Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. Volcano ol doinyo lengai, tanzania Volcano in tanzania

Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai - is located in the north of Tanzania in the area of ​​​​Lake Natron and is part of the volcanic system of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. Altitude - 2962 m. The volcano is located in that part of the Rift Zone, which is called the Sike Grid, where, as expected, the earth's crust is especially thin. This is one of the most unusual volcanoes in the world. The only one that erupts natrocarbonate lava. The composition of the lava is such that it allows the volcano to explode at sufficiently low temperatures. The melt temperature is 510-600°C. This is the coldest and most liquid lava in the world, it flows along the ground like water. The color of hot lava is black or dark brown, but after a few hours of exposure to air, the carbonate melt brightens, and after a few months it becomes almost white (so this is not snow - as it might seem at first glance). Hardened carbonate lavas are soft and brittle, easily soluble in water, which is probably why geologists do not find traces of similar eruptions in ancient times.

In the sun, the lava crystalline components (sodium carbonate) sparkle like diamonds. In the fog, on the contrary, the lava becomes almost invisible - imperceptibly flowing down the slopes, it catches tourists by surprise, unexpectedly finding their shoes on fire.

This unusual volcano is very active and often erupts, which is why the entire nearby territory within a radius of 100 kilometers is constantly covered with ash. In the neighborhood you can also see extinct volcanoes, which are brothers of Ol Doinio Lengai, but have not erupted black lava for a long time. Researchers report that when the volcano erupts, a thick black column of ash flies out to a height of about 1000 meters.

The Masai call Ol-Doinyo-Lengai "the mountain of the gods", its eruptions symbolize for them the wrath of the deity Yengai.

It is possible to climb the volcano. But you have to overcome some difficulties. After about halfway through the route, progress becomes much slower as the legs slip backwards and sink. Such walking at a height is very exhausting. The trail was solidified lava, which is difficult and dangerous to walk on, and volcanic ash, in which the feet are buried up to the ankles. In places, a layer of solidified lava reaches a depth of half a meter, and grass was visible in its thickness, which a few years ago covered all the slopes up to the top. Closer to the top, a specific smell begins to be felt. A strong and cold wind blows at the top. And the descent is even more dangerous than the climb up the mountain.


From Swahili, the name of this volcano is translated as "mountain that glitters." The sparkle of this hill is expressed in a white cap at the very top, located 5891.8 meters above sea level.


Mount Kilimanjaro is located in the northeastern part of Tanzania. This is the highest point on the African continent. In addition, it is the highest of all volcanoes in the world. This peak is located near the Kenyan border, passing along the eastern and northern slopes of the mountain. This peak rises among the flat savannah, surrounding a drop-shaped hill 4.8-5.2 kilometers in size. This peculiar natural boundary makes Mount Kilimanjaro the highest isolated mountain in the world. The area of ​​this array is almost 400 hectares. The mountain itself, which has an oval cone, stretches for 70 km from the northwest to the southeast and for 50 km from the southwest to the northeast. It is located only 340 kilometers from the equator. The closest city to the volcano is the Tanzanian Moshi, from which all groups wishing to climb its slopes depart. The coast is not far from the mountain. indian ocean- only 270 kilometers. The volcano with all adjacent territories constitutes the National Park.


Education of this mountain range started about two million years ago. Mount Kilimanjaro is represented by three extinct craters. The highest of them is Kibo (5895 m), a little to the east - Monwenzi (5149 m) and in the west is Shira (3962 m). At times volcanic activity lava erupted from all three craters almost continuously. After the end of the eruption, the ejected magma solidified, a layer from the next eruption was superimposed on it, then more and more layers. After the end of volcanic activity, soil erosion came into play.

The lowest peak arose after the first volcanic eruption. Shira became inactive about 500 thousand years ago. However, Movenzi and Kibo continued to grow, spewing incredibly powerful lava flows, which, cooling down, allowed them to reach a height of more than 5.5 thousand meters. At this turn, Monvenzi lost his ardor, starting to crumble. Kibo, on the other hand, continued to grow, producing even more powerful rivers of molten magma. The most terrible eruptions, which occurred about 360 thousand years ago, threw out black lava that filled the destroyed Shira caldera. The same magma branched along the Saddle, along the base of Movenzi, and flowed far to the south and north. This lava is distinguished by its color and inclusions of phenocrysts.

About 450 thousand years ago, Kilimanjaro - the highest mountain in Africa - completed its growth. At that time, Kibo was about 5.9 kilometers. It was at that time that the mountain began to shrink. Some eruptions continued for a long time, which, together with erosion and destruction, formed the shape of the modern mountain. Gradually, the spiers and peaks of Moenzi, the Shira plateau, came to light. Kibo flattened, changed shape, regularly covered with glaciers. About a hundred thousand years ago, a large landslide swept away a piece of the top, forming Kibo Barranco. As a result, the glaciers firmly covered the Kilimanjaro volcano with a cap. On the map, exactly the mountain that is familiar to us today was formed.


The foot of the slopes are dry, warm plains, turning into a belt of tropical rainforest at an altitude of 2 thousand meters. After 3.5 thousand, the area is more like moorland, full of lichen and heather. Closer to the snow line, the terrain becomes similar to alpine. The most high mountain covered eternal ice- this may seem incredible, because the peak is only 3 degrees south of the equator.

Rains on the volcano are expected from March to June. Since the rest of the months are not rich in precipitation, you can climb the mountain relatively comfortably almost all year round.

Animal world

Mount Kilimanjaro is ready to boast of a variety of wildlife corresponding to all climatic zones that can be observed on the slopes. Savannah animals roam at the foot of the mountains, tropical animals can be found on the slopes, and animals a little higher alpine meadows. very diverse animal world volcano, climbing the mountain is already worth it even in order to see it all with your own eyes.


The ice cap is currently melting. Moreover, it melts much faster than scientists expected. Given this fact, some scientists believe that the volcano is warming up again. However, others see this as a manifestation of the greenhouse effect. Whatever the reason, if the melting of the ice continues at the same pace, by 2200 Kilimanjaro - the highest mountain in Africa - will lose its ice cap.

Considering what is happening, those who want to see the magnificence of the volcano should hurry up with the ascent until its appearance has changed beyond recognition.


Kilimanjaro is very popular with climbers. Each of its peaks has its own difficulty level. Climbing Ukhra is considered quite simple, although here it is necessary to survive acclimatization. Whereas climbing the lower Mawenzi will require snow and ice climbing skills. In general, Machame, Rongai and Marangu are considered the lightest peaks. Absolutely anyone, even without special training, will be able to climb these peaks.

Climbing any of the mountains is also unique in that during the ascent a person will be able to go through almost all climatic zones that are on our planet.

Climbers love speed climbing a mountain. In this kind of peculiar competition, a record was set in 2010: the Catalan Kilian Jornet Burgada climbed Mount Umbwe in just 5:23:50. The last record was set in 2009 when Marangu was cleared in 5:24:40.

The coordinates of the Kilimanjaro volcano allow you to climb it not only from the Tanzanian side, but also from Kenya. However, the countries have agreed that ascents can only be made from Tanzania. Kenya does not have the necessary infrastructure, so it provided the approaches to the mountains with police posts.

Thousands of tourists flock to the area every year. Since both the volcano and the area around it are recognized as a National Park, you cannot get there for free. Income from travelers makes up the bulk of Tanzania's budget. The fee is taken not only for the visit, but also for the obligatory guide, and for each night spent on the territory. The Tanzanians are also very grateful for the tip. At the same time, in places where the Kilimanjaro volcano is located, you will not see landfills and garbage, which is typical for other peaks open to tourists.

In the northeastern part of the African state of Tanzania, between the Serengeti and Tsavo national parks, there is Mount Kilimanjaro, which gave its name to the only mountainous national park in Africa. With its size, the mountain competes with its counterparts on other continents: Kilimanjaro is the fourth highest mountain from the "seven peaks". On the continent, she has no equal, so she rightfully received the nickname "the roof of Africa." In addition, Kilimanjaro is the largest in the world separately. standing mountain: the length of the base reaches 97 km, and its width is 64 km.

General information

The summit of Mount Kilimanjaro consists of the extremities of three extinct volcanoes different ages. The height of the mountain is 5895 meters, so it is not surprising that in its upper part there is snow all year round. From the Swahili language, which is the national language in Tanzania, the word "Kilimanjaro" is literally translated as "sparkling mountain". The local peoples, who traditionally inhabited the lands around Mount Kilimanjaro and who never knew snow, believed that the mountain was covered with silver.

Geographically, Kilimanjaro is located very close to the equator line, but large differences mountain peaks predetermined the change of climatic zones, which is expressed in the growth and settlement of species characteristic of regions of other latitudes. In fact, Kilimanjaro - active volcano or extinct? This question is sometimes debatable, since the youngest part of it in terms of geological origin sometimes shows signs of volcanic activity.

Another feature of Mount Kilimanjaro is the rapid melting of the snow cap. Over a hundred years of observations, the white cover has decreased by more than 80%, and over the past half century, the mountain of Africa has lost most of its glaciers. There are remnants of snow cover on two peaks, but they, according to experts, will be completely lost over the next 15 years. Scientists say the reason is global warming. Photo of Mount Kilimanjaro different years of the last century eloquently demonstrate the reduction and gradual disappearance of white areas on the tops of the mountains.

Flora and fauna

The slopes of the mountain are covered with dense tropical forests and surrounded by endless African savannas. Flora and fauna national park Tanzania is rich in species common in these places, as well as unique and endangered species, for the sake of which the reserve was created.

The large-scale territory of the mountain, both in height and in breadth, accommodates almost all zones characteristic of the highland regions of Africa:

  • the southern parts are covered with savannahs of different heights up to a mark of 1 thousand m and at an altitude of about one and a half km on the northern slopes;
  • foothill forests;
  • mountain forests - from 1.3 to 2.8 km;
  • subalpine swampy meadows;
  • alpine tundra - the most extensive in Africa;
  • the top sections of the mountain are occupied by the alpine desert.

Forests located above 2,700 m are included in the protected zone of the national park. The vegetation of the Kilimanjaro volcano deserves special attention. Many species grow here, which are characteristic of much more northern latitudes, as well as the most ancient and bizarre plant forms. This is croton, calodendron in the forests of the northern and western parts of the mountain (at altitudes from 1500 to 2000 m), Cassiporea is even higher. On opposite slopes, okotea (or East African camphor tree) occupies similar heights. In the areas above them there are rare tree-like ferns, which are found in 7-meter sizes.

Mount Kilimanjaro is devoid of the belt of bamboo rainforests found in other similar highlands in Africa. The subalpine zone on different sides is covered with dense vegetation of hagenia and podocarp. Alpine tundra differs sharply in its appearance and population of living organisms. Plants that are well adapted to the harsh high-mountain conditions prevail here - heather, immortelle, adenocarpus, Kilimanjar sweat, waxwort, African myrsina, as well as numerous herbs from the hardy sedge family.

The fauna of the Kilimanjaro volcano in Tanzania is no less diverse and amazing. One and a half hundred species of mammals - almost 90 of them inhabit forests. These include several groups of monkeys, dozens of species of predators, antelopes and bats. The most common in the forests: leopards, monkeys, galagos, buffaloes and others.

bearded man

Two hundred African elephants travel in the floodplains of the Namvai and Tarakia rivers, periodically climbing to decent Kilimanjar heights. Where forests end, small insectivorous mammals live. The slopes of the Kilimanjaro volcano are full of a variety of birds. There are about 180 species of birds here, including: lamb vulture, or bearded vulture, one-color modest coinage, hunter's cysticola, thread-tailed nectary, barnacle crow.

Mount Kilimanjaro weather conditions

Climatic zoning natural complex Kilimanjaro in Africa is reflected in the temperature regimes and weather conditions in general. The rainy season is well defined here, the weather is changeable, temperatures fluctuate greatly at different altitudes, depending on the time of day. Temperatures of 28–30°С are typical for the base of the volcano, and already starting from three thousand meters and above, frosts down to –15°С are typical. On the slopes of the mountain, the following stable climatic zones are distinguished.

At different times of the year, depending on the slope and altitude, there is cloudiness of varying degrees, increased or moderate precipitation, and thunderstorms. All this affects the visibility and comfort of being on the slopes - the Kilimanjaro volcano in Africa is a favorite place for climbing its colorful peaks.

It is believed that the peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania are available for conquest all year round. However, there are periods more convenient for climbing, difficult and even dangerous. The most suitable periods are from July to September and January-February. At this time, the weather conditions are the most favorable, and the months coincide with the summer or New Year holidays of tourists. Mountain tours in Tanzania are available from various points at the foot. They usually last 5 to 8 days.

The routes are diverse due to the vastness of the crossed territories, acquaintance with the diversity and characteristics of each climatic zone. Tours to the highest points of the volcanic extremities end at the moment of observing the sunrise, after which the return journey begins. There are 6 routes in total, mostly by name settlements from which they originate:

  • Marangu;
  • Rongai;
  • Umbwe;
  • Machame;
  • Lemosho;
  • northern traverse.

An expedition to the crater is offered as an additional route.

Hiking in Tanzania is not done alone. Any mountain is a serious test for climbers, even with many years of experience. In addition, to conquer the mountain, you need special equipment and equipment, the total weight of which is always better to share with someone. Despite the fact that climbing the mountain is also possible in the direction from Kenya (northern slope) and Tanzania, by agreement between the states, only Tanzanian routes are laid and maintained. The Kenyan slope is not equipped with the appropriate infrastructure.

In order to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles on the way to conquering the peak, important conditions must be met.

  • Mandatory participation of a guide and assistants (at least 1-2 people), without them it is not possible to climb.
  • Appropriate equipment, special shoes, thermal underwear (perhaps more than one set), insulated and waterproof items.
  • Sufficient physical fitness, hardened body, strong immunity, responsible attitude to health, competent distribution of energy and strength.

In addition, you will need food, personal hygiene products, items to ensure basic comfort. A complete list of what you need for climbing is presented on the website of the company organizing tours in Tanzania. There is also a list of recommended items that are desirable to have with you, but are not necessary. So, in addition to clothes and warm clothes, be sure to have a sleeping bag, sunglasses, a headlamp, trekking poles, and a water bottle. In addition to this, the organizing company usually provides a tent, a tourist rug, dishes, and camping furniture.

The estimated cost depends on the route, the duration of the ascent, the number of people in the group, and separately negotiated conditions. The amounts start from 1350 USD (Marangu route, 8 days) and go up to 4265 USD (route for 1 person with expedition to the crater). At the same time, one must also take into account where Mount Kilimanjaro is located - the company's service may include a transfer from the airport of Tanzania or you will have to get there on your own.

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Some interesting facts

  1. Compared to other mountain peaks, the Kilimanjaro volcano does not look like such an insurmountable obstacle, nevertheless, its highest points reaches only 40% of climbers.
  2. The mountain is conquered not only by absolutely healthy tourists: in 2009, 8 blind climbers were able to climb to its top, who, with their action, helped raise funds for 52 blind children.
  3. The oldest climber on Kilimanjaro was 87 years old.
  4. Every year, about 20 thousand people make attempts to climb the mountain.
  5. Almost 10 people die here every year during the ascent.

Mount Kilimanjaro is not only a unique natural Park, full of amazing creatures, but also a real adventure. And in order to feel a surge of emotions, to become the owner unforgettable experience, touch the majesty of Africa - for this you need to visit Tanzania and personally see the unsurpassed qualities of Kilimanjaro.

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There is only one volcano in the world that erupts with carbonatite lava: Ol Donyo Lengai in Tanzania. This is not just another fact for boring scientists: this volcano is really very unusual place which has no analogues in the world.

History of Ol Donyo Lengai Volcano

The volcano formed about 370 thousand years ago and is the youngest volcano in this part of the East African Rift. Certainly, locals deify this gigantic volcano that rises high above the dry plains south of Lake Natron. There are many magnificent volcanoes in the East African Rift - the Meru Mountains and the Ngorongoro Crater are not too far away. But this volcano was special to the Maasai people - it was sacred place called "Mountain of God" (Ol Doinoy Lengai).

This part of Africa was one of the last places explored by white people. The first European visitors to Ol Doinyo Lengai were German explorers in the late 19th century. This volcano is very active - every few years there is an eruption here. One of these eruptions in 1960 caught the attention of Canadian geologist John Barry Dawson, who was exploring this part of Tanzania. He and Ray Pickering descended into the crater (it was the first known descent into the crater) in October 1960 and immediately noticed that this volcano was very unusual. Shortly after the descent in 1962, his research was published - and the first and only active carbonatite volcano on Earth was discovered.

Since then, Ol Donyo Lengai has been a playground for geologists studying it. unique miracle nature. Dawson himself continued the research until his death in 2013. Today the volcano is quite a popular tourist attraction. The strongest visitors climb the mountain under the heat of the equatorial Sun and try to get closer to the live volcanic activity. This is dangerous, since the strange volcano is unpredictable, and threats can arise unexpectedly even in seemingly calm places.

Almost all volcanoes on Earth erupt lava, which is composed of silicate minerals. Only a few of them erupted lava, which is more than 50% composed of carbonate minerals - carbonatite lavas. About 20 sites of former carbonatite volcanoes are known, but Ol Donyo Lengai is the only one that is now active.
The "Mountain of God" spews not only carbonatite lava - it produces a very specific, rare species: natrocarbonatite lava. It consists of carbonate minerals - very rare neurerate (Na2Ca (CO3) 2) and gregorite (Na2, K2, Ca) CO3. This material needs a much lower temperature to melt - this lava flows already at a temperature of 500-600 degrees C, and in the daytime does not even glow - it's just a black goo flow. In the darkness of the night, lava glows orange. Ordinary lavas have a temperature of around 1100 degrees C.

Carbonatite lava is also quite fluid compared to regular silicate lavas - it is the most fluid lava in the world, flowing almost like water - often faster than a person can run. The flow of this lava looks like dark oil, or brown muddy foam. As the lava hardens, it turns black, with crystals. But this is not for long: these carbonatite lavas quickly weather. After a few hours, the stone turns white due to moisture. If the weather is dry, the lava turns white within a few days. If it rains, the lava immediately turns white. Without a doubt, this is one of the most beautiful places in Tanzania.

This is caused by a chemical reaction similar to burning lime. In this regard, niereite and gregorite are very rare minerals that even in geological collections must be stored in an argon atmosphere. During this time, the white lava turns into a brown powder. After a few months, the lava is soft - the foot sinks into it when walking. Thus, the landscape of Ol Donyo Lengai is unique and has no analogues in the world.

Ol Doinyo Lengai is the only active volcano in Tanzania. It is very active and erupts lava with ash every few years. Sometimes, when the content of silicates in the lava increases, volcanic eruptions become explosive - such an eruption occurred in 2007-2008. Before these eruptions, there were many earthquakes - even the lions left the area. It was decided to evacuate people and their livestock to a safe distance from the volcano. During eruptions, the crater often forms forges - smaller hills and even towers that emit carbonatite lava. Lava sometimes forms short-lived lava lakes.

Tanzania- this is the only state in whose name the names of the two united countries have merged: TANGanyika + ZANzibar = Tanzania.

A lot of interesting things could be said about her. About the British-Zanzibar war, which lasted ... 38 minutes. About the strange epidemic of uncontrolled hysterical laughter that happened in 1962. Tanzania has oceanic seaweed farms and the citizens speak 127 languages. Here, the authorities were not afraid to move the capital of their country from a large port city to a village in the vicinity of which ostriches and giraffes roam to this day. By the way, a third of the country is occupied by protected natural areas. And Tanzanians have something to protect and show!

Our reference:

Official name: United Republic of Tanzania.

Location: East Africa.

Territory: 947.3 thousand km².

Population: over 51.8 million people

Declaration of Independence (from Great Britain): Tanganyika - December 9, 1961; Zanzibar - December 10, 1963

Capital: Dodoma(since 1993).

Official languages: English and Swahili.

A bit of Tanzania's history.

Cradle of humanity.

Guests of Tanzania can see the largest African lake - Victoria. They can also climb the highest mountain of the continent - Kilimanjaro. But between these two objects lies the Olduvai Gorge. And in importance it is not inferior to its two famous neighbors.

Olduvai is a giant fissure that stretches for 40 km, and the depth ... If you build a 30-story house at the bottom, then its roof would be just at the level of the edges of the canyon. In 1911, in pursuit of a rare butterfly, a German entomologist fell into it. Rising to his feet with difficulty, he walked along the bottom of the crevice and drew attention to the fact that the cliff walls clearly reveal the earth layers of past eras. Undisturbed layers made it possible to fairly accurately date the finds buried in the canyon walls. An ideal place to read the annals of the Earth!

After World War I, the British took Tanganyika from Germany. In the 1930s, the expedition of the British archaeologist Louis Leakey arrived in the gorge. He was born in neighboring Kenya, arrived on the expedition with his wife, colleague and eldest son. Having begun excavations, they, of course, could not know that the work would last ... forty years! And that the findings will shock the entire scientific world.

On the very first day, Leakey discovered primitive tools. Then there was a real cemetery of animal bones. It was a trap where the ancient hunters drove the animals. They dug up the bones of monkeys in the gorge, which could well be the ancestors of gorillas and chimpanzees. But the main finds - the remains of people of the Stone Age - for a long time did not come across. Finally, in 1959, when Louis was ill, his wife Mary discovered the skull of an ancient man of an unknown species. Massive, with powerful jaws, he clearly ate only plant foods.

The following year, Leakey Jr. unearthed the skeleton of another humanoid creature. Nearby lay the bones of a wild cat with long curved fangs. Which of these two turned out to be the hunter during their lifetime, and which - the prey, remained unclear. Another thing is more important - the creature had a larger brain, it moved vertically on two legs, it was clearly not a vegetarian, and in general it was very similar to us. Roughly upholstered pebbles with sharp edges were found in the gorge. The tools of labor turned out to be the most ancient in the world - they were made two million years ago. Archaeologists have unearthed hundreds of them - broken pieces of lava with sharp edges, jagged fragments that can be cut and scraped, anvil stones, stone awls and much more. It is not surprising that their manufacturers received the name "handy man" from scientists.

In 1976, the same tireless Mary, south of the gorge, discovered traces of two humanoid creatures that walked here 3.7 million years ago! Today, hundreds of tourists come here specifically to see the imprints of ancient feet in the hardened volcanic ash. Maybe it was a man and a woman walking side by side? Maybe their descendants live among us?

Olduvai Gorge has been dubbed the "Cradle of Humankind" for good reason. After the local finds, it became clear that it was impossible to build a human genealogy as a straight chain, link by link. In East Africa, side by side, at the same time and for a very long time, those creatures lived who had more, some less resemblance to humans. Where and why did they appear? How did they get along side by side for thousands of years? Why did they disappear, where did they settle? Tanzanian land will surprise scientists more than once and make us think about the past and the present.

Tanzania is a country of volcanoes. The volcano is extinct, but life is in full swing!

Do you know where the ashes came from, on which a chain of prehistoric footprints remained? Volcanoes, it turns out, are nearby. Eight pieces next to each other, all extinct, with settled craters. Two and a half million years ago, during an eruption, the top of one of them either exploded or collapsed after lava lakes poured out of the volcano. In short, at the site of the summit, an oval failure was formed with steep walls inside and gently sloping outside - the Ngorongoro crater.

When viewed from an airplane, it looks like a stadium. Yes, what! Six hundred meters deep and from edge to edge - up to 25 km. Here one could freely place such a rather big city as Orenburg. True, no one will do this, since the crater has long been inhabited.

Shrubs, small but dense forests and savannah grow green on its slopes. There are not uncommon yellow-bark acacias, which for some reason we call mimosas. Herds of hoofed animals roam among the tall grass: antelopes, zebras, buffaloes. In Ngorongoro, the rare and endangered black rhinoceros has found refuge everywhere. The trunks of some trees are wrapped in steel mesh - protection from elephants who like to scratch their sides. Monkeys roar in the forests. At the bottom of the crater there is Lake Magadi, it is fed by dozens of streams flowing down the slopes. Hippopotamuses huddle in the water and on marshy shores. Luxurious pink flamingos look at them. From their thousands of flocks it seems that the lake is illuminated by a glow even at noon. Simply heaven!

The peaceful situation is disturbed by hunting predators: fifty lions, cheetahs, hyena dogs, leopards, jackals, big-eared spotted cats - servals. They came here in time immemorial after the prey, and they remained so. In general, Ngorongoro has its own natural community. And the truth is: why climb steep slopes and move somewhere when there is plenty of food and water? Predators, of course, also exist, but where are they not? And so they live generation after generation, without leaving their native crater. Only a few swift-footed antelopes and zebras leave here during the rainy season.

Thousands of years ago, people began to settle in Ngorongoro. The last to come here were the Masái people, hunters and herdsmen. They did not comply with the hunting bans imposed by the Europeans, and, in the end, the Africans were evicted from here. Then they spontaneously returned. When the territory became a protected area in 1951, houses for guards and scientists appeared on the slopes. Biologists work here all year round. According to their recommendations, for example, ... fires are arranged in the crater. It turns out that they are necessary for the savannah, otherwise the perennial dry grass deprives the ungulates of nutritious food. The reserve buys plots of land outside its borders and transfers it to those Africans who agree to move from the slopes of Ngorongoro.

Enclosed by the mountain slopes, Ngorongoro seems to be created for showing animals. It is included in the list world heritage and is classified as one of the seven wonders of African nature (along with the Sahara and the mass migration of animals from Kenya). Tourists flock here by the thousands. I even had to make two aircraft platforms on the edge of the crater. Outside, small hotels have been built on the crest of the crater. Of these, chains of tourists are drawn to the entrance to the crater every morning. The rules are strict: before dark (seven in the evening) everyone must return. Precaution is not superfluous - it protects animals and people from each other.

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