Maldives on which sea. Capital of the Republic of Maldives

The Republic of Maldives is the smallest in the world Asian country. It is a collection of islands lost in the middle of the boundless Indian Ocean. Every year, land areas are more and more submerged in water, and, according to researchers, they will soon face serious flooding.

Because of the water level in the ocean is constantly rising, which may soon lead the islands of the Maldives to disaster. If you want to visit this real paradise where time seems to have stopped - hurry up! Its pristine beauty will not leave anyone indifferent - snow-white sandy beaches, blue lagoons, evergreen tropical trees will forever remain in the soul of any traveler.

Where is the Maldives on the map? The geographical position of the state

Finding the Maldives on a world map is quite difficult. This small country located in the Indian Ocean, south of the Hindustan Peninsula and southwest of the island of Ceylon. Its closest neighbors are India (595 km), Sri Lanka (670 km) and the Chagos Archipelago (500 km). You can see the Maldives on the map below.

The Republic of Maldives is a coral archipelago, the length of which from west to east is 130 km, and from north to south - 823 km. It consists of 1196 small islands of presumably volcanic origin. They form a double chain of 26 atolls - large coral land areas that look like a bursting ring. The largest and most significant are the South (North Niland), Aria Atoll. The distance between groups varies from 25 to 80 km.

total area land and water reefs of the Maldives is 298 sq. km., and the total area, together with the water area, is 900,000 sq. km. Of the more than 1,100 islands, only 202 are inhabited, more than 70 of which are first-class tourist resorts.

Historical reference

Very little information has been preserved about the early history of the Republic of Maldives. It is believed that the culture of the Maldives appeared before the 5th century BC. Fragments of pottery found during excavations suggested that settlements of the Redins were founded on the islands as early as 2000 BC. In 500 BC Buddhists appeared on the southern islands, who arrived from about. Ceylon. This fact is confirmed by an ancient Buddhist manuscript and the head of a Buddha statue dating from the 11th century. The first Chinese sailors reached the islands of the Maldives in 412. From 1153 - from the moment of the adoption of Islam - all major historical events were recorded in the history of the Sultanate.

According to numerous testimonies of navigators, for a long time the islands were ruled by female sultanas. Europeans up to the 15th century. knew nothing about the country and did not mark the Maldives on the world map until Vasco da Gama crossed the Indian Ocean. In 1507, Lorenzo de Almeida sailed to the islands, and in 1529, the Parmentier brothers. From 1558, the Portuguese dominated the islands until a guerrilla war broke out and they were destroyed. Further, until 1760, the Maldives were under the protection of the French, and from the middle of the 17th century. - the Dutch, and then the British. In mid-1965, after mass popular uprisings, the Maldives gained independence from Great Britain. In 1968, a new constitution was adopted, and the country acquired official name- Republic of Maldives.

State flag

The modern version of the main state symbol of the country was adopted in July 1965. The flag of the Maldives is a red cloth, which depicts a green rectangle and a white crescent. It has a special symbolic meaning. The red color denotes the courage of the heroes who, without hesitation, defended and will continue to defend their country, sacrificing themselves and shedding blood. The green rectangle symbolizes nature Maldives- coconut palms, which are the source of life for the indigenous population. The white crescent symbolizes the religiosity of the Maldivians and reflects their adherence to Islam.

Economy of the Republic of Maldives

Now the Republic of Maldives is a democratic developing state with a president at the head.

The country's economy is based on three "pillars": tourism, navigation and fishing. Due to the mild climate, rich underwater world and amazingly beautiful coral reefs, crowds of tourists come here. In the open sea, it is carried out in lagoons and turtles are caught near the coast, corals, shells and natural pearls are mined.

Official banknotes. Currency exchange

The monetary unit of the Maldives is the rufiyaa. It consists of one hundred laari. One US dollar is approximately equal to a dozen rufiyaas. In circulation in the country there are banknotes of various denominations, including 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rufiyaas, as well as coins - 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 lari.

You can exchange currency at any bank, airport or exchange points at the official rate. It will be difficult to make an exchange on islands remote from the capital, at a rather unfavorable rate. Basically, small bills are required for calculations, so stock up on them in sufficient quantities. Many expensive resorts accept US dollars and euros for payment, as well as credit cards.


The population living in the archipelago is approximately 400 thousand people. Almost all of them are descendants of immigrants from the Middle East, South, South-East Asia. The state language is called Dhivehi, it is a kind of mixture of Arabic, English and Sinhala. The writing of the local dialect is based on the Arabic-Persian script. Indigenous people Islands profess Islam (Sunnism). It was brought by the Arabs and spread from the 12th century. And in 1968 Islam was declared the state religion.

Capital of the Republic of Maldives

Currently, Male is the capital of the Republic of Maldives, a small city located on the adjacent islands of Vilingile and Male. Its area is only 5.8 square meters. km. The population of Male is approximately 105 thousand people. Get to the administrative, political and cultural center The Maldives can be reached by air or sea, by boats, seaplane taxis or speedboats plying between the islands.

You can see all the sights of Male by walking along it. When visiting the city, it is advisable to wear things that cover the body well from neck to knees. Almost all souvenir shops are located at the northern end of Chaandani Magu. Here you can buy Maldivian mats made of palm fiber, decorative fishing boats, canned fish and amazingly delicious seafood. In general, Male is not rich in sights, although the inquisitive tourist will like the shady Jumuri-Maidan park, the National Museum in Sultans Park, the Islamic Center with the Good Friday Mosque and the Medu Ziyarat chapel.

Climate in the Maldives

The archipelago has a tropical monsoon climate. All year round the air temperature is quite high, has a small amplitude and varies between 26°C - 32°C. At night it does not fall below 25°C. In winter - from November to March - the northeast, warm monsoons prevail. In summer - from June to August - southwestern, more humid winds prevail. It often rains a little at this time on the islands. The water temperature varies between 24°C - 27°C. In the "dry" season from November to early April, the Republic of Maldives attracts numerous tourists from all over the world. The mild, warm climate, comfortable sea temperature, lack of rain and strong winds make the islands so attractive to travelers.

It is interesting that a sufficient number of tourists visit the islands of the Maldives during the "wet" season. Despite high humidity, a large number of precipitation and raging winds, the influx of tourists does not subside. The fact is that from mid-April to early November, the cost of air tickets, accommodation and meals is significantly reduced, which attracts travelers who want to save money.

Flora and fauna

Famous throughout the world for its amazing variety of marine fauna and flora of the islands of the Maldives. The sea is full of amazing corals. Shoals of various exotic fish, turtles, jellyfish, molluscs, starfish and hedgehogs, moray eels, rays attract diving and snorkeling enthusiasts.

Predators also live in the waters of the Maldives - sharks with black fins and sharks with white fins, and huge ocean inhabitants - hammerhead sharks and whale sharks - swim here. But you can not be afraid of them, because they are non-aggressive and practically harmless to divers. In order to prevent accidents and also to save unique flora and fauna in the Maldives there are strict scuba diving restrictions. Including it is forbidden to dive to a depth of more than 30 m, it is forbidden to spend more than 60 minutes underwater, each diver must have a dive computer with him, etc. Land fauna and flora are not very diverse.

Breadfruit, coconut, banana are common on many islands of the Maldives. Atolls - Daalu (Dhaalu) and Fafu - stand out for their lush vegetation. Exotic flowers grow here: hernandia lily, erminalia catappa, etc., there are impenetrable mangroves with huge ferns. There are no large animals in the Maldives, but you can meet a bat or an Indian flying fox. Terns, parrots, sea gulls, cormorants also live on the islands.

How to get to the archipelago?

The vast majority of tourists get to the Maldives by plane. The archipelago has an international airport named after Ibrahim Nasir. It is located on Hulule Island, 2 km. from the capital. The airport receives flights from different cities, including Moscow, Vienna, Qatar, Kuala Lumpur, etc.

On the official website of the airport, you can find all the necessary information, including seeing the time of arrival of the aircraft, choosing the right transfer for yourself, and even planning a trip. There is an ATM, a bank, a left-luggage office on the territory of the airport. You can have a snack or drink coffee in any of the cafes you like. To the left of the exit from the airport building is the pier. Ferries depart from it every 10-15 minutes to the capital of the country. The fare varies between 1-2 USD, depending on the time of day.

Great resorts. Maldives - a paradise for tourists

Vacationers are delivered to the surrounding atolls by small nimble seaplanes or boats. North and South Male, Ari, Baa, Miimu, Laviani, Haa Alifu, Faafu, Dhaalu atolls are the most beautiful resorts in the country, and each of them has its own zest.

More than 120 hotels operate in the Maldives, which can simultaneously serve about 50 thousand tourists. Basically, all hotels have 4 or 5 stars, it is extremely rare to find a hotel with a worse level of service. Also in the Maldives, you can stay in a magnificent bungalow and enjoy solitude.

Recreation and entertainment

The beaches of the archipelago are the cleanest, with pleasant white sand. The water is amazingly warm and calm. The Maldives offer a respectable vacation, lack of noise and fuss and communication with unique nature. For lovers active rest there is a developed infrastructure sports entertainment. At the resorts you can go sailing, canoeing, skiing, surfing and, of course, diving. On the beaches of the atolls, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, collect and damage corals, spearfishing.

It should be noted that the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited not only on the beaches, but also in any public places outside the resort area. Topless and nude swimming is also not allowed. In addition, it is forbidden to litter on the islands. Any violation of the order will result in a severe fine.

Customs in the Maldives

All travelers should familiarize themselves in advance with the list of goods that are allowed to be imported and exported from the country. All luggage must be inspected by customs officers. It is allowed to import cigarettes (200 pcs.), Perfume (125 ml), personal consumption goods into the territory of the Republic of Maldives. It is not allowed to bring alcoholic drinks, pork, sausage, drugs and pornography. An attempt to break the law is subject to a fine of 500 USD. Any tourist should remember that the export of products made from tortoise shells, pearl oyster shells, black and red corals is strictly prohibited. You can not export from the country and items found in the sea. Be careful and enjoy your holiday!

Republic of Maldives.

Country Summary

Capital Male. Founded 5 centuries BC. Politic system Full name - Republic of Maldives. State structure - presidential republic, divided into 19 administrative regions(Alottov) and 1 district (Male). The independence of the Maldives was proclaimed on July 26, 1965 (formerly a protectorate of Great Britain), in 1968 the Maldives was declared a republic by referendum. Unicameral parliament - the main Legislature led by a speaker. The head of state, head of government and executive power is the president. Maumoon Abdul Gayoum has been the President of the Republic of Maldives since 1978, very popular and revered among the local population. All citizens over the age of 21 have the opportunity to elect the president and other members of the government. Parliament appoints the president, but for this choice to be valid, he must be supported in a national referendum. The administration of the atolls is appointed by the government itself. There is not a single political party in the country, although this is not prohibited at all. Also there are no armed forces. The office of prime minister has not existed since 1975. The Republic of Maldives is a peaceful country that devotes a lot of energy to cooperation with world countries. She has close relations with Great Britain and Japan, with Russian Federation- diplomatic relations. Location The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of India and Sri Lanka on both sides of the Equator. In total, there are 1190 islands of coral origin, forming 26 atolls, stretching in a double chain perpendicular to the equator. The local population lives on 201 islands, 88 islands are used as tourist resorts. They have a variety of sizes and are designed to receive a different number of tourists. The length of the Maldivian archipelago from north to south is 820 kilometers, from east to west - 120. Washed by the seas The Maldives are washed by the Indian Ocean. Largest cities Male is the capital of the Maldives, as well as the commercial and administrative center. It's the only one locality which can be called a city. Time zone UTC+5. Flight time from Moscow Flight time to the Maldives from Moscow (direct flight Moscow - Male) is 8 hours 30 minutes. Territory The total area of ​​the Maldives is 298 sq. km. Population There are only 339.3 thousand people in the Maldives: Maldivians (Singhalese, Indians) - 90%, Arabs - 9%. Language The official language is Maldivian (Dhivehi). It originated about 1500 years ago, belongs to the Indo-Aryan languages, has its own script called tana, read from right to left. English is widely used in Male and in the resorts. Major Religions The state religion is Sunni Islam. In 1153 AD e. The Buddhist king Kalaminia, who ruled the Maldives at that time, converted to Islam, which remains the main religion to this day. Any other sects and religions are prohibited on the islands. Islam in the Maldives is liberal in nature, similar to that practiced in India and Indonesia.

There are unusually beautiful mosques on the islands, and if you stay a little on the islands, you can immediately feel how important religion is here. On all the islands, residents pray several times a day.

When visiting the mosque, you can see what interesting ancient paintings cover their walls. They depict scenes from history and are designed to strengthen the spirit of the inhabitants of the archipelago, to control their upbringing and thoughts. Mosques also host important official meetings and events.

But religion peacefully coexists with modernity. For example, the minaret of the famous Islamic Center, built more than twenty years ago, peacefully coexists with the post office building. The Islamic center is included in the list of the most beautiful Asian mosques. The authorities took special care of its erection in order to strengthen the nation in this way.

Official currency Rufiyaa (Maldive rupee) = 100 lari, 1 USD = 12 rufiyaa. In circulation there are banknotes of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 rufiyaas and coins of 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lari. Mains voltage Mains voltage - 220 V. Climate The climate is tropical, warm, even due to the proximity of the equator, without significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. The best weather conditions are from November to the end of April (northeast monsoon): the sea is calm, the weather is sunny, hot and dry. Sometimes in June-July there are short rains, but they are not so long - 20-25 minutes, and the sun shines again. From May to October - the monsoon season: heavy rains, high humidity, storms. The average daily maximum is +30.4°С. The average night minimum is +25.4°С. The water temperature is +24–27°C all year round.

During the monsoon cycle (spring and autumn), intense tropical storms and thunderstorms have recently become more frequent.


What money to take with you Dollars. Dollars are accepted everywhere, there is no need to change them to rufiyaa, because even in souvenir shops on local islands, purchases can be paid in dollars. Euros are accepted only in resorts, as well as in some souvenir shops.

Where to change US dollars are accepted almost everywhere. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange dollars for local currency upon arrival.

The American dollar is preferred especially by banks, where only dollars are exchanged for you. Exchange offices sometimes accept other world currencies, but this is not the rule.

In resort areas, you can find exchange offices on almost every corner. Money can be exchanged in large hotels. The exchange rate is almost the same everywhere, a little more favorable in Male than in hotels.

Credit cards Most hotels, shops, gas stations, car rentals, large shopping centers and restaurants accept payment cards, especially American Express, VISA, MasterCard and EuroCard. There is only one ATM in the Maldives from which you can draw from the account of foreign banks. You will find it in Male in front of the HSBC bank building. Shopping Souvenir products can be purchased in special shops in the resorts, which are open until late evening hours, souvenir shops in fishing villages and Male (Chandani Magu Street).

The diverse craft hobbies of the locals will give you a rich selection of all kinds of knick-knacks and really beautiful rare items.

Typical souvenirs are usually beautiful sea shells, shark jaws (a favorite souvenir of tourists), coconut oil, original silk clothes, sculptures carved from coconut wood, beautiful wooden utensils, painted souvenir plates, colorful fish figurines, paintings by local artists, coral jewelry, sarongs, wood crafts (hand-sawn red and black figurines), coconut monkeys.

On one of the islands, lovely painted boxes and jewelry are produced. They are made from a tree called funa.

On another island, you will find another original souvenir - wicker rugs, which are very light and pretty, they are made, like hand-made cane boxes.

Tourists very often buy wooden miniatures of Dhoni ships or sailboats. Usually Sri Lanka or Indian teas, smoking pipes, fans or sets are brought from the Maldives. You can also buy a CD with local traditional or contemporary music.

Things made from various stones will please you. This is not surprising, since the carving tradition here is very old, carefully passed on to the younger generations.

In Male, you can profitably buy high-quality foreign-made diving equipment and equipment.

Export from the country of black corals, products from a tortoise shell is prohibited.

Tipping Tipping is not officially accepted in the Maldives. But if the service was worth it, then unofficially, no one forbids to thank the attendants with a small amount: a hotel employee - $ 10, a waiter - 5%.

Some resorts add a service charge to the bill (usually 10%), in which case tipping is not necessary.
Taxi Services Classic auto taxis are available only in the capital Male, Gan and Addu atolls. The trip is paid at the rate of 15Rf plus 5Rf for luggage during the day and 20Rf after 24:00. Any stop, even for a minute, automatically ends the trip, which must be paid immediately. If you want to continue the trip, you will have to pay all over again.

There are several taxi services (work around the clock), all cars are equipped with air conditioning. Taxis can be stopped on the street or called by phone (in this case, the trip will cost 10Rf).

Public transport public transport as such does not exist. Because most of the islands are so small that transportation is simply not needed there. There is no spectacle familiar to us - a large accumulation of cars, the most common types of land transport are bicycles and motorcycles.

Basically, they use the services water transport- a local taxi can be called a wooden boat with a flat roof - dhoni. This is a traditional multi-purpose vessel, now upgraded with diesel engines. On this modest boat, you can swim to the island you need. As a rule, as a sign of greeting, tourists are immediately put on a wreath of pink or white flowers around their necks, offered refreshing, fragrant napkins and coconut milk. Large boats are called Vedis and are used for long journeys to distant atolls.

You can safely bargain with private carriers. There is no timetable, ships sail as they fill with passengers.

Car rental in Male and other major islands you can rent a car.

Road traffic is practically not regulated, there are no markings and road signs, or they have long been destroyed, there are also no traffic lights. The traffic speed is low, but drivers never give way to pedestrians, so you should be extremely careful on the few Maldivian roads.

customs control

For passing customs control at the airport in Male, you must present all things for inspection, including hand luggage. It must be remembered that:

Import prohibited:

Any narcotic substances, including psychotropic
- pornographic materials recorded for viewing video cassettes with films, etc. Only sealed cassettes are allowed
- anti-Islamic literature
- military paraphernalia
- any pork products
- alcohol
- animals
- gunpowder / explosives / firearms / piercing, cutting objects and - - weapons for spearfishing.

As for "objects of religious worship", this can mean anything that can harm the official religion of the Maldives - Islam. A small decorative cross around the neck is unlikely to be considered dangerous, but a large cross with a conspicuous figure of the crucified Christ may be banned from importation. The same applies to images of the Buddha: a small table figurine may not cause objections from customs officers, unlike a large and noticeable one. Surely they will seize the Bible, although they do not specifically search for this item. In any case, it is better to respect the feelings of Muslims

If the above items are present in your baggage, when passing through customs control, they will be confiscated from you and placed in a special compartment at Male airport in exchange for a receipt describing the confiscated item. Upon departure from the country, you can get the seized back by presenting this receipt.

Allowed to import into the country:
- goods for personal consumption within reason (no more than one item per person);
- goods 200 cigarettes;
- 125 ml of perfumes.

It is forbidden to export from the country:

Black coral and products from it (except for souvenirs made by officially certified by the government manufacturers);
- objects and things found at the bottom of the sea.

Allowed to export from the country:

Gifts and souvenirs (shells; shark jaws; postcards, posters, shorts, T-shirts with local symbols, etc.);
- household items: thin-woven reed mats; wooden boxes; baskets woven from palm leaves;
- Coconut oil;
- jewelry.


The Maldives is a network of islands, both inhabited and uninhabited, completely surrounded by water. There are no regular transport links on the islands.

Transport in the Maldives is a boat. The only human invention capable of moving tourists, and even local residents, to a certain island. Tourists upon arrival in the Maldives can rent boats for independent movement, but before you rent a boat, do not forget to agree on a price in advance so as not to get into a conflict situation. The islands are scattered very close to each other, so the trip will not be tedious.

Almost all tourists visiting the islands come here by plane. international Airport Male is located on the island of Hulule, at a distance of 1 km (10 minutes by national boat "dhoni") from the capital of the Maldives - Male.

Due to the peculiarities of the geography of the archipelago, most of the transportation is carried out by seaplanes, helicopters and boats. The seaplane is possible only during daylight hours according to the schedule (from 07:00 to 16:00). It should be remembered that hydroaviation does not fly to all atolls. The deHavilland Twin Otter seaplane, notable for its robust construction and high maneuverability, also known as the DHC-6, is capable of descending smoothly and carrying up to 20 passengers. The plane sits on the water, and a boat delivers you to the pier (jet).

There are 2 air carriers in the country - Maldivian Air Taxi and Hummingbird Island Airways. The prices are quite high, it is somewhat cheaper to order a plane through the hotel administration or a travel agency. In addition, the companies offer sightseeing flights and day trips with picnics to uninhabited islands for $250 (approximately). You can take up to 20 kg of luggage with you free of charge plus 5 kg hand luggage.

Any Maldivian island can be crossed in 1.5 - 2 hours. However, tourism in the Maldives is regulated and independent movement within the islands is not encouraged, as this may have a negative impact on traditional island communities.

If you decide to take a vacation full program, and are not constrained in cash, then a rather expensive helicopter is at your service, but you will not only quickly arrive at the required place, but also admire the Maldives from above.

You can make a trip to the outer islands, but it is impossible to see everything at once. A travel permit between the atolls is required to visit islands located outside the tourist area; permits are issued by the Ministry of Atoll Management only to people who are invited by the inhabitants of those islands and atolls.


Telephone communication The entire territory of the Maldives is divided into several telephone zones. The cost of a call within one zone is approximately 0.25 rufiyaa per minute, between different zones - from 0.55 to 3 rufiyaa per minute.

For local and international calls, it is recommended to buy Dhiraagu calling cards (cost 30, 50, 100, 200 and 500 rufiyaas). You can buy cards in a special store "Dhiiraagu Teleshop" in Male, as well as from card sellers on any of the major islands.

There are no public telephones on a number of islands, and communication is carried out from call centers (they usually work from Sunday to Thursday from 7.30 to 20.00, on Fridays - from 14.00 to 18.00, on Saturdays - from 9.00 to 18.00), serviced by telephone operators. The cost of a call depends on the distance and is somewhat higher than from a pay phone. From 24.00 to 06.00 the cost of a call is 20% cheaper.

The Maldives also has mobile connection GSM-900 standard. Mobile phones of most standards do not work in the Maldives, but you can rent a phone at the office of the local operator "Dhiraagu". More detailed advice can be obtained from the office of your mobile operator.

Calls to Russia To call to Russia: +7 - area code - subscriber's number. Calls from Russia To call the Maldives, dial: 8 - 10 - 960 - subscriber's number. Area Codes The phone code for the Maldives is 960. Useful Phones Useful Phones

Reference phones:
Reference telephone network - 110.
International telephone operator - 190.
The operator of communication between the atolls is 188.
Meteorological Service - 317-171.
Male Airport Information - 332-211.
Maldives Tourism Development Bureau - 323-228.
Customs Department - 322-001, 310-045.

Emergency services:
Police (rescue service) - 119.
National Security Service - 313-281.
Fire department - 118.
Ambulance - 102.

National cuisine

The cuisine is based on two fundamental ones: Arabic and Indian. Local cuisine usually includes rice, fish curry cooked with coconut milk. Limes, chili and small onions add piquancy to dishes. No dish is unthinkable without spices. An important place in cooking is occupied by sauces, their preparation is akin to the sacrament of a cook in the Maldives.

Rice is used in cooking in all variations - boiled in coconut milk, with various vegetables, peppers, the same fish or marine arthropods, as well as with bananas, papaya, mangoes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes or breadfruit.

The local roshi bread is very popular and is usually eaten with mashuni, a fish cocktail flavored with coconut, onion, chili and lime.

The main and favorite dish for the islands - tuna with rice - may not be the same, because this time it can be seasoned with a completely different sauce.

Dishes in which fish appears as the main ingredient are very diverse, from simple boiled fish, meatballs and soups, to fish cocktails and fish pies.

Popular hikimas - dried and smoked fish. Also good is a pie with fish, coconut and onion bajiya, the most delicate fish pie coolie borkihaa (kulhi borkihaa). Also traditional fish soup and garudia rice, tuna patties with gulu coconut, baked fish with chili paste fihunu mas (fihunu mas), fried keemia fish rolls, rihaukuru fish pate, fried fish with pepper and garlic teluli mae and others

You can finish your lunch with suji, a very tasty local drink. locals raa drink is brewed - sweet and tasty palm juice, which is extracted from the top of the palm trunk. In the heat, juices are very good, local sweet milk kiru sarbat, sweet palm juice raa, suji drink and low-alcohol drink gaa from fermented palm milk. Alcoholic drinks can only be bought in hotels, and it is advisable to drink them only indoors, otherwise you risk getting into trouble.

Dessert dish, most likely, will be coconut in any form. Areca nut (an oval nut with betel leaves, cloves and lime) is eaten in the afternoon. If you want to taste local sweets, try bondi (bondi) - white coconut sticks - very tasty! Coconut milk, various puddings, vegetable and fruit salads and pastries are widely used.

A popular drink in the Maldives is tea, which is served with milk. Another drink that you can see more often than others is coffee brewed in Arabic.

In addition to coconuts and bananas, few vegetables and fruits grow on the islands, so most of the products offered on tourist resorts, Maldives imports.

Institutional work

Store hours are variable. Most, especially on the larger islands, are open from 07.00-08.00 to 21.00-23.00, but in the summer many shops are open from 13.00-15.00 to 18.00-20.00.

In Male, banks and exchange offices are concentrated on Marine Drive. They are open from 8.00 to 13.30, from Sunday to Thursday (as in many other Muslim countries, in the Maldives the weekend is Friday and Saturday).

Holidays and non-working days

Holidays in the Maldives are based on the Islamic lunar calendar. This means that every year the holidays are on different days. You will feel the festive atmosphere mainly in the capital, as on this day most shops will be closed. In other cities or regions, you will hardly feel the full grandeur of the holiday.

Usually families gather on holidays, everyone cooks food for the festive table together, decorates and organizes fun. plays traditional music, people are dancing, you can hear the wooden instruments and modern jazz and pop music.


January 1 - New Year.
January 8-10 - Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan).
March 15-18 - Eid al Kebir (Day of Sacrifice).
April 6 - Islamic New Year.
June 4-5 - National holiday.
June 15 - Mulud (Birthday of the Prophet).
July 26-27 - Independence Day.
November 11-12 - Republic Day.
September 1 - Huravi Day.
October 28 - Martyrs' Day.
November 3 - Victory Day.

customs and practices

Despite the fact that the Maldives, as an Islamic state, is relatively liberal, visitors to the country must carefully abide by the laws.

Rightfully considered one of the oldest states in the world, the Maldives today can tell you a lot and surprise you a lot. Here you need to constantly remember that the main religion is Islam. And so you need to adhere to the established etiquette.

The usual form of greeting for the Maldivians is a handshake, they officially greet "salaam alaikum", the word "kihenen" greet each other in an informal setting. A carefree and simple existence in harmony with nature is the Maldivian way of life.

In the Maldives, musical traditions that arose in the old days are alive. This applies to music, crafts, dances. Musically, the Maldives are unique and inimitable. You will learn that three styles of song performance have been preserved here, each of which is individual and has its own name.

You will no doubt hear about Bodu Beru. This is both a song and a dance that is performed during the holidays. Once upon a time it was brought from the African continent. Dances are also performed according to tradition, there are several different popular national dances that you will be recommended to watch. For example, Bodu Beru, a costumed dance, is danced by fifteen people, in addition, there is a singer and three drummers play.

There are dances both for women and purely for men - this is what tradition prescribes. The male-only dance, Dhandi Jehun, lasts about an hour and is performed without regard to any event. But the female dance - Boaymalaafas Neshun, reflecting a tradition that has long disappeared, but existed - bringing gifts to the Sultan. This dance is considered one of the most important and interesting dances in the Maldives.

Artistic Maldivians complement the natural beauty of exotic coral islands. Fishing for them is both leisure and profession at the same time. Especially striking is the local hospitality. This trait is passed down from generation to generation among the Maldivians. The Maldives is a place where a tourist is always a welcome guest.

Precautionary measures

Precautionary measures:

Buy water in plastic bottles.
- The Maldives is a Muslim country, therefore, the laws are appropriate, therefore, for those who like to drink, the road here is either simply closed or they must refrain from this unprofitable pleasure.
- collecting corals and, moreover, taking them out of the country is a criminal offense
- it is forbidden to break, tear live and dead corals in the ocean and near the coast, damage the shells and raise them to the surface, fish near the islands, throw any garbage on the islands, for this it is necessary to use dustbins to avoid problems
- you can not visit the capital Male and the islands where the locals live, and are in beachwear
- it is also forbidden to wear things that do not cover the body from the shoulder to the knee
If you are going to the beach, regular beachwear will do. But if you suddenly want to visit the fishing villages and the capital Male, then you should respect local laws and wear modest clothes.
- while diving and swimming, you should pay attention to the sharp edges of coral reefs, and also do not touch marine life, they can be poisonous

Penalties apply for violations!

The Maldives is an island nation in the Indian Ocean southwest of India. Greenery of coconut trees and whiteness sandy beaches surrounded by the emerald sea create the charm of a tropical paradise in the Maldives. The country consists of thousands of small islands (100-800 meters in diameter), each island has no more than one hotel. A calm, secluded style of relaxation prevails here. Newlyweds and diving enthusiasts come here. Basically, the audience is rich and respectable.

Geographical position.

The Maldives archipelago consists of 26 atolls, is located 700 km southwest of Sri Lanka and crosses the equator line. The total area is 90 thousand km2. Of the 1190 islands, only 200 are inhabited (the population is about 270 thousand people), and 87 islands are tourist resorts.

Flight to the Maldives.

A non-stop flight from Moscow to Male lasts approximately 8 hours. Hulule International Airport is located on a separate island with the same name, at a distance of 1 km - 10 minutes by national boat "dhoni" - from the capital of the Maldives - Male. Such flights are carried out by Aeroflot, Transaero, and during the season (from October to May) - also by charter companies. Connecting flights are convenient on Emirates airlines (via Dubai, UAE) and Areroflot (via Colombo, Sri Lanka).

State capital

Male is the smallest capital in the world (length 2.5 km, width - 1 km). Its main attraction is the Great Friday mosque, decorated with a golden dome. The Islamic Center is located on its territory. This largest mosque in the Maldives can accommodate more than 5,000 people at the same time. Nearby is the old mosque "Good Friday" with a unique minaret, the graves of national heroes and members of the ruling families. Among other sights of the capital worthy of attention are Presidential palace, the National Museum, located in the Sultan Park, and the burial places of the legendary Maldivian saints. It is also interesting to visit the colorful local markets - fruit, vegetable and handicraft - places where the inhabitants of many Maldivian islands bring goods.
In 1995, the population of Male was 65 thousand people.

State structure

Democratic Republic. The head of state and government is the president (elected for 5 years). The legislature is a unicameral parliament (54 deputies). Administratively, the Maldives is divided into 19 provinces (atolls) and the capital district of Male.

Official language

- State language The Maldives is a "Dhivehi" (Indo-Iranian language group). English is widely spoken in the resorts.


As of 1995, 261,310 people lived in the Maldives. About 99% of the population are Maldivians (ethnogenesis is not completely clear), as well as Arabs and people from the African continent. The population can be divided into the following ethnic groups: Sinhalese, Dravidians, Arabs and Africans. A distinctive feature of the Maldivians is small stature and non-aggressive character. Archaeological evidence has shown that these islands have been inhabited for over 3,000 years and are associated with the Indian Valley Civilization. Modern Maldivians are a mixed race, whose formation was influenced by the inhabitants of Sri Lanka, India and the Arab countries.


The majority of the population professes Sunni Islam.


It is ahead of Moscow by 1 hour in summer, in winter - by 2 hours.


Maldivian rufiyaa (rupee, MVR, Rf), equal to 100 lari. 1 US dollar is equal to approximately 12 rufiyaas, 1 euro - 15 rufiyaas (as of September 2004). In circulation there are banknotes of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 rufiyaas, as well as coins of 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lari. US dollars are accepted everywhere (Euros are often accepted), as well as major credit cards, so it is not necessary to exchange currency immediately upon arrival. Traveler's checks in the capital and most hotels are also cashed without problems.
You can exchange currency at a clear official rate at any of the banks, exchange offices or at the airport (the reverse exchange can be made at the same points). On remote tourist islands, the exchange rate is usually less favorable, and besides, only rufiyaas are most often accepted. For calculations, you will need mainly small bills, since no one will simply give change from large ones.
Banks are usually open from 09.00 to 13.00 from Saturday to Thursday. The day off, as in all Islamic countries, is Friday.
Import and export of local currency is prohibited.

Approximate prices

Soft drinks - $1.50, beer - $2-3 per can, European cigarettes - $3-5, Italian or French wine - from $14 per bottle, alcoholic cocktails - from $6, whiskey - $70-100 per bottle, sandwiches - from 5 dollars, dinner or lunch (only food, no drinks) - from 15 dollars, windsurfing - 13 dollars per hour, parachute - 50 dollars round (15-20 minutes), water skiing - 3 dollars a minute, night fishing - $ 18, scuba diving - from $ 33 per dive, mask, snorkel, fins rental - $ 3 per day, massage - $ 30 per hour, 1 minute of conversation with Moscow - 8 USD.


Telephone code: 960.
The entire territory of the country is divided into a number of telephone zones. The cost of a call within one zone usually costs about 0.25 rufiyaa per minute, between different zones - from 0.55 to 3 rufiyaa per minute. A call can be made from any pay phone that works with the phone cards of the local operator "Dhiraagu" (cost 30, 50, 100, 200 and 500 rufiyaas). Cards can be bought at the special "Dhiiraagu Teleshop" store in the capital or from card vendors on any of the major islands.
There are no public telephones on a number of islands, and communication is carried out from call centers (they usually work from Sunday to Thursday from 7.30 to 20.00, on Fridays - from 14.00 to 18.00, on Saturdays - from 9.00 to 18.00), serviced by telephone operators. The cost of a call depends on the distance and is somewhat higher than from a pay phone. From 24.00 to 06.00 the cost of a call is 20% cheaper.
Mobile communications of the GSM-900 standard operate in the Maldives. Mobile phones of other standards do not work in the Maldives, but at the office of the local operator "Dhiraagu" in Male (phone 322 802, fax 322 800) mobile phone for rent. More detailed advice can be obtained from the office of your mobile operator.

customs control

There are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign currency. All baggage goes through a rigorous customs inspection. Duty-free import of up to 200 pieces is allowed. cigarettes and up to 125 ml. perfumes, as well as personal consumption goods within reason (no more than one item per person).
Alcoholic beverages, salami sausage, pork and pork products, pornographic publications and drugs, as well as shipwreck idols are strictly prohibited. It is forbidden to export black coral and products from it (except for souvenirs made by officially certified government manufacturers), products from the shell of a sea turtle, as well as objects and things found at the bottom of the sea.


No special vaccinations are required, but vaccination against hepatitis A and B is recommended. If necessary, it is recommended to bring medicines with you, since there are practically no pharmacies on the islands, and medicines sold in hotels are extremely expensive. Medical insurance international standard is highly recommended.

The best

The resort complex "Soneva Gili" is considered the largest seaside villa in the world.


The Maldives is the only country in the world where there are practically no cars, and why are they needed if one of the largest islands, where the capital is located, is a little more than one square kilometer. The most popular transport is speed boats and gliders, which provide communication between all the islands of the archipelago.
Due to the peculiarities of the geography of the archipelago, most of the transportation is carried out by seaplanes, helicopters and boats. There is no public transport as such.
Hydroaviation does not serve all atolls. There are 2 air carriers in the country - Maldivian Air Taxi and Hummingbird Island Airways. The prices are quite high, it is somewhat cheaper to order a plane through the hotel administration or a travel agency. In addition, the companies offer sightseeing flights and day trips with picnics on uninhabited islands for $250 (estimated). You can take up to 20 kg with you for free. baggage plus 5 kg. hand luggage.

Renting a speedboat or boat costs 100-400 US dollars per day plus fuel, or about 20-250 Rf depending on the type of boat for one trip. The distances between the islands are relatively small, so the trips are short. On average, you can get to the neighboring islands on the "dhoni" for 20 US dollars, and to the most remote - for 70 US dollars. You can bargain with private carriers. There is no timetable, ships sail as they fill with passengers.

Car taxis (and roads!) exist only in the capital Male, on the Gan and Addu atolls. Any trip, regardless of distance, is charged at the rate of 15Rf plus 5Rf for luggage during the day and 20Rf after 24.00. If the car stops even for a minute, the trip is considered completed and must be paid. If you need to go further, then this is considered a new trip. There are several taxi companies (work around the clock), all cars are equipped with air conditioning. Taxis can be stopped on the street or called by phone (in this case, the trip will cost 10Rf).

Cuisine in the Maldives

The local cuisine is built on the traditions of Indian and, in part, Arabic culinary traditions. Rice, seafood and various spices and hot seasonings are widely used. Smoked, dried and boiled fish are used in most traditional dishes. The basis of the cuisine is boiled tuna with rice, seasoned with various sauces (primarily coconut curry) and pepper, as well as "hikimas" - dried and smoked fish. Also good fish pie with coconut and onion "bajia", fish pie "couli borquiba", traditional fish soup and rice "garudia", tuna cutlets with coconut "gulu", baked fish with chili paste "fihunu mas", rolls of fried fish "kimia", fish pate "rihaukuru", fried fish with pepper and garlic "teluli mae", etc.
Meat, mainly chicken, is consumed only on holidays or as part of special dishes. Basically, rice is used in all variations - boiled in coconut milk, with various vegetables, peppers, all the same fish or marine arthropods, as well as with bananas, papaya, mango, pumpkin, sweet potatoes or breadfruit.
The main dessert is coconut in all forms, as well as sweet rice and fruit dishes. Coconut milk, various puddings, vegetable and fruit salads and pastries are widely used. The main drink is tea, consumed with plenty of milk and sugar. Black tea is not widely distributed, but it is ubiquitous, the locals are simply not used to drinking it. Coffee is becoming more and more widespread, mainly in Arabic, but like all imported products, it is quite expensive here. In the heat, juices are very good, local sweet milk "kiru sarbat", sweet palm juice "raz", drink "suji" and low-alcohol drink "gaa" from fermented palm milk.

Embassy of the Maldives in Russia:

The interests of the state are represented by the Embassy of Sri Lanka:
Moscow, st. Shchepkina, 24
Tel: 288-16-20, 288-14-63, 288-16-51.
Days of receipt of documents:
Monday - Friday from 9.00 to 17.00

The Russian Embassy:

Embassy of the Russian Federation, 62 Sir Ernest de Silva Mawatha, Colombo-7, Sri-Lanka Tel: (8-10-941) 57-4959, 57-3555 (8-10-941) 57-4957, 68- 6864 (trade representative office)

Holidays and weekends

According to Muslim lunar calendar religious holidays fall on different dates.
January 1 - New Year.
beginning of January - Eid al-Fitr (the end of the Ramadan fast or "Rorda Mas").
March - Eid al-Kebir (Day of Sacrifice).
beginning of April - Islamic New Year.
June 4-5 - National holiday of the Republic of Maldives.
June 15 - Mulud (Milad an Nabi, the birthday of the Prophet).
July 6-7 - National holiday dedicated to the expulsion of the Portuguese invaders in 1573
July 26-27 - Independence Day, the celebration of the adoption of the declaration of independence of the Maldives in 1965.
November 11-12 - Republic Day.
September 1 - Huravi Day.
October 28 - Martyrs' Day.
November 3 - Victory Day.
November 9 - Day of the victims.
November 11-12 - Day of the adoption of the third constitution of the Republic of Maldives.
December 25-26 - Christmas.
Friday in the Maldives is a day off.


Reference telephone network - 110.
International telephone operator - 190.
The operator of communication between the atolls is 188.
Meteorological Service - 317-171.
Male Airport Information - 332-211.
Maldives Tourism Development Bureau - 323-228.
Customs Department - 322-001, 310-045.
Police - 119.
National Security Service - 313-281.
Fire department - 118.
Ambulance - 102.


There is no "star" classification of hotels in the Maldives. The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of the Maldives proposed the following hotel classification: Deluxe, Superior, Standard, which approximately corresponds to the European classification 5, 4 and 3 star hotel. A special classification has been introduced in the Maldives due to the specificity of local hotels: hotels are located on small islands, with limited infrastructure due to the size of the island; accommodation is offered in bungalows or cottages no higher than 2 floors. When choosing a hotel, it is recommended to carefully read the specific list of services provided by a particular hotel.
Not in Maldives resorts animation programs(with the exception of Italian chain hotels, but, unfortunately, these hotels often work mainly for the Italian market) and not all hotels offer an evening program.
In many hotels, upon presentation of a hotel card, services are provided on credit. The loan limit is usually 700 US dollars, after which it is necessary to pay the debt, after which the loan is renewed again.

Mains voltage

- 220-240 V, 50 Hz., standard European sockets, but due to the fact that electricity is generated by hotel generators, power surges are frequent.


Tips are usually 10% of the bill. It is customary to leave a small amount for the personal service worker (US$10 per week for a hotel worker or 5% for a waiter). Some resorts add a service charge to the bill (usually 10%), in which case tipping is not necessary. In the case of renting a boat or boat, the amount should be discussed in advance.

The shops

Store hours vary. They vary between 07.00 and 08.00 and 21.00-23.00. During the siesta period, some shops are open from 13.00 - 15.00 and from 18.00 to 20.00


The water temperature in the dive sites all year round is +27 - +30°С.
A significant part of the dives take place in conditions of strong currents near the vertical walls of reefs, going to depths of 30-50 m or more. Dives are sometimes carried out in the channels of the atoll, also in conditions of strong currents. Strong currents are feature waters of the Maldives. Currents can be directed horizontally, along the reef walls, and vertically - up or down.
Visibility in Maldivian waters is highly dependent on the season and dive site. Even during the winter monsoon - the season of maximum visibility, when diving in the channels of the atoll, visibility can vary from 30 to 5 m. In this case, the direction of the current plays a significant role.


The Maldives, unlike the Emirates or Turkey, is not a big "shopping center". The most traditional souvenirs and purchases are postcards, posters, shorts, T-shirts with local symbols, shark jaws, handicrafts, light summer clothes, coconut oil, shells, etc. . In small shops in the capital and resorts you can buy any little things - film, simple electronics, Indian spices, fruits, light clothing.
According to tourists, souvenirs in the Maldives are quite expensive. Alcohol. The Maldives is a Muslim country, which creates certain problems for fans of strong drinks. It is forbidden to bring alcohol with you here (even if you bought it at the airport upon arrival). You can drink only in specially designated places - in the bars and restaurants of hotels where visitors from Sri Lanka and India serve (citizens of the Maldives are prohibited from selling alcohol). But alcohol is expensive there and is not sold for takeaway.

Spearfishing and unauthorized fishing are prohibited, it is strictly forbidden to raise corals (both living and dead), shells and other marine life from the bottom of the sea. Large fines are levied for violations. The country has one of the largest markets in the region selling shells, corals and various exotic marine animals, so you can always buy these souvenirs without violating local laws. All types of sea fishing are freely organized in hotels, while self-fishing is also punishable.

Collecting corals and, moreover, taking them out of the country is a criminal offense. It is better to buy a T-shirt with the inscription "No news, no shoes - Maldives". The slogan is true. Shoes there are an unnecessary excess, and there is no news at all. No newspapers, no television. Except perhaps two radio stations broadcasting in an incomprehensible Dhivehi language.

Despite the fact that the Maldives, as an Islamic state, is relatively liberal, visitors to the country must carefully abide by the laws. Do not try to make contact with local women! No drugs! For a walk in Male, it is recommended to dress in accordance with Muslim ideas of morality: long trousers or skirt, shirt or blouse. At the same time, strict evening wear is not needed to visit most restaurants.

When visiting mosques, clothing should cover the legs and arms. Shoes should be removed and feet washed in ritual pools. No photography allowed. The mosque guards usually insist on accompanying a tourist, expecting to take a fee, but in fact the mosque can be explored on your own.

Swimming naked is prohibited on all islands of the archipelago with the exception of the island of Kuramati. Violation of the laws of the country can lead to imprisonment.

To get to a "non-tourist island", you need a special permit from the Ministry of Atoll Administration, which indicates the name of the island or group of islands (relevant for travelers on their own), to obtain which you must have a passport, indicate the purpose, time of visit, the name of the island or atoll and provide confirmation of the availability of accommodation. For group visits, such permits are issued through a travel agency. Landing on any island of tourists living elsewhere is allowed only with the consent of the administration of the island (hotel). At the same time, being on such an island is allowed only until 6 pm.

It is recommended to drink BOTTLED water and soft drinks. Although local water is cleaned quite thoroughly (often it is desalinated sea water), but due to high temperature quickly falls into disrepair.

You can bargain in the markets and in private shops, but the size of the "discount" is usually small.

It is strongly recommended to use protective creams, and in the first days of rest, always wear hats and sunbathe for a limited amount of time - it is easy to "burn" here even in cloudy weather. In addition, even swimming is recommended in a T-shirt - solar radiation easily penetrates into the surface layer of water.

During diving and regular swimming, you should carefully monitor the environment - coral massifs have fairly sharp edges, and many of the marine life are poisonous. Of particular danger are sea ​​urchins some marine predators. There are few blood-sucking insects, but in the evening it is still worth using repellents.

In the evening and at night, the air is practically still, so stuffiness is felt. The change of time of day is typical for the equatorial regions - morning and evening last for almost 15 minutes, no more, and a bright day with a hot sun immediately sets in.

Environmental issues on the islands are of paramount importance. Often, tourists are given special garbage bags, and their garbage in these bags must be taken out of the islands. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to carefully monitor the implementation of environmental procedures and follow the instructions of the hotel administration, otherwise large fines and even deportation are possible.

Diving schools are usually supplied with all the necessary equipment. All activities related to scuba diving are supervised by highly qualified instructors (there are also Russian-speaking ones). Scuba diving equipment, PADI training course, single and group scuba diving, motorboat or helicopter rental are charged separately. Delivery to the dive site is usually carried out by yachts or dive boats, with a transfer to shallow-draft dhoni boats for passage between reefs, so it often takes quite a long time. Dives outside the reef zone should only be done with local instructors, as the nature of the ocean currents outside the shelf zone is quite unpredictable. Night dives in the Maldives are quite rare due to strong currents and the unpredictability of marine life. Swimming in the open sea is also not recommended.

The metric system is used, but often distances are given in nautical miles (1.61 km) and length in yards (0.92 m).

Road traffic is practically not regulated, there are no markings and road signs, or they have long been destroyed, there are also no traffic lights. The traffic speed is low, but drivers never give way to pedestrians, so you should be extremely careful on the few Maldivian roads.

Detailed information about the Maldives, the location of the islands on the world map, how to get to them, whether you need a visa, what prices, what hotels to choose and how to book. And also everything about the types of recreation for a complete Maldivian relaxation, information about national dishes, climate, weather, currency and the Maldivians

The coast of the Indian Ocean with picturesquely sprawling atolls - Maldives. beautiful nature, high class hotels, beaches that cannot be seen. Maldives is the best exotic vacation for tourists who want to swim in the Indian Ocean. Blue lagoons with atolls, golden sandy beach, exotic, beautiful flora and fauna, and most importantly, high-class hotels with excellent service.

Not everyone can afford to go to the Maldives, as the prices here are not small. Tickets are not cheap. But having paid such a small amount of money, tourists are usually completely satisfied.

Maldives- this is a paradise for maniac divers who do not get out of the water for days on end. They do not care where and how to live, just to dive. It is also a great place for honeymoon trip. Memories will remain for the rest of your life. This is a place for those who want to completely relax and forget that somewhere else there is another life with problems and troubles.

General information about the islands

Where are the Maldives on the world map

The Maldives, located south of the Indian subcontinent, is a magnificent chain of islands in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea, consisting of 26 atolls. The Maldives was once a British colony. Gained independence in 1965.

State capital: city of Male
Form of government: Rules the country - the President. The highest legislative body is the Mejlis.
Religion: Islam
National currency: Rufiya
Population: The Maldives has a population of 436,330 in 2017, ranking it 175th in the world. The Maldives has a high population density of 1,102 people per square kilometer, making it the 11th most populous country on earth.
Phone code of Maldives: +960
Official website of the country:

Excellent issue of Eagle and Tails about the Maldives

The climate in the Maldives, or when is the best time to go

The Maldives has a monsoon subequatorial climate. The temperature fluctuates from + 24 to + 30 degrees all year round. The rainy season starts from June and ends in August.

The best time of the year to visit the Maldives is during the dry season which runs from January to April

Visa and customs regulations

Citizens of the Russian Federation and the CIS are exempted from receiving visas. You just need to apply for a medical insurance policy. Currency import and export without restrictions. The import of alcoholic beverages into the country is prohibited. This also applies to items purchased from airport shops. There are some restrictions forimport products: salami sausage and pork. If the value of the goods is over $200, it must be declared. You can not carry items for underwater fishing. It is impossible to export specimens of the underwater world of the country. The ban has been lifted only from souvenirs sold legally.

There is no "Tax free" system in the Maldives

How to get to the islands

The Maldives has one airport at its disposal. It is located at a distance of 2 km. from Male on the island of Hulvle.

From Moscow to the Maldives there are flights from airports : Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo, Domodedovo. There are direct flights and with transfers. Ticket prices one way: from 240 to 525 US dollars. Travel time without transfers is 8 hours 45 minutes. With transfers up to 13 hours. When departing from the islands, a fee of 25 USD must be paid. Only children under 2 years of age are exempted from the fee.

From Maldives Airport to Male there are ferries, the ticket will cost 15 MVR. For 20 MVR you can on the boate reach other Maldives. They fly to very remote islands on seaplanes. Usually all Maldivian tour operators have their representatives at the airport. They meet and send tourists.

Resorts of the Maldives

Capital of the Maldives Male covers an area of ​​5.8 sq. km. It can be considered one of the smallest capitals in the world. Located on the island of the same name, it accommodates a third of the population of the entire country. Arriving travelers are amazed at the views of skyscrapers and highways. The main embankment is also the central street of the capital. Here government buildings, banks and offices various firms. The city is divided by a square with moorings. On the one hand, this is the presidential pier. On the other hand, ferries leave for the airport. But around there is a real paradise of exotic islands, to which tourists disperse. All other islands are for rent.

Islands, their features and why they are remarkable

Most best entertainment on the islands - diving. beauty seabed and clear water attracts a huge number of fans of this sport. The main territories of the islands have not yet been developed. Only 28 of them have been turned into expensive resorts.

Ari Atoll

Tourists are treated very carefully here. There is something to do: windsurfing, snorkeling, water skiing, canoeing, catamarans, diving from a boat, riding scooters and diving.


A huge number of small islands, but only 5 of them are available for tourism. The population is 2000 people. The archipelago is untouched nature and amazing underwater world. Here you can watch stingrays, see reef sharks, hammerhead fish and many other representatives of the underwater world. All these pristine charms attract a large influx of tourists.


Amazingly beautiful atoll. Beautiful place for scuba diving. The ledges of reefs from the water are overgrown with coral formations. Ocean water abounds with tropical fish. You can see moray eels and large sharks. These are 63 small islands. Its length is 30 km. There are 2 hotels, a small hotel and a luxury hut. Wealthy tourists like to spend their holidays here.


Miimu - size in length - 47 km. Fantastically beautiful and almost uninhabited. The surface of the ocean is a silvery ocean surface, the islands are green, amazing customs, very tasty food. Miimu is shaped like a shark's jaws when they are open. It has a huge number of places where no human foot has yet set foot. It naturally attracts lovers active tourism. Despite some wildness of nature, it is fully equipped to receive tourists. It has everything, including a diving center.

Siinu atoll

Siinu Atoll is almost the equator. Includes a large number of coral islands. Six islands are inhabited. They are connected to the ocean by straits. Once there was a naval base here.

Gan Island

Gan Island is famous for its airport, which operates daily flights to the capital.

Hitadu Island

Hitadhoo Island, which is the second largest city, has a highway. For the island - this is an unprecedented rarity.


Matirah (Matheerah) - a skeleton with an ancient mausoleum, which houses a sacred tomb. Sufi Muslim pilgrims come here. "Noble" - that's what they call him in the Maldives.

Oh well

The hotels located here can be reached by seaplane. It will take about 45 minutes. There is clear water, amazing flora and fauna. Many reef rocks, it is better to dive with an instructor.


Locations of 3 top class hotels. The island is not big, there are not very many places to visit with excursions. This is understandable, since they come here on vacation. But, there is something that needs to be looked at. Click on the name Male, there we tell a lot more about the capital!

Mosque "Good Friday" is the main attraction. The mosque with a golden dome is visible when the plane is landing. Orthodox Christians are allowed to enter. Women need special clothing. If you go up to the second floor you need to take off your shoes. Historical National Museum housed in a beautiful building. The exhibits in the museum are personal belongings of the sultans, outfits, jewelry, coral sculptures, and weapons.

Monument with a closed code to the victims of the tsunami. Erected in memory of the victims of the prices in 2004. It is a spiral wrapped around the stele. It is very reminiscent of DNA molecules, which are characterized as something eternal and living. So the sculptor wanted to show that people remember the dead and they are always alive in their hearts. They mourn for them. Friday Old Mosque erected on the remains of the foundation of the temple of the pagans. Its architectural design is an interweaving of Hinduism and Islamism. At the entrance, a minaret resembling a lighthouse in shape. The sultans and their entourage are buried nearby. Everyone is allowed in, but not during prayer. The blocks of the mosque are made up of corals, which are perfectly matched to each other. No type of mortar was used during construction. This is not fake surprise!

Timu Palace. The place where the country's first sultan was born. In 1986 it was restored and opened to the public. It is a place of pilgrimage for local nationalists.

National Maldivian cuisine

Tourists coming to the Maldives eat fish with rice and sauce. Rarely dare to try the traditional Maldivian cuisine. Such an experience can be an excursion to the capital of the country, where you can taste national dishes. local cuisine in restaurants. Fish is the main dish in the Maldives. This is not surprising when you consider that the entire island is an ocean.

Most of all, the islanders love tuna. This is their main dish. It can be fresh, boiled, dried, cured, smoked or canned. There is no gas in the houses here. Cooked on wood-fired stoves. To prevent smoke from entering the house, the kitchen is separate from the main living space.

It is hardly worth listing the names of local dishes. You still don't remember them. Let's focus on the main products from which these dishes are prepared. These are coconut, onion, chili, lime juice, maize, salt, flour. Various types of cakes and fillings are very popular here. The products listed above are placed inside, the dough is pinched and baked, as we bake pies in a pan.

They love tuna broth here. Tourists are happy to eat it as a first course. The islanders use this broth when stewing rice, to which they add coconut milk, lime, chili and onion. There is also concentrated tuna paste in the diet of local residents here. It is used to prepare dishes from already cooked rice. This dish is called here - rihaakuru. You can buy it ready-made in the store and try it on bread. That is, make yourself a sandwich.

There is a dish here, which is prepared from dried fish and curry sauce. It's terribly sharp. Rice is also a staple food. Breadfruit is also used. Breadfruit is cut, fried and considered a snack. Taro and sweet potato are local vegetables. They are also widely used in the local diet. Chicken - this should already be some kind of big celebration: a wedding, a religious holiday.

Eating in the Maldives is traditional - thinly sliced ​​nuts, betel leaves, pasta are served. All this you just need to chew. The locals believe that this chewing aids in digestion. This is such a tricky meal. For us, this is just the perfect diet. Who wants to lose weight, get ready for the Maldives. Such a diet, plus swimming, lying in the sun, trips around the country, diving with a mask and kilograms, as it happened.

Local drinking water is not suitable for drinking by our standards, so buy purified drinking water.

Some drinks in the Maldives are locally prepared. Coca-Cola is produced here by purifying sea water using special equipment. They also produce their own mineral water. If you want something stronger, then you can afford it only in the bars in the resorts. Alcohol is not sold in stores. You will also be pleased with the food to which we are all accustomed.

Based on the foregoing, the Maldives can be safely attributed to a paradise place for relaxation, it is inapplicable that any person who loves beach holiday and privacy with nature.

Video review from tourists about their trip to the Maldives

The Maldives is a chain of 26 atolls that stretches across the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean. Or rather, in the Arabian Sea on its outskirts. The republic is located about 700 km from Sri Lanka. In total there are about 1200 islands of coral origin. Max Height above the water level - only 2.4 m.

The Indian Ocean is the third largest and deepest. It occupies about 20% of the Earth's water surface and washes Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica. In the region of the Maldives, ideal conditions have been formed for recreation.

The Indian Ocean is also rich in amazing fauna. These are dolphins sea ​​turtles, sea devils and whale sharks. There are no species dangerous to humans in the vicinity of the Maldives. Even whale sharks, which sometimes swim up to the shores, feed on plankton.

Diving in the Indian Ocean In which sea or ocean to dive in the Maldives?

- one of the main attractions in the Maldives. There are at least a few reasons to dive into the Indian Ocean:

  • The atolls are close and there are many channels between them. Therefore, water is constantly in motion. This attracts marine animals and rare species of fish, such as napoleons, parrots or trevally;
  • Huge manta rays are amazing stingrays, the width of which reaches 6 m. In the Maldives, you can dive under water and watch whole flocks above your head;
  • Great whale sharks are the largest fish in existence. They are safe and you can swim with them here;
  • Among the huge number of atolls and house reefs, there are both places for beginners and rare little-studied locations with practically untouched corals.

The climate of the Indian Ocean

Did you find out where the Maldives are located, what sea or ocean washes them and how to get there? It's time to deal with the climate on the coast.

Throughout the year, the islands are warm and sunny. The temperature fluctuations of the tropical climate are insignificant, but the weather is strongly influenced by the monsoons. The average annual figure is +28 degrees. Minimum - +25.

  • From December to March, winter monsoons reign on the islands. There are short storms in December, but after them the sun comes out again. So it's not a hindrance to a vacation;
  • From April to October, the southwest monsoon takes over. It brings short-term precipitation, but the hot sun quickly dries the sand and does not allow the ocean to cool.

The coldest month is December and the warmest month is April. However, the temperature difference is 1-2 degrees. The amount of precipitation also depends on the season. Most often it rains in May and October. But January-April is the dry season. The least rainfall is in February.

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