Origin of the island of Sri Lanka. See what "Sri Lanka (island)" is in other dictionaries

I very often have been and still am in the countries of South Asia, though most often for work, but in the most interesting places I come again, already for the sake of rest. In order to get impressions not on the run, but with sense and arrangement. This time, I visited Sri Lanka or, as it is also called, the island of Ceylon.

How to get to Ceylon

I bought tickets that cost about 20,000 rubles from Moscow. A few hours of flight - and I'm in place. The airport on the island is located in the city of Bandaranaike. From here you need to get to Colombo, which is thirty-five kilometers away. Transport connection Sri Lanka is quite well developed, so you can safely choose both a bus and suburban train, and a taxi.

I decided not to risk the bus routes, so I took a taxi, which cost only 300 rupees. Still, while in Moscow, I booked a room in one of the hotels located on the Negombo beach.

The trip took no more than twenty minutes, but this is not surprising, the distance is small. I really liked the guest house, and from its windows you can clearly see the sea and even have your own piece of the beach. It is very comfortable. By the way, there are not many tourists here, so no one interfered with my peace. The price of the house was quite affordable - about 3000 rubles per day.

A bit about the history of Ceylon

The capital of the island is Sri Jayawardanapura, although there is also an unofficial one - this is Colombo, recognized by the world community. For many years the island was attacked by various conquerors. There were Arabs, and the Portuguese, and the Dutch, and even the British.

Due to the fact that in Ceylon the leadership changed with enviable constancy, then architectural styles here it is mixed measuredly unmeasured. On this moment, a lot of modern skyscrapers and houses have been built here.


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You can relax on the island all year round due to the subequatorial climate. The average air temperature is kept at around 26 degrees. Ceylon is always warm, but very humid. True, tsunamis occur here in the summer, so it will be safer to rest in the winter. By the way, it doesn't rain here during the winter months.


Transport links are well developed here. It is equally comfortable to get to any point of the island by bus, taxi, and even by rail.

True, the fastest is the movement on the Tuk-tuk. These are such funny things, vaguely reminiscent of a three-wheeled motorcycle. Behind the driver is a passenger box. The drivers of these cars drive their vehicles so professionally that they are able to bypass almost any traffic jam or traffic jam.

National food of Sri Lanka

Local food is very different from all European dishes. The fact is that spices and seasonings predominate here. The locals' favorite is curry. By the way, they eat very little meat on the island, preferring vegetables and fruits.

Local chefs perfectly prepare sea delicacies, so it is better to choose fish and seafood.

I can give advice right away. In no case, do not try to eat in roadside cafes or shops. Very Great chance food poisoning. I didn’t go to just one cafe, I went around a dozen establishments. And she made disappointing conclusions.

But, in addition to local restaurants, there are also European ones. So there are plenty to choose from.

Attractions of Ceylon

There are a lot of religious sites on the island. One of the most important is Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara.

True, it was completed not so long ago - in the first half of the twentieth century, but the first mention of it dates back to the third century BC. I was especially impressed by the colorful frescoes on the walls. This temple is a true example of Sinhalese architecture.

The temple of Sri Ponnambala Vaneswaram is curious in that every year a harvest festival is held on its territory. Its walls are made of light gray granite. Surprisingly, there is no riot of colors, as is usually the case in local temples.

I also visited the Dutch Museum. There are many exhibits dedicated to the times of the Dutch rule over Sri Lanka. There are also coins, and weapons, and household items. Previously, this building housed an institute and a post office. Entrance costs 500 rupees. Honestly, not a particularly interesting place. The museum is like a museum. I saw exhibitions and much more interesting than this one.

You can go to the Yami Ul Alfar Mosque for free, which is attractive with its red and white colors.

I didn't go inside, I just took a few photos.

Sri Bala Selva Vinayagar Murti is a temple dedicated to the famous Hindu gods Shiva and Ganesha. By the way, the most beloved Hindu god is Ganesha with the head of an elephant. It is believed that he is the god of all the best in the world. And that it was he who did all the wonders of the world.

Ceylon Island. tea plantations

It was the tea plantations that glorified the island of Ceylon for many years. Probably many people remember the same tea in a yellow pack, with an elephant painted on it. This tea was brought just from this island. The quality of the tea is excellent. In Ceylon, they conduct excellent excursions to tea plantations.

Here you can see how tea grows and how it is harvested. There is also a factory for sorting and packing tea leaves. Also on the territory there is a restaurant where you can taste all varieties of tea growing on the island. There are so many of these species that I could not try them all, I was afraid to burst))). Here you can also buy fragrant tea as a souvenir for your relatives. I scored ten packs, probably out of greed.

seafood market

It is better to come here very early, preferably at 6 am. Just at this time, the fishermen return with a fresh catch. There is absolutely everything that your darling will want: crabs, lobsters, shrimp, lobsters and much more. The fish is also prepared here.

Breathtaking smells come from everywhere. By the way, women cook here and adequate conditions have been created for cooking. I was not afraid to eat. The prawns and mussels were just amazing. And the prices are much lower than in city restaurants.

beach holiday

The cleanest and most well-groomed beaches of the coast are located along Lewis Place. It is here that expensive hotels are located that monitor the cleanliness of the territory. There is also a large number of restaurants and cafes for tourists. There are even a couple shopping centers. So, being on the island, be sure to take a walk along this street.

There is also Negombo beach on the island, but it’s better not to meddle here. He's kind of unkempt and uncomfortable. Although there are tourists who rest here as savages. Although the beach is not particularly clean, the water is crystal clear.

What to do in Ceylon

For tourists, there are many entertainments, though related to water. The most popular is diving. Diving can be done in Hikkaduwa Bay or Trincomalee Bay. Equipment is rented for a nominal fee.

Most of all I liked swimming with sea turtles.

To do this, you need to go to the South Coast, as there are most of them. They must have been fed by the locals. If the turtles are not nearby, then you can rent a boat and go away from the coast. Guides know almost all the places where their flocks can be found.

Hikkaduwa Beach offers surfing. This is where they arise huge waves up to four meters high. On the beach itself there are themed clubs for surfers. Personally, I don't like to stand on the board, or rather I can't. And constantly falling and catching the board makes me very nervous.

Shopping in Ceylon

Many tourists who come to Ceylon prefer to buy pearls and precious stones such as rubies, sapphires and topazes. The extraction of these jewels is well established here. Even tourists are allowed to take part in the mining. True for a fee. True, you need to buy pebbles only in large stores, so you can protect yourself from fakes.


I was on the island for only 5 days, but I had enough time to enjoy the local beauties and attractions. I think that I will visit the island of Ceylon again not very soon. It is beautiful and interesting, but personally I prefer places where the infrastructure is more developed.

Sri Lanka is rich in first-class beaches, modern hotels and a host of ancient sights. Entertainment - entirely quiet-peaceful: picnics, fishing and diving. The capital of Colombo, waterfalls and national parks - everything about Sri Lanka: tours, reviews, weather, prices.

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The style of rest in Sri Lanka can be briefly defined as follows: away from the hustle and bustle, closer to the sea and nature. It is unlikely that there is a more “slow” country in the world than Sri Lanka: no one is in a hurry here, everyone enjoys life - including the service staff in hotels (though this does not apply to top establishments - everyone runs around in soap, to please guests). Most of the attractions in Sri Lanka are natural, just like most entertainment. Noisy discos and smoke yoke until the morning are not in favor here, but picnics in nature, fishing or barbecue on the beach - as much as you like. Well, diving, of course. What Sri Lanka cannot please is its proximity to our immense: the flight here is long.

In general, it is very simple to determine a person who will definitely like it here. Firstly, there are few blank pages left in his not the first passport. Secondly, he is either interested in world culture and history (and ancient Sri Lanka is very rich in interesting monuments), or he is a desperate sea daredevil who wants, in addition to palm trees, sand and the sea, to have a diving center nearby, and surfer headquarters. Thirdly, he will certainly look askance at your fragrant cup of tea. After all, Ceylon, aka Sri Lanka, supplies a quarter of the world with this drink.

Regions and resorts of Sri Lanka


The monetary unit of the country is the Sri Lankan rupee (LKR), in 1 rupee 100 cents. Current exchange rate: 1 LKR = 0.34 RUB (1 USD = 181.33 LKR, 1 EUR = 201.67 LKR).

It is better to exchange currency at Colombo airport. It makes sense to keep the check received at the same time until the end of the trip: in this case, upon departure, it will be possible to convert back unspent local money at the airport bank at the purchase rate. In addition, the currency is changed at any hotel and bank. The latter are open from 9:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday. For exchange, we recommend taking US dollars with you: they are accepted in all branches, and in tourist areas they can be paid directly at hotels and all kinds of retail outlets.

In large hotels and shops you can pay with credit cards, there are ATMs in almost all cities of the country. However, it is better to warn the staff of your bank in advance about the upcoming visit to Sri Lanka: due to the critical level of financial fraud on the island, a credit card can be blocked at the first attempt to use it.

Island state V Indian Ocean close to south coast India, from which it is separated by the Gulf of Manar and the Strait of Polk.

The name of the country comes from the Sanskrit "Shri" - "glorious" and "Lanka" - "land".

Official name: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Capital: Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte (part of the capital functions are performed by the city of Colombo)

The area of ​​the land: 65.6 thousand sq. km

Total population: 20.3 million people

Administrative division: It is divided into 9 provinces, 25 districts.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: President elected for 6 years.

Composition of the population: 73% Sinhalese, 19% Tamil.

Official language: Sinhala is also equated with the state English and Tamil.

Religion: 69% are Buddhists, 15% are Hindus.

Internet domain: .lk

Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

Phone country code:

Country barcode: 479


Sri Lanka is located only a few degrees of latitude north of the equator. Therefore, the average monthly air temperatures in the lowlands are high and vary little throughout the year. In winter, they are somewhat lower: for example, in Colombo average temperature the coolest month, December, 25 ° C, and the hottest month, May, 28 ° C. Daily temperature amplitudes are small and rarely exceed 11 ° C. However, in the mountains, in one of the highest cities in the country, Nuwara Eliya (1881 m ), the average air temperature in January is 14°C, and in May 17°C.

The climate of Sri Lanka is formed not only under the influence of proximity to the equator, but also as a result of proximity to the Indian subcontinent. As a result, seasonal changes in winds and contrast in the precipitation regime are observed, which allows us to speak of a specific variant of the Indian monsoon.

Like other mountainous islands in the monsoon regions, Sri Lanka has a clearly expressed geographical diversity in the intra-annual course of precipitation. Thus, the southwestern monsoon, which blows from late May to late September - early October, is associated with showers in the southwest of the country, especially on the windward slopes of the Central Massif. It also determines dry weather in the northern and eastern lowlands, which are in the rain shadow of the mountains.

From about November to January, Sri Lanka experiences the influence of the northeast monsoon, which causes rainfall throughout the island. During the inter-monsoon period, when atmospheric pressure is relatively stable, local convective air currents and daytime breezes from the sea bring sporadic precipitation.

This seasonal rhythm, combined with the influence of the orographic factor, determines the presence of sharp regional differences in the climate of Sri Lanka. Thus, the southwestern lowlands, enclosed between the mountains and the sea, enter the humid zone, where precipitation is confined to both monsoon periods, and in the intermediate time, rains fall in smaller quantities. Therefore, high air humidity is constantly maintained, only February is relatively dry in most areas.

On the slopes of the western exposure of the Central Massif, within the humid zone, temperatures decrease with height, and the annual precipitation in some places exceeds 5100 m.

The lowlands of the dry zone to the north and east of the island, including the Jaffna peninsula, have an obvious but indistinct maximum precipitation between October and January, when the influence of the northeast monsoon appears. The dry season lasts from June to September. In the inter-monsoon period, rare precipitation is recorded. In general, precipitation in the dry zone is less abundant than in the humid zone, and on average per year their amount does not exceed 1900 mm on the northwestern coast and 1300 mm on the southeastern coast. Nevertheless, the very value of this indicator in the dry zone does not give grounds to attribute it to arid territories, and the dryness of the climate is felt only in summer.

In the eastern mountains and the Uva intermountain basin, which also belong to the dry zone, the seasonal course of precipitation is approximately the same as in the lowlands, but less pronounced. Moreover, showers there reach an intensity that is rarely observed in the lowlands of this zone.


An island state in the Indian Ocean, located north of the equator and not far from the southern coast of India, from which the island is separated by the Straits of Manara and Polk.

Most of the island is occupied by a low plain, "broken" by outcrops of the crystalline foundation in the form of rocks and mesas. The entire southern part of the island is occupied by a medium-high stepped mountain country The central massif, with a strong articulation of the relief and leveled mountain peaks. The slopes are abundantly overgrown with forests and are dissected by short but stormy rivers.

The most high point islands - Mount Pidurutalagala (2524 m.). total area countries 65.6 thousand sq. km.

In fact, the capital is Colombo (the seat of government and the main institutions of the country are located here), while the official suburb of Colombo is Sri Jaya Vardenapura (Jayawardenapura Kotte), where legislatures countries and a number of administrative organizations.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The natural vegetation of the lowlands of the humid zone and the adjacent mountains has largely been reduced by human economic activity. These areas were once covered with dense tropical rain forests, which gave way to mountain evergreen forests higher up the slopes; however, such communities have survived only in protected natural areas.

In the lowlands of the dry zone, forests have suffered damage as a result of human activity, but in places they still exist in the form of mixed evergreen communities of xerophytic type. The arid uplands in Uva Province are partly occupied by secondary grasslands. In the northwest and southeast of the lowlands of the dry zone, the surviving forests have degenerated into species-poor thickets of thorny bushes. Vast areas in the southwest of the country are covered with dense jungle. Forests also occupy the slopes of the mountains.

Palm trees and mangroves grow in coastal areas. In the humid zone, mahogany grows in large numbers, as well as rubber and fruit trees. In drier areas, ebony and satinwood are found. Orchids, acacias, cypresses, and eucalyptus trees are spread throughout the country.

Animal world

The fauna of Sri Lanka is very diverse. Of the 451 bird species, 251 species are permanent inhabitants of the island, of which 24 are found only in Sri Lanka. Starting from mid-August, the first flocks of migratory birds arrive for wintering from Siberia, Scandinavia and Western Europe. The reservoirs of the arid zone attract a large number of ducks, and larger waterfowl such as flamingos, pelicans, storks prefer water bodies. national parks and reserves.

Bundala National Park is especially famous for its flamingo colonies. A variety of shapes and colors of 242 species of butterflies can be observed in March-April, when seasonal migration begins. Among the 86 species of animals, the main place is occupied by elephants. In the early 19th century, when the British arrived, there were over 30,000 elephants on the island. Now only 6,000 remain.

Habitat destruction has led to a decline in livestock, but still large herds of elephants can still be found in such national parks like Yala, Gall Oya, Udawalawe. The wild cat of Sri Lanka is also on the verge of extinction - the leopard, although Vilpatu Park can rightfully be proud of the number of inhabitants.

Sri Lanka is home to such animals as wild boars, jackals, wild buffaloes, several species of deer, bears, porcupines, foxes and of course monkeys. 54 species of freshwater fish, of which 17 were introduced by the British. Of the 38 amphibians, 16 are unique.

The island is replete with reptiles, 75 species, among which two species of crocodiles, a water monitor and a monitor lizard are the largest. The star tortoise is the island's only land tortoise. 5 types sea ​​turtles are protected by law. Of the 83 species of snakes, only 5 are venomous.


Sri Lanka is one of the most ancient countries in the world. Somewhere in these parts, according to legend, Adam and Eve descended to Earth, many ancient authors even correlated the location of the Garden of Eden with Taproban or Ceylon (as Sri Lanka was called until 1972). On this amazing island there are many historical values ​​protected by UNESCO, as well as a large number of places associated with the name of the Buddha. Hundreds of kilometers of beaches and a unique underwater world put Sri Lanka among the world's largest seaside resorts.

Banks and currency

Sri Lankan rupee (LKR), equal to 100 cents. In circulation are denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 rupees, as well as coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents and 1, 2, 5 rupees.

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00-15:00. On Saturday and Sunday, as well as during most holidays, banks are usually closed.

It is recommended to exchange money only in official institutions and exchange offices, usually located in banks, airports and large international hotels. When exchanging currency in official institutions, a special check is issued, according to which, upon departure from Colombo, at the airport bank, you can reverse exchange rupees at the official purchase rate.

You can also exchange money in the markets or in private shops - the currency will be accepted almost everywhere, but at the same time there is a high risk of being scammed, since the prices in terms of dollars are quite low and the change may simply not be returned or converted at an unfavorable rate.

Major hotels and shops accept international payments. credit cards leading payment systems. IN major cities ATMs are also common. Large banks and hotels accept international traveler's checks for payment (often the exchange rate is even more profitable than cash). Outside the resort areas, it is almost impossible to pay by non-cash means of payment.

Useful information for tourists

When going to Sri Lanka, take light cotton clothes and a hat with you. Be sure to stock up on sunscreen and sunburn lotion. There are no strict clothing requirements in the country, but you should not visit the temples in shorts, in clothes with an open back and shoulders, and you should also take off your shoes when entering the temple.

Sri Lanka is known all over the world for its precious stones: sapphires, rubies, topazes, etc. We advise you to purchase jewelry in specialized stores, requiring an appropriate check or certificate. Also known all over the world Ceylon tea, spices, handicrafts: masks, batik, leather goods. In cities, you can buy inexpensive textiles. In the markets, in private shops, shops, we advise you to bargain about the price. You can reduce the cost of goods by 30% relative to the original.

Tipping is not required. However, a receptionist at a hotel or a waiter at a restaurant will be happy with a few extra cents.

It would be useful to know that metropolitan taxi drivers never give change.

Sri Lanka (Skt. श्री लङ्का, "Blessed Land") is an island in the Indian Ocean. largest island Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka is unique Paradise Island, one of the richest places on earth with history, attracts travelers from all over the world for recreation, and will forever remain in the memory of those who visited it!

Sri Lanka is a country with an incredible history, one of the oldest civilizations in the world, offering amazing historical treasures.

Sri Lanka is a country of exotics, a country for those who dream of romantic getaway and adventure, a country of all shades of green tropical plants, a country of great natural beauty - this is how you can call a small island located in the Indian Ocean.

Each city of Ceylon is unique: some are famous for their rich history, others fascinate with their natural beauty. Every city in Sri Lanka has a well-developed tourism infrastructure and every city in Sri Lanka welcomes tourists with open arms.

Sri Lanka is the most ancient Buddhist country in the world.

More than one thousand kilometers of palm trees and white sandy beaches surround the island. Resorts of Sri Lanka are scattered throughout the country and offer ample opportunities for recreation in Sri Lanka: scuba diving, surfing, sailing and skiing, windsurfing, deep sea fishing, excursions to the caves. You can swim in calm waters, watch the sun descend like fireballs across the horizon, plunge into the vast ocean

Sri Lanka (Ceylon): photos

Polonnaruwa - old City Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: where is it located

Sri Lanka is located on an island in the Indian Ocean south of the peninsula Hindustan between 5'54' and 9'52' north latitude, 800 km. from the equator. The northern and central parts of the island are located in the subequatorial, and the southern part in the equatorial belts. The total area is 65610 sq. km, the length from north to south is 445 km, and from west to east 225 km.

Ceylon on the world map

How to get to Sri Lanka

There are no direct flights between Moscow and Colombo, but in winter charters fly here with a stopover in Male. In addition, flights with a fairly convenient connection are possible with Emirates (via Dubai), Etihad Airways (via Abu Dhabi) and Qatar Airways (via Doha). Travel time is about 14 hours, including connections.

Direct flights to Sri Lanka from Minsk, Kyiv and Alma-Ata also do not exist: only through other European cities.

Sri Lanka (Ceylon): video

Real life in Ceylon

Royal Botanic Gardens, Sri Lanka

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