When is the best time to visit Finland? Beach season in Finland

Typical Finnish weather in winter, spring, summer and autumn. When is the best time to go to Finland? What clothes to take with you?

What is the usual weather in Finland?

  • The most pleasant weather in June and July
  • Winter in Finland lasts 4 months: December, January, February and March
  • The warmest month is July
  • The coldest is January
  • August has the most rain
  • Least rainfall in February

average temperature air

Average sea temperature

Average monthly rainfall

Winter weather in Finland

Winter is the longest season in Finland. It lasts from 100 days in the south of the country to 200 days in Lapland. Winter in Finland reigns from December to March, in Lapland from mid-September to May. The sea and lakes hold back the drop in temperatures a little, but in November-December the lakes freeze, and winter comes into full force.

Winter is one of the most popular seasons in Finland. At this time, there is very beautiful snow-covered nature around, you can ride in a reindeer or dog sled, snowmobile and, of course, see the Northern Lights.

In winter, the weather in Finland will not seem cold only to a Siberian. For others, the -30°C temperature in Lapland will seem very cold. However, the rest of Finland is much warmer between -5°C and -20°C. IN New Year in Helsinki it is often as low as -7°C.

But no matter how cold it is outside, the houses of Finns are warm. Triple glazing, good thermal insulation, central heating, many have underfloor heating, fireplaces and of course saunas.

The climate in Finland is dry in winter, the wind is not strong, at this time it is more pleasant here than you might imagine when you hear about -30°C. In mid-March, the deepest snow is here: 60 - 90 cm in Lapland and 20 - 30 cm in the south of the country. Lakes freeze by 50 - 65 cm, in Lapland up to 1 meter.

Late December is the darkest time in Finland. In Lapland there is only about 4 hours of light per day, in the south of the country - 6 hours. But white snow reflects light well, plus all resorts, towns and villages are well lit. So do not be afraid to wander in pitch darkness. In the northernmost part of the country, a “polar night” occurs every year, averaging 51 days.

Weather in Finland spring

Spring in Finland lasts from April to May. In Lapland, everything is sad, as usual - spring comes only in May. The further north, the longer the wait for spring, which lasts 45 - 65 days. At this time, the temperature throughout Finland fluctuates between 0°C and 10°C. At the end of May in Lapland and at the end of April in the rest of Finland, the temperature is firmly fixed above 5°C. Flowers appear, trees turn green, nature and Finns thaw.

The weather in Finland in spring is pleasant - the air is fresh, the temperature is also tolerable. Many come to Finland in the spring to admire the awakening of nature and go hiking in the mountains.

Lakes thaw in April-May, in Lapland in June.

Weather in Finland in summer

In summer the temperature rises above 10°C. Heat comes to Finland at the end of May and lasts until mid-September. In Lapland, summer starts a month later and ends a month earlier than in the rest of the country.

The standard summer months here are from June to August. At this time, there are "white nights", and in Lapland there is a "polar day" 2 months long - here the sun does not set from June to July. And in another part of the country, it is barely hidden behind the horizon. In the southern part of the country, the summer months are very long days– about 19 hours.

In summer, the weather in Finland is also hot - the temperature rises to 32°C - 35°C. In the coastal part of the country and on the islands, it is cooler in summer, the temperature rarely rises to 30°C. There are few such hot days in Finland, 10-15 days in the southern part of the country and 5-10 days in Lapland.

Rains in Finland are infrequent, and there is little precipitation here.

Despite the “northernness” of the country, the Finns still have time to sunbathe and swim a little in the summer months. Basically, all beach holidays are concentrated around the lakes, because the water in the sea rarely rises above 15°C. However, in the lakes the water is also cool, but still a little warmer.

Summer Finland is popular with tourists, so prices for tourist services rise with rising temperatures. If you decide to visit Finland in the summer, then take care of tickets or vouchers in advance.

Weather in Finland in autumn

Autumn in Finland lasts from September to November, in general, like ours. In the north of the country, it begins a little earlier - at the end of August, and in the south, as expected - in September. The leaves of the trees turn to crimson and gold. The Finns call gold very much "Ruska". At this time, mostly photographers come here to capture colorful landscapes. Autumn in Finland is the most rainy, nature is gradually preparing for a long winter.

The weather in Finland in autumn is relatively warm, with temperatures ranging from 5°C to 15°C above zero. This time is ideal for cycling or hiking along the many forest trails. Wild blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and mushrooms grow in the woods here.

The average duration of autumn is 180 days in the south of the country and from 100 to 140 days in Lapland. The first snow in the north falls already in September, in the rest of the country in October. The days start getting shorter again and the nights darker.

When is the best time to go to Finland?

From December to mid-January, Finland has an idyllic festive time. Everything around is on fire. But at the same time, a very short day drastically limits your opportunities and choice of what to do.

There is still snow from February to March, but it gets much warmer and the days lengthen. You are most likely to see the Northern Lights around the equinox (March 21st). March is generally one of the best months to visit Finland.

In spring, the weather is very different in the north and south of the country. In the north, in April, there is still snow, and in the south, snowdrops are in full bloom. On May 1, the whole country celebrates the Vappu holiday, welcoming the long-awaited summer and the approaching June solstice.

In June and July it is better not to go to Finland without a bag of repellents. It seems to you that there are more mosquitoes in hot countries, but no. Entire packs of these little critters are out for your blood in northern Finland!

July is the most popular month for tourists. Prices are higher, the best hotels are sorted out. Therefore, if you are going to go to Finland in July - book in advance! By August, there are fewer tourists.

In September and October it is worth coming only because of the golden autumn and beautiful nature. Prices are also lower during this time. But most of the rides have already closed, the summer heat is gone, the snow has not yet fallen. In September, you can already see the Northern Lights, if you do not interfere with the clouds.

Snow falls again in November, the pristine snowy plains glisten in the sun, which is very scarce. But the lights of Aurora shine in the dark with a multi-colored blanket, dog teams, snowmobiles and, of course, hot hours in saunas scurry here and there.

What clothes to take with you?

In winter: warm winter clothes, preferably thermal underwear, fleece, hat, gloves and warm boots with fur.

In summer, take clothes as in warm spring and autumn, i.e. T-shirt, long pants / skirts with tights, a sweater or jacket with you. Plus a raincoat and an umbrella.

Due to the country's location along the Scandinavian Peninsula, the climate in Finland is significantly different and is divided into 2 climatic zones:

  • the southern coast of the country with a mild maritime climate, thanks to the warm waters of the Atlantic.
  • the central and northern parts of the country, dominated by a continental climate with sharp temperature changes.

Winter Finland


Since December, the ski season has continued in Finland and the temperature in the northern regions of the country - in Lapland, is kept at a level of -10 to -15 degrees.

In the southern regions of Finland, including Helsinki, due to warm winds from the Atlantic and the warm Gulf Stream, the temperature does not exceed 2-4 degrees. At night, it drops below -2 degrees, so sometimes sleet or rain can fall in the capital.

Going to Finland before Christmas, it is worth taking waterproof shoes and clothes.

Despite low temperatures, Lapland in December-January attracts thousands of tourists to Christmas markets and festivals, as well as to the famous santa claus village- Rovaniemi, where dozens of entertainments are organized for children and adults both in summer and winter.

There you can meet the real Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and magical elves and deer.

Mass festivities are held in the capital on Christmas and New Year, and all the shop windows are full of bright lights. However, it is worth remembering that museums and some shops will not work directly on the holidays themselves.


Immediately after the holidays until the end of January begins sale season V shopping malls. There is always more precipitation in the interior regions of the country than in the south, so even in January you can comfortably walk, sightsee and do active species winter activities (dog sled safaris, ice yachting, ice skating and ice fishing).

Going inland, to SPA resorts and ski centers You can additionally enjoy stunning views of the Northern Lights.


Temperatures even in February in Lapland rarely drop below -15 degrees. In the south of the country, despite the temperature drop to -6 degrees, the weather is generally more favorable than in January, as the air humidity drops and there is practically no precipitation.

Spring Finland


In March for south coast snow continues to lie in a dense layer, although temperatures increasingly begin to rise to 5-7 degrees, an insignificant amount of precipitation falls.

Due to cold winds, ice often forms in the mornings, which can interfere with long walks around the city and viewing monuments of architecture and art.


In March-April, you can still see the northern lights, especially in the northern regions of the country. The main event of spring is easter celebration and other religious holidays with street festivities and fairs in the main squares of the cities.


By the end of April-May, the snow melts and in the northern regions of Finland the temperature rises to -3 - 10 degrees. Despite this, all ski resorts can offer alternative types of recreation in the form of rafting, quad bike safaris through the picturesque landscapes of Finland, awakening from winter.

In May, the temperature in the south warms up to 15 degrees and the ideal time comes for organizing long excursion tours and hiking, as well as sightseeing.

However, the weather in late spring can surprise with its unpredictability and sometimes manifests itself in the form of sharp frosts. In areas of Lapland, the temperature can drop below zero, so when heading north, even in May, it is worth taking winter clothes with you.

Summer Finland


Starting from June, the season of white nights begins in Finland, and the temperature rises to 15-20 degrees, while precipitation practically does not fall. Night frosts are still possible in the north of the country, so even on summer holidays and festivals it is worth taking warm clothes with you. The most significant event in Finland is Midsummer Day, when the whole country celebrates its independence and the middle of summer magnificently, and the festivities continue at night, when it practically does not get dark.


July is the hottest and driest month. Warm winds from the Atlantic bring high temperatures to the southern and central regions of the country, providing an opportunity for beach holiday on the Baltic coast and numerous lakes.

It was during this period tourist season increases and in the cities it is quite noisy, and all lakeside cottages are booked in advance.

In July, the famous opera festival starts in Savolinna, and chamber and folk music festivals are held in the capital. Kotka at the end of the month invites everyone to the celebration of the Sea Festival.


In August, the rainiest month of the summer begins, thunderstorms are possible and temperatures slowly begin to fall. But tourist interest is warmed up in August mass sales famous world and Finnish designer brands of clothing and footwear.

Autumn Finland


If in September it is still warm enough, then at the end of the month the first frosts come to the northern regions of the country.

It is in September that you should go sightseeing or hiking, when nature is especially beautiful and full of bright colors. Especially popular at this time are all types of ecological tourism (hunting, fishing, gathering, hiking, horseback riding and cycling along the interesting routes south and center of Finland).

October November

In October, the weather changes dramatically on the south coast as well, but numerous gastronomic and harvest festivals still attract tourists.

In mid-October, the temperature in the south drops to 5 degrees, and in Lapland it drops below 0 and by the beginning of November a thick layer of snow has already formed in the far north, allowing the ski season to open. The south of the country at the end of autumn is subject to strong winds and night blizzards with a sharp cooling.

Most likely, small tourists, snowboarders and shopaholics will answer. The former dream of visiting the real Santa Claus, who, although called Santa Claus in Finland, is reputed to be as kind and generous with gifts as his own, domestic Grandfather. fans winter views sports are appreciated by Finnish ski resorts for their excellent technical equipment and unique opportunities for freeriding. Finally, sales, which invariably start in other cities of the Suomi country after Christmas, allow you to inexpensively buy high-quality clothes and shoes, accessories and equipment for winter sports, which sets a lot of additional work for consular departments that issue visas to Finland Russian tourist.

A little about the weather

If you look at the map of the world, Finland will be found on the Scandinavian Peninsula, reminiscent of its outlines of a huge dog, nestled comfortably in the northwest. Despite the rather northern latitudes, the climate in the country is quite moderate and is characterized as transitional from maritime to continental. The formation of weather is greatly influenced by warm Atlantic currents and westerly winds with frequent cyclones that prevail in the region.
Temperature indicators differ somewhat depending on the region of the country, and if in the south of Finland in February the average values ​​​​are about -6 ° C, then in Lapland it is already -14 ° C. In July, in the north it is also 14 degrees, but already with a plus sign, and in the southern regions, the mercury columns quite confidently reach the mark of + 17 ° С. However, strong heat in Helsinki and other cities also happens, and thermometers fix +30°С in the height of summer quite often.

Four Finnish seasons

When choosing the best time to relax in Finland, determine for yourself what you expect from your vacation. Here you can have a great vacation in any season, if you know everything about the features of the weather:

  • Winter sets in in November, when snow cover sets in in the north of the country. It can last up to four months, and the air temperature during this period, depending on the region and time, is ready to drop even to -30°C.
  • Spring in the country of Suomi is very short, and even in April there is still snow in some places. Normal spring weather sets in in the first half of May, when the sun begins to warm up, and thermometers show +10°С and even +15°С.
  • Summer comes into its own closer to the middle of June, when daylight hours increase to infinity, and the morning dawn replaces the evening quickly and imperceptibly. The air temperature in summer in Lapland rarely rises above +15°C, but the inhabitants of the south often enjoy the warmth and even 30-degree heat.
  • Finnish autumn gives a lot of pleasure to fans of bright colors, photographers and artists. The hills bloom with all shades of yellow and crimson, and it is at this time that tourists undertake hiking By national parks. In autumn, fans of mushroom hunting and collecting organic berries come to the country. The average air temperature in September-November in Finland is from +3°С to +15°С.

Each season is rich in holidays, fairs and festivals, so when planning when it is best to relax in Finland, check the schedule of cultural events.

motley calendar

One of the main holidays that falls at the end of June is called Yuhannus, or Midsummer's Day. Its onset marks the beginning of a warm summer and the onset of the holiday season. At the same time, the white nights start in Lapland and other northern regions, and the midnight sun becomes the most important element and participant of Midsummer Day. The main traditions of the Finns on this day are kindling festive bonfires and going to the sauna. You can take part in fishing, boating, outdoor barbecues and fortune-telling. If you are planning to organize a wedding in Finland, Johannus will also suit you perfectly.
The autumn carnival of colors in Finland takes place annually in the second half of September. Golden autumn here is called "ruska" and it is characterized by violent colors and a special attraction of the dull and even modest Finnish nature in the rest of the time. It is at the time of Russian in Lapland that the jazz festival "Kaamos" is held, announcing the onset of a long polar night.
In winter, at Christmas time, the time begins holiday fairs, and their main sign is the aroma of mulled wine, called in Finnish "glögi". At this time, you can come to Finland to enjoy the atmosphere of festive comfort, taste gingerbread cookies, buy various cute little things for the house. And winter is the aurora borealis and visits to the residence of Santa, not far from which the reindeer racing championship is held in the city of Inari in winter.
The main spring holiday is called by the Finns Vapunpäivä and is celebrated on May 1st. Earlier on this day, ritual bonfires were burned to scare away evil spirits. Modern residents of Suomi remember their youth on the day of spring and gather for market square in Helsinki and in the center of other cities. The main sign of Vapunpäivä is bright costumes and a cheerful mood.

Features of the ski season in Finland

Residents of Suomi annually spend more than six months in sub-zero temperatures and snow captivity, and therefore they had to learn how to benefit from this. About a hundred ski resorts offer fans of an active lifestyle trails of various difficulty levels, free skiing backcountry, ski jumps and snow parks.
The season in Finnish resorts begins at the end of October, when a reliable snow cover is already established in the northernmost latitudes. The peak of skiing comes in February, but up to May holidays true snowboarders and skiing continue to iron the slopes of the Finnish mountains and hills.
Do not be afraid that daylight hours at the height of the season in these latitudes are very short! Resort organizers are compensating for the lack of daylight with state-of-the-art artificial lighting systems that help fans active rest skiing from early morning to late evening.
Air temperature in Finnish mining ski resorts depends on the specific month when you decide to relax in Finland, and on the latitude on which the tracks are laid. In the north, in the afternoon at the height of the season, thermometers drop to -10С - -12°С. In, located as much as 160 km north of the Arctic Circle, it can be a little colder, but mostly at night. During the day, even in the coldest time, mercury columns do not fall below -15 ° C. In the southern resorts in January-February, it is about -5 ° C during the day, and therefore skiing seems especially comfortable and enjoyable even for small athletes.

Visiting Santa Claus

Santa Park in the capital of Lapland is the residence of the real Santa Claus, visited by tens of thousands of children and their parents from all over the world every year.
In summer, the park is closed, and Santa is resting. The residence opens annually in mid-November and you can meet the main Christmas wizard until the first of January.

  • Exact timetable The park's opening hours and Santa's reception hours are on the park's official website - www.santapark.com.

On the territory of Santa Park, you can ride a reindeer sled, take a photo with the owner of the residence, take part in thematic New Year's competitions, dine in a cafe, learn how to do it yourself Christmas decorations, send a postcard to friends and even have an ice wedding.

Watching Aurora Bolearis

Behind it beautiful name hides the aurora borealis, which thousands of enthusiastic tourists fly to the northern countries every year.

  • In order not to miss the possible appearances of the mysterious aurora in the Finnish sky and plan your trip to observe the aurora as accurately as possible, subscribe to the e-mail forecasts regarding the unique natural phenomenon on the Finnish Institute of Meteorology website www.aurorasnow.fmi.fi.

When is the best time to come to Finland on vacation if your goal is the sky colored with myriads of multi-colored flashes? Focus on the period from September to March. During these months, almost every cloudless night becomes the time for the incomparable game of the Aurora Borealis with the night sky. In the south of the country, the aurora borealis is a rarer guest and you are guaranteed to be able to see magical flashes only from November to February.

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