breathtaking view of the entire resort from a bird's eye view opens from it. You can get to the place with the help of a snowmobile. Hikers can take advantage of the snowmobile trail.

Azas cave

A place of incredible beauty. In winter, you can admire stalagmites, stalactites and stalagnates made of ice. The cave is located at a distance of 18 km from the village of Ust-Kabyrza. This place is associated with the legend of the yeti, traces of which were found here by hunters. It is believed that the mysterious Bigfoot lives here. To visit the cave, it is better to use the services of a guide.

worship cross

An amazing place is located on Mount Kurgan. The shrine was installed here in 2001. The occasion was the date of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ. The height of the work of art is as much as 15 meters, and the weight of the monumental creation is 7500 kilograms! To visit the attraction, you can use the services of snowmobile tours.

Useful information for tourists

If you are going to relax in Sheregesh, then you need to know how to get to the resort more profitable and faster, as well as what you need to take with you on vacation.

How to get there

Since the resort is located away from large settlements, getting there is somewhat more difficult than we would like. The cheapest, but by no means the fastest way is to arrive to Novokuznetsk by train, and from there take a bus to Tashtagol. Then on a local bus you get to the village of Sheregesh. However, is it worth it to exhaust yourself on the road and waste precious time?


The best option is to fly to Novokuznetsk by plane. From there, by taxi you will reach your destination in 2 hours and on the same day you can conquer the slopes. You can get to Novosibirsk by air, but from Novosibirsk to Sheregesh you will have to travel at least another 7 hours.

What to bring

You do not need to carry huge bags and full ski equipment with you, because the resort provides for all this. However, there is a small list of necessary things that you need to take with you.

  • food on the road
  • documentation;
  • money;
  • camera or video camera;
  • swimsuit (this is true if you are going to relax in the spring);
  • a spare set of warm clothes and a hat.

You won't need anything else. You will be provided with everything on site, including soap and towels. So, the most important thing is to take a sparkling mood with you to Sheregesh!

The degree of development of the resort can be judged by how developed its infrastructure is. This is not only about slopes and lifts, but also about whether, for example, being in Sheregesh in just a business suit, you can find everything you need for living and a full-fledged active rest right here on the spot?

The issue of accommodation is solved quite simply, but, of course, it is better to do this before the trip. Go to the desired section, say, on our website and book a hotel or apartment for the dates you need.

Let's deal with everything else.

Sports equipment and equipment

There are no problems in terms of choosing clothes and equipment for skiing in Sheregesh. Dozens of rentals, both in the village and directly at the ski resort, have a full range of products from gloves to protection. That is, a mask, a helmet, clothes can not be taken and picked up right at the rental point.

Equipment for skiing is also the widest choice from the usual models for beginners, to professional skis and snowboards for slalom and freeride.

If funds allow, then you can even buy all the equipment in a sports store. There are at least three of them on the mountain: Burton, Dresscode, and Iguana.

Prices, however, are likely to be on average higher than in an ordinary sports store in an ordinary city.

Catering and grocery stores

There are also plenty of public catering establishments in Sheregesh, and there are both expensive and stylish places, as well as quite democratic ones, like Vitalik's kebabs.

Almost every hotel has a cafe or restaurant under its roof.

If you want to cook for yourself, then you will need a kitchen and a grocery store. Kitchens are available in the rooms of many hotels, you only need to ask the manager when booking to select the appropriate option for you. In cottages and private apartments, kitchens are available by default.

There may be difficulties with grocery stores, in the sense that there are none on the territory of the ski complex. If you live on a mountain, then you will need to buy groceries in advance in the village, since there are several supermarkets of large chains, such as Magnit and Maria-Ra, not counting many small shops.

Just in case, the addresses of the stores "Maria-Ra": Gagarina, 12a and Dzerzhinsky, 20. "Magnit" - st. Dzerzhinsky, 4a.

They work according to the usual schedule from 8:00 to 22:00.

Pharmacies and medical centers

It should be borne in mind that there is not a pharmacy on the territory of the GLC, but a full-fledged first-aid post. During the day, of course, a team of doctors is on duty here, and rescuers are working who can provide first aid, but you need to go to the village for medicines and full-fledged medical care. There are also pharmacies and a hospital.

Hospital address: Dzerzhinsky, 1 - God forbid come in handy. We will also give a couple of addresses of pharmacies: Sovetskaya, 16 and Dzerzhinsky, 7.

Banks and ATMs

When living in a ski resort, it is better to have a supply of cash on hand. Most hotels and restaurants accept cards, but not all. There are no bank branches on the mountain. It is reliably known that there are only two Sberbank ATMs in hotels and.

There are only two bank branches in the village of Sheregesh: Sberbank at Dzerzhinsky, 22 and Sovcombank at Dzerzhinsky, 3. You can also look for ATMs in large chain stores, which were discussed above.

Cellular communication and mobile Internet

In Sheregesh, both in the village and on the mountain, all major operators work mobile communications. 4G catches stably and, with normal roaming rates, there are no problems. In addition, nothing prevents you from purchasing a SIM card right on the spot.

Thus, when going to Sheregesh, it is recommended to have a supply of cash, food, if you live in a hotel town on a mountain and do not go to a cafe, and, of course, do not forget a good mood, which, however, never hurts.

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