Mesmai settlement. History mesma

In the Krasnodar Territory there are quite a few excellent places for recreation, and one of them is resort village. Mesmay. There is no ski descents, water parks, promenade and trendy restaurants. But there are mountains, clean air, silence and peace. What can be more valuable for the large cities exhausted by stress?

Russian Shambala

The village of Mesmai appeared in 1922. He was sheltered on the banks of the Kurdjipse River in the place where the mesmai influx flows into it. The nearest large settlement is the city of Absheronsk. If you look at the map, you can make sure that these are the most lowest places of the Krasnodar Territory. The south of the village, to the Black Sea itself, spread only forests and mountains without any signs of human housing.

The strange name of the settlement was the result of the addition of the two Adygei words: "MAZ" means "forest", and "my" - "wild apple". It is not difficult to guess that many apples grew in these places. They are now quite a lot. However, initially the gardeners settled on the shore of Kurdzhips, and the workers who were engaged in the forest harvesting. For the export of wood, it was necessary to build a narrow-chain railway.

Currently, the villagers are engaged in agriculture and serve tourists who come to see local canyons, caves and waterfalls. In the mesma, the Astrophysical Observatory of the KubSU, which indicates the purity of the air and the cloudless sky. In the village and its surroundings are available guest Houses, Tourist complex, recreation center, manor and hotel.

The village from three sides is surrounded by Guamsky, Verkhne-Kurdjipsky and Mesmari gorges. Apparently, this led to the emergence of a special mystical atmosphere. Not in vain Mesmay called "Russian Shambal". Here really are available abnormal zones And strange phenomena occur.

Stalkers on a note

One of the first places in the top of the attractions of Memzaya occupies an unusual ledge on the mountain of Lenin, which was called "Orlina Shelf." A small platform is at an altitude of about 70 m, and above it, as if the visor, hangs another rock. From the bottom it may seem that this place is only available to birds. So far, tourists did not appear here, the eagles really placed their family nests on the ledge - hence the name.

You can drive up by the "Orlina Shelf" by car, which is left here: 44.210583, 39.966206. From here you have to walk about 3 km on foot. There is also a hiking option. In the mesma at the end of the club Street begins a path, which leads to the rocky wall with a height of about 200 m. Time on the way is about 20 minutes. Rising to the lower ledger, you should take another order of half a kilometer. The trail will lead you straight to the "eagle shelf."

The next position in the top of tourist hits is occupied by the Mesma Cave. It is hidden in the gorge of the beam deep, which is clamped between the mountains of Uryel and Mesmai. The natural dungeon has a length of just over 200 meters. Inside leads a large hole. It is in a cliff with a height of several meters. The cave was opened in 1987. It is famous for the fact that archaeologists have discovered Neanderthal baby in it. The child died at the age of two months. People lived in her another 70 thousand years ago!

Anomalous attractions include a huge funnel near the village, in which the stones and branches of trees are gradually tightened. Unusual local relict tisoshitty grove. Scientists have established that the age of many trees exceeded 2 thousand years! Rodnik uses popularity among tourists, the water of which contains a large number of Silver.

Located near the Guam Gorge there are thermal sources. Their healing water treats a variety of diseases. You can even swim in the basins in winter. In the summer in the gorge passes International Festival climbing. Those who wish can ride horseback or take a jeep to a large Asian cave.

15 radial diverges from the mesma pedestrian routeswhich covers almost all attractions. Among them are Gumskoy, Kurdjip and Mesmari Gorge, Waterfalls, Chinarsky, Lunar, University, Isichenko. The latter is unusual in that it originates in the cave. If there are rock skills, it is worth watching the lunar waterfalls. And there are still dolmens, sacrato-spirits, the ancient Tmutarakan shaft, the sightseeing platforms of Highland Lago-Naki and much more.

Fairy tale lie, yes in it hint!

Because the mesma refers to the number mysterious places Russia, with the village connected a lot strange stories. Tell about the hunter, who after midnight decided to get into the bath. As soon as he removed a native cross, as a terrible man appeared in a red hat with burning eyes and swept him with two brooms to unconsciousness. In the morning, His household was pumped out. Since then, he walked to steam only before sunset.

There are stories about how in the forest near the village there were strange creatures. In the Gum's gorge, for example, there is a place that called the "Cosmonaut House". The legend was the case when the tourist of the tourist was married to the Mesmari sordula. Having happened by chance on the Sabbath witches in which his wife participated, the tourist barely took place. Artifice? Fairy tale lie, yes in it hint! Good well done lesson.

How to get

From Krasnodar to Mesma - 180 km, from Absheronsk - 60 km. From the cities of Belorechensk and Krasnodar to the village on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays are a regular bus. There is also one daily flight Apsheronsk - Puamka. True, in this case, the mesma will have to go through 10 km on foot along the Gum's Gorge.

The second option is by car. You can go through Maikop to the village of Kamennikonostsky towards Guzeripl. It should be borne in mind that the last 12 km to the mesma to the Rasolite on the country road will be energized. Better option through Absheronsk to Art. Nizhny Novgorod and then on Mesmai. There is an asphalt road.

Mesmai- The village in the south of the Krasnodar Territory, on the territory of the Absheron district. It is located in the Interior Valley, on the KurdjipS River, in the mesma inserts. Once the village and the district center associated the narrow-chain, but as a result of several landslides the message was interrupted. You can go to Apsheronsk now in a road trip (the path will be 53 kilometers), through Adygea.


The name of the Mesmai of Adyg's origin, denotes the "forest of wild apples". The village was founded in 1922 due to the forest harvesting. In the late 1920s, the village of Lesorbov, in the late 1920s, summed up the branch of the Absheron narrow-sole road - the largest of the country's mountain narrow skewers. At the end of the 20th century, forest fishing shuddered, and since then, Mesmai is developing as tourist centreThe benefit of the surroundings, there are plenty of attractions, mostly natural.


To the north of the mesma there are southern gates of the Guam Gorge - the picturesque canyon in a depth of 400 meters, which is cut into the River Kurdzhips. Upon the bottom of the gorge just passed the branch of the narrow-chain on the lump and then on Absheronsk. Passenger and travel message to Mesma acted until 2011. The Gum's Gorge is not only a monument of nature, but also the famous climbing center. There are up to 200 climbing routes, competitions are held.

In the vicinity of Mesma there are waterfalls and caves. One of them is the Mesmarian in the beam deep. It has a depth of 26 meters, a length of more than 200 meters, and is known as the parking lot of primitive people. The cave was opened in 1987, and after 6 years ago, the skeletons of Neanderthal babies were discovered. These finds caused a large resonance in science and gave a lot of useful material to explore the ancient people. The Mesmari cave was inhabited by several tens of millennia. After Neanderthal, "Homo Sapires" lived here. The archaeological monument in the mesma is also an antique necropolis - the Mesmian burial ground in the northwestern outskirts of the village.

In Mesma there is an observation station Astrophysical observatory Kuban State University. Guest houses and mini-hotels are located in the village.

The beautiful village of Mesmai is located in the mining zone of the Krasnodar Territory. It is surrounded by incredible natural attractions, loved connoisseurs active rest and pristine nature.

Where is the village of Mesmai on the map?

The map of the edge shows it to us in the southeastern part of the Absheron district. The nearest villages to him and the village - the Thamolessian, Guamka and Nizhny Novgorod. From Mesma to Krasnodar 180 km, to Absheronsk - 56 km, to Maykop - 91 km.

Rest in Mesma - Best hotels and bases

Hotel stand out among other objects of accommodation in that consists of one large modern buildingin which 25 rooms. The pretty structure is surrounded by a well-kept territory with green plantings. Another difference of this hotel is the availability of the pool.

It is impossible to say that there is a rich infrastructure, but tourists are happy to stop in the mini-hotel "Forest Glade" . It is very small, but offers simple cute rooms and a number additional services, among which the sauna, barbecue area and Wi-Fi network. The building is surrounded by chic nature, a wonderful look opens from the windows.

Guests can also rent a villa entirely. Two-storied Art Cottage Over the mesma - this is a cozy room from a log cabin with several bedrooms and shared rooms. The abundance of the tree and the details of the interior creates a special mental atmosphere.

Guest House "Forest" Resorts will find on the outskirts. A pretty house from a log stands next to the river. Here it is possible to enjoy clean air, silence and charming medium. But the village is small, so the path to the center will take no more than 5 minutes.

Guest complex "Mesmai Formula" will please the amazing combination of the village coziness and the benefits of civilization. There are four building facilities, inside which spacious apartments and common recreation areas. In the summer, the perimeter surrounds the lush greens.

Enough unusual place - Base of rest "Sphere Mesmai" . Amazing dome buildings make in themselves hotel rooms and sauna. The inner interior is a little reminds of the "trees house", while available all the amenities. Fans of exotic and authentic corners will like here. There is a heated pool. And all this is surrounded by incredible freedom.

It is also not difficult to choose the housing offered in the vicinity of Mesma, there are a lot of offers and private sector here, cottage from the owners with the possibility of more daily and lease for a long time.

What to see in the village of Mesmai. Entertainment

One of the most popular attractions not only the mesma, but also the entire Krasnodar Territory is the notorious Gum gorge. It is partially preserved here railwaywhere the walking train runs. The winding road behind each turn is tatting breathtaking views. Upon the bottom of the canyon flows the river Kurdzhips.

Here is also a horizontal cleft at an altitude of about 70 m, deep enough and high, so that the vacationers can stroll through it, go, and sometimes even smash the tent. From here, an incredible view of the mesma surroundings is opened, the photo is unable to pass all the magnificence.

Hiking guests get here using different trails - depending on physical preparation and personal preferences. But all the roads are extremely beautiful, there are many different plants and trees. Visit this natural observation deck Leave an indelible impression.

Mesmari waterfalls

Near Mesma, in the thick of the forest, river cascades and caves are hiding. Be sure to visit the lunar waterfalls on the Alabastra River. They are in the end of spring, when the most fulfilled. It makes pleasant cool from the water, and the noise soothes. Lifting to these objects is long, but simple. It is worth considering that the trail becomes slippery in crude weather and it will take more effort and caution for its conquest.

A little away from the mesma is no less popular waterfalls. The path to them is difficult, but the effort is worth. As a reward for perseverance, the most impressive creations of Mother Nature will appear. In winter, the frozen streams of water turn them into a real fairy tale from ice. It is surprising that water continues to flow inside the ice bumps.

Having passed along the trail through the sump forest, travelers will meet Waterfall Isichenko. The path to it is not the easiest, in places the path passes at a dangerous distance from cliffs. The 15-meter giant surrounds beautiful rocks covered with moss, as if velvet. Its main feature is that the aqueous flow follows from the cave of the same name. It was almost not investigated, as the siphon does not allow to deepen into it - the first 20 m of its total length is available.

Canyon Dry beam has an impressive size, the height of its walls reaches 100 m. The river running along the bottom of the river envelopes large stones, and the thresholds forms mini-cascades. On the way there is enough big waterfallThe name of Javorov. Height of cascade drop of water jets 50 m.

What else should you see?

In fact, attractions near the mesma countless amount - you need a little effort, and all the wonders of this edge will appear before their eyes.

Well, those who are not ready to make a thorny ways can visit the Museum of a forge business, which opened in 2008 to visit here it will be interesting to adults and children. Exhibits tell the history of the development of blacksmith, coolant and carpentry skill in the town. It is noteworthy that guests can try themselves as masters.

The village is also very interesting from a historical point of view. The age of trees in the teesosshite grove reaches 2 million years. The Mesmian grave is known for the fact that the burial site of the Sarmatian War was found here. And in one of the caves of the surroundings, scientists found a well-preserved skeleton of the Neanderthal child.

Where can I eat - cafes and restaurants

After active walks, lifts and shower overflowing hunger. You can eat in the Cafe "Formula" located on the target of the same name. You will find a wide range of Caucasian and Russian cuisine dishes, comprehensive lunches.

Since the infrastructure of Mesma is not very developed, we recommend paying attention to recreation centers in the surrounding area where there is a cafe. For example, "Mountain Kuban" and many others.

The experienced tourists say that in the village there are a couple of cafes and canteens, where you can eat. But it is better to take products with you and choose an object of accommodation with kitchen or complex food.

How to get there (get there) to mesma?

The only bus that goes to Mesmai is departed from on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 14:00, on Saturday at 13:00. But you can get to P. Guamka, however, about 10 km will have to either overcome on foot, or look for travelers.

By car yourself to reach the village of Absheronsk, the easiest way to do so:

For tourists who prefer an active, saturated rest in the Krasnodar Territory, the village of Mesmai provides endless opportunities. Capturing tourist routesImpressive nature, many popular and hidden leaves vivid impressions and charge you with positive energy. In conclusion, we offer a video clip described above, pleasant viewing!

Mesmay is rich in waterfalls, but these two are the most famous - university waterfall and Chinarev Waterfall. They are located far from Mesma, closer to the neighboring Khutur Russian. You can reach here either on foot, or order a throwing. But if you have a car with increased permeability (the Parcatenik will fit), then you can take almost until the farmhouse of Russian, hence the waterfalls are not so far.

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44.199074 , 40.037532 Mesmay is rich in waterfalls, but these two are the most famous - university waterfall and Chinarev Waterfall. In the summer, they are full, and in the winter turn into icicles. Description (calculate the route)

Waterfall "Works" round yearAnd in the winter turns into a huge icicle - a very interesting sight. The most complete it is, of course, in the spring. To the water flow, if desired, can be suitable to swim in it.

There is a waterfall in a kilometer of the way from the beginning of the fifth of the Mesmai River - the creek of the burner beam. In some sources, the attraction is also called the waterfall on the burner beam. The name of the waterfall was given by the students of the KubSU, who passed the practice in these places. At the foot of the waterfall there is a big bath in which it is pleasant to swim. The height of the waterfall reaches 20 m.

How to get?

In Mesmai, there is a good asphalt road, but in the village of the Way of Broken. When it is raining, it is almost impossible to move on the mesma on low urban cars. But to see the university and Chinarev waterfalls, to travel to the village and do not need. As soon as they saw a sign on a white background, look left to the left, in the direction of the village of Temmolessky. You don't need to travel in the village itself, pass further, towards a small settlement called the Russian farm. As soon as the road surface ceases to please you, leave the car, then you need to walk on foot.

Here is a track from the place where you can drive by car to Chinarev, and then University Waterfall:

Distance - 3.5 km.

Height set - about 200 m.

Go straight through the Russian farm, at the main drone. When the village ends, the road leads to the forest. Owners of SUVs can take directly before the pedestrian trail. From the last houses of the Farm of Russian before the start of descent to waterfalls - 700 meters. You need to continue to go along the dirt road to the development. On the fork, choose the road that leads to the right, still a little bit, and there will be an overview platform on which the monument is established. From here down the path on the stairs in the rocks. For convenience, the railing was passed here. Literally after 200 meters, the traveler sees the first waterfall - Chinarev.

Having passed as if under the waterfall, the trail goes to the other side of the gorge and leads further. Hence the university waterfall near a kilometer.

Locals are called Mesmai "Bear Corner", and this is right: in such forests, the bear is the easiest to walk, and not a person. Here once was last stronghold Circassians in battle with Russian and Turks. Later, the land was sent to the Kuban Cossack tiles. And today in Mesmai, many people come tourists. Someone pulls into the mountains, someone comes for creative inspiration, artists adore local landscapes, and parapsychologists are connected to space and try to solve the secrets of the universe.

But this is superfluous

    Vacation in the hotel-castle: Booking from 5 nights - up to 20% discount! Half board, daily visit and, open pool, own beach. Nearby concert hall New Wave Hall, where from 24 to 29 August 2019 is held an international competition "New Wave".

How to get

The village of Mesmay is located in the Absheron district of the Krasnodar Territory. From large settlements It is separated by the following distances: from Krasnodar - 180 kilometers, from Maykop - 80, from Absheronsk - 60 kilometers.

You can get here in two ways - on a personal car and flight bus. In the first case, you need to get to the village of Nizhny Novgorod, and from it - on the Mesmai on the dirt road. The buses go to Absheronsk, from where you can get to the mesma on the watch, and to the village of Guamka, from which approximately 10 kilometers it will be necessary to go through the gorge.


Mesmay is a small village with a population of less than a thousand inhabitants. Therefore, transport here is absolutely not needed. All walk on foot. If necessary, you can contact the neighbors who have a car - will take it where you want. In general, in the mesma for many occasions it is necessary to contact local residents, because the infrastructure in the village is not so what.

Weather in Mesmai

Kitchen and restaurants

In the vicinity of Mesma there are several cafes where you can have a cheap snack. But the easiest way to buy food yourself or eat in a mini-hotel where you stopped. If you live in the private sector, you must negotiate in advance who will cook - you or the owners for an additional fee.

The shops

There are several large stores with a good assortment in the village. True, fresh bread will be taken in a day. But there are no problems with vegetables, dairy products, honey and herbs that sell in the bazaar local residents.

Also in the village work mail, pharmacy and library. Suddenly someone from tourists will want to read Daria Donzov or Lion Tolstoy in the mountains. There are no refueling and car service in the mesma, so try to make your car be broken. Otherwise, here you can get stuck for a long time.

Mesma hotels

In Mesma, you can rent a hotel, rent a room in the private sector or live in campsite. In the village there is enough small hotels that can accommodate at an adequate price - on average, the day of accommodation will cost 800 RUB. It is necessary to book places in advance, this rule is especially true festive days Like the first or new year. Prices on the page are shown in September 2018.

In the private sector, housing is cheaper. Accommodation with a small set of amenities will cost 350-450 RUB per person. You can even remove the house for the whole year if you intend to study the beauty of the Mesmarian nature for a long time.

The most famous camping village is "Zavadova Polyana". Intellectuals are loved here - poets, artists, writers. Acknowledgment of the near Moscow reseller. Here you can put a tent. Well, convenience - appropriate camping.

2 Things that need to be done in the mesma

  1. Meet the otherworldly forces - Mesmai is considered one of the most mysterious places in Russia. There is a "cosmodrome" here - a place where people charge the energy of the universe. Local residents have become accustomed to the fact that in the forest you can meet with strange subjects. But visitors are afraid of guests from the other world. But, if you behave calmly and do not be injured, the meeting with them will be peaceful.
  2. Getting to the Festival of the author's song "under pears" - In this name, intellectual irony feels. The festival is held every year. He collects hundreds of fans of a bard song. Forest, Mountains, Fresh Portwine, Barabashiki - What else is needed for creativity?

Entertainment and Attractions Mesma

Most attractions of mesma - natural origin. The exception is one museum and parking person, and then ancient.

Museum "Blacksmithing Cuban"

This museum talks about blacksmith craft. Here are the works of masters with registered stamps, genuine instruments and family photos. The museum allows you to dive into the atmosphere of 18-19 centuries: each visitor can feel like a blacksmith and participate in the process of manufacture, from the workpiece to the finished product.

The central place is occupied by a blacksmith workshop, recreated by the type of constructions of the late 19th century. Moreover, big place The museum occupies a collection of traditional woodworking: wheel, cooler and carpentry craft.

Mount Lenin

This mountain in honor of the leader of the world proletariat was called local residents - if you look at it in the morning or evening hours, you can see the familiar profile of Vladimir Ilyich. This mountain has a kind of wide crest without a pronounced peak. Here two slopes of rocks are stretched, between which a wooded bow is.

In the cliffs of the mountain are the slant of its tile Upper Mountain limestones, and rare karst formations are found. The slopes of "Lenin" are covered with a dub-grab or beech forest with admixture of maple, linden and with an undergrowth of azaleas, hazelnogany, Kizyl. In autumn, the forest looks unmatched!

Gum gorge

This gorge is one of the most beautiful places In the mountains of the Caucasus. It can be compared with the geological and botanical museum under open sky. The gorge extended by 3 kilometers, and the Kurdzhips River is carried by him.

Each layer of limestone in the gorge has its own color - green, gray, red, yellow. Beauty emphasize waterfalls flowing along the rocks. In winter, they freeze, protecting the walls of the gorge from bad weather. Also, the Gum's gorge is famous for various trees and shrubs, some plants - several hundred years. It is especially beautiful in the spring when Jasmine and Rhododendron begins to bloom.

Parking of an ancient man

This place is located in two glades from the "Lagonaki" camp, walking about 2.5 kilometers on foot. Parking is a grotto where archaeologists installed the table and shops. People once lived here. In those days, in these places there were practically no forest - only meadows.

Under the grotto there is a gorge - dry Kurdzhips. Grotto himself is located in the middle of the rock, hanging over the gorge.

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