5 major islands. The largest islands of the Earth: descriptions

Greenland is actually the most the largest island in the world, since Australia is considered by most scholars to be a continent. Three quarters of Greenland is covered by permanentice sheet, the onlyoutside Antarctica . With a population of about 56,480 (2013), she is least populous country in the world. Greenland located between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. It is an independent territory of Denmark.

Interesting facts about Greenland

  • Greenland is an island, not a continent.
  • A total of 57,600 people live in a vast area of ​​2,130,800 square kilometers.
  • Greenland is home to the second largest ice sheet in the world after Antarctica.
  • Greenlandic national park is the largest and northernmost national park in the world.

2. New Guinea, 785 thousand square kilometers

New Guinea island in the western part Pacific Ocean is the second largest island in the world.This island includes a total area of ​​785 thousand square kilometers.New Guinea is administered by two countries - the western part belongs to Indonesia, and the eastern part belongs to Papua New Guinea. WITH reads the easternmost islandMalay Archipelago, lies to north of Australia

New Guinea amazing island, because contains a huge number of types of ecosystems, these are: glacial, alpine tundra, savannas, montane and lowland rainforest, mangroves, wetlands, lake and river ecosystems, algae and some of the wealthiest coral reefs on the planet.

Interesting facts about the island of New Guinea

  • The island is dominated high mountains and volcanoes.
  • Man settled the island over 40,000 years ago.
  • New Guinea has large reserves of copper and gold.

3. Borneo Island, 748 thousand square kilometers

Borneo is the only island in the world that is administered by three countries - Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Borneo is surrounded by the South China Sea to the north and northwest, the Sulu Sea to the northeast, the Sulawesi Sea to the east, and the Java Sea to the south. To the west of Borneo lies the island of Sumatra. In the south and east of the island of Indonesia: Java and Sulawesi.

With an area of ​​743,330 square kilometers, it is the third largest island in the world and is the largest island in Asia. His most high point- Mount Kinabalu in the state of Sabah, Malaysia, with a height of 4095 meters.

Borneo has significant cave systems and one of the longest underground rivers peace. Dir Cave is home to over three million bats.

Interesting facts about Borneo island

  • The rainforests of Borneo are over 130 million years old.This is the oldest tropical forest in the world.These forests are also home to 15,000 plant species, 221 mammal species and 420 bird species.
  • Mount Kimabalu, the highest peak in South-East Asia located on the island of Borneo.
  • Endangered orangutans and fruit bats are found only in the forests of Borneo.

4. Madagascar Island, 587 thousand square kilometers

Madagascar is an island located on the east coast of Africa in Indian Ocean. WITH with total area 587 thousand square kilometers, it is the fourth largest island in the world.The island of Madagascar was formed about 88 million years ago as a result of separation from the Indian subcontinent.This island is home to many unique plant and animal species.Madagascar is also called the "eighth continent" or "alternative world".

Interesting facts about Madagascar

  • Madagascar is home to 250,000 animal species.70% of them are found nowhere else in the world.
  • There are 14,000 different plant species on the island of Madagascar and 90% of them are endemic.
  • Ring-tailed lemurs can only be found in the forests of Madagascar.
  • The coral reef in the southwest of Madagascar is the third largest coral reef in the world.

5. Baffin Island, Canada, 507 thousand square kilometers

Baffin Island, located in Nunavut, is the largest island in Canada.Baffin Island is almost 507 thousand square kilometers. Onisland in the arctic archipelago receives extremely cold weather with an average annual temperature of -8 degrees Celsius. On the islandmany fjords and freshwater lakes.

Interesting facts about Baffin Island

  • Baffin Island is named after British explorer William Baffin.
  • You can see amazing manifestations northern lights , So how most parts of Baffin Island lie tonorth of the Arctic Circle.

6. Sumatra, Indonesia, 480 thousand square kilometers

With its 480 thousand square kilometers, Sumatra is the second largest island in Indonesia and the most a large island in the western part of Indonesia, which is part of the Sunda Islands. This is the most big Island, which is located entirely in Indonesia (two large islands, Borneo and New Guinea, are divided between Indonesia and other countries) and the sixth largest island in the world.

Sumatra has a wide variety of plant and animal species but has lost nearly 50% of its rainforest in the last 35 years and many animal species are endangered such as the Sumatran ground cuckoo, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran rhinoceros and orangutan.

It is also the westernmost island of the Indonesian archipelago.Sumatra is prone to strong earthquakes and tsunamis.This is because this island is in the subduction zone of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates.However, the island of Sumatra is home to an amazing wildlife and rich forests.

Interesting facts about Sumatra Island

  • Most of the island of Sumatra is covered with tropical forests.Unfortunately, due to resettlement and oil extraction, the island lost almost 50% of its forest between 1985 and 2007.
  • Sumatra contains large reserves of gold and silver.
  • Some of the best oilseeds and coal deposits are also located on the island of Sumatra.

7. Honshu, Japan, 225 thousand square kilometers

Located between the Pacific Ocean and Sea of ​​Japan, Honshu is the largest island in Japan.Honshu has a huge historical meaning, since Japanese civilization was formed on its territory for many years. Hemakes up about 60% of the total size of Japan.

Interesting facts about the island of Honshu

  • Honshu Island is home to some of Japan's important cities including Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Yokohama and Osaka.
  • Honshu is the second most populated island in the world after Java.
  • The largest mountain in Japan, Mount Fuji is located on this island.
  • Japan's largest lake, Lake Biwa, is also located on Honshu.

8. Victoria Island, Canada, 217 thousand square kilometers

Victoria is the second largest island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Victoriawas discovered by polar explorer Thomas Simpson in 1838. Most of the island's landmass consists of peninsulas.These include, Prince Albert, the peninsula to the northwest, the Wollaston peninsula to the southwest, Collinson to the east, and a large unnamed peninsula east of Headley Bay.The coastline is heavily indented, forming bays along the edges of the island.

Interesting facts about Victoria

  • Victoria Island was named after Queen Victoria.
  • As of 2006, only 1,875 people live on this large island.

9. Great Britain, 209 thousand square kilometers

Despite the fact that the island of Great Britain takes only 9th place in our Top 10, but in terms of value it can be safely put in first place. First of all, because during the archaeological excavations the sites of an ancient man were discovered, which date back to 500,000 BC. And secondly, because once the UK ruled half the world, and even now the English Queen Victoria has power, in addition to Great Britain, over Canada, Australia, New Zealand and smaller countries.

Interesting facts about Great Britain

  • The UK is the most populous region in Europe.
  • London is the most major city In Great Britain.

10. Ellesmere, Canada, 196 thousand square kilometers

Ellesmere Island, the northernmost of Canada's islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, is the third largest island in Canada and the 10th largest island in the world.It is located in the province of Nunavut in Canada.This is the highest mountain area in Canada's Arctic archipelago. Over one-fifth of Ellesmere is protected as national reserve, which includes self seven fjords and manyglaciers. Most of the island is covered with glaciers and ice. Only 146 people live on Ellesmere, you can also mention that the island was featured in the Hollywood blockbuster Man of Steel.

  • A chain of sedimentary rocks located in the northern regions of Ellesmere Island, which is over 100,000 years old.
  • Ellesmere Island contains remnants of the last ice age.
  • At 2616m, Barbeau Peak is the highest peak in Nunavut.
  • The arctic willow is the only tree species found on Ellesmere Island.

There are a lot of islands on the world map. Namely, about 500 thousand. They are all completely different sizes. There are small ones that, literally, can fit a couple of people.

But there are also those that are comparable in area to entire countries. And what are the most big islands in the world?


Canada's Ellesmere Island is the third largest in the country (after Baffin Island and Victoria). And it is one of the ten largest islands on the planet. The area of ​​Ellesmere is 196 thousand square kilometers. Very few people live in this territory - only 170.

But on it, traces of prehistoric inhabitants were often found. Ellesmere itself is located in the north of the country, farther than the rest of the Canadian islands. However, it belongs to the province of Nanavut. Moreover, it is part of the Queen Elizabeth Islands. Ellesmere is washed on all sides by the Arctic Ocean.


Victoria occupies the ninth position in the list of the largest islands. The island is located in Canada and, of course, occupies a larger area than Ellesmere. Namely, a little more than 217 thousand square kilometers. For a more visual representation, Victoria is about 500 kilometers wide and long. Exactly 1707 people live on the island. That is, each has a fairly impressive piece of land. There are very few hills on the island, and all of them are no more than one kilometer above sea level.

Victoria, like Ellesmere, belongs to the province of Nunavut, as well as the Northwest Territory of the Arctic Archipelago of Canada. The island boasts only two settlements are Holman and Cambridge Bay. Numerous lakes are located on land, including Taha, Tahiryuak and Ferguson.


This is the most large island Japanese archipelago. And it is also the eighth largest on the planet. The area of ​​the island of Honshu is almost 228 thousand square kilometers. And in this territory (which, by the way, is not too strikingly different from Victoria Island), 103 million people settled. However, this is not surprising for Japan. By the way, Honshu occupies a little more than half of the entire country. The island has a mountainous terrain. In addition, there are quite a few volcanoes on it. The mountains dictate their weather conditions, so in the southeast and northwest the difference in climate is obvious. It is worth noting that the largest mountain and the permanent symbol of Japan is located on Honshu - this is Fuji. Its height is 3 kilometers and 776 meters.

Island of Great Britain

Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles. The land area is about 230 thousand square kilometers. And 60 million people live here.

England, Scotland, Wales - Great Britain contained most of the entire United Kingdom (its area is 244 thousand square kilometers). The highest point on the island rushed into the sky at 1344 meters.


The sixth largest island is called Sumatra. The equator divided it into two almost identical parts. Therefore, it turns out that the island is located in both hemispheres of the earth. Sumatra is located in the west of the Malay Archipelago, and belongs to Indonesia. Its area is 473 thousand square kilometers. Lives on the territory of 50 million people. The coastline of Sumatra is almost not dotted; near the coast you can see beautiful coral reefs.

baffin land

From the equator we will be transported again to the Arctic Ocean. Here is the fifth largest island in the world. Its name is Baffin Island. This island is Canadian territory. And it is the largest of the country's islands. The area of ​​Baffin Island is 507 thousand square kilometers. And most of the land now remains uninhabited. This happened due to unfavorable weather conditions. In total, 11 thousand people live on the island. Most people settled in the province of Nanavut. By the way, there are many freshwater lakes on Baffin Island. Two of them are impressive. These are Nettilling and Amajuak.


The island of Madagascar is located to the east of Africa. Its area is 587 thousand square kilometers. And this allows the island to take fourth place in the list of the largest islands in the world. Lives in a paradise of 20 million people.

They are at ease in tropical climates. The Mozambique Channel separates Madagascar from the mainland. By the way, the locals called their homeland the island of wild boars.


Malay Borneo or Kalimantan. It is the third largest island in the world. It is located in southeast Asia in the very center of the Malay Archipelago. The area of ​​the island is about 743 thousand square kilometers (about 16 million people settled on it). Three states divided the land among themselves: Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. Most of Kalimantan is in the possession of Indonesia (which is divided into four provinces). But the part that belongs to Malaysia is divided into two states.

New Guinea

So, the second largest island on Earth. This is New Guinea with an area of ​​786 thousand square kilometers. 7.5 million people found their home here. The island is located in the Pacific Ocean and is a link between Asia and Australia. New Guinea is separated from Australia only by the Torres Strait.

The island was divided equally between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It is worth noting that the Indonesian part belongs to Asia.


Well, the largest island in the world. Greenland has a record size - 2 million 131 thousand square kilometers, but not a record population - more than 57 thousand people. And not surprisingly, most of the land is occupied by glaciers, which make it difficult for people to live on the territory.

Greenland. The largest island in the world

The shores of the island are washed by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic. Greenland belongs to Denmark and is an autonomous entity. The largest settlement on the island is Nuuk. It is located in the western part. Well, the highest point of Greenland, this is Mount Gunbjorn, rises to 3,383 meters. By the way, until 1921, it was believed that a cape called Morris Jesup on the island is the part of land closest to the pole.
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Every year new islands appear in the world, but the largest ones still remain in their places. Below is a list of the ten largest islands in the world by area.

Ellesmere - 196,236 km. sq.

Ellesmere is the northernmost Canadian island, with a total area of ​​196,236 km2. sq. It is the third largest island in Canada and the tenth largest in the world. Despite the vast territory, according to 2006 data, only 146 permanent residents live on the island, in three settlements - Gries Fjord, Alert and Eureka.

Victoria Island - 217,291 km. sq.

Victoria is the second largest island in Canada and the ninth in the world (according to various sources, it is the eighth or ninth). It is located in the Arctic Ocean and is located in the southwestern part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The island was named after Queen Victoria of England in 1839. It has a total population of 1707 people (2001).

Honshu - 227,970 km. sq.

Honshu is the largest island in Japan (approximately 60% of the entire country). Located south of Hokkaido. The population of Honshu in 2010 is about 100 million people, which makes it the second most populous island in the world (after the Indonesian island of Java).

Great Britain - 229,848 km. sq.

Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles, stretching northwest from mainland Europe. 95% of its entire territory is divided between England, Scotland and Wales, which are part of the United Kingdom. It has a population of about 63 million people and ranks third in the world in terms of population after the islands of Java and Honshu.

Sumatra - 480,848 km. sq.

Sumatra is the sixth largest island in the world. It is wholly part of Indonesia. The number of inhabitants living on the island as of 2010 is more than 50 million people, which makes it the fourth island in the world in terms of population.

Baffin Island - 507,451 km. sq.

Baffin Island is an island that is part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is the largest island in Canada and the fifth largest in the world. It is home to a little over 11,000 people (as of 2007) in eight settlements, the largest of which is Iqaluit.

Madagascar - 587,713 km. sq.

Madagascar is a large island located in the Indian Ocean east coast Africa. Although Madagascar is not far from Africa, the animal and vegetable world The island is unique - it contains 5% of all species of flora and fauna of the world, 80% of which exist only on this island.

Kalimantan (Borneo) - 748,168 km sq.

Kalimantan or Borneo is the third largest island in the world and the largest island in Asia. Located in the center of the Malay Archipelago in Southeast Asia. Divided between Indonesia (73%), Malaysia (26%) and Brunei (about 1%). The island has one of the oldest rainforests in the world. It has 19,800,000 inhabitants (as of 2010), most of whom live in coastal cities. The population density in Borneo is 26 people per square kilometer.

New Guinea - 785,753 sq. km.

New Guinea is the second largest island on earth, located in the western Pacific Ocean north of Australia. Divided approximately equally between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The current population of the island is about eleven million (2015). It has large natural reserves of oil, gold, copper and other ores.

Greenland - 2,130,800 sq. km.

Greenland is the largest island on earth. Located in the northeast North America and is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. It is part of Denmark as an autonomous unit. The population of the island as of July 2010 is 57,600 people.

Incredible Facts

The total number of islands on our planet is incredibly difficult to calculate.

Every year new islands appear in the world, but the largest islands still remain in their places.

Here you can learn about both the largest islands in the world and the largest island states oh, and even the largest lake islands.

NOTE: Australia is still more considered a continent than an island, but if you consider it an island, then it is the largest island on Earth, with an area of ​​7,618,493 square meters. km.

1. Greenland

Greenland is the largest island on our planet. Its local name sounds like Kalallit-Nunaat. The area of ​​the island is 2,166,086 sq. km.

Population (2016): 57,728 people.

highest point: Gunbjorn (3,700 meters).

Region: Greenland.

A country: Denmark.

Facts about Greenland

* Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, is the smallest capital city in the world. Its population is only 15,105 (as of July 2009).

* It is believed that Greenland was inhabited in prehistoric times by various Paleo-Eskimo groups. However, archaeological studies show that the Inuit settled here around 2500 BC.

* The first Europeans arrived here in 985. They were Norwegians and Icelanders. They were called Norse Greenlanders.

You can find out the most interesting about the beautiful island of Greenland just below or by clicking HERE .

2. Island of New Guinea

Area - 785,753 sq. km.

highest point: 4884 meters.

Population (2010): 9,500,000 people.

Countries: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea.

Facts about New Guinea

Mount Bagan is an active volcano. Height 1730.

* The western part of the island of New Guinea is located on the territory of Indonesia, and its eastern part on the territory of the state of Papua New Guinea.

* New Guinea is the largest island divided between countries.

* There are 11,000 plant species, 600 rare bird species, over 400 amphibian species, over 450 butterfly species, and approximately 100 mammal species.

* In ancient times, this island was connected to the Australian continent.

* For Europe, New Guinea was discovered in the 16th century by Spanish and Portuguese navigators.

* The island got its name from the Spanish navigator Iñigo Ortiz de Retes. When he arrived on the island in 1545, it seemed to him that the locals were very similar to the natives who live in African Guinea.

3. Borneo Island

Area - 748,168 sq. km.

Archipelago: Malay archipelago.

A country: Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia.

highest point: Mount Kinabalu, 4095 meters.

Population (2010): 19,800,000 people.

Facts about the island of Borneo

* On this island grows the largest flower in the world - Rafflesia, the smell of which, according to locals, is similar to the smell of a decaying corpse.

* Borneo has a rainforest that is over 130 million years old. It is home to many species of rare animals: Sumatran rhinoceros, Asian elephant, Bornean clouded leopard and others.

4. Madagascar Island

Area - 587,713 sq. km.

A country: Madagascar.

highest point: 2961 meters.

Population (2008): 20,042,552 people.

Facts about Madagascar

* Millions of years ago, Madagascar was part of the same land of Gondwana, and about 60 million years ago, this island was the first to separate from the mainland and thus became the first island on our planet.

* The first people came to Madagascar about 2000 years ago.

* Of the Europeans, the first to notice this island was the Portuguese navigator Diego Diaz. This happened at the beginning of the XVI, and after that Madagascar became one of the most important trade points on the way to India.

* Malagasy, French and English are spoken on the island.

* Since the island is rich in iron and aluminum, it was nicknamed the Great Red Island.

* The country of Madagascar ranks first in the cultivation and export of vanilla.

5. Baffin Island

Area - 503,944 sq. km.

A country: Canada.

Region: Nunavut.

highest point: 2147 meters.

Population (2007): 11,000 people.

Facts about Baffin Island

* Baffin Island is a very cold and almost uninhabited place.

* Here you can find the peak of Thor, named after the Scandinavian god. It is worth noting that Thor Peak is the highest cliff on our planet.

* Baffin Island was named after the famous British traveler William Baffin, who first described the island in 1616. It is believed that it is Baffin who is its discoverer.

* More than half of the island's territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. For this reason, there are polar day and night here.

6. Sumatra Island

Area - 443,066 sq. km.

A country: Indonesia.

highest point: 3800 meters.

Population (2010): 50,600,000 people.

Facts about Sumatra

* The island is home to the Toba volcano, which is believed to have caused the last ice age. Approximately 70,000 years ago, this volcano exploded and thousands of cubic kilometers of ash fell into the air, hiding the rays of the Sun for many years. Today, in the caldera of the Toba volcano, there is a beautiful lake of the same name, and in its center there is another island - Samosir, inside which there is also a lake - Sidokhni.

* Scientists believe that the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano on the island led to the formation of a strait between the islands of Sumatra and Java. In 1883, the volcano exploded and, together with the island on which it was located, they went to the bottom of the sea. Today, a new mountain has formed in its place - Anak-Krakatau ("Child of Krakatau"), which grows by 7 meters every year.

* Batak tribes still live on the island. Before the adoption of Christianity, these tribes were cannibals.

* The world's most expensive Kopi Luwak coffee is grown here in Sumatra. The fact is that one animal lives on the island - kopi-luwak, which loves coffee berries. Of course, he chooses only the best berries. They are not completely digested by kopi-luwak. locals they are harvested, washed and roasted to create coffee.

7. Honshu Island

Area - 225,800 sq. km.

A country: Japan.

highest point: 3776 meters.

Population (2010): 100,000,000 people.

Facts about Honshu

* On the island of Honshu is Mount Fuji - the symbol of the land of the rising sun.

* Earthquakes are not uncommon here, since Honshu is located at the intersection of 3 formation plates.

* Here are also the largest Japanese cities in Japan - Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto.

8. Island of Great Britain

Area - 229.957 sq. km.

Archipelago:British Isles.

A country: Great Britain.

Regions: England, Scotland, Wales.

highest point: 1344 meters.

Population (2011): 61,371,315 people.

UK Facts

* Great Britain is also called Albion, as it used to be known as the land of albinos. The Romans called the word "Britain" (lat. Britannia) the British Isles, from where the name of this island came from. But they decided to add "Great" to the word "Britain", so that the country was listed as a political unit. Today we have the island of Britain and a geopolitical entity called Great Britain.

* Prime meridian crosses the axis of the Greenwich Observatory, located in London.

*Because the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a single state, then "British" can be called any person living in its territory, even if he is from Scotland or Northern Ireland.

9. Victoria Island

Area - 220.548 sq. km.

A country: Canada

Regions: Nunavut, Northwest Territories

highest point: 665 meters

Population (2001): 1707 people.

Facts about Victoria Island

* Thomas Simpson was the first to discover this island in 1838. The British explorer decided to name the island in honor of the English Queen Victoria, who was also the Queen of Canada in the period 1867 - 1901.

* Here is the largest island within an island within an island.

10 Ellesmere Island

Area - 183.965 sq. km.

A country: Canada

Region: Nunavut.

highest point: 2616 meters

Population (2006): 146 people.

Facts about Ellesmere Island

* Island decorated big mountains and ice fields. Ellesmere is the highest part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

* The island has been covered in ice since the last ice age, but only 1/3 of its territory is covered with glaciers.

10 largest island nations in the world

1. Indonesia - 1,912,988 sq. km.

2. Madagascar - 587,041 sq. km.

3. Papua New Guinea - 462,840 sq. km.

4. Japan - 377,837 sq. km.

5. Philippines - 300,000 sq. km.

6. New Zealand- 270,534 sq. km.

7. United Kingdom - 242,910 sq. km.

8. Cuba - 110,860 sq. km.

9. Iceland - 103,000 sq. km.

10. Ireland - 70,273 sq. km.

10 largest volcanic islands

These islands were formed as a result of volcanic eruptions at the bottom of the sea.

1. Sumatra, Indonesia - 473,481 sq. km.

2. Honshu, Japan - 225,800 sq. km.

3. Java, Indonesia - 138,794 sq. km.

4. North, New Zealand - 111,583 sq. km.

5. Luzon, Philippines - 109,965 sq. km.

6. Iceland - 103,000 sq. km.

7. Mindanao, Philippines - 97,530 sq. km.

8. Hokkaido, Japan - 78,719 sq. km.

9. New Britain, Papua New Guinea - 35,145 sq. km.

10. Halmahera, Indonesia - 18,040 sq. km.

10 largest lake islands

1. Manitoulin, Lake Huron, Canada - 2,766 sq. km.

2. Rene-Levasser, Manicouagan Reservoir, Quebec, Canada - 2,000 sq. km.

3. Olkhon, lake Baikal, Russia - 730 sq. km.

4. Isle Royale, Lake Superior, Michigan, USA - 541 sq. km.

5. Ukerewe, Lake Victoria, Tanzania - 530 sq. km.

The largest island in the world is Greenland. This conclusion was unanimously reached by all researchers and scientists, as a result of numerous expeditions and analysis of available data. By a strange coincidence, the island of the largest area, less than half populated. The thing is that the territory of Greenland is 80 - 85% covered eternal ice, which are several kilometers thick. The spacious territory allows villages and cities to be located here at a significant distance. The most interesting thing is that, between the settlements, there is completely no transport system. There are no railroad tracks or highways.

Despite the rather cold climate and the monotony of the surrounding landscape, the largest island is very popular with tourists. They come here to get vivid impressions, to see the stunningly beautiful "Northern Lights" and long "white nights".

The most common occupation of local residents is fishing, its processing and sale. This remains the main activity of the entire (almost 60,000 population). In addition to fish, on the island a large number of polar predators. There are plants that are not afraid of the cold.

Temperature fluctuations on the island are quite significant. At the height of summer it is +10 degrees, and in winter it can be minus 45. Large reserves of oil and gas are hidden under the ice. Recently, their development has been actively engaged.

The largest island in the world belongs to Denmark and is washed by the oceans on both sides - the Atlantic and the Arctic. The capital of Greenland is the city of Nuuk, which is also the largest on the island, which is also an autonomous region of Denmark.

It is believed that Greenland is the final point of any round-the-world tour. Experienced travelers say that those who have not been to Greenland have not seen anything interesting. After all, every self-respecting tourist is obliged to conquer the cold, but at the same time beautiful island. Another interesting fact it is believed that the literal translation of the word Greenland is “ green earth”, but in fact there is practically no greenery there.

The next largest island in size rightfully occupies the Pacific New Guinea. Its popularity among tourists has won a warm climate, rich colors and rich flora and fauna. Dendrologists, ornithologists and entomologists have been studying the animals and plants of the island for years. However, every year more and more new representatives of flora and fauna appear on the largest island.

New Guinea was discovered in the 16th century, but until 1871 it was practically not visited. The inhabitants of the island had a reputation as cannibals, and there were no people who wanted to visit this green kingdom. Only in 1871, thanks to the efforts of the Russian scientist Miklouho-Maclay, did the attitude towards the islanders change.

It is worth bearing in mind that the inhabitants of this island are of various nationalities. Even the fact that at present the large island constantly meets tourists, tribes live in its depths that have never encountered fair-skinned people. By the way, the Papuans consider white people dangerous. That is why, tourist trip can be filled with real adrenaline.

Green Kalimantan

The third largest island in the world is Kalimantan. It is also known as Borneo. Its territory also has a uniform coverage, but, unlike Greenland, these are green forests and tropics. Centennial, majestic trees adorn the entire island. This makes it possible to develop the forestry and woodworking industries. In addition, the island has serious deposits of oil and gas. All this makes a significant financial contribution to the three states between which its territory is divided. Another profitable industry here is the long-term mining of diamonds, of which there are quite a lot on the island. This direction made it possible to call Borneo the "diamond river".
The flora and fauna here is very diverse. It is on Kalimantan that one of the most beautiful plants grows - the black orchid.

The predominant part of the inhabitants of the island are Chinese, Malaysians and Aborigines (who live according to the customs of their ancestors). In general, residents are quite positive about tourists and show themselves to be hospitable hosts.

Madagascar is a holiday paradise

The largest tourist island is Madagascar. Its population is over 20 million people. Geographically, it is located in eastern Africa, located in the tropical zone, has a warm climate. The island is famous for its breathtaking sunsets. There are also several dozen small but very beautiful waterfalls.

Locals call their native home "boar island" or "red". The last name is associated with the color of the soil. Its fauna is very diverse. Many rare exotic animals and insects live there. It is a paradise for scientists and explorers. In the tropics of Madagascar, a rare species of spiders lives, from the webs of which various items of clothing are woven.

The inhabitants of Madagascar are engaged in hunting and fishing. Animal meat is eaten, but turtles are especially preferred. From her turtle meat, extraordinary dishes have become the pride of the local cuisine.

Baffin Island - rugged beauty

Baffin Island is the largest Canadian island in the world. A huge area, more than 500,000 square kilometers and very few people living here (about 12 thousand people). This situation is connected with the fact that the island is located in the Arctic Ocean and has a rather cold climate. You can get here only by air, and you can only engage in hunting or fishing there. There are a lot of fresh lakes on the island, some of which are quite large.

Harsh climatic conditions do not affect the fact that the island is visited by tourists. Local residents have managed to create all the necessary conditions for extreme tourism. In addition, there are a certain number of people who want to celebrate a wedding or other celebration in such unusual conditions.
This largest and cold island peace on its territory historical park. It contains various household items of all tribes and peoples living in a harsh area.

Each island has a number of advantages and features. Some have a hot climate beautiful beaches and the purest ocean water, and on others stunning animal world and rare natural phenomena. It is impossible to say which of the islands is better. All of them are big, mysterious and bewitching. The same applies to the population. On all the islands, the indigenous people have their own cultural characteristics, interesting traditions and customs.

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