Where the lavender grows in France. Lavender bloom in France

What associations are France? Well, of course, with the famous, the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady and endless lavender fields. It is according to the expanses covered with the luxury of blooming lavender, we offer to go on a trip.

When blooms lavender in Provence?

The lavender flowering time in Provence comes from mid-June to the beginning of August. Blooming lavender colors natural landscapes of Provence with amazing paints. During this period, it is here, in France, on the lavender fields of Provence, you can see all the varieties of shades of purple color: from light-purple to Iscin-black.

How to get to lavender fields in Provence, France?

Lavender fields Located in the northern part of Provence: in the tourist area, Drom-Provence and the Department of Valley, as well as in the Alps of the Upper Provence. Getting to these places is best on the car: along the tracks A7 and A9 before Valtuza, along the tracks A7 and A49 - to the region of the DRO, according to the A51 motorway - to the Alps of the Upper Provence.

Lavender fields in Provence, France - What to see?

To visit all fields with Lavend in Provence, not one week will be required. The most extensive plantings are concentrated in the village of Villan Banon. You should not deprive the coming settlements: Arles, ex-en-provence, APT. Also worth visiting the town of Valensole. This place is called the romantic of Provence, where lovers of fragrant lavender will feel just excellent. On the way from Valencole to the city of Gord, the famous Abbey de Sankan is located. You can get into this abbey only three times a day in a clearly defined time. Excursion around the territory of the abbey takes more than an hour and costs 7 euros. As the tourist reviews that have visited this excursion, only a real connoisseur of architecture can withstand it. In addition, in Provence during the flowering period, lavender fields open their doors for tourists farms engaged in the cultivation of various medicinal and aromatic plants, factories and plants specializing in the processing of lavender. By visiting the factory excursion, you can see the entire process of production of essential oils and perfumes. Around the next way, the doors of the shops and shopkeepers, offering a huge amount of its production goods, are hospitably, offering a huge amount of production of its production: pads stuffed with dried lavender, lavender honey and soap.

French writer Jean Jiono said: "Lavender - the soul of Provence." And it is truly so, because it is impossible to present the south of France without its picturesque lavender fields. The period of flowering of the so-called "blue gold" lasts from June to August, depending on the variety, climate and location. Fields of blooming lavender decorate the landscapes of Provence with chants with chapels - from smoky-purple to Iscin-purple. The color of the plant determine the time of flowering and weather in the region.

The concentration of the articular species themselves, including laid in the middle of fields, farms and colorful villages tourist routesis mainly in the northern part of the province. Predated lilac fields, covered with little neat houses and trees, attract photographers and artists in the local places from all over the world, each of whom seeks to capture the beauty of Provencal landscapes in their creations.

Lavender belongs to the family of clear, which includes mint, rosemary, basil, sage, mayoran, Melissa and other plants. There is an assumption that she arose on Canary Islands or on the territory of Persia (modern Iran). Regardless of where the aromatic lilac flower began its beginning, during his existence he managed to accumulate a rather rich history. In the Middle Ages, an ancient Greek civilization attributed a lavender to "noble plants", and the Romans used it for washing and called "Lavandula". The name happened from the Latin word "Lava", which is translated as "wash". Later in Rome, they found a way to extract lavender oil and began to use it in perfumery and pharmacology.

Today, in the largest volumes, the lavender is grown in Provence. A few more than a few years ago, the collection and sale of the crop were exclusively female classes, and men, as a rule, were engaged in other agricultural work. To create large floral plantations often accounted for hiring workers. In 1952, with the advent of harvesting machines, the processing of lavender fields was significantly eased, and up to this point the entire harvest was going to manually with the help of a sickle. Today, the Blue Gold is cultivated by many farmers, most of which live exclusively by its cultivation, improving the quality and type of plant.

In Provence lavender symbolizes local history and beauty. Despite the rather high annual harvest, in the native edges it always is applied in various fields. The plant is regularly used to create cosmetics, perfumery, soap, and some restaurants even apply it in the preparation of original dishes to add local cuisine Special charm. In such establishments, try the lavender taste you can, ordering a lavender sorbet, cookies or honey.

In vivo in the famous historical area France, Provence, two types of lilac plants grow - Lavendern and Lavender. Lavendern grows on the fields lying at a height below 600 meters above sea level. It is usually designed for functional perfumery - the manufacture of soap, cream and cleaning agents. Lavender grows at an altitude of more than 700-800 meters. It is mainly grown to create essential oils. The saturated fragrance and the beneficial properties of the lavender are highly appreciated by cosmetic producers and perfumes.

The flowering time of lavender fields in Provence falls in mid-June-end of August. Attending the places of growing Provencal Lavender is best in July, when flowering reaches the peak of its puff and beauty. At the end of the second summer month, harvesting begins.

In different regions, flowering of a lilac plant occurs at different times. For example, in the vicinity natural Park Luberon and the Rhone Valley she blooms from mid-June to the beginning of August. In the communes, Drom Provence and Lavender Valersol blooms in early July. Fields of the Department of Valtuz begin to fierce in mid-July.

The most picturesque lavender places of Provence include the tourist region of Drom Provence, the Department of the Alps of the Upper Provence and Vokluz, city and small villageswhich will delight tourists with their color not only in the flowering season lavender, but also round year. Often, the golden fields of wheat or sunflowers are banging next to the lilac fields, giving a common look at even greater picture.

Four kilometers from Gorda (Department of Vastuz) is an ancient abbey of the XII century Notre Dame de Senank, around which bright lavender fields lie. The cultivation of lavender is engaged in the monks here, in addition, they contain an apiary and make honey. The abbey store offers a lavender honey, dried lavender, soap and lavender perfumes for the house. Picturesque plateau Valersol, which in the Upper Provence is famous for blooming endless fields stretching to the horizon itself. In the Alps of the Upper Provence, the main lavender region, which in the south-west province, has the opportunity to go to any of the farms for the production of lavender and agree on excursions or mini-lectures on the plant from farmers. One of such farms, which has a good reputation and open to tourists, is called Chateau Du Bois (Chateau du Bois) and is located in Lagard-D-APT, which is 20 kilometers from the APTA. This farm produces cosmetic products using a lavender extract since 1890. The owners of Chateau du Bou, Sophie and Jacques Lansol, organized the Lavender Museum on the territory of their farm, which is open for almost all year round, with the exception of January. Naturally, various products containing this Provencal Lavender are offered here.

In addition to the possibility of enjoying the beauty of the lavender fields among the guests of Provence there is a chance to visit one of the many festivals that every summer pass in the region. The largest of them takes place in the village of So that in the Department of Valley, from August 15. The population of the village is only 1200 inhabitants. In the cultivation of lavender and production of all kinds of products - the main activity of the activity, so it is especially revered here. During the holiday on the territory of the settlement, bright events, fair, competitions are organized. At the festival, you can buy essential oils, lavender soap, bouquets, honey, bags with dried flowers and other products with a lavender content.

You can enjoy local attractions and flavors of the blooming fields of Provence on a bike, on foot or by car. It is most convenient to consider the surrounding landscapes by car, since such a way of movement allows you to see the most secluded corners of the province. For tourists, designed a large number of routes that can be found on the Internet spaces. When choosing a bicycle travel, you should be ready for steep climbs and descents. Lovers of real adventures are offered a walk over colorful lavender fields on hot-air balloon. Such excursions with joy are organized by everyone in Forkalcier, the Department of the Alps of the Upper Provence. In Avignon and ex-en-Provence there are many tour operators organizing one-day excursions With a visit to the lavender fields and the surrounding attractions. You can also see the purple landscapes from buses that run on the routes of the CAPPANS - CO and APT - CO. For those who are interested in staying in the heart of a lavender country, can settle in hotels and resorts of Provence, which are abounding by the endless fields of the France symbol - lavender.

Lavender fields in France (Provence, France) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Among the correspondence landscapes of the French depthion are hardly there are more concentrated than lavender fields. Going out slender fluffy stripes for the horizon, gentle-purple lavender bushes rather seems to be a wonderful carpet, where you want to fall asleep in anticipation of the magic fairy tale, rather than at all relevant to the world of flora. The chief "lavender" department of France is a picturesque Provence - can boast hundreds of square kilometers of these fantastic alien landscapes, and in July-August there is a real pilgrimage of admiring tourists.

The official capital of Lavender is the city of Sol in the Department from-Valtlyuz.

When to see

Lavender blooms in general since the end of June to mid-August, depending on the climate of the current year. In order to be guaranteed to enjoy an unforgettable spectacle, the trip should be planned for the period from the second week of July to the beginning of August. Previously, this time, if spring was cold, you will be only not remarkable buds before your eyes. Well, in August, the lavender is already collecting for further processing, so there is a risk of seeing "Niva compressed, groves goals."

To inspect the lavender fields, it is certainly worth renting a car - so you can move among the most picturesque landscapes and stop in the most picturesque places, independent of public transport.

Lavender fields, harvest

Where to go

Lavender fields are planted almost all the rural areas of Provence. It is only worth a little away from Avignon, as you find yourself among the lavender fields of one or another "intensity". In general, although Lavender here is an official symbol and the most popular decorative plant - there is no teenager, who did not put at least a bush on his flowerbed, - the fields of cultivation of lavender are located mainly in three regions of the Northern Provence: in the Alps of the Upper Provence (largest plantations), From-Vokllyuz and Drom-Provence.

In the tourism office of Provence, you can take a map of lavender roads - tourist routes laid among the richest and picturesque fields.

Alps of the Upper Provence - the undisputed leader in the number of lavender plantations. The most extensive - Valensol Valley, which actually represents a huge lavender field. Her main city Valencol in summer literally slows down in the fragrance of lavender. From there, you can go to Din-les-Ben village among the most picturesque plantations. And in the town of Kustell, you should visit the Lavender Museum, where antique distillation devices are presented and cosmetic products with lavender are for sale.

The official capital of Lavender is the city of Sol in the Department from-Valtlyuz. Its surroundings - a solid purple carpet, along which hiking routes are laid (they are marked with color pointers depending on the degree of complexity). On August 15, a colorful festival of lavender is arranged in Sole - the end of the season of her collection.

Also Lavend to admire good in Drom-Provence, but the landscapes are more diverse here - both wheat and sunflower fields come across, as well as numerous vineyards.

Departing on hiking walk Among the lavender fields, be careful and fear the bees!

Provence is one of the most popular and wonderful places in France, and not least this is due to the fact that it is here that there are charming lavender fields. To see something similar in other places and in other countries is almost impossible. If you arrive in Provence in the summer, if you go to France in summer at all, then you must see the lavender fields. This is the spectacle you remember for life. The space to the horizon, all drowning in purple, lilac, the smoke of the world - it is simply impossible to forget. Plus the fragrance, which also fills the entire district. If you saw a lavender field in the afternoon, then you have the opportunity to get extraordinary impressions when you want to look at it at dawn, at sunset. Every time of the day gives Lavender his unique charm, so it's worth spending a few days to contemplate this beauty, only then you can say that you really saw Lavender.

When Flower Lavender

Lavender blooms in summer, but in different fields of the country it blooms in different months. And this is good, because whenever you come on any summer month you will have the opportunity to enjoy this striking spectacle.

The time of flowering lavender depends, mainly from three conditions.

  • district country. In the southern regions of Lavender blooms at one time, in the north to another.
  • height above sea level. Lavender is a high-altitude plant, most varieties of lavender grow on plateaus. But some varieties grow above, some lower. You can see lavender plants at different heights, and at the same time and take a walk through the mountain serpentine. Usually, lavender and serpentine are simply inseparable from each other, because the plateaus are at high altitude. And it also adds a charm with such lavender fields and allows you to make a trip to see them with a real adventure.
  • actually variety lavender. Some varieties bloom before, some later, approximately like apple trees and other fruit trees.

All this together and determines when the lavender starts blooming. If you are gathered get a visa to france And come here to see the lavender fields, then watch the Internet at what parts of the country began bloom, and in which it ended. So you will always be confident that you will see wonderful lavender fields in all of their magnificence.

How lavender grows

Lavender grows in the fields. That is, it grows not by itself, it is grown specifically. For this reason, it usually grows with smooth rows. In France, they like order, and the lavender field is a few rows of lavender, which extends so far as the terrain allows. Not everywhere the lavender planting extends to the limits of visibility. As already mentioned, it grows in high mountainous areas And on the plateau, which are rarely extended and smooth throughout the entire length. Often lavender landing have a bizarre form to fit into the relief of local mountains. The more interesting to consider them, combining the search for lavender fields with a journey through mountain solids.

Lavender fields are more or less well-groomed depending on the caringness of the farmer, which is engaged in the cultivation of this culture, and from the technologies used by him. If the farmer responsibly comes to business, the lavender bushes are poured, there are free space between them and there are no weeds. If less responsible, then the crop lavender depends on the weather, from the presence of the sun and the rains, and weeds can germinate between the lavender bushes, for example, wild poppy. But in general, it does not spoil the paintings. What is just worth one smell that accompanies the bloom of lavender! For the sake of this smell, many are already ready to come to be next to this miracle.

Best lavender places in France

As you know, the center of all lovers of Lavender in France is traditionally considered Provence. Indeed, here most both farmers growing this plant and tourists who come to see it.

But there are at least a few centers in France, where many tourists come every year with the sole purpose - to look at how this plant blooms.

  • Valençol is one of the most famous lavender fields. Here Lavender blooms in early July - early August. This is the average for the time of flowering region. There is even a day of lavender as a special holiday, and it is celebrated in the third Sunday of July. In most cases, at this time, Lavender is just all worth in color and pleases as local residentsAnd those who specially arrived in this area or generally decided to come to live in France from another state.
  • Mount Vanta is also the most famous center for all Lavender lovers. Here the bloom of Lavender is later: the end of July is the end of August. The holiday of Lavender is celebrated on July 15.
  • Luberon is one of the most beautiful areas of France in principle. It is here that there are villages and small towns, which seemed to be made from the canvase of medieval painters. A great place for those who love nature and the absence of severe traces of human civilization. And of course, Lavend. Here she blooms in July.
  • Drome is the place where the lavender bloom is observed. The term of her flowering is shifted here on June-July. If you are in France at the beginning of the summer, it is the best placewhere you can go. Here, lavender plantings are distinguished by special gentleness, which is pleased with those who come to France for the time of flowering, and those who have already decided

Thus, you can always choose one of the listed places, if you arrive in France, and at any month of summer you will have the opportunity to choose the desired direction and go to admire Lavender. Be sure to take your family and children, or a loved one - there is no more romantic place in the world than lavender fields. And if you have already been there, then you must agree with this. Many couples come to France at this time to see the lavender fields and go to the romance, and then maybe even make a marriage in franceWhat is also very popular.

Why grow a lavender in France

It is worth noting that the cultivation of lavender is held, of course, not only for tourists who come to see how beautiful it blooms. Lavender is grown for different purposes, it is widely used, for example, in medicine, in perfumery. Another interesting property of Lavender can be called that bees make a delicious lavender honey, which is also in great demand. In other words, this plant can give a lot, so it is not surprising that it is grown throughout France.

France is one of the few countries suppliers of lavender. Just because this plant is in many meanings special. For example, it grows only in mountainous terrain, and the mountains are far from every country. At the same time, Lavender loves a mild climate, and the climate of France in this sense is very suitable. So it was in France that a lavender is grown for exports around the world, and this explains what the lavender is grown here in such quantities.

After the harvest of lavender is assembled, it will be taken to the processing plant to get from it, first of all, lavender oil, which is just used in many areas of human life. The production of different products from Lavender is the topic of a separate conversation. It is enough just to say that in very many medicines such an oil is present, it is also an aromatic oil that has many favorite. The aroma of lavender scares the mole, disinfects the air, in all respects it is a very useful plant. If you decide to come to France at the moment when the lavender blooms, then you will definitely look at it, and you definitely do not regret it.

How to inspect lavender fields

It would seem that it may be easier. But here there are several rules that it is better to stick. It is necessary in order for you everything go smoothly and you did not break any laws.

First, the lavender fields, as already mentioned, are not grown for beauty, but for sale. So this is all the private ownership of a farmer. Therefore, you should not go to the lavender fields, you should not walk between the rows without the permission of the owner or his representative, this may lead to a conflict with the law and damage to plantations. Typically along the fields always goes the road common use, on it, it is worth moving. Moreover, you should not tear the lavender without permission.

Secondly, the lavender make honey. Make his bees, which are circling over the thickets of lavender in a huge amount. So, you need to think about what can be worried. Be sure to capture the means from bee bites and from allergies. If you are allergic to bee bites, treat such an event as a visit to lavender fields, with tenfold caution. When trying to touch or disrupt the lavender plant a big chance that you will not notice a bee, and she is horrid you.

By the way, the lavender smells very strongly, and when it blooms, especially on such a scale, then this can also cause a strongest allergic reaction in predisposed people. If you are allergic, you may need to look for other options for recreation and entertainment - for example, remove the villa on the azure coast And you will not give allergic to the sand that allergies will definitely cause.

Finally, often the lavender grows in the mountains, and you will have to go through the serpentine to get to it. Be sure to be careful if you have to move in mountainous areas. Best of all the most responsible areas to overcome the day, not at night, and not exaggerate your climbing abilities and move onto a car or bike on steep descents and lifting. This will also allow you to receive only the pleasure of lavender fields without unpleasant incidents.

If you come to admire the lavender, do not forget to take a camera and a video camera with you. In most cases, you can shoot for free, as Lavender is, as already mentioned, a cultural plant that is grown for sale, and is not an attraction. If someone is trying to get money from you for the right to photograph Lavender, then it is most likely fraudsters. The fields extend on a lot of kilometers, so find the place where no one will interfere with you, and take pictures how much you want. It will be some of the most best photos In your life, because such a sight is even difficult to compare with something, it is so original and beautiful.

On many photo shoots on the Internet you can see how people lie, spreading their arms and legs, on a lavender field, or run in Lavender. Most likely, these are photos in agreement with the field owner, do not try to do the same if you have not received its permission. Imagine what you would feel if it were your field, and unfamiliar people would run on it and would blow your lavender, in which you have invested strength and money. In France, a flexible system of fines, so it is better not to risk. In addition, if you want to sit down or lie on a lavender field, always remember about the bees.

How to come to France to admire lavender

If you have a desire to come to France, in order to enjoy a lavender, it is technically not at all difficult to implement.

To begin with, you need get a visa to France. Not necessarily in this case get a visa d a visit For a long stay in France, in most cases it is quite possible to do without a short-term visa. For three months you will quite have time to come to France, plenty of lovanda and return back. If you plan to stay, then you need to receive a long visa.

Further - open a bank account in France. You need this score to take money from it throughout the time that you will live in France. And also - you will simply do not be allowed to go to the country if you do not open the score. Appeal to experts in Cofrans. Allows you to spend much less time and nerves on such formalities as the opening of a bank account - and rushing forward, to the lavender fields that you are waiting!

Do not forget to get insurance Medical Policy in France. Medical assistance may be required at any time, not only if you are horrified by bee, there are more serious situations. If you decide to pre-issue an insurance policy in France, it will give you the opportunity to not worry about anything and know that medical care You will always be free.

Having done all this, you can easily or even just for the time of flowering lavender fields. And do not doubt that Lavender will become a vivid impression in your life!

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