Which country does the Maldives belong to? Maldives - everything you wanted to know about this paradise in the Indian Ocean

Mira, first you need to find India on it. This is not difficult - the peninsula on which this state is located is located in the south of Asia and has the shape of a triangle. From herself southern point this exotic country it is necessary to mentally draw a line to the southwest. That's where it's located large group atolls - coral islands, which is called the Maldives.

Atolls are a closed or broken ring formed by a vent extinct volcano, that is, in the middle of such an "island" there is a lagoon filled with sea water.

The distance to India is approximately 700 km, it is worth noting that the atolls are located on a fairly large area, so the southernmost ones are 1,000 km away. The Maldives is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and, due to its proximity to the equator, has a unique climate with almost constant temperature throughout the year and only two distinct seasons - dry and rainy.

Due to their volcanic origin, the islands have a low altitude (only about two meters) and a rather scarce fauna - only a few species of mammals live here. But the underwater world is very diverse.

State of Maldives

All atolls located in this part of the Indian Ocean are united in the state of the Republic of Maldives. It is worth noting that its history began in 1965, when Britain, under whose protectorate the islands were, generously granted them independence, however, not just like that, but after violent uprisings of the population against the power of the empire.

However, much remains of the British, including the name, it is a distorted Hindi word: "" - the palace and "diva" - the island. The capital of the Republic of Maldives is the city of Male, by the way, it is the only locality having this status.

The Maldivians are Muslims, more specifically Sunnis. In the 12th century, a Muslim preacher landed on the islands, who founded a dynasty that ruled until the arrival of the Portuguese, the Dutch, and later the British.

How to get to the Maldives

Traveling to the Maldives will require the tourist not only to spend time and money, but also patience, because a direct flight from Moscow to the capital of Male lasts more than 8 hours. If a non-stop flight is not available for some reason, you will have to plan a route with a connection at an intermediate airport, usually Colombo in Sri Lanka, Abu Dhabi in the UAE or Dubai in Saudi Arabia. In any case, it is worth considering that from Male to desired island have to get to water transport or by seaplane.

The Republic of Maldives is nothing more than a group of atolls - rings covering the sea lagoons. The archipelago is located south of India, and the sea of ​​the Maldives is the majestic and huge Indian Ocean, which here merges with the sky, making the horizon line almost invisible.

Paradise vacation

Which sea borders the Maldives? This question is asked by one of the first happy owners of tours to luxury Maldivian resorts. The Indian Ocean is the third largest among the world's oceans, and it was its waters that made beach holiday on the islands so amazing and memorable. The main visitors to the local resorts can be divided into three groups:

  • Newlyweds who decide to spend their honeymoon in a royal way. The sea of ​​the Maldives, the white sand of the beaches and the bright sun, complete with magnificent hotels and the opportunity to retire together on the whole island are weighty arguments in favor of choosing this particular tourist destination.
  • Divers for whom the first and only place is the rich underwater world of the Indian Ocean in the area of ​​the Maldives. Other aspects do not bother them much, and diving in the local resorts is possible in any season.
  • Fans of high-class rest and perfect service, for whom the price of the issue does not matter.

ocean of dreams

The Indian Ocean in the area of ​​the Maldives can be called ideal. It has a beautiful color, the water is clean and transparent, the underwater world is striking in its diversity, and the water temperature makes swimming pleasant and comfortable. The thermometer in its waters at the local resorts does not fall below +26 degrees throughout the year, from which both beachgoers and divers are delighted.
The question of what kind of seas are in the Maldives is usually puzzled by those who like to go out on yachts. In the archipelago, there is even an opportunity to stay on a yacht, and its rent will not exceed the cost of a good room in a local hotel. This type of holiday allows you to see many new islands and get a real ocean of impressions.
The Indian Ocean is rich in a wide variety of fauna. Here you can meet not only sea turtles and dolphins, but even blue whales and sperm whales. In the Maldives area, the ocean waters are inhabited by plankton, some of which can glow at night, which makes the waves especially picturesque. There are no dangerous animals on land on the islands, and whale sharks, which can swim close enough to the coast, feed only on plankton and do not pose a threat to swimmers.

The Maldives is a coral archipelago located in Indian Ocean 640 kilometers southwest of Ceylon, almost at the very equator, 99.669% of the Maldivian territory is sea. The Maldivian land (that is, 0.331% of the country's territory) consists of 19 coral atolls, uniting 1,196 islands. The population of 200,000 people lives on 202 islands, the remaining 994 are uninhabited, and tourist resorts are located on 88 islands.

The length of the Maldivian archipelago from north to south is 820 km, from east to west - 120 km. total area The Maldives, together with land and sea, is about 90 thousand square kilometers.

The name "Maldives" comes from the Hindu words "mahal" (palace) and "diva" (island).

The Maldives consists of two rows of atolls. These atolls are the result of thousands of years of coral growth. Every year, coral colonies grow 1-4 cm and finally come to the surface of the water. The interior of the coral dies, and after some (quite a long time) a lagoon begins to form. This is always a win for the ocean because erosion turns corals into tender White sand for which the Maldivian beaches are so famous. After a few more years (perhaps several hundred), a new island is formed.

The Maldives is considered one of the most safe places recreation in the world. The tranquility and beauty of the islands are unique. White beaches and magnificent lagoons with crystal clean water. In the whole world, according to experts, there are only two beautiful places for scuba diving: the Red Sea and the Maldives. That is why here at every resort there are diving schools that issue international certificates at the end of the courses.

The climate of the Maldives

Since the Maldives is located almost on the equator, the climate here is tropical. All year round The temperature stays around 28-30oC.

Thus, there are no cold winters here, and you can enjoy such pleasant weather all year round. The weather here is determined by the southwest monsoon (April - September) and the northeast monsoon (December - April).

The northeast monsoon brings a hot and dry period.

The southwest monsoon can bring intermittent rains, high humidity and rough seas. However, this period is the least hot.

The average daily maximum is 28-30.4oC.
The average night low is 25.4oC.
The water temperature is 24-27oС all year round.

Visa to the Maldives

The Maldives is a visa-free country.

A tourist visa is stamped in the passport upon arrival free of charge and is valid for 30 days from the date of entry into the country. Israeli passport holders are not allowed to enter the country. CUSTOMS FORMALITIES AND AIRPORT TAXES

When passing customs control at the airport in Male, you must remember that in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Maldives

1. Import of any narcotic substances, including psychotropic
2. Importation of pornographic materials recorded for viewing video cassettes with films, etc. Only sealed cassettes are allowed.
3. Importation of anti-Islamic literature.
4. Import of military paraphernalia.
5. Import of any pork products.
6. Import of alcohol
7. Importation of animals
8. Importation of gunpowder/explosives/firearms/stabbing, cutting and spearfishing weapons

In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Maldives and the rules established in hotels

1. Breaking, tearing living and dead corals in the ocean and near the coast, damaging shells and bringing them to the surface. All these activities are prohibited by law! Penalties apply for violations!
2. Fish near the islands. For this purpose, fishing is organized in hotels for both common and large non-commercial fish.
3. Spearfishing is strictly prohibited.
4. Throw empty cans, tin, glass and plastic bottles and other garbage on the islands - use the waste bins designed for this.
4. It is forbidden to visit the capital Male and the islands where they live locals, in beachwear. It is recommended to wear clothes that cover the shoulders and knees.
5. Nudism and Topless (Topless) is prohibited by law! Penalties apply for violations!


Currency of the Maldives

The Maldivian currency is the rufiyaa and the laari.

1 Maldivian rufiyaa is equal to 100 laari.

1 US dollar is approximately equal to 12 rufiyaa.

In the Maldives, there are banknotes of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rufiyaas and coins of 2 and 1 rufiyaa, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 laari.

However, US dollars and major currencies are accepted almost universally. credit cards(American Express, Visa, Master Card, Diners Club and Euro Card).

Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange dollars for local currency upon arrival.

The capital of the Maldives - Male

Male is the smallest capital in the world (length 2.5 km, width - 1 km). Its main attraction is the Great Friday mosque, decorated with a golden dome. The Islamic Center is located on its territory. This largest mosque in the Maldives can accommodate more than 5,000 people at the same time.

Nearby is the old mosque "Good Friday" with a unique minaret, the graves of national heroes and members of the ruling families.

Among other sights of the capital worthy of attention are Presidential palace, National Museum, located in the Sultan's Park, and the burial places of the legendary Maldivian saints. It is also interesting to visit the colorful local markets - fruit, vegetable and handicraft - places where the inhabitants of many Maldivian islands bring goods.

There is practically no entertainment in the capital. No nightclubs for you, no concert halls, no theatres. The main entertainment is a walk along the picturesque streets of the town, along seaport, along the promenade or in the park.

Nearby located international Airport Hulule - runway right on the ocean and a small terminal building. Until the last moment, you are sure that the plane is landing directly into the water. After leaving the plane, you will find yourself right at the pier, where the famous Maldivian "dhoni" are already waiting for you, ready to take you to the capital or to any other island.

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The ocean washing the Maldives is called the Indian Ocean, and they themselves are grouped into an archipelago elongated from north to south, consisting of coral atolls - ring-shaped island structures. Within these rings are lagoons. In total, this archipelago includes 1190 islands, which are grouped into 26 atolls. All atolls are divided into 19 administrative regions, and the 20th administrative unit was the capital of the state - the city of Male.

The islands are located southwest of the Hindustan peninsula, and the Indian Ocean washes the Maldives.- warm, huge and majestic, merging with the sky on the horizon with the blue of its waters, because of which the horizon line becomes almost indistinguishable. But among the huge number of islands of the archipelago, only about two hundred were inhabited. In an archipelago like the Maldives, the sea occupies 99.7% of the territory and only a negligible remaining part falls on land. In general, the Maldives rise above the water, being part of a large underwater mountain range. For thousands of years, corals have grown on the tops of seamounts, reaching up towards the sun, gradually forming reefs. As a result, ring-shaped structures grew, parts of which then appeared above the surface of the water and formed islands of atolls. And in the middle of the atoll there was a depression - a lagoon, which communicated with the ocean through a series of natural canals.

Temperature of the Indian Ocean near the Maldives

Those who are going to the Maldives should not worry about the temperature of the water in the ocean - it is always warm and suitable for swimming here. At any time of the year it is not colder than 26 degrees, which cannot but delight divers and just beachgoers. This is not surprising, because the archipelago is located very close to the equator. The water in the ocean is always clear and blue, which further enhances the pleasure of contact with it. During the monsoon season, strong currents form around many of the islands, making sailing dangerous, but the rest of the time, communication between the atolls is not difficult.

Flora and fauna of the ocean of the Maldives

The many hundreds of species of fish that live in the Indian Ocean can be divided into two categories: fish that live in calm lagoons and reefs, and those that prefer freedom open ocean but in search of food sometimes also approaching the islands. Diving and snorkeling enthusiasts are attracted by a lot of things underwater: exotic shapes and colors of coral, fish, shellfish, jellyfish, turtles, moray eels, sea ​​urchins and stars, dolphins, rays and sharks. cetacean mammals and sea ​​turtles they also prefer to migrate across the ocean - they are very fond of being photographed by divers.


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Endless snow white sandy beaches, warm and transparent sea surface, picturesque lagoons and bays in the Maldives speak for themselves, but most of all tourists are attracted by high-class service and comfort in hotels.

Maldives on the world map

The fabulous Republic of Maldives is located near the equator in the South region.

Given Island state, consisting of a small number of picturesque atolls, has long been one of the most desirable vacation spots for honeymooners.

In total, there are about 26 atolls in the state, one of the most significant and largest among them is the atoll called Male. This is where the capital is located. Republic of Maldives with the same name Male. Since ancient times, the king lived on these island territories, so many ancient masterpieces of architecture have been preserved here. Most of the local population also lives in this region.

Republic of Maldives

The total number of islands that make up the state reaches almost 1.2 thousand. All of them are interconnected in a single double chain of atolls, and are also formed on the basis of an underwater mountain range about 1000 kilometers long. Most big Island The country is called Gan. Not all island possessions of the Republic of Maldives are inhabited by people. Hundreds of small paradise still waiting in the wings and shining with unprecedented and untouched beauty. Only one sixth of all the Maldives is inhabited. The total area of ​​the territories occupied by the Maldives is about 300 square kilometers, the local population barely reaches 393 thousand people.
The relief of the country is flat, so you should not look for massive mountains and lowlands here. Sandy and only slightly rise above sea level. The high-altitude peak of the Maldives archipelago is considered to be a point called Sienu with a height of about 2.5 meters. It is located in the southern part of the luxurious Addu Atoll. As for the sources of fresh water, they are represented by groundwater and several rivers, which can only be observed after the rainy season. In especially dry periods of time, they completely disappear.
The flora in the Maldives is quite scarce and is represented only by some herbaceous plants, banyan trees and palm trees. The industrious local population is also diligently engaged in the cultivation of papaya, tropical fruits, hot peppers, eggplant and many other crops. There are no forests in the Maldives, but the luxurious branches of palm trees along the beaches shelter travelers from scorching sun and bring the long-awaited coolness.
Separately, we should talk about the features of the local animal world. Tourists simply adore these islands not only for their natural splendor, but also for the absence of dangerous wild animals and reptiles. The eyes are pleasing to the birds living on the islands, flying foxes and mice, and the underwater world opens up an even more mysterious and fascinating world. That is why the Maldives is a favorite place for divers from all over the world.

Flag of the Republic of Maldives

Until 1965, the Maldives was part of the territorial possessions of Great Britain (the remnants of the British Territory are located to the south of the islands), but already in July of the same year, the republic received its long-awaited independence and the state flag. The cloth of the national Maldivian flag is a rich red rectangle, in the center of which is another bright green rectangle with a snow-white crescent in the middle.

Recently, these islands have become especially popular among honeymooners. Couples in love prefer not to be disturbed, so they choose deserted islands, which are more than enough in this country. Particular attention should be paid. Tourists have a wide choice of comfortable rooms in picturesque wooden bungalows right on the water or in more modern hotel complexes, but sailing lovers can even settle on a yacht so as not to break away from their favorite business.
One of the trendiest local activities is diving. The boundless ocean expanses and the nearby Laccadian Sea attract experienced divers from all over the world, and especially for beginners, there are several professional specialized diving schools where you can get all the necessary equipment and equipment.
Real gourmets will certainly be delighted with the traditional Maldivian cuisine with its spicy Indian sauces, an abundance of fruits and all sorts of variations in the preparation of mouth-watering seafood and fish. There are no local alcoholic drinks in the Maldives, as they are prohibited by Islam, but in hotels tourists can enjoy imported goods to their heart's content.
can hardly be called inexpensive, but all this luxury is worth the money. Shopping lovers should look into the souvenir shops and shops in Male, where they will be greeted by the brightest selection of products made from coral, shells, palm wood and other traditional materials. In addition, the Maldives, fabulous cultural and historical sights dizzying!

Have a good travel!

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