Creek of the Big Ruffaggo (RFABGO waterfalls). RFABGO waterfalls, Adygea Waterfalls Rufaggo

Travelers who come to the Republic of Adygea are definitely visited by a picturesque corner of nature - a deep gorge, an ancient tectonic spill, located next to the village of the stone-beam. Here, the ruffaggo stream, the left tribium of the well-known turbulent waters of the river Belaya, cuts the rock wall of the Asian-Tau Ridge. It proceeds into the gorge with characteristic cool slopes, grottoes, stone terraces and reaching 150 meters in height by rock corridors. The stream carries its waters among the accused by the colchis ivy cliffs, falls from the rocks, creating a surprising cascade of various waterfalls of Rufaggo in his own peculiar beauty. Stunning beauty water world Rufaggo Gorge is presented here for fifteen wearing poetic names, waterfalls. They are led by a trail equipped with handrails, as well as the route is equipped for the convenience of tourists by the walkways and stairs.


Every time of year provides the ability to traveler to see Rufaggo waterfalls in a unique, underlined by the colors of the season, beauty. In the spring, they are many times and their noise is heard from afar, in the summer, crystal waters of cascades sparkle in the sun with the colors of the rainbow and play sunlight on the foliage of bamboo forests. In the fall, the waterfalls calm, they are shallow water, and their jets are thrown down the gold foliage gold, and in the winter in the gorge reigns in the beauty of winter, grown huge icicles, the water is covered with an icy crust and only the melodic sound of water pulsating in an ice maze, violates snowy silence.

The most beautiful in these places are recognized by waterfalls, called the local residents, the heart of Rufaggo, Cascade and Maiden Kosa.

Waterfall noise Fully justifies its name, since water flows falling from the six-meter height long before the fabulous picture of the waterfall appears in front of the eyes, where the water dust is hanging in the air mountain Lake jet of roaring stream. The relief allows everyone to climb the noise to the "top" and stand on the very edge of the cliff to feel the fascinating power of the movement of water.

After a few hundred meters from noise, you can see a small waterfall called " Cascade", But among themselves, tourists are affectionately called" baby ". This waterfall is a fun jumping on the stone steps of water flows in the form of three cascades-throtts. Having gone through the" steps "of a jet of cascades, extended a wide water loop, fall into a deep stone bowl. To the left of the tourist trail leading to the waterfall, the picturesque landscape of a mountain spring, which runs off with a cold stream along the rocky ladder.

Pearl tourist route The majestic water flow is recognized for RFABGO waterfalls " Heart Rufabgo". Named a waterfall with such a romantic name due to the fact that on the way of water flows lies huge sizes of a stone block, with their shape reminiscent of the heart. Water" Heart Rufabgo "is divided into a stone obstacle to two threads that are broken into the canyon, creating a ringing echo, Which is spread, hitting the rocks of the moss of the rock.

Waterfall " Maiden Kosa"It is the highest in the gorge, its narrow jets fall down from the height of fifteen meters. The natural well created by a waterfall reaches ten meters, and its depth is two and a half meters. Water in this lake is worried, constantly slowly rotating, and stands to touch the streams. Lower ledge, as they rush down the thin layer of limestone sparkling in the sun cascade.


The rifabgo streams with a stream of Bachulin and in these places there is a rock, with three sides wearing a monolithic wall. On her top you can see the remains of an ancient fortress.

Waterfall "Noise" Tourists can visit the "Through" cave, where various religious rites were conducted in antiquity.

How to get

Russia, Republic of Adygea, P. Kamennikovostsky

For the entrance to the gorge at the checkout, located at the Bridge across the White River, take a fee of 80 rubles. The bridge for tourists is equipped with a glade, where cafes are standing, souvenir shops, rides and leisure gazebos.

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RFABGO waterfalls. 1 waterfall- "noise"

Not far from Hajoha there is a gorge where it flows extraordinary beauty Creek called Rufaggo. There are many legends why he has such a name. One of them says that Rufabgo is the name of the Giant, which lived in the local places. He did not give peace at night, never local residents. Therefore, one day, young young man decided to fight a giant. And he won: pulled out a heart from the enemy's chest and threw it into the gorge. The petrified heart blown out the stream, which was proceeded and there was a beautiful waterfall on this place. Since then, the stream has the name of Rufabgo, and the stone that there is lying - the heart of the giant.

Every year, thousands of tourists visit the waterfalls formed from the Rufaggo stream (there are several of them). In order to see these waterfalls, you do not need to apply a lot of effort. For example, the first of them is "noise", you can meet just 10-15 minutes from the Khajokh (Kammony) - Dakhovskaya. It is worth only to get closer to this place - you immediately hear the noise of water. The waterfall is located in such a place, which is the leader in staying tourists near it (the beautiful green glade is located nearby). Water flows from a height of approximately five meters fall straight into the lake. To get from one waterfall to another, it is worth passing the way through the gorge, along the stream, overcoming forest debris and stones. Although the road is not simple - but very interesting. AT The present moment in difficult places laid a metal road with handrails.

Adygean waterfalls Rufabgo are one of the most popular and most visited places visited by tourists. Along the flow of the Rufaggo River, each other, you can observe incredible waterfalls (their number is seven). Their height reaches from five to fourteen meters. Well, if you go along the trail, on which thousands of people went, you can go to the huge size of the hanging rock. Under it was formed no less huge grotto. It does not matter what time of year, but in this place always reigns dry and windless weather. Not far is a wonderful, beech forest - an unusually beautiful view, plus the freshest air.

The first waterfall of Rufabgo visits the most tourists. Beautiful view On the water that falls from six meters directly to the lake and the luxurious green glade opposite (people burned her many centuries ago) - attracts thousands of people every year. As for the second waterfall, "cascade", it is more modest than the previous one, therefore is deprived of all the attention. The third pass is very difficult. In the middle, the river bed blinks the unusable sizes of a stone, which nature, for a long time, was forgotten in the form of a gigantic heart. If you look right, you can see, as a narrow stream of blue chilling water drops straight into a deep gorge. The structure of the cliffs of this gorge is quite interesting: limestone plates, which frightened moss and thanks to which the echo is formed, the horizontally one is folded. You probably guessed already that this is the waterfall and called the "heart of Rufabgo".

Movement further, for the third waterfall, it is possible to blame how the gorge becomes wider and opens a beautiful view. In the lake of a small size, from the height of a five-storey house, water flows a long narrow ribbon. Oddly enough, the name of this Waterfall "Maiden Spit" (the former name "laughs"). Most tourists do not realize that it is not worth stopping their way on this waterfall. There are four of them ahead. But in order for your path to be more comfortable, be sure to get into sportswear.

Where Bachurina and Rufabgo streams merge into a single whole, there is a high rock. From three sides, it breaks down a huge monolithic wall. Long ago, on top of this cliff, stood inaccuable fortress. Today, it remained only small remains for which you can easily understand what kind of power it was once. Large rocky wovers at the foot of this cliff, all sorts of jet, stone maze open the way to very unusual waterfalls called "maiden braids." The name is quite consistent with appearance: amazing beauty bunk waterfall.

At any time of the year, the beautiful Waterfall "Devicious Spit" has a special and unique appearance. It all begins in the spring when its water is distinguished by their depth and incredible noise, as if they make it clear that they woke up from the hibernation. In the summer - the waterfall is similar to a beautiful moving rainbow. In the fall, he becomes quiet and thoughtful, as if to prepare for the onset of cold weather.

In winter, Adygean waterfalls are covered with a transparent layer of ice, which glitters in the sun, like a gem. And it is worth only to pour the wind - you immediately hear the melody, which everyone perceives for himself in different ways.

We passed only to 4 waterfall, although large waterfalls on Rufabgo numbered 8. Not everyone comes to the last waterfall. But if you decide, reserve patience, food, come in the morning and forward to all the beauties of Rufabgo!

More photos - in the section "Photo" of the project "Virtual Korenovsk"

Have a nice trip

Another star landmark of Hajoha is magnificent Ruffaggo waterfalls. 7 of the 15 RFABGO waterfalls are easily accessible, plus you can make a small hook and go to the waterfall on the Bachurina stream. It is all the magnificence in a pair of kilometers south of the stone-beam. The place is very popular and on the weekend from the waterfalls everything is forced by cars and tourist buses.

There are always a lot of people on the trail. Energy here is simply amazing, nature endowed this site Caucasian Gor. amazing beauty. Rufaggo's stream in its lower current is framed by steep cliffs up to 150 meters high and is the greatest interest, since all the largest and beautiful waterfalls Focused here. Before the waterfall "Lace" trail is fully equipped: steps, railing, urns. You can safely take with you even young children, many, by the way, did.

At the very mouth of Rufabgo, there was a waterfall "three brothers", I was not on it, and immediately went to the six-meter noise, which is considered the first Ruffaggo waterfall.

The path from "noise" to the next Waterfall "Kid" or "Cascade", perhaps the most saturated and picturesque. The trail goes along the very bottom of the gorge, and the left and the right rummage of the cliffs are towers ...

On the rocks of flowers.

The stream lives with thresholds and rolling.

And in the stream live frogs.

And you live all this beauty !!! For all these things, the main thing is not to miss the "baby", so he attached three-fold, our!

Many people offend him, do not notice and scratch straight to the third Waterfall "Heart Rufabgo". It is gloomy, mysterious and very picturesque. The legend says that he lived in the world. The glorious young man Hadjokh, who, with the help of a mesma wizard, I froze the giant Juligan Rufabgo, took his heart from his chest and threw in the stream. Subsequently, the heart fired and formed a waterfall.

For the "heart of Rufabgo" the walls of the gorge retreat and form a huge stone bag, where the waterfall "lace" is lowered from a 15-meter height. In my opinion - this is the most spectacular from Rufabgo waterfalls!

To the right of the "lace" is cool up a trail to long-range waterfalls. It is no longer equipped, but marked. It is not difficult to go through it. But ... um, let's say, most of the people stick to the "lace" and does not go further.

And if it is for garlic, a gray mass is lazy, Bzzit, comes up with excuses for myself and others and go back. And this is good! Further the people becomes significantly less, and the number of interesting characters among them increases significantly. A hundred meters along the path to the right begins the steep rise "with light steam", and the path to the waterfall goes to the other side of the stream to the left. Soon in Rufabgo poured the inflow - the stream of Bachurina. There is a huge rock "Sail" on their merger. It is completely impossible to sfotkat, that's just the edge grasped.

I went upside down Bachurina a little and rested in a stone bag with a waterfall.

Then I returned to the "sail" and continued to rise in Rufaggo. Meters after 200 came to the tandem of the waterfalls "Bowl of Love" and "Devicious Spit". The distance between them is just 40-50 meters. There are parking spaces and remains of fire. In general, many go here with backpacks, tents and spend the night in these amazing places. Energy is simply crazy - forget about everything in the world and just sit meditating, contemplate the waterfall. If you get here to visit here, I will definitely take the projectile and do not go straight from the waterfall ...

Fifth Waterfall "Bowl of Love".

To get to the sixth waterfall, you need to get closed on a leaning log on a 4-meter ledge. It is not as difficult as it seems - on the log there is a clogging for the support of your feet. For the "bowl of love" the 9-meter "Maidesty braids" spread. Here is a very complex light for photography. The best shots can be removed immediately after sunrise. And in general, I recommend photographers to visit Rufabgo waterfalls in the first half of the day, the earlier those better. After lunch, the light on most of the plots becomes the opposite.

Free penetration

You can get on the waterfalls in two ways. A paid, paying 400 rubles (children's ticket - 200) at the checkout at the bridge over the White River. And for free, having passed from Khajochskaya tested on a hut path a couple of kilometers upstream white. The advantages of the free path in addition to saved funds are that along the way you can admire white. An open to which will be left of you.

And on the rocks hanging over you, which will be right.

Then the path will go on a picturesque beech forest and will be released on the main path of Ruffaggo waterfalls, labeled like this.

1. As I have already written, there is a pathway bypass, I marked her beginning on the map.

2. RFABGO waterfalls are conveniently combined with inspection. In this case, you will need to spend the night in. Hotels in which you can look after
3. Travel Agency offers a bright and rich trip to Adygea to the program of which includes a descent on a waterfall in a waterfront - the so-called canyoning.

Rufaggo's waterfalls are located in the territory of the Republic of Adygea, two kilometers from the village of Kamennichenostsky (which is also called Hajokh). Located on the orography of the left of the white river.

The route to them is equipped with stairs, walkways and handrails. For the entrance takes a fee, something about 80 rubles. But the abusive cashier stands on the bridge through white, directly opposite the merge of the stream and white. You can go from Hajoha for free. To do this, you need to switch the car bridge in the village, leading to the left bank of white and go about two kilometers along the edge of Khajohskaya tested. On the way there will be an influx (Mesmian Creek) with waterfalls located on it. And in front of him hanging rock with grottoes, along which it is necessary to go through a narrow shelf above the cliff, adhering to the stretched cables. Soon there will be numerous parking lots and first tours, fried kebabs.

Here is the first waterfall of the height of the meter of four. Next climb the stairs and go along the stream. A lot of small watercraft height up to meter. After a few hundred meters, approach the "Heart Rufabgo" stone. The name to him and actually waterfalls gave a legend:

Long ago in the cave, located in the local gorge, there was an evil sorcerer and a giant Rufabgo. He posted a terrible tribute to all settlements in the White Valley, taking most of the crop and livestock, and that worse than just - the most beautiful girl of all village every year. With those who tried to interfere with him severely straightened, because He had a huge force, communicating with dark spirits. But once in one of the villages, a strong young man rose - Hajoch, who loved very beautiful girls And it was rightly afraid that in the spring, the Giant would come for his tribute and take her beloved. And then one kind person suggested him the way to defeat Rufaggo: you need to blind him suddenly batted with powder, cut the chest and pulling out the heart to throw it as far as possible. Other methods are not suitable - after all, on the spot of a severed arm, legs or heads immediately appeared another, even stronger. So hajokh and entered when it came to fight the giant. He scored a gigantic heart very far into the gorge and it blocked the channel, forming a powerful waterfall.

In a few hundred meters, we go to the main gem of the gorge - a waterfall lace:

Here the water falls from the layer of the rock, forming a fifteen-meter height waterfall and deep lake under him. Here you can not just plunge, but also swim in the refreshing water of the mountain river. In photographs, water is muddy - it is only in spring or after powerful rains. At the usual time, water, as it should be transparent.

Here the equipped trail ends. To get to the rest of the waterfalls, it is necessary to climb up a very cool path, go through the stream of ving and continue moving, focusing on the blue marks on the trees (marking). After eight hundred meters you will come to Rufaggo waterfalls. RFABGO, because The previous ones formally are on the Bachurina stream, which is poured by the Rufaggo's stream. There are several more waterfalls of different heights.

á Description and photo - admin.


Message from:
Almost every year there I go, - Beauty!

Message from: Vera Mironova
I was there ... Great

Message from:
Republic of Adygea, pos. Kamennikova.

Message from: Oksana
Very nice, but I advise you to better visit Hadhokhskaya Tesnin and Lago-Naki_

Message from: Anastasia
Waterfalls are beautiful! It makes sense to take a comprehensive tour, with a cave, Lago-Naki, alloy, waterfalls and cramped.

Message from: Helena
the most wonderful place on the whole earth !!!

Message from: Karim.
Was there recently, impressions are indescribable!

Message from: Svetlana
I'm there often, but the most beautiful and interesting waterfalls - This is the fifth ("bowl of love") and the sixth "maiden braids"), for the sake of them worth passing 800 m, besides, they are near each other

Message from: Alya
And I will go there, November 3, 2011 Departure))))) With Astrakhan

Message from: Anastasia.
And how to order a full boss complex? Maybe there is a phone? Cost?

Message from: Catherine
Amazing place! What beauty created our nature!

Message from: Olya
89183112969 Hope. I went with her, very good excursion. And not expensive))

Message from: Denis Chesnokov
Waterfalls 16th. Passed the stream completely. Essay about it is online on the Internet, routes and a private blog, with photos and coordinates.

Message from: Julia
Very nice! I advise everyone! Were from 02.05.13. Be sure to pick up the path near the maiden braids, beautiful species open there)
And by the way, it is possible to get to the caves not only by passing the generic Circassian gardens, but also by the side of the pass, if you go (do not cross it!) Along the ridge towards the lifting with the maiden braid. Caution! There is a very narrow track, in some places you need to "scold legs" and cuddle to the sheer cliff! Height is impressive)

Message from: Olga
Often here are, favorite places! There is a special energy here ... so affectionate, loving, holy .. against the bridge over white there is a gorge of the bag. It is interesting to pass and riding and down. ancient caves in The ancient people lived. There were a huge number of their guns. We are found, at least three. Who loves the mountains, you will definitely visit Elbrusye. With Polyana Chegenet, you can climb a fellow self-troops to the city of Schegeet, and to Elbrus to half Easy (walking).. Fed is more interesting than on the rope.

Message from: Elena Gusev
I also passed all the waterfalls .. The bowl of love is just a miracle of some kind! I want to come in winter to Lago Naki .. skiing ride ...

Message from: Anna
This is an amazing place, be sure to come. Beauty in primeval form. I just fell in love with this place.

Message from: IRINA
Was here in winter! Beauty indescribable! Fabulous place!

Message from: Alexander and Irina
Were there in October 2013. Unforgettable impressions. Two weeks again there. Pos. Kamennikovsky camping comfort. Excellent service.

Message from: Sergeant
It was several times, every time as the first. Assistant unforgettable, I will come back.

Message from: Shunya
People, walked along the forest road of forest marks parallel to the river, on which Rufabgo, to the children's last waterfall. Started from the Turkish bazaar. There is no this waterfall there and the path to it either. They extended and also no, as on the map is drawn, paths along the river, there is a break or go on Vyhod. We must try to go as described here in the article. That is lower to the river. But on top there is a couple of high seats, the view is good there. Or go until the middle of the way and turn to Bachurina a stream and there is no sense, I think there and you can walk along the river to the bowl of love.

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Next to the village of Kamennikov, there are waterfalls Rufabgo. We visited them in June.

They are a monument of nature of republican significance.

Named by the name of the stream on which are located. The stream stretches along the Asian Tau Ridge, is the left tributary of the river white.

View of the river White from the bridge upstream

Before the fifth waterfall, the girl's maiden is held equipped route. It begins at the bridge over white. Passage to the bridge is paid. At the entrance - the ticket office.

View of the river White from the bridge downstream

The first waterfall is three brothers visible from the bridge.

View of the White River from the bridge. On the right, the waterfalls are seen three brothers

Three parallel to each other Water jets of the stream of the big rifabgo fall from a small cliff to the white river.

RFABGO waterfalls. Three brothers

The second waterfall is located 250 meters from the bridge. It is called noise, reflecting his character.

Waterfall noise

Down to it leads a metallic staircase.

Staircase to the waterfall noise

The height of the waterfall is 6 meters, under it - a bowl. Probably, at another time here is full of bathing. But after the rain, the water waters, who wanted to climb it.

I have a waterfall noise

Excursion equipped route less than 1.5 kilometers one way. Complete this distance on the gorge is not so simple, especially after the rain. On the way - many obstacles in the form of puddles, roots on the road, slippery stone natural stairs and narrow passes that visitors crowded.

Ruffaggo's stream quiet. With a lion profile on the stone 🙂

in places - turns into stormy streams of muddy water.

Rucha Rufabgo Stormy

They also saw a large stone frog, sitting near the Lopukhova Polyana.

Stone frog

They walked over bridges above the stream.

Through the glade coated with root carpets.

Along the stone walls, as if folded from bricks.

Along the stream along the paved path.

Cascascular waterfall

Here is the gorge shock. Giant stones, narrow passes between them.

Cool stony trails ...

Legend of Heart Rufaggo

Ruffaggo's heart reached the waterfall. From the bridge - 1,270 meters.

The flow of water envelopes a huge stone block, resembling the outlines of the heart. The stone is composed of a legend.

Waterfall Heart Rufabgo

Once in these parts people lived happily. But in a deep gorge settled by the evil giant Rufaggo and began to oppress the inhabitants of Aul. Pick up half of the harvest and the rating from livestock and birds. Then she looked at all, began to demand local girls in a slave.

Men decided to kill a giant. But he was immortal. Even if his heart pierced the arrow, did not die.

The young men went to the sage, living on Mount Fisht. He said: "You can only kill the giant and blinding it and pulling the heart." And gave a miraculous powder, which should be thrown in the eye of the villain.

The brave hunter named Hajokh went to battle with a giant. I was sought and threw a handful of powder in the face of Rufabgo. Then I pick him up my chest, pulled out my heart and threw in the gorge. He had a hot heart, but the water of the stream quickly cooled him and it francated.

We go past kissing stones.

True, it seems that the stones kiss?

Again the stone steps up.

At the top of the staircase - a giant petrified face, see?

Closes the excursion equipped route Waterfall Maiden Kosh (lace).

Before him from the bridge over the White River - 1,420 meters.

RFABGO waterfalls. Maiden Spit. He is a lace

This waterfall is high, about 15 meters.

Under it is a huge bowl with water similar to a small lake.

Our children have a waterfall Rufabgo Maiden Skit

We came after heavy rain. Water was brown and muddy.

Impressions from Ruffaggo waterfalls

After the excursion trail ends, then the protopantana is a wild trail. The fact is that there are several more waterfalls and thresholds on the stream, including large - dry (20 meters high) and the grandiose (15 meters). But the path already at the very beginning is so cool and slippery that after the rain, we have not decided to climb on it.

The route left two impression. On the one hand, nature is always beautiful, and we are big lovers. On the other hand, it is necessary to walk here not after the rains. It is much more pleasant to admire pure water than muddy dirty flows.

I did not like that in many places after the rain, the stones are incredibly slippery and not the fact that there is no railing - even some wire or rope, for which it could be kept, missing. Taking into account the fact that people have a lot, it takes time to miss everyone, and have time to slip through all this dirt, stones and slippery places ...

There is no longer so much pleasure from the walk as simply constant forcing obstacles. We went pretty easily, although sometimes my husband filed his hand to children, so as not to fall on slippery stones. And on older people and parents with little kids, it was a pity.

Tips for travelers.Be sure to wear convenient sports shoes. Preferably sneakers. Watch out children! AT dangerous places Keep your hand. Do not let the edge of the cliffs.

How to find waterfalls Rufaggo.There are south of the village. If you go to the side of Dakhovskaya, the waterfalls will be directly on the road to the right pair of kilometers from the village. Keep in mind the parking is small. If you arrive not early in the morning, you have to leave the car on the side of the narrow road.

Coordinates: N 44 ° 15'39.1 ", E 40 ° 12'3.9".

How much is: A ticket for an adult - 300 rubles, children under 14 years old - 150 rubles, children under 5 years old - free.

RFABGO waterfalls, 2015 summer prices

You can get there and free if you go from the Kamennikovsky on the left river Belaya from Khajohskaya tested. We did not go on this route. They say there is a very cool descent. Yes, and just not to look for time. So if someone went - unsubscribe where the beginning of the trail and how cool it is. Better coordinates.

All materials of the site "Roads of the World" - author. Large please do not take articles and photos without the written permission of the author and the site administration.

© Galina Shefer, the site "Roads of the World", 2018. Copying text and photo is prohibited. All rights reserved.

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