Who is responsible for railway safety. The main tasks of shch Senior electromechanic of the signaling system Dzhankoy distance of the signaling system at the station

Greetings! Today we will try to understand in an accessible language what is the SCB on railway. The distance of signaling, centralization and blocking - this is how the telegraph abbreviation ShCh is revealed. This organization is a kind of "controller" of train traffic. Employees of the ShCh in their professional activities are called differently: special officers, mechanics of the ShCh, essebists. But the most common name is shechenyata.

The movement of trains is similar to the movement of cars on the roads of the city - overtaking is also carried out on the railway, oncoming trains disperse. Even the basic indications of traffic lights are similar. Red - "stop", yellow - "attention", green - "you can go." Of course, there are specifics, but this is enough to understand. Compliance with the rules of movement on signals is one of the points of guaranteed safe train movement.

In order to understand how the movement on the railroad is carried out, let's imagine the situation that 2 trains are traveling towards each other along a single-track section. What is towards each other, I think, is not worth explaining, and what a single-track section is, perhaps, not everyone understands.

Imagine a forest road with no pavement and deep ruts. So this is a single-track section of the railway, only the role of the track on the railway is played by two rail threads. It is on this road that 2 huge and heavy trains go towards each other.

It would seem, how can they part when they meet? In order for trains to pass in oncoming traffic, or for a fast train to overtake a slower one, a kind of “fork” is arranged on the railway every 15-30 kilometers. They are called sidings and stations according to railway terminology. Several tracks are laid at sidings and stations. And the section of the railway between two neighboring stations or sidings is called a stage.

Let's go back to our two oncoming trains. Let's imagine that both of these trains go to the same station from two different directions. One of the trains that first arrives at the station at the turnout (similar to a turn on the roads) arrives on one of the tracks and stops at a red traffic light. Stopping, he waits for the oncoming train to pass him on the adjacent track of this station. After the train, which has passed by without stopping, has released the stage, the stopped train lights up a green traffic light and it goes on. All the trains have departed. Difficult? And we considered the simplest case and did not delve into the subtleties.

What do SC employees do?

Let's return to our Shechenyats. They are responsible for the correct and reliable operation of almost all elements of the railway involved in the passage of oncoming trains: traffic lights, turnouts, their automatic operation. Their work on railway transport It is considered one of the most responsible, requires high proficiency of workers, the ability to read electrical circuits, and think logically.

Russian Railways seeks to introduce into its activities the latest developments of domestic and foreign industry, the railway workers themselves make adjustments to the design of the equipment used in the devices, adjusting them to local conditions. But whatever one may say, equipment cannot be 100% reliable and there are failures in its operation. Quite often the SC equipment breaks down, but the Shechenyats should not allow a situation in which their devices do not work or malfunction. After all, if the traffic light is green when it should be red, trains can leave each other head-on.

It is hard to imagine what such a malfunction could turn into ... That is why at any time of the day or night, in any weather, at any distance, a worker of the ShCh leaves to eliminate it. Often, when leaving for damage, the escebist does not know what exactly is out of order, so he takes about 20-25 kg of tools and spare parts with him. Why do we measure tools and spare parts in kilograms? Yes, because almost always the Shechenyats have to walk 5 kilometers or more with these tools and spare parts. With such "journeys" it is no longer important what to carry, the main thing is the weight of the luggage.

Arriving at the place, the task of the escebist is to identify the failed equipment as quickly as possible and replace it - sometimes, due to a malfunction, neither trucks nor passenger trains. After the malfunction is eliminated, the SC employee conducts a series of checks on the rest of the equipment, reports on the elimination of damage and is responsible for the passage of the first trains.

It is worth saying that the operation of SC devices is closely related to the devices of related services - railroad workers, electricians, signalmen. And on duty, the escebists have to delve deeply into the operation of the devices of these services ...

This is the fate of the employees of the signaling, centralization, blocking distance. I hope you were able to get a little insight into their work and determine for yourself the difficulty and responsibility of the work of this service.

Sincerely, Alexey Sergeevich.

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2) Ensuring traffic safety;

3) Implementation of measures to improve the reliability of railway automation, their efficiency and economy.

In accordance with the assigned tasks, the SC performs the following functions:

Repair, current maintenance and maintenance of structures, devices, machines, mechanisms, equipment, technical and vehicles with the regulatory documents of JSC "NC "KTZ";

Carrying out work to prevent accidents in emergency situations;

Implementation of organizational and technical measures to improve the safety of train traffic, the reliability of the signaling devices and bring them to the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC "NC" KTZ ";

Storage of fuels and lubricants, etc.

In addition to the main - operational activities (directly

related to the organization of the transportation process), SH can carry out ancillary support activities. For example: production of floor equipment for a track circuit; implementation of the old

equipment and materials (from relay cabinets); production of certain types of materials and products; production and sale of consumer goods

The basis for building the production structure of any enterprise is scientifically substantiated division and cooperation of labor. To determine the interdependence of the stages and links of production, as well as individual performers among themselves, a clear division of responsibility for individual areas of production, an organizational structure for managing the distance is built, which largely depends on its size and technical equipment.

For each signaling distance group, a typical organizational structure is developed, which can be modified depending on local conditions. Organizational structure is the basis of distance management. Responsibilities for managing the distance must be strictly distributed between the head of the distance, his deputy and the chief engineer.

  1. Job Responsibilities of Senior Electrical Engineer

    Organizes the performance of works on maintenance - maintenance and repair of signaling devices in accordance with the requirements provided for by the maintenance technology and technical instructions.

    Manages the production and economic activities of the shop.

    Ensures the fulfillment of planned targets, the schedule of the technological process for the maintenance and repair of signaling devices.

    Conducts direct control over the technical maintenance of signaling devices in the assigned area in accordance with technical standards and guidelines.

    Carries out work on improving the organization of production, its technology, mechanization and automation of production processes, preventing failures in the operation of signaling devices and improving quality

maintenance of devices, saving all types of resources, the use of reserves to increase productivity.

    Ensures compliance of existing signaling devices at the site with approved technical documentation.

    Conducts practical training in methods of finding and eliminating failures and studying the instructions and technology for servicing signaling devices.

    Ensures the technically correct operation of signaling devices of other fixed assets and the implementation of the schedule for their repair.

    Participate in the investigation and elimination of failures in the operation of signaling devices when they occur.

    Draws up applications for the necessary materials, spare parts and devices, vehicles, the manufacture of plumbing and carpentry products to organize the normal operation of the workshop.

    Organizes work on rationalization, assists the subordinate workshop in the development and execution of rationalization proposals.

    Identifies the amount of necessary repair of signaling devices, buildings and premises, and submits its proposals to the management of the distance for drawing up a repair plan.

    Draws up schedules for the technical process for the maintenance and repair of signaling devices for the year.

    Compiling and providing financial reports the established form.

    Draws up a monthly operational plan for the implementation of the schedule of the technological process, maintains time records, monitors the implementation of the established mode of operation by the shop workers.

    Organizes planning, accounting, compilation and timely reporting on the production activities of the shop.

    Performs the duties specified in clause 3.1. clause 3.3 of the instruction TsSh 720-1.

    Complies with and monitors compliance by employees of the subordinate workshop with the rules and norms of labor protection and safety precautions, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation, industrial and labor discipline, internal labor regulations.

    Strictly comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05/15/08, Order 125-C dated 03/21/08, SUOT-2008, STP-2008. (enterprise standard), Instructions of the enterprise on safety and labor protection.

    ATM Device Service Technology

The important role of automation devices in ensuring the safety of train traffic required the creation of a special organized system for ensuring the reliability and quality management of the maintenance of devices.

In the signaling and communication distance, accounting is organized not only for failures, but also for malfunctions identified during device revisions. Methods for accounting and systematization of failures and malfunctions have been developed.

The most important part of the system is the development of a program of basic preventive work to improve reliability. The operations of the technological process constitute the first or main work program of electromechanics. However, the devices are affected by interference from which protection is required. Therefore, along with the first program, a second program is being developed - a long-term plan for improving reliability, both for the distance as a whole and for its individual sections. As a rule, not all activities of this plan can be completed in one year. Therefore, the most important ones are selected from it and included in the annual plan for improving reliability, which is the source document for the performers of the second program. Thus, electromechanics perform two groups of work:

routine - according to the schedules of the technological process;

additional - according to annual plans for improving reliability;

Performance of works on maintenance and repair of signaling devices is carried out according to schedules with the frequency established by Instruction TsSh-720.

Schedules are drawn up by a senior electrician, agreed with the head of the production site and approved by the head of the signaling and communication distance or his deputy. Checking and peri-approval of schedules is carried out once a year as of January 1.

For each workshop (team) of a senior electrician or railway station, annual and four-week schedules for the maintenance of signaling devices are drawn up and approved. Works included in the schedule are planned in such a way that the time intervals between the same works are equal and exceeded the established frequency, and the work, technologically related to each other, was carried out simultaneously.

The four-week schedule includes work that is performed at intervals of one month, four weeks or more often, and the annual one includes work that is performed less than once a month.

The centralization and blocking signaling distance dispatcher daily monitors the implementation of plans - schedules based on reports from senior electricians or electricians.

The signaling electrician is appointed to perform maintenance and repair of the fixed signaling devices and ensure their good condition.

The CCS electromechanic reports directly to the senior CCS electromechanic or the team leader, and operationally also to the shift engineer of the signaling and communication distance.

The CCB electrician is obliged to:

Know theoretically and practically serviced signaling devices, keep them in good condition, as well as be able to repair and install, measure and normalize parameters with mandatory observance of the rules for performing work and technology, improve working methods, master and use advanced methods of servicing devices, transmit experience and knowledge of subordinate employees.

Carry out work in accordance with the approved maintenance schedules and other plans, organize the performance of work by CCS electricians and monitor the quality of their performance.

Ensure the safety of train traffic during the performance of work, comply with the requirements of the rules for the protection of work and fire safety.

Constantly improve knowledge of signaling devices, prevent the possibility of failures, and when they occur, take the necessary measures to quickly identify the causes and eliminate them, observing the order of work that ensures the safety of train traffic.

Upon receipt of a message about a failure in the operation of signaling devices, arrive as soon as possible to eliminate it, find out the current situation, and report to the shift engineer of the distance and the senior electrician of the signaling system. It is allowed to start restoring the normal operation of signaling devices only after obtaining permission and a plan further action from the shift engineer or management of the signaling and communication distance. If it is impossible to eliminate the failure on your own, then immediately inform the shift engineer of the distance and the senior electromechanic of the signaling system about this. After eliminating the refusal, make an entry in the inspection log form DU-46 in accordance with the requirements of the Instruction for ensuring the safety of train traffic when performing maintenance and repair of signaling devices. The time of elimination and the reason for the failure should be reported to the shift engineer of the distance.

If frost and icing appear on the signal lines of the signaling system, as well as in case of natural phenomena that cause a violation of the operation of the signaling devices or threaten their normal operation, immediately inform the shift engineer of the distance or a higher manager and take measures to prevent violation of the operation of the signaling devices.

After natural phenomena, make an extraordinary inspection or check the correct operation of signaling devices. The need, order and sequence of inspection or verification must be agreed with the management of the signaling and communication distance through the shift engineer of the distance.

Participate in monthly and other commission inspections and checks of signaling devices. Ensure timely elimination of identified deficiencies within the assigned area. If the deadline for eliminating the defect is violated, notify the shift engineer for control and assistance.

Timely and efficiently prepare signaling devices in the assigned area for work in winter conditions.

Submit proposals to the senior electrician of the signaling system regarding improving the reliability, repair, replacement and winterization of signaling devices.

Control the procedure and quality of repair and construction and installation works that are carried out by special teams or construction organizations; take part in the acceptance of the work performed. In case of violation of the rules for the performance of work or performance of work without agreement, demand their immediate termination with the notification of the senior electrician of the CCS and the shift engineer of the distance.

Have the necessary tools, measuring instruments, as well as a stock of materials, instruments and spare parts at the site that is being serviced, established by order of the head of the distance.

In the shift mode of operation, in addition to maintenance of the assigned signaling devices, promptly eliminate the failures of the signaling devices in the areas assigned to other signaling electricians within the limits established by the head of the signaling and communication distance.

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As part of the construction project of the Mezhdurechensk-Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway, an electrician (electrical installer) of the signaling and signaling system is required Responsibilities: Laying and installation of signaling cables Ability to read installation, circuit and single-line diagrams Produce commissioning and signaling Isolate parts of turnouts and headsets of switch electric drives and actuators Install and connect travel chokes Complete and assemble traffic lights Install shunting columns, switch control locks, traffic lights, relay cabinets, battery wells,...

Electrician of the signaling system (by the method in the Krasnoyarsk Territory) New

As part of the construction project of the Mezhdurechensk-Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway, an electrician (electrical installer) of the signaling and signaling system is required Responsibilities: Laying and installation of signaling cables Ability to read installation, circuit and single-line diagrams Produce commissioning and signaling Isolate parts of turnouts and headsets of switch electric drives and actuators Install and connect travel chokes Complete and assemble traffic lights Install shunting columns, switch control locks, traffic lights, relay cabinets, battery wells,...

Electrician of the signaling system (work on a rotational basis in the Krasnoyarsk Territory) New

As part of the construction project of the Mezhdurechensk-Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway, an electrician (electrical installer) of the signaling and signaling system is required Responsibilities: Laying and installation of signaling cables Ability to read installation, circuit and single-line diagrams Produce commissioning and signaling Isolate parts of turnouts and headsets of switch electric drives and actuators Install and connect travel chokes Complete and assemble traffic lights Install shunting columns, switch control locks, traffic lights, relay cabinets, battery wells,...

Electrician of the signaling system (by the method in the Krasnoyarsk Territory) New

As part of the construction project of the Mezhdurechensk-Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway, an electrician (electrical installer) of the signaling and signaling system is required Responsibilities: Laying and installation of signaling cables Ability to read installation, circuit and single-line diagrams Produce commissioning and signaling Isolate parts of turnouts and headsets of switch electric drives and actuators Install and connect travel chokes Complete and assemble traffic lights Install shunting columns, switch control locks, traffic lights, relay cabinets, battery wells,...

Responsibilities: Work with frequency converters and controllers (setting); Installation, operation of electrical equipment (cabinets, electrical wiring, electric motors); Repair of power grids and electric lighting; Requirements: Experience with frequency converters and controllers; Conditions: Stable work in the service of the chief engineer Schedule day/three days Salary 5000 rubles/shift Place of work: Khimki, Mezhdunarodnoe shosse (Sheremetyevo 2); Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Discounted corporate meals.

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