Transfer types. What is a transfer in tourism and how to get from the airport to your destination? VIP transfer: private limousine please

The modern Russian language is rich in various foreign words that have different meanings in different areas. One of these words is the term "transfer", which is translated from English as "relocation, translation". However, this word can have a special meaning in different areas, and not every person who hears the word in one place or another can understand its meaning right off the bat.

Consider in the article all the options for using the word "transfer".

Transport transfer

What is a transfer, any bus passenger knows very well, because in this case this word means the delivery of passengers in any vehicle from one point to another in the city or other locality. This value is most often used by taxi drivers who transport passengers from airports to a hotel.

Transfer in banking and accounting

In banking, the word "transfer" has one meaning, which is associated specifically with the transfer of money. Usually the term means that money is transferred from one account to another within the same bank, bank account or between banks. The term is also used in accounting in the same sense.

Technology transfer

If technology is transferred to another scientific department, copyright is transferred or commercial activity is started in a new technological area, then this is also called technology transfer.

Transfer in business

In business processes, a transfer is the transfer of authority to all or certain processes in the production of a product or service. Initially, the term began to be used in the railway field and our time is very close to the term "outsourcing".

Transfer in sports

In sports, especially in football, a transfer is the transfer of one player from a team or sports club to another. At the same time, this player or club is often paid a substantial remuneration.

thermal transfer

Transfer in industry can also be called a process when an image is applied to any surface at a significant temperature. Also, this term is known by other names: thermal film, decal, sticker, appliqué, padding and other terms.

Transfer in tourism

V tourist area transfer is the movement of a person from one point of the world to another, where he will rest, doing tourism and travel. The term has the same meaning when moving a company employee during a business trip to another area.

Transfer (English transfer- to transfer, move). The term itself came to Russia from Europe and is used in various fields, such as tourism, banking, sports and many others.

In tourism, this is a convenient service provided by almost every travel agency with which a trip is planned. It consists in the fact that the traveler will be met at the point of arrival with a sign on which his name is indicated and taken to a hotel or any other prearranged point. It is also transportation within the tourist center.

In tourism, the transfer has become especially widespread and is in demand and popular in almost all cities. With such a service, the possibility of getting lost in unfamiliar territory is practically reduced to zero, and it is also very useful in case of a language barrier.

Accompaniment is usually a specially trained, trained person who will be next to the traveler throughout the entire journey.

Individual and group transfer

The transfer can be both individual and group. When ordering individual transfer you can choose the transport that will be more convenient to move around. Such a service will cost a little more than a group transfer, but, accordingly, it is more comfortable and convenient.

With a group transfer, the means of transportation is most likely to be a bus, and such a journey may be longer and less pleasant, since the human factor comes into force here. Unforeseen delays and other unpleasant situations are possible.

Transfer cost

The more expensive the transfer will be, the more comfort is provided and vice versa. Some travel agencies provide a number of additional options when ordering a transfer, such as, for example, a bouquet of flowers upon meeting or a glass of champagne in the car. All this will be included in the cost of the service.

You should know in advance that the minimum costs when ordering a transfer will cost at least one hundred US dollars, or even more. You should pay close attention to what specific services are included in the agreed price. For group transfer it will be the travel time, the brand of the bus, the number of additional stops. With an individual, this is also the brand of the car, the cost of the transfer with additional services, and without them.

Service selection

It is worth analyzing all the information provided, and making a choice in favor of certain services offered by the travel agency. For some, a local taxi service may be an acceptable alternative to a transfer, but this dubious pleasure will also be quite expensive, and in the absence of knowledge of languages, it is simply impossible, because you cannot hope that a taxi driver will know at least English, not to mention about Russian.

The metro or any other can be considered the best option. public transport. But it should be remembered that this infrastructure is not everywhere sufficiently developed, and such a trip is not always a pleasure, which, in turn, can spoil the impression of a journey that has just begun. As a rule, they don’t save on vacation, but you shouldn’t let everyone cash in on their own ignorance.

Going on a trip, many people ask themselves questions: how to comfortably get from the airport to the hotel, see the sights and what to do if you realize that it will be very difficult to navigate in an unfamiliar place. Travel companies are usually excellent at solving such organizational issues. For those who are planning a trip on their own, for example, helpful information about transfers will come in handy.

The concept of transfer to English language means moving. The term is more often used by economists and bankers, and in tourism it means a delivery service from one place to another by pre-order. You can order a transfer from the airport to the hotel or visit major shopping centers. Often, for an additional fee, you can get more than just a driver. There will be a person behind the wheel of the car who can tell you in detail about the sights or advise where it is best to shop, especially if you decide.

Having bought a transfer to the hotel, you can be sure that an employee of the company will be waiting at the airport with a sign on which the name of the travel agency or hotel is indicated, if the transfer is a group, or the name and surname of the expected person, if it is individual. At the end of the holiday, the traveler will be taken from the hotel to the airport. You can order an airport-city transfer, while fast and convenient delivery is especially important if the airport is very far from the city limits.

What types of transfers exist in tourism

When ordering a transfer service, you need to decide on the willingness to pay extra for your own comfort. There are three types of tourist transfers:

  • group;
  • individual;
  • vip service.

First on the list is the most budget option, which is well known to travelers traveling abroad on tour packages.

An individual transfer is much more expensive, depending on the class of the car and related services. For example, you can order a driver who speaks Russian, or arrange a tour for yourself without waiting for a group trip.

Such a transfer is especially relevant for those who travel on their own.

The term VIP service implies an expensive car, if you wish, a bouquet of flowers at the airport, champagne in the cabin and a lot of pleasant little things that you will have to seriously shell out for. People who are accustomed not to deny themselves anything prefer this type of transfer.

When there is a need for a transfer

Of course, when traveling, you can use the services of an ordinary taxi, but keep in mind that the trip from the airport to the hotel in this case can be much more expensive, especially if a person is poorly oriented on the spot. Taking a taxi at the airport of almost any country is simply not profitable.

The transfer is convenient when traveling with children or elderly relatives. An employee of the company provides services for loading and unloading luggage, and you can be sure that you will not have to worry if you are left without friends in a foreign city. For travelers who do not speak foreign languages ​​well enough, this is a guarantee to be in the right place without any problems.

Pros and cons of the service

The advantage of a transfer is the ability to order it in advance, and when you arrive, you don’t have to worry about problems with transport. The driver will definitely wait, in case of a flight delay, and choose the shortest route to the hotel. When traveling with children, the availability of a transfer provides additional comfort, as a company employee will help with luggage. It is possible to choose a special car seat when ordering and get to the right place without any problems.

Security is another important aspect in favor of choosing a transfer. Getting into a taxi in an unfamiliar city, not knowing the language and having absolutely no idea where and when they will bring you, is an adventure that tickles your nerves. Especially if you arrive on a night flight.

The downside of an individual and VIP transfer is only the need to pay extra for services, which, of course, will increase the cost of the trip.

With a group transfer, a bus or minibus is used, so you have to wait for other passengers, sometimes even from several flights. In this case, transport bypasses several hotels, and there is a chance to spend more time on the road than you would like if your hotel suddenly turns out to be the last one on the route.

The transfer is especially convenient when traveling. big company. Since the customer pays for car rental, regardless of how many people travel. A large company that shares the transfer costs gets the opportunity to get to the right place much cheaper and much faster. In this case, you can order a minivan transfer from the airport to the hotel and back. In this case, there will be no problems with luggage and you will be able to save a lot.

If you need to get from one airport to another, if you need a transfer, this service will also come in handy. Transfer from airport to airport allows you to save a lot of time, not to move with a bunch of luggage in search of a taxi, to get to the place of transfer with the greatest comfort.

Comparison of transfer services in different countries

The development of tourism has spurred the development transfer services. The opportunity to take care of how to get from the airport in an unfamiliar city in advance is attractive and in demand. Moreover, this can be done without leaving home, even at the stage of planning a trip. The most popular transfer companies are:

  1. KiwiTaxi. Transfer company providing services in Europe, Asia and America. The service is also successfully operating in Russia. Loyal price policy. It is possible to order any type of transfer.
  2. Iway. Excellent service, also working in most countries. The price in Russia is slightly lower than that of KiwiTaxi, and slightly higher in Europe.
  3. fox transfer. A company operating primarily in Europe. When traveling around Europe, the services of this company are quite profitable.

You can order a transfer from the airport to the hotel from your home computer already at the stage of travel planning. The prices for this service, depending on the type of transfer, can also be viewed on the companies' websites, and by comparing the offers, it is easy to choose the best option. At the same time, you can immediately arrange a trip from the hotel to the airport at the end of the holiday.

Transfer is already quite a popular service. After all, it is in the first minutes after understanding that the flight is over that you have to navigate in a foreign country. The person is under extreme stress. Confidence in the ability to comfortably and without problems get to the end point of the trip helps to avoid this. By the way, companies have already appeared that provide helicopter, boat or boat transportation services.


Of course, an experienced tourist who has visited more than one country and does not use the services of travel agencies in principle can do without a transfer. However, most are still lost in unfamiliar places, and this is quite normal.

The realization that they are waiting for you, they will definitely meet you and take you to the right place, improves your mood and adds confidence that a vacation that has begun comfortably will remain so throughout the trip.

A transfer in tourism is a meeting of tourists at the airport or train station and delivery to the place of rest and back. V package tours tour operators most often use buses or minibuses. Individual cars are used less often, usually this happens in the case of VIP tours or when only a couple of people arrived on a particular day, and it makes no sense to drive a big bus to deliver them.

  • What is a spinner and what is it for, help me figure it out
  • The cost of the transfer is usually included in the price of the tour and you cannot refuse it.

    Is it possible not to use the transfer provided by the tour operator

    Yes, of course, many tourists do this, even though they have already paid for the transfer when buying a tour. After all, buses travel companies they usually wait until all their passengers leave the airport and the entire bus is filled. Moreover, most often the bus starts running on a large number hotels where tourists land. Not everyone is ready for this, so they take a taxi and leave on their own at their own expense.

    Attention! If you do not want to use a paid transfer, be sure to first find a representative of the meeting company and inform him of your independent departure. Otherwise, they will wait and look for you, this will not bring any joy to other tourists.

    If you are planning a trip on your own, of course, no one will meet you at the airport. You need to think in advance how you will get to your place of residence. Of course, you can use a taxi, but it can be quite expensive.

    Read thematic forums about which buses or trains run from and where. Usually on the Internet you can find all the information, up to the schedule. If you are going to rent a car during the trip, it makes sense to take it right at the airport. You can hand it over there, or in the city, if you do not need it for the entire trip.

    By the way, some hotels provide a meeting service at the airport, and sometimes it is not very expensive. If you have booked an apartment or an apartment, you can try to negotiate with the owner. They usually agree for a very reasonable fee.

    If you need help planning your transfer or have any other questions - our experts are here to help!

    Arriving in an unfamiliar city, each of us is a little worried: how not to get lost when getting from the airport or train station to the hotel? It is especially easy to get lost in someone else's locality without knowing the language of the country you arrived in. Travel agencies are ready to solve this problem for you by providing a transfer service.

    What is transfer in tourism? This is when you are met at the point of arrival by a person with a sign on which your name is written, escorted to his car and taken to the hotel. Very convenient, isn't it? The chances of getting lost are about zero, it’s not a pity to even pay extra for this service to a travel agency ... So it seems at first glance, until you hear the figure - and it can turn out to be quite solid. Of course, the cost of the transfer depends both on the distance and the nature of the trip ( for example, transporting tourists to mountain resort along the serpentine, where no local taxi driver will agree to deliver you - it's expensive) and the type of transport. If this is a car, then no matter how luxurious it is, such a trip cannot be compared with the cost of a helicopter transfer.

    Some travel agencies offer additional services - a bouquet of flowers at the gangway, a glass of champagne in the cabin ... All this will also be added to the transfer price if you decide to afford not to count money during your vacation. But even the minimum rates for personal support will cost an extra 50-100 or more dollars. However, there is a cheap alternative - the so-called group transfer. Sometimes it is simply included in the cost of the tour, that is, it does not even bear the minimum expenses. You are met in exactly the same way, but they are not led to a limousine, but to a bus. You - and a few dozen more people who also need to be delivered to hotels.

    It must be said that in this case the journey will be much longer and much less pleasant. After all, what is a group transfer? In tourism, it is impossible to gather a group in five minutes and hit the road: one went to the toilet, the second asked to smoke, the third buys magnets ... If the bus leaves half an hour later than planned, this is the record time. Not all fellow travelers go exactly to your hotel: you may have to go around a few dozen points before you get to yours. Plus, you may not be expected at all or not found. And, being late for three hours, you will regret that you did not take a taxi ...

    And it's true - maybe a taxi is the best alternative to a transfer? To tell the truth, this pleasure is not cheap, especially if the path is long. Sometimes comparable in cost to personal accompaniment. In addition, you will have to look for a taxi yourself and talk to the driver yourself. Without knowing the language, it is difficult - and it is naive to hope that everyone abroad knows English. The most budget option is the metro or any other public transport. It can be recommended for European countries, where you can even admire trains, gasping: “What clean ones! How fast! But you decide to take a ride with the locals, say, on a regular bus in India ... We can say briefly: you are guaranteed unforgettable memories - and mostly unpleasant ones. And it’s good if you don’t get robbed along the way, completely ruining the experience.

    Transfer is convenient. And the more expensive it is, the more comfort you will be provided with. Choose a luxurious personal or group, more modest and cheaper - it's up to you. The only thing you should pay close attention to is to find out what specific services the tour operator offers for the announced amount. For a group transfer - exact time way, the number of intermediate stops, the brand of the bus and the presence of an air conditioner in it. For personal - again, the time and brand of transport, and also specify the cost of transportation without additional services and with them. Compare all the proposed options, and only then give the final answer. It’s not customary to save on vacation - isn’t it for this that you worked for a whole year, so that during your vacation shamelessly littering with banknotes? .. But at the same time, it’s not worth letting you cash in on your kindness by overpaying. And you should cooperate only with those tour operators who are ready to work out every dollar received from you.

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